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Tenten’s Academy and Review Center

NMAT Social Sciences Section

Course Guide


This course offers a comprehensive review of fundamental disciplines within the

Social Sciences section of the NMAT, covering the fields of Psychology, Sociology, and


Session Date Duration Scope

Course Overview
1 February 2 1.5 hours
Research Methods in the Social Sciences

2 February 7 1.5 hours Psychology (Part 1)

3 February 16 1.5 hours Psychology (Part 2)

4 February 23 1.5 hours Psychology (Part 3)

5 March 1 1.5 hours Sociology and Anthropology

6 Recorded Lecture Miscellaneous Topics


I. Research Methods in the Social Sciences

A. Rationale
B. Research Designs
C. Data Collection Methods
D. Sampling Methods
II. Psychology
A. Definition and Scope of Psychology
B. Historical Foundations of Psychology
C. Theoretical Foundations of Psychology
1. Structuralism
2. Functionalism
3. Gestalt Psychology
a) Principles of Perceptual Organization
(1) Pragnanz
(2) Similarity
(3) Proximity
(4) Continuity
(5) Closure
(6) Figure and Ground
(7) Common Fate
4. Psychoanalysis
a) Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory
(1) Structural Model of the Mind
(2) Defense Mechanisms
(3) Psychosexual Stages of Development
b) Erikson’s Psychosocial Development Theory
5. Behaviorism
a) Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning
b) Skinner’s Operant Conditioning
c) Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
6. Cognitivism
a) Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory
b) Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory of Cognitive Development
c) Kohlberg’s Moral Development Theory
7. Humanism
a) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
b) Roger’s People-Centered Therapy
D. Modern Branches of Psychology
1. Developmental Psychology
a) Principles of Growth and Development
b) Perspectives on Development
(1) Nature vs Nurture
(2) Early vs Later Life Experiences
(3) Continuity vs Discontinuity
c) Other Developmental Theories
(1) Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory
(2) Bowlby’s Attachment Theory
(3) Baumrind’s Parenting Styles
2. Personality Psychology
3. Social Psychology
4. Biological Psychology
a) Nervous System
b) Sensation and Perception
c) Learning and Memory
5. Clinical Psychology
a) Abnormal Psychology
b) Psychoactive Drugs
III. Sociology
A. Theoretical Perspectives
B. Key Concepts
C. Sociological Paradigms
IV. Anthropology
A. Theoretical Perspectives
B. Key Concepts
C. Contemporary Issues

Learning Management System (LMS). The course will be delivered online. All recordings,
slides, and supplementary materials will be uploaded on Canvas. Synchronous meetings will
be held via Zoom using the following credentials:

Meeting ID: 881 3566 2522

Passcode: 937811

Course-related Inquiries. All questions related to the course must be channeled through
the provided Google form. Questions can be about the delivery of the course, a clarification
on the lecture, or a SocSci question you wish to get answered. A separate sheet containing
the answers will be made available to all students. This ensures a systematic way of
collecting and answering queries that others could also benefit from. Hence, before
submitting a question through the form, make sure to check if a similar one has already been
answered in the sheet.

GForm for Questions:

GSheet for Answers:


Name: Hans Albert T. Carinugan


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