A Rapid and Simple Liquid-Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method For Measuring 25-Hydroxyvitamin D2 and 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 in Human Serum: Comparison With Two Automated Immunoassays

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Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science, vol. 46, no. 6, 2016 645

A Rapid and Simple Liquid-Chromatography-Tandem Mass

Spectrometry Method for Measuring 25-Hydroxyvitamin D2
and 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 in Human Serum: Comparison
with Two Automated Immunoassays
Sanghoo Lee1,2, Joo-Hoon Kim1, Seol-A Kim1, Yeoun-Soo Sun3, Anna Lee3, Seo-Jin Park3, Yun-Tae Kim1,
Kyoung-Ryul Lee1,2, and Young-Jin Kim1
1Department of Bioanalysis, Seoul Medical Science Institute & Seoul Clinical Laboratories, Yongin, 2Companion
Biomarker Center, SCL Healthcare Inc., Yongin, and 3Department of Diagnostic Immunology, Seoul Medical Science
Institute & Seoul Clinical Laboratories, Yongin, Korea

Abstract. Background. Total 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) is well-known to be a reliable biomarker

of human vitamin D status, with the recognition of widespread vitamin D insufficiency in general popula-
tions. The aims of this study are to validate a fast and simple liquid chromatography-tandem mass spec-
trometry (LC-MS/MS) method for quantifying 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)D3 in serum and to compare two
automated immunoassays with the LC-MS/MS method. Methods. Samples were prepared by protein pre-
cipitation with ethanol including 25(OH)D3-d6, followed by a liquid-liquid extraction with hexane. The
analytes were separated within a total run time of 3 min. Accuracy was evaluated with standard reference
materials (SRM) 972a. Using 150 samples, the LC-MS/MS method was compared with the LIAISON®
assay and ADVIA Centaur® assay. Results. The LC-MS/MS method had a limit of quantitation of 1 ng/mL
for the 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)D3 with linear responses between 1 and 100 ng/mL. Intra- and inter-assay
precision were <8.8% and <13.2%, respectively. It also showed a smallest mean difference (+0.9%) for the
SRM level 1 to 3, compared to the two immunoassays. Compared to the LC-MS/MS, the mean biases of
the RIAISON and ADVIA were +2.4 and +7.9 ng/mL, respectively. Also, the agreement of the LC-MS/
MS with the RIAISON was better than that with the ADVIA. Conclusion. This study suggests that the
LC-MS/MS method traceable to the SRM can be reliably applied in routine quantification of 25(OH)D2
and 25(OH)D3.

Key words: 25-Hydroxyvitamin D2, 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3, Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spec-
trometry, Automated immunoassays

Introduction Vitamin D, which exists in two major form - vita-

min D2 and D3, is metabolized in the liver to
Vitamin D plays essential roles in regulation of the 25(OH)D) and then further hydroxylated in the
cell cycle such as apoptosis and differentiation [1] kidney to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D)
as well as in bone metabolism and calcium homeo- [8]. Because half-lives of vitamin D and
stasis [2]. Many studies have proposed that vitamin 1,25(OH)2D are relatively short (<2 days) and
D insufficiency or deficiency is related to an in- 1,25(OH)2D is affected by some physiological con-
creasing risk of many diseases including cancer, car- ditions [9], levels of circulating 25(OH)D which
diovascular disease, diabetes, infectious, and auto- has a half-life of 2-3 weeks in human blood, are
immune diseases [3-7]. considered as the best indicators of vitamin D sta-
tus [10,11].
Address correspondence to Young-Jin Kim, MD, PhD, Seoul Clinical
Laboratories, 24F Bldg. A, Heungdeok IT Valley, 13 Heungdeok 1-ro, For the purpose of diagnosing or preventing human
Giheung-gu, Yongin, Gyeonggi 16954, Korea; Phone: +82 2 330
2011; Fax: +82 31 660 7278; e mail: yjkim@scllab.co.kr diseases associated with vitamin D insufficiency or
deficiency, clinicians gradually are now examining

0091-7370/16/0600-645. © 2016 by the Association of Clinical Scientists, Inc.


