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Geomorphology 447 (2024) 109024

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From landform inventories to landscape evolution? - Karst development in

the Central Styrian Karst (Austria)
C. Bauer a, *, T. Wagner b
Department of Geography and Regional Science, University of Graz, Heinrichstraße 36, A-8010 Graz, Austria
Department of Earth Sciences, NAWI Graz Geocenter, University of Graz, Heinrichstraße 26, A-8010 Graz, Austria


Keywords: In the Central Styrian Karst (CSK, Styria, Austria) 1158 karst landforms were used to obtain a better under­
Landform inventory standing of the landscape evolution in this region. An automatically delineated doline inventory was combined
Landscape evolution with an existing cave inventory to investigate surface and subsurface karst landforms in relation to their
elevation above the local base level at the transition zone between the Eastern Alps and the Pannonian Basin. The
landform entities analysed consist of 51 % dolines and 49 % caves and are related to various stages of landform
evolution and thus ages.
The CSK was ice-free during glacial times and therefore allow for a much longer preservation of surface
landforms compared to landforms that were reshaped during glaciations. Nevertheless, weathering and down­
wasting do re-shape and even may lead to the disappearance of surface landforms (i.e., dolines); however,
subsurface landforms (i.e., caves), if accessible, might preserve information about older geomorphological stages.
An old, a mature, and a young stage of landform evolution can be distinguished in the CSK and be related to
planation surfaces preserved in the area, presumably older than five Ma. The chosen approach is likely applicable
for other areas in the world too by implying karstification over million years' time scale.
Besides those regional implications, there are local (neo-) tectonic inferences derived from the analyses that
might explain some discrepancies in correlations of levels and planation surfaces, but requiring further more
detailed investigations. The automatic doline delineation in the forested karst of the CSK made an area not yet
mentioned in the literature become apparent.
With an increasing availability of high-resolution digital elevation models, remote-sensed inventories of
dolines (surface landforms) renew the question of dolines as diagnostic landforms for karstification. However, in
the CSK it is revealed that an absence of dolines due to e.g., surface erosion does not indicate the absence of
karstification. Therefore, landscape evolution should consider both surface (i.e., doline) and subsurface (i.e.,
cave) landforms.

1. Introduction fundamental work of Cvijić (1893), the focus of karst-geomorphological

research was for a long time on these specific (‘diagnostic’) karst land­
Karst landscapes are both spectacular and peculiar and have always forms (e.g., dolines). The presence or absence of these landforms formed
fascinated people. Much of this interest has been related to karst springs also the basis for the classification of the distinctiveness of karst areas (e.
due to their importance for water supply. In Austria, karst areas cover g., holokarst, merokarst). In recent decades, there has been a shift from
about 20 % of the nation's surface area and a total of 50 % of drinking this dominant geomorphological perspective of karst (mainly repre­
water is supplied from karst catchments (Bauer and Plan, 2022). From a sented by surface karst landforms) to a more hydrogeological definition
scientific perspective, karst is a term used to describe an area in the of karst (cf. De Waele and Gutierrez, 2022; Ford and Williams, 2007;
border region of Slovenia and Italy. Due to the landforms found there, Klimchouk, 2015).
the term “karst” evolved as a type locality for specific geomorphological Considering karst as “a fluid flow system (geohydrodynamic system)
features that can be found in large parts of the earth. Based on the with a permeability structure evolved as a consequence of dissolutional

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Bauer).
Received 3 May 2023; Received in revised form 11 December 2023; Accepted 12 December 2023
Available online 19 December 2023
0169-555X/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
C. Bauer and T. Wagner Geomorphology 447 (2024) 109024

enlargement of initial preferential flow pathways, dominated by inter­ based on different data (which are also not always declared). Doline
connected voids and conduits, and organized to facilitate the circulation inventories are based either on field surveys, topographic maps or, in
of fluid in the downgradient direction due to the positive feedback be­ recent years, on high-resolution digital elevation models derived from
tween flow and conduit growth” (Klimchouk, 2015: 305), a focus on airborne laser scanning (ALS). It is therefore not surprising that some
single ‘physiognomic’ surface karst features cannot sufficiently reflect studies had to deliberately focus ‘only’ on highly karstified areas, but
the complexity of a karst environment. This definition of karst also no conversely, a few karstified areas remained unrevealed.
longer supports the attribute of specific landforms (e.g., dolines) as Caves in the CSK were also important karst morphological and
generally ‘diagnostic landforms’ of karst. Nevertheless, karst landforms hydrogeological research objects from very early on with issues on karst
are evolutionary evidences of karstification and landscape evolution. In geomorphology and landscape evolution becoming important topics. A
order to reflect the above-mentioned definition, the focus in this paper is clustering, and thus a correlation, of caves and palaeosurfaces was
not only on surface karst landforms (i.e., dolines), but also on speleo­ established (Benischke et al., 2016; Maurin, 1975; Maurin and Zötl,
genesis (i.e., caves). The morphogenesis of the karst system, reflected by 1959). As noted above, the CSK lacks numerous extensive and accessible
karst landforms, is considered both as an indication and response to cave systems. Hence, cave-paleosurface correlation could only be
landscape evolution (e.g., uplift, denudation, climatic variations). determined by cave passage lengths in exceptional cases (e.g., Lurgrotte,
The study area, the Central Styrian Karst (CSK) is a part of the Drachenhöhle). Apart from that, correlations were determined by taking
‘Styrian Block’ defined by Wagner et al. (2011). This tectonic unit rep­ into account the elevations of cave entrances. Again, the problem
resents a transition zone between the Alpine Orogen and the Pannonian requiring information (landform inventories) for an area-wide analysis
Basin (Fig. 1). It is bounded by the Mur–Mürz fault (north), the Lavanttal emerges, especially with regard to the location accuracy of the caves (i.
fault (west), the Pohorje Mountain (south) and the Pannonian Basin e., entrances).
(east). The Styria Block was not affected by Pleistocene glacial erosion In recent years, geochronological dating methods have been used to
that is otherwise typical for the Alpine regions (Fig. 1/A–B, Van Husen, date cave deposits (clastic/fluvial sediments, carbonate precipitates)
2011; Wagner et al., 2010). This block, and thus also the CSK, continues from a few caves (e.g., Drachenhöhle, Lurgrotte, Katerloch) in the CSK (e.
to be a focus for studies on pre-glacial landscape evolution since its g., Boch et al., 2010; Stumpf and Stüwe, 2019; Wagner et al., 2010,
morphological features are likely to have been preserved over pre- 2011). It is expected, that these studies will permit an increasingly
Quaternary times. These studies especially investigated preserved low- precise temporal classification of the hitherto prevailing morphological
relief landscapes (paleosurfaces) at higher elevations as geomorpho­ interpretations of landscape evolution.
logical remnants of discontinuous uplift events of the region during the The present study aims at developing an understanding of landscape
Neogene to Quaternary (cf., Legrain et al., 2014; Palmer, 1987; Robl evolution of a karst environment on the basis of karst landforms. It is
et al., 2008; Sölch, 1928; Winkler-Hermaden, 1957). The underlying intended to close research gaps resulting from (i) the existing, hetero­
hypothesis is, that in phases of tectonic as well as climatic ‘quiescence’ geneous doline inventories as well as (ii) areas that have not been
the corresponding erosive capacity of drainage systems is reduced. Thus, investigated in detail so far. This is done by conducting an area-wide
the lateral processes of the fluvial system will gradually ‘level’ the analysis of dolines on the basis of a standardized delineation process
landscape. The morphological evidence of levels in the CSK has long using high resolution digital terrain models (DTMs; cf. Section 3.1), and
been discussed (cf., Hilber, 1912; Sölch, 1928), with notable systematic caves. The database of the Austrian Cave Register (ACR) is used for this
research across the whole region by Winkler-Hermaden (1955, 1957). purpose as additional landform inventory. The inventory was assessed
The various levels in the Styrian Block were named according to their according to quality criteria (location accuracy and completeness) and a
type localities. Unfortunately, this was not done consistently by the selection of caves was made based on this (cf. Section 3.2).
respective authors, so some levels have different local names. This The key assertions for this study are as follows. (1) The Styrian Block
article follows the nomenclature used in Wagner et al. (2011). (and thus the CSK) behaved as a single tectonic unit since the Miocene.
The interaction of discontinuous tectonic uplift and phases of stag­ (2) Tectonic processes led to phases of vertical motions of the block. In
nation increasingly attracted research attention also to the karst land­ times of tectonic quiescence(s), the landscape is levelled and different
forms of the region. As hydraulic gradient is the main driver for epigene palaeosurfaces are formed. Tectonic uplift(s) or in general relative base-
karstification, the corresponding local base level of karst systems con­ level change(s) initiate increased incision(s) of the drainage network. (3)
trols the development of karst landforms. If tectonic uplift and thus the These recurring vertical motions (quiescence vs. incision) causes alter­
lowering of the local base level proceeds more rapidly, the formation of ations of the hydraulic gradient and thus of the karstification. (4) Karst
karst systems is hindered. Hence, karst landforms may correlate with landforms (dolines on planation surfaces, cave levels) provide
phases of stagnation, and thus, with planation surface development (e. morphological evidence of these phases of vertical motions and altered
g., Kuffner, 1998; Behrens et al., 1992). In contrast to the karst regions of hydraulic gradient(s) over time. A correlation of karst landforms and
the Northern Calcareous Alps (cf., Kuffner, 1998; Plan et al., 2009), the palaeosurfaces should therefore be made through the elevation above
CSK is lacking the multitude of (known) extensive caves (i.e., cave the local base level(s). (5) An area-wide, morphometric analysis of karst
levels) that conclusively support this speleogenetic hypothesis. How­ landforms can contribute to the understanding of the landscape evolu­
ever, the surface karst landforms of the CSK offer a suitable setting for tion of the CSK and beyond.
studying planation surfaces in combination with caves.
Vormair (1940) examined dolines of the CSK and correlated their 2. Study area - Central Styrian Karst
sizes with the corresponding levels. The author observed that some
levels host particularly large landforms. Further studies confirmed that a The study area (Fig. 1) is part of the Styrian Block (Wagner et al.,
correlation of dolines and levels does not seem to be a local phenome­ 2011) and comprises the main karst areas in the vicinity of the provin­
non, but applies to large parts of the CSK (Bauer, 2015; Benischke et al., cial capital Graz (Styria, Austria), first termed by Bock (1913) as the
2016; Fabiani, 1973; Maurin, 1955, 1958, 1975; Maurin and Zötl, 1959; CSK. Bock's definition is primarily based on the criteria of natural
Untersweg, 1982; Zötl, 1958). However, these studies are only compa­ landscapes (cf. topography, mountain ranges) and less on geological-
rable with each other to a certain degree: (i) they each cover only a part tectonic criteria. It is therefore not surprising that the CSK was repeat­
of the CSK. Especially the southern areas of the CSK (Leitha limestone, edly delineated in publications in different ways by other authors. Ac­
see Section 2) were only briefly mentioned (if at all) and not included in cording to Bock (1913), the CSK extends from north to south for about
considerations on the landscape evolution; (ii) morphometric definitions 80 km and from west to east for about 50 km, with only isolated outcrops
of dolines, and hence the methods of feature delineations are different. of the carbonates of the Styrian Basin in the south. The CSK thus rep­
In some studies, these methods are not even reported at all; (iii) they are resents a varied landscape, characterised by heterogeneous geology and

