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sven ory bre ee ar, Scum al ier one an) ow tsoeyeu Fag tie eats ies rane? Ses an Ree ie ashe? Sos eon ese an et steerer Iecersarcs Am eonaknsh Pecnagior manager [I Wwoiepleemaning/ — —[Leussaua/y7 [eran | ping Socaies | ateaaay) acs oreo,” [enya oo fo ucothg | Tmeoton enw cen nny bce Thy yen Lesko ay pototesneoton (besoea fate eee) eresmerioeowt, | te/tha sorte bao, snes the oienebed poripaeian |e Semana dened [Leiwsnuniky | aaosandire | warbex | Solas | oie and eetemoe enaetore [tweeter eo frets inva |oomesetnone | ocome eect os cis | ws ae an ee. fecetoner stesoom ent oleae ooo Pees tins faye Tiere /ses/nespegeg feats She Thee Tn tig) eon etngdomcdowopenes ]1/eieoseyton diese 6/ names | ecwemcertonte | teen’ iseccto [mrerne "™ M mesooe reeset | emia bs een oa Taipei —|iearanti7 [Sane | aoa | So "Siar Reena |e Mo” [emis |SatSarcnane | es Saeae. 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Oates wot Resa? e/a ae) eda Key to teaching notes icons BA Presentation Pus {© nerve activity on PresettionPi) By cays detomert cannes ecompnrce romeo & ergo © comes fon Presentation Ps) Welcome to Pippa and Pop of stories and play Pippa and Pope 2 trs-lovl Engh language cours that taker young lamers Intaa marvellous ministure world Kinds ther cutesy and inaginaton, ele eee eae ee [books and two toy mice Pippa and Pop, wha come alvein alle g's inaginaton, coping leorers th immersive orien. (Our eect hae led ust focus on thee areas assent forthe development of ‘ery yung lire: Early tracy, Learning trough ply sc Learning t Leen, “Early teracys encouraged though series in every uit accompanied by Iteracy tins a yetemeticand phonological methedology for tending letters ane ‘faa supportive troduction to wring development + Learning through pay develope rial and teatve thinking, communication ond ‘colaborstion sil and encourages larars tobe conilnt and ntonamoue + Learning to Lean ete, informed bythe Combridge Life Competencies Framewors help lesnere develop the learing silty wil aad o bacon conden nal subjects and become independent eens “The course take playful approach and prepares pre-school ilo fr Primary bybulding ther confidence, inating an enjoyment of earning 2nd helping Braet ta rte Mra rar eure eee Cambridge English Pre-A1 Starters text, Combined with gradual troduction tenumeray ler nd sounds, projects, correla lessons and value, Pippa and Popo perfec arto laring English and to the ch’ ourmey through schosl Early literacy development What is early literacy? “Early cacy’ deseribes the development of kis nd cognitive tak young chieen| that prepare them to learn to rad and wrt, Fostering ay in stores, songs and rhymes, teaching young cilden that word re allroud us and making them aware of ound paling ‘eltonsip, enable them t learn to reed more es, How can we teach early literacy? ‘The Engi language classroom shoul be 2 place wherslsamers hear ae much authentic language as possible and encounter the pelts and mas’ of the language a teri, songs nd yes Even before they start to reed, children can leer about how reading works by playing wth bela, Ponty of pers boc and simple Englsh try books should be valle fr children te pay with. Chadron can turn the pages, move their fingers across tho page, ofr to pctes to Zipper mearing and begin tll the try themeelves Playing wring by mating marks on oper, in sand or drawing etersin the a all help prepare chideen to stort wig Roading in clas shoud be a shaced experienc. Reading together with the Plpps and Pop Bly Book rimics the way chidren engage 3th stories in thar fit angunge, By ireracting with storie, chidren develop essen rallanguage sls and eon to concentrate, low Spot ond atk questions Eel tracy skllscan be astessod in a natural ‘way by rteingo stry with datberate mistakes of ‘gp for cron to corrector filin. Cron can Fespond by doning, making medals or using pisical tmeverent to show theirundorstonding. tera based pay sessions holp cron farm to cxpres themaelven Stores canbe retld over “evel seeion go chen can joinin and vs props A vehearse and acto sections ofthe stony. \ app, S. (2020, Phonics and Uteracy ntrction fr _youn lamers in BFL art of the Cambri papert in ELT serosal Cambridge: Camiidge Unvesty Early literacy development in Pippa and Pop Early tracy in Pipe and Pop is informed bythe aes reseseeh nich has shaped the course nthe folowing ways + Stris in evry ant ofthe Pupils Book are an authonte way to expose learners to plenty of target language and engage ther with the moaning of word, *Ueracy tips in ech Tearaylzron in Bi Uteracy developmenteip the Teacher Book etiaer homies pena leslde aan Sanbeayt sin ocamteacy fenow tose the ‘tiewtrsoucbatoum eg Bie oryto develop early | Symes taptnchsntcs net ee aa ite dceceronie + Adaltona activites in the Teacher's Book a promote erly itaracy Grrisxte toe _Al “Letters are taught systematicaly and phonological rather than inalphabetcl ora Chien str by reviewing sors ofthe ensonart sounds they let in Level 2, then focus on recognising {nl forming consonant and vowel digesphein Love “A gradua approach to writing begins with etvitos ‘promote panel eonva and farce cron ith iting fam lee ih ‘then moves onto acing Teter shapes, th chien wing mumbo, iske ae ‘ross independent fom Uni in thine. Learning through play The importance of play When preach! ehilden play they are completely sorbed in what thoy are doing, Whit plying, they bhagin to nd out how to nero with dassmats, foto ues and expres themselves. Chiron ‘re bet able to learn when thee ttrton fly ‘aptred, which often happens when they ploy ‘Gute pay scaffolded bythe teacher, ie extremely beneficial in the Engl guage earoom. The teacher prepares the environment and mates, nd ‘tikren have