A Narratology of Parents Scaffolding Children in The New Normal

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, 2023




http://orcid.org/:0009-0007-4509-03361, http://orcid.org/:0000-0003-1148-27062
joceldivinagracia26@gmail.com1, maryannronith.libago@kcast.edu.ph2
Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology
Maniki, Kapalong, Philippines

DOI: https://doi.org/10.54476/ioer-imrj/173713

This qualitative study employing a narrative research approach aimed to explore the experiences of five
(5) parents from Kapalong West District of Kapalong, Davao del Norte, as they navigated the challenges
of assisting their elementary school children in the new normal setting. Using a narratological approach,
the study delved into the narratives of the participants to identify the causes of their difficulties and the
lessons and reflections gained from their experiences. The findings revealed that the parents were
involved in children’s learning prior to the pandemic and had additional responsibility to teach and assist
children during the new normal. Participants described their journey in teaching their elementary
children as difficult due to insufficient time and children being distracted. Notwithstanding these
difficulties, parents gleaned valuable lessons in cultivating positive connections with their children and
enhancing their patience. They also developed a newfound appreciation for the noble and satisfying
aspects of teaching. This study emphasizes the crucial need to support parents in their evolving roles
as educators, underscoring the significance of comprehending their narratives and perspectives. Such
understanding is vital for enhancing educational outcomes during challenging times and can serve as
a foundation for future initiatives aimed at addressing the concerns of parents navigating the
multifaceted role of a teacher.

Keywords: elementary students, narratology approach, parents, qualitative research, scaffolding

