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Title: Mastering Your Literature Review on Domestic Violence PDF: A Guide to Academic


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on crafting a literature review on domestic violence in PDF
format. This crucial aspect of academic writing demands meticulous research, critical analysis, and
impeccable organization. However, we understand that many students struggle with the complexities
of compiling a literature review. Fear not, for we're here to offer expert assistance to ensure your
literature review shines.

Writing a literature review on domestic violence is inherently challenging due to the sensitive nature
of the topic and the vast array of scholarly works available. It requires you to delve deep into existing
research, synthesize diverse viewpoints, and present a cohesive narrative that contributes
meaningfully to the field. Moreover, the need for accuracy, relevance, and ethical considerations adds
another layer of complexity to the task.

Many students find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer volume of literature available on domestic
violence, making it difficult to discern which sources are most pertinent to their research.
Additionally, organizing the literature in a coherent manner while maintaining academic rigor can be

Given these challenges, seeking professional assistance can be a wise decision. At ⇒
⇔, we specialize in crafting high-quality literature reviews on domestic violence and a myriad of
other topics. Our team of experienced writers possesses the expertise and skills necessary to deliver
outstanding literature reviews tailored to your specific requirements.

When you choose ⇒ ⇔, you can expect:

1. Thorough Research: Our writers conduct extensive research to identify relevant literature,
ensuring that your literature review is comprehensive and up-to-date.
2. Critical Analysis: We critically evaluate each source to extract key insights, identify gaps in
the existing literature, and offer valuable interpretations that contribute to the scholarly
3. Structured Presentation: Your literature review will be meticulously organized, following a
logical structure that enhances readability and coherence.
4. Originality Guarantee: We prioritize originality in our work, ensuring that your literature
review is free from plagiarism and adheres to academic integrity standards.
5. Timely Delivery: We understand the importance of meeting deadlines. You can rely on us to
deliver your literature review on time, allowing you ample opportunity for review and

Crafting a literature review on domestic violence requires dedication, expertise, and attention to
detail. By entrusting your project to ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the stress associated with
this task and focus on other aspects of your academic journey.