C. Bauer and T. Wagner Geomorphology 447 (2024) 109024

Fig. 1. Study Area. (A) Study area at the transition zone of the Eastern Alps and the Pannonian Basin, indicating also the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) extent. (B) The
study area and related fault systems, with details of the LGM distribution. (C) Geological map of the study area and the extents of the individual DAs (colour-coding of
the DAs refers to Table 2). The Schöckel facies was differentiated on account of the importance of the Schöckel limestone for karstification. Classification of the GP
according to Gasser et al. (2010). Data: DTM 1x1m, CC-BY-4.0: Land Steiermark -; extent of LGM based on Ehlers et al. (2011).

C. Bauer and T. Wagner Geomorphology 447 (2024) 109024

large vertical differences. To the west, north and east of Graz, mountain basin (Gosau Basin) to the southwest (east of the Graden Creek; Fig. 1).
ranges with elevations up to ~1700 m a.s.l. (Hochlantsch, 1720 m) The basin consists of alluvial/shallow-water facies to marine facies,
prevail. In the south, the elevations decrease to 350 m a.s.l. at Wildon, originated from north and northeast (Ebner and Rantitsch, 2000). The
the lowest value is reached at the Styrian-Slovenian border with <300 sediments (conglomerates, marls, partly limestone, sandstone, clay­
m a.s.l. The area largely has a closed and dense vegetation cover. Only stone) seem not to be affected by karstification. According to Bock
the peaks of the highest elevations are characterised by sparse vegeta­ (1913), the CSK also includes the Palaeozoic rocks of the Sausal, 30 km
tion (cf. mount Schöckl) or locally by the absence of vegetation cover at south of Graz. Their position or affiliation to the GP has not yet been
all (cf. summit of mount Hochlantsch). The CSK therefore belongs to the fully clarified (Hubmann et al., 2006). Apart from one small cave formed
forested karst type (Benischke et al., 2016). in calcareous slates (Demmerkogelhöhle), there are no documented karst
Three major tectonic units have to be considered to understand the landform so far.
karstification, its potential allogenic input (binary karst) and thus, the (iii) Neogene Basin: The Styrian Basin, the westernmost part of the
morphological evolution of the CSK (Fig. 1 and Table 1): (i) crystalline Pannonian Basin System, borders the GP to the south and southeast and
rocks. They are not part of the CSK but border it to the west (Koralm crystalline rocks to the west. It is divided by the Middle Styrian Swell,
Crystalline), to the north (Gleinalm Crystalline) and to the east (Anger into a shallower West Styrian Basin and a deeper East Styrian Basin
Crystalline). Except for some caves in local marble deposits (e.g., Koralm (Gross et al., 2007). Along this swell, Miocene carbonates (Leitha
Crystalline), crystalline rocks (mainly metamorphic) form the base of limestone) form isolated areas in different facies and stratigraphic po­
the CSK acting as less permeable formations (e.g., Radegunder Crystal­ sitions in a narrow strip from Wildon to Spielfeld near the Slovenian
line). (ii) Palaeozoic of Graz (GP): The GP consists of late Silurian to border (Friebe, 1990). The karst occurrences (especially the surface
early Devonian sequences (limestones, dolostones, sandstones and karst landforms) of the Leitha limestone have recently received
slates) that were partly subjected to metamorphic overprinting. The GP increasing research attention (cf. Bauer and Weissinger, 2020).
is separated by a major thrust (Rannach thrust) into an upper-, and a The CSK is drained by several streams towards the S and SE, with the
lower nappe system. The two nappes differ in the degree and intensity of Mur River being the most important river today (average discharge at
deformation and metamorphosis, with the lower nappe system having the city of Graz: ~100 m3/s). Fig. 2 illustrates the profiles of selected
been affected by more intense deformation processes (Gasser et al., streams in the CSK (cf. Fig. 1). The Kainach Creek and its tributaries (e.
2010). Flügel and Hubmann (2000) differentiated 35 stratigraphic for­ g., Gradenbach Creek) flow into the Mur River at Wildon. The Raab
mations within the GP, which were merged into five sedimentological River and its tributaries (e.g., Weiz Creek) belong also to the catchment
facies by Gasser et al. (2010). The Schöckel facies (Schöckel Fm. of the Mur River, although their junction is outside (downstream) of
[Schöckel limestone]), Rannach facies (Plabutsch Fm. [Barrandei lime­ Styria. Compared to the Mur River, all tributaries show an increased
stone], Kollerkogel Fm. [Kanzel limestone]) and Hochlantsch facies steepness towards their headwaters at the contact with the resistant li­
(Hochlantsch Fm. [Hochlantsch limestone]) are all susceptible to kar­ thologies of the PG. In contrast, the Mur River has a well-equilibrated
stification. Due to the dominant occurrence of dissolutional landforms in channel profile and is in a transport-limited state rather than a detach­
the carbonates of the GP (especially within the Schöckel limestone), ment limited state (Wagner et al., 2010). According to Wagner et al.
karst studies on the CSK have focused almost exclusively on these areas. (2010) and Stüwe and Hohmann (2021), the S and SE drainage of the
Therefore, several studies (e.g., Bauer and Zötl, 1972; Benischke et al., CSK was established about 4 Ma ago due to the Pliocene uplift history.
2016; Vormair, 1940; Wagner et al., 2011) use the boundaries of the As a result of stream piracy events, the streams get increasing water
tectonic unit of the GP synonymously with the area of the CSK, but this is input and thus increasing erosion rates causing deep valley incisions
– sensu stricto – not correct. The GP is overlain by a Late Cretaceous (Wagner et al., 2011).

3. Methods and data – The landform inventories

Table 1
Geology of the CSK. Formations of the GP based on Flügel and Hubmann (2000); Landform inventories are the basis for further analysis on landscape
formations less liable to karstification in brackets. evolution on a regional scale. The inventories analysed in this publica­
Tectonic Subdivision Sedimentological Formations and lithologies tion consist of dolines and caves. An automated delineation process
unit facies affected by karstification using high-resolution DTMs provided an area-wide inventory for
Crystalline Marble dolines. Based on this inventory, the geological/tectonic characteristics
rocks and local catchment areas, we define seven doline areas (DAs) in this
Palaeozoic Lower nappe Schöckel facies Schöckel Fm., (Raasberg study based on local base levels (Table 2; Fig. 1). To enable compara­
of Graz system Fm.)
bility of both inventories, the caves of the CSK are also assigned to the
Kalkschiefer facies Hochschlag Fm., (Kogler
Fm.), (Hubenhalt Fm.) DAs.
Laufnitzdorf facies
Upper nappe Rannach facies Plabutsch Fm., Kollerkogel 3.1. Doline inventory
system Fm., (Parmasegg Fm.),
(Flösserkogel Fm.),
(Raasberg Fm.), (Steinberg The CSK is a forested karst with a predominantly dense and high-
Fm.), (Sanzenkogel Fm.), grown tree cover. A high resolution, vegetation-penetrating ALS data
(Draxler Fm.) with a horizontal accuracy of 1 × 1 m is available (cf. Bauer, 2015;
Hochlantsch facies Hochlantsch Fm., Hofierka et al., 2018; Telbisz et al., 2016). These allow us to (i) delineate
Zachenspitz Fm., Osser
Fm., Tyrnaueralm Fm.,
dolines based on an automatic GIS-algorithm using ALS data and to (ii)
Bärenschütz Fm., delineate dolines through a morphometric parameter that definitely
(Schweinegg Fm.), relates to karstification, i.e., enclosed depressions. The delineation
(Fahrneck Fm.) process (Fig. 3/A) is based on the filling up of the doline from the
Kalkschiefer facies Plabtusch Fm., (Heigger
deepest point within the feature (sink) to the elevation of their rim
Fm.), (Bameder Fm.),
(Draxler Fm.) (Fig. 3/A, position 1 and 2), using the algorithm of Wang and Liu (2006).
Neogene Calcareous Leitha limestone The feature extraction is then done by subtracting the original DTM from
Basin sediments the filled DTM (Fig. 3/A, position 3). The boundary of the doline is
Non-calcareous defined by the outermost closed contour line of the subtracted DTM with
a contour interval of 0.5 m. This is done (i) in order to simplify and

