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Netop Remote Control Portal

User’s Guide

Last Updated: 4/20/16

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Copyright© 1981-2016 Netop Business Solutions A/S. All Rights Reserved.

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Please send any comments to:

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Netop™ is a trademark of Netop Business Solutions A/S. All other products

mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective manufactur-
ers. Netop Business Solutions A/S denies any and all responsibility for dam-
ages caused directly or indirectly as a result of using this document. The
content of this document is subject to change without notice. Netop Business
Solutions A/S retains the copyright to this document.

The document is optimized for double-sided printing.


Chapter 1: Overview
About Netop Remote Control Portal
Technical Requirements
About this guide

Chapter 2: General
Forgot Password
User Interface
My Account
Edit Profile Details
Customize Netop Portal
Change Your Password
Filter Information

Chapter 3: Manage Users

Create a new user account
View User Account Info
Edit existing user account
Remove user account
Remove multiple user accounts

Chapter 4: Manage Groups

Create a new group
Navigate groups
Attach users to user groups
Attach devices to device groups
View group details
View user group details
View device group details
Edit groups
Remove groups

Chapter 5: Manage Devices

Implemented Authentication Mechanisms
Remove devices

Chapter 6: Assign Roles

View Predefined Roles
Add role assignment
Edit role assignment
Remove role assignments

Chapter 7: Access Devices

Remote control a device
Browser-based Support Console

| 2 | Copyright © Netop 2016. All rights reserved



About Netop Remote Control Portal

Netop Remote Control Portal is a browser-based interface allowing the
users to manage Guest authentication and authorization, view
connected devices and do remote sessions using a lightweight support
console which does not require any kind of installation.
Netop Portal uses a centralized database to manage Guest authentication
and authorization across the network.

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Figure 1. Netop Remote Control Portal Components

Netop Portal services Host requests for Guest Roles with themselves by
managing user authentication, querying the central security database for
security data, determining the applicable Role and returning the associ-
ated access permissions to the Host to apply them:
1. A user that connects to a Host (from either Browser Based Support
Console or an installed Guest) will be requested to identify itself by
login credentials.
2. The Host will forward the user credentials to Netop Portal requesting
the Role of the user who connected.
3. Netop Portal will manage user authentication and query the security
database for security data.
4. Based on returned security data, Netop Portal will determine the
applicable Role and return the corresponding access permissions to
the Host.
5. The Host will apply the received Role to the user (Browser Based
Support Console or Guest).

Technical Requirements

Table 1. Supported Browsers

Operating System Supported Browser
Windows 7, Windows Chrome latest version, Firefox latest version,
8 Internet Explorer 11-9
Mac OS 10.9.1 Chrome latest version, Firefox latest version,
Safari latest version

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About this guide

This guide explains how to use Netop Remote Control Portal.

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To log into the Netop Remote Control Portal use the link and the creden-
tials you received by Email and click the Login button.
Figure 1. Login Page

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Forgot Password

To reset your password, on the login page click the Forgot your username
or password? link and in the Recover password screen enter the email
address associated with your portal account and click the Reset password
You will receive an email that you can use to change your password.

User Interface
Netop Portal has an intuitive user interface.
Figure 2. Netop Portal User Interface

The graphical interface has three main areas:

• Menu bar (on the left). Allows you to navigate through the Netop
• Title bar. Allows you to perform general actions like registering the
license, chat with the Netop Support team, view your account and
log off.
• Content area. Displays information based on where you are in the
Netop Portal.

| 8 | Copyright © Netop 2016. All rights reserved


My Account
You can view your Netop Portal account details by clicking on Username
link on the title bar. Your account profile will be displayed.
Figure 3. My Account

Edit Profile Details

You can change your profile details by clicking the Edit profile button. The
profile details become editable:

NOTE: You are not allowed to edit the username.

Table 1. Profile Details

Field Description
First name User’s first name.
Last name User’s last name.
Email The email address to which the user will
receive notifications from the Netop Portal.

Make the desired profile updates and click the Save button in order to
store the updates.

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Customize Netop Portal

To customize the Netop Portal, go to Profile > Preferences area and make
the desired settings:
• Language. Currently the Netop Portal is available in English only.
• Default listing type. Choose whether the information within the
Content area will be displayed grouped (per groups) or flat.

Change Your Password

TIP: Before changing your password, verify that you are logged into the
account for which you want to change the password.

To change your password, go to your profile and click the Change pass-
word button.
Enter and confirm a new password for your account. The password may
be set to whatever you choose, as long as the string complies with these
• minimum 8 characters,
• at least one uppercase letter,
• at least one lowercase letter,
• at least one numeric character.
Once you created and confirmed a new password, click the Save button in
order for the updates to take effect.