choices and Hex mhow they tke par The teacher monitors and suppor eisren| With ides, development of thoughts snd porive Teinforement‘Chided ply, ware children can beef to choose thei wn toy or gomes, can eo be etective, Using ferent types of ply helps chen to velop arenge of kl Crosse tinting lle dovolop when edn aw, mod, pin ruse ther imagination to thin of now done yal hiring ll deve in play whan ramory ad add vay of apt Language presentation sing the eble mouse Grete ho tks eons {pps nd Pah oka Don atl Aaa sence aor tbeoppotunty to inredve the weedy teloe tern, besa hot ret ay ae > “Tahal vty Laing to Lenn il, hee flo the ene ere oh Setting ten stening od porting on e@ " Unit walkthrough (Lessons 9-12) ‘Tl eto spp edn puteg together th ardall they have gone roughut the ust nd ppg them tin pct. sportansously in a reaitc contert. Games bank Flashcard games Find your group afer sto Mad The cen andi ace pat show te ears sodther Ayo sy Four gp! nears fom the some set Wher gaps ee ready hyn ha ede Sequence ipa of ard on theo Intel go touches and ramet the ure sored ed than does the an ith ew oT i (hi touche and nares the wo prev fsicar on Sos are wh are one et eee tees Flacheard rolay en ete ete eee cert eeteed ‘hen. Teen standin a un eb tort tw Thre Sold be a cit per goup nest othe tarngioe, Anign ech goup acres her nope, £5 lei tors nthe hose When yu soy Gol one chin ech group ans to he hither tate acd rnc fot gop ad once ey atthe Aachenrcon ha char he ns hi inte ane to got roth Pshear The gone ents ul one rp hal ek ter fr hr estopory. Grove mane Wr set ‘ttre atthe rd of te gore ‘Toss the ball aerate eee reer eae eee teed "Ronny ONC host. They ate Rashi thy the cont ro Draw amaze ie wo set of Rahal rand ron th bow Make trope sd sedgn a crtegory and scolsurto ach ona a paces ob/gean roi te {ureter png the ead et blog tthe egy. 9 te ru {hat fo th be estagarydrane eon bee onthe shop arta oacher mae, actor and waterdshers athe sen nthe shar they 0 them cutout ‘Atrnatuay, rn th shear fo: ha lon on tha rd you yar Gusts who has it co droughaet of fated and hoe he den aetna at thetontand ais thensRshord ec wiht Sdn tho othe ce Mike wo gous: reps uke taste gas whois coh sha Traditional games ‘Simon says oie as wn on gs emg Sinn ay bah Charen don flo the ntraction been ou Rover oi Simon my. Those ciekon ‘th pstand ok the ears fe gare Hopscotch aa tan sque hope don the for wih hl A chi totse son rel opt int the fect numbered aque 2) ward anne ans hops ame ‘ore gad the on two gs veg the ars Th hd pup the stone on Bw (rnc pees tthe nn ch, who Soul ye trove sone hs erred ‘Revbred aura Evy Gre the Hora ron nen word sid be mentored. Pronunciation games Sound chain ‘nth bor apy the fas or itr representing sound ng sec ee sm eaffor i Hand ou pop anak helen choo cra wor and epbinhow theostviy 1 Inpoithe chien ounthe cndes ond not thechoroarstothe coke, ‘toute onegatre eskandonswera question oboitoneat te characters 29 How Kin? Shesagne 1 fk past aothesome Creleteond check pertormonce @dstome 1 How th cieren eke en thi name ond ‘geusingitits yeu nae? How dre uo? Finishing the class « Play TheWhets our nome? songecksHothe eno get ready forthe endo elesan, 1 Remind thee to practi tome ee Home ‘cool inkseclonon Teachers Bo poge) 1 sea essondosingrouinetendthecas(sce Teche Book 090 © Listen. © Point. O Circle. PREM TCT etary Lesson objective Resewinrosasngyousetandothes okaba ge Starting the class “Settee cast lesen opening rutin ee Teachers Bokpoge 5). Before the book * Calor pa. AskPppequesonstorevew Whats purname’ bats he, horame How older you? How athe she? 1 Aakindviuateiten questions sng he some language hat your ane? How olere you? «= Encuroge tne ciden to ose Pipa quetone as wal ide tne casino wo groups Arowps to stand Iwo afer rls ore win the other wih he hilton fang sacncte opposite hem Wars pourname? ow aloe you? Treen ep 16 Tetnerciclecnren ean stepto the et ond ‘okt en pores the sae no qutsons. ‘Aertve or fur tun, the euterieleelren ae Cheques. (wien tne boot Pupi’s Book pages ©) Listen. stick. ff Match. MB soy. ‘© Bolin tht the chilean wil tek chroctesinthe forthe aes Ee the cloursa! he ames ond rumbers, 1 Felpthechilrentindthe cer pope te backoF Lenguoge ots yer/er same / Shs Pop Moe ore gous sherm Shes He ee. in, Da, le, Po, Tks ot hes he + Ploy te outo, pausing oereocn characteris seseribeatarthe entre plc he sicers «Ploy ne use opin pausing othe creo tatenthe coretrt thrones, + Poitt cach norte nd os hat her rae {She Pipa How ols (Se Tracks Norton: wnat er name? it Shesppa Newretor: — Howoldiabe? oy: Hear Norton, Howoldishe Boy: Hes te, Noretor: Wha’ er name? Ge Shek Norton: Howoldiabe? Git Sheen Norton: Whats ome? Boy: Hes Tinks. Noweter — Howoidisne? After the book * Ploy me cute agin. Pose ater the st queston We hernane’ ond panto the sicker ipso nthe poe father Forth ssh Popa Then playthe netine feud forthe fhlten totem the rane erate poet cb thechisten ong eptatoctasingor sina lee vse presentation Past dothe interactive ectvty 1 Repeat thprocadure with therestofthe ou, pausing ter ech question rte cls to prowde theenswee EB activity Book pase 8 took. Q Find. O circle. soy. 1 Bpainnou the cctty works sng the eomple ‘© Thechidrenlookotthe options ond crcl the ister that seach canter Soge 1 Govvoughtherows end havethe cieen never yourquestons: Whats ber name? Now obese? Finishing the class ee ret ‘The chien watkoround the das showingthe pots they Bought om home. oe tworeups Aend Putgroup phasing pile. oupBtoee tumstotake phot andgues whose pees Hove tegoupssetchroe. Saye rity piehontortecetenttayup (zee Teochers Gok ge. # Drcrintacanyoucsratovtpeoplesaye? ncuron tol evcucte rugged twchiques see the Lzrnng te eam ston an “eacher's Books 23 DET tt Cue Lest abective Reve ate sounds