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GMP-6 56 Data collection and sampling

Chapter 6 — Data collection and sampling

Are you ready? 0.229 × 837 = 192

12 0.443 × 837 = 371
1 a × 100 = 6% 8 Check with your teacher. Results will vary.
9 a Systematic
54 b Stratified
b × 100 = 21.6%
250 c Systematic
45 d Random
c × 100 = 8.54% e Stratified
10 Answer is A.
2 a × x = 230 11 Answer is C.
100 68
230 × 100 12 × 50 = 34 male
x= 100
5 32
x = 4600 × 50 = 16 female
15 13
b × x = 126
Year Percentage of students Number of students
126 × 100
15 20
7 20% × 40 = 8
x = 840 100
c × x = 28.8 19
100 8 19% × 40 = 8
28.8 × 100
2.4 21
x = 1200 9 21% × 40 = 8
3 a × 900 = 135
100 16
10 16% × 40 = 6
6 100
b × 1150 = 69
8.25 11 13% × 40 = 5
c × 1327 = 109.4775 100
12 11% × 40 = 4
Exercise 6A — Target populations 100
and sampling
1 A census because every teacher and student was Further development
14 A census generally involves gathering large quantities of
2 A sample because only 500 people out of the whole
information. If an external source is available, it would be
community was surveyed.
practical to use it as surveying an entire population is
3 a Sample
expensive and impractical.
b Sample
15 a There is a method to Greg’s selection and so his sample
c Census is systematic.
d Census b As there should be a good mix of people passing by, his
e Sample sample should be representative of the population.
4 a Sample 16 a Systematic selection.
b Census b Yes
c Census c Only one production line is being tested, and faults on
d Sample other lines may be overlooked. Selecting every 200th
5 Sample item off each line would be a better method.
6 0.326 × 500 = 163 17 a 0.739 × 100
0.352 × 500 = 176 = 73.9 + 1
0.762 × 500 = 381 = 74.9
0.989 × 500 = 495 74 is the integer.
0.018 × 500 = 9 b Multiplying by 100 gives 100 possible answers.
7 0.988 × 837 = 827 c Adding one moves the possible results from 0–99 to
0.251 × 837 = 210 1–100 as required.
18 Answers will vary but reasons may include: many people
0.498 × 837 = 417
from the same family, not a mix of the various ethnic
0.661 × 837 = 553 groups that make up the population, not a mix of all areas
0.247 × 837 = 207 of the country.
0.031 × 837 = 26 19 A systematic sample will have one characteristic in the
0.967 × 837 = 809 correct proportion but other characteristics may not be in
0.932 × 837 = 780 the same proportion.
Data collection and sampling GMP-6 57
Exercise 6B — Population characteristics 168
1 9 168 × 80 = 14
No. of
Year students Percentage Sample 157
10 157 × 80 = 13
90 18
7 90 × 100 = 18% × 50 = 9
500 100 137
11 137 × 80 = 12
110 22 949
8 110 × 100 = 22% × 50 = 11
500 100 108
12 108 × 80 = 9
90 18 949
9 90 × 100 = 18% × 50 = 9
500 100
80 16 8 Major department store = × 200
10 80 × 100 = 16% × 50 = 8 5000
500 100
= 60 votes.
70 14 750
11 70 × 100 = 14% × 50 = 7 Smaller department stores = × 200
500 100 500
= 30 votes each.
60 12 50
12 60 × 100 = 12% × 50 = 6 Small stores = × 200
500 100 500
= 2 votes each.
300 9
2 Men: × 60 = 36
Year Boys Girls
Women: × 60 = 24
500 104 98
7 × 100 = 9 × 100 = 9
150 1126 1126
3 Male: × 40 = 15
112 119
250 8 × 100 = 10 × 100 = 11
Female: × 40 = 25 1126 1126
10 107 110
4 Senior: × 50 = 2 9 × 100 = 10 × 100 = 10
250 1126 1126
Middle: × 50 = 12 97 88
250 10 × 100 = 9 × 100 = 8
180 1126 1126
Clerks: × 50 = 36
250 75 82
5 93 + 1248 = 1341 11 × 100 = 7 × 100 = 7
1126 1126
Teachers: × 50 = 3
1341 68 66
12 × 100 = 6 × 100 = 6
1248 1126 1126
Students: × 50 = 47
6 Total school population is 1126 students.
Age Male Female
Further development
61 44
20–29 × 50 = 10 × 50 = 7 10 Answers will vary but for part c you should notice the
300 300 result for b is closer to the expected value of 5 than for
part a.
40 50 11 The larger the sample, the more likely results will reflect
30–39 × 50 = 7 × 50 = 8
300 300 the whole population.
12 The correct number of students are chosen from each year
74 16 and then within each stratum, 40% should be boys and
40–49 × 50 = 12 × 50 = 3
300 300 60% girls.
13 a Within multiple strata you need to stratify within each
5 10 group, making sample selection very tedious.
50–59 × 50 = 1 × 50 = 2
300 300 b Jack should select a random sample as this should
include all relevant strata.
7 14 B and D
Year No. of students Participants Sample should be approximately population
187 15 C Allocates a number to each person in the population.
7 187 × 80 = 16 D Writes each strata as a fraction of the population.
949 B Multiplies each fraction by the number required for the
8 192 × 80 = 16 A Uses a random number generator to select the
949 participants from each stratum.
GMP-6 58 Data collection and sampling

