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Writing a literature review can be a daunting task for many students and researchers alike.

It requires
extensive research, critical analysis, and the ability to synthesize information from various sources
into a coherent narrative. Whether you're a graduate student working on your thesis or a scholar
preparing a research paper, crafting a literature review demands time, effort, and expertise.

One of the biggest challenges in writing a literature review is navigating through the vast sea of
scholarly articles, books, journals, and other academic sources. With so much information available, it
can be overwhelming to determine which sources are relevant, credible, and contribute meaningfully
to your research topic.

Moreover, organizing the literature in a logical and cohesive manner requires careful planning and
attention to detail. You need to identify key themes, debates, and gaps in the existing literature while
also providing critical insights and interpretations.

For many individuals, balancing academic commitments, work responsibilities, and personal life
makes it even more challenging to dedicate the necessary time and energy to writing a
comprehensive literature review.

That's where ⇒ ⇔ comes in.

⇒ ⇔ offers a solution to ease the burden of writing a literature review. With a team
of experienced writers who specialize in various academic disciplines, ⇒ ⇔ provides
customized literature review writing services tailored to your specific needs.

By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ ⇔, you can save valuable time and
resources while ensuring the quality and professionalism of your work. Our writers are adept at
conducting thorough research, analyzing complex academic literature, and presenting findings in a
clear and concise manner.

Whether you're struggling to get started or facing writer's block midway through your literature
review, ⇒ ⇔ can provide the assistance and support you need to succeed. Our
services are designed to alleviate stress, enhance productivity, and help you achieve your academic
goals with confidence.

Don't let the challenges of writing a literature review hold you back. Order from ⇒
⇔ today and experience the difference our expert assistance can make in your academic journey.
Count on our literature review writing service to get it done. Level 4 Headings are Indented Left,
Title Case and Bold With a Closing Period. Especially the phone call picking out styles, font, cover
template etc. Literature Review Outline literature review paper example sample
write template research outline tips nice slideshare 50 Smart Literature Review Templates (APA).
Tujuannya untuk menghapus literature yang ternyata isinya kurang sesuai, kurang lengkap, dan ada
kekurangan jenis lainnya. A literature review is a written approach to examining published
information on a particular topic or field. Setelah itu, baca dan pahami sumber-sumber literatur yang
relevan secara menyeluruh. Headings help your reader understand the structure of your literature
review. As you’re doing your research, create an annotated bibliography ( see our page on the this
type of document ). SLR sendiri merupakan cara sistematis untuk mengumpulkan, mengevaluasi
secara kritis, mengintegrasikan dan menyajikan temuan dari berbagai studi penelitian pada
pertanyaan penelitian atau topik yang menarik. Sebab kadang kala semakin banyak sumbernya
bukannya semakin paham malah semakin bingung. Penting untuk dicatat bahwa tujuan literature
review yang berbeda akan berdampak pada pendekatan dan metode yang harus digunakan, sehingga
muncullah banyak jenis-jenis literature review. Don’t worry about putting the correct internal citation
when you first write. Read our website accessibility and accommodation statement. I envisioned
world-class scientists producing high-quality research. Why is your target population an important
one to study. Penjelasan teori-teori ini kemudian menjadi landasan teori yang digunakan dalam
pembuatan karya ilmiah atau dalam melakukan kegiatan penelitian. It is generally helpful to draw a
conceptual scheme of the review, e.g., with mind-mapping techniques. Please try the search box at
the top of this page. Lit reviews can take many different organizational patterns depending on what
you are trying to accomplish with the review. Level 2 Headings Are Flush Left (Not Centered and
Not Indented) and Are Title Case and Bold With No Closing Period Start a new, indented paragraph
on the next line after Level 2 headings. There is no need to hide behind “I believe” or “I think.” Put
your voice out in front, loud and proud. Avoid informal language like contractions, idioms, and
rhetorical questions. You’re ready to 1) develop your research question, 2) design an experiment to
answer that question, and 3) write an article that describes your answer to that question in the
context of the literature. Literature review dapat diartikan sebagai uraian tentang teori, temuan, dan
bahan penelitian lainnya yang diperoleh dari bahan acuan untuk dijadikan landasan kegiatan
penelitian untuk menyusun kerangka pemikiran yang jelas dari perumusan masalah yang ingin
diteliti. Be careful when taking notes to use quotation marks if you are provisionally copying
verbatim from the literature. Contoh Format Literature Review Jurnal PDF Nah, pada bagian
sebelumnya saya hanya memberikan contoh formatnya. Tesis biasanya ditulis oleh mahasiswa
pascasarjana (S2) yang ingin mengambil gelar master. Metode SLR dilakukan secara sistematis
dengan mengikuti tahapan dan protokol yang memungkinkan proses literature review terhindar dari
bias dan pemahaman yang bersifat subyektif dari penelitinya. Model berlawanan, yaitu menggunakan
teori untuk membahas teori 5.