C. Bauer and T. Wagner Geomorphology 447 (2024) 109024

Fig. 2. Stream profile analysis. A: Profiles from selected streams, starting at 280 m a.s.l. up to the headwaters, or for the Mur River up to kilometre 100 based on ALS-
DTM. The distances of the summits are related to the nearest local base level (cf. Fig. 1). Data: CC-BY-4.0: Land Steiermark -; B: View from Mt.
Röthelstein to the south. The wide, flat valley floor of the already well-equilibrated channel profile of the Mur River is clearly visible.; C: The Raab-gorge, view to the
south. D: The Weiz-gorge, view to the north; E: The Gradenbach Creek (a tributary of the Kainach Creek), view to the southeast. Aerial photograph © Kurt Stüwe.

smooth out the serrated shape that results from the grid-based analysis the minimum area of 5 m2 was set as lower limits for doline detection/
(Fig. 3/A, position 3 and 4) and (ii) to avoid errors in flat dolines (<0.5 delineation. Field campaigns were conducted in every DA to verify some
m) where the elevation difference is below the z-coordinate accuracy of of the results (e.g., differentiate dolines from man-made depressions).
the DTM (±15 cm) and which would subsequently lead to the delinea­ Finally, the extracted landforms are stored as polygonal vector data
tion of very large polygons. The minimum depth of a doline of 0.2 m and (Fig. 3/A, position 5). In order to quantify the spatial extent of dolines

C. Bauer and T. Wagner Geomorphology 447 (2024) 109024

Table 2 important for the localisation of cave entrances. To provide an estimate

Investigated doline areas. of the horizontal position accuracy, the ACR includes accuracy classes
DA-Nr.a Doline area Abbreviation Localities/ based on a rough maximum expected horizontal deviation depending on
summits the used measurement method (ALS-data = 5 m; topographic maps =
Hochlantsch facies in the Hochlantsch- Schwaigeralm 500 m; verbal description = 1000). In this study, the data from the ACR
catchment of the Mur Fz./Mur Nechnitz was retrieved on November 2022 and thus reflects the status of the ACR
River (Hochlantsch) Hochlantsch at this time.
(1720 m a.s.l.) For the analysis made herein, it is noted that the majority of caves in
Schöckel facies in the Schöckel-Fz./ Himmelreich
catchment of the Mur Mur/Tanneben Tanneben
the CSK are small in terms of their passage lengths (often due to blockage
River (Tanneben) Hochglaser (910 of the passage by sediment fill or being remnants of presumably larger
m a.s.l.) cave systems) and also vertical extent, as such the correlation of cave
Schöckel facies in the Schöckel-Fz./ Leber and palaeosurface is determined by the elevation of the (main) cave
catchment of the Mur Mur/Schöckl Schöckl (1445 m
entrance and the maximum horizontal extent. The final selection of
River (Schöckl) a.s.l.)
Rannach facies in the Rannach-Fz./ Plesch caves for the cave inventory is based on: (a) the classes of horizontal
catchment of the Mur Mur Kugelberg location accuracy in the ACR of ≤500 m; (b) the vertical position ac­
River Steinkogel curacy is derived by calculation of the maximum difference between the
Feliferhof given elevation of the cave entrance in the ACR and the computed
Plesch (1061 m a.
elevation of the cave entrance by intersecting its horizontal position
s.l.) with the ALS-DTM. A threshold value of maximum ±75 m is used, which
Plabutsch (754 m is (i) a small deviation in especially steep terrain and (ii) improves the
a.s.l.) horizontal position accuracy indirectly as it assures a valid localisation
Leitha limestone in the Leitha Sukdull
of cave entrances. This selection is required to provide a comparison of
catchment of the Mur limestone/Mur Wildoner
River Buchkogel (550 the remote-sensed (ALS-based) doline inventory and the cave inventory
m a.s.l.) that is derived from different data and developed over time; (c) data of
Schöckel facies in the Schöckel-Fz./ Schachen maximum horizontal extent of the cave. For the cave analysis, a set of
catchment of the river Raab Zetz (1271 m a.s. morphometric indices was calculated for each feature within each DA:
Raab l.)
length, depth (max., min., mean, and median, respectively), max. hor­
Burgstaller Höhe
(754 m a.s.l.) izontal length and elevation above local base level (given in m a.l.b.l.).
Schöckel facies in the Schöckel-Fz./ Gradenberg
catchment of the river Kainach Zigöllerkogel 3.3. Stream analysis
Kainach (684 m a.s.l.)
All data
In order to correlate dolines and caves to the local base level, for each
entity the elevation above the nearest stream was determined. This
Colour codes for all graphics in this paper. stream analysis is based on the 1 × 1 m ALS-DTM, which was resampled
to 10 × 10 m bilinear for this purpose. The flow paths are calculated
covered by vegetation, a tree-canopy analysis was carried out. The tree- from an elevation of 280 m a.s.l. upstream. Below this elevation, there
canopy data is based on a combined derivation from the same ALS- are no more significant karst occurrences in any of the streams in Styria
digital elevation models (DTM and digital surface model) of the doline (except for smaller areas of Leitha limestone in the south of the Mur
delineation analysis and additional satellite images (Schardt et al., River, cf. Bauer and Weissinger, 2020). The elevation relationship of the
2015). For doline analysis, a set of morphometric indices was calculated dolines and caves above local base level is analysed using the nearest
for each feature within each DA: area, perimeter, depth, volume (max., distance between the landform and the stream (Fig. 4/A–B). For dolines,
min., mean, median, respectively), elevation above local base level the lowest point of the entity (sink) is chosen as the reference point for
(given in m a.l.b.l.) and the doline elongation. Doline elongation anal­ the elevation above stream (local base level), for caves the elevation of
ysis is obtained by calculating the azimuth of the longest straight line the (main) entrance above the local base level.
within every single doline polygon. Nearly circular shapes were
excluded from this analysis. This was done by calculating the Circularity 4. Results
Index (Ci) according to Seale (2005) and setting a threshold value for the
minimum deviation of the shape from the perfect circle of Ci ≥ 1.05 (for Based on the automatic delineation process, a complete doline in­
details refer to Bauer, 2015). ventory could be compiled for the entire CSK (Table 3, cf. Fig. 1). In
doing so, dolines were also detected in areas that had not been consid­
3.2. Cave inventory ered in any study before (e.g., locality Kugelberg, near Gratwein), or had
only received little attention (e.g., locality Gradenbach and Zigöllerko­
In Austria, the documentation of caves is carried out by caving clubs. gel near Voitsberg; Maurin, 1955). In total, 595 dolines could be
All the information is merged into the Austrian Cave Register (ACR). A delineated for further analysis. The distribution of the doline inventory
documented cave in the ACR contains as a minimum the location of the by DA is shown in Fig. 5/A. Fig. 5/B illustrates the analysis of the
entrance(s), a plan view and an elongated vertical profile (Fig. 3/B, delineated dolines and their tree-canopy cover: only 7 % of all dolines
position 1 and 2). The collected data are summarized and stored also by are located entirely outside of tree-canopies, approximately 8 % are
the Austrian Speleological Association in the GIS database Spelix (for partly covered and thus 85 % of all dolines are entirely covered by tree-
more details see Herrmann and Plan, 2016). These documentations of canopies. The analysis supports the classification of the study area as
caves date back to the beginning of the 20th century and accordingly forested karst and emphasizes the need for a DTM-based delineation
there have been and still are technical innovations in measuring process of dolines.
methods (e.g., location of caves by (i) verbal description, (ii) on topo­ The cave inventory (Table 3) reflects the state of research in each
graphic maps, (iii) using differential GPS (dGPS) and high resolutions individual DA. Areas in close vicinity to the Mur valley have in general a
DTMs; cave surveying by using (i) tape or (ii) laser rangefinders). The more complete database due to a comprehensive updating of these areas
long period of time during which the ACR has been developed has also in recent years (e.g., Wallner, 2019). The distribution of the cave in­
resulted in varying data quality for some areas. This is particularly ventory by DAs is shown in Fig. 5/C. In total, 563 of 867 caves comply

C. Bauer and T. Wagner Geomorphology 447 (2024) 109024

Fig. 3. Doline and cave inventories. A: Doline delineation process. Details concerning the numbers 1 to 5 refer to Section 3.2. B: Cave inventory. Plan view (position
1) and elongated vertical profile (position 2) of the Rillenhöhle (modified cave map drawn by Wallner, 2020).