Exercise 6C — Bias Exercise 6D — Types of data

1 Check with your teacher. 1 a Quantitative
2 Check with your teacher. b Categorical
3 a Sample does not represent characteristics of the whole c Quantitative
population. d Categorical
b There is no control over who phones in and how many e Quantitative
times. f Quantitative
c Not enough responses to give a valid representation. 2 a Ordinal
d Unusual conditions cause bias towards the targeted b Ordinal
brand. c Nominal
e Not representative of all levels of the school population. d Nominal
4 The decrease in the value of the Australian dollar compared e Nominal
with the American dollar is accentuated by the large scale on 3 a Continuous
the y-axis. The decrease is actually only 2 cents. The scale on b Discrete
the x-axis is not uniform (9 May, 11 May, 12 May). c Continuous
5 What type of university tests? What do the terms d Continuous
‘consistently’, ‘majority’, ‘more effective’, ‘most other’ e Continuous
mean? No hard evidence has been provided to support the 4 a Quantitative, discrete
claim. b Categorical, nominal
6 a There would be many more student drivers in Year 12 c Quantitative, continuous
than in Year 11 — perhaps also some in Year 10. d Quantitative, continuous
b Students with part-time jobs are in lower year levels as e Categorical, nominal
well. f Quantitative, continuous
c Residents not at the neighbourhood watch meeting have g Quantitative, discrete
been ignored. h Quantitative, continuous
d Other music students who play instruments and don’t i Quantitative, discrete
belong to the choir have been excluded. j Categorical, nominal
e The composition of cars in a shopping centre car park is k Quantitative, continuous
not representative of the cars on the road. l Quantitative, discrete
f Females have been excluded. m Quantitative, discrete
g Users of the local library would not reflect the views of n Categorical, nominal
teenagers. o Categorical, ordinal
p Quantitative, continuous
Further development q Quantitative, discrete
7 a That health care funding has been halved over the eight r Categorical, ordinal
year period. s Categorical, nominal
b t Categorical, ordinal
5 a Quantitative and discrete
b Categorical
c Categorical
d Quantitative and continuous
e Quantitative and continuous
f Quantitative and discrete
6 Categorical and nominal
7 Categorical and ordinal
8 Quantitative and discrete
9 Answer is C.
10 Categorical and ordinal
8 a That employment growth was linear in that period. 11 Quantative and discrete
b The scale on the horizontal axis is not even.
9 a That fatalities are increasing. Further development
b By reversing the horizontal scale. 12 This statement means that words are generally used to
c By beginning the vertical scale at 400. describe categorical data and numbers, which have a value
10 Check with your teacher. generally describe quantitative data.
40.3 The statement is generally true but not always correct.
11 a Fraction of total costs =
202.8 13 Danielle is not correct. This may be true in many cases but
1 clothing that has half sizes is an example of fractional
 discrete data. To be continuous, data must be able to take
any value.
% = 20% 14 Garry means that anything that is counted can only take
40.3 certain values, usually whole numbers but anything that is
b × 360° = 71.5°
202.8 measured can take any value within a reasonable range.
c 80° 15 a Categories have no ‘in between’ values so a line graph
d The perspective magnifies some sectors and diminishes would have no meaning. There should not be links
others. This might mislead the reader into thinking that between the categories.
this sector is larger or more important than it actually is. The order of the categories is also generally not important.
12 The graph is misleading as the perspective accentuates b A column graph would be most appropriate.
sectors at the front because the graph is elliptical rather 16 Quantitative continuous data should be displayed as a line
than circular. graph.
Data collection and sampling GMP-6 59
17 Categorical and ordinal example: strongly dislike, dislike, 1% = 8.82
neutral, like, strongly like. 100% = 88.2 kangaroos
Categorical and nominal example: married, single. 833 + 1000 + 882
Quantitative and discrete example: the number of kittens in d
a litter.
Quantitative and continuous example: height, weight. 2715
= 905 kangaroos
Exercise 6E — Estimating populations
1 × 100 = 10% tagged Further development
10% = 400 7 A: × 100 = 2%
1% = 40 100
100% = 4000 fish 2% = 100
9 1% = 50
2 × 100 = 15% tagged 100% = 5000 Alpha
15% = 60 B: × 100 = 2.5%
1% = 4 200
100% = 400 bats 2.5% = 200
100 1% = 80
3 a × 100 = 10% tagged 100% = 8000 Bravo
10% = 1000 C: × 100 = 1.5%
100% = 10 000 fish 200
40 1.5% = 100
b × 100 = 4% tagged 1% = 66.7
100% = 6667 Charlie
4% = 1000
1% = 250 D: × 100 = 1%
100% = 25 000 fish 100
273 1% = 200
c × 100 = 27.3% tagged 100% = 20 000 Delta
D would have the largest population.
27.3% = 1000
8 Kylie is incorrect. The fewer tagged fish means that the 100
1% = 36.63 with tags represent a smaller percentage of the population;
100% = 3663 fish hence the overall population must be greater.
60 9 B Capture and tag a sample of the population.
4 × 100 = 5% tagged
1200 D Return the tagged samples to the general population.
5% = 1000 A Capture a second sample.
100% = 20 000 fish C Write the population as a percentage of the whole and
No, the fish population is not endangered. use the unitary method to find the population.
24 10 An area of the forest could be cordoned off, its area
5 a × 100 = 24% trout tagged measured and tree population counted. This area would
then be found as a percentage of the total area and the
24% = 150
population could then be found using the unitary method.
1% = 6.25
100% = 625 trout 11 Flathead: × 100 = 2%
20 200
b × 100 = 20% bream tagged 2% = 100
1% = 50
20% = 100
100% = 5000 flathead
100% = 500 bream
8 Whiting: × 100 = 4%
c × 100 = 8% perch tagged 100
4% = 200
8% = 50
1% = 50
1% = 6.25
100% = 5000 whiting.
100% = 625 perch
The populations are approximately equal.
6 a × 100 = 12% x x
100 12 Pop A: × 100 = %
200 2
12% = 100
1% = 8.33 % = 500
100% = 833 kangaroos 2
20 1000
b × 100 = 10% 1% =
200 x
10% = 100 100 000
100% =
100% = 1000 kangaroos x
17 x
c × 100 = 11.3% Pop B: × 100 = x%
150 100
11.3% = 100 x% = 400
GMP-6 60 Data collection and sampling