Table 1. Validation results of the LC-MS/MS assay method.

Linearity Nominal Intra-assay (n=5) Inter-assay (n=5) LOQ Recovery Stability Matrix
conc.a Accuracy CV(%) Accuracy CV(%) (ng/mL) (%) (%) effect(%)
(ng/mL) (%) (%)

25(OH)D2 y = 0.02291x – 0.00369 1.0 102.0 4.1 100.2 13.1 1.0

(R 2 = 0.99950) 5.0 99.6 4.3 106.4 4.0 92.2 105.8 92.1
25.0 93.0 8.7 95.2 8.6 95.7 96.3 95.6
100.0 95.1 3.5 97.3 7.8 94.5 93.1 96.8
25(OH)D3 y = 0.11337x + 0.04093 1.0 90.4 5.7 91.6 9.0 1.0
(R 2 = 0.99986) 5.0 104.1 4.1 103.8 4.2 96.4 88.7 93.2
25.0 95.2 1.2 98.1 3.2 105.0 104.4 96.2
100.0 89.9 1.6 93.6 4.8 98.7 95.1 96.7
aThe concentrations of QC samples.

Table 2. Performance of the assay methods using NIST SRM 972a with certified values.

SRM 972aa LC-MS/MS LIAISON ADVIA Certified values (ng/mL)b

Level 1 27.67±1.37 28.13±1.37 24.96±0.21 25(OH)D3: 28.80±1.10

3-epi-25(OH)D3: 1.84±0.08
Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science, vol. 46, no. 6, 2016

Level 2 19.91±0.23 18.03±0.50 18.40±0.44 25(OH)D2 : 0.81±0.06

1.03±0.02 (D2)c 25(OH)D3 : 18.10±0.40
18.88±0.21 (D3)d 3-epi-25(OH)D3: 1.28±0.09
Level 3 32.95±0.21 26.70±0.80 33.60±0.90 25(OH)D2: 13.30±0.30
13.11±0.11 (D2)c 25(OH)D3: 19.80±0.40
19.84±0.10 (D3)d
Level 4 56.20±1.32e 29.37±1.2f 26.10±2.08f 25(OH)D3: 29.40±0.90
3-epi-25(OH)D3: 26.00±2.2

a Each level was measured in triplicate by each assay, and the measured values are expressed in ng/mL.
bThe target value and the uncertainty listed in the NIST certificates.
c,dThe values refer to the concentrations of 25(OH)D and 25(OH)D measured by LC-MS/MS.
2 3
eThe values refer to the sum of concentrations of the two metabolites because 25(OH)D3 and its C-3 epimer coelute under the LC-MS/MS conditions used in this study.
f The biases were assessed excluding the value for 3-epi-25(OH)D assuming a null reactivity for this metabolite.
A fast and simple LC-MS/MS method for measuring 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)D3 647

The aim of this study is to validate a LC-MS/MS

method as an in-house assay, established in our
laboratory and to compare the performances of two
automated 25(OH)D immunoassays.