Don't let the complexities of writing a literature review impede your progress. Reach out to ⇒ ⇔ today and take the first step towards academic excellence.
If you use competent help writing a literature review, this problem will vanish. However, in response
to this need, some urban agencies have facilities on the land and use them for conducting cultural
ceremonies and gathering medicines. These priorities include developing and implementing
population-specific, culturally-informed risk assessment tools or guidelines as well as risk
management and safety planning strategies; increasing and enhancing training and education for
service providers working with vulnerable populations; and implementing strategies and supports that
address inequalities, reduce barriers, and increase access to resources and services. However, the
approach a health care practitioner takes to discuss DV is critical (Zink, 2000). The partner seeking
power and control over the other may employ various tactics including intimidation, terrorizing,
hurting, threatening, manipulating, humiliating, blaming or physically injuring. Waller and her
colleagues (2012) preformed a study that focused on effects of alcohol sales and the rate of domestic
violence within a large demographic areas. However, the author expands the discussion by bringing
in more points regarding effects and treatment approach to domestic violence. As such, the next
sections of this literature review consider existing work on risk assessment, risk management, and
safety planning specific to the four vulnerable groups: Indigenous populations; children; rural,
remote, and northern populations; and immigrants and refugees. The author refers to various studies
conducted by other scholars to ensure credibility. The literature review reveals that domestic violence
has consequences on a child's physical, mental, family, and educational relationships. The very
limited research that has empirically compared RRN and urban risk factors for domestic homicide
has found important demographic, psychological, and situational differences. Overall, studies that
focus on the power of the social learning theory, have found that there is a strong correlation
between witnessing or being victim to abuse in childhood, and being violent towards your intimate
partner in adulthood. International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences, 9 (1), 153. Domestic abuse
is a result of the desire for power or control and could directly cause or be caused by individual
experiences. In cultures where traditionalism and conservatism are valued, and where patriarchal
values lead to strictly defined gender roles (i.e. men having significantly more power than women),
domestic violence may be more pervasive. They do not choose a lifestyle that is risky; poverty
imposes risks. While there have been positive gains by child protection workers working with victims
of DV, the literature overall indicates that child protection workers need continued training,
supervision, and support aimed at increasing skills and confidence in working with perpetrators of
DV (Stanley et al., 2010). However, in situations where there is an imminent risk of harm or
lethality, the overall safety of the victim and children may take precedence over ensuring the victim
has choices and autonomy when developing a safety plan. Spilsbury et al (2008) discussed
adjustment problems in community program samples with the school children being exposed to
domestic violence. When children are however removed from their homes they could be in a state of
impermanence or transience without being in a stable family. Domestic violence usually takes place
within intimate family type relationships and could form a pattern of coercive and controlling
behavior in which one family member of partner tries to control the other family members or partner.
Professionals in settings such as healthcare and education play a role in the early detection of DV
and assessment of risk. With this in mind, strategies to address domestic violence must be
community-specific and developed with local knowledge and an understanding of community
dynamics (Bopp et al., 2003). Analyzing how economic factors interact with cultural factors, Chin
argues that, in a patriarchal cultural setting, increasing financial resources for women without
effective exposure reduction (e.g., actual labour force participation) might result in male backlash
and negatively impact violence against women. You can download the paper by clicking the button
above. This may be particularly important in the areas of risk assessment, risk management, and
safety planning. However, after collecting the data, the researchers found no bivariate relationship
between the use of alcohol and the likelihood of domestic violence. London, ON: Learning Network,
Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children. Some of these
interventions may be voluntary and some may be mandatory (e.g., police or child protection
services). Furthermore, the literature emphasizes the need for collaborative, cross-sectoral responses
(e.g., anti-violence, settlement, child protection, justice, or health) and initiatives to address risk and
safety within immigrant and refugee populations generally—including risk management and safety
planning strategies.
Domestic abuse is a result of the desire for power or control and could directly cause or be caused
by individual experiences. Within the VAW sector, safety planning is often undertaken with the adult
victim following a disclosure of domestic violence. Similarly, Chan (2012) contends that the Chinese
Risk Assessment Tool for Victims (CRAT-V) has “several advantages for the prediction of intimate
partner violence in the Chinese population” (p. 161) because it accounts for culture- and population-
specific risks in addition to variables that have an impact on disclosure and reporting of domestic
violence within this population. The study suggested that, due to the increase in pulse, wives of