Fig. 4. Stream analysis – example of Wildon (Leitha limestone). A: Hillshade visualisation. B: an example of a doline (blue dot) and its elevation above local base
level (Mur River); Data: DGM 1 × 1 m, CC-BY-4.0: Land Steiermark - (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

C. Bauer and T. Wagner Geomorphology 447 (2024) 109024

Table 3
Morphometric characteristics of the two landform inventories.
Morphometric parameter DA-1 DA-2 DA-3 DA-4 DA-5 DA-6 DA-7

Dolines Number of dolines 7 148 66 171 168 16 19

Percent of total [%] 1.2 24.9 11.1 28.7 28.2 2.7 3.2
Area max. [m2] 1239 12,679 4672 8870 1673 2856 535
Area min. [m2] 15 7 16 6 6 27 8
Area mean [m2] 376 1467 822 374 159 698 110
Area median [m2] 148 661 572 50 64 274 77
Elongationa 7b (100 %) 133 (90 %) 65 (98 %) 142 (83 %) 122 (72 %) 15b (94 %) 15b (79 %)
Depth max. [m] 4.6 21.9 8.8 16.1 6.9 4.6 3.2
Depth min. [m] 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4
Depth mean [m] 1.8 4.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 1.7 1.6
Depth median [m] 1.2 3.1 1.5 1.4 1.9 1.4 1.3
Volume max. [m3] 2136 83,848 11,990 56,144 4774 3052 642
Volume min. [m3] 1.6 0.5 1.4 0.4 0.7 1.6 1.6
Volume mean [m3] 380 5173 1528 1103 266 760 93
Volume median [m3] 95 866 423 26 59 156 32
Caves Number of caves 89 203 19 27 1 167 47
Percent of total [%]c 15.8 36.1 3.4 4.8 0.2 29.7 8.3
Length max [m] 4187 5975 240 340 54 1500 215
Length min [m] 5 3 3 1 54 3 3
Length mean [m] 97 77 65 36 – 48 30
Length median [m] 27 15 45 15 – 14 13
Depth max. [m] 239 273 100 67 6 133 27
Depth min. [m] 0 0 2 1 6 0 0
Depth mean [m] 15 10 27 10 – 9 5
Depth median [m] 9 4 15 6 – 4 3
Number of dolines and [%] of total that meets the Ci-criteria.
The number of dolines within DA is too small to make valid statements about their elongation.
Caves that are not assigned to a doline area are excluded (a total of 1.7 % of the total cave inventory of the CSK as defined herein; see Fig. 5/C).

with the accuracy and quality requirements described above (Fig. 5/D). doline populations). The most important quantifiable morphometric
In total, 1158 landforms (51 % dolines and 49 % caves) are used in parameters are length, width, perimeter, area, depth and volume (e.g.,
this study to derive a better understanding of landscape evolution in the Bondesan et al., 1992). Depending on topographic and geomorphologic
CSK. settings, dolines are also re-shaped by interaction of different (non-
karstic) geomorphologic processes (e.g., burial, filling). Thus, these
4.1. Cumulative doline area rather simple morphological parameters may not be sufficiently precise
enough for a detailed classification of polygenetic landforms (a detailed
With only seven delineated landforms, DA-1 has the lowest number morphometric analysis of the dolines is out of scope of this paper).
of dolines of all DAs. With a doline area of 1239 m2, it also contains the However, due to the topographic and geomorphological setting of the
feature with the smallest maximum value (Table 3, area max.) in the study area (e.g., no glacial overprint, partly thick soil cover, intensive
catchment of the Mur River. Compared to all other DAs, the cumulative subsurface karstification with many caves), it is expected that the
percentage of areas for the DA-1 (Fig. 6) is rather small compared to its dominant doline forming processes are solution or subsidence and only
high elevation. DA-2 contains the absolute maximum of all investigated to a minor extent collapse. Considering the solution origin of dolines,
DAs and also the largest mean and median values (Table 3). The cu­ deepening of dolines at their base is coupled with widening at their rim
mulative percentages (Fig. 6) of the 148 analysed dolines (=24.9 %) and consequent area-widening (White, 1988). Fig. 7/A–B illustrates the
illustrates the above-average size of the landforms. DA-3 hosts 66 area:depth and area:volume ratio for all dolines in all DAs. Both ratios
dolines (=11.1 %). Fig. 6 illustrates that up to 90 % of the dolines are indicate a distinct correlation between area and the two respective pa­
larger than the average of all investigated landforms. DA-4 has the rameters (Fig. 7/A–B, position 1), supporting the dominance of solution
highest number of dolines (171, =28.7 %). Fig. 6 shows a steep increase origin of landforms. However, two types of outliers emerge. The first are
up to 80 % for DA-4, i.e., small landforms dominate. From 90 % the dolines with a large area, but shallow depth, resulting in a low volume
curve flattens out considerably due to the presence of some large (Fig. 7/A–B, position 2). These dolines are coated by thick soil cover and
dolines. This considerable difference is also reflected in a large deviation are also partly subject to anthropogenic modification. The second outlier
of the mean from the median value. With 168 delineated dolines, the relates to a single doline whose area is small compared to its depth and
DA-5 takes second rank of all DAs (=28.2 %). The dominance of small especially its volume (Fig. 7/A–B, position 3). For this type, a collapse
dolines is evident: 90 % of the landforms are smaller than 500 m2. DA-6 process of formation seems evident (cf. Fig. 11/C, position 2/iii; Behrens
is characterised by a low number of delineated landforms (16, = 2.7 %). et al., 1992).
The areas of the dolines vary significantly. Within DA-7, 19 small dolines Fig. 7/C–F illustrates the elongation of dolines within the DAs. For
(= 3.2 %) are delineated. 90 % of the dolines in the DA are smaller than DA-1, 6 and -7, the number of dolines is too low to make valid state­
200 m2. ments about their elongation. DA-2 (Fig. 7/C) shows a distinct NW-SE
elongation of the dolines. This preferred direction is also evident at
DA-4 (Fig. 7/E), although a second significant elongation from SW to NE
4.2. Doline morphometry emerges. DA-3 (Fig. 7/D) shows two directions: NE-SW and, less
prominent, NW-SE. Within DA-5 (Fig. 7/F) it is remarkable that (i) many
Dolines can originate from different morphogenetic processes: so­ dolines (28 %; 46 entities) have an almost circular shape and have
lution, subsidence, suffusion, drop-out, or collapse (e.g., De Waele and therefore been excluded from further analysis (Table 3) and (ii) the rose
Gutierrez, 2022; Ford and Williams, 2007; Sauro, 2003; White, 1988). plot shows a rather disperse elongation with a slight maximum from N to
Since the genesis of dolines is not yet sufficiently understood, a classi­ S.
fication is usually based on morphology (especially for studies with large

C. Bauer and T. Wagner Geomorphology 447 (2024) 109024

Fig. 5. The landform inventories. A: Pie chart of dolines by DAs. B: Doline tree-canopy analysis; C: Pie chart of caves by DAs. 0.2 % relate to DA-5. D: Cave inventory
accuracy assessment. Details refer to Sections 3.1 and 3.2.

4.3. Elevation of dolines above local base level (Fig. 8/E) show considerable differences in elevation within a short
horizontal distance (<3 km): to the west (Wildoner Buchkogel), the
The two localities where dolines are predominantly found at DA-1 dolines are located at 180–240 m a.l.b.l., whereas to the east (Sukdull)
(Fig. 8/A; cf. Table 2) are characterised by a low number of small they are located at 40–100 m a.l.b.l. Fig. 8/F depicts both DA-6 and DA-
dolines, arranged at elevations of about 520 m (Nechnitz) and 400 m a.l. 7. The distribution of dolines of DA-6 shows two localities with signifi­
b.l. (Schwaigeralm). Fig. 8/B depicts the DA-2, showing a significant cant vertical distance: (1) Schachen at an elevation of 100–200 m a.l.b.l.
clustering of large dolines at elevations of about 300–450 m a.l.b.l. for and (2) Burgstaller Höhe at an elevation of 500–550 m a.l.b.l. The
the Tanneben locality. The vertical distribution of the dolines at Him­ dolines with a larger area are situated at higher altitudes. DA-7 shows
melreich is more disperse and the landforms are located at lower ele­ two levels. The dolines at Zigöllerkogel are very small and arranged at
vations (80–250 m a.l.b.l.). Similar to the DA-2, DA-3 (Fig. 8/C) has a elevations of 40–50 m a.l.b.l., whereas the dolines at Gradenberg are
cluster of dolines at an elevation of 300–450 m a.l.b.l. (Leber), but the arranged at elevations of about 250–270 m a.l.b.l..
landforms are smaller. The general higher elevated Schöckl locality is
characterised by a lower number of dolines where doline area decreases
with increasing elevation. Within DA-4 (Fig. 8/D), the highest dolines 4.4. Cave inventory
are situated on Pleschkogel (600–650 m a.l.b.l.). Also in this DA, there is
a pronounced, narrow cluster of large dolines (Steinkogel and Plab­ In terms of passage lengths, most caves in the CSK are rather small
tusch) situated at elevations of 300–350 m a.l.b.l.. The lower localities (often due to sediment blockage or caves being remnants of presumably
(Buchkogel, Felieferhof, and Kugelberg) are characterised by a high larger cave systems that have been dissected or eroded in the meantime).
number of rather small dolines. The dominantly small dolines of DA-5 Fig. 9/A–B shows the cumulative percentage of horizontal cave lengths,
differentiated into the individual DAs. It is evident that >95 % of all