Materials and Methods

Chemicals and reagents. 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)D3

was from Sigma Chem. Co. (MO, USA). Hexadeuterated
25(OH)D3 (25-hydroxycholecalciferol-
26,26,26,27,27,27-d6) as an internal standard (IS) was
from ChromSystems Co. (Munich, Germany). Activated
charcoal and bovine serum albumin were from Sigma
and Amresco Co. (OH, USA), respectively. HPLC-grade
methanol, ethanol, hexane, formic acid, and water were
Figure 1. Representative MRM chromatograms of a pro- from Fisher Scientific Korea Co. (Seoul, Korea).
cessed serum specimen after the sample preparation.
Sample collection. One hundred and fifty serum sam-
ples were randomly collected from patients whose sam-
vitamin D status in individuals. However, the ac-
ples were sent to Seoul Clinical laboratories for routine
curacy of 25(OH)D assay methods still remains a measurement of vitamin D levels from October to
real challenge for clinical laboratories [12]. December 2012. Samples were divided into 3 aliquots,
frozen at -20°C, and analyzed in batches, with a freshly
The most commonly used analytical platforms to thawed aliquot used for each analytical run. The study
measure 25(OH)D in human serum are grouped was approved by the Institution Ethics Review Board of
into immunochemical and chromatographic meth- Seoul Medical Science Institution.
ods. The immunochemical methods based on ra-
dioactive, enzymatic, and chemiluminescence de- Calibrator and sample preparation. A standard stock
tection may be susceptible to cross-reactivity solution including 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)D3 was pre-
pared in ethanol at a concentration of 1 µg/mL.
resulting from the interaction of vitamin D metab-
Calibrators were prepared in 4% bovine serum albumin
olites with antibodies that may lack specificity. On (BSA, used as a blank) prepared in phosphate buffered
the other hand, chromatographic methods have saline (PBS, pH 7.4) from the standard solution by serial
higher specificity due to sufficient resolving power dilution to give concentrations of 1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0,
than immunoassays. Especially, liquid chromatog- 50.0, and 100.0 ng/mL for 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)D3.
raphy-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) is To 200µL of serum, calibrator or controls were added
receiving wide acceptance [13]. The LC-MS/MS 200µL of refrigerated ethanol, containing the deuterated
methods can minimize interferences and matrix ef- IS and equilibrated for 1 min. The mixture was extracted
fects compared to immunoassays. with 1 mL of hexane to allow complete protein precipi-
tation and then centrifuged for 5 min at 13,000 rpm.
Then, 850µL of supernatant was transferred into glass
However, the relatively low-throughput compared
vials and evaporated to dryness under a stream of N2 gas.
to automated immunoassays and the high cost of The residue was re-dissolved in 120µL of 50% ethanol.
the equipment are commonly limitations to the Finally, 10µL of supernatant was analyzed by LC-MS/
routine use of the LC-MS/MS methods in clinical MS.
laboratories. Despite these limitations, the methods
are now used as a reference assay for the measure- LC-MS/MS conditions. The system consisted of Agilent
ment of 25(OH)D [14-18]. Therefore, the devel- 1200 series (Palo Alto, CA, USA) coupled to an API
opment of rapid, simple, and specific LC-MS/MS 4000 triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer (Applied
methods is needed to measure 25(OH)D in clinical Biosystems/MDS SCIEX, Forster city, CA, USA)
laboratories [19-21]. Furthermore, a validated LC- equipped with an electrospray ionization (ESI) source.
Chromatographic separation was performed using
MS/MS methodology traceable to standard refer-
Hypersil GOLD™ aQ C18 column (2.1 mm x 50 mm,
ence materials (SRM) from National Institute of 1.9 µm particle size) (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., St.
Standards and Technology (NIST) is recommend- Louis, MO, USA) maintained at 35°C. The mobile
ed to ensure the accuracy. phase was a 15:85 mixture of 0.1% formic acid in
648 Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science, vol. 46, no. 6, 2016

methanol with 5 mM am- determined by analyzing the 6 levels of the calibrators of

monium acetate and 0.1% 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)D3. Accuracy and precision
formic acid at the flow rate were determined from in-house prepared quality control
Table 3. Passing and Bablok regression, Bland-Altman, and concordance correlation analysis (n = 150 specimens) of the two immunoassays against the LC-MS/MS method.

of 0.3 mL/min. The total (QC) samples by comparison of the measured value with

chromatographic run time the calculated one. The QC samples were prepared in

was 3 min. The ESI source 4% BSA prepared in PBS to give concentrations of 1, 5,
was operated in the posi- 25, and 100 ng/mL for the two 25(OH)D metabolites
tive ion mode. 25(OH) using the stock solution that were independent of those

