Assignment 2 Human Motor Control An Dysfunction Rubric REHB8040 2023

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Topic REHB8040

Assessment Find, appraise and apply research to an area of impairment and how you would deliver rehabilitation for a
client with this impairment using motor control theory and motor learning approaches. 2500 words.
 Write a case study of a client including their condition, history, duration of rehab, impairments and
patient goals. Approximately 500 words
 Use motor control theories to describe the possible mechanisms of the client's impairments
 Synthesise, appraise and apply relevant literature, described from a motor control and motor learning
perspective, in rehabilitation interventions designed to address the client's impairments
 Articulate and describe your rehabilitation plan, single session and/or intervention strategies for this
client including an explanation of how literature has informed your approach from a motor control
and motor learning perspective.

Learning outcomes being assessed TLO2: Analyse and synthesise evidence regarding the basic computational theories of human motor control,
including the role of the cerebellum in possible skill acquisition, neuroplasticity and feedforward motor control
TLO4: Critically appraise current research in regards to motor control theory and demonstrate application of
this research in the design of intervention strategies in neurorehabilitation
TLO5: Apply and reflect upon motor control theories to movement impairments observed following upper
motor neuron weakness, sensory changes, pain perceptual disorders and other common neurological
movement presentations

Assessment Criteria Weight Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction

Case study is included 0% Case study is missing Case study is provided, with or without additional detail as desired
(500 words -/+ 100 or does not include
words) movement difficulties
or motor

Comments: Thank you for including the case study. Without this, the assignment cannot be marked.
Assessment Criteria Weight Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Motor control theories 20% Missing or unclear Motor control Motor control Thoughtful, Insightful and
are clearly linked to the description of motor theories included but theories included and multifaceted and comprehensive
movements and control theories, not not clearly linked to linked to the case detailed description description of motor
movement difficulties linked to case study the case study. Brief study clearly and of motor control control theories,
experienced by the client or movement description of appropriately in theories clearly linked linked closely and
in the case study. difficulties and possible motor terms of possible to the case study with with detail to the
Possible explanations in impairments control mechanisms mechanisms that highly developed case study,
regards to the motor experienced by the contributing to contribute to the clinical reasoning demonstrating a high
control mechanisms that client. client’s impairments client’s impairments and/or detailed level of
contribute to the client's but limited in scope and movement evidence supporting understanding,
impairments are and/or ineffective or difficulties. Clinical proposed advanced clinical
described using sound unclear reasoning and reasoning is sound explanations for the reasoning and/or
reasoning and evidence evidence provided. and/or appropriate client’s impairments. comprehensive
where applicable. evidence supports evidenced supporting
proposed the proposed
explanations. explanations for
client’s impairments
and movement

30% Literature used is not Literature used is Relevant literature is Relevant literature Relevant literature
Relevant literature from
relevant to the relevant to the included and from a wide range of from a wide range of
a motor control and
client’s impairments client’s impairments described clearly sources is sources is
motor learning
or is not described however, is minimally from a motor control synthesised, synthesised,
perspective is effectively
from a motor control linked to motor or motor learning appraised and appraised and
synthesised, appraised
and motor learning control or motor perspective in described described clearly and
and applied in describing
approach in learning in rehabilitation thoughtfully and in comprehensively
rehabilitation. Limited rehabilitation and/or interventions detail from a motor from a motor control
interventions designed to
evidence of synthesis only briefly applied to designed to address control and motor and motor learning
address the client’s
or appraisal and/or client’s impairments. the client’s learning perspective. perspective.
not applied to client’s Synthesis and impairments. Application to the Application to the
impairments. appraisal apparent Synthesis and client’s impairments client’s impairments
but with minimal appraisal is sound and is shown with highly is shown with
depth. effective. developed clinical advanced clinical
reasoning. reasoning and
supported with
exemplary synthesis
of relevant literature.