C. Bauer and T. Wagner Geomorphology 447 (2024) 109024

Fig. 6. Doline inventory, cumulative percentage of areas per DA. A: linear plot; B: semi-logarithmic plot. Grey line is the total cumulative percentage of areas over all
DAs. Colour-coding refers to Fig. 5.

registered caves are shorter than 200 m in maximum horizontal passage and landforms. If, instead, the local base level is lowered again before
length and all caves have a median vertical extent of only 5 m (thus this complete levelling, erosive processes are rejuvenated and a new
entrance elevation as proxy for mean altitudinal development of caves). incision (and consequently an altered hydraulic gradient) ensues.
Compared to the doline inventory, the distribution of caves related to Presuming that the landforms have not been completely levelled up to
individual DAs (Fig. 10) shows significant differences (cf. Table 3). this event, they persist. How long they persist and whether they are still
Whereas only 7 dolines (=1.2 %) are located in the DA-1, 89 caves evident in the landscape today depends on: (i) the factor of time. Karst
(=15.8 %) are located there. The dimensions of the caves also reflect the evolution in particular is associated with long periods of time (c.f. De
importance of the subsurface karst features within the DA: the median Waele and Gutierrez, 2022; some tens of thousands of years to 100 k
length of 27 m is the second highest value of all investigated DAs. With a years for limestone caves) and hence changing environmental condi­
length of 4187 m and a depth of 239 m, the second longest and second tions; (ii) the activity of further geomorphological agents that succes­
deepest cave of the CSK (Drachenhöhle) is also located in this DA. The sively shape the landforms (due to, e.g., erosion, infilling, dissection,
intense karstification of the DA-2 is evident not only in the number of sealing) and (iii) the resilience of the landforms (concept of karst im­
dolines (148 = 24.9 %) but also in the number of caves (203 = 36.1 %). munity) to these geomorphological agents (e.g., reduced surface erosion
It also contains the highest mean lengths (77 m). With a length of 5975 capacity due to underground drainage). Successive phases of quiescence
m and a depth of 273 m, the DA also contains the longest and deepest and activity create a polycyclic sequence of landscape (resp. landform)
(and partly still water-active) cave (Lurgrotte) in the CSK. In DA-3 only stages - with a general temporal sequence from top (old) to bottom
19 caves (=3.4 %) are known with a mean length of 65 m. DA-4 is (young).
characterised by a significant difference in the number of karst land­ In the CSK, the morphometry of the surface karst landforms reveals a
forms: while the maximum number of dolines per DA is found here (171 distinct correlation with the vertical succession. Table 4 shows the cat­
= 28.7 %), only 27 caves (=4.8 %) are located in this DA. With only one egorisation of the studied localities per DA according to the regional
known cave (=0.2 %), DA-5 has the smallest number of caves in the CSK. planation surface (level). Based on the analysis of cosmogenic nuclides
It is also the DA with the most significant difference between the number in cave sediments in the CSK, Wagner et al. (2010, 2011) dated the
of surface and subsurface karst landforms (168 = 28.2 %). DA-6 also has formation of the level TH, in the upper part of the Drachenhöhle in DA-1
a significant difference in the number of surface and subsurface karst at an elevation of 500–600 m a.l.b.l., to about 4 Ma ago. On the basis of
landforms. Here, 167 caves dominate over 16 dolines (Table 3). the proposed ages (for details refer to Wagner et al., 2011), the levels are
Compared to the other DAs, the mean length of caves is rather long (48 thus classified into three stages (old, mature, and young). Fig. 10 shows
m). DA-7 hosts 47 caves (=8.3 %). The minimum mean values of lengths the two investigated karst landforms plotted against elevation above
(30.3 m) and depths (4.7 m), excluding DA-5, indicate a dominant small local base level and in relation to one morphometric parameter (dolines
dimension of the caves. = area; caves = max. horizontal extent).
In the following, the three stages of landscape evolution from old to
5. Landscape evolution discussion mature and then young are discussed in light of the combination of
surface and subsurface karst landforms and their evolution over time.
5.1. Vertical succession – The influence of base level change
(1) Old stage: The highest levels consist of KOR, WOL, HUB and TH
Considering the hypotheses presented earlier (Section 1), the (Table 4). At the two highest levels (KOR, WOL) no dolines could
morphometric parameters (e.g., size, position) of the studied karst be detected. The levels HUB and TH are characterised by few and
landforms are related to the changing position of the local base level and small dolines, but a considerable number of caves are present
thus provide morphological evidence of altered hydraulic gradients. (Fig. 10 and Table 4). All four levels are interpreted as an old-age
These geomorphological considerations are based on the principle of the stage of karst landscape evolution. Karstification is no longer the
“cycle of erosion” postulated by Davis (1899) and have already been dominant morphogenetic process. As a result, dolines have
adapted for karst evolution by Grund (1914) and Cvijić (1918). Based on already been re-shaped by other geomorphological processes into
the premise that the local base level remains stable for a long period of polygenetic landforms. Fig. 11/C (position 1) shows a re-shaped
time, erosion will cause the (almost) complete levelling of the landscape doline on the DA-3. A small water reservoir is visible, indicating a

C. Bauer and T. Wagner Geomorphology 447 (2024) 109024

Fig. 7. Doline morphometry. A: area:depth ratio; B: area:volume ratio. Details concerning the numbers 1 to 3 refer to Section 4.3. C-F: Doline elongation with plotted
reverse azimuth; only dolines within a DA that meet the Ci-criteria are displayed (Table 3). Colour-coding refers to Fig. 5.

C. Bauer and T. Wagner Geomorphology 447 (2024) 109024

Fig. 8. Doline inventory per DA, elevation above local base level. Coloured bands refer to localities mentioned in Section 4.4; colour-coding refers to Fig. 5.

sealed doline. The doline has an indistinct outer delineation but caves, even if speleogenetically inactive, have been preserved
appears to be semi-circular. Further semi-circular, re-shaped until today. This is also confirmed by the 4.2 km long Dra­
dolines can be found in the close vicinity, and also in other DAs chenhöhle, the second longest cave in the CSK. The cave passages
related to this old stage (e.g., DA-6, locality Burgstaller Höhe; DA- are partly vertical, however the prominent main passage (approx.
4, locality Pleschkogel). Once dolines have been severely re- 20 m wide and 500 m long) corresponds to the old-age stage. The
shaped, their morphometry also no longer meets the criteria for lower passages of the Drachenhöhle may be interpreted as a lower
the doline delineation process (enclosed depressions). Speleo­ level correlated to the HS (Wagner et al., 2010, 2011).
genesis at this stage is inactive and caves are in a relict stage (2) Mature stage: The two levels HS and SB/ZB between 180 and 450
(truncated, intercepted). However, caves can persist for a long m a.l.b.l. are characterised by a conspicuous density of karst
period of time until erosion finally destroys them completely. landforms. Yet not only the number of landforms, but also their
This also explains the high number of caves compared to dolines dimensions are outstanding for the CSK at these levels. They are
at this stage: many dolines have already been strongly re-shaped, interpreted as a mature stage of karst landscape evolution. The

C. Bauer and T. Wagner Geomorphology 447 (2024) 109024

Fig. 9. Cave morphometry. A: Cumulative percentage of horizontal cave length. The black dashed polygon marks the detail insert; B: Detail insert. Colour-coding
refers to Fig. 5.

