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When it comes to conducting research, one of the essential components is a literature review.

critical aspect of academic writing involves examining and evaluating existing scholarly works
related to a particular topic. However, delving into the world of literature reviews can be a daunting
task for many researchers.

Writing a literature review on facial expressions is no exception. It requires an extensive search

through various academic databases, journals, books, and other reputable sources to gather relevant
information. Additionally, synthesizing the findings and organizing them coherently can be

Researchers often face difficulties in identifying the most pertinent studies, extracting key findings,
and analyzing the data effectively. Moreover, ensuring that the literature review remains focused and
aligned with the research objectives requires careful attention to detail.

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Is it warm, authentic, humorless, mocking, or cruel. Heavy eyelashes gleaned camouflage from their
meager surroundings. Well my characters were nodding so much, they were like bobbleheads. ??
Glad you like it, Karoline. Rebecca Noskeau Facial Expression Recognition Facial Expression
Recognition Rupinder Saini Facial Expression Recognition Using Local Binary Pattern and Support
Vector M. Ratings were provided by 247 individuals who were characteristic of untrained research
participants from North America. Plus, should you have indicated what could have been done better
to help you, it would have been added to the discourse for those of us who read the comments, and
might also have found the extra information helpful to us as well. (AND, I am aware that this post is
marked Anonymous.) Reply Anonymous says: June 29, 2020 at 6:07 pm Thank you for this. I am
now writing again, but your blog has given me inspiration for new plots and for honing my own
skills. Even the corners of his mouth seemed to fight against his normally stoic expression, betraying
how he really felt.”. I always end up making up the same expressions for all the carachters and well
you know that is not so good.! I couldnt find anything about jestures and body language, I ended up
at the same things I was already writing about. Calder, A. and Young, A. (2005) Understanding the
recognition of facial identity and facial. The DBNs give access to logical and organized probabilistic
framework which represents spatial and temporal data related to facial expressions and to make
possible a selection of the most informative visual elements from the information gathered (Zhang
and Ji, 2003). Terms and Conditions Discover more from BRYN DONOVAN Subscribe now to keep
reading and get access to the full archive. In a discussion by Ekman, (as quoted by Dalgeish and
Power, 1999) he pointed out that universal expressions of emotion “is the connection between
particular facial configurations and specific emotions”. Tears distort vision, so if you’re writing in the
first person, don’t forget that your character’s vision will be blurry. Johansson's face is a generative
filmic object with which to interrogate the normative conditions of the face in contemporary digital
culture. Reply Rania Tal says: September 9, 2017 at 7:53 pm This is so helpful. Great help for writers
when we’re experience brain freeze for something new and fresh. Reply wordsaremylifeblood says:
April 21, 2015 at 8:03 pm Reblogged this on To My Imagination and Beyond and commented: For
future writers, aspiring authours, and word lovers in general, a helpful guide to describing facial
expressions. Properties Leave a Reply Cancel reply This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This
means that I can smile if I feel happy, but also that the simple smile increases the chances that I am
happy. Human Communication is a combination of both verbal and non-verbal. Color information is
not incorporated in multilinear image analysis. The studies above emphasize that there are different
models which may be used in order to measure and understand facial expressions. A Literature
review on Facial Expression Recognition Techniques. Check it out! Thank you so much for reading,
and happy writing. A smile it is received so effectively that activates our mirror neurons, increasing
the likelihood of having a smile in our turn, and therefore putting ourselves in proactive conditions
(Keysers 2010). Sculpted face. Hawk-like nose. Fine platinum hair wisping out behind.
Microexpressions can also be a good way of indicating that a character is lying. I so frequently find
myself struggling with new ways to say he smiled, etc. Through their analyses, they were able to
establish that Eastern observers use culture-specific decoding method which inadequately
distinguishes universal facial expressions like fear and disgust.