ym, ch hho bsemong edb got peel co it re, sok et Starting the class 6 Sate the los ith lesson opening ine oe Teachers Bookpoge 6). * tecome thcessan play Te hello sorg eck Before the book 1 ite tees A ond onthe bors Pinttothelete 8 ands the letter sound, Continue withthe ter eter sounds on encourese thecirentorepeatlte you Note Use the Icteron heboord fr treuolean ‘ok rechilérentostondinewopoaltins ong fachother so tht ete oe pats dren ‘ethngtogeer Soyo ofthelete sounds... p.etggeaing te Dosonané movement yor ips Ashe cern flack tyeurmoutas you sytesoune. ‘posto kot ther partners mout ond pet thesound, site were looking noir Repeotwththe estfthesoundsonderculteto CL wien ene oot Pupils Book page 9 © Listen. trace. lf Match. iF say. + Play the outa ond pinto the leterson the Bord otras £ cars tom poo ond ap eves ond2 that stot ‘wth the tr sounds evened inhsleson ol ug, auth ith 6, cee rer game, pik, Press, Ded i kitchen hone, as, eck, ster sun puppet 1 rroce the letra your finger ts the ght trocngeecon Thechren digesters Teche we openato wae the eesinthar boot floning re orows Pate oan pause oer the fst sound and ‘move yuringer tom eleter Woe bee oso Fotaup ee bok Poytheretofthecudoforthechirentomach ‘holes hte doming Andee teeter urd nd rack bb bybsebeote,b bee 1 ,mango mongo meng, mango (6 teddy ey oy ed 2-8 aysnetgootset goat P pspenlpencpenip pee 4 4 deol. dot (A Kitt ite te 5 ssocksocksock s sock br Pyhathach ot Note youdonthave oc to Lewis ne | ashes use pcre or drow pices. After the book 1 Pie the fshcorésina lle foce down, {= Puethe chan ino suo ortree run 1 Ach fem one group thes onelascar, sos the (tod eg yond tauches the cosponing eter lntnebeord in scone the groupes the hei. creupe toe tums. The winner ithe iu withthe ‘mostosord Be activty Book pase 9 @Di0ok. Ocirete. A Listen: Miso. ' Plouthe ouooasn The iden ce the ‘ec ater sound nee pa. ‘Polo coch pcre The cre say thelr seurd ord pone ing the class 1 Thecieen calor Pippa Ensure them to sow Prpaunatthey kon. ‘woth Pppathe sounds. 1 Plopasaysthesoundsostshewasochiondthe chron he tech {Use tne Goode Ppp! oie (se Teocers Book pogelTitoerdthecass bmw tg “os eos dknrash Pe eto Lesson objective steno and nsec questions ‘baitesony Starting the class 1 Prepare te chien or story wit oStory tine rosie Foren chart an mine Let tle ‘2boa pretend pena boo] and Pave afk? thou gooreyes| he eoeononot. pour] Came cand get tomate cider Before the book 1 Freteaclh myc end hi ing frampls ond 1 Preteceh yoo... esonatematve ton {So ipa, Ppa tog Cmeaut andeeet uurrens Tokecut Pippa ‘+ shew thsi Book and explain int htthe stories inne are rm boca the bookkepranty Kim's fami Open the book Read etl, JoneS ame Deut the thine Jone i © Q) Ploytneaudo whee chisrenlock atthe Dcturesinshe ig Book. Ponto eeehptureond Sow thatthe sound eect gas ste tomane totherexpicwe Hititeracy development tip Toheip te len eng with ny torethen ee ror oun cet Datre moana dow are cat bey tin tones theghoe suet £ Storgtanguese eve amy kin pn (CL wien tne oot Pupl’s Book pages 10-11 EAM Listen. ‘Play the sorjogan, white the chen ten ond pomtocach tone Track 7 Jonesname Joe ere cry hoe Jone: dente myname! plan Jon's mummy itn anesteochet ams "Hes Kelly Pn anes mummy rave Ifsplan Mynames.. Pensope Teacher: _Fmvery happy wh Jone. Shes gre in ‘send shin Jone: Sonels goodin cass ands in Thats mem one. Grandma: Lookat Jone. She having font he oa. Jone: Mynomelsn Jane tdontkemy ame. Tesla My are. Tiny. Grande: ov Jane, te clever and shen Jane: Jone ceverandsnes id. ha me. mone oy: Whotsthat? Jane: Mynamelentsonetdowtthemy ame, Tesplan Mynomes.. belt poet ook Ui heey tory (Use resentation Plasto watch tevideo it books oy: Athos sic! ees qret She's funmyrd shen Jone: Jonas funy onde hind Thats me Taare. Jane: Teddyandbal Jane se cee nny {ond git hats me Tm Jone od After the book © FE retthe sory ogan using te Bg Sook ‘terete pla he sory es. + Blrcxauesonsotereoc tone eg ier dete 2seeng sre tops? eio inte go's ow san igre Mare abe Chie’ Dns kb ame ihe tevaneoe lneicfaraaneon? + Deusen ovat Ba hername athe becimingonduty ne lvestot tend ecoee ‘Sheree thot Jone nt ony orame, bo ‘reneged ve ag) activity Book page 10 @i00k. Point. cre 1 fod the story for romes 50nd 8. The hlden pitt carson tures 1 They how Sneifelngncoen rane (covery hapou very Pop. Howe thea hovtanesematiens «3 Jonese08 Finishing the class 1 Useo essoncosing routine se Teche’ Book pager toendthedass 27 28 Pe Recognise heat of being yous tom the story les ag hig plain Starting the class «= Satletne clan ith son opening ovine ae Teochers Bookpoge 16) Before the book « callgpacnd hve her pete cen. Ask areyou ‘nod ty ne Ppa? Pipe lookout + possible crete ostorytine comerfor the chien toustentothestory Inte techies ogotothe tery tinecomer = pen he 19 800k Ppps ok gereak questions, {4 DesJone ie erm? © BEd Woeentneune eroeystoryiceotogeter CO) wi Pupl's Book pages 10-1 TIA) unten. * Ployhestoryogin while the cram sen ond oie {Dead ame eb wnet ames Jane prefere tend fhe [bel Peape, ong} OscssinLI wy Sore prefersthese rome (tey soundoncy gn) Ponto the lox romeo deus the unit ve. nL, decusahy Jone thes heename tthe en. pli thot bing yoursalfmeonsacepting things tout yours he you can chonge aa thing prieinwto youre eg whet you tok the where {oucome rom, wht whedon od your Peronalty aivabeuthowiceinportantts ocent won ees diereces 0. Sh the book Moterite ‘pet Booka set of oper wh your aoe ‘etn on he name shold be decorated one {here shoulé be crnngr things youeracoe with {ournametat mole spec mir Optional ‘Sigetread ood clung, paises coloured ape sting After the book f Show theshectf paper wth your nameto the dass engsoyrin nro lve myramel 1 Hond ot pope The chiro dow hing they ‘codeine name e.g the trout, ‘emly member tht