INTRODUCTION of being a teacher to their children. Research

has shown that parents' ability to provide
effective instruction to their children is
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced
associated with children's academic
many parents to assume the role of educators
performance, motivation, and engagement in
for their children, as schools and educational
learning. At the same time, the pandemic has
institutions have had to shift to remote learning.
also brought attention to the crucial part that
This sudden and unexpected change has
parents can play in promoting their children's
presented a range of challenges for parents,
learning and development (Hong & Hong, 2020;
who may have limited teaching experience and
Desimone et al., 2021; Pong & Yee, 2021; Li et
struggle to balance their own work and
al., 2021).
responsibilities with the demands
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
DIVINAGRACIA, J.D., LIBAGO, M.A.R.P., A Narratology of Parents Scaffolding Children in the New Normal,
pp. 88 – 95
In Indonesia, parents are facing In connection with this, research related
challenges in assuming responsibility as to the current situation was conducted. I have
teachers for their children in the comfort of their found studies with regards to the stories of
homes. These difficulties were primarily caused experiences of parents during the pandemic, like
by increasing family expenses, parental stress the study of Hamaidi et al., (2021) entitled
brought on by the pressure to manage “Parents' Perceptions of Their Children's
restrictions, and employment. It supported the Experiences with Distance Learning during the
SMRC research which found that 67% of the COVID-19 Pandemic”, “COVID-19 and Remote
family members surveyed agreed that distance Learning: Experiences of Parents with Children
learning is quite expensive (Lase et al., 2021). during the Pandemic” of Garbe et al., (2020),
and Samoy et al., (2021) study, which is “From
In the Philippines, specifically in Cagayan
Ladle to Chalk and Pencil: Parents in the New
De Oro, a number of sentiments are heard with
Normal of Philippine Education System”.
regard to the paradigm shift of the educational
However, none focused on the narratives of
setting. The use of the mother tongue as the
elementary pupils’ parents since elementary and
main language in the texts of some of the
high school students have different levels of
modules may cause parents problems, as many
capabilities and need guidance.
people can already attest. They also struggle to
balance work, childcare, housework, and Moreover, this study is anchored in the
making time for their child's education. In Role Theory of Ralph Linton (1936), the
addition, they even face difficulties in sharing the Functionalism Theory of William James (1890),
lessons with their children or teaching them and the Scaffolding Theory of Jerome Bruner
subjects that they are unfamiliar with nor good at (1966). These theoretical supports claim the
and subjects that the children are not interested critical role of parents in shaping their children's
in. (Luczon, 2020). learning and development and the importance of
fostering strong and supportive relationships
The sudden and widespread disruptions
between parents and children through assisting.
to daily life caused by the pandemic have
presented a range of challenges for parents,
including balancing work and managing OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
children's emotional and educational needs. This study looked into the narratives of
Additionally, the shift towards remote learning elementary pupil parents in the new normal.
has resulted in a greater dependence on parents Specifically, it sought to give answers to the
as primary educators, and this sudden change following objectives: (1) To describe the journey
has brought new stressors and responsibilities of parents in teaching their elementary children
for parents. By that this prompted me to conduct during the pandemic, and (2) To gather the
a narratological study to narrate, address, and lessons and reflections of the parents in teaching
understand the different narratives of their elementary children during the pandemic.
elementary pupils' parents in the new normal, to
understand the ways in which parents are
supporting their children's learning and METHODOLOGY
development under these difficult This study used a qualitative research
circumstances, as this can have a significant design that employed a narratological approach
impact on children's well-being and academic to empower parents to share their experiences as
outcomes. Furthermore, this could be a voice to teachers in the "new normal" educational system.
speak out their plights, and ideas may be given The goal was to gain an in-depth understanding
to them. In addition, this study may also serve as of the problem, which can only be discovered by
a basis for the concerned educational sectors to speaking with people and letting them tell their
establish programs that would be helpful to own stories without being influenced by what
lessen the heavy load of these parents. people anticipate finding or what they have read
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
DIVINAGRACIA, J.D., LIBAGO, M.A.R.P., A Narratology of Parents Scaffolding Children in the New Normal,
pp. 88 – 95
in the literature (Creswell & Poth, 2016). interview as well. She unlocked her camera to
Moreover, the narratological approach focuses on prove that she was by herself for the entire
understanding the issue through the narratives of interview to support her claim.
a specific group, in this case, parents. The Fifth, a digital copy of the interviews was
researchers played the role of the narrator in a preserved in my personal Google Drive after all
narrative inquiry, and the method was suitable for the data had been acquired. This information was
eliciting the untold stories of parents. The then verbatim recorded in textual form. These
narratological approach was practical for this were then converted to Standard English.
study because it required a low participant Additionally, the researchers arranged the written
requirement and allowed for an exploration of transcripts according to the study's research
subjective experiences (Connelly & topics. All significant data, whether in paper form
Clandinin,1990). or a digital format, were safely stored to establish
First, the researchers made sure that the the traceability of the results throughout a three-
manuscript was examined by the technical review year period. Paper copies of the transcripts were
panel and the research adviser before the study kept in a safe cabinet, while digital copies were
was carried out. Then, the researchers secured a encrypted and maintained in Google Drive. When
validation of the interview guide to conduct the the time restriction had passed, digital copies
study. would be deleted from the internet and trash
Second, through the use of purposeful cans, whereas physical copies would be burned
sampling, individuals were identified in this study. to the point where it would be impossible to
The researchers explained the investigation to recover the data.
them and were asked to digitally sign the Lastly, the investigation data were