landforms are distinctly the result of karstification and indicate for DA-5: there are 168 dolines (28 % of all DAs) and only one
only a moderate re-shaping by further geomorphological pro­ cave (0.2 % of all DAs). The vertical position of the dolines in this
cesses (cf. Section 5.2). Hydraulic connectivity to the lower levels DA reveals a distinct separation into two areas, with the dolines
(young stage) may be high. Large parts of the probably most of Wildoner Buchkogel assigned to the SB/ZB and thus to the
famous karst area in the CSK, the Tanneben massif (DA-2) also mature stage. Similar to other DAs at this elevation above local
belongs to this stage. The morphometry of dolines confirms the base level, the numerous dolines of Wildoner Buchkogel are ev­
intensive karstification of this DA (cf. Table 3): absolute idence for intensive karstification. However, in contrast to other
maximum, largest mean and median area, depth, and volume of DAs, small dolines dominate (Fig. 11/C, position 3). An expla­
all Das. Remarkably, the positions of the dolines at the Himmel­ nation for the small shaped dolines of Wildoner Buchkogel and its
reich locality, separated by the Badlgraben creek, are signifi­ relation to Sukdull (see young stage) in the east across the Mur
cantly lower than those at Tanneben. They belong to the SB/ZB River might be found in neotectonic movements of the Styrian
level (cf. Maurin, 1994: 119). Fig. 11/C (position 2) shows large Basin (cf. Section 5.3).
solution dolines at DA-2. Only one doline near the entrance of the (3) Young stage: While the SB/ZB also marks the last pre-glacial
cave Lurgrotte, indicates a collapse origin (Fig. 11/C, position 2/ level, the lower levels (UTG, MTG, LTG) correspond to Pleisto­
iii and v). The ~6 km long (=longest cave in the CSK), partly cene terraces (cf. Section 5.2). The three terraces are clearly
water active cave Lurgrotte passes through the Tanneben massif expressed in the foreland of the Styrian Basin, whereas they are
from Semriach to Peggau and descends 275 m (cf., Bauer and only barely distinguishable in the PG due to the erosive power of
Plan, 2022). Cave passages are arranged into three phreatic levels the rivers. In many cases they are only preserved as dissected
(Behrens et al., 1992), with the higher cave passages (near fragments (cf. Wagner et al., 2011). These lower levels are
entrance Semriach) belonging to the mature stage. Collapse of interpreted as a young stage of karst landscape evolution.
cave passages and abundant speleothems are characteristic for Accordingly, karstification at this stage is still active. Visible ev­
these relict passages. The mature stage is also in good accordance idence of active speleogenesis are large karst springs emerging at
with the collapse origin of the doline mentioned above. The the base of the valleys (e.g., Schmelzbach and Hammerbach at
growth of the speleothems is still continuing, but the current Peggau, DA-2; Andritz Ursprung at Leber, DA-3). For the two
environmental conditions may not be sufficient to explain the springs at Hammerbach (Fig. 11/B, position 2/i) and Andritz-
giant speleothems in the cave (see Section 5.2). The cliff in the Ursprung, research has revealed a deeper karstification than the
west of DA-2 (“Peggauer Wand”, Fig. 11/B, position 2) gives clear current outlet of the springs. This is because the streams have
evidence of the erosive power of the Mur River. In the upper part already been deeply incised and later sedimentation had subse­
of the cliff, horizontal cave passages (mainly of phreatic origin) quently filled up the valley; e.g., Mur River, in a transport-limited
and the distinct arrangement of cave entrances at specific ele­ state (Maurin and Zötl, 1972; Wagner et al., 2011; Weber, 1969;
vations indicate former base levels (Behrens et al., 1992; Wagner cf. Section 5.2).
et al., 2011). Springs in the lower part of the cliff are also evi­
dence of a still active speleogenesis today (see Young Stage). The As mentioned above, the positions of dolines at DA-5 have a clear
cluster of dolines at locality Leber (DA-3) also belongs to the vertical duality in the order of 100 m: the higher situated dolines of
mature stage. However, the mature stage is not only evident in Wildoner Buchkogel (approx. 180–240 m a.l.b.l.) and the dolines of
the DAs of the Schöckl-Fz. Numerous and large dolines are also Sukdull, situated considerably lower (approx. 40–100 m a.l.b.l.). The
found in the DA-4 (Rannach-Fz.; localities Kugelberg, Steinkogel, carbonate outcrop of Sukdull is also narrow (<1 km), but in contrast to
Plabutsch, and Buchkogel). The large dolines at Steinkogel have Wildoner Buchkogel, it is not hydrologically separated from allogenic
received little attention so far. The dolines at Kugelberg have inputs (cf. Section 5.4). In terms of depth and area, the dolines of Sukdull
neither been documented nor scientifically investigated until are very small, with some acting as ponors. One of these ponors is also
now. What is striking in this DA is that the high number of dolines the only cave known so far (Frauenhöhle) in the DA-5 (Fig. 4; cf., Bauer
(29 % of all DAs) does not coincide with a correspondingly high and Weissinger, 2020). In addition to the small dolines, the active
number of caves (4.8 %). This contrast is even more significant ponors and the almost complete absence of caves, water-active, enlarged

C. Bauer and T. Wagner Geomorphology 447 (2024) 109024

Fig. 10. Caves versus dolines above local base level. Red box = cave entity depicted with the respective maximum horizontal extent (x-axis) versus elevation above
local base level (y-axis); blue box = doline entity with the respective doline area (x-axis) versus elevation above local base level (y-axis); boxes of various colours
depict the approximate elevation of regional levels from Table 4 and geomorphological stages are indicated. Note: The longest cave in the CSK (Lurgrotte) is missing in
the plot as no complete cave survey exists so far. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)

conduits below the recent valley floor also provide evidence of a young Wagner et al., 2010, 2011) to the present has also been accompanied by
(ongoing) karstification. These conduits were encountered at a depth of climatic variations that have affected the landscape and its landforms. If
− 8 m a.l.b.l. during drilling as part of a geological survey for the con­ the climate variations persist long enough, their impacts (e.g., changing
struction of a power plant (Gamerith, 2006). dissolution regime, changing erosion capacity) can be expressed in the
The three stages proposed here are similar to that described in the landscape and its landforms, respectively. If the influence of a later
Northern Calcareous Alps, where there are also three main levels and climate variation is of a high magnitude, the imprints of the previous
stages of karstification (e.g., Häuselmann et al., 2020). Based on burial variation(s) may be completely obscured at the surface. This is what has
ages of cave sediments, the oldest dated samples indicate much older typically happened in the Alpine karst due to Pleistocene glaciations (cf.
geomorphological stages in the NCA compared to the ones dated in the Bauer and Plan, 2022). For the CSK, geomorphological evidence of
CSK. Further research is required to correlate stages of the NCA with climate variations is hypothesised for subtropical-tropical influences on
stages/planation surfaces in the CSK. one hand (Bauer and Zötl, 1972; Maurin, 1975; Paschinger, 1965) and
for indirect glacial and direct periglacial influences on the other
(Untersweg, 1982). At least there were no direct impacts (glacial
5.2. The complex and inherent influence of climate
erosion) of Pleistocene glaciation on the CSK (Fig. 1, Van Husen, 2011).
Several authors have considered the formation of the rough/erratic
The evolution of karst landforms does not only have to be a conse­
relief that occurs at Tanneben, Steinkogel, Plabutsch, and Buchkogel
quence of stable or altered hydraulic gradients, but can also be the result
belonging to the HS (mature stage) to be due to a more humid, tropical
of climate changes – or an interaction of both agents (Ford and Williams,
climate. The relief is interpreted as residual hills protruding from a
2007). The long geological timespan from the initial landscape forma­
younger alluvial surface (cf. Paschinger, 1965; Untersweg, 1982).
tion and origin of the landforms (TH = old-age stage = ~4 Ma ago;

C. Bauer and T. Wagner Geomorphology 447 (2024) 109024

Table 4
Overview of regional levels/planation surfaces described in the literature and related DAs, localities and wider level classification.
Level regionala,b Elev. above local base level [m. a.l.b.l.]b Proposed ageb DAsc Localitiesc Level wider
Kor [KOR] 1200–1500 Upper Sarmatian No evidence – Old
Wolschenek [WOL] 900–1000 Lower Pannonian No evidenced – Old
Hubenhalt [HUB] 700–800 Middle Pannonian DA-3 Schöckl Old
Trahütten [TH] 500–600 Upper Pannonian DA-1 Nechnitz Old
DA-4 Pleschkogel
DA-3 Schöckl
Hochstraden [HS] 325–450 Uppermost Pliocene DA-1 Schwaigeralm Mature
DA-2 Tanneben
DA-3 Leber
DA-4 Steinkogel, Plabutsch
Stadelberg/Zahrerberg [SB/ZB] 180–300 Pliocene/Pleistocene DA-2 Tanneben Mature
DA-2 Himmelreich
DA-4 Buchkogel
DA-4 Kugelberg
DA-5 Wildoner Buchkogel
Upper Terrace Group [UTG] 80–120 Early Pleistocene-Günz DA-5 Sukdull Young
Middle Terrace Group [MTG] 40–100 Günz/Mindel-Mindel/Riss No evidenced – Young
Lower Terrace Group [LTG] 25–40 Riss-Würm DA-2 Tannebene Young
DA-5 Sukdulle
Abbreviations according to Wagner et al. (2011).
Details see Wagner et al. (2011).
Due to the size and vertical extent of the areas, multiple entries are possible.
In the CSK these levels are present but there is no evidence for dolines.
Active speleogenesis still takes place in the lower part of these areas.