0.928 (0.904-0.946)
0.737 (0.672-0.792)
D2, 25(OH)D3, and IS used to prepare the calibrators. 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)
were monitored in the D3 were measured on 5 consecutive days (inter-assay)
multiple-reaction moni- with 5 replicates per day (intra-assay) using fresh samples
toring (MRM) mode us- daily. Recovery was determined by spiking known
ing the following transi- amounts (5, 25, and 100 ng/mL) of 25(OH)D2 and

tions: m/z 25(OH)D3 with serum samples with low concentrations

413.35→395.30, of 25(OH)D. For determination of processed sample
401.37→383.20, and stability, the three QC samples were treated by sample
Mean inaccuracy (CI 95%)

407.28→389.30, respec- preparation procedure, left on an autosampler tray of the

tively. The declustering LC system at room temperature for 24 hr, and then ana-
2.40 (-6.4-11.3)

potential, entrance poten- lyzed. To investigate the matrix effect [22], the blank
7.90 (-4.7-20.4)

tial, collision energy, and samples spiked with 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)D3 to give
collision cell exit potential the concentrations of 5, 25, and 100 ng/mL were ex-
were optimized at 56, 10, tracted alongside samples prepared in the mobile phase
13, and 14 V for 25(OH) and spiked to the same concentrations. Carryover was
D2, 66, 10, 13, and 10 V determined by repeated injections of blank sample after
for 25(OH)D3, and 66, the highest standard (100 ng/mL) was measured.
10, 13, and 14 V for IS,
respectively. Collision gas, Assay method comparison. The LC-MS/MS method
curtain gas, ion source was compared with the two automated immunoassays,

gases 1 and 2 were 6, 20, DiaSorin LIAISON® 25-OH Vitamin D TOTAL Assay
60, and 45 psi, respective- (Stillwater, MN, USA) and Siemens ADVIA Centaur®
ly. Ionspray voltage and XP Vitamin D Total (VitD) assay (Tarrytown, NY,


temperature were 5500 V USA), widely used for the measurement of 25(OH)D,
and 350°C, respectively. measuring sera collected from 150 individuals in dupli-
The data were analyzed us- cate. Each immunoassay system was calibrated and per-
ing Analyst® 1.5 data pro- formed according to the manufacturer’s instruction at
0.043 (-0.852-0.811)
Passing and Bablok regression

7.087 (5.787-7.920)
Intercept (CI 95%)

cessing software from Seoul Clinical Laboratories, Seoul, Korea. Method com-
Applied Biosystems/MDS parison was performed according to Clinical Laboratory
SCIEX. ' Standards Institute (CLSI) Evaluation Protocol 9 (EP9)
specifications. The two immunoassays were performed
Method validation. The according to manufacturer’s instructions. All serum sam-
LC-MS/MS assay method ple testing on the automated immunoassays were per-
was validated by measur- formed within the same day. Measuring ranges are 4.0 -
ing a limit of quantifica- 150 ng/mL for the LIAISON assay and 4.2–150 ng/mL
tion (LOQ), linearity, ac- for the ADVIA assay. Sensitivities are 4.0 and 4.2 ng/mL
1.109 (1.058-1.176)

curacy, precision for the LIASON and the ADVIA assays, respectively.
(expressed coefficient of Certified SRM 972a (levels 1-4) from NIST as indepen-
Slope (CI 95%)

correlation coefficient.

