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Twelve Angry Man play, is written by Reginal Rose, is a classic piece of American literature.

post war in America in 1950’s, the play explores the complexities and flaws in America’s justice system
throughout a deliberation of a boy accused of his father’s murder.. In Twelve Angry Man, various
criticism of legal sysem are discovered and brought to light to the audience. The play explores the
influence of prejudices, biased and discriminant on the achievement of justice and fairness in the legal
system, it indicates the vulnerability of legal system is questioned as initially deliberation is conducted
and voted without exertion and logical analysis and decison made just based on their preconceived notion
and circumstancial evidence. The play also critiques the influence of social status and personal biases in
the justice system.
One of the key criticisms of the American justice system that Twelve Angry Men raises is the
influence of biased, preconceived notion and prejudice in the jury room. Each of the twelve jurors comes
into the deliberations with their own set of assumptions and prejudices, which color their views of the
case. In the play, the jurors get informations about the defendant when presenting evidences, the
defendant is an Afro-American 16 years old boy. He lives in slum and spend half of his life in orphanage
as his mom is death and his father is in jail. He had lived with his father in an apartment and experienced
domestic violence from father. In the play, many jurors exhebited discriminants against the boy on the tria
because of his social background, juror 10 most blatanly exhibits discrimnation towards the boy as he
doesn’t specify but he implies that the boy’s ethnicity makes him more likely to be guilty, “You’re not
gonna tell me we’re supposed to believe thiss kid, knowing what he is.”. Juror 10 also discredits the boy’s
potential honesty based solely on in his background, “I’ve lived among them all my life. You can’t believe
a word they say. You know that. I mean, they’re born liar”, not on any evidence presented.
Furthermore, Twelve Angry Man play also highlights the critical flaws in the justice system is
decision is made with lack of evidence-based and logical analysis. Normally, before reaching the verdict,
jurors need to go through detailed deliberations and carefully consider that is there any reasonable doubt
about the guilt of the defendant. In the play, initially all jurors except juror 8 vote for guily without
deliberating evidence and based on their prejudice some of them just vote guilty due to the vast majority
vote for guilty. They focus on specific details and ignore it inconstencies or confirmation bias as juror just
looking for evidence that support the existing beliefs. The life of a teenagee is decided without any
consideration and this event has revealed the flaw about the accuracy of court decisions and the jurors’s
interger and conscience.
The playwright criticizes the influence of social status and personal experiences on the judgment
of jurors in legal system. The play is subtle in its portrayal of social status. It. However, the characters'
behaviors and comments, accompanied with the mention of the boy's neighborhood, create a scenario
where social status and personal prejudices can influence the legal system. In the play, it doesn’t explicity
mention the boy’s social status but jurors make assumptions based on limited information, like for juror
10 exhibits a sense of superiority througout the play as through his attitude and comments suggest that he
has a higher socieconomic background than the boy and he migth older than some jurors therefroe, he
might view himself as more experienced and knowledgeable leading to sense of superiority. His overall
demeanor and comments like “They get drunk. They’re all alike down there.” Suggest a prejudice against
people from lower socioenomic classes. Besides, juror 3’s strained relationship with his son might lead
him to view the boy with suspicion, impacting his vote. He might project his negative feelings about his
son onto the boyo in trial, leading to a harsher initial verdict. This highlights how personal experiences
can cloud judgment of the juror.
Ultimately, Twelve Angry Men offers a powerful critique of the American justice system,
highlighting the ways in which personal biases, prejudices, and power dynamics can influence the
outcome of a trial. Through its exploration of the flaws in the judicial process, the film challenges
audiences to consider the importance of fairness, due process, and independent judgment in the legal
system. By brought up these issues, Rose implies that important of ensuring fairness and justice in legal
system that will ensure verdict is reached in fair environment and prevent any biased decisions are made
that will partial and inequitable for the defendant.

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