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) You are the chairperson of Karnataka state youth commission report to prime minister on impact of
adoption of AI in job market and implications for future employment and skills (500-1000 words)

Your Name
Chairperson of Karnataka State Youth Commission

Date:21st March,2024
Shri Narendra Modi

Dear Prime Minister,

Ai is a simulation of human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities through
computers and machines. Few good examples of AI are generative Ai such as ChatGPT
and CoPilot, image recognition like Image FX, virtual assistants such as SIRI, Alexa etc.
Ai with its rapid advancements and integration into several sectors of the economy is
completely reshaping the traditional system. The earlier employee dominated sectors are
now witnessing an increasing rise in the number of tools available to do many tasks
automatically and with greater efficiency. Karnataka is an example of a state which,
earlier dominated by the agriculture sector, has now become a front runner in terms of the
IT sector and artificial intelligence.
Karnataka has rolled out an AI powered portal to help aspirants find jobs. With
availability of over 7500 jobs the portal has allowed aspirants to undergo psychometric
assessments which has in turn helped them land better jobs.
The ITC Hotels chain, a famous Indian hotel chain which provides hospitality to tourists
from around the world.
Ask Disha is an artificial intelligence machine learning and NLP based virtual assistant
which helps users perform various tasks like various transactions like end-to-end train
bookings, payments, cancellations etc. Though AI has had its contributions, people are
still seen to have differing opinions on it.

The advent of AI has been beneficial to many sectors while also detrimental to some due
to their redundant nature. This has stirred amongst the common public the notion of AI
being just another “nuke,” having a malignant impact on the common public while also
representing a great technological feat.
In 2023 the gross IT hiring addition has hit an all time low of 14 percent down from a 40
percent peak in the first quarter of 2022. The Indian IT sector has witnessed a decrease in
27% of the available jobs.
However, a simultaneous job transition is also being seen, with the introduction of AI
specific jobs such as data scientist, machine learning engineer, business intelligence
developers and AI engineers as well as another branch of AI being introduced in many
top colleges of the country such as NITK.
Expert analysts foresee the country will witness 11 million job vacancies in these sectors
by 2026, moreover the upscaling in the data science domain has significantly increased
by 46% since 2019 further backing the predictions.

It can be concluded that AI has caused both disruption and adaptation, with
challenges like the digital divide coupled with social unrest balanced by the
potential of AI to revolutionize traditional sectors like agriculture,
healthcare, and education.
The youth of Karnataka, being tech-savvy and adaptable, are both beneficiaries and challengers
of AI adoption. While AI offers opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship, it also
presents challenges in terms of job competition and skill gaps. It is imperative to empower the
youth with the skills and knowledge required to leverage AI technologies for economic growth
and societal advancement.

AI has the potential to exacerbate existing inequalities if not implemented thoughtfully. There is a risk
of widening the digital divide, wherein individuals lacking access to AI education and resources are left
behind. To ensure inclusive growth, concerted efforts must be made to democratize AI education, bridge
the digital divide, and create opportunities for marginalized communities.

To harness the benefits of AI while mitigating its adverse effects, the following policy recommendations
are proposed:
- Establish AI education and training programs at all educational levels to equip the workforce with
relevant skills.
- Foster collaboration between government, academia, and industry to drive AI research and innovation.
- Implement policies to promote the responsible and ethical use of AI, including data privacy protection
and algorithmic transparency.
- Prioritize the development of AI infrastructure, including high-speed internet access and digital
literacy initiatives, to ensure equitable access to AI technologies.
In conclusion, the adoption of artificial intelligence in Karnataka presents both opportunities and
challenges for employment and skills development. With strategic planning, investment in education and
infrastructure, and a focus on inclusive growth, Karnataka can emerge as a global leader in the AI-driven
With aid from the central government, new projects can be started in Karnataka focusing on making the
youth familiar with advancements in the field of artificial intelligence, giving them a competitive edge for
their future employment.
Yours sincerely,

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