Filter Information

You can filter the information displayed in the content area by using the
filters available on each column header.
Using the filter will also improve the ability to locate specific items within
the listings.
Clicking the Filter icon on a column header will display an advanced filter
which allows you to select the filter criteria.

Multiple filters
You can set multiple filters to a listing.
Figure 4. Multiple filters

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Reload listing and clear filters

To remove a filter, from above the current listing click the filter to
remove. You can also reload the current listing and clear all filters.

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Manage Users

Netop Portal allows you to centrally manage the user accounts within
your organization. This can be done by one or several users with adminis-
trative privileges.
Example: You are the administrator of a company profile. To avoid
having to manage all users one by one, you can adjust the permis-
sions of individual users so that they may manage other users as
The portal interface provides easy access for managing the users.
There are two types of users:
• Account administrator (Admin) - has access to users and devices.
• Supporter - has access to devices.
To view information about all users who have access in the Netop Portal,
on the menu bar click Users. The list of users displays.

Copyright © Netop 2016. All rights reserved | 13 |

Manage Users

Create a new user account

As administrator, you have access to create new user accounts for your
portal organization account.
You should create a user account for each person who remotely supports
devices within your network or administrators in charge of users and
devices management.
To create a new user account:
1. Go to the Users section and click the Add user button.
2. Provide the user’s first and last name, the user credentials (user-
name and password), confirm password and provide the email
address. Optionally, choose a group the user will belong to.

NOTE: The username should have the following format: user-


3. Customize the account permissions for the user using the toggle but-
– Active toggle button – to make the user account active or inac-
– Admin toggle button – to give the user administrative permis-
sions into the Netop Portal.
Figure 1. Create a new user account

4. Click the Save button. The user account is successfully created and it
appears in the Users list.

| 14 | Copyright © Netop 2016. All rights reserved

Manage Users

RECOMMENDATION: User credentials are used to configure the com-

munication profile on both Guest and Host; therefore, for security rea-
sons, we strongly recommend you to create dedicated users assigned to
enroll devices in the Netop Portal.

View User Account Info

To view user account information, in the Users list click on the desired
username. User’s account specific information will be displayed.
Figure 2. User Details

Table 1. User Details

Field Description
First name User’s first name.
Last name User’s last name.
Email The email address to which the user will
receive notifications from the Netop Portal.
Username Unique identifier used to log in.
Group The group the user belongs to.
Status Indicates whether the user can log in the Netop
Portal (is Active) or not (Inactive).
Type Indicates whether the user account has admin

Copyright © Netop 2016. All rights reserved | 15 |

Manage Users

Field Description
Modified The date and time when the user account was
last modified.
Modified by The first and last name of the user who last
modified the user account.

Edit existing user account

NOTE: If you toggle off the Active button, it disables the account so that
the user can no longer log in to the Netop Portal. Disabling does NOT
remove the user account.

To edit an existing user account, in the Users area click on the username
of the user account you want to modify and in the upper right-corner of
the page click the Edit button. The Edit User window displays.
You can modify basic account information (such as: First Name, Last
Name and Email) and you can also modify access permissions (toggle on
or off the Active and Admin buttons to give specific access permissions
within the Netop Portal) and select the groups the user belongs to.
Figure 3. Edit user account

NOTE: You are not allowed to edit the username.

Once you have finished updating user account information and access
permissions, click the Save button and the user account updates are

| 16 | Copyright © Netop 2016. All rights reserved

Manage Users

Remove user account

NOTE: Only an account admin can remove users.

To remove an existing user account, in the Users area click on the user-
name of the user account you want to remove and in the upper right-cor-
ner of the page click the Remove button.
You can also remove an existing user account, from the Users area by
selecting the desired user account and above the content area clicking
the Remove button.

NOTE: To avoid situations when a company may remain without an

admin account, admin users are not allowed to remove their own

A confirmation dialog displays. Click Yes and the selected user account
will be removed.

Remove multiple user accounts

To remove multiple user accounts at once, in the Users area, select the
user accounts you want to remove and above the content area click the
Remove button. A confirmation dialog displays. Click Yes and the selected
user accounts will be removed.

Copyright © Netop 2016. All rights reserved | 17 |


Manage Groups

Netop Portal allows you to group users and devices by specific access per-
1. Create a user group and attach users to the group.
2. Create a device group and attach devices to the group.
3. Add role assignment to define permissions of a user group over a
device group. For more information see "Add role assignment" on
page 27.

Create a new group

To create a group:
1. From either the Users list or Devices list, click the Add group button.
2. Provide the group name and group description and select whether
the group is Active or not.
3. Click the Save button. The group is successfully created.

