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Chapter 05 Motivation Answer Key

True / False Questions

1. Persistence is an important component of motivation.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-01 Describe the role that need deficiencies play in motivating employees.
Topic: Chapter Introduction

2. Intensity refers to the staying power of behavior, or how long a person will continue to devote effort.

Persistence refers to the staying power of behavior or how long a person will continue to devote effort.
Intensity refers to the strength of the response, once the choice of a direction is made.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-01 Describe the role that need deficiencies play in motivating employees.
Topic: Chapter Introduction

3. The process theories of motivation focus on the factors within the person that energize, direct, sustain,
and stop behavior.

The content theories of motivation focus on the factors within the person that energize, direct, sustain,
and stop behavior.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

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McGraw-Hill Education.
4. A critical point in understanding Maslow's thinking is that from a managerial perspective, unsatisfied
needs are dangerous because they may lead to undesirable performance outcomes.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

5. Autonomy means having your manager make decisions on your behalf and closely monitoring your

The opposite is true; autonomy means being able to make independent decisions, set goals, and work
without supervision.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

6. Research found that managers at lower organizational levels in small firms are typically more satisfied
than their counterparts in large firms. A later study confirmed the same relationship and also found
upper level managers are more satisfied in smaller firms than larger ones.

Managers at lower organizational levels in small firms (less than 500 employees) are more satisfied than
their counterpart managers in large firms (more than 5,000 employees); however, managers at upper
levels in large companies are more satisfied than their counterparts in small companies.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

7. As managers advance in an organization, their need for security increases.

As managers advance in an organization, their need for security decreases.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

8. Herzberg's two-factor theory states that dissatisfiers or hygiene factors are needed to maintain at least a
level of "no dissatisfaction."

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

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McGraw-Hill Education.
9. Content approaches to motivation include:
Maslow's need hierarchy, McClelland's ERG theory, Herzberg's two-factor theory, and Alderfer's
learned needs theory.

McClelland is associated with the Learned Needs Theory and Alford with ERG.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

10. McClelland contends that when a need is strong, it motivates a person to use behavior that leads to its

McClelland contends that when a need is strong, it motivates a person to use behavior that leads to its

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

11. McClelland's theory of motivation places emphasis on socially acceptable behavior.

A major difference between the four content theories is McClelland's emphasis on socially acquired

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

12. Monitoring the needs, abilities, goals, and preferences of employees is strictly the domain of
personnel/human resource managers.

Each individual manager also has this responsibility.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 05-05 Summarize the action steps that managers can take to motivate employees.
Topic: Effective Managers Motivate Their Employees

13. Managing the psychological contract successfully is one of the more important and challenging aspects
of a manager's job.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-04 Examine how the changing nature of the psychological contract influences employee motivation.
Topic: Motivation and the Psychological Contract

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McGraw-Hill Education.
14. The notion of inputs and outcomes within equity theory is the exact opposite of the notion of giving and
receiving in the psychological contract.

The notion of inputs and outcomes within equity theory is very similar to the notion of giving and
receiving in the psychological contract.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-04 Examine how the changing nature of the psychological contract influences employee motivation.
Topic: Motivation and the Psychological Contract

15. The valence associated with an outcome is by definition always positive.

The valence may be negatively valent to those employees who do not desire the outcome.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

16. According to Locke, individuals are likely to adjust their idea of what constitutes an equitable payment
in order to justify their pay.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

17. Organizational justice is the perceived fairness of how resources and rewards are distributed throughout
an organization.

This is the definition of distributive justice.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

18. Group value theory suggests that fair group procedures are considered to be a sign of respect.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

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McGraw-Hill Education.
19. Companies that engage in layoffs may find that many "survivors" of the layoffs end up voluntarily
leaving the company as well.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

20. Goal-setting theory emphasizes the importance of unconscious goals in explaining motivated behavior.

Locke proposed that goal setting is a cognitive process of some practical utility. His view is that an
individual's conscious goals and intentions are the primary determinants of behavior.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

21. It is important for any goal to be clear, meaningful, and unique.

It is important for any goal to be clear, meaningful, and challenging.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

22. Vague goals, such as "do your best," lead to higher output than do specific goals.

Field experiments have proven that specific goals lead to better performance than do vague goals.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

23. Personality and personal health are individual differences should be considered when implementing
goal-setting programs.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

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McGraw-Hill Education.
24. Needs may be viewed as energizers or triggers of behavioral responses.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-01 Describe the role that need deficiencies play in motivating employees.
Topic: The Starting Point: Needs Motivate Employees

25. When need deficiencies are present, individuals are less susceptible to a manager's motivational efforts.

When need deficiencies are present, individuals are more susceptible to a manager's motivational