If your notes have the same shortcomings, then you’re doing it wrong. Susunan protokol ini biasanya
mencakup pertanyaan atau masalah penelitian yang ingin dibahas oleh tinjauan, sumber yang akan
dicari untuk literatur yang relevan, dan metode yang akan digunakan untuk mengevaluasi dan
mensintesis literatur. Maka silahkan memilih literatur mana saja yang akan dikaji dan digunakan. 3.
Melakukan Identifikasi Cara membuat literature review yang ketiga adalah melakukan identifikasi,
yaitu tahap memberi tanda pada bagian-bagian penting di dalam literatur yang sudah dipilih di tahap
sebelumnya. To continue with our example, you might say, “There is likely a reciprocal effect in
which both the use of psychedelic drugs worsens pre-psychotic symptoms and worsening psychosis
causes use of psychedelic drugs to self-medicate or escape.” Signposting also involves using
headings and subheadings. A library database searches for keywords throughout the entire resource
record including the full-text of the resource, subject headings, tags, bibliographic information, etc.
Dalam review ini, terdapat kritik, pujian, dan saran tentang suatu produk, yang berguna bagi calon
pembeli untuk mempertimbangkan kualitas produk sebelum membeli. Hal ini tidak hanya
menunjukkan integritas akademik tetapi juga memungkinkan pembaca untuk merujuk kembali ke
sumber asli. Tanyakan pada diri Anda: Apakah ada perbedaan pendapat atau hasil yang saling
bertentangan dalam literatur yang Anda teliti. Please try the search box at the top of this page.
Membangun Dasar Teoritis: Literature review membantu dalam membangun dasar teoritis untuk
penelitian, dengan merujuk pada teori-teori yang telah ada. Apakah ada kesepakatan atau kontradiksi
antara sumber-sumber literatur. So, if you have a child who has seen all the Ben 10 episodes and still
wants even more Ben 10, buy him or her this comic. Contextualization: Enables researchers to
understand how their work fits into the broader academic conversation and contributes to the
existing body of knowledge. Gunakan paragraf pendek dan jelas dengan satu ide utama dalam
setiap paragraf. Langkah ini juga dapat membantu mengidentifikasi potensi bias atau batasan dalam
proses peninjauan, dan dapat berfungsi sebagai alat yang berguna untuk mengelola proses
peninjauan. Pengertian Literature Literature adalah semua karya tulis yang bisa dijadikan sebagai
bahan rujukan atau referensi dalam melakukan berbagai macam bidang penelitian atau karya tulis
ilmiah. Artinya, setiap masalah yang sudah diteliti ada penyelesaiannya. I was most impressed with
some of the humorous dialogue, but even it wasn’t consistently great. When I critique a study, I like
to pretend that I’m a consultant. I so wanted to have my daughter's painting as the art work on the
cover and she gave me a way to do that. Instead, organize your source information by your
identified themes and patterns. Also, make sure the sources are trustworthy and come from
respected places. On the one hand, if you take several years to choose, several other people may have
had the same idea in the meantime. Keterbatasan dalam metode traditional review tidak hanya
terbatas pada data dan sumber, tetapi juga pada wawasan dan pemahaman peneliti. The purpose of a
literature review is to offer a comprehensive review of scholarly literature on a specific topic along
with an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of authors' arguments. Kami juga akan
memberikan tips dan panduan praktis dalam memanfaatkan literature secara optimal dalam karya
tulis ilmiah Anda. Improving Diabetes Self-Efficacy in the Hispanic Population Through Self-
Management Education Doctoral papers are a good place to see how literature reviews can be done.
Anda akan mengetahui penelitian-penelitian yang telah ada dan cara mereka menyajikan informasi.
