Fact Sheet - Assignment 5 - Group 8

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Facts Sheet

Ahsan Ali - 60104335

Ali Yahya - 60094875

Course: HRMG3020

Instructor: Mr. Wasim Alhabil

Due Date: March 21, 2024

Facts Sheet on Employment Laws Related to Managing
Employee Disputes and Grievances

 A grievance is a formal complaint or concern expressed by an employee about a workplace issue

or perceived injustice. Grievances may result from a variety of employment issues, including
terms and conditions, workplace regulations and procedures, interpersonal problems,
discrimination, harassment, or unfair treatment by management or coworkers.

 The Labor Law of Qatar controls multiple aspects of employment, including the handling of
disputes. The law establishes procedures for resolving conflicts that may occur in the workplace
and outlines the rights and obligations of both employers and employees.

 A Labor Dispute Committee has been established in Qatar to handle conflicts arising between
employers and employees. Disputes involving unpaid wages, workplace safety, termination of
employment, and other labor-related matters are usually handled by this committee.

 In Qatar, it is customary for employers and employees to try to settle conflicts through
arbitration or mediation before pursuing formal legal action. To facilitate talks and arrive at a
mutually agreeable agreement, this may include hiring the services of an impartial third party.

 The government organization in charge of managing labor matters in Qatar is the Ministry of
Administrative Development, Labor, and Social Affairs (ADLSA). It offers services for
resolving disputes, gives advice on labor laws and regulations, and may step in to mediate
conflicts as needed

 Clear and detailed employment contracts are required in Qatar to reduce the possibility of
problems occurring. Employment contracts should specify the terms and conditions of
employment, such as job tasks, salary, working hours, leave benefits, and dispute resolution

 Employers in Qatar are obligated to use fair and transparent disciplinary procedures when
dealing with employee misconduct or performance difficulties. This involves giving employees
written notice of any disciplinary action, allowing them to comment, and ensuring that
disciplinary sanctions correspond to the offense.

 Qatar's labor laws generally prohibit employers from retaliating against employees who file
grievances or complaints about employment conditions, discrimination, or other violations of
their rights. Employers who engage in retaliation may face legal penalties.

 Employers and employees involved in labor disputes in Qatar have the right to seek legal counsel
to advocate on their side during the dispute settlement process. Legal counsel may guide rights,
responsibilities, and the best course of action to take.

Employment Law in Qatar: In-depth. (n.d.). Croner-i.


Employment Law in Qatar | CIPD HR-inform. (n.d.).


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