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-01 Describe the role that need deficiencies play in motivating employees.
Topic: The Starting Point: Needs Motivate Employees

Multiple Choice Questions

26. The _______________ component of motivation refers to the strength of the response once the choice
is made.

A. direction
B. intensity
C. opportunity
D. persistence

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 05-01 Describe the role that need deficiencies play in motivating employees.
Topic: Chapter Introduction

27. Taking a lunch break and getting a drink of water are examples of a _______________ need.

A. physiological
B. psychological
C. sociological
D. Maslowian

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 05-01 Describe the role that need deficiencies play in motivating employees.
Topic: The Starting Point: Needs Motivate Employees

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McGraw-Hill Education.
28. _______________ is the founder of the theory that states that conscious goals and intentions are the
determinants of behavior.

A. Maslow
B. Alderfer
C. Locke
D. McClelland

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

29. Joining the bowling team to make friends is a _______________ need.

A. physiological
B. psychological
C. sociological
D. Maslowian

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 05-01 Describe the role that need deficiencies play in motivating employees.
Topic: The Starting Point: Needs Motivate Employees

30. A study of 4,000 employees found three main areas affect employee motivation. These areas include all
of the following except:

A. Organizational issues
B. Interpersonal issues
C. Leader issues
D. Job issues

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 05-01 Describe the role that need deficiencies play in motivating employees.
Topic: The Starting Point: Needs Motivate Employees

31. Which of the following is highest on Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

A. Safety and security

B. Esteem
C. Physiological needs
D. Self-actualization

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

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McGraw-Hill Education.
32. The "growth" need within Alderfer's ERG theory is similar to Maslow's __________ category.

A. esteem
B. self-esteem
C. self-fulfillment
D. physiological

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

33. What basic assumption about people did Maslow make that caused him to believe that they would
constantly move up the needs hierarchy?

A. People are natural leaders

B. People will always have obligations to meet
C. People believe in things that are more important than themselves
D. People have a need to grow and develop

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

34. Which of the following is an example of Maslow's self-actualization?

A. Developing and mentoring others

B. Receiving a high-level promotion
C. Having a supportive supervisor
D. Receiving regular salary increases

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

35. Which of the following is an example of Maslow's esteem?

A. Developing and mentoring others

B. Starting a charity that helps children
C. Receiving regular salary increases
D. Receiving a high-level promotion

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

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McGraw-Hill Education.
36. Porter, when testing Maslow's hierarchy, assumed that physiological needs were being adequately
satisfied for managers, so he substituted a higher-order need called __________.

A. autonomy
B. achievement
C. intellectual satisfaction
D. spirituality

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

37. The sets of needs proposed by Alderfer's ERG theory include all of the following except:

A. Ego
B. Existence
C. Relatedness
D. Growth

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

38. Alderfer's ERG theory suggests that, in addition to the satisfaction-progression process that Maslow
proposed, a _______________ process is also at work.

A. frustration-regression
B. frustration-anger
C. progression-regression
D. progression-growth

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

39. According to Herzberg, which of the following is a motivator?

A. Working conditions
B. Achievement
C. Salary
D. Quality of technical supervision

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
40. Job _______________ is defined as the process of building personal achievement, recognition,
challenge, responsibility, and growth opportunities into a person's job.

A. enrichment
B. enlargement
C. creation
D. opportunity

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

41. Although Herzberg's motivation theory is popular, it has been criticized for all of the following reasons

A. It over-simplifies the nature of job satisfaction

B. No self-reports of performance were used
C. It requires people to look at themselves retrospectively
D. The motivational and performance consequences of the theory are untested

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

42. Procedural justice has been shown to have a positive impact on _______________.

A. organizational commitment
B. work effort
C. organizational citizenship
D. All of the choices are correct.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

43. Herzberg's model basically assumes that job satisfaction is _______________ concept.

A. an abstract
B. a five-level
C. not a unidimensional
D. effectively what he calls a "sportsmanship"

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
44. McClelland's learned needs theory is based on three needs: the need for achievement, the need for
affiliation, and the need for _______________.

A. identification
B. resolution
C. power
D. wealth

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

45. A high need for _______________ can be traced to a history of receiving rewards for sociable,
dominant, or inspirational behavior.

A. affiliation
B. recognition
C. power
D. both affiliation and power

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

46. Which of the following statements best reflects Maslow's theory?

A. People attempt to satisfy basic needs before trying to satisfying higher-level needs
B. The need hierarchy is comprised of existence, relatedness, and growth
C. A person who is continually frustrated in satisfying one level of need will regress to the next lowest
level need
D. All of the choices are correct.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

47. The content theories presented in the text focus mainly on the needs and incentives that energizes or
triggers _______________.

A. behavior
B. motivation
C. leadership
D. satisfaction

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
48. Which of the following statements best reflects Herzberg's theory?

