English - Zoom - Class-Notes-02.03.2024

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Q. No. (13) Read the passage given below focusing on the parts that
are underlined. Answer any 4 of the questions and write them in the
answer booklet. [4x2=8M]

SET -11

Once there lived a woman in a city. (i) She was fond of penguin birds.
(ii) She bought a penguin. (iii) “It’s very nice”, she said to her
daughter. “Yes, Mom” said the daughter. (iv) “It is the most beautiful
penguin in the world”. “Yes”, said the mother. The next day, (v) the
neighbours came to their house. They wanted to see the penguin.
One of them got a doubt. “Do penguins live here? he said (vi) “Penguins
live in cold places. The temperature will be very low”.

i) Add a suitable question tag.

Ans: She was fond of penguin birds, wasn't she?
ii) Rewrite the sentence beginning with a ‘a penguin’ ............
Ans: A penguin was bought by her.
iii) Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘She said to her daughter
that ........
Ans: She said to her daughter that it was nice and the daughter agreed.
iv) Rewrite the sentence using ‘more beautiful’.
Ans: It is more beautiful than any other penguin in the world.
v) Combine the two sentences using ‘in order to’.
Ans: In order to see the penguin the neighbours came of their house.
The neighbours came to their house in order to see the penguin.
vi) Combine the two sentences using ‘where’.
Ans: Penguins live in cold places where temperature will be very low.


SET -22
Q. No. (13) Read the passage given below focusing on the parts that
are underlined. Answer any 4 of the questions and write them in the
answer booklet. [4x2=8M]

Once a man sold his well to a farmer. Next day, i) the farmer went to
draw the water from the well. The man did not allow him to draw the
water from it. He said “I have sold you the well not the water”. You
cannot draw the water from the well. ii) The farmer became very sad.
He went to the Emperor’s Court for justice. iii) He described
everything to the Emperor and asked for the justice. The Emperor
called Birbal. iv) The king handed over this case to him. Birbal called
the man who sold the well to the farmer. v) Birbal asked “Why don’t you
let him use the water of the well? You have sold the well to the farmer.
The man replied. “Birbal I have sold the well to the farmer, not the water.
He had no right to draw the water from the well.” Then Birbal smiled and
said to him, “Good but look since you have sold the well to this farmer
and you claim that water is yours then you have no right to keep your
water in the farmer’s well. vi) You pay rent to the farmer to keep your
water in his well, or you take that out of his well immediately.” The
man understood that his trick has failed Birbal outwitted him.

Now, complete the following sentences and write them in your

answer script.

i) Combine the two sentences with “when”

ANS: When the farmer went to draw the water from the well, the man
did not allow him to draw the water from it.
ii) Combine the two sentences with “since”
ANS: Since the farmer became very sad, he went to the Emperor’s Court
for justice.
iii) Re-write the sentence beginning with “Describing”
ANS: Describing everything to the Emperor he asked for the justice.
iv) Re-write the sentence beginning with ‘This case”
ANS: This case was handed over to him by the king..
v) Begin the sentence with .... He asked ....
ANS: He asked why he didn't let him use the water of the well.
vi) Re-write the sentence beginning with ‘Unless’
ANS: "Unless you pay rent to the farmer to keep your water in his well,
you will have to take that out of his well immediately.”


SET -3 3
Q. No. (13) Read the passage given below focusing on the parts that
are underlined. Answer any 4 of the questions and write them in the
answer booklet. [4x2=8M]

There was an arrogant elephant. (i) He always bullied smaller animals.

(ii) The ants were the smallest of all the animals. He would visit the
ant hills and spray water on them. With their tiny size, the ants would
only cry. (iii) The elephant found this amusing. He threatened to harm
them. (iv) He said, “I will crush you all to death.” (v) The ants were
tiny but decided to teach the elephant a lesson. They entered
elephant’s trunk and started biting him anywhere they could. The
elephant started to cry out in pain. (vi) Realizing his mistake, he
apologized to the ants and all the animals he had bothered.

i) Re-write the sentence beginning with ‘smaller animals’

ANS: Smaller animals were always bullied by him.
ii) Re-write the sentence beginning with ‘No other’ ............
ANS: No other animal was as small as the ants,
iii) Combine the two sentences using ‘As’ ............
ANS: As the elephant found this amusing, he threatened to harm them.
iv) Re-write the sentence beginning with ‘He said that ...........
ANS: He said that he would crush them all to death,
v) Re-write the sentence beginning with ‘Neverthless’ ...........
ANS: Nevertheless the ants were tiny they decided to teach a lesson.
vi) Re-write the sentence beginning with ‘No sooner’ .....
ANS: No sooner did he realise his mistake than he apologized to the ants
and all the animals he had bothered.
No sooner had he realized his mistake than he apologized to he ants