400 8 a Discrete
1% = b Continuous
c Continuous
40 000
100% = d Discrete
x e Continuous
100 000 5
= 2.5 9 × 100 = 5%
40 000 100
Population A is greater by a factor of 2.5. 5% = 100
100% = 2000 fish
Chapter review 24
Multiple choice 10 × 100 = 20%
1 Answer is D. 20% = 150
2 Answer is B.
100% = 750 worms
3 Answer is A.
4 Answer is C. 3
11 a Barry: × 100 = 7.5%
Short answer 7.5% = 200
1 a Sample 1% = 26.7
b Census 100% = 2667 fish
c Census 9
d Sample Viet: × 100 = 12%
2 Random sample — where the participants are chosen by
luck. 12% = 200
Stratified sample — where the participants are chosen in 1% = 16.67
proportion to the entire population. 100% = 1667 fish
Systematic sample — where a system is used to select the 7
Mustafa: × 100 = 12.73%
participants. 55
3 a Systematic 12.73% = 200
b Random 1% = 15.71
c Stratified 100% = 1571 fish
4 Check with your teacher.
b 2667 + 1667 + 1571
Year No. of students Sample
212 5905
7 212 × 60 = 12 =
1033 3
= 1968 fish
8 200 × 60 = 12
1033 Extended response
1 a Categorical
189 63
9 189 × 60 = 11 b × 100 = 25.2%
1033 250
175 25.2% = 500
10 175 × 60 = 10 1% = 19.84
100% = 1984 fish
133 2 a Quantitative and continuous
11 133 × 60 = 8 b Systematic
c The data is influenced by factors that don’t make them
124 representative of the whole population.
12 124 × 60 = 7 d Take the cans of paint from each of the five machines.

6 Check with your teacher.

7 a Categorical
b Quantitative
c Quantitative
d Quantitative
e Categorical

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