A. The need hierarchy is comprised of existence, relatedness, and growth

B. A person who is continually frustrated in satisfying one level of need will regress to the next lowest
level need
C. Some individuals have a high need for achievement
D. Two sets of factors affect motivation: motivators and hygiene factors

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

49. Which of the following statements best reflects McClelland's theory?

A. A person who is continually frustrated in satisfying one level of need will regress to the next lowest
level need
B. Two sets of factors affect motivation: motivators and hygiene factors
C. Some individuals have a high need for achievement
D. People attempt to satisfy basic needs before trying to satisfying higher-level needs

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-02 Compare the major differences between the four content approaches of motivation.
Topic: Content Approaches

50. The process theories of motivation are concerned with answering the question of how individual
behavior is _______________.

A. maintained
B. stopped
C. directed
D. All of the choices are correct.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

51. Vroom defines _______________ as a process governing choices among alternative forms of voluntary

A. motivation
B. recognition
C. achievement
D. relatedness

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
52. In Vroom's view, most behaviors are considered to be _______ the employee and consequently

A. under the voluntary control of; need no motivation

B. forced on; are motivated
C. under the voluntary control of; are motivated
D. forced on; need no motivation

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

53. _______________ refers to the strength of a person's belief that attainment of an outcome.

A. Instrumentality
B. Valence
C. Expectancy
D. Equity

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

54. _______________ refers to an individual's belief regarding the likelihood that a particular behavior will
be followed by a particular outcome.

A. Instrumentality
B. Valence
C. Expectancy
D. Equity

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

55. The essence of ________ theory is that employees compare their job inputs and outputs with those of
others in similar work situations.

A. ratio
B. equity
C. input
D. comparison

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
56. Most research on equity theory has focused on _______________ as the basic outcome.

A. job titles
B. pay
C. satisfaction
D. motivation

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

57. _______________ refers to the perceived equity or fairness of the organizational processes and
procedures used to make resource and allocation decisions.

A. Distributive justice
B. Organizational justice
C. Inequity
D. Procedural justice

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

58. Procedural justice has a positive effect on all of the following except:

A. Organizational commitment
B. Getting along with others
C. Trust in superiors
D. Work effort

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

59. People are more inclined to interpret decisions as fair when:

A. They have a voice in the decision

B. There is consistency is decision making
C. The processes and procedures conform to ethical and moral values
D. All of the choices are correct.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
60. _________ justice refers to the perceived fairness of how resources and rewards are distributed
throughout an organization.

A. Perceived
B. Organizational
C. Procedural
D. Distributive

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

61. _________ justice is the degree to which individuals feel fairly treated in the workplace.

A. Perceived
B. Organizational
C. Distributive
D. Reward

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

62. There are ____ components of organizational justice.

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
The four components of this research domain are: distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and
informational justice.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

63. Employees who experienced bullying and incivility at work were more likely to experience all of the
following except:

A. Lower life satisfaction

B. Increased desire for informational justice
C. Lower organizational commitment
D. Conflict between work and family

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 05-03 Give examples of how the three process approaches affect employee motivation.
Topic: Process Approaches

Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
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Mexico, Autos sobre ereccion de nuevos parroquias de Mexico. In
Doc. Hist. Mex., serie ii., tom. iii.
Mexico, Ayuntamiento. Acta del Cabildo en 30 de Mayo de 1836.
Mexico, 1836; Coleccion de Documentos Oficiales relativos al
Parian. Mexico, 1843; Continuacion de documentos á la
cesacion. Mexico, 1843; Documentos relativos á las
contestaciones entre el supremo Gobierno y el. Mexico, 1843;
Manifiesto al público que hace el de 1840. Mexico, 1840;
Manifiesto del de 1835 al Público Mexicano. Mexico, 1836;
Memoria de los Ramos Municipales 31 de Diciembre de 1846.
Mexico, 1847; Reglamento de la Secretaría. Mexico, 1844;
Representacion que hace en defensa de Industria Agrícola.
Mexico, 1841; Representacion sobre Distrito Federal. Mexico,
Mexico, Balanza general del Comercio Marítimo. Mexico, 1829.
Mexico, Bandos publicados á conseqüencia de Reales Ordenes y
cédulas de Su Magestad, etc. Mexico, 1772.
Mexico, Bases y leyes Constitucionales de la República Mexicana.
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Mexico, Bases sobre las que se ha formado un plan de
Colonizacion en el Ystmo de Hoazacoalco, etc. Mexico, 1823.
Mexico, Battles of. New York, 1847; New York, 1848.
Mexico, Bienes de la Iglesia. Guadalajara, 1847.
Mexico, Boletin de las leyes del Imperio Mexicano ó sea código de
la Restauracion. Mexico, 1863-5. 3 vols.
Mexico, Boletin de Noticias. Mexico, 1844 et seq.
Mexico, Boletin Oficial. Mexico, 1829 et seq.
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Mexico, Bosquejo Ligerísimo de la revolucion. Philadelphia, 1822.
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Mexico, Casa de sus Magestades 1865. Mexico, 1865.
Mexico, Casas de Moneda, Noticias de Acuñacion. Mex., 1879;
Ordenanzas que para el manejo y gobierno del apartado de oro,
etc. Mex., 1790.
Mexico, Causa Instruida contra los Placiarios del C. Juan
Cervantes, etc. Mexico, 1872.
Mexico, Ceremonial para la Fiesta Nacional del 16 de Setiembre
de 1866. Mexico, 1866. 4to.
Mexico, Circular sobre nombramientos 1771-83.
Mexico, Circulares y Otras Publicaciones hechas por la Legacion
Mexicana en Washington durante la Guerra de Intervencion
1862-67. Mexico, 1868.
Mexico, Código Civil del Imperio Mexicano. Mexico, 1866.
Mexico, Código de Comercio. Mexico, 1854.
Mexico, Código de la Reforma ó coleccion de Leyes, etc., desde
1856 hasta 1861. Mexico, 1861.
Mexico, Código fundamental de los Estados-Unidos Mexicanos.
Mexico, 1847.
Mexico, Coleccion completa de los decretos generales. Mexico,
Mexico, Coleccion de constituciones de los Estados Unidos
Mexicanos. Mexico, 1828. 3 vols.
Mexico, Coleccion de decretos sobre contribuciones directas y
papel sellado. Mexico, 1842.
Mexico, Coleccion de disposiciones relativas á la renta de
Alcabalas. Mexico, 1853.
Mexico, Coleccion de Itinerarios y Leguarios. Mexico, 1850.
Mexico, Coleccion de las leyes, decretos y órdenes 1850-1, 1853-
5. Mexico, 1850-5. 8 vols.
Mexico, Coleccion de Leyes y Decretos, 1839-41, 1844-8, 1850.
Mexico, 1851-2. 6 vols.
Mexico, Coleccion de Leyes, Decretos y Circulares 1863-67.
Mexico, 1867. 3 vols.
Mexico, Coleccion de Leyes, Decretos, Circulares, etc., relativas á
la desamortizacion. Mexico, 1861. 2 vols.
Mexico, Coleccion de leyes, decretos y reglamentos, sistema
político del Imperio. Mexico, 1865. 8 vols.
Mexico, Coleccion de los decretos espedidos por el supremo
gobierno. Mexico, 1844.
Mexico, Coleccion de los decretos y órdenes de las Córtes de
España. Mexico, 1829.
Mexico, Coleccion de los Documentos relativos al préstamo de
medio millon de pesos. Mexico, 1839.
Mexico, Coleccion de oficios originales. MS. 1779.
Mexico, Coleccion de Ordenes y decretos de la Soberana Junta.
Mexico, 1829. 3 vols.
Mexico, Coleccion de Sentencias pronunciadas por los Tribunales
de la República Mexicana. Mexico, 1850.
Mexico, Colonias Militares, Proyecto. Mexico, 1848.
Mexico como Nacion Independiente. Descripcion. Mexico, 1828.
Mexico, Condition of Affairs. Washington, 1866. 2 vols.