Q. No. (13) Read the passage given below focusing on the parts that
are underlined. Answer any 4 of the questions and write them in the
answer booklet. [4x2=8M]

(i) The villagers were delighted. (ii) A sage had come to their village.
He performed miracles. Every morning and evening they would gather at
the temple with specially prepared delicacies as offerings to the sage.
When Tenali Raman heard of this, he smelt a rat. He went to the temple
and sat near the holy man. The sage began revising shlokas. To Raman’s
surprise, he went on repeating the same shloka over and over again.
Raman realized that he was a fraud. Suddenly, (iii) he leaned forward
and plucked a strand of hair from the sage’s beard. (iv) “I have the
key to the Heaven!” he shouted triumphantly.
The villagers looked started. This sage is so great that (v) if I keep the
hair from his beard with me. I will be blessed forever! said Raman.
Immediately there was a scramble as the villagers rushed to get hold of a
hair from the sage’s beard (iv) The frightened sage ran for his life and
was never heard of again.

Now, complete the following sentences and write them in your

answer script.

i) Add the right question tag.

ANS: The villagers were delighted, weren't they?
ii) A sage, who ............................................................
ANS: A sage, who had come to their village performed miracles..
iii) Rewrite the sentence beginning : He not only .........................
ANS: He not only leaned forward but also plucked a strand of hair from
the sage's beard.
iv) Rewrite the sentence begininng : He shouted ......................
ANS: He shouted triumphantly that he had the key to the Heaven.
v) Rewrite the sentence by replacing ‘if’ to unless .....................
ANS: Unless I keep the hair from his beard with me, I will not be blessed
vi) Rewrite the sentence by changing into an interrogative
ANS: Did the frightened sage run for his life?



SET –- 55
Q. No. (13) Read the passage given below focusing on the parts that
are underlined. Answer any 4 of the questions and write them in the
answer booklet. [4x2=8M]

You might have heard the success story of Nalini on social media. (i)
Nalini is one of the most renowned teachers in English. She aspired to
become a teacher in her childhood. (ii) As a girl child, she had to face
various prime problems. Many girls in India face even today. (iii) These
problems did not prevent the young girl from realizing her dream.
Nalini’s father challenged conventional beliefs and became the strongest
advocate for his daughter’s dreams. (iv) Rather than limiting her
aspirations, he had extended her his blessings and his whole hearted
support. (v) He allowed her to go for higher education and also helped
her realize her dreams. And the result is what we see today! (vi) “I have
stopped regretting being born a girl,” says Anu.

Now, complete the following sentences and write them in your

answer script.

i) Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘Very few............

ANS: Very few teachers in English are as renowned as Nalini,
ii) Combine the two sentences using the word ‘which’.
ANS: As a girl child, she had to face various problems which were prime.
iii) Begin the sentence with “The young girl ......”
ANS: The young girl was not prevented by the problems from realizing her
iv) Rewrite the sentence beginning with “Instead of .... ...........”
ANS: Instead of limiting her aspirations he had extended her his blessings
and his whole hearted support.
v) Rewrite the sentence using ‘not only .... but also’.
ANS: He not only allowed her to go for higher education but also helped
her realize her dreams.
vi) Rewrite the sentence beginning with “Anu says that ..............”
ANS: Anu says that she has stopped regretting being born a girl.


SET –- 66
Q. No. (13) Read the passage given below focusing on the parts that
are underlined. Answer any 4 of the questions and write them in the
answer booklet. [4x2=8M]

(i) Polythene shopping bags both wrappers are potential threat to the
environment. (ii) Once you discard them after use you do not lose
your link with them. (iii) They return to you in a variety of ways. You
do not realise it. (iv) They choke your drains and they become
breeding places for deadly germs. (v) These plastic wastes choke the
land mass. (vi) They clog the pores of the weilands.