variation, %CV), recov- dent controls were also used to evaluate the accuracies of
ery, processed sample sta- all the assays including the LC-MS/MS method.
bility, matrix effect, and
carryover. The LOQ was Statistical analysis. The statistical analysis of method
determined by serial dilu- validation results was performed using Microsoft Office
tion of the standard solu- Excel® 2013 (Microsoft Inc., Seattle, WA, USA). For
tion (n=9 per dilution) method comparison studies, the 25(OH)D measure-

a Pearson’s

and at the lowest concen- ments of serum samples by the assay methods were ana-


tration where CV was lyzed by Passing-Bablok regression and Bland-Altman

≤20%. Linearity was bias plots. Agreement between the methods
A fast and simple LC-MS/MS method for measuring 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)D3 649
was evaluated by measuring Cohen’s Kappa (κ) value the estimated biases from the certified values for
(agreement: <0.4, poor; 0.4-0.75, fair to good; >0.75 ex- 25(OH)D3 or total 25(OH)D, the LC-MS/MS
cellent) [23]. Statistical analysis was performed using method made close to or within the certified values
MedCalc Statistical Software (ver. 11.2.1, Mariakerke, for level 1 through 3 but higher for level 4, and re-
Belgium) and Analyse-it Method Evaluation Edition
peatability CVs for the four levels of SRM 972a
(Leeds, UK). P<0.05 was considered statistically
ranged from 0.6% to 5%. Except for level 4, the bi-
ases of level 1, 2, and 3 were -3.9%, 5.3%, and
Results -0.5%, respectively. For level 4, including substantial
amounts of 3-epi-25(OH)D3, the concentrations of
Analytical performance evaluation of LC-MS/ 25(OH)D3 were within the expected value for the
MS methodology. The LC-MS/MS chromato- sum of 25(OH)D3 and 3-epi-25(OH)D3 because
grams of a serum specimen passed through the 25(OH)D3 and its C-3 epimer were not separated
sample preparation procedure are shown in Figure chromatographically under the LC-MS/MS condi-
1. Under the LC-MS/MS conditions applied, the tions used in this study. On the other hand, the two
vitamin D metabolites and IS were adequately sep- immunoassays underestimated the concentrations of
arated, with 25(OH)D2 eluting at 2.22 min, total 25(OH)D for the four levels, except for a slight
25(OH)D3 at 2.04 min, and IS at 2.02 min. overestimation of level 3 by the ADVIA. CVs for re-
Potential interfering substances such as 1α-OH-D3 peatability were 2.5% to 4.0% for the LIAISON and
were eluted between 0.7 and 1.2 min but did not 0.9% to 8.0% for the ADVIA. The LIAISON assay
interfere with the detection of 25(OH)D2 and showed a significant negative bias (-19.3%) in level
25(OH)D3. 3, while the ADVIA in level 1 (-13.3%) and 4
The performance characteristics of the LC-MS/MS
method are given in Table 1. The LC-MS/MS Figure 2 and Table 3 show Passing-Bablok regres-
method demonstrated a dynamic linear response sion, Bland-Altman difference plot, and concordance
over the working range from 1.0 to 100.0 ng/mL correlation coefficient (CCC) of the automated im-
(r>0.999) for 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)D3, with a munoassays against the LC-MS/MS method. The
LOQ of 1 ng/mL. Intra-assay accuracies were average values of 150 serum specimens measured by
93.0% to 102.0% and 89.9% to 104.1% and inter- each assay method were 19.50 ng/mL (5.24 to 50.56
assay accuracies were 95.2% to 106.4% and 91.6% ng/mL) for LC-MS/MS assay, 21.95 ng/mL (4.7 to
to 103.8% for 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)D3, respec- 52.90 ng/mL) for LIAISON assay, and 27.36 ng/mL
tively. Intra-assay CVs were 3.5% to 8.7% and (11.85 to 75.84 ng/mL) for ADVIA assay. Both the
1.2% to 5.7% and inter-assay CVs were 4.0% to immunoassays exhibited statistically equivalent
13.1% and 3.2% to 9.0% for 25(OH)D2 and Passing-Bablok fits with uniform positive biases
25(OH)D3, respectively. Recoveries of 25(OH)D2 throughout the whole range of concentrations com-
and 25(OH)D3 from serum samples spiked with pared to the LC-MS/MS method. Especially, Passing-
three different concentrations were 92.2% to Bablok regression analysis demonstrated that the
95.7% and 96.4% to 104.4%, respectively. Both LIAISON assay was statistically more equivalent to
25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)D3 were found to be stable the LC-MS/MS method than the ADVIA. Bland-
after the QC samples were processed and left on the Altman different plot analysis also exhibited a mean
autosampler tray. The mean matrix effect was bias of 2.4 ng/mL for the LIAISON (Figure 2B and
94.8% and 95.3% for 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)D3, Table 3) and of 7.9 ng/mL for the ADVIA (Figure
respectively, indicating that a very small ion sup- 2D and Table 3), both with uniform bias across the
pression was observed for the two vitamin D me- ranges of concentrations measured. As shown in
tabolites. No carryover was observed on the LC- Table 3, Pearson’s correlation analyses demonstrated
MS/MS chromatograms at concentrations up to that the LC-MS/MS method correlated well with the
100 ng/mL. LIAISON assay (CCC=0.928, r=0.949) but less well
with the ADVIA assay (CCC=0.737, r=0.876).
Comparison of LC-MS/MS method and immuno-
assays. The performance of each assay method with Criteria for vitamin D insufficiency in this study was
NIST SRM 972a is shown in Table 2. Considering defined as a serum concentration less than 20 ng/mL
(50 nmol/L), as previously reported [20,24-26].
650 Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science, vol. 46, no. 6, 2016