Mexico, Conducto ilegal del Ministerio de Hacienda en sus
providencias. Mexico, 1841.
Mexico, Conquest of. London, n.d.
Mexico, Consideraciones sobre la situacion política y social de la
República. Mexico, 1848.
Mexico, Consolidacion de la República Mexicana. Mexico, 1850-1.
3 vols.
Mexico, Constitucion federal de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos.
Mexico, 1824 et seq.
Mexico, Constitucion política del Estado de Mexico. Mexico, 1827.
Mexico, Constituciones. A Collection. 2 vols.
Mexico, Contestacion á la nota dirigida por la Junta de
Colonizacion é Industria. Puebla, 1848; Contestacion de la
Junta Directiva del Banco Nacional. Mex., 1841; Contestacion
de la segunda comision de Hacienda. Mex., 1850; Contestacion
en derecho de Don Estéban Diaz Gonzalez. Mex., 1830;
Contestacion que da el Ayuntamiento. Mex., 1840; Contestacion
que da la Comision de Hacienda. Mex., 1825; Contestaciones
habidas entre el gobierno Mexicano y el commisionado de los
Estados Unidos. Mex., 1847; Contestaciones habidas entre el
Señor Arzobispo y el Ministerio de Justicia. Mex., 1855.
Mexico, Contrata del ramo de alumbrado de las calles de la
Capital federal. Mexico, 1835.
Mexico, Corporaciones civiles y eclesiásticas, Noticia de las
fincas. Mexico, 1856.
Mexico, Copia de una carta de un religioso conventual de la
ciudad de Mexico dando cuenta del tumulto de Junio 8 de 1692.
In Doc. Hist. Mex., serie ii., tom. iii.
Mexico, Correspondencia de la Legacion Mexicana en
Washington durante la Intervencion Estranjera 1860-68. Mex.,
1870; Correspondencia que ha mediado, Baño de Caballos
Mayo 25, 1845. Mex., 1845; Correspondencia que ha mediado
entre la Legacion Extraorda de, y el Depto de Estado de los Ests
Unidos. Phil., 1836; Correspondencia que ha mediado entre el
Ministro de Relaciones y la Legacion de Francia. Mex., 1845.
Mexico, Cosas. Vera Cruz, 1858.
Mexico, Cuaderno de Formularios. Mexico, 1840.
Mexico, Cuenta de la percepcion, distribucion é inversion de los
diez millones de pesos que produjo el tratado de Mesilla.
Mexico, 1855.
Mexico, Cuestion de Mejico, si la monarquía constitucional.
Madrid, 1862; Cuestion relativa á la provision de Obispados.
Mex., 1850.
Mexico, Declaraciones sobre el tumulto. In Doc. Hist. Mex., serie
ii., tom. ii.
Mexico, Decreto (A very large number quoted by date, subject, or
Mexico, Defensa Jurídica por el venerable Dean y cabildo, etc.
Mexico, 1741. MS.
Mexico, Derechos Mexicanos en órden á los Agentes comerciales.
Vera Cruz, 1859.
Mexico, Derechos reales de la Alcabala. Mexico, 1805. folio.
Mexico, Descargos del Marqués de Gelves á los cargos. MS. folio.
Mexico, Description of the Republic. Philadelphia, 1846.
Mexico, Destierro del Arzobispo. In Doc. Hist. Mex., serie ii., tom.
Mexico, Diario de la Junta Nacional Instituyente. Mexico, 1822 et
Mexico, Diario del Gobierno de la República Mexicana. Mexico,
1840 et seq.
Mexico, Diario de las Sesiones de la Junta Provisional
Gubernativa del Imperio Mexicano. Mexico, 1821 et seq.
Mexico, Diario del Imperio. Mexico, 1865 et seq.
Mexico, Diario Oficial. Mexico, 1870 et seq.
Mexico, Dictámen (Several hundred reports of Committees of
State and National Governments cited by date and topic).
Mexico, Die Auswanderung nach Mexico, etc. Leipzig, n.d.
Mexico, Diferencias entre Franciscanos y Curas Párrocos. MS.
Mexico, Direccion General de la Industria Nacional. MS.
Mexico, Discurso pronunciado ante el Congreso General por José
Herrera. Mexico, 1845.
Mexico, Discurso pronunciado por el Presidente 1o de Enero de
1852. Mexico, 1852.
Mexico, Discurso pronunciado por el Presidente 15 de Oct. de
1852. Mexico, 1852.
Mexico, Disposiciones legales y otros documentos relativos á
prohibicion de Impresos. Mexico, 1850.
Mexico, Documentos Eclesiásticos. MS. folio. 5 vols.
Mexico, Documentos importantes tomados del Espediente
instruido. Mexico, 1826.
Mexico, Documentos impresos por acuerdo del Supremo Poder.
Mexico, 1840.
Mexico, Documentos justificativos sobre la inversion de los fondos
pedidos á la Junta directiva de Crédito Público. Mexico, 1851.
Mexico, Documentos que publica la Direccion de Colonizacion é
