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1. Use severity.dta, which has three variables.

The variable severity is whether

the person sees prison sentences as too severe (coded 1) or not too severe (coded 0).
The variable liberal is how liberal the person is, varying from 1 for conservative
to 5 for liberal. The variable female is coded 1 for women and 0 for men. Do a
logistic regression analysis with severity as the dependent variable and liberal
and female as the independent variables. Carefully interpret your results.
2. Use gss2002 chapter11.dta. What predicts who will support abortion for any
reason? Recode abort12 to be a dummy variable called abort. Use the following
variables as predictors: reliten, polviews, premarsx, and sei. You may want
to create new variables for these so that a higher score goes with the name; for
example, polviews might be renamed conservative because a higher score means
more conservative. Do a logistic regression followed by the listcoef command.
Carefully interpret the results.
3. Using the results from exercise 2, create a bar graph showing the percentage change
in odds of supporting abortion for any reason associated with each predictor.
Justify using a 1-unit change or a 1-standard-deviation change in the score on
each predictor.
4. Using the results from the logistic regression in exercise 2, compute likelihoodratio
chi-squared tests for each predictor, and compare them with the standard z
tests in the logistic regression results.
5. In exercise 1, you did a logistic regression using gender and how liberal a person
was to predict whether they thought prison sentences were too harsh. Suppose
that you think people with more education are likely to feel that sentences are too
severe. Do a tabulation on severity to see what proportion overall think sentences
are too severe. Then do a power analysis to see how big a sample you would
need to have a power of 0.80 to detect whether a 1-standard-deviation increase
in education would raise the proportion of people who think sentences are too
severe by 0.10 when liberalism and gender are already in the model. You would
be adding education as a third predictor. State the information you need and the
values you assume. What assumption of the command you used did you violate?

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