Figure 2. Comparison of the immunoassays against the LC-MS/MS method using Passing-Bablock regression plots (left pan-
els) and Bland-Altman plots (right panels). (A and B) LC-MS/MS vs. LIAISON. (C and D) LC-MS/MS vs. ADVIA. In left
panels, the solid lines, dashed lines, and dotted lines are the regression lines, the confidence intervals for the regression lines,
and identity lines, respectively. In right panels, the solid lines, dashed lines, and dotted lines are the mean differences, 95%
limits of agreement, and identity lines, respectively.

Among all serum samples tested, the proportions of to monitor clinical vitamin D status. Generally, treat-
those classified as insufficiency (<20 ng/mL) were ment of patients depend on assay results measured by
64.0% by the LC-MS/MS, 54.7% by the LIAISON clinical laboratories. Therefore, the reliability of assay
and 42.7% by the ADVIA, whereas the ADVIA, the methods may have an influence on clinician’s decision
LIAISON and the LC-MS/MS classified 58%, on treatment. The LC-MS/MS method is capable of
45.3% and 36% as sufficient vitamin D status, re- measuring 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)D3 simultaneous-
spectively. As evidenced by Passing-Bablok regres- ly, which may be useful to monitor the efficacy of sup-
sion and Bland-Altman difference plot analyses, in- plementation especially in countries where vitamin D2
ter-rater agreement analysis using κ value also is used as a supplement [27,28]. Although a result from
demonstrated that the LC-MS/MS method exhibit- vitamin D external quality assessment scheme
ed a stronger agreement with the LIAISON assay (DEQAS) survey proposed that major assay methods
(κ=0.808, 95% CI=0.715-0.902) than with the may provide results within about 10% of the consensus
ADVIA assay (κ=0.579, 95% CI=0.463-0.694) for average [29], evidence of measurement accuracy is not
all the serum samples tested (Table 4). given by comparability between assay methods if agree-
ment between assays is not tested using SRMs or the
Discussion assays performance is not traced to reference methods.
Therefore, the performance of 25(OH)D assay meth-
LC–MS/MS has emerged as the latest technology to ods is a real challenge in most clinical laboratories and
be used to measure the metabolites of vitamin D and is an important criterion for the choice of a method.
A fast and simple LC-MS/MS method for measuring 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)D3 651
Table 4. Agreement between LC-MS/MS method and each immunoassay on vitamin D status in 150 serum samples.