Industria. Mexico, 1848.
Mexico, Documentos referentes á la cuestion agitada en estos
últimos dias sobre si los nombramientos de Jueces Militares.
Mexico, 1852.
Mexico, Documentos relativos á la apertura de comunicacion de
Tehuantepec. Mexico, 1852.
Mexico, Documentos relativos á las últimas ocurrencias de Nueva
España. Madrid, 1821.
Mexico, Documentos relativos al decreto sobre provision de las
magistraturas vacantes. Mexico, 1846.
Mexico, Dos Años en Mexico. Mexico, 1840.
Mexico, Dos Años en Mejico ó memorias críticas. Valencia, 1838.
Mexico, Draft for a Convention. Washington, 1861.
Mexico, Dramas. MS.
Mexico, Edicto del Presidente y cabildo Metropolitano Gobernador
del Arzobispado. Mexico, 1830.
Mexico, Edicto sobre pago de Primicias. MS.
Mexico, El Alcalde primero del Ayuntamiento publica la
manifestacion que hizo. Mexico, 1840.
Mexico, El Congreso de 1842. Morelia, 1842.
Mexico, El Imperio y la Intervencion. Mexico, 1867.
Mexico, El Virey de Nueva España Don Felix M. Calleja á sus
habitantes. Mexico, 1814.
Mexico en 1847. Mexico, 1847.
Mexico, Encarnacion prisoners. Louisville, 1848.
Mexico, Escalafon General de Artillería. Mex., 1839; Escalafon
General del Ejército. Mex., 1843; Escalafon General de todas
Armas del Ejército. Mex., 1845.
Mexico, Escudo de Armas. In Figueroa, Vindicias. MS.
Mexico, Estado Mayor Gral. del Ejército, Escalafon. Mexico, 1854.
Mexico, Estatuto Orgánico Provisional de la República Mexicano.
Mex., 1856; Estatuto para el Régimen de Plana Mayor del
Ejército. Mex., 1839; Estatuto provisional del Imperio Mexicano.
Mexico, 1865.
Mexico, Estatutos de la Compañía de Colonizacion Asiática. Mex.,
1866; Estatutos de la Compañía del Ferro-carril de Orizava á
Vera Cruz. Mex., 1861.
Mexico, Espediente con dos acuerdos del Senado sobre
convenciones diplomáticas. Mexico, 1852.
Mexico, Expediente instruido en el Ministerio de Relaciones
Esteriores del Gobierno Constitucional. Vera Cruz, 1860. 4to.
Mexico, Exposicion (Several hundred by various commissions and
individuals on different topics).
Mexico, Expulsion del Arzobispo. In Doc. Hist. Mex., serie ii., tom.
Mexico, Extractos de Cédulas en los archivos de la Ciudad. MS.
Mexico fiel y valiente en el crisol que la pusieron los insurgentes.
Mexico, 1810.
Mexico, Forcible abduction of a citizen of the U. S. Washington,
Mexico, Franciscanos y quejas de Indios. MS. 1672. folio.
Mexico, Gaceta del Gobierno Supremo. Mexico, 1826 et seq.
Mexico, Hacienda, 1845-52. A Collection. 6 vols.
Mexico, Historia de la Revolucion de Mexico contra la Dictadura
del General Santa-Anna. Mexico, 1856.
Mexico, Hostilities by (29 Cong. 1st. Sess. House Ex. Doc. 196).
Washington, 1846.
Mexico, Important official Documents,, n.d.
Mexico in 1842. New York, 1842.
Mexico, Indemnities, Convention of Jan. 30, 1843 (28 Cong. 2d
Sess. Sen. Doc. 81). Washington, 1845.
Mexico, Indicacion del orígen de los estravios del Cong. Mex.
Mexico, 1822.
Mexico, Informacion sobre el tumulto. In Doc. Hist. Mex., serie ii.,
tom. ii.
Mexico, Informe (A very large number of reports by various
committees, corporations, and individuals on different topics and
of different dates).
Mexico, Iniciativa del Gobierno para la demarcacion de la linea de
Comercio libre. Mexico, 1852.
Mexico, Iniciativa que la Exma Junta Departamental hace al
Congreso General. Mexico, 1839.
Mexico, Instruccion de los comisionados de la Direccion General.
Mexico, 1783.
Mexico, Instruccion del Rey. In Pacheco and Cárdenas, Col. Doc.,
tom. xii.
Mexico, Instruccion para la práctica de los padrones que se han
de formar. Mexico, 1853.
Mexico, Instruccion para que los administradores de aduanas
hagan la legítima exaccion. Toluca, 1835.
Mexico, Instruccion Provisional á que han de arreglarse las
Comisarías Generales. Mexico, 1824.
Mexico, Its present Government and its Political Parties.
Washington, 1860.
Mexico, Juicio Imparcial sobre los Acontecimientos en 1828-29.
New York, etc., 1830.
Mexico, La Intervencion Europea en Mexico. Filadelfia, 1859.
Mexico, La Intervencion y la Monarquía. Washington, 1862.