Dolines at this level would therefore be younger than the residual hills level (lower locality Himmelreich). This contradicts a syngenetic origin,
(Paschinger, 1965). The significant clustering of dolines and caves, as and a re-shaping of the landforms after their primary origin is assumed.
well as the dominance of large landforms (both dolines and caves) at the Similar asymmetries of dolines at high elevations (1500 to 2200 m a.s.l.)
mature stage, allow their origin to be explained not only by a long in the Northern Calcareous Alps were interpreted as the effects of snow-
stagnant base level, but also by optimal climate conditions for kar­ patches (Schappelwein, 1966; Sölch, 1928). Thereby, predominant wind
stification (cf. Bauer and Zötl, 1972; Maurin, 1975). Evidence for a directions cause an accumulation of snow in the lee side of dolines.
warmer climate is provided by the deposits of red clays (Terra rossa) at During melting, more corrosive water is available in these parts of the
the mature stage. At Tanneben, these soils are found as infillings in doline. Over a longer period of time, this produces asymmetrical shapes
dolines but also as autogenic sediments in caves (that may block cave (cf. Chabot, 1927). Ford and Williams (2007) call this type “nival” karst.
passages completely). A survey note about the artificial opening of a The precondition for this type is, that the terrain was not affected by
cave (Geßmann-Doline) at the bottom of a doline mentions a sedimentary glacial erosion and deep permafrost (hence restricted or blocked sub­
deposit of 12 m (Weissensteiner, 1966). Also, the Wildemannloch cave is surface drainage). At this point, it is important to mention that recent
known for its thick red clay deposits (Maurin, 1994; Weissensteiner, studies in some areas in the Northern Calcareous Alps have not
1972). In this context the artificial tunnel system at the base of the cliff confirmed the asymmetries of dolines due to snow-patches (Plan and
in the west of Tanneben (Fig. 11/B, position 2) is interesting. Shafts Decker, 2006). However, the CSK meets the climate preconditions for
intercepted by the artificial tunnel excavated in 1944 were filled with the development of nival karst during the Pleistocene, i.e., an overprint
plastic clays which are still flowing out of fissures and conduits (cf. after the actual doline development due to corrosive water from snow­
Weissensteiner, 1969). There is widespread disagreement about the age melt. Evidence for periglacial influences are Pleistocene slope debris in
or origin of the soils. Some authors place the origin in the Pliocene (e.g., the higher parts of the CSK (e.g., DA-3). Consequently, a widespread
Flügel, 1975). Behrens et al. (1992) see them as evidence for a warmer absence of vegetation is also to be expected (Untersweg, 1982). The
Quaternary period. It must be clarified whether the climatic conditions asymmetries are not found in all dolines at these levels (e.g., Leber lo­
in interstadial times were sufficient for such profound weathering cality). As a possible explanation, wind-shadowing effects, which have
leaving only iron oxides. An argument for a Quaternary origin of the prevented the accumulation of snow, can be assumed here. An alter­
soils are the existing dates of speleothem formation in the CSK (Boch native explanation also related to wind-shadowing effects is the depo­
et al., 2009, 2010). These samples prove ice-free, soil-covered conditions sition of fine (aeolian) sediments on parts of the doline. However,
in periods of ~230, ~100 and ~70–80 ka (Wagner et al., 2011). How­ preferential wind directions would need to have been from the opposite
ever, the role of warmer climate periods on the landscape evolution in direction as for the “nival” development, as sediments would also de­
the CSK requires further investigation. posit at the lee side of dolines. Comparing these two “opposing” pro­
The asymmetries of many dolines (locality Tanneben, Himmelreich, cesses, dolines without the asymmetries hint towards general wind
and Steinberg) are a notable discovery from this work, revealed due to directions that favor the nival processes.
the use of recently available vegetation penetrating high-resolution Even though Pleistocene glaciations likely had no direct impact on
DTMs. The shapes show a NW-SE elongation, with steeper slopes fac­ the CSK, the glacial - interglacial cycles led to a complex series of
ing S-to-SE, and flatter ones facing N-to-NW (Fig. 11/C, position 2/iv; sediment depositions and re-incisions of the Mur River, as evidenced by
Fig. 7/C/E). It is remarkable that the shapes of dolines at Leber (DA-3), its terraces. The enormous load of mobilized sediments, abundantly
in close vicinity to the most prominent fault in the CSK (Leber fault; present in the headwaters of the Mur River catchment in times of glacial
Gasser et al., 2010), do not show any peculiar asymmetries, but dolines retreat, hence filled up the valley in the CSK and thus re-adjusted the
at localities without major fault systems show obvious asymmetries. The local base level for karstification. The present Mur River is in a transport-
imprint of tectonics is also not conclusive in explaining the asymmetries limited state, thus incising into the sediments of the Last Glacial
of the dolines. Moreover, they are found both in the older HS level Maximum (LGM). Drillings Fig. 11/B, position 2/ii) in the vicinity of the
(higher localities Tanneben and Steinberg) and in the younger SB/ZB Hammerbach spring (Fig. 11/B, position 2/i) confirm the occurrence of

C. Bauer and T. Wagner Geomorphology 447 (2024) 109024

Fig. 11. Landscape evolution. A: schematic profile (courtesy of Bauer, A.); 1: DA-3; 2: DA-2; 3: DA-5. B: field impressions from the respective areas 1 to 3. C:
Hillshade- visualisation based on 1 × 1 m ALS-DTM. Note the equal scale for all DTM sections (C1 to C3), thereby highlighting differences in scale of the dolines
encountered; D: detail photographs of dolines. D1: ~70 m diameter; D2: ~80 m diameter, D3: ~5 m diameter.

C. Bauer and T. Wagner Geomorphology 447 (2024) 109024

glacial gravels at a maximum depth of 40 m (Weber, 1969). Gravel Badenian Leitha limestone (coral patch reefs that formed approx. 13 Ma
deposits in other caves at Peggau also indicate that passages of the lower ago) is identical for both localities (Friebe, 1990), a syngenetic origin for
level were once inundated due to altered base levels (Wagner et al., the difference in elevation has to be discarded. The significant vertical
2010, 2011). differences within short horizontal distances could be indicative of a
post-Badenian tectonic displacement, which could have involved either
5.3. W-E dissimilarities – The influence of (neo-)tectonics and rock subsidence of the eastern part (Sukdull), uplift of the western part
properties (Wildoner Buchkogel), or a combination of both. Winkler-Hermaden
(1951) and Flügel (1953) reported a NNW-SSE trending fault at Wildon
Within the CSK, there are considerable W-E differences along the and hypothesised a connection to the Leber fault in the north (Fig. 1/B),
Mur River. For all DAs with the Mur River as the local base level, it is which might be of syngenetic origin but may have remained active (or
remarkable that DAs to the west of the river have a significantly lower has been reactivated) in recent geological times. Wagner (2010) found
number of caves than those to the east (Table 3 and Fig. 1). The dif­ evidence of (neo-) tectonic displacement(s) along man-made under­
ferences are not related to the nappe systems of GP. Indeed, the Mur ground tunnels in the Graz Schlossberg and Maurin (1953) reported
valley is not parallel to the direction of the Rannach thrust, the structure neotectonic displacements in the lowest level of the Lurgrotte cave
separating the upper from the lower nappe systems. The evolution of the system. The morphometry of the dolines in DA-5 also indicates a
Mur River within the CSK is not yet fully understood. The current geo­ dominant elongation in this NNW-SSE direction (Fig. 7/F). The presence
morphologic interpretation is that up to the Upper Pliocene, drainage and characteristics of (neo-) tectonic displacement(s) in the Styrian
proceeded over the Tanneben massif 3 km to the east of the village Basin remain a research gap.
Semriach. The drainage went through the present-day Kesselfall-gorge
to the south. However, the drainage gradually shifted westwards, and 5.4. Morphogenesis of karst landforms associated with allogenic input
probably in the Lower Pleistocene it rapidly deepened into the less
resistant lithologies of the GP (Maurin, 1994). The related altered hy­ As mentioned before, the CSK is not a continuous karst area, but
draulic gradient increased subsurface drainage (stream piracy, cf. rather consists of multiple carbonate areas surrounded by or embedded
Wagner et al., 2011) and finally the complete cut-off of the surface within rocks that are not suitable for karstification. Where allogenic
drainage path. The westward shift of the Mur River is also seen as the water from neighbouring or overlying non-karst rocks comes into con­
reason why the caves in the eastern part are more numerous and also tact with carbonate rock outcrops, contact karst can be formed (cf. Ford
have relatively long passages, while they are rare and small in the west and Williams, 2007; Gams, 1994). The likely most prominent example of
(e.g., Behrens et al., 1992). contact karst in the CSK is the allogenic catchment area of Lurbach (a
Another explanation for the W-E differences could be the rock blind valley, cf. Fig. 1 and Fig. 11/C, position 2/v) and its underground
properties of the karst rocks and their geographical distribution of the drainage through the Tanneben massif (cf., Benischke and Harum, 1994)
different facies. Fig. 1 depicts that both the Schöckel-Fz. and the where stream piracy during the incision of the Mur River in the last few
Hochlantsch-Fz. occur dominantly east of the Mur River. In terms of million years has occurred (e.g., Wagner et al., 2011). An integrated
lithology, it is evident that the carbonates of these two formations host a drainage pattern has formed in the non-karst bedrock of the GP over a
particularly high number of caves. Especially, the suitability of the long period of time. The contact karst in the Styrian Basin is charac­
Schöckel limestone for karstification is also manifested in the area of the terised by a higher number of rather small dolines that often act as
DA-6 and DA-7. DA-6 contains approx. 30 % of all caves, DA-7 approx. 8 concentrated inflows of allogenic waters. This is evident at Zigöllerkogel
% and in total 78 % of all caves are situated in the Schöckel-Fz.. It is the (contact with the Schöckel-Fz.; Maurin, 1955) and at Feliferhof (contact
dominance of caves in the Hochlantsch-Fz. and the Schöckel-Fz. that with the Rannach-Fz.; Zötl, 1953) by a distinct row of small, and partly
caused the other facies in the CSK to have received less investigation (cf. no longer active dolines/ponors, as well as at Sukdull (contact with the
Benischke et al., 2016). The suitability and dominance of the Schöckel- Leitha limestone; Bauer and Weissinger, 2020). Also, those landforms
Fz. for karstification has also been emphasized for dolines. Vormair associated with contact karst follow the pattern of old to mature to
(1940) noted that dolines occur predominantly in the Schöckel lime­ young stages. For the old stage, no particular example can be presented,
stone. A more varied result emerges when analyzing the entire CSK: which may be due to complete erosion. Well-developed landforms in the
according to the analysis presented here, DAs belonging to the Schöckel- mature stage (e.g., Lurbach) are present, whereas only small dolines/
Fz. comprise almost 42 % of all delineated dolines. Even if this cumu­ ponors in the young stage (e.g., Sukdull) are to be reported.
lative value is the highest for all facies, it cannot justify the attribute
“predominantly” used by Vormair (1940) as >50 % of dolines are found 5.5. From landform inventories to landscape evolution
elsewhere in the CSK. DA-4 (Rannach-Fz.) and DA-5 (Leitha limestone)
also host a high number of dolines, including several large landforms. Fig. 11 summarizes the above elaborated landscape (and landform)
DA-4 is characterised by (i) a high number of dolines (28.7 % of total); evolution as deciphered from a combination of landform inventories.
(ii) a distinctive vertical zonation of the dolines at all three stages (old, The interplay of surface karst landform evolution (towards complete
mature, and young stage) and (iii) a distinctive correlation between erosion) and subsurface karst feature evolution (if detected and acces­
elevation above local base level and size of landforms. Large dolines are sible to cavers) can present a useful picture of how a landscape may have
dominantly located in the mature stage, while the dolines in the young evolved over time that reflects periods of relative quiescence alternating
stage are, apart from one entity, smaller than 1500 m2 (Fig. 6/D and with periods of tectonic and/or climatic changes. It is important to note
Fig. 8/D). that this is a schematic representation reduced to three stages (positions
DA-5 is characterised by an intensive doline formation: 28.2 % of all 1–3). The three different stages correspond to a gradation of age from
delineated dolines are within DA-5 and are characterised by convergent old (1) to mature (2) to young (3). In the CSK we can identify several
morphometry, dominated by numerous smaller forms (cf. Table 3 and stages though (cf., Fig. 10 and Table 4). Fig. 11/B–D (position 1–3)
Fig. 6/E). Leitha limestone outcrops are located both to the east and to provides examples of the stages within the CSK. Fig. 11/B shows a
the west of the Mur River near Wildon (cf. Fig. 1). The DA shows landscape image of the corresponding DAs. Fig. 11/C illustrates a hill­
remarkable differences in the elevations of dolines at the two localities shade visualisation of the surface karst landforms. Fig. 11/D shows an
(Section 5.1): the dolines at Wildoner Buchkogel are related to the SB/ example of a doline from the respective DAs.
ZB-level and are situated between 180 and 240 m a.l.b.l., while those
at Sukdull are related to the MTG-level (Fig. 8/E) and are significantly (1) Old stage (Fig. 11/A, position 1): Karstification may no longer be
lower (40–100 m a.l.b.l.). Since the developmental period of the the dominant morphogenetic process. Dolines have already been