Manfaat Literature Review Banyaknya peneliti yang menggunakan literature review bukan tanpa
alasan, karena literature review itu sendiri memiliki beberapa manfaat diantaranya: 1. Rule 10: Be
Up-to-Date, but Do Not Forget Older Studies Given the progressive acceleration in the publication
of scientific papers, today's reviews of the literature need awareness not just of the overall direction
and achievements of a field of inquiry, but also of the latest studies, so as not to become out-of-date
before they have been published.
But if you ask the literature for these five objectives, you’ll feel grateful for the literature’s
usefulness. Penting untuk dicatat bahwa tujuan literature review yang berbeda akan berdampak pada
pendekatan dan metode yang harus digunakan, sehingga muncullah banyak jenis-jenis literature
review. Dua peninjau secara independen menyaring judul dan abstrak studi yang diidentifikasi dalam
pencarian dan artikel teks lengkap ditinjau kelayakannya. Selain itu, literature review juga memberi
banyak manfaat bagi pelakunya. Some scientists may be overly enthusiastic about what they have
published, and thus risk giving too much importance to their own findings in the review.
Thematically, guides will aid students in gaining a deeper understanding of everyday life in the past
through the selected literature and reading assignments. That naive position has two problems. First,
every study has its shortcomings. Social Posts Create on-brand social posts and Articles in minutes.
Dengan memiliki sumber referensi yang kuat, Anda dapat mendukung klaim Anda dan memperkuat
argumentasi dalam penelitian Anda. 10. Menghindari Plagiarisme Dengan melakukan literature
review yang cermat, Anda dapat menghindari plagiarisme dalam penelitian Anda. At the same time,
it also pulls your reader into the literature review. Dalam menyusun literature review, terdapat
beberapa langkah yang perlu dilakukan. Please try the search box at the top of this page. Research
may bring previously accepted conclusions into question. Cara ini berguna bagi anda untuk mengatur
argumen dan struktur kajian literatur anda jauh lebih mudah. The benefit of this option is that it
makes it easy to discuss the developments and debates in the field as they emerged over time. An
added benefit of using the “Styles” feature is that you can automatically generate a table of contents.
Pada kata literature akan dijumpai definisi semua karya tertulis yang dapat dijadikan rujukan atau
acuan dalam berbagai kegiatan di bidang pendidikan dan bidang lainya karena dianggap memiliki
keunggulan atau manfaat yang abadi. Jadi, dalam proses awal Anda wajib mencari publikasi ilmiah
yang akan ditinjau. Dalam setiap tema, berikan ringkasan temuan utama dan diskusikan pola,
ketidaksesuaian, atau kesenjangan dalam literature. Manfaat Literature Review Proses dalam
melakukan literature review memang bisa memakan waktu, dan hal ini penting karena bisa
menentukan kualitas penelitian maupun karya tulis yang akan disusun. Hal ini akan membantu Anda
untuk mendapatkan pemahaman mendalam tentang topik penelitian Anda. Langkah berikutnya yang
perlu kita lakukan adalah menyusun protokol SLR ( SLR Protocol ). The concluding sentence of
your paragraph should address the topic sentence, addressing how the facts and arguments from
other authors support a specific conclusion. If you consider it, you are surrounded by all kinds of
examples. Proses literatur review melibatkan penelaahan, pengumpulan, dan sintesis berbagai sumber
literatur yang relevan dengan topik tertentu. She is majorly involved in developing and reviewing
online content plans that engage and resonate with audiences. Often, the literature review is where
you can establish your research as filling a particular gap or as relevant in a particular way. Identify
Gaps Highlight areas where existing research falls short. Jadi, karya tulis apapun termasuk ke dalam
literature yang selama relevan dengan tema yang dicari maka bisa digunakan. Biasanya, jenis
literature review ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi kondisi pengetahuan terkini tentang topik
penelitian tertentu.
Setiap sumber referensi memberikan ilmu dan wawasan baru bagi pembacanya. 2. Mengetahui Hasil
Penelitian yang Relevan Literature review juga bermanfaat untuk mengetahui penelitian sebelumnya
yang relevan. They can also help if the reader gets lost and needs to re-orient themselves within the
document. Dalam konteks penelitian, terutama dalam pembuatan karya ilmiah, literature review
lebih dikenal dengan istilah tinjauan pustaka. Model berlawanan, yaitu menggunakan teori untuk
membahas teori 5. Thematic Organization Group related studies by themes rather than chronology.