abusive husbands experience heightened feelings of rage, sadness, worry and fear (Lavinia et. l.
2010). This study shows that research does not support that abusive partner’s experience heightened
cardiovascular response to discourse compared to that of non-violent partner. J Indian Acad Forensic
Med., 35(1), 71-75. Chhikara, Jakhar, Malik, Singla, and Dhattarwal open their discussion by
defining domestic violence as a pattern of behavior in an intimate relationship used to attain control
and power over the other partner. University of New Brunswick, Saint John, NB: Centre for
Criminal Justice Studies. No adverse events related to the study were reported, providing some
possible evidence for the safety of the web-based tool. Retrieved from Ending Violence Association
of BC website. Retrieved from Status of Women Council of the NWT website. Thus,
intersectionality providing a more nuanced understanding of the needs and experiences of diverse
populations can, in turn, assist in the creation of more relevant, effective, and culturally-sensitive
services and policies. Statistics Make data-driven decisions to drive reader engagement,
subscriptions, and campaigns. They are trying to control how one should spend their money or
controlling what one wears. Additionally, an understanding of the dynamic risk factors in DV cases
is crucial for developing and adjusting safety plans. Instead, residential stability might indicate social
relationships marked by lack of privacy, anonymity, and feeling trapped. We then explain the method
for each phase of this systematic literature review, briefly review the theoretical frameworks that
guided our analysis of the existing literature, and provide an overview of current domestic violence
risk assessment, risk management, and safety planning definitions and research. For example,
incarceration, intensive supervision, and violence treatment might be used among perpetrators with
past violent behaviour, and crisis counselling, hospitalization, and weapons restriction might be used
among perpetrators with recent suicidal or homicidal ideation or intent. The very young may show
physical signs of distress such as bedwetting, stomach-aches and disturbed sleep. Retrieved from
ProQuest Dissertation and Theses Global. (UMI No. 1583921). Threatening a person is also a type
of domestic abuse affecting the person mentally and emotionally. The absence of information sharing
among the systems responding to DV cases lessens the likelihood of consistent identification or
awareness of the potential risks. More research is also needed to develop and test culturally-
informed and specific risk assessment tools to predict severe and escalating domestic violence, as
well as the risk of homicide, within immigrant and refugee populations. They do not choose a
lifestyle that is risky; poverty imposes risks. This is not to diminish or minimize the importance of
non-domestic violence and homicide perpetrated by non-Indigenous perpetrators against Indigenous
women. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel
Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. However, the study did not find any increase in the violent
husbands compared to that of non-violent husbands. Domestic violence could be psychological or
physical, sexual or emotional or even financial. Using restorative justice initiatives in domestic
violence cases facilitates community and Elders’ involvement. Police may feel that intervention with
children is not part of their job or that they lack the appropriate resources to engage with children
(Richardson-Foster et al., 2012). Retrieved from K-State Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and
Report: 2004. (UMI No. 0628). Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 4 (1), 123-145.
I will canvas three such strategies (1) Group-based Autonomy, (2) Group-based Autonomy with
Procedural Conditions, and (3) Substantive Engagement with Membership Norms. Analyzing
judicial decisions in this fashion inspires the search for alternative strategies where the existing
approaches are unsatisfying. Domestic abuse is a result of the desire for power or control and could
directly cause or be caused by individual experiences. The factors hat could cause greater likelihood
of domestic violence would be mixed ethnicity, physical disorder, several children in family, divorced
parents, living in rented accommodation, poor neighbourhoods, the mother’s emotional state and
family dysfunction. Interventions must recognize the diverse and intersectional experiences of
immigrant and refugee women and must be delivered by culturally-competent service providers who
advocate to overcome cultural barriers across multiple systems (e.g., justice, immigration, or child
protection; Ely, 2004). The first research question was identified as important to understanding
domestic violence. By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our terms of service and
privacy policy. It is requested to have some preventive measures with psychological help to prevent
violence against woman. Standardized risk assessment tools for DV not having been tested with
child protection clients limits their potential validity within this sector. This dynamic may ultimately
compromise children’s safety in the context of domestic violence, as children are reluctant to report
to the police and officers may have difficulty interacting with children. Victims of domestic violence
are mostly women with perpetrators being men. More research is needed, however, to understand the
depths and complexities of working with male immigrant perpetrators of domestic violence including
what works in terms of culturally-informed domestic violence prevention and intervention programs
for immigrant men. Holt’s study used databases through an 11 year framework and the results
suggested that children and adolescents living with domestic violence could face increased risks of