cates the somename ee 1 nce tnecirenhove tlhe their noc, ck en tostond up ond go erundthe clssoom oshow tharwerktothercasonetesThecgen ym {Un everyone! * Dipiytnecnlerens wor orunsthecsseem, Note LaoeitdployetorureinLeson 2. UB Aatvity Book page 11 00k. 2 Find. _ 7 draw. «Tote outthe io Pos Rorundthe cso, pont Phectenstinaeeieon te orond pass themiereround inate dvedion ondsoyonething they the chou thems. ‘Ten theylackot the cde on ge 1. ‘Mkithot ee he con de ore ‘malig represents of thes hey he ‘homes To hen dow oe porta 1 optinat The chien do on of theca ‘Stonnon he page, ete abe gingerbread Selig sing fodcolowing and falrtbushes ruse cour paper ond rina decortethe se porrotsin hee ets Boke. B combs ite competes olel evelopment denying ond Anrtoning emt ses int oh ‘ioc gs tyre od igs eye. @ rion 1 fokthe clerants ook homer aioe ‘nde someone cthome what they the bout themeeher Finishing the class =A Soo P< 1 Howe theclass repeat ese sertencessith ‘you Idortiemy name! ipa Then Drocise Matsa Pda Hovey oame! signee tory charter to volte: ‘heteoche, gandmeanda toy at alptnecss and volunteers tole playa Simple version ote son ‘how die: 1cot ie ny nae! plan Seacrest hols: Thome. Sin on ‘hol: Those. Jon Boye a ‘hoi: hots. fos ve my = tok Pippo say ipa ove myname hats tnorname? Te ren ok tum 0! Foran). overmg name a_i) & © Listen. & Point. O Circle. Lesson7 Language presentation Lesson objective Talkaboutemstions Language HeS/Shes 1 ved. Sete / eto Tm noted Supsed E materials Starting the class «Sete teclss wth sso pening outs Teehers Bookpoge 6) Before the book '¢Urethe forhoréto nade the emotions Use feclexpesons ond getueser neces {Sy on etng end son he Rasher The chiston respond wine conesponding estes Repent ‘wth the rest Fhe eotons Ge sh chdenofsicord to hl. Wokbhind fone cond sy (es aspy. Then walking cher head so Se ley. (he sbre Encourage tie eiien to repeat th sete. Repeatorte ote feeds Cellet cidren tothe ont andrepoat the procedre, bt ot olnterto outers [Ba Pioythe crore stove ok sre thecal else ot PppoandPop aren in era. ‘sk questions abeuthe cores ondsetng. £6 Ur are tom andDan nde thon) CL wien ene boot upi’s Book page 32 GIA uisten. & Point. O cirete. 1 Ploytheudoforthe cent ier to ‘Flay e aio ogain and pase cher each tame or ‘ators redesrbed, foram, fare Wocabulory 5 any hv ete sae sen, oshcrds angry bred, xe, cred, ep sure Un eer toy ie; rovings of Bons eyes ond mouth expressions tom Pups Book oe 2 ours, n nose nose] El Use Prerntotion Paste ‘watchthevidee ont pla the ‘omestortheunit@ TB combi ite compte motor Derelopme emf ‘ndantrtontng etn es ‘Senmotonstoea oot Sted oe ona order Donsfocescied rome 2: Kim, Don tome; feet SontameSbontameeoanippa. After the book # Cotroush he fames again and osk questions 2. el Ponto tetst tome ands an happy? a} Tracks ow doshefe pes ove ep Kim sep «Fond cutne emotion fosheadsta chan Seep and rem! aouaem ‘2n@ploy the owen hen on eration ‘rontoned te cha withthe carespondeg Flashcard lst. Repent with other chen TBE) Activity book page 12 @ 100%. Find. O crete. Sou 1 Thecidren Bond cle the oddone ut inearngrop snatereton Bey als on: Mummy. ced ‘Mummy: Sey Dan, coking oli Pope: Lockat Don. Hes bored Pop: LeoketDers mummy Shelsr bored Pop: Oblaokotkim. Sho slop Pippa: Dandsataleepy Hes sod Don Aamawberes year! ons WAM My CARE ody: Don Pop: oooh Danisnthappy! pps: LooketDondodcs Heb sara an: WAKWneceiny cot Pippa: oat Loca ban Pop: HeSongil Finishing the class eee eee ea © Divine ls nto our orouns. 1 Hondcutosetteyesand mouths coch fore eres an gap. oor! Thome you Kin Letgoupe playtogemer making faces nat Pope: Dontosgothisce! ‘how aferentemtens te: aep Ne Pop. Yeslesected! troung forte sors on: Wooeomt ips op: Won! Lookatoon! He hoppy! Pope: Un. Lm nothopoy... scared Letsol * Usethepuppetr onthe technique frst luton ete ecringtLeam selon ot ‘eachers Boo 90987, 31 Lesson 8 Language practice Lesson objective Lenguoge Proctzatohingabout erations the here sprees Starting the class Sete tele th olson pening ie oe “chars Boo poge 6). + Ply simonsoys. we erations 2g Sinonsays Pn longy) Se Games ark Teche’ Bak ove Before the book ‘srstons tom the chen, Fekovoletsertochooee two fashars The + Hold upthetwofoscords end say He Bored (Pe) ong, Putte shana nat dese orespnd fee down Repeeto fe tmes and thenmodel soyig in (Seepy) 1 rot ected Encourage vourteeste desenbe how they or Feelngostheyoctoutonemoton wien tne boot Pups Book page 12 BA Usten. @ took. O circle. sing. Do thsong retina iduthe chat ee Teethers oso ch fever hemes crete tree pape ond they devin hot + hens cirnore ay sy te chants youl pole presi te book 32 He/She tore, Set / eta notfoed. 5 vocabulary ong bre vcd, scored step eters Tracks Thefeetngs chent Children: Were atthe porktodoy Wee atthe porktodou. {eck tthe deo, es bored. ist hoppy Isnt Leck ithe boy Hes score Helssleepy Hels stems teak othe git Snes excited, She sts, she lentes {ak the muy Shes supsed She srt ioe path lg Weel pktok After the book © IB Piaythe video ofthe fectings chant. 1 Jeachoctne forthe erent flo Forexompe stove forse our sen, ump ote, Sow tha teeth or ong, abo sd smear bopey open ther mouth wie or sed spor thartead with onetand or bred epratviny Book page 12 00k. Q, Find. Motch. HB soy. «The chen ete clden om he kaye 1 They motte chieronanddczrbe thir motion eg She spy Note thatthe len may have more ton one nsw for {evel th chiro’ enotons, F emotion oscars bigemojsstowing {Hheemotonsleartin previous lessons fandel hope on sotttach hem to Sis tomanether coset hl Unt cht tee puppet ‘othe video ond to dothe Introctve act Finishing the class ee Peete = Hoke woteams, 1 Place the emojsioe down on your desk. A ‘oluntzer toes on emo witht swing {otheclas ond oct uth notion. 