For example, if you don’t have a solid definition of your key concepts or a sense of how the
literature has developed over time, it will be difficult to make coherent scholarly claims about your
topic. Contoh Systematic Literature Review Tinjauan pustaka sistematis adalah jenis tinjauan yang
bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi, mengevaluasi, dan meringkas bukti penelitian tentang topik
tertentu. A research proposal differs significantly from other more reflective essays you’ve likely
completed during your social work studies. Assessing the contribution of papers that have just
appeared is particularly challenging, because there is little perspective with which to gauge their
significance and impact on further research and society. We'll show you how to make this tough task
simpler. Memahami Perkembangan Penelitian Terkini Dengan melakukan literature review, Anda
dapat memahami perkembangan terkini dalam bidang penelitian yang Anda minati. Please try the
search box at the top of this page. Step 6: Edit and Proofread In the final phase, conduct a thorough
review, focusing on clarity and coherence. Comparison ?pembanding dari berbagai penelitian,
Outcome. And you’ll design a project to answer that research question. But this comic book is not up
to the high standards of the animated series. Keterlibatan Partisipan Systematic Literature Review
melibatkan tim peneliti. Any lit review is only as good as the research it discusses; make sure your
sources are well-chosen and your research is thorough. Now you just need to apply these tools and
review some actual articles. Do the authors point out areas for further research. Sebelum menjawab,
kita bahas terlebih dahulu apa itu Literature Review. Mark the top of your notes with an “X” to
signal an exemplary article. Hal ini menetapkan konteks untuk review Anda dan menyoroti
kesenjangan dalam pengetahuan yang ada yang ingin Anda teliti. 2. Pertanyaan Penelitian atau
Tujuan Tuliskan pertanyaan penelitian atau tujuan Anda dengan jelas dan singkat. GIFs Highlight
your latest work via email or social media with custom GIFs. I once bought a very old edition of the
novel but haven't opened it in many years. -Jay. But maybe you want a project that’s a bit more
innovative. Even if you have a detailed outline to work from, the words are not going to fall into
place perfectly the first time you start writing. There are a number of different situations where you
might write a literature review, each with slightly different expectations; different disciplines, too,
have field-specific expectations for what a literature review is and does. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena
ketika melakukan kegiatan literature review, peneliti akan membaca dan memahami berbagai macam
karya tulis, baik yang relevan topik pembahasan atau tidak. 4. Mengetahui Hasil Penelitian yang
Saling Berhubungan Ketika melakukan kegiatan literature review, maka kita akan membaca dan
memahami karya tulis yang berupa hasil penelitian sebelumnya. We yearn to read each article from
The definitive research tool for all areas of nursing and allied health literature. When I started grad
school, I viewed the literature much like a textbook. Jadi, literature review yang merupakan
gabungan dua jenis kata antara “literature” dengan kata “review” tidak lantas memiliki arti sesuai
penggabungan arti dua kata tersebut. Ini dapat mencakup variabel seperti ukuran sampel, desain
studi, metodologi yang digunakan, dan temuan-temuan utama. Sedangkan literature review
dikerjakan oleh seorang penulis. Sedangkan Bagian Utama akan berisi protokol SLR, hasil analisis
dan sintesis temuan, serta diakhiri dengan diskusi yang membahas implikasi dari hasil SLR. At this
point, students often make the mistake of trying to fit all the collected sources into their reviews.
PDF Strategies for Writing a literature review WRITING MOVES TO MAKE WHEN WRITING A
LITERATURE REVIEW Always consider your audience. As you read the article make note of the
following: Who is the intended audience for this article. Step 6: Edit and Proofread In the final
phase, conduct a thorough review, focusing on clarity and coherence. In other words, research papers
present one side of an issue. Literature review seperti ini dapat digunakan, misalnya, untuk membuat
agenda penelitian, mengidentifikasi kesenjangan (gap) dalam penelitian, atau hanya membahas
masalah tertentu. Are there transitions between and within paragraphs that link ideas together.
RELATED POST Ini 7 Hal yang Harus Kamu Siapkan Kalau Mau Jadi Dosen Contoh Pertanyaan
Wawancara LPDP dan Tips Sukses. This link opens in a new window Contact a Librarian Ask a
Librarian Definition: A literature review is a systematic examination and synthesis of existing
scholarly research on a specific topic or subject. But when you use the literature to support your
research project, you build a deep, practical understanding. Dengan demikian, Anda dapat
memastikan bahwa Anda mengutip dengan benar dan memberikan kredit kepada penulis yang tepat.
