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Offer the first breast for maximum 30min

If baby is still hungry then offer the second for 30minutes
If she rests for more than 15 min between breasts then wait for an hour
Keep a minimum of 1 hour to max of 3 hours between feeds

Get ready
Baby to mommy
Chin first to the breast
Nipple to the nose (remember to roll the nipple between your fingers before
offering to the baby)
Guide the nipple into the babies mouth with your thumb and lift the baby to
the breast
At the end of the feed, look at your nipple
It must be round and short just pink and moist
Not misshapen or elongated

Or watch this video link if we were successful with laid back or natural

If using nipple shields

Place a finger on either side and pull apart and then bring baby onto the

Maternal diet, the rule of 3's

3 main meals
3 mini meals
3 snacks
3 litres of water over and above other drinks
Everything full fat, full cream. Eat oats porridge, protein twice a day, cheese,
nuts and ice cream as snacks.. Use avocado and coconut or olive oil to add to
your calories..have a smoothie, add a teaspoon of olive oil to it..
Mini .....15
Snack ...21

Video links (a little commercial but
good info)
Jack Newman

Disclaimer - Neither MALAAK MAMA AND BABY CARE nor any of its staff
members provide medical advice. Topics addressed, whether verbally or in
writing, through any mediums, are not meant to replace the medical care and
advice provided by your physician, midwife or OBGYN. Information provided
by MALAAK MAMA AND BABY CARE or its staff members is designed for
awareness and educational purposes only and is supplementary to
professional medical advice. You should not rely on this information as a
substitute for, nor does it supersede, professional medical advice, diagnosis,
or treatment.

If you have any concerns or questions about your health or the health of your newborn or child, you should
always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. If presented with a medical emergency,
always call 999 immediately!

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