1 Pothtcomstahetuns to guesthe fel, fg Set bore,Theteor tha gueser et rete emo. 1 Teteumtnat ot the mastemojsis thewinr Rote Keep he emojstor 1 Te the chien hey ore going show Pippo whet haar lar Tey caller ane the puppet, ‘© Thecelden do nation and soy how they ore feeing 2g they seb ond soy soa 1 Enccuage them thnkabouthow they dite Ieaon ot they need to practice some mar # Drouconsuktnechieenoshow howthey et Shout peromanceby using one ol these rolvton ecnques eet Leertng to Learn ‘Section on Teehers Bos page when ip aks iowa youre? 1 Doth ooabye, Ppa! rutne a istheclss ee “eaher 80809817) °} Listen. Look. O Circle. [1 Sing. © Look. Y Count. | Match. 1234 st = o = N = = = 15 16 17 18 19 a eS Ty Lesson objective £ Moteriete oeabutory Starting the class ‘Settee ast oleion opening routine ee Teachers Bookpoge 6). + BB Piey ne var cront vito. cive ne cron the frecomts move ord telessomonc {hemenens suggested Lesson Before the book |¢ ic nue 4920.00 the boo | Pointe schon inorder andl the rnb '* ontheteihond sie ofthe boo ite 23_, * ncheright hands, row rom ofsxsmal ‘ls on anther below itmode po our Stale, Count, 305 you polttothenunberson the et fond cite net nomberin the sequence, Wr din ‘Count ccs onthe fist cd sco ood ‘the chien ondock hich one represent the rurterinth nk (te row made of ur res + Inte ovluneertomotenthenumbersonthe le twunecorespandingrowanherigh epeotths 5 6__ond9. 10.11 premade numbercats-2(squares ot ordi aumbeswrtten on then) Interactive acti) CL with the nose Pupl’s Book page 34 @ 100k. W count. Match. « Usethe example the pogeta show the cen how te city works Satie mbes cto (neo es far and? Gi) «# Showthe cidrentheexamplematcing ine tothe rumbers Then hve them courte yellow ces tnd crow ametching sna tom he member Soh elo © Conia therestt the octty wth thewholectas. After the book Toke cuthe number cots « sekvolurterst place themin nmeclorderon tee os he los cours wth ou # taka poiofesentofocethe walled tke out twonumber When yore ready asthe part Porondietchiente youre WBS) activity Book pages took. 4 dram. Y count. BB Soy. 1 Giotto cin tne oreeognisn he numbers bntherbocksanathen jn the dass «+ hen theyhove compete the imoge oko ‘snr (iais) 1B combs ite competence ‘Serge: ett fr portcpeig naming enor Sreecorarotones Saprot ‘rong Finishing the class hoor otune hat youn oj ofoowo ga Sng sing the ante: 128.0456 Goanthme. count me hae Sand0 Tinecanes then? comes ther? Ba 15 16nd17 1819.18.19, Theplce seme the places emp! 1 ete numbercarésto 20 chien, three marche your css wo chen con shore ‘hesome number Crosse apa othe csstoam thot wireresent the set + Asyou chant thechidren oling the names rmentonedge otto the steel the pace icempty 1 Youcouldusths chant gethe cre ready leovethecloseoom «Praia the efor terpenes, Er Bem hit essn bntie = prteodowingrepernigiedond_ |) conbride it Comptencie {com obcu eosons rm msc Shes Hes /1 ved. Shen Rospiraskchentobingsnaltoy, Sedona Development tering Vocabulary etsrt/Fmnot orga rusieainrurentsocoss(orbing | ondunderstondng emotions: eect ‘enotors motels 5 dem yousel ‘cnatonlsitsmts peop, nt tmajstromLeczonsipaperciss _: EI] usePreenttion Pistodothe stators ots, tase lene perc: muses ht eke Imaracive oct dren enatonenotonsfeshers_:_Meectecstvay Starting the class + povteaoandpae ace acte ties cr uatesnopainauinine — Seamctetteiacatntonetsoe | Ae paige satiate inoueien trey othr Oo. ee © Display the saison bie, ond ovtpopa cine bes eoaemmemencasion i someone et home how it makes ther fel ‘best represents how they are feeling, The children ue ‘soy.'m hoppy). 2 fmt clp 1) Finishing the class + tnmechtenansinentttecna oat 2a theentofteleson epeatheccinyroscetne mused Loe sate rien) ees Before the book After the book |© Aske children to take out thelr musical cee tee scnrontndmnng © skeet ntact tion eons Fedo pyc onnetasa nearest erceesae penn, Stone trina ant Stone eins tonenedasp 1 Bettomatoontetetncstomtnctien * SET attuned ot Soptnsd rete mosey ovramccnratentoneaetion Seiscxepesherenane ta Shappyowan Fagen cng tines Rpecttematin cpe Gesistiassithecasinatoyousendwen |) Gatlhrgey ood seu * Chose twofeneadsinaatowversteet posible stations olde sain 18 ou he cles bi spot tem nto bonds Macdmcwaiicanicotenienn —— Neoaaytazen osonsncingrnoat v6 tytn chewn ly fe ngens ‘he Seo mations the muse volo Rept th ‘te paso eshcards Note Leove te shea ‘nthe bora ether the ok oct, «© cominiewiththerstuavons.cie the chien tine ‘Thaycon hen petform on shou thei tears tothe eoftheclas UE Aatvity Book page 15 1) wit the boot. ieee + Repetthe string tects acto seefthe Pupils Book page 15 + Foyt au oc on th Pups ook iiaaiesaaaegs conic manatee Ph tise. Oeil, io Pasectereod om Techienarow | * Uealesondedngrwine th he clss « elexatecrctorestonn inte pecs forked, pe eee bre suprised sony hoppy ere ang. 36 ® Listen. O Circle. © Listen. _.# Draw. &@ Say. 38. Lesson 11 Review Lesson objective eeu ering ond ogress inte uit Starting the class ‘Sette the case oeson opening ron ae Teachers Bookpoge 6). ‘Ploy The feclng cht (Hock), Thacher fo ‘the movements suggestdin Lessons Before the book 1+ Toheoutthefoursetof eavinge of Dansayesand rowthomresions. | Makefourgroups ond oskthem to pot eyes ond nouns to snow emotions (eds char, ‘ected Nope oar the lesoom and askqueston bout thefacethe een hove made How der hove ‘+ Toe cute emojson attach them to thebeard Elect re emtions, { bothhesesof rovngs ond the emo ill the [CL with tne boot Pups Book pose 6 0 tisten. Oru. Soy + haere tnt ae ein pe eset rs Sirens rests ont Sontncensin «Tete ctrn ony oed at nd ote austoshon emetic eon Vocobulry Language He/She Tn red epy sri ongry/ ete scared Shes /Metot/Pm na re cepyonyot he mau inthe stot rowings they Dlove wth oronte eno, « youthinksomechiren might ths ict, oundieuth shoppymowt ond osod math Bearinmind hot the crn rowings may ory andthere sno rghtorwongansuee + Pray ao ae pats eco chs feeing Isdesrbe. The chen dow ondza4.e6 Shes Stpraedencouogethe crea to naie a egae ‘eestor eon Track 12 2 Leck, hese she tear shes suid 2 Lok he's onary Hels supce be ong 3 Look sb exe Shelton sheeted 1 ook ates bored sheen’ pp sere S Look hes ore! Heer bored her scrd S Look nesseep!eiartsa tesco. onsnght After the book # Telthechldrentheyareolociosandoceses now. Thoyhav to choesaelngandert ito. * Thechlren ca ope. * Pippo guess how sochehi fesing by ting ‘Aevousad? Shecoulsaleo sk ther hdr about Semonesemotons. eg rasa? erate rowing ot Dos eyes ond mow expressions four St) om econ 78g emelsshowng emotions (rom lesen sh pope | Use Presentation Pus to ploy the gomes for ewsunt@® (BE ctivity Book pose xe @ took. . 