emotional and behavioural problems and could experience physical and sexual abuse with the
presence of adverse conditions at home. As such, it should inform risk management and safety
planning. They asked the offenders general questions about their thoughts and feelings in regards to
violence. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 12, 178-183. Juristat, Statistics Canada,
Catalogue no. 85-002-XIE. Retrieved from. Barriers to service could also be about lack of
cooperation and the children could overcome the barriers by actively cooperating with the social
services and the parents and children should be able work together to cooperate in child protection
issues. For example, the PATRIARCH tool aims to assess risk for so-called honour-based violence
(Belfrage et al., 2012a). Belfrage et al. (2012a) explore how law enforcement and service providers
manage risk after conducting the PATRIARCH and also suggest that further research is needed to
explore additional risk factors that might not be captured in this tool. Feminists consider domestic
violence as a physical injurious assault characterized by coercive, controlling and abusive behaviors
leading to physical and psychological harm. Feel free to ask questions or share additional
instructions. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry,
preview is currently unavailable. Mothers are required to be vocal about their concerns as intimate
partner violence faced by mothers would affect not just them but also the well being of their
children ho may be exposed to the violence and its after effects (Rhodes et al, 2010). This source,
however, provides new helpful information regarding tactics employed by the perpetrator in
exercising control over the other partner in the relationship. Thus, individual experience (including
privilege and oppression) is shaped through the interaction of multiple systems of power. Children
suffer both direct and indirect violence and abuse at home as gendered power relation, the caste
subjugation, witnessing parent violence and so on. This fact is significant for every literature review
writing service, and ours isn’t an exception. This fills an important gap in the “either-or” approach to
individual and societal explanations of violence. This study that suggests that limiting the availability
of alcohol would then reduce the amount of domestic violence. Devaney (2009) suggests that more
than 1 million children may have been exposed to domestic violence that are perpetrated by adults
family members. Despite this important work, individual experiences of risk for domestic homicide
are impacted by diverse factors such as racialization, experiences of colonial violence, immigration
status, age, and geographical location.
Violence Against Women, 10 (8), 860-879. doi:10.1077801204266310. Each kind has its special
purpose and particularities. Similarly, poverty and discrimination result in Indigenous people living in
neighbourhoods that are often not safe. Whereas most domestic violence research treats categories
such as gender, race, and class as separate (and often as control variables to be removed), an
intersectional approach understands them as interconnected and having important compounding
effects on experience. Specifically, this toolkit emphasizes “Community Safety Planning” to
categorize support systems and action plans to keep the woman and her children safe. Access
arrangements can be designed to protect or rebuild parenting capacities and to meet the child’s
developmental needs (Johnston, 2006). Give us your email address and we’ll send this sample there.
There are numerous questions about domestic violence to which this paper tried to provide answers.
This study also found fewer that 3 percent of the participants admitted to never being exposed to
domestic violence, including that of emotional or physical childhood abuse. We adopted a rigorous
approach to identifying and assessing the relevance of literature that is discussed in more detail
below. These same participants said that they had never witnessed any form of sexual violence or
domestic violence within their family of origin. The methodology of child protection suggests that
home visit is ignored and the emphasis is on policy and practice texts that happens in inter agency
collaboration. Originally developed for children living in war zones, the Life Story Board allows an
individual to create a visual representation of their story in a variety of contexts including violence.
We began by developing for each vulnerable population a comprehensive list of search term
combinations that included different terms for the intervention, the outcome (i.e., violence), and the
population (see Table 1). Third, professionals who conduct risk assessments should receive
appropriate and adequate training and education on the use of tools or guidelines (Campbell et al.,
2016; Kropp, 2008). First, a structured, reliable, and validated tool or guideline should be used when
conducting risk assessments; however, if it is not possible to use an established tool or method then
the risk assessment should at least consider empirically or professionally supported risk factors
(Campbell, et al., 2016). Second, risk assessment should use multiple methods and sources of
information such as interviews with the perpetrator, victim(s), and other informants. First, here a
wide variety of disciplines are on offer. The information in each code was then used as a basis for
writing up the vulnerable populations chapters. Specifically, Davis and Taylor (2002) recommend
focusing on teaching younger generations about respect and the consequences of domestic violence
as an important prevention method. This literature review highlights the strength and degree of social
factors in impacting domestic violence and homicide among the four vulnerable populations. It offers
insights into the topic by emplaning what it is, its nature and the interventions. Nevertheless, the