informed consent form to show they were aware subjected to a thematic analysis. The researchers
of all the study's requirements and participating may now begin gathering the stories of the
voluntarily. The major players used their separate important research participants. The researchers
electronic signatures to sign or complete the form. paid close attention to the recurring narrative
Third, a video chat was used to inform the elements that emerged from the wide range of
five participants about the study's purpose, participant accounts.
protocol design, and rights and privileges as key In addition, the collected and acquired data
participants, including the right to confidentiality in this study were presented and analyzed
and the freedom to withdraw from the through coding and thematic analysis. Coding is
investigation. In order to gather data, they were the technique that evaluates qualitative text data
also requested to take part in an in-depth by disassembling it to see what it produces before
interview in which each person was questioned reassembling it considerably (Creswell, 2015). In
separately. this narratology investigation, coding was used to
Fourth, the researchers assembled the arrange and categorize the key meanings found
resources required for the in-depth interview (IDI). in the data. Moreover, thematic analysis was
The researchers developed the interview guide used by the researchers in this study as a method
questions approved by the technical panels. The of data analysis and interpretation. According to
IDI sessions were carried out online. Google Meet Caulfield (2019), thematic analysis is the best
and Messenger were the online services used. method for assessing qualitative data. This
Additionally, a laptop, a steady Wi-Fi usually applies to a collection of texts, such as
connection, an audio recorder, and the interview interview transcripts. Major themes have also
guide questions were the tools used in this been developed in accordance with the accepted
investigation. To ensure that only the researchers research questions. This matched the two (2)
and the key participants could hear their chat on approved research topics. This was done to
an internet platform, they used earbuds, provide readers with more information about the
headphones, or headsets. They were assured participants' notable narratives.
that the researchers were alone during the
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
DIVINAGRACIA, J.D., LIBAGO, M.A.R.P., A Narratology of Parents Scaffolding Children in the New Normal,
pp. 88 – 95
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION and punishment system to maintain discipline
and motivation in her child’s learning process.
1. Journey of Parents in Teaching their Narrative of Rizze
Elementary Children During the Pandemic
Before the pandemic, Rizze, a mother of
Narrative of Amie two, had limited involvement in her children's
Amie, a 31-year-old mother of two education due to her work as a laborer. When the
elementary school children, faced a challenging pandemic shifted classes to distance learning,
journey during the pandemic when she taught her she took on the role of her children's primary
children. Before the pandemic, she rarely got educator despite her household and farm work.
involved in their learning, relying on teachers and Rizze adapted her teaching methods to her
her own busy work schedule. However, when the children's capabilities, used resourcefulness in
pandemic hit and her children's progress slowed her lessons, and sought assistance from her
due to remote learning, she felt compelled to take children's teacher when necessary. However, her
responsibility for their education. Despite her time was limited due to her work, and her
limited interaction with their teachers, she children's distractions, such as technology and
adapted to teaching her children, using creative the desire to play, challenged her teaching efforts.
methods like posting letters and syllables on the
wall for them to read and memorize. She tailored Narrative of Lynne
her approach to each child's needs and actively
sought to understand unfamiliar topics. However, Lynne, a mother of two elementary
her efforts were hindered by time constraints and children, has been actively involved in her
her children's occasional laziness. Additionally, children’s education, offering assistance with their
financial constraints made it challenging to studies, even before the pandemic. When the
provide materials for certain school projects, shift to distance learning occurred due to the
putting a strain on their resources. pandemic, she took on the additional
responsibility of teaching her children more
Narrative of Joana regularly. She adopted different teaching
approaches for each child, monitoring one’s
Parent Joana, a college student, had
progress and providing one-on-one tutoring for
limited involvement in her daughter’s academics
the other, recognizing their individual needs and
before the pandemic. However, when the
attention spans. Lynne encountered challenges
pandemic led to distance learning, Joana took on
related to time management and struggled with
the additional responsibility of teaching and
patience but used various methods, including
assisting her daughter. She adopted various
incorporating games into lessons and seeking
strategies, such as checking her daughter’s work,
assistance from teachers and family members, to
answering activities, and seeking help from the
ensure her children’s education. Financial
teacher when she encountered difficulties.
constraints also posed challenges for certain
Managing her time became a challenge due to
activities that required materials.
her studies and household chores, limiting her
ability to teach her child regularly. Joana faced
Narrative of Aly
the added challenge of keeping her daughter
focused, as she often got distracted by Aly, a mother of two school-aged children,
technology and the desire to play. This tested has long been involved in her children's learning
Joana’s patience, and she resorted to a reward journey, checking their assignments and progress
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
DIVINAGRACIA, J.D., LIBAGO, M.A.R.P., A Narratology of Parents Scaffolding Children in the New Normal,
pp. 88 – 95
each day after school. However, when the effective time manager, patient, and
pandemic shifted education to distance learning, knowledgeable. Joana emphasized that children
she took on the additional responsibility of being look up to their parents as role models, so it’s
their primary teacher. She assists her children by crucial to portray positive attitudes. She
monitoring their work and providing guidance recognized her need to improve her time
when needed, but she sometimes struggles with management skills and urged others to prioritize
the complexity of certain lessons. Aly seeks help tasks. Additionally, Joana stressed the value of
from her children's teachers and understands the patience in motivating children and emphasized
importance of tapping into their expertise. Despite the responsibility of parents to provide accurate
her dedication, she faces challenges due to information when teaching their children. She