Now, complete the following sentences and write them in your

answer script.

i) Combine the two sentences using ‘both’

ANS: Both polythene shopping bags and wrappers are potential threat to
the environment.
ii) Combine the two sentences using ‘even if.....’
ANS Even if you discard them after use you do not lose your link with
iii) Combine the two sentences using ‘though’.
ANS: Though they return to you in a variety of ways, you do not realise it.
iv) Rewrite the sentences beginning with ‘when’.
ANS: When they choke your drains, they become breeding places for
deadly germs.
v) Rewrite the sentence beginning with ...... The land mass .....
ANS: The land mass is choked by these plastic wastes.
vi) Add appropriate tag question.
ANS: They clog the pores of the weilands, don't they?




Q. No. (13) Read the passage given below focusing on the parts that
are underlined. Answer any 4 of the questions and write them in the
answer booklet. [4x2=8M]

(i) My plan was simple and I told him so. I said we could find out if it was
Jim there. Tomorrow night (ii) we could take the can. I hid it and go to
the island and get the raft ready then on a dark night steal the key, free
him and run away. (iii) I asked Tom if my plan would work. “Work? he
laughed, “Why, certainly it would work. But it’s too simple. There is no
adventure in it. (iv) What’s the good of such plan?” Next, I suggested we
could pull out a part of the hut. Tom said. (v) “That plan, again is as
simple as a song. I hope we can find a plan that’s little more

Now, complete the following sentences and write them in your

answer script.

i) Write its correct question tag.

ANS: My plan was simple, wasn't it?
ii) combine the two sentences in to a single sentence with a
Relative clause and with a main clause.
ANS: We could take the can which I hid and go to the island
iii) Change the sentence into another “Voice”
ANS: Tom was asked by me.
iv) Begin the sentence with the following?
ANS: He asked, what the good was of such plan.
v) Change the sentence into comparative degree.
ANS: A song is never simpler than that plan.


SET –- 88
Q. No. (13) Read the passage given below focusing on the parts that
are underlined. Answer any 4 of the questions and write them in the
answer booklet. [4x2=8M]

(i) Kalpana Chawla was selected by NASA in 1994. She reported to the
Johnson Space Centre in March 1995 in the 5th group Astronauts. (ii)
She completed one year’s training. Then she was appointed as a crew
representative for organising the Spartan Satellite. (iii) The satellite
failed and so he could not organise it well. (iv) Neither the flight crew
members nor the ground staff could control the satellite. (v) But she
was not accused of the mistake. (vi) The world said, “Bravo Chawla!”

Now, complete the following sentences and write them in your

answer script.

i) Rewrite the sentence beginning with: ‘NASA ................’

ANS: NASA selected Kalpana Chawla in 1994.
ii) Combine the sentences beginning with: ‘After completing
ANS: After completing one year's training, she was appointed as a crew
representative for organizing the Spartan Satellite.
iii) Merge the sentences beginning with: ‘Owing to ............’
ANS: Owing to the failure of the satellite, he could not organise it well.
iv) Rewrite the sentences using; ‘Not only ......... but also..........’
ANS: Not only the flight crew members but also the ground staff could
not control the satellite.
v) Add suitable question tag.
ANS: But she was not accused of the mistake, was she?.
vi) Restructure the sentence as: The world praised ..............
ANS: The world praised her saying that Bravo Chawla.


Q. No. (13) Read the passage given below focusing on the parts that
are underlined. Answer any 4 of the questions and write them in the
answer booklet. [4x2=8M]

(i) Deepa Malik who was born and brought up in Bhaiswal. Haryana. is
a multi-talented para-athlete. (ii) Deepa was born normal. Later at the
age of five, she suffered with a spinal tumour. At six, she underwent
three spinal operations that resulted in almost 200 stiches. Since then.
(iii) She has been bound to a wheelchair. But she did not stop
practicing javelin throw. Before going for the surgery. (iv) She said to
her husband. “I will never able to walk again.” Her husband assured
her that he would carry her in his arms all her life! (v) In no time, Deepa
became a good javelin thrower. She also practiced games such as
shot put and discus throw. She excelled in all the games she practiced.
(vi) We are all proud of her today. She has proved that disability
cannot come in the way of one’s success.

Now, complete the following sentences and write them in your

answer script.

i) Rewrite the sentence beginning it with ‘Born and brought up’.

