Benchmark Reflection11

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Health Policy

Healthcare deals with the complex needs of patients with specific intended outcomes and

deliverables. I this case, health policies are formulated to guide the delivery of healthcare

services. Through this course, I have realized that these policies may be formulated at the

organizational, national, and other intermediary levels such as the state and local. In this case,

these policies are subdivided into specific components of care that need to be addressed. For

example, pharmaceuticals guiding the availability of pharmaceuticals and global health guiding

the state of healthcare globally. These policies are necessary for the realization of improved

health outcomes.

Leadership and Economic Models

Healthcare requires good leaders to work alongside professional medical service

providers such as nurses. Economic models are an essential component in health as these

organizations also focus on profits benefiting the service providers and patients. In this course, I

have learned a cross-disciplinary collaboration between healthcare and economics to deliver the

best health outcomes. These inputs are facilitated through effective leadership approaches to

guide the implementation of new strategies to improve healthcare.

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