Properties Leave a Reply Cancel reply This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. True happiness is
expressed with the eyes, so when a person smiles without showing it in their eyes, it comes across as
cold and ingenuine. Reply silentgirl01 says: July 30, 2019 at 7:20 am Wish I could see it. Even the
corners of his mouth seemed to fight against his normally stoic expression, betraying how he really
felt.”. Kathern says: July 3, 2018 at 7:26 pm Great list, exstremely helpful thanks. I actually tried to
make a printable version of one of the lists, come to think of it, but it didn’t come out well and
people complained. I did a follow-up post on gestures and body language. ?? Reply ladyelasa says:
April 15, 2015 at 12:25 pm This is going to be really handy. But 2D filtering operation is needed to
be applied to a 3D array, which is complex. How do you feel? What would be going through your
mind. Reply Rania Tal says: September 9, 2017 at 7:53 pm This is so helpful. Human
Communication is a combination of both verbal and non-verbal. Wonderful! I consider myself as a
bit of a writer (in my spare time, although I hope to make a career of it someday) and I just love
working with facial expressions. I’ve found the list very helpful and now with the update it will be
even more useful. Reply R.J.Foster says: February 15, 2016 at 2:08 pm Hello Bryn, I have four
finished manuscripts, the first is at the publishers. When a character is truly heartbroken, their
expression may change to be more numb: their mouth may hang open loosely, their eyes may remain
closed, and the rest of their body may become limp and heavy. Reply bryndonovan says: April 10,
2015 at 6:16 am Thanks so much for sharing. TPCF can effectively recognize the facial expressions
under different. Although these usually last a fraction of a second, you can use them to tip readers
off to how the character is really feeling. There are various application programs which use Facial
Expression to evaluate human character, feelings, judgment, and viewpoint. The hard constraints on
the scene processing and recording conditions set a limited robustness to the analysis. Expand 2
Highly Influential PDF 11 Excerpts Save Human Facial Expression Recognition using Gabor Filter
Bank with Minimum Number of Feature Vectors P. Thanks again from down under Warren Stainless
Steel Reply Bryn Donovan says: April 25, 2019 at 6:48 am So glad you liked the list. Various feature
extraction techniques have been developed for recognition of expressions from static images as well
as real time videos. Consequently, Zhang and Ji (2003) have taken advantage of DBNs and other
sensory information in order to allow a well-rounded analysis of facial expressions. Imagine the
setting, and read the dialogue out loud. And if the brain has also evolved to optimize the
classification of expressions, then it should be efficient in the interpretation of information from the
transmitter (Smith, Cottrell, Gosselin, and Schyns, 2005). The database is gender balanced consisting
of 24 professional actors, vocalizing lexically-matched statements in a neutral North American
accent. In a study by Smith, Cottrell, Gosselin, and Schyns (2005), they sought to assess the human
face as a transmitter of expression signals and the brain as a decoder of these signals. A Literature
review on Facial Expression Recognition Techniques. The cognitive processing of an event or my
psychophysiological response. Expand 29 Highly Influential 6 Excerpts Save A Facial Expression
Classification System Integrating Canny, Principal Component Analysis and Artificial Neural
Network L. H. Thai N. Nguyen Tran Son Hai Computer Science ArXiv 2011 TLDR This research
proposes a novel approach using Canny, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Artificial Neural
Network for Facial Expression Classification and shows the feasibility of this method.
However, it feels so much more authentic to a reader if they can figure out how a character is feeling
based on the descriptions you give about their facial features. The Gabor filtering is considered as
one of the most important feature extraction technique in facial. Reply lovessiamese says: December
27, 2015 at 3:39 pm Reblogged this on TheKingsKidChronicles and commented: A master list of
facial expressions. Reply robert says: December 3, 2015 at 12:50 pm Such fun and yet so valuable
finding this gem. Some of these aren’t exactly words to describe facial expressions, but they’re
useful for dialogue tags. The expression for surprise looks different, and although nervousness is
often a precursor to fear, they are not the same. If a character is angry, they are going to move
deliberately and with confidence. Expand 3 Save Facial Expression Recognition Using Fuzzy Art J.
