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Papilio chikae, the Luzon Peacock Swallowtail, is a relatively
recent discovery, found in 1965 on Mt St Thomas in the
southern Cordillera Central of Luzon, northern Philippines. It
has since been found on a number of occasions on peaks
near Baguio and Bontoc. Essentially a species of areas above
1500 m in the western montane zone, it is a glacial relict of
continental origin. The Baguio area is a popular tourist resort
and this naturally rare species is believed to be endangered
by over-collecting and probably by habitat alteration. It has
it’s own beauty, inside and out. I was overwhelmed when I
saw that Swallowtail, although I can only see them inside the
glass. It’s colorful and full of meaning.
In 1885, while it was still in Paris, the Spoliarium was
purchased by Diputación Provincial de Barcelona
(provincial government of Barcelona) with a price of
20,000 pesetas. Before the transaction, the
painting had been exhibited in Rome, Madrid, and
Paris. I can see the beauty nor the suffering from
the people from the painting. It was such an
amazing experienced that finally I saw the famous
painting of Juan Luna.
Sandy beached are dynamic and harsh
intertidal environment. The crashing waves,
tidal flows and current keeps this area in
motion. Animals that live and move along with
the waters are frequently observed in such
shores. Sandy beaches also change with
seasons, and with the Philippines pounded by
several typhoons every year, it’s sandy
beaches are continuously in motion and it’s
natural eroded.
An antiquated assumption claims that the origin of the word
“manila” came from the word “may” and “nilad” that
translates to “where nilad is found.” Note that nilad is the
Filipino name for two different plant species: the water
hyacinth that still grows on the banks of Pasig River and the
scyphiphora which is a shrub-like tree that grows near
mangrove swamps.The toponym seems to have originated
from an 1887 essay by Filipino physician and historian
Trinidad Pardo de Tavera. Separate writings from Emma
Helen Blair and James Alexander Robertson in 1903, and
Julio Nakpil in 1940 repeated this assertion. It was amazing
that I finally know the origin of the name Manila.


The Philippines eagle owl is found in the
lowland forest of laguna, Catanduanes,
Leyte Samar, and Mindanao. This owl species
has a small rigorously fragmented population
that inhabits streams along forest edges. I am a
proud Filipino because we have a unique
and owned animal or we have a original animals
like this in Philippines.
Tidal pools, commonly called rock or tide pools, are formed when
high tides comes in over
rocky intertidals shores. They are caused by depression when the
tides recede. These can
be large or small shallow or deep, depending on the ebb and flow.
tide is an isolated pocket
of seawater found in the ocean's intertidal zone. Tide pools are found
in intertidal zones,
which are areas where the ocean meets the land from steep, rocky
ledges to long, sloping
sandy beaches and vast mudflats.when i first saw it i was amazed
because they are packed
with sturdy sea life such as snails, barnacles, mussels, anemones,
urchins, sea stars,
crustaceans, seaweed, and small fish.
BANDERA FILIPINA "Souvenir de 1899"
This painting is both the first known artistic depiction of the
Philippine Flag and the last
known dated work of art by Luna before his death from
cardiac arrest in Hong Kong on
December 7, 1899, it was made as a "souvenir" for Dr.
Ferdinand Blumentritt, the very close
friend (as Luna himself was) of Dr. Jose Rizal who had been
executed more than two years
earlier on December 30, 1896. I was overwhelmed when I saw
that because This was
painted by Juan Luna y Novicio using awatercolour on paper.
This is the first known artistic
illustration of the Philippine Flag. This was also the last
known artwork by Luna before he died
Dugongs, also known as sea cows or baboy
dagat or dugong( Filipino) are herbivorous
marine mammals. They live in wide shallow
bays and protected coastal areas with seagrass
beds in tropical and subtropical countries i was
amazed that i finally saw it in person even if it
only a bone

The carabao is the national animal of the
Philippines. It symbolizes strength, power,
efficiency, perseverance, and most of all,
hardwork. Until now, many Filipinos use the
carabao in the farm since the technology is
Im proud that we have this kind of animals
because they help our framers to plow the field
so that we could have rice.
In 1885, Luna relocated to Paris, where
he established his own studio and
formed a friendship with Hidalgo.
Proud because He became one of the
first recognized Philippine artists.
is a critically endangered species of eagle of
the family Accipitridae which is endemic to
forests in the Philippines.
Amaze that we have this kind of bird To be
proud of
by Diosdado M. Lorenzo is another painting
that catches the attention of the crowd, not
because of it's bold and captivating colors,
but because of the haunting image of violence
it shows. It shows the Japanese soldiers
attacking the Filipinos during the World War II,
men and women alike.
Im sad because many Filipinos has suffered
and rape from japanese soldiers

Doomed Family was made by Dominador

Castaneda, it was painted in the year 1945,
this was the time of Japanese invasion in
the Philippines. This painting conveys the
idea of what Japanese did to the Filipino
family, many people have died during their
José Rizal (1861-1896) is one of the most
revered figures in Philippine history. He was
a multifaceted intellectual and a political
activist, best known for his political writings
that inspired the Philippine revolution and
ultimately led to his execution by the
Spanish colonizers.
Amorsolo is best known for his illuminated
landscapes, which often portrayed
traditional Filipino customs, culture, fiestas
and occupations. His pastoral works
presented "an imagined sense of
nationhood in counterpoint to American
colonial rule" and were important to the
formation of Filipino national identity.
Dwoven banig bags are one of the most
popular fashion pieces from the Philippines
and for a good reason. These native straw
bags made from tikog, pandan, and straw
leaves have transitioned from being just a
Filipino renowned style accent that gives
that rich personality to any ensemble.

Arthur Fergusson (1859-1908), born

in Benicia, California, a lawyer and
an excellent speaker of. Spanish,
was the Secretary of the Philippine.
Commission under Governor
William H.
CESAR AMORSOLO (1903, Manila-1988) Painted Window of
Christ the King Circa 1946 (signed Cesar Amorsolo) Oil on
glass This is a triptych featuring Christ the King seated in
the central panel, flanked by the archangels Raphael and
Gabriel, bowing low, on the side glass panels. The
iconography of Christ the King is a classical Christian
representation based on several passages of scripture.
Cesar Amorsolo, however, chose to omit the conventional
depiction of Christ's right hand up in a gesture of bless-ing,
while his left hand holds a staff, Bible, or globe. Seated
majestically in silk robes on an elevated throne, he is
instead portrayed here with arms on his sides and palms
facing inward-a sign of blessed welcome into his heavenly
The Black Nazarene refers to a life-sized,
dark-colored statue of Jesus Christ that was
brought to Manila, Philippines, from Mexico
on May 31, 1606, by the first group of
Augustinian Recollect friars sent by Spain.
The image was charred black in a fire that
broke out on the ship during its trip to Manila
from Mexico.
Fernando Amorsolo’ unfinished portrait
of Florencia “nena” Singson Gonzalez-
Belo was considered to be his last
painting before his death (April 24, 1972)
National Museum of the Philippines
Gallery V

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