Mexico, La Ley. Toluca, 1871 et seq.
Mexico, Legislacion Mejicana, Coleccion completa de las Leyes
1848-56. Mejico, 1855-6. 12 vols.
Mexico, Ley decretada por el Congreso general estableciendo un
impuesto. Mexico, 1844.
Mexico, Ley de 4 de Nov. de 1848 sobre arreglo del ejército.
Mexico, 1848.
Mexico, Ley de Presupuestos Generales de la República
Mexicana 1861. Mexico, 1861.
Mexico, Ley orgánica de la guardia de seguridad.
Mexico, Ley orgánica de la Guardia Nacional. Mexico, 1857.
Mexico, Ley para al arreglo de la Admin. de Justicia. Guadalajara,
Mexico, Ley penal para los Desertores del Ejército. Mexico, 1839.
Mexico, Ley penal para los Empleados de Hacienda. Mexico,
Mexico, Ley que arregla la renta del papel sellado y los usos de
esta decretada en 14 de Feb. de 1856. Mexico, 1856.
Mexico, Ley que arregla las procedimientos Judiciales. La Paz,
Mexico, Ley sobre derechos y observaciones parroquiales.
Mexico, 1857.
Mexico, Ley sobre Libertad de Cultos. Mexico, 1861.
Mexico, Leyes á las que ha debido arreglarse la eleccion de los
Supremos Poderes. Mexico, 1848.
Mexico, Leyes, Decretos y Convenios Relativos á la deuda
estrangera. Mexico, 1848.
Mexico, Lista pormenorizada de los daños, etc. MS.
Mexico, Manifestacion de las actas de las discusiones, etc.
Tlalpam, 1829.
Mexico, Manifestacion que hace al público la comision nombrada
por los acreedores de Minería. Mexico, 1850.
Mexico, Manifestacion que el Exmo Ayuntamiento hace al público,
contratas, de limpia de ciudad. Mexico, 1834.
Mexico, Manifestacion que la Exma Junta Departamental de
Mexico. Mexico, 1837.
Mexico, Manifiesto de la Cámara de Diputados en la legislatura de
1831 y 1832. Mejico, 1832.
Mexico, Manifiesto del Congreso General en el presente Año.
Mexico, 1836.
Mexico, Manifiesto del Gobierno Constitucional á la Nacion.
Colima, 1859.
Mexico, Manifiesto del Supremo Tribunal de Guerra., n.d.
Mexico, Manifiesto del Supremo Tribunal de Guerra y Marina.
Mexico, 1848.
Mexico, Memoria de Plumages. In Pacheco and Cárdenas, Col.
Doc., tom. xii.
Mexico, Memorias (Regular Reports of the different government
departments; Agricultura, Fomento, Guerra, Hacienda, Interior,
Justicia, Marina, Relaciones Exteriores, etc., from 1822 to latest
date; a complete set cited by dates).
Mexico, Memorandum de los Negocios Pendientes entre Mexico y
España. Poissy, 1857.
Mexico, Memorial de lo sucedido en la ciudad de Mexico desde el
dia primero de Nouiembre de 1623, hasta quinze de Enero de
1624. Mexico, 1624. folio.
Mexico, Mensage del Presidente. [Cited by dates.]
Mexico, Merced de S. M. de las cosas arzobispales al Obispo D.
Fr. Juan de Zumárraga y sus succesores para siempre jamas.
In Doc. Hist. Mex., serie ii., tom. iii.
Mexico, Notes made in 1822. Philadelphia, 1824.
Mexico, Noticia Histórica de Infantería. Mexico, 1840.
Mexico, Noticia Histórica de los Cuerpos de Caballería. Mexico,
Mexico, Noticias de la ciudad. Mexico, 1855.
Mexico, Noticias de Mexico y sus contornos. MS. folio.
Mexico, Observaciones generales sobre Caminos de Hierro.
Nueva York, 1833.
Mexico, Observaciones que hace el ejecutivo al Proyecto de
Arancel de Aduanas. Mexico, 1870.
Mexico, Observaciones que sobre el proyecto de Bases.
Guadalajara, 1843.
Mexico, Observaciones sobre la Influencia del Comercio
Estrangero. Mexico, 1869.
Mexico, Observaciones sobre las facultades del Congreso
Constituyente. Tlalpam, 1830.
Mexico, Observaciones sobre reformas á las leyes
constitucionales. Mexico, 1841.
Mexico, Observations on the origin and conduct of the war with.
New York, 1847.
Mexico, Occupation by French troops. Message of the President,
Dec. 21, 1865.
Mexico, Ordenanza de la division de la nobilísima ciudad de
Mexico en quarteles. Mexico, 1782. folio.
Mexico, Ordenanza de la renta del Tabaco, 24 de Agosto, 1846.
Mexico, 1846.
Mexico, Ordenanza del ramo de carnes. Mexico, 1850.
Mexico, Ordenanza general de Aduanas Marítimas y fronterizas.
Mexico, 1856.
Mexico, Ordenanza militar para el régimen, disciplina, etc., del
Ejército. Mexico, 1833. 3 vols.
Mexico, Ordenanza militar provisional que debe observar el
cuerpo de patriotas. Mexico, 1810.