It is associated with a sense of superiority and apathy. Hey, some people don’t read a book for years
at a time, so you’re way ahead of them. Frex, shoulders can droop, a body can go suddenly rigid,
hands can shake, fists can clench, feet can kick at some inanimate object, chests can twitch with
suppressed laughter, arms can flex to show strength, only don’t overuse the latter. Gabor filter bank
performs better in terms of recognition rate than the other methods. Reply Anonymous says:
February 21, 2020 at 10:10 pm This is really wonderful, but it would be awesome if you also divided
them up by emotion rather than portion of the face:DD Reply Pingback. Specific variations may be
seen in instances of extreme opposite reactions, such as anger, disgust, sadness, and fear. Human
Communication is a combination of both verbal and non-verbal. The Bayesian network is used to
encode the dependencies among the variables. Thank you for this post, I think it will be a great
resource moving forward. Expand PDF Save 15 References Citation Type Has PDF Author More
Filters More Filters Filters Sort by Relevance Sort by Most Influenced Papers Sort by Citation Count
Sort by Recency A literature survey on Facial Expression Recognition using Global Features
Vaibhavkumar J. Dagleish, T and Power, M. (1999) Handbook of Cognition and Emotion. I know for
sure this will help me write. ?? At the bottom of the page I noticed that you mentioned your writing
a book coming out with more master lists. Through their analyses, they were able to establish that
Eastern observers use culture-specific decoding method which inadequately distinguishes universal
facial expressions like fear and disgust. Reply Louise says: August 26, 2015 at 10:25 pm I was stuck
on disbelief for the hero’s expression, but it just wasn’t quite right. Since these gestures and facial
expressions have so much to do with a person's individuality, I wanted to know how it could affect
me in different ways. There are so many good ones it blows my mind trying to think which one I
should use, sometimes I just want to use them all. They have pointed out the importance of an
approach to face perception which would emphasize the different physical properties of the different
facial characteristics. Chitra Geeta Nijhawan Computer Science 2016 TLDR Facial expression
analysis is a remarkable and demanding problem, and impacts significant applications in various
fields like human-computer interaction and data-driven animation, where facial representation based
on statistical local features, Local Binary Patterns (LBP) is practically assessed. Maintaining eye
contact when speaking indicates interest. Nancy Andres, author of “Colors of Joy: A Woman’s
Guide for Self-Discovery, Balance, and Bliss.” Reply Sue Rich says: January 1, 2018 at 10:19 pm
Your blog couldn’t have come at a better time for me. The major limitation of gabor filter is its
bandwidth limitation ie. In one instance, it may actually be the message which is interpreted when
gazing into the face of the other person or it may actually be the feelings, the biological changes, the
memories that the person is experiencing which is creating the expression.
Metrology Measurements and All units PPT Metrology Measurements and All units PPT
Biochemical Thermodynamics for Biotechnology Biochemical Thermodynamics for Biotechnology A
Literature review on Facial Expression Recognition Techniques 1. Motion Energy. Computer Vision
Proceedings International Conference. Consequently, their study revealed that as Easterners
concentrated on their eyes, the researchers often came up with inaccurate and ambiguous
information. Facial expression recognition needs different factors like pose, lighting, expressions to
be considered. Smith, M., Cottrell, G., Gosselin, F., Schyns, P. (2005) Research Report: Transmitting
and. Higher the recognition rate, greater the performance. If you want tips for writing about
nervousness, check out my other article: How to Write a Nervous Character. Crying usually isn’t a
pretty sight, so don’t be afraid to show that the character’s face is red or that their nose is running.
