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-What is your name and age?

My name is Brenda and I am 17 years old.

-Where does she live?

I live in Tarazona, a town in Zaragoza, there are not many people living here but it's good
because that's how we all know each other.

-What did you study and where?

I studied compulsory secondary education but they did not give me the degree, now I am
studying Middle Degree of Administration

-Why are you studying business administration and management (GG1)?

because it caught my attention to be able to create and run my own company in the future.

-Do you have any work experience? If so, where did you work and when?

No, I don't have any work experience.

If your answer was No, what is your dream job?

It would be to be a thanatoplactor, and I think that in the future it will be possible.

-Where would you like to work in the future?

As I said in the previous question, I would like to be a tanatoplactor and I know that I will
achieve it with a lot of effort.

-What are your main hobbies or interests?

I can work very well in a group, I have the ability to learn new languages, I always participate in
cultural events and I would also attend meetings about the company or follow blogs about it to
stay up to date with all the news about this workplace.

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