2 - Xarici Dildə Işgüzar VƏ Akademik Kommunikasiya-1-1

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Azərbaycan Dövlət İqtisad Universitetinin nəzdində

Azərbaycan Maliyyə-İqtisad Kolleci

I Kollokvium
Tədris ili
Semestr Payiz
İxtisas Mühasibat uçotu, Maliyyə işi, Vergi və vergitutma, Bank işi
Fənnin adı Xarici dildə işgüzar və akademik kommunikasiya-1-1
Müəllimin soyadı və adı Əhmədova Gülər, Məmmədova Nigar
Kurs TOT-I
Bölmə (az/rus) Az, Rus

N Sual A variantı B variantı C variantı D variantı

1. Choose the synonym of the underlined word. Dull Funny Happy Smart
For Sue`s husband, family life is never boring.
2. Choose the wrong statement about Sue. She has nine children She gets up at 6 every She lives in Swindon She loves her big family
3. Choose the correct word. Quit Noisy Interesting Danger
All the children are in bed. It`s … in the house.
4. Choose the correct answer. Breakfast Lunch Dinner Fast food
The first meal of the day.
5. Choose the correct answer. Drives the children to Irons the clothes Cook dinner Goes shopping
After breakfast Sue school
6. Choose the right form of the verb. Like Likes To like Not like
My classmates … me
7. Choose the wrong statement about the Simpsons. Bart Simpson is very Bart has got two Bart`s parents are Homer Marge stays at home with
diligent sisters and Marge Maggie
8. Complete the sentence. Cousin Grandfather Brother Nephew
My aunt`s son is my … .
9. Complete the sentence. Brother Son Grandson Uncle
My uncle is my mother`s and father`s … .
10. Complete the best answer. Homework Breakfast Housework Exame
What do you do for school in the evening?
11. Complete the sentence. Clean Iron Drive Look after
I sometimes help my mum to … the house.
12. Choose the noun with make. A noise The shopping A good day A shower

13. Complete the sentence. Drivers Gets up Goes Collects

My dad … my brother and sister to school.
14. Complete the sentence with the question word. When Who What How
… do you get up on Sunday morning.
N Sual A variantı B variantı C variantı D variantı
15. Choose the correct verb. Goes Cooks Spends Drives
My mum … to the supermarket on Saturday mornings.
16. Choose the correct answer. Help Collect Get up Clean
Which verb means to do something for someone.
17. Find the synonym of verb “collect”. Pick up Look after Iron Leave

18. Choose the right form of verb. Come Doesn`t come Not come Comes
My cousins … from Canada.
19. Choose the right form of verb. Watches Watch To watch Not watch
She … TV every morning.
20. Complete the sentence with the linking word. Then So Or As
After dinner I help my mum, and … I watch TV.
Choose the wrong statement, David Simmons works David is a student at David`s training finish at David speaks Chinese a
21. in China the Denfeng Kung Fu six o`clock little
22. Choose the right verb. Practice Kick Rest Jump
I want to be a professional musician, so I … every day.
23. Choose the right word. Neck Legs Feet Ears
My … is between my head and my shoulders?
24. Choose the right answer. To start a Kung Fu To open a coffee To be a soldier To be a doctor
When David goes back to London, he wants … . school
25. Choose the right answer. Kung Fu Tennis Football Voleyball
What sport does David train?
26. Choose the correct sentence. Dad usually cooks at the Dad cooks usually at Dad cooks at the Dad cooks at the usually
weekends the weekends weekends usually weekends
27. Choose the correct answer. Rest Jump Run Hit
A period of relaxing, sleeping or doing nothing.
Complete the sentence. Hard Dangerous Rest Interesting
28. There are a lot of difficult questions in this exams. It`s
…. .
29. Choose the correct answer. Routine Break Kick Practice
The things that you normally do every day.
30. Choose the right question word. What When How Where
… do you watch on TV.
31. Choose the correct answer. Defend Fight Break Run
To protect yourself.
Choose the correct statement David wants to start a In the mornings they The students have a The teachers speaks
32. Kung Fu school in practice fishing with shower in the morning Chinese only
London swords
33. Answer the question. 20 million 10 million 5 million 30 million
How many people live in Australia?
N Sual A variantı B variantı C variantı D variantı
Make up a sentence. 1, 5, 2, 4, 3, 6 1, 5, 6, 4, 3, 2 5, 3, 4, 6, 1, 2 1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 6
1. my cousins
2. I
3. football
4. play
34. 5. and
6. every weekend
35. Choose the right question word. When Who What How
… do you finish basketball training?
Make up a sentence. 2, 5, 1, 3, 7, 6, 4 2, 1, 6, 7, 3, 4, 5 5, 3, 7, 2, 4, 6, 4 6, 4, 2, 1, 5, 3, 7
1. goes
2. she
3. to
4. bus
5. sometimes
36. 6. by
7. school
37. Complete the sentence. Sister`s daughter Daughter`s sister Cousin Son
My niece is my … .
38. Choose the correct verb. Spend Pick up Go on Come
We use the verb … to say how to use our time.
Choose the correct statement. The sports Carnival Every day students The students meet their Tudents discuss their
happens one a year. send their homework teacher every week work with a teacher on
39. to their teachers the phone at the school of
40. Choose the right verb. Look after Spend Go Have breakfast
When mum and dad go out, I … my little brother.
41. Answer the question. Irons clothes Drives Makes breakfast Looks after the children
What does Sue do after lunch?
42. Choose the right form of verb. Don`t know Not know Knows Not to know
“Where`s mum”. “I`m sorry. I ….”
43. Choose the correct answer. Quit Exciting Interesting Little
The opposite of “noisy”
44. Give the correct translation. Onlar öz kiçik evlərini Biz evlərimizi Onlar öz həyətlərini Onlar öz həyətlərində
They clean their small house. təmizləyirlər təmizləyirik təmizləyirlər işləyirlər
45. Complete the sentence. Drive Help Go Clean
To control or operate a car means…
46. Complete the sentence using present simple negative. Doesn`t drive Not drive Drives Drive
My dad … to work. (drive)
47. Choose the noun with have. A shower The washing A phone call Your homework

48. Answer the question. Get up Stand up To take care To control

N Sual A variantı B variantı C variantı D variantı
Which verb means to get out of bed?
49. Choose the right word. Father Son Brother Grandson
My uncle Tom is my cousin Jame`s … .
50. Give the correct translation. Anam hər səhər qabları Anam qanları yuyur Anam paltarları yuyur Anam paltarları ütülüyür
My mum washes the plates every morning yuyur

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