<20 ng/mL (%) ≥20 ng/mL (%) <20 ng/mL (%) ≥20 ng/mL (%)

<20 ng/mL 82 (54.7) 14 (9.3) 63 (42.7) 33 (21.3) 96 (64.0)

≥20 ng/mL 0 (0.0) 54(36.0) 0 (0.0) 54 (36.0) 54 (36.0)
Total 82 (54.7) 68 (45.3) 63 (42.7) 87 (58.0) 150 (100.0)
Kappa (95% CI) 0.808 (0.715-0.902) 0.579 (0.463-0.694)

In this study, serum sample was first pretreated by on average 11.2% lower than those measured by
protein precipitation with ethanol including a deu- routine LC-MS/MS assays. These results imply that
terated IS, followed by a liquid-liquid extraction routine LC-MS/MS methods being used in clinical
with hexane. These steps were simple, rapid, and laboratories possibly overestimate total 25(OH)D
were necessary to clean up the samples, to minimize in human serum. In this regard, LC-MS/MS meth-
matrix effect and to maximize sensitivity. ods traceable to certified materials such as NIST
Additionally, we tested effectiveness of protein pre- SRM 972, 2972 and 972a are needed to minimize
cipitation with methanol, ethanol, and acetonitrile, the variations.
and ethanol was chosen as an optimal solvent. Our
method was distinct from a recent report in which We demonstrated in this study that the present LC-
methanol and heptane were used as a protein pre- MS/MS method can measure 25(OH)D2 and
cipitation and a liquid-liquid extraction solvent, 25(OH)D3 accurately in serum, as evidenced by
respectively [30]. The variability of LC-MS/MS the measurements of SRM level 1 to 3 (Table 2).
methods between laboratories may result from dif- Although the present LC-MS/MS method could
ferent ways of preparing samples. Furthermore, not resolve 3-epi-25(OH)D3 from 25(OH)D3, it
these sample preparation methods are very impor- showed a smallest mean difference (+0.9%) for
tant because they can affect the accuracy and recov- SRM level 1 to 3 when compared to the two im-
ery of the vitamin D metabolites. munoassays (-26.2% and -14.5% for the LIAISON
and the ADVIA, respectively). Interestingly, the
In this study, we validated a fast, accurate, sensitive present LC-MS/MS method showed the smallest
LC-MS/MS method for measuring serum levels of bias (-0.5%) compared to the LIAISON and the
25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)D3 at nanomolar concen- ADVIA in level 3 with a substantial amount of
trations using an IS material. Method validation 25(OH)D2 and a product from pools of human
demonstrated that the LC-MS/MS method meets serum with endogenous concentrations of 25(OH)
all technical and quality requirements for simulta- D, indicating that it has its capacity to detect
neous quantification of 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH) 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)D3 selectively. In contrast,
D3 in human serum (Table 1). BSA is being used the LIAISON in level 3 showed a remarkable nega-
for the quantification of 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH) tive bias (-19.3%), may indicate lower recovery of
D3 and proved to be an alternative matrix for cali- 25(OH)D2, independent of 25(OH)D3 in human
bration [21,30,31]. serum [20].