wives of the violent partner exhibited an increase in finger pulse amplitude and finger pulse transit
time than that of the non-violent partners. The literature from the review is summarized and
discussed in the key findings and the priorities for research, practice, and policy development.
Although Emery (2009) suggests that the concept of marriage could benefit men, women and
children. A history of domestic violence refers to an official (e.g., police reports) or unofficial
(reported by friends, family members) history of domestic violence in the current relationship.
Children suffer both direct and indirect violence and abuse at home as gendered power relation, the
caste subjugation, witnessing parent violence and so on. As well, there is a lack of Indigenous-
specific supports, Indigenous community resources, and effective alternatives to mainstream justice
responses. The authors found that Elder involvement in psychiatric practice had a significant impact
on decreasing symptom severity scores from the My Medical Outcomes Profile 2 scale, leading to
the finding that Elder involvement is more effective than conventional clinical care. There are various
referencing styles, and non-compliance with them might affect your grade. These priorities include
developing and implementing population-specific, culturally-informed risk assessment tools or
guidelines as well as risk management and safety planning strategies; increasing and enhancing
training and education for service providers working with vulnerable populations; and implementing
strategies and supports that address inequalities, reduce barriers, and increase access to resources and
The paper also brings in to light various strategies to prevent domestic violence. These findings
translate into approximately 3.3 to 10 million children who witness the abuse of a parent or adult
caregiver each year (Carlson, 1984; Straus and Gelles, 1990). The information provided in this source
will be useful in further understanding the psychological issues and techniques used by the
perpetrator in trying to gain control over the other partner. Moreover, the use of risk assessment tools
is not consistent across Canadian jurisdictions (Department of Justice, 2013). International Journal of
Sociology of the Family, 34 (2), 153-185. Retrieved from University of Alberta, Faculty of Nursing
website. Victim safety planning may be conducted by victim service providers, shelter workers,
police, family services, and family justice officials (Department of Justice Canada, 2013). This note
also identifies the flaws in the preemptive use of force doctrine as a whole, as exemplified in its
invocation before the Iraq War. Maybe you’re on the verge of getting a doctorate and want a
literature review to be just ideal. For example, when collecting information regarding the victim-
offender relationship, information may be missing, partly due to the nature of homicide data and the
poor links between police and coroner information, even when advanced homicide monitoring data
systems are in place (Stockl et al., 2013). Some victims may have been isolated and prior violence
may have been hidden, which places a demand on police for more thorough interviews with friends,
family, neighbours, and co-workers. But they always get help after women, and the impact activities
on children are less and less widely discussed. Douglas and Kropp (2002) offer a useful overview of
risk management strategies that correspond to various risk factors. Barriers to service could also be
about lack of cooperation and the children could overcome the barriers by actively cooperating with
the social services and the parents and children should be able work together to cooperate in child
protection issues. This study (Shorey 2011) serves to prove that our genetics and physiological
response are involved in how we act. The review ends in 2015, when the literature review began.
This study deals specifically with risk assessment, risk management, and safety planning strategies
for domestic violence and domestic homicide in Indigenous populations. Indigenous people are more
than twice as likely (9%) to report being victims of domestic violence than non-Indigenous people
(4%). Indigenous women are often at-risk not because they choose to take risks but because poverty
and inadequate services put them at-risk (Federal-Provincial-Territorial Ministers Responsible for
Justice and Public Safety, 2016). It draws on 107 interviews with children in Greece, Italy, Spain and
the UK. The practice through sociology and psychodynamic social work theory provides an
understanding of social work experience. Thesis and Dissertation Repository. (2767). The University
of Western Ontario, London, ON. This is a crisis that has plagued nations all around the world. Give
us your email address and we’ll send this sample there. The primary purpose of these institutions was
to assimilate Indigenous peoples within the mainstream population. This literature review offers a
first preliminary step towards moving beyond this traditional approach to consider and synthesize
different and intersecting challenges and experiences among the four populations. This may be
particularly important in the areas of risk assessment, risk management, and safety planning. Third,
professionals who conduct risk assessments should receive appropriate and adequate training and
education on the use of tools or guidelines (Campbell et al., 2016; Kropp, 2008). One of the largest
reasons for intimate partner violence is the abundance of alcohol consumption (McKinney et al.
2012). Testa and colleagues (2011) say that men who drink heavily are at a much higher risk factor to
be abusive towards their intimate partner. Women who are facing domestic violence are still reluctant
to take any action against this act. This fact is significant for every literature review writing service,
and ours isn’t an exception.

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