C. Bauer and T. Wagner Geomorphology 447 (2024) 109024

re-shaped by other geomorphological processes (e.g., erosion, in- 5.6. Research agenda
filling). The low distinctiveness of the surface karst landforms, or
even their absence, does not necessarily mean karstification is no A doline inventory based on quantitative morphometric criteria,
longer active. Accordingly, caves are more frequent than dolines delineated on a high-resolution ALS-DTM proves to be well suited for the
in this area due to their resilience in respect to surface erosion. presented research. Correlating morphometric parameters such as area,
depth, and perimeter would be problematic with a manually-mapped
Regarding the CSK (Fig. 11/B–D), at higher elevated DAs, geomor­ inventory, especially for landforms that are indistinct (cf. Fig. 11/C,
phic processes have overprinted the more ancient karst landforms. This position 1). As a result of the area-wide survey, dolines could be detected
resulted in a significant re-shaping of the dolines into semi-circular at localities which have not been mentioned so far (e.g., Kugelberg in
forms, whose delineation criteria and thus classification as solely DA-4, cf. Fig. 1). However, since doline formation is a process that may
karst-based landforms is not easy to carry out. That karstification was, have been active since long times, the current morphometry of the
nevertheless, of significant importance at this old stage is proven by the landforms is not necessarily congruent with that of their initial forma­
presence of several caves (cf. Wagner et al., 2010; DA-1: 15.8 % of all tion. Thus, classifying the genesis of dolines based solely on the corre­
caves; Table 3 and Fig. 5). lation of their planar area and depth using ALS-DTMs may be subject to
uncertainties. Two main issues should be considered: (1) convergence of
(2) Mature stage (Fig. 11/A, position 2): Karstification is charac­ forms: as slope degradation may re-shape dolines of collapse origin,
terised by distinctive karst-related hydrology and both surface resulting in them being attributed as solution dolines (cf. Gökkaya et al.,
and subsurface landforms. So far, these landforms have only been 2021; Ford and Williams, 2007); and (2) incomplete representation of
moderately re-shaped by further geomorphological processes. forms: as the CSK belongs to the type of forested karst, the area is widely
Where karstification tends to develop a doline topography, they covered with soils that especially tend to accumulate at the bottoms of
are well developed. Subsurface karst landforms (caves) are also dolines. ALS-DTM analysis can only determine the surface morphometry
well developed. The distinctiveness of karst landforms and the of the form (doline + soil and/or scree cover), which is not necessarily
dominance of karstification must be interpreted in terms of a identical to the morphometry of the dolines without soil and/or scree
general suitability for the process. Apart from the similar litho­ cover. Therefore, subsurface investigations of dolines by means of
logical preconditions, these include, above all, a stable hydraulic geophysical methods (e.g., Siart et al., 2013) represent a necessary
gradient over long time and a climate related, ‘optimal’ dissolu­ research task, that might also resolve the issue of “nival” karst
tion regime. The latter depends on the availability of liquid water development.
and carbon dioxide from a significant soil cover. The morphometric information and the quality of the cave inventory
provides information of rather simple morphometric parameters (e.g.,
Regarding the CSK (Fig. 11/B–D), this stage hosts the most promi­ correlation of cave entrance and elevation above local base level;
nent karst areas in the CSK (e.g., Tanneben massif). Considering all DAs maximum horizontal extent). For detailed analyses on genesis of the
belonging to this stage, the dominance and intensity of karstification is caves in relation to landscape evolution (e.g., correlation of dominant
evident both by the number of dolines and their morphometry (area, cave passages and base level changes; frequency distribution of cave
depth, and volume). Caves (partly with abundant speleothem decora­ passages with respect to elevation; cf. Plan et al., 2009; Filipponi et al.,
tion) with long horizontal extent are predominantly found here, and 2010), the required georeferenced, digital polygonal information of cave
thus also provide evidence for the distinctiveness of karstification at this passages is missing for almost all caves in the CSK. Therefore, surveying
stage (Fig. 10 and Table 4). the caves with digital methods is a further research task. However, due
to the multitude of caves, this may need a large effort in cooperation
(3) Young stage (Fig. 11/A, position 3): Karstification is active and a with speleological associations.
dominant process at this stage. The doline topography is char­ An important research agenda is the influence of climate on karst
acterised by small morphometric parameters (area, depth, and development and landscape evolution in the CSK (and beyond). To
volume). The time required for the dolines to evolve into larger correlate morphological analysis of the inventories (e.g., correlation of
landforms or for the individuals to coalesce appears not to have size and elevation above local base level) in a relative temporal
been sufficient. Large karst springs emerging at the base of the sequence, further dating using numerical methods is necessary. It must
valley and the presence of a well-developed underground karst be noted that cave sediments, especially clastic ones, can be affected by
drainage network (not necessarily accessible caves) provide evi­ sequences of erosion and re-deposition (cf., De Waele and Gutierrez,
dence of active speleogenesis. Regarding the CSK (Fig. 11/B–D), 2022). Wagner et al. (2010, 2011) used terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides
this stage can be found at all DAs. Clear evidence of small mor­ to determine the burial ages from siliceous rock (quartz) pebbles of 13
phometries of dolines are found in the DA-5. Dolines at Feliferhof caves in the CSK. They further correlated the data with optically stim­
(DA-4) and Sukdull (DA-5) function as direct connections to the ulated luminescence (OSL) ages of a stream terrace and with U-Th ages
groundwater system(s) (ponors). Examples of large karst springs from speleothem samples. U-Th ages provide conclusions about climatic
emerging at this stage are Schmelzbach and Hammerbach at conditions and alterations during speleothem formations. In addition to
Peggau, and Andritz Ursprung at Leber. the findings by Wagner et al. (2011) on U-Th ages, Boch et al. (2009,
2010) revealed rapid climatic oscillations dating back to 10,000, 9100
To conclude, the difference in the number and/or morphometric and 8200 years based on stalagmites from the Katerloch (DA-6). U-Pb
parameters of surface and subsurface karst landforms may point towards dating may shed further light onto speleothems that are too old for U-Th
a geomorphological stage and thus age. If surface landforms are mainly dating, if low common Pb concentrations are present coupled with
absent, but subsurface landforms are (still) present this may mean old relatively high U content (e.g., Cliff et al., 2010). In the case of the CSK
age. Vice versa, if surface landforms are obvious (although rather small low U content and potentially high common Pb concentrations may limit
in dimensions) but subsurface landforms are absent (or at least not yet the application of U-Pb dating though (Boch et al., 2010).
known / accessible) this may point towards a state of ongoing devel­ The morphometric analysis of dolines at DA-5 indicates possible
opment which may mean young age. The former stage may be exem­ post-Badenian tectonic displacement(s). The analysis of these (possible)
plified by the Hochlantsch area (DA-1); the latter by the area of Wildon displacement(s) represents an important further research agenda for
(DA-5). However, the area around the DA-4 with an obvious surface understanding the landscape evolution of the CSK and the Pannonian
development (highlighted in this work) and basically an absence of Basin – Eastern Alps transition zone in general (e.g., Wagner et al.,
caves simply may be related to the inaccessibility of caves. 2011). Again here, geophysical methods (at a different scale than for the

C. Bauer and T. Wagner Geomorphology 447 (2024) 109024

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