Navigate groups
You can navigate both users and devices based on existing groups by
clicking the tree structure icon in the upper-left corner of the window:

Copyright © Netop 2016. All rights reserved | 19 |

Manage Groups

Attach users to user groups

NOTE: You can attach users to multiple groups.

To attach users to a user group:

1. Go to the Users section, select the desired user(s) and above the con-
tent area, click the Attach to group button. A window displays.
2. Select the group to which the user(s) will belong to and click the Save

Attach devices to device groups

NOTE: You can attach devices to a group ONLY.

To attach devices to a device group:

1. Go to the Devices section, select the desired device(s) and above the
content area, click the Attach to group button. A window displays.
2. Select the group to which the device(s) will belong to and click the
Save button. The selected devices belong now to this device group.

View group details

View user group details

To view the details of a user group, go to Users, navigate and select the
desired group and above the content area click the Group details button.
From the user group details page, use the buttons in the upper-right cor-
ner of the page to:
• View users. View the users who belong to the group.
• Edit. Edit group details, such as the group name, group status and
• Remove. Remove the group from the Netop Portal.

| 20 | Copyright © Netop 2016. All rights reserved

Manage Groups

View device group details

To view the details of a device group, go to Devices, navigate and select

the desired group and above the content area click the Group details but-
From the device group details page, use the buttons in the upper-right
corner of the page to:
• View devices View the devices which belong to the group.
• Edit. Edit group details, such as the group name, group status and
description. Once you make the group changes click the Save button.
• Remove. Remove the group from the Netop Portal. A confirmation
dialog displays. Click Yes and the group will be removed.

Edit groups
NOTE: If you toggle off the Active button, it disables the group so that
role assignments no longer apply. Disabling does NOT remove the group.

There are two ways to edit group details:

• From the specific listing (Users or Devices) select the group whose
details you want to edit and above the content area click the Edit
button. Modify the group details and click the Save button.
• From the group details page, by clicking the Edit button. For more
information see "View group details" on page 20.

Remove groups
There are two ways to remove a group:
• From the specific listing (Users or Devices) select the group you want
to remove and above the content area click the Remove button. A
confirmation dialog displays. Click Yes and the selected group will be
• From the group details page, by clicking the Remove button. FFor
more information see "View group details" on page 20.

Copyright © Netop 2016. All rights reserved | 21 |


Manage Devices

Once a device has been configured with the Netop Portal credentials and
is online, it will automatically show up in the Netop Portal interface,
Devices section.

Implemented Authentication Mechanisms

This is the list of authentication mechanisms implemented for this
• Default access privileges
• Windows Security Management
• Directory Services
• NSS authentication (all except Netop Authentication, SC, RSA and
For more information on the authentication mechanisms, see the Netop
Remote Control User’s Guide, chapter 5: Dialog box help, section 5.2.4
Guest Access Security.
Authentication based on the dialog triggered by the Host (E.g.: if the Host
is configured with Default access privileges), you will enter remote
control the Host without filling in any credentials.

Copyright © Netop 2016. All rights reserved | 23 |

Manage Devices

Remove devices
NOTE: Only an account admin can remove devices.

To remove devices go to the Devices area, select the devices you want to
remove and above the content area click the Remove button. A confirma-
tion dialog displays. Click Yes and the selected devices will be removed
from the Netop Portal.

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Assign Roles

Roles are a set of permissions which can be applied to a group of users

through Role Assignments.
The permissions defined by roles are applied to users and devices
through role assignments. A role assignment is comprised of a role, a
group of users (Supporters), and a group of devices. User groups (also
known as Supporter Groups) and device groups must be created before
adding new role assignments.

View Predefined Roles

Users with administrator level access to the Portal have access to the
ROLES page by clicking Roles on the menu bar. The ROLES page provides
a listing of the available Roles, their type, name and a short description.
Two role types have been implemented, each representing a specific set
of permissions:
• The Enroll type is limited to registering or unregistering devices
within the Portal. Only users who have been assigned an Enroll role
type have the ability to enroll devices in the Netop Portal with their
Portal username and Portal password.
• The Device role type includes a set of permissions related to remote
control sessions. By clicking on the name of a specific role from the
ROLES page, the user is provided information about the role and the
full list of associated permissions.