Berikut adalah beberapa tips untuk melakukan hal tersebut: Gunakan sub-bab atau sub-topik untuk
mengelompokkan literatur berdasarkan tema atau isu yang relevan. Daftar Jurnal Literatur Review
Dibawah ini kami paparkan 6 daftar jurnal literatur review yang bisa Anda kunjungi, ini juga bisa
Anda jadikan sebagai referensi ilmiah Dalam artikel ini, kita telah membahas tentang literature
review atau tinjauan pustaka. Provide background information on the Ebola virus: genome,
pathogenesis, transmission, epidemiology, treatment, etc. Please try the search box at the top of this
page. Technical paper berisi hasil eksperimen dan penelitian kita yang biasanya dituntut adanya
temuan-temuan baru yang arahnya ke contribution to knowledge di dalamnya. Here are some key
tips to help you create an exceptional literary analysis: Define Your Scope Clearly outline the
boundaries of your literature review. Addresses Research Gaps: Identifies areas where more
knowledge is needed, guiding your contributions. Qualifier: the negative income tax does not
provide taxpayers and voters with enough control to make sure people in poverty are not wasting
financial assistance on frivolous items. Rebuttal: policy should be about empowering the oppressed,
not protecting the taxpayer, and there are ways of addressing taxpayer opposition through policy
design. Selain itu, literature review bisa juga bermanfaat bagi peneliti agar penelitian yang dilakukan
tidak melenceng kemana-mana. Weakness A and weakness B make fine research gaps on their own.
Occasional tests are provided with an answer key at the back of the unit. As you build deep, practical
knowledge, it becomes easier to read the literature. Tujuannya untuk menghapus literature yang
ternyata isinya kurang sesuai, kurang lengkap, dan ada kekurangan jenis lainnya.
Literature reviews are both an informative and persuasive genre of academic writing. There are
(broadly speaking) three options for organising your literature review. Writing an Outline for a
Literature Review Students often underestimate the importance of planning the structure of their
papers in advance. Using relevant keywords and phrases in your search is essential, experimenting
with diverse combinations for a thorough collection of relevant sources. Bentuk identifikasi ini bisa
berupa pandangan, daftar teori, mencari ketidaksamaan, meringkas, dan lain sebagainya. 4. Membuat
Kerangka Tahap selanjutnya dalam membuat literature review adalah membuat kerangka. Reference
and respond to existing research, showcasing your awareness of ongoing academic discussions. This
is the case not just at the writing stage, but also for readers if the diagram is included in the review
as a figure. Perlu dipahami bahwa paper secara umum terbagi menjadi dua: technical paper dan
survey paper. Are you focusing on methodological approaches; on theoretical issues; on qualitative
or quantitative research. Monggo mas zaenal menarik pak Romi, saya sedang proses untuk membuat
SLR ini, saya dari ilmu-ilmu sosial meskipun demikian proses yang bapak jelaskan sepertinya bersifat
umum artinya bisa digunakan untuk ilmu2 sosial dan eksak. Delete weaknesses you’ve found support
for, questions you’ve answered, and criticisms you’ve invalidated. Heading level 1 is used for main
sections like “ Methods ”, “ Results ”, and “ Discussion ”. Brilliant work, well understood, many
thanks I like how this was so clear with simple language. Tahapan-tahapan yang perlu dilalui dengan
metode ini memang bisa dibilang cukup panjang. Manfaat Literature Review Banyaknya peneliti
yang menggunakan literature review bukan tanpa alasan, karena literature review itu sendiri memiliki
beberapa manfaat diantaranya: 1. This literature unit for Ben and Me was originally part of the
teacher resource entitled From the First Day of School to the Last: April. I wish everybody good
luck with writing a review of the literature. You need a resolution because, as readers, we would like
to know what happened to the characters. Only after you’ve reached a natural stopping point might
you go back and edit your draft for grammar, APA formatting, organization, flow, and more. In other
words, how can the reader take the information and apply it to today's society. The Plumbers, in case
you don’t know, are a group that defends the earth. Systematic Literature Review: Pengantar,
Tahapan dan Studi Kasus Systematic literature review atau sering disingkat SLR atau dalam bahasa
indonesia disebut tinjauan pustaka sistematis adalah metode literature review yang mengidentifikasi,
menilai, dan menginterpretasi seluruh temuan-temuan pada suatu topik penelitian, untuk menjawab
pertanyaan penelitian ( research question) yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya (. Utilizing Phrases or
Fields, in addition to an awareness of Stop Words, can focus your search and retrieve more useful
results. Metode ini memang bisa membuat literature review menjadi lebih khusus, tetapi karya tulis
yang dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi menjadi terbatas. Let's take a closer look at this with our
custom essay writer. Each literature guide provides 12 lessons and a final project. Why conduct a
literature review, stages of a literature review, lit reviews: an overview (video), check out these
books. Anda juga dapat menambahkan komentar pribadi atau pemikiran Anda sendiri tentang setiap
sumber. 5. Identifikasi Celah dalam Penelitian yang Ada Saat menyusun literature review, penting
untuk mengidentifikasi celah dalam penelitian yang ada. Add Links Send readers directly to specific
items or pages with shopping and web links. Metode dalam melakukan literature review cukup
beragam, setiap peneliti bebas menentukan akan menggunakan metode yang mana.