Mexico, Ordenanzas de esta nobilíssima ciudad. Mexico, 1775.
MS. folio.
Mexico, Ordenanzas de la fiel executoria formadas por la ciudad
de Mexico. Mexico, 1730. folio.
Mexico, Ordenanzas de Lotería. Mexico, 1844.
Mexico, Ordenanzas para el régimen de los tenderos y tiendas de
pulpería. Mexico, 1758. fol.
Mexico, Ordenanzas que se han de observar y guardar en la muy
nobilísima y leal ciudad de Mexico. [Mexico, 1729.] folio.
Mexico, Pamphlets. A Collection.
Mexico, Papeles Varios. A Collection.
Mexico, Papers relating to. Washington, 1866.
Mexico, Periódico Oficial. Mexico, 1863 et seq.
Mexico, Piezas Justificativas del Arreglo de la deuda Esterna de
Mexico. Mexico, 1849.
Mexico Plausible con la Triumphal demonstracion. Mexico, 1711.
Mexico, Present Condition. Messages of the President of the U.
S., April 14, 1862, Jan. 20, 1867. Washington, 1862, 1867. 2
Mexico, Presupuesto del Ministerio de Guerra y Marina 1o Julio de
1851 á 30 de Junio de 1852. Mexico, 1852. folio.
Mexico, Presupuesto del Ministerio de Hacienda de 1o Jul. de
1851 á 30 de Junio de 1852. Mexico, 1852. folio.
Mexico, Presupuesto del Ministerio de Justicia, etc., del 1o de
Julio de 1851 á 30 de Jul. de 1852. Mexico, 1851. folio.
Mexico, Presupuesto del Ministerio de Relaciones, etc., 1849, 1o
de Julio de 1851 á 30 de Junio de 1852. Mexico, 1849, 1851.
folio. 2 vols.
Mexico, Presupuesto de los gastos que en un mes. Mexico, 1850.
Mexico, Proceedings of a meeting of citizens of New York to
express sympathy, etc., for the Mexican republican exiles. New
York, 1865.
Mexico, Proceso instructivo formado por la seccion del Gran
Jurado de la cámara de diputados. Mexico, 1833.
Mexico, Providencias Diocesanas de Mexico. MS., n.d.
Mexico, Proyecto de Basis de Organizacion; de Constitucion; de
Ley, etc., etc. (A very large number of important bills introduced
before Mexican Congress. Cited by topic and date.)
Mexico, Puntos del parecer que el Señor Auditor de guerra, etc.,
en 4 de Julio de 1744. MS. folio.
Mexico, Razon de los préstamos que ha negociado el Supremo
Gobierno de la Federacion. Mexico, 1829. folio.
Mexico, Reales Aranzeles de los ministros de la Real Audiencia.
Mexico, 1727. folio.
Mexico, Recollections of, and the battle of Buena Vista, by an
Engineer Officer. Boston, 1871.
Mexico, Reflexiones importantes al bien y beneficio de la
Hacienda, etc. Mexico, 1845.
Mexico, Reflexiones importantes sobre la inconveniencia del
contrato. Mexico, 1849.
Mexico, Reflexiones sobre el acuerdo del Senado, adopcion del
sistema de partida doble. Mexico, 1850.
Mexico, Reflexiones sobre el ramo de Alcabalas. Mexico, 1848.
Mexico, Reflexiones sobre la Independencia. Guadalajara, 1821.
Mexico, Reglamento de Aduanas Marítimas. Mexico, 1829. 4to.
Mexico, Reglamento de la casa de Moneda. Tlalpan, 1827.
Mexico, Reglamento de la Direccion de Colonizacion. Mexico,
Mexico, Reglamento de la Milicia Activa y General de la Cívica.
Mejico, 1833.
Mexico, Reglamento del Archivo general y público de la Nacion.
Mexico, 1846.
Mexico, Reglamento del cuerpo de cosecheros de Tabaco.
Mexico, 1842.
Mexico, Reglamento del Teatro de Mex. Ap. 11. 1786. [Mexico,
1786.] folio.
Mexico, Reglamento é instruccion para los presidios. Mexico,
1834. folio.
Mexico, Reglamento general de la libertad de imprenta. Mexico,
Mexico, Reglamento interino y Provisional para la Comisaria
Central de Guerra y Marina. Mexico, 1825.
Mexico, Reglamento para el corso de particulares en la presente
guerra. Mexico, 1846.
Mexico, Reglamento para el establecimiento de las colonias
militares del istmo de Tehuantepec. Mexico, 1851.
Mexico, Reglamento para el gobierno interior del Congreso
General. Mexico, 1848.
Mexico, Reglamento para el Gobierno interior de la Suprema
Corte marcial. Mexico, 1837.
Mexico, Reglamento para el Gobierno interior de los tribunales
superiores. Mexico, 1838.
Mexico, Reglamento para el gobierno interior y económico de la
Secretaría de Estado. Mexico, 1852.
Mexico, Reglamento para el Supremo Tribunal de Justicia del
Estado. Mexico, 1825.

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