limited time, children's moods, distractions gained a deeper appreciation for the teaching
(particularly technology), and financial profession, realizing teachers' challenges in
constraints. handling multiple students. Despite the
difficulties, Joana found her journey as a parent-
2. Lessons And Reflections of Parents in
teacher rewarding and filled with valuable lessons
Teaching Their Elementary Children
and reflections.
During the Pandemic
Narrative of Rizze
Narrative of Amie
After teaching and guiding her children for
During the pandemic, Amie took on the role some time, the parent feels a sense of
of teaching her two sons, and she celebrated her accomplishment and pride in their progress,
achievements in teaching them to read in both particularly in reading and math. She views these
Filipino and English. Through this journey, she achievements as the result of her efforts over the
learned valuable lessons about parental past year and two. Alongside these
responsibility, time management, patience, and achievements, she has also gained valuable
the importance of building a connection with her lessons from her teaching experience,
children. She acknowledged the challenges of
emphasizing the importance of responsibility,
teaching, especially when she encountered
effective time management, patience, and
content that was difficult to understand,
emphasizing the importance of accurate teaching. emotional connection with children for elementary
Amie also noted differences between children parents. She recognizes the challenges and
taught by teachers and those taught by parents, adjustments teachers face and has a newfound
pointing out that teachers provide more concrete appreciation for the teaching profession, even
knowledge and interactive experiences. Despite though she acknowledges her own shortcomings
the challenges, she gained a deep appreciation for in terms of patience and temperament during the
the teaching profession and found great teaching journey.
satisfaction in seeing her children’s improvements
and positive feedback. Narrative of Lynne
While navigating the challenges of
Narrative of Joana
teaching her children during the pandemic, Lynne
After a year or two of teaching her child learned valuable lessons about her attitude and
during the pandemic, Joana celebrated the parenting approach. She emphasized the
progress she saw in her daughter’s reading skills importance of emotionally understanding and
and English vocabulary, attributing it to her connecting with children, as it builds trust,
teaching and discipline. She highlighted the attention, and motivation. Lynne also highlighted
importance of being a responsible parent, the significance of starting the day positively by
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
DIVINAGRACIA, J.D., LIBAGO, M.A.R.P., A Narratology of Parents Scaffolding Children in the New Normal,
pp. 88 – 95
expressing affection and compliments rather than RECOMMENDATIONS
scolding early in the morning. Quality time spent
This study provides key insights for
with children, even in simple ways, was another
education authorities, highlighting parents'
key aspect she valued. Additionally, Lynne
challenges in the current educational landscape.
gained a deep appreciation for the teaching
Recommendations include supporting parents
profession, understanding the teachers'
through online training, workshops, and tailored
commitment to prioritizing the welfare of their
learning plans. The study emphasizes the
students, and she found satisfaction in the
importance of strengthened connections between
experience of teaching her own children, viewing
administrators, teachers, and parents for a more
it as an opportunity for personal growth and
supportive learning environment. By
understanding her children better.
understanding parents' needs, it suggests that
Narrative of Aly teachers can offer targeted support for effective
child education. The research serves as a
Aly, a parent who assumed the role of
foundation for future studies, encouraging the
teaching her children during the pandemic,
exploration of parents' experiences and further
achieved significant progress in her children's
investigations into teaching methods and
learning. Her children excelled in reading and collaborative approaches in the new normal.
math despite various challenges. Aly emphasized
the importance of being well-prepared, patient, REFERENCES
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pp. 88 – 95
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Exchange, 14(2), 1-19. AUTHORS’ PROFILE
Jocel D. Divinagracia
Linton, R. (1936). The study of man: An introduction. achieved the milestone of
Appleton-Century. graduating with a degree in
https://www.worldcat.org/title/1452876 Bachelor of Elementary
Luczon, N. (2020). NorMin teachers, parents share Education-Generalist from
concerns, optimism in 'new normal'. Philippine Kapalong College of
News Agency. Agriculture, Sciences, and
https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1117180 Technology (KCAST). Her remarkable
academic journey is molded with her invaluable
Parse, R. R. (1990). Parse’s research methodology
and meaningful engagement in various research
with an illustration of the lived experience of hope.
Nursing Science Quarterly, 3(1), 9–17.
undertakings. Foremost, she finished her
https://doi.org/10.1177/089431849000300106 undergraduate research individually during her
junior years, and she presented such in various
Pong, S. L., & Yee, J. (2021). Parental involvement in local, national, and international research
learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: A review conventions. Her commitment and dedication in
of the literature. Journal of Children and Media,
these scholarly activities have definitely helped
15(2), 208-222.
her to become academically well-rounded,

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

DIVINAGRACIA, J.D., LIBAGO, M.A.R.P., A Narratology of Parents Scaffolding Children in the New Normal,
pp. 88 – 95
forging together the discipline, consistency, and
academic excellence that she learned from
writing her undergraduate research.

Mary Ann Ronith P. Libago,

LPT, MAEd., finished her
Bachelor of Secondary
Education Major
in English in Kapalong
College of Agriculture,
Sciences and Technology
(KCAST) last April 2018. She graduated her
master’s degree at St. Mary’s College of Tagum,
Inc. in this academic year 2020-2021. She is also
finishing her degree in Doctor of Philosophy in
Education major in Applied Linguistics from the
University of the Immaculate Conception (UIC).
She has been a faculty member of KCAST since
2018. She continued to widen her specialization
by attending and completing numerous trainings
and seminars conducted by CHED, PAFTE and
other sponsoring organizations in the field of
education, research, and training.


Copyright of this article is retained by the

author/s, with first publication rights granted to
IIMRJ. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution – Noncommercial 4.0
International License (http://creative

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

DIVINAGRACIA, J.D., LIBAGO, M.A.R.P., A Narratology of Parents Scaffolding Children in the New Normal,
pp. 88 – 95

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