I’m so glad the Master Lists for Writer s book is helpful. Reply Aqthas says: December 30, 2016 at
9:19 pm Thxs.So that I can improve the writing skills proficiency. Reply Kelly Abell says: July 11,
2015 at 6:40 am Reblogged this on writewithkelly and commented: I was quietly reflecting this
morning and just glancing at Pinterest (yeah, right!) and found this wonderful blog post. All
recordings are made freely available under a Creative Commons license and can be downloaded at
Download Free PDF View PDF Exploring the space of emotional faces of subjects without acting
experience Zsofia Ruttkay The current state of semi-automated facial animation demands better
understanding of how facial expressions are produced by real people. The authors attempted to
understand facial expressions by using a probabilistic framework by combining the DBNs with the
facial action units (FAUs) from a psychological point of view. Thank you for this post, I think it will
be a great resource moving forward. I have to re-blog this one since this list is awesome. Reply Alice
Woodrome says: February 10, 2016 at 4:20 pm Thanks for the added expressions. For achieving
greater performance, another technique called Gabor Filer. Various psychology journals shall be used
in order to explain and evaluate these facial expressions. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full
PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Historically, when
these forms have applied their rationality to the body, they have exerted a method of control or
discipline that combines normative judgments with hierarchical observation to produce power. I’ve
been using The Emotion Thesaurus, but this list gives me more fuel for those exasperating times
when I need an action beat and can’t think of anything new to say. The increasingly refined
investigation methods allowed the definition of increasingly precise and effective muscle patterns.
While intense staring is interpreted as aggression, shifty eyes that can’t hold a gaze are interpreted as
the person being insincere. Reply lovessiamese says: December 27, 2015 at 3:39 pm Reblogged this
on TheKingsKidChronicles and commented: A master list of facial expressions. Get start with
Machine Learning and Vertexai Get start with Machine Learning and Vertexai sahana sri D
AD21046 SELF INTRODUCTION.pdf sahana sri D AD21046 SELF INTRODUCTION.pdf Power
System - Types of Power Plants overview Power System - Types of Power Plants overview
Microstrip Bandpass Filter Design using EDA Tolol such as keysight ADS and An. Much
appreciated. Richard. Reply Bryn Donovan says: February 16, 2016 at 12:50 pm R.J., four
manuscripts is impressive no matter what. Even there were whole branches of research aimed at
understanding the difference between authentic emotions and simulated emotions (Porter and
Brinke, 2008). Zhang, Y. and Ji, Q. (2003) Facial Expression Understanding in Image Sequences
Using. Lu Haibo Li Ning Sun Qi Ge Computer Science KSII Trans. Well, since you made it to this
article, you probably aren’t like other writers.
Essa, I. and Pentland, A. (1995) Facial Expression Recognition using a Dynamic Model and. Gabor
filter bank performs better in terms of recognition rate than the other methods. Reply felicialooi1015
says: April 9, 2015 at 6:47 am Reblogged this on Am Felicia. As such, visualizations of suffering are
invariably caught up in the politics of what it is to count as human, or not, what it is to witness, and
what it is to respond in the name of humanity. Higher the recognition rate, greater the performance. I
have written and published several books, but after be struck with an illness, then the loss of my
husband, I just stopped writing for several years. Reply bryndonovan says: May 28, 2015 at 3:48 pm
Thank you so much. Building on work in the fields of art history, cinema studies, and surveillance
studies, which have long established a technological interest in the human face, we move this critical
discourse on by locating in contemporary popular culture, and Hollywood narrative cinema in
particular, anxieties about, and play with, the face as a new kind of digital object. In particular, the
recent films of Scarlett Johansson tell stories about the face as made by and in relation to digital
technology, but also in relation to discourses of celebrity, whiteness, and femininity. That is most
evident with jumpscares, like in haunted houses or video games (or if something suddenly traumatic
happens in front of your character), but there are instances in which the expression can linger. Index
Terms— Automatic facial expression recognition, Social Intelligence, Human-Computer interaction.
