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of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Development of an Autonomous Lawn Mower Robot with Advanced

Object Detection and Classification for Efficient Trash Separation
of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Background of the Study:

The need for efficient waste management solutions has become
increasingly critical due to the rapid growth in population and urbanization.
Traditional waste management methods have proven to be costly, time-
consuming, and often ineffective. Autonomous robots are emerging as a
promising solution for efficient waste management, and autonomous lawn
mower robots, in particular, are becoming increasingly popular for maintaining
lawns and gardens.
This study aims to develop an autonomous lawn mower robot with
advanced object detection and classification for efficient trash separation. The
proposed technology aims to enhance the existing technology by
incorporating computer vision algorithms to identify and classify various
objects on the lawn, including grass, stones, and trash. The trash will be
separated from the lawn and collected in a separate container, thereby
improving the efficiency of the waste management process.
The proposed innovation has the potential to revolutionize the waste
management industry by reducing the cost and time required for waste
management while promoting environmental sustainability by reducing
pollution and increasing recycling. Additionally, the incorporation of advanced
object detection and classification techniques can improve the overall
performance of the autonomous lawn mower robot, making it more efficient
and effective.
The rapid population growth and urbanization have resulted in an
increase in the amount of waste generated, leading to environmental pollution
and health hazards. Traditional waste management methods, such as manual
garbage collection, are time-consuming, costly, and often ineffective.
In this context, autonomous robots have emerged as a promising
solution for efficient waste management. Autonomous lawn mower robots, in
particular, are becoming increasingly popular for maintaining lawns and
of the Philippines
College of Engineering

gardens. However, they can also be used for trash separation, which can
improve the efficiency of waste management processes.
The proposed autonomous lawn mower robot aims to enhance the
existing technology by incorporating advanced object detection and
classification techniques to identify and separate trash from the lawn. The
robot will use computer vision algorithms to detect and classify various objects
on the lawn, including grass, stones, and trash. The trash will be separated
from the lawn and collected in a separate container, improving the efficiency
of the waste management process.
The development of an autonomous lawn mower robot with advanced
object detection and classification for efficient trash separation has the
potential to revolutionize the waste management industry. The proposed
technology can reduce the cost and time required for waste management
while also promoting environmental sustainability by reducing pollution and
increasing recycling.
The proposed autonomous lawn mower robot can reduce the physical
strain on manual laborers, who are often tasked with collecting and separating
waste. This can help to promote safer and healthier working conditions for
those involved in waste management.
Furthermore, the incorporation of advanced object detection and
classification techniques into the autonomous lawn mower robot can also
improve its overall performance. By accurately identifying and classifying
objects on the lawn, the robot can avoid obstacles, navigate around the lawn
efficiently, and ensure that the grass is cut evenly and at the desired length.
The development of the proposed autonomous lawn mower robot with
advanced object detection and classification involves a combination of
hardware and software components. The robot's hardware includes motors,
sensors, cameras, and a microcontroller or a single-board computer, such as
of the Philippines
College of Engineering

a Raspberry Pi. The software component includes computer vision algorithms,

machine learning models, and control algorithms.
The computer vision algorithms and machine learning models are used
to identify and classify objects on the lawn. For example, the robot can be
trained to distinguish between grass, stones, and various types of trash, such
as plastic bottles and wrappers. The control algorithms are used to ensure
that the robot moves around the lawn efficiently, avoiding obstacles and
cutting the grass evenly.
The trash separation component of the robot involves collecting the
trash in a separate container or compartment. This can be achieved using a
combination of suction or mechanical arms that pick up the trash and deposit
it into the container. The container can be easily removed and emptied by
waste management personnel.
The proposed autonomous lawn mower robot has several potential
benefits beyond waste management. For example, it can reduce the noise
pollution associated with traditional lawn mowers, as well as reduce the need
for chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Additionally, it can be used for precision
farming, where it can be trained to identify and remove weeds from crops,
without damaging the crops themselves.

General Objective:
The general objective of the study is to develop an autonomous lawn mower
robot with advanced object detection and classification for efficient trash
separation. The study aims to enhance existing autonomous lawn mower
robot technology by incorporating advanced computer vision algorithms to
identify and classify various objects on the lawn, including grass, stones, and
trash. The primary focus of this study is to develop a solution that can improve
the efficiency of waste management processes and provide a more efficient
and cost-effective waste management solution.
of the Philippines
College of Engineering

Specific Objectives:
1. To review the existing autonomous lawn mower robot technology and
identify the limitations in the current systems.
2. To develop advanced object detection and classification algorithms for
identifying and separating trash on the lawn.
3. To integrate the developed algorithms with the autonomous lawn mower
robot hardware, including motors, sensors, cameras, and a micro
controller or a single-board computer.
4. To test and validate the performance of the developed autonomous lawn
mower robot with advanced object detection and classification for efficient
trash separation.
5. To compare the performance of the developed robot with traditional lawn
mowers and evaluate its potential to improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of waste management processes.
6. To identify potential applications of the developed autonomous lawn
mower robot beyond waste management, such as precision farming.

Research Gap:
The research gap in the field of autonomous lawn mower robots is the lack of
efficient waste management solutions using these robots. Existing systems
are limited to cutting grass and do not have the capability to separate trash
efficiently. The use of computer vision algorithms for efficient trash separation
is also limited. This study aims to bridge the research gap by developing an
autonomous lawn mower robot with advanced object detection and
classification for efficient trash separation. The proposed technology can
enhance the existing technology and provide a more efficient and cost-
effective waste management solution, promoting environmental sustainability
and contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment.

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