4 drow. sey. ‘ Fohttotheqxampeplcureof they holding ‘Sboo, ak How dose el (Surprised cos intowhythe cident the boy eupred “lth cident others: honing nefeelngond wnt cute thot ling Slgpest naples paces they se sper ‘ond they arescced ey eeave a presentond ‘amember ofthe forty theyloveis with them ‘nthe or nappa ‘Grosatondokeoch chi obo hie “rosng Soy Tel ecbot your pcre Encore the cle to s0'm sce. ‘oer. Encourage hem wo ge youn reason forth ieetng, 09 Theres 09 spr iso acon ibe te ptr th arma he feng, fe chistes. todo ‘hiswthofewciden exh cls, Iitethe cient show oer centr Finishing the class © FEY Ploy ne un Lintoccton ide ogpinons hie omens 1 both Goabye Pippotoutineto isthe cls ee “eae Boo 0987) + Play Thegpecbyesongto end the cos Teck2b. 39 eeu eM esta] Leseon objectiver Lenguoge steeuction Vocabulany umber Efron Materials Starting the class «Sete theclss thas pening ote eee Teachers Bookpoge 6). Before the book 1 sskthechléren toting ther rowing rom Lesson. # sstone chi: thats yournome?Encouragethe child tosay/im ora) owe my name «Asks chien too sround the casromandosk fchothers noes wien ene boot Pits Book pose x7 ® Look. VF Make. MI say. Hod oto pice of poperto cach ci Askthe ‘hlden ta drow theres nee pope Tey con ‘ter crow he whole body or ust he op at Eaplinthoethey nl be odingan ope bode ther clones sot wave space, thersattpocrat. Cncethe cena sed, leave the rowings toch ond out the age badge tempts The chitren ‘hoot thot epreerts thera clourit onseattout Thectilrenuethe bdgesto thelr proton ther bees, ke arextbooge. tethers names ble drawings. ‘pono tthe chen con ecagnse ther naas, 40 Whoo nme? a. How ot language and review preges:Comyeut £ are you/isshe/\she/ Shes es sheet of per wth he cider: preferences drawn on ter om Lesson lore pec of poper or cord foreilrento dam oseorct one er chi point pinbrshes cok Pratl auton, woo ele be, "sve colouring pens ond pens) slutty sche photocopiose Bdge tempite page 26 (one per hid option nome els hand outrame also tem nu orto test 1 fskthechlrento present ther poris. Ask hats furrow aereou? ‘he ports, ome one and ask thats hs name? How ols te he hire onswe After the book f Tethechlerenshey or now ata museum end they fave comet looker tepets « Somechlren re mizeum ides od the rest 1 Theauides desde thepotats ote vss by s4n,29 Shs Mora Shes © Hove hemewopro, © tearning te Learn «© Hol up your bookond iskthvough Unt. Soy ole Weve hadnt you wed ere costo present nen anecnes in lesion point the cures ant tak boot ‘ecferenthngste clerenhovedone ow etal thes Ls how they ee Bekbowthechldrnfeel about Utd nL They ‘anssea thumbup get or tog ek in theo aboutcachelement you harereened ‘ott feel conten bolt ata, se Pppateeneurgesel evaluation Ge ‘Teocers ooh page fr eeton questions) 'B)comidge it comptece ‘Sennen ting nn § evotuotng own eening sce Se F tanec tom onn sored owes he ‘eyralseo mistake os bean ade © EB) Activity Book page 17 Srint. sav. .7 Drow. 4 nto tit ice ones qustins, 5 ot ame ow ort Teche mle ceencer oboe Uherpcwes theme moe, he theses rcs, ‘pectin moet qestaning ‘Mates pate owe cen tbenmetthemece [plintathachcren thatthe nous (venasatey when they ae confident ey tou the argucge Etna het toy eed tothkaboutwhathey can do ond otbe ood ocrow aneutalorsag fei Uheumeedsnmemore precio. Ciraoteond rece Hel the ciren ‘sheave drow hoppy aes ans rake notes top you planet practice Thecdren lace theun str sticker teorgte Finishing the class ‘Play thesongondchanttromtheuniforshe fen teangané dance rack 3ond Tre) «+ Reming the erento practise therein ‘hayconsayin English at home @)ImMyiday Unit objectives # Takoboutdoly atts 1 Followasteryaboutokingofer eure i # Leomtetersoond i Starting the class ‘Sette the das wth olson opening routing ee Teachers Bookpoge 6) ' Welemethe cass and play The allo song ack) Encourage ehisento in. Before the book © G cououghtheuniobjectves withthe cose ‘Kocher Boa pugel9 batter these to Unt 2) + Boldneeryaoy by ghingatew eames of tinge thatthe chen do most days eg havebrecost Sopa Ppa eux pan Come cut andor ourtind «nga Popa whois srring Soy Appa Ap Mote py Eaauage he chro repent oer ye, Pippo wokes vp. 50 G20d norang! The che | Aetouto fw oily oct ond oy hove rest erry doy Sk Plppa Doo have treat evry oy? Ten ek techie. They reste hands hey othe acity. ‘trite theeiren to say more things they do ery day (9 Bi Pig he unt 2ineaducion ideo to inteduce theunittopc use the video at erent pits end tute ciren what iy con see nd hot hay thnktheywitlcamabeutinsunt 1 Add unbucouting 5 Socal etciestmesof oy (Review ering and progess Lestonobjecive ‘acon Vocabulary ‘ran hac bus ny teat get se have rok wok ps wash ng foe ever day inthe ring (with the boot Pupl’s Book page 18 IA’ Listen tothe song. # askwherecach person sinte pots Le nthe botreom an lstnen, Teno wnat ne fom ng, asthe re hang eclestor Ser tana ey thnkthoraskenecien fey have some dy aes. + Dothe song utine to repre the cies orthe ong see Teachers Beak poge 18) + Diplaytheoshardson the board flowing the ‘der they oremantaned inthe song + Ploy heron, Ponto tesco the foctie or menone. Note Leow te osha fnthetood. Track12 Theinthemoing song Pope: Good morning op op: Goodmoming, Ppp, I's lovely doy odo! Pippo: Yes Laing aout meming Bop: Toke, wakeup ashy foc, And geese, Gk Tonshmuteet, Lm about dally ectites ndlisten remode unit objective ture cot £ bupet fosters ashy at, bnatimy ee geese hve reat woken wesh my fe: Unt 2inseduesonideo | feo] Use Presentation Plsto soy oodbye Tomyteddy bec: ‘we belt ite morn, Tedayise lovely doy. (wepe) After the book = Point teach astcardangmake movements to represent eocione 0 sth our arms or wae Up putona pa ofwosersfr gta, tavern to stand up ad foow your movement ce yu pay thesong ogo. Birctivity Book page 18 7 Listen agein. @ took. Pstck. ‘wPoint. 