Thanks so much for the kind words, and thanks for reading! Reply R.J. Foster. says: February 15,
2016 at 11:11 pm Hello again Bryn, don’t be too taken by the four manuscripts. Wonderful! I
consider myself as a bit of a writer (in my spare time, although I hope to make a career of it
someday) and I just love working with facial expressions. Conventional facial expression recognition
techniques like PCA, LDA etc uses only the luminance. That’s bananas. ?? Reply Anonymous says:
April 16, 2019 at 10:00 pm Thanks a lot Bryn !?, I’ve been planning to write a fantasy novel since
school, and ” show don’t tell” was giving me nightmares, especially since English is foreign language
for me, this helped a lot!!.lots of love. Reply Anonymous says: April 23, 2019 at 3:04 am You have
done it again Bryn. Reply Bryn Donovan says: February 13, 2021 at 9:15 am Hi Thea. They could
lash out to defend themself, run away from the perceived threat, or simply freeze in place. For
achieving greater performance, another technique called Gabor Filer. Expand 52 Highly Influential 4
Excerpts Save Edge-based Facial Feature Extraction Using Gabor Wavelet and Convolution Filters
R. I was a fairly good writer before, a slight cut above the rest, people always asking me to write to
write some sort of story for them (usually a Fan-Fic type of thing) after reading my works. Reply
cnlesley says: April 13, 2015 at 7:21 am Use the body language, too, as this says a lot. I’ve come
back to least at least a hundred times during my writing. If you want more pointers for writing about
anger, I have another article you might want to read: Writing a Character with Anger Issues. The
facial expression recognition systems consists of four. Always be consistent in what is being said and
how it is said. This is too wordy! Reply Nancy Andres says: December 31, 2017 at 4:06 pm What an
extensive list. However, it feels so much more authentic to a reader if they can figure out how a
character is feeling based on the descriptions you give about their facial features. Anger affects the
entire face, so there are many options for writing about how the different features change. One
character may get angry, and express all the normal features of an angry expression, but have tears
spilling down their cheeks. Facial Expression Detection for video sequences using local feature
I still need alot of practice but this list has really put me in the right direction. While I have included
some longer phrases, they are not proprietary and it’s fine to use them. Their proposed method is
capable of producing a muscle-based representation of facial movements which will then be assessed
to recognize facial expressions in two different ways. The greater scientific community disagreed
with this theory, including Dr. Paul Ekman. Ekman ran a social experiment in the late 20th century
with the intention of proving Darwin wrong, but he accidentally ended up proving this theory to be
correct. I am now writing again, but your blog has given me inspiration for new plots and for honing
my own skills. Reply wtlaforge says: June 30, 2015 at 6:32 pm You’re quite welcome. The major
limitation of gabor filter is its bandwidth limitation ie. The authors make mention of the fact that
there are other measures or tools which are now available and which are more accurate in evaluating
facial expressions. As such, visualizations of suffering are invariably caught up in the politics of what
it is to count as human, or not, what it is to witness, and what it is to respond in the name of
humanity. Reply Anonymous says: July 25, 2020 at 7:34 pm Love this list its so helpful I really love
writing stories. Human Communication is a combination of both verbal and non-verbal. Looks
awesome. Thank you! Reply Bryn Donovan says: June 8, 2016 at 2:08 am Hi Tamara. Share to
Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Microexpressions can also be a good way of indicating
that a character is lying. Finally, in a study by Jack, Blais, Scheepers, Schyns, and Caldara (2009)
they sought out to establish that cultural confusions indicate that facial expressions are not actually
universal. Reply Kathy Steinemann says: April 10, 2015 at 8:27 am Great post, Bryn. The paper '
understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment' presents people who communicate
either through verbal means or nonverbal means. Reply chrisandpolo says: January 3, 2016 at 2:10
pm This is beyond helpful. Related Posts 50 Character Goals (With Character Motivation!) How to
Describe Happiness: 100 Phrases Master List of Color Names and Color Descriptions Master List of
Physical Description for Writers Share this: Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Telegram
WhatsApp Email Like this: Like Loading. Reply bryndonovan says: October 7, 2015 at 10:38 am Oh
my goodness, that made me laugh. Since I’ve been having trouble with my current novel project,
Master Lists has been very helpful in working out my character dynamics, dialogue and plotting
devices. Ratings were provided by 247 individuals who were characteristic of untrained research
participants from North America. Writers need good facial expression descriptions in their writing to
help the readers picture the characters and to convey emotions. Lu Haibo Li Ning Sun Qi Ge
Computer Science KSII Trans. I’d rather not unlearn 25 years of typing because someone put
switching languages ahead of standard layout. Reply keith says: February 16, 2017 at 6:04 pm Hey,
thanks for posting. Top Posts A List of 125 Talents and Skills Master List of Facial Expressions
Regency Era Names MASTER LIST of Gestures and Body Language. In later years, facial micro-
expressions were coded and divided into units. The studies above emphasize that there are different
models which may be used in order to measure and understand facial expressions. A character trying
to mask fear may tense up and bare their teeth, then act angry to make it seem like they were never
I actually tried to make a printable version of one of the lists, come to think of it, but it didn’t come
out well and people complained. Chitra Geeta Nijhawan Computer Science 2016 TLDR Facial
expression analysis is a remarkable and demanding problem, and impacts significant applications in
various fields like human-computer interaction and data-driven animation, where facial
representation based on statistical local features, Local Binary Patterns (LBP) is practically assessed.