Copyright © Netop 2016. All rights reserved | 25 |

Assign Roles

Table 1. Netop Portal Roles

Role Description
Add Devices Allows users to enroll devices in the Netop
Portal. It does not grand any access permis-
sions to devices.
Administrator Provides full access to the remote device
when using the Browser Based Support Con-
sole or an installed Guest.
Engineer Provides keyboard, video and mouse control
through the Browser Based Support Console
or an installed Guest. In addition, those with
an installed Guest have Get Inventory, Chat
and File Transfer permissions enabled.
Manager Provides keyboard, video and mouse control
through the Browser Based Support Console
or an installed Guest. In addition, those with
an installed Guest have Get Inventory, Chat,
File Transfer and Remote Management per-
missions enabled.
Technician Provides keyboard, video and mouse control
through the Browser Based Support Console
or an installed Guest. In addition, those with
an installed Guest have Get Inventory and
Chat permissions enabled.
View Only Allows the Guest user to view the screen of
the Host from the installed Guest software
or from the Browser Based Support Con-
sole. Permissions are restricted to viewing
the screen only, no additional permissions
are provided.
Web Support Provides full access to the Browser Based
Support Console. Access from an installed
Guest is not allowed.

| 26 | Copyright © Netop 2016. All rights reserved

Assign Roles

Add role assignment

To add a role assignment:
1. Go to the Role assignments section and click the Add role assign-
ment button.
2. Provide the role name and make sure that the assignment is enabled.
3. From the appropriate drop-down lists, select the role, the user group
and the device group.
Figure 1. Add Role Assignment

4. Click Save.
In order for a role assignment to govern the permissions of a remote user,
the Netop Host’s Guest Access Security settings must be configured to
Use Netop Portal access rights.
For additional information on Guest Access Security settings within the
Netop Remote Control Host, please refer to the Netop Remote Control
User’s Guide.

Copyright © Netop 2016. All rights reserved | 27 |

Assign Roles

Edit role assignment

NOTE: Disabling the role assignment does not remove it from the Netop

To edit a role assignment:

1. Go to the Role assignments section, select the role assignment you
want to edit and above the content area click the Edit button. You
can modify all settings.
2. Make the desired changes and click Save.

Remove role assignments

To remove role assignments, go to the Role assignments section, select
the items you want to remove and above the content area click the
Remove button. A confirmation dialogue will be displayed. Click Yes and
the selected role assignments are removed from the Netop Portal.

| 28 | Copyright © Netop 2016. All rights reserved


Access Devices

The Access > My devices section lists the online devices on which you
have access permissions as defined by the applied role assignment. For
more information see "Assign Roles" on page 25.

NOTE: For backward compatibility, all existing account users will have
access to all the available devices connected to the portal.

Remote control a device

In order to remote control a device, make sure you are on the Access >
My devices page and click the Connect button corresponding to the
device you want to remote control.
The Netop Browser Based Support Console authentication screen is dis-
played based on security options configured on the Netop Host.
Fill in the password used when configuring the security on the Host and
click the Connect button. The remote controls session on the device is
done directly into the browser. For more information see "Browser-based
Support Console" on page 30.

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Access Devices

Figure 1. Connecting to a device

Browser-based Support Console

Once logged in, the remote support session will provide the access per-
missions as defined by the role assigned in the Netop Portal.
Figure 2. Browser Based Support Console

Keys not captured by the operating system or the browser have been
added to the top menu. These include: System key, CTRL, ALT and SHIFT.
Selecting one of the keys within the console, and then pressing any key
on your keyboard, will trigger the combination of those keys to be sent to

| 30 | Copyright © Netop 2016. All rights reserved

Access Devices

the target device. Once the keyboard key has been released, the button
in browser menu will be unclicked.
To use a key (e.g., ALT) multiple times, simply double-click the button and
the key will stay engaged. Click the button again to release the command.
Figure 3. Keys with different click levels

Using the console, you can send a variety of Windows commands using
the power button options. These include: Logout, Lock, Restart, Shut-
down and CTRL + ALT + DEL.
If the Host has multiple monitors, while in a remote control session, you
can dynamically change the host monitor to be displayed on the screen
by clicking the Monitors icon from the main menu and selecting the
desired monitor.
Other options that are available include:
• Toolbar minimization
• Fullscreen button (if the browser supports it)
• Close session button.

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Add role assignment 29

A Amazon 6
Attach devices to groups 20
Attach users to groups 20
Authentication 7
Authentication mechanisms 24

B Browser-based Support Console 25

Change your password 10

C Create a group 19
Create user account 14
Customize Netop Portal 10

Edit a group 21
E Edit profile 9
Edit role assignment 29
Edit user account 16

Filter information 10
F Forgot password 8

Multiple filters 10
M My account 9

N Navigate groups 19

P Predefined roles 27

Copyright © Netop 2016. All rights reserved | 33 |

R Reload listing and clear filters 11
Remote control a device 23
Remove a group 21
Remove multiple user accounts 17
Remove role assignment 30
Remove user account 16

U User interface 8

View device group details 20

V View group details 20
View user account details 15
View user group details 20

| 34 | Copyright © Netop 2016. All rights reserved 2/23/16

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