1 ssktnechidranto getter ody 1 Poythesongoginutle they pst then snot Finishing the class 1 Usethe Goodbye pot routine to end eds sce Teche Boo 9098) 43 eee eet eect Lestonobective Starting the class Sate thecls fthlsson opening cutie oe Teachers Bookpoge 6). + Play hein he moming song rock 2 ant ‘reo te clrento jamin th the arts Before the book Toke outthe morning actityfeshears ond oct themout or ya name them «# Soyanacty ont have the cidten doth action Then doth octen ond hove thems thea + Ployateurcundsat'Snon sous. ee Games tar, ‘ether ook ge 12 Fr eorpl oy Sons tra orth Then eso chen he youre + soksolunterstocameto the om choose flashers, ond tal the cos abou ter maring rong og. Tbh thin temaring. (wien tne ot Pupils Book page 19 ©) Listen. t Point.) Trace, © Lookorthe leur together Say ects inrondom Syrsinemoming + Ploy tnecuto forte chlrentolsten to. # Playtnecudoagcinan pouse ater the fist ochity (woke up). The chen pontothe picture of Dan ‘recon. angeose {oka i eer. Vocabulary yal ashy teat get essed hve bck, woop esha ace cw oy nthe ' Poltothecrow that oes fom thefisteute forhesecond Span thatthe aromahows the Eequnce of theacbtesin thao ad thot thay atl wace * oye opon ping atten acy or thechen te pottendthen ce Track 13 ‘umm: Goo morin, Dn! Good orn, Kit Don Wate, up-Twote up inthe rmomig. Kim: Wash fce, wash my foce-1wosh ny Don: Geteressd.getresed get essed in theme im: Brastmyhais bah muha rah hair eredou on: Hovebreato, hove breafot=1 hove rytech every. After the book f Putthemoming octity Nosed on your des Fekavoluteertocomeup and inka egal tee /shefolousn the mernng 1 Tech sous the cay octties inode 09. Fwake up Fonsi tat 1 fokotherolntersta do thesome, otros ‘moming oct Nosed eo tbe sedi {sion Seswell tects, am doc, acetone seen, cam joka Aatvity Book page 19 Dtook. [Motch soy. 1 Use the exanplet>epbinhow theo 1» Techueenmotch ats of pictures ondsoy te dalgocttyes,Wofeup, Finishing the class Learning through play ~ cores Toveouttne rt. 1 oka wo goups Rand 8. Ask tee chiden fromeacharoopio comet the ot 1 Techie fom goupA tke tunst take cnabjet and dotheocivtyes the fst thldtoes thespoon and pends ohare Sroka, the second pretense we the ‘oambrishand metha puso the ack 1 Groupe thendoes me atts fing the some sequences rap. 1 conte toner ehicren and hovetnem bpetrmingrups four freon then ‘move he acy mere cheng. 1 Remind the cident prctise the 1 Play Tein tne amin song ack 2 forthe len et edly for theend fe eson ©) Listen. & Point. © Trace. PREM TCT etary Lesson objective Prete tohingabout aay oct Language {wot up) era Starting the class ‘sete th cas th lesson opening route see Toehers Boose} Before the book ‘evden theming ottesbyctng out each ‘set and oving voters name hes « Inwtesiolmee tthe font nek och onto thosea lees They ectoutthe ety on ay Tipe tector be moring Treen cal for pp Toke outthebog wt reat. You con usethe ashen yu donne ocesto ret) Pppatakes creme. 03p00n,ondsays hare treatin tho maring Shakes mores od describes er moning route Aamaeinermation tout eda ectiesto akelt mee appelng tothechideon eg, chav beat inemaring | Ieee for bref. Yor! 2 wits the oot Ppl Book pope 20 ste. bo Fallon. (Sick Soy > natures crendeneressh Sheeran Prerreret eee « Emon in oem etheserrert ooh seca eae = Rectlteateatent cee 1 ponent nope iy aaa ete Vocobolry i nasty ra shy teh got cee, hve breast wep, woshmy foe, ey doy Matera rmoming oct oshcords puppet rea twethbush, farmed acetone poor cmb ace pea, = © onc thomas omslats kth cients point tweachaxtty allowing the sequence inte maze anasout Track 1s Kim: Good morning! wake up every oy "weshmy fore very eo, ostdreses ery oy. Tony hirever oy ‘hve eldest every do, Tonsh my teeth every dou Goodbye! Tine ferschel | After the book # Drow osinpleraze with sstopson the bod Toke tthe momingoctity esha © callavolunteerto the ioatandoskthem to Complete themaze ith young ter mening toate. ts you soc efor on he boar, ‘Seteenenes eg Tonshmy tehin te mong. Repeatuth ther votes. # G sextnecnlerninL1:conyoutakabout your Forming tines no Encarage eer Saree sete Leming to Learn scion on Teacher’ Bookpoge Bi rctvity B00k page 20 book. Q Find. O circle. 