Terms and Conditions Discover more from BRYN DONOVAN Subscribe now to keep reading and
get access to the full archive. A cold smile can indicate a more sinister nature without you having to
work very hard at making them seem that way. Thank you! Reply Marshalee Patterson says:
December 9, 2019 at 7:37 pm thanks for this list, it does helps when your expressions used are
limited. Reply Louise says: August 26, 2015 at 10:25 pm I was stuck on disbelief for the hero’s
expression, but it just wasn’t quite right. Calder, A. and Young, A. (2005) Understanding the
recognition of facial identity and facial. Thank you for this post, I think it will be a great resource
moving forward. The recognition system is based on actively selecting the details of the most
important facial visual cues at particular points in time and correlating these with previous visual cues
(Zhang and Ji, 2003). I’ve found the list very helpful and now with the update it will be even more
useful. Reply R.J.Foster says: February 15, 2016 at 2:08 pm Hello Bryn, I have four finished
manuscripts, the first is at the publishers. Reply The Story Reading Ape says: December 12, 2015 at
5:16 am Reblogged this on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog and commented: In case you missed
this great list from Bryn. All these techniques have improved the performance of the facial
expression recognition system. I would help if I could, but honestly, I don’t know how a person can
increase their reading speed. I was a fairly good writer before, a slight cut above the rest, people
always asking me to write to write some sort of story for them (usually a Fan-Fic type of thing) after
reading my works. I have the same problem, especially in the first draft stage. More importantly, in
understanding facial expression, attempts should be made in the context of specificity and
recognition of the impact of culture. Goyani Computer Science 2012 TLDR This paper has
compared the performance of various classifiers like correlation, Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
and Support Vector Machine (SVM) for Face Recognition to proposed face recognition based on
discriminative features. Crying usually isn’t a pretty sight, so don’t be afraid to show that the
character’s face is red or that their nose is running. I am so glad this is helpful, and thank you so
much for the kind words. I so frequently find myself struggling with new ways to say he smiled, etc.
Hey, some people don’t read a book for years at a time, so you’re way ahead of them. Through an
interpreter the natives were asked if they were able to identify the emotions of some photographs
representing facial expressions of North American subjects. You may detect that slight one sided
slant that appears to be a smile but is actually contempt. The Facial Action Coding System (FACS)
provides 44 fundamental units and over 7,000 theoretical combination possibilities. Maintaining eye
contact when speaking indicates interest. Social cognition in psychology is a relevant study as it
helps in the understanding of elements of interaction and the elements that influence interaction.
Reply Bryn Donovan says: June 15, 2017 at 7:08 am Hi, Emma. One of the best ways to do this is to
study people’s expressions. Reply Anonymous says: February 21, 2020 at 10:10 pm This is really
wonderful, but it would be awesome if you also divided them up by emotion rather than portion of
the face:DD Reply Pingback. Stori Tori’s Blog Reply disturbedxui says: April 16, 2015 at 1:50 pm
Reblogged this on Elisha's Writing and commented: Awesome list of facial expressions for writers.

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