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A Quantitative Research Submitted to the Faculty of

Surigao Del Norte National High School
Senior High School Department
Penaranda St. Surigao City

In Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Inquiry, Investigation & Immersion
And Practical Research 1

Submitted to:
Irene Alcantara

Romy Fernandez Jr.
Daryll John N. Sinajon
Marvin R. Lagbas
Aldred Hewe
Aian P. linaga
Boyet Sitoy Borja
Arce Cordita
Dave Abude

March 20,2024

Chapter I


Background of the Study

Electricity is used in many ways such as lighting, cooling, heating and it isuse to
power or drive electrical equipment and machines. Electricity helps tofacilitate
economic development and it is a well-known fact that electricity isessential to
everyday life, without it life will be boring both at home and at thework place.
Electricity passes more easily through some materials than others.Some
substances such as metals generally offer very low resistance to the flowof
electric current and such materials are called “conductors.” Another
conductorwhich is usually overlooked is the surface or subsurface of the earth.
Whileinsulator materials offer high resistance to the flow of electric current
among theexamples are rubber, dry wood, plastic and clothing (Bakshi, and
Bakshi, 2009).Electricity normally travels in closed circuits, through a conductor,
butsometimes a person’s body which is an efficient conductor of electricity
mistakenly becomes part of the electric circuit. This can lead to an electrical
shock. Electric shocks occur when a person’s body completes the current
pathhaving both wires of an electric circuit, one wire of an energized circuit,
theground and a metal part that accidentally becomes energized due to a break
inits insulation oranother “conductor” that is carrying a
current(Floyd,Rogers,andUzoka,2008). Circuit protection is very important in any
electrical installation as itprevent fire hazards. Circuit protection limit or stop the
passage of currentautomatically in the event of an overload, ground fault, or
short circuit in the wiring system.

Grounding in an electrical system means intentionally providing alow-resistance

path that connects to the earth. This prevents the accumulation ofvoltages that
could cause an electrical accident in an installation. Grounding isnormally a
secondary protective measure to protect against electric shock and itdoes not
completely guarantee the person from a shock or be injured or killed byan
electrical current (Seip, 2000).Despite the important of electricity in day to day
life, Electricity is oftenreferred to as a “silent killer” because it cannot be tasted,
seen, heard, orsmelled. It is essentially invisible. It is a destroyer of properties if
not handle withrespect. Electricity is invisible in nature and it is long recognized as
a serioushazard at residential, commercial areas, institutions of learning and other
places.Cadick, Capelli-Schellpferffer and Neitzel (2006) said that in the late
1800s,hotels had to place signs assuring their guests that electricity is harmless,
but bylate 1900s, signs had to be hung to remind people that electricity is a
hazard.MacKinnon, (2010) said that the presence of electricity is increasing in
modernlive and we ought to know that more electricity usage means more
potentialelectrical hazards.Thus, the researchers are motivated to study the effect
of hazards and
risks in EIM students’ performance in Surigao Del Norte National High

Statement of the Problem

The goal of this study is to determine the effects of hazards and risks inelectrical
installation and maintenance in the performance of EIM students in Surigao Del
Norte National High School. Specifically it strives to

answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the students when analyzed by:

1.1 Gender;
1.2 Age; and
1.3 Section?
2.What are the effect of the hazards and risks in students’ performance when
analyzed by:
2.1 Confidence;
2.2 Academic?
3. Is there a significant difference between the effects of hazards and risks
instudents’ performance?

Hypothesis of the Study

There is no significant difference between the effects of hazards and risks in

students’ performance.

Conceptual Framework
Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the hazards and risks

in the students’ performance. The study considers the students personal

information such as their name, gender, and age.The researcher limits the study
to 38 EIM students only here in Surigao Del Norte National High School of school

year 2023-2024. Each of the students is given a questionnaire to answer. The

respondents are selected from students in EIM to prevent bias and get objective


Significance of the Study

The study is to expect to be beneficial of the following:

Students - the result of this study will be a great help to the students for them
toknow the hazards and risks to improve their skills.

Teacher - the result of this study will be a great advantage to the teachers,
itenable them to help the students determine hazards and risks in doing their

Research- the result of the study will be a great opportunity to the researchersfor
them to be knowledgeable enough about hazards and risks.Thus, this is
considered that this study would contribute useful informationto mitigate the
problem of students in performing installation

Definition of Terms

Academic - is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has

achievedtheir short or long-term educational goals.
Confidence - as a state of being certain either that a hypothesis or prediction
iscorrect or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective.

Electrical - operated by electricity and providing electricity

Electrician - is a tradesperson specializing in electrical wiring of building,stationary

machines, and related equipment

Hazards - are an agent which has the potential to cause harm to a


Installation - a ceremony in which someone is put in an official or important job

and something that’s is put together and made ready for use

Maintenance - maintaining a electrical tools

Performance - in terms of student achievement using a variety of measure,

bothstatus and growth related

Risk - is a risk to a person of death, shock or. Other injury caused directly
orindirectly by electricity

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