Avoid informal language like contractions, idioms, and rhetorical questions. Please try the search box
at the top of this page. Hindari pengulangan kata atau konsep yang sama secara berlebihan. The same
point applies to the dichotomy of descriptive vs. In applied research, it might describe a
phenomenon or theory, then describe how that phenomenon or theory applies to some important real-
world situation, and finally suggest a way to test whether it does, in fact, apply to that situation. And
finally, gaps most often refer to a lack of research on certain aspects of a topic. For example, imagine
we wanted to link a paragraph about barriers to accessing healthcare with one about the relationship
between the patient and physician. All of your notes are concise, are well-organized, and contain the
same information in the same places. We could use a transition sentence like this: “Even if patients
overcome these barriers to accessing care, the physician-patient relationship can create new barriers to
positive health outcomes.” A transition sentence like this builds a connection between two distinct
topics. But what do you need to include in your literature review. Kemudian, lakukan pencarian
literatur yang komprehensif menggunakan basis data akademik, jurnal ilmiah, dan sumber-sumber
tepercaya lainnya. Consider narrowing the topic by focusing on a specific issue - Too little
information. Include a running head in the top right corner of each page in your paper. Please try the
search box at the top of this page. When printing this page, you must include the entire legal notice.
You might still need to review a few articles going forward. Hal ini menetapkan konteks untuk
review Anda dan menyoroti kesenjangan dalam pengetahuan yang ada yang ingin Anda teliti. 2.
Pertanyaan Penelitian atau Tujuan Tuliskan pertanyaan penelitian atau tujuan Anda dengan jelas dan
singkat. Even well-written, high-quality research has limitations. For example, you might start a
paragraph stating, “There is strong disagreement in the literature as to whether psychedelic drugs
cause psychotic disorders, or whether psychotic disorders cause people to use psychedelic drugs.”
Within that paragraph, your reader would likely assume you will present evidence for both
arguments. Ulasan mengenai suatu karya maupun produk disebut dengan istilah review tadi. Jadi,
percuma memiliki data banyak jika kualitas data ini buruk alias tidak dipercaya. For example, if a
student of politics is investigating how the understanding of democracy has evolved over time, they
could use the chronological approach to provide a narrative that demonstrates how this
understanding has changed through the ages. A cover (title) page should include your full name,
class information, and the date. Many times per academic article they will say that it is reviewed by
peers. For instance, in the humanities, authors might include more overt argumentation and
interpretation of source material in their literature reviews, whereas in the sciences, authors are more
likely to report study designs and results in their literature reviews; these differences reflect these
disciplines’ purposes and conventions in scholarship. Model berlawanan, yaitu menggunakan teori
untuk membahas teori 5. Mengingat cakupan review yang sangat luas, terdapat beberapa jenis
review, seperti review jurnal, review buku, review artikel, dan masih banyak lagi. Signposting- words
that identify the organization and structure of a literature review Image attributions Startup
notebooks by startupstockphotos cc-0, board front problem by geralt cc-0, person holding white
paper and typewriter by dreamstime cc-0, signs direction bergen by mariamichelle cc-0, mistakes by
annekarakash cc-0. Sintesis data: Protokol harus menjelaskan metode yang akan digunakan untuk
mensintesis data, termasuk analisis statistik atau metode lain yang akan digunakan. Kualitas studi
yang disertakan umumnya baik, dengan risiko bias yang rendah di sebagian besar domain.

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