A rehabilitation plan, 40% The rehabilitation A mostly clear and A clear and relevant A detailed, A comprehensive,
single session and/or plan is vague, not relevant rehabilitation plan is appropriate and specific and realistic
intervention strategies relevant to individual rehabilitation plan is provided and clearly articulated rehabilitation plan is
are articulated and case study and/or not provided and supported with rehabilitation plan provided, clearly
described for the client in supported by supported with appropriate specific to the tailored to the
the case study and literature. limited literature. literature. There is a individual case study individual case study.
includes an explanation Plan may be clear description and is provided, and Clinical decisions are
of how literature has somewhat generic or explanation of how supported by detailed supported with
informed the approach lack useful clinical the plan relates to application of highly exemplary application
from a motor control and detail. Limited motor control and relevant literature. of highly relevant
motor learning demonstration of motor learning There is a clear, literature. There is a
perspective. how motor control approaches and how thorough and clear and
and motor learning these have been thoughtful comprehensive
approaches have applied practically explanation of how rationale of how and
informed the with the client. the plan relates to why motor control
rehabilitation plan. motor control and and motor learning
motor learning approaches have
approaches and how been implemented in
these have been clinical practice for
applied practically rehabilitation with
with the client. the client.


Academic writing and 10% Academic writing Academic writing Academic writing Academic writing Academic writing
referencing style is poor, with style is satisfactory, style is good, with style is excellent, style is exemplary,
many issues with and may have some mostly appropriate clear and concise with comprehensive and
repetition, grammar, issues with repetition, grammar, appropriate succinct with
punctuation, spelling grammar, punctuation, spelling grammar, appropriate
and/or formatting. punctuation, spelling and formatting. punctuation, spelling grammar,
Language may be and formatting. May have some and formatting. punctuation, spelling
inappropriate e.g. May have some minor errors in May have few minor and formatting.
uses slang or errors in referencing. referencing. errors in referencing Excellent standard of
offensive terms referencing.
May have several
errors in referencing

Overall Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction


Grade description The grade will be The grade will be The grade will be The grade will be The grade will be
awarded if a student awarded where there awarded where there awarded where there awarded where there
is unable to is evidence that a is evidence that a is evidence that a is evidence that a
demonstrate student has student has student has student
satisfactory academic demonstrated at least demonstrated a demonstrated demonstrated the
performance in the an adequate level of sound level of advanced knowledge/ acquisition of an
topic or has failed to knowledge/ knowledge/ understanding/ advanced level of
complete essential understanding/ understanding/ competencies/ skills knowledge/understan
topic elements or competencies/ skills competencies/ skills required for meeting ding/competencies/s
required assessment required for meeting required for meeting topic outcomes and kills required for
exercises at an topic outcomes and topic outcomes at a completing meeting topic
acceptable level, in satisfactorily proficient standard. assessment exercises outcomes and
accordance with topic completing essential at a high standard. passing the range of
outcomes. assessment exercises. The student would topic elements at the
normally have The student would highest level.
attained a sound normally have
knowledge of matter attained an advanced The student would
contained in set texts understanding of and normally have
or reading materials have demonstrated a attained an in-depth
and have done wider broad familiarity with knowledge of and
reading, and and facility at have consistently
demonstrated applying a range of demonstrated a high
familiarity with and major academic level of proficiency at
the ability to apply a debates, approaches, applying a range of
range of major methodologies and major academic
academic debates, conceptual tools. debates, approaches,
approaches, methodologies and
methodologies and The grade should conceptual tools and
conceptual tools. reflect very high- combining knowledge
quality work which of the subject matter
Students should have shows the student of the topic with
a reasonable generally works at a original and creative
opportunity of level which is beyond thinking.
reaching this grade the requirements of
provided they have the topic outcomes The grade will be
completed all course and is developing a awarded in
requirements, capacity for original recognition of the
demonstrated and creative thinking. highest level of
proficiency in the full academic
range of course achievement
outcomes and shown expected of a student
considerable at a given topic level.
evidence of a sound
capacity to work with
the range of relevant
subject matter.

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