9 soy. 1 Pointothe sirup ndekct wot ‘healtacesin re mornng Askwhyone pcute etc (nes somgaaeensoctity sos ‘heed one out) ‘morthononetem per cotegerulina bog chobor "ope sting ondtope se Presentation Pas todo the interactive ects ‘Techiden workinpovsto fa the pleure ‘hats iret each grou, oe ond soy ‘medal acy. Finishing the class oe ene playground ran outidespace ner the Drowamazewithchekorusearope or ing tape. Nake the maze hslengng ‘rcugh orthe chldrento haven ‘rw celesfrstopsalong the maze You ould petobatcesin the stops, te reer thectnarentoactout te merges, ‘rave te chlsen the redo sogest tho eah top reper dow them goclngitasmanytines as ‘heute kere ope string ot erent pois ‘cverteclastoom waletomalea Iorermore + Uscalessoncosingroutinetofrishteclos G20 Teacher's Bookpoge aT 48 pe eu ae Lesson objective Prete econ teeter sound Starting the class Sate techs ith also opening ine ie Teachers Bookpoge 6). Before the book 1 tn, lth seund people gantry mate toca fersence (Sm) * Soy th, lene pose Sh slencepeoseondosk theese to soy the i] sound wth you ke ‘hele on te boos ‘Optional the chien thay remeber ony Englsh words tht tr th he sod Words fromprevou lel the cdr oyremene oe ‘oases, short, stor soep. Tel he chilren thatthere ete cas words thatendwkhthe/f sound, ueneewothane fh CO wits the boot Pupit Book page 21 © usten. trace. © circe. ap say. «+ Play the cud, The cidren ater ond pet the Scand ord the arpewords. Then hay toce thet # Ploythecutoogin tthe cient cee the Picwe thts the word conearng the Sana but ng tet washing ace, pay with ‘hal putonmy hoe). Encourage reciente repotthasounds and ‘eomple wre Sounds ondlettr fous Prot eter sound (ith sh wos, Shel shoes Track 1s ni) buh Bath rush my tet situs, bash my set wisi) (wash wash washinyfoce [s}wesh wesh myoce ns) salsa ploy th shells nists, ploy tse ni Shoes sows putanmysoes If) snes putonmy shoes After the book f Teach tnechldenachantt practi the ne ‘ean. neaurage them flow movement ond ‘loping tomar thm, sti, sh, standin pace Now gcd wos our foc. Paton yourstors, Patenyoursboes cametopiag fodcoloctbat You) BB rctvity Bo0k page 21 © Listen again. / Colour.) Wace. seu. 1 Have the chile okattepetres ond thelets 7008420 sas (easels. owings} {Ploy the auioagun The chen sen ond Calourthe corer pitures sheath ash fox soy oth ahal put on sed ‘¢ Thecirenthen race thee fling the iacton of te arows ‘Hove ciren say tenome of theccttes ‘ey colored, Finishing the class eee Seen ' Dive te ls ntotwo groups ond, = Tote outthe shel, © Geoup Atos thewallie Grove Bhider ‘hell oound the dso, + When te sels ave bende, GoupA Stor cling forehal ‘hn ey ae ready, they countthe shes ious ‘+ Repeat th ne the group ondase ich groupealecstheostshls f Gvemectientetreecemta continue payingentherown ' Repeat thechantforthe het sund fm the dterthebookaectonas Dice ge ead or theendofthe eon, 1 sea eszonceangrinetofiih helezon ee Teachers Book 09 TU uae @ Listen. © Trace. © Circle. & Say. 49 PLE RoE eee tet Lesson objective steno and nsec questions sbaiteson, Storgtonguege rah your hl mee sched. poet ook Ui 2 eae tory Starting the class | reporethe cierto story wit tory tine Foun ln Teachers Book Qe 2) Before the hook 1 fake tripe ow ony epesns ty Chewordtume esi ech er “Shovlondtine totems, hey dorian tan + Dsus what doewrydoy eretheycore {yeeoons.e = + Theciien calf Ppp. Encgethento soy Poesy te « Telthemthesoniscbouta bu we oped Seaplane ng kero ttn rat bt in 1 @opentesig Bock Poy neouowtie the thlerenboote pees he ton El wtatenething the boy doesnot ah fata) [wien ene boot i's Book poses 22-23 BA ister «Plath torgogin, wie the children etanond pmo cochrone Track 6 Brushypurhok Leo Th eben ete es ot emunmy, daddy and obaby ste, Lc verygoed by, but. leks hai rw yourat 20 zo: he upin the morning. eashm ace and gt dese ridymybedroom futte0-brsh your eo: Thaw broke bushy teth, Iputonmyjocet um: Leo, brash yuri Leo goestoschoat eo: Bye, Marny! om: eo, brash yuri Losin thegorden lunes te geen bot? Mam: Leo, yourhaet Lcoconfel something ins hale eo: Whats segrentot! Lz: Tdoreboosinmy hae um: Wel Le, ern yours leo: Fmageodboy Every doy wesh my ace. {bush my teeth And bushy After the book © FE rettne story ogon using tng Book ‘terotvey ploy e sory. Boisson treater Birenteraayatcse psig tothe rato ts bth Soe ae ‘hintaan conc ieag ete ie ar ec veto week Stastb dy ne eg) Ot tole redone hrs toes fevaow?hdthecitren anyone ker ing thet hae B Literacy development tip ‘sot questions about te picursina ‘Stor. Ths the cher anderson the str bate andit it lo ino thi ‘eceblery ord ral sil a patvty Book pave 22 00k. b Point. O cite. «fend thesaryforfomest onda ‘= Thechidren potttothecorectrames. Than teycelethe sopra thot ateh hot dng or how he looks neohome Finishing the class 1 Play The gpedbyesongtn end thecssiiock2. 51 Pe Lesson objective Recognise he vat foking oer yess rom the son Story languoge [ester cot rsh yur hat vote Leck oteryouset Starting the class «Sete the cenit ssn opening eutine ae “echers Boo p098 6). + Show the ig Bookandaskthechisren aha thay ‘erember om etry Before the book © sekth costo strap an flow yournsmctons. Soyitstimeto trash aur eet The en preten ‘heyore bashing tha teeth. Continue wit ae ‘dicta tht etc the von faking cer Uouee wos youre, brsh your at ash Soars woth yorhons te + Spesdup the pce when ving theinstrucons. hlaren vino moke mites st down, (with the nook pls Book pages 22-23, IA sen, + wtetnestory eo tote * oie ome ad note chien it theyktosveligesuchn eos hm at he bos hina eed. sess ment tection ett do {stot oer benches pa ow earngro {look ater ousa sparta zoning pon tat ‘ote them som nen yon ame 52 otras ig Boo: props: wig (ternatvely make some ape supsto tac your arn ope 0 hatha smal paper tec tootruthes combs ‘ndsral tows asthecirento bongo and ‘ction Pures 1 fokthe chen about the hings tht could hoppen i ‘heyconot lok trates For ecg hey vilgetooth cecyifhey 3 at rush thar tet, [After the book ‘Hove thechdrencleployasimplevesion ofthe storgwh you 1 Take outth props Before the cas, boceomb he gen oka mes, * Puton neni ortope some cute strips ofpoperon \yourhawana stk tepoperbostoie 1 Pretend you cree nd youre bishing your troy they oy Cat wth ourbae 2 ‘= erpetormigalitheccionsekithatsin ny a? Oh uty toot Pretend bashers poperondsoyttruchmyhar ey da WE nativity Book page 23 took. Ore. 1 Discus the pictues with he chdrenin Li. Ask how the children inthe pictures ook oer ‘mses fe ashes Se bse ar teeth Hewaces foe She ges eed 1 Theehigentocetomotentepicces. 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