However, how the LC-MS/MS methods are cali- Recently, it has been reported that the mean con-
brated is a major factor to variation between-labo- centration of 3-epi-25(OH)D3 in adult samples is
ratories or between-assays. Recently, the DEQAS generally lower (5.5%) than that in newborns
has shown differences in 25(OH)D results depend- (27.3%) which is known to include high percent-
ing on assay methods, arousing importance for the ages of 3-epi-25(OH)D3 [32]. For this reason, low
agreement and accuracy of different assays [29]. As concentrations of the C3-epimer in adults are un-
a part of this, 20 DEQAS samples were analyzed by likely to be clinically significant, although some
an LC-MS/MS method developed by as a candi- samples with significant amounts of the 3-epimer
date reference measurement procedure by the may be overestimated. More recently, it has been
NIST, revealing that the NIST results were also reported that a LC-MS/MS assays that do not
652 Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science, vol. 46, no. 6, 2016
separately measure the C3-epimer from other vita- result in higher 25(OH)D measurements by im-
min D metabolites may potentially overestimate munoassays. Additionally, variations in vitamin
total 25(OH)D levels in newborn cord blood sam- D-binding protein concentrations between clinical
ples but the C3-epimer concentration is unlikely to subject groups may be a possible cause for the ob-
contribute to diagnostic misclassification even in served differences between automated immunoas-
the newborn samples [33]. Despite these disputes, says and LC-MS/MS methods. For example, of the
further work will be needed to investigate the im- pregnant women, 67% were vitamin D sufficient
pact of the C3-epimer on the 25(OH)D assays and when measured with a LC-MS/MS method, where
to obtain information about the physiological role ADVIA categorized only 24% as vitamin D suffi-
of the C3-epimer. cient [38].

In this study, the RIAISON and ADVIA assays Although there was a lack of agreement between
generally gave higher 25(OH)D measurements the ADVIA and RIAISON assays compared to the
than the LC-MS/MS method in serum specimens LC-MS/MS method, it was proven through the
tested. Especially, the mean bias of the ADVIA as- CCC and κ analysis that the agreement with the
say (+7.9 ng/mL) was higher than that of the LIAISON was better than that with the ADVIA
RIAISON (+2.4 ng/mL) over the range of concen- (Tables 3 and 4). These results were also similar to
tration measured when compared to the LC-MS/ the findings of the previous studies [25,34]. In this
MS method traceable to the NIST-SRM (Figure 2 study, the prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency was
and Table 3). However, compared to the ADVIA higher with the RIAISON and lower with the
assay (CCC=0.737), the LIAISON (CCC=0.928) ADVIA, compared with the LC-MS/MS result,
showed better concordance with LC-MS/MS re- suggesting that the ADVIA assay would report a
sults (Table 3). Recently, many of the automated lower frequency of patients with vitamin D insuf-
immunoassays turned out to have significant posi- ficiency or deficiency than the LIAISON or the
tive biases when compared to LC-MS/MS methods LC-MS/MS method. However, further studies will
[34,35]. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that most be needed to establish decision limits by different
immunoassays had difficulties measuring low lev- assays and to standardize existing assays for 25(OH)
els. Especially, the RIAISON and the ADVIA as- measurement because our results demonstrated
says which turned out to show excessive mean bi- that the use of uniform cut-off value by assays could
ases of +35% and +118%, respectively, at low levels be an issue when classifying vitamin D status.
<8 ng/mL [34]. In contrast, several studies also re-
ported that the automated RIAISON and ADVIA In conclusion, the present LC-MS/MS method
demonstrated significant negative biases compared with a traceability to SRM 972a is a rapid, simple,
to LC-MS/MS methods [30,36]. reliable, and cost effective alternative to other meth-
ods for determination of 25(OH)D in human se-
There are several possible explanations for the varia- rum. Compared to the LC-MS/MS results, the
tions between the immunoassays and the LC-MS/ agreement with the automated RIAISON assay was
MS methods. First, the variations between the better than that of the ADVIA which showed a sub-
methods might be caused by different calibrator stantial positive bias. Thus, these results should fa-
traceability. Importantly, both immunoassays and cilitate the clinical application of the LC-MS/MS
LC-MS/MS methods may experience matrix effects method for separate quantification of 25(OH)D2
that occurs between the matrix in the calibrators and 25(OH)D3.
and the clinical samples, providing lower or higher Acknowledgment
25(OH)D measurements [13]. Especially, the
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Seoul Clinical Laboratories in 2014-2015.
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