ANS: Born and brought up in Bhaiswal, Harayana Deepa Malik is a
multitalented para- athlete.
ii) Combine the two sentences using ‘but’.
ANS : Deepa was born normal but later at the age of five she suffered
with a spinal tumour.
iii) Combine the sentences using ‘In spite of’.
ANS : In-spite of her bounding to a wheelchair she did not stop
practicing javelin throw.
iv) Rewrite the sentence beginning it with ‘she told her husband
ANS : She told her husband that she would never able to walk again.
v) Combine the underlined sentences using ‘not only - but also’.
ANS : In no time, Deepa not only became a good javelin thrower but also
practiced games such as shot put and discus throw.
vi) Combine the two sentences using ‘because’.
ANS : We are all proud of her today because she has proved that
disability cannot come in the way of one’s success.


SET– 10
- 10
Q. No. (13) Read the passage given below focusing on the parts that
are underlined. Answer any 4 of the questions and write them in the
answer booklet. [4x2=8M]

(i) Some years ago the Hindustan Electric Company launched three
wheeled electric car. (ii) It was revolutionary vehicle but it was a
commercial disaster. The company did very little research. (iii) It was
believed the product would be successful (iv) The car did not have a
powerful engine. so it was not very fast. (v) The car was not suitable
to both children and adults. (vi) It becomes a failure.

Now, complete the following sentences and write them in your

answer script.

i) Rewrite the sentence beginning with “A three wheeled car....”

ANS: A three wheeled car was launched by the Hindustan Electric
Company some years ago
ii) Rewrite sentence beginning with ‘Although’ ............
ANS: Although it was revolutionary vehicle, it was a commercial
iii) Add a suitable question tag.
ANS: It was believed the product would be successful, wasn't it?
iv) Rewrite the sentence beginning with “As..........”
ANS: As the car did not have a powerful engine, it was not very fast.
v) Rewrite the sentence using “neither.....nor”
ANS: The car was neither suitable to children nor to adults.
vi) Change into a simple future sentence.
ANS: It will become a failure.


Q. No. (13) Read the passage given below focusing on the parts that
are underlined. Answer any 4 of the questions and write them in the
answer booklet. [4x2=8M]

Paper is an essential part of a student’s life (i) Paper is made from tree.
(ii) Tree is basically made of hard material. It is first ground to a
paste to make it soft. (iii) The machine breaks the wood. (iv)
Cellulose is the main Ingredient in the pulp. It forms the base in
making paper. (v) Daniel Handler once said, “Blank paper has always
inspired me.” (vi) A blank paper is the most important tool of any

Now, complete the following sentences and write them in your

answer script.

i) Write the appropriate question tag.

ANS: Paper is made from tree, isn’t it?
ii) Combine the two sentences using “AS” ___________________
ANS: As tree is basically made of hard material, it is first ground to a
paste to make it soft.
iii) Begin the sentence with, The wood ______________
ANS: The wood is broken by the machine.
iv) Combine the sentences using “which” _____________
ANS: Cellulose is the main ingredient in the pulp which forms the base in
making paper.
v) Rewrite the sentence in reported speech.
ANS: Daniel Handler once said that blank paper had always inspired
vi) Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘No other” .............
ANS: No other tool is as important as a blank paper of any poet.



Q. No. (13) Read the passage given below focusing on the parts that
are underlined. Answer any 4 of the questions and write them in the
answer booklet. [4x2=8M]

(i) There once lived a rich businessman. His name was Raju (ii) He
never lied. All the people knew this very well. He had a son. (iii) The son
was lazy and fun - loving. (iv) The businessman wanted his son to be
hardworking and responsible. He wanted him to realise the value of
labour. Oneday (v) he summoned his son. (vi) He said to him, “
“Today, I want you to go out and earn something”.

Now, complete the following sentences and write them in your

answer script.

i) Combine the sentences using “whose”.

ANS: There once lived a rich businessman whose name was Raju.
ii) Add suitable question tag.
ANS: He never lied, did he?
iii) Rewrite the sentences as : Besides ................
ANS: The son was lazy besides fun-loving.
The son was fun-loving besides lazy.
Besides fun-loving, the son was lazy.
Besides lazy the son was fun-loving.
iv) Rewrite the sentence using ‘not only ........ but also’.
ANS: The businessman wanted his son not only to be hardworking but
also responsible.
v) Rewrite the sentence beginning with “His son”
ANS: His son was summoned by him.
vi) Complete the sentence : He told him that .............
ANS: He told him, that he wanted him to go out and earn something
that day.


SET –- 13
Q. No. (13) Read the passage given below focusing on the parts that
are underlined. Answer any 4 of the questions and write them in the
answer booklet. [4x2=8M]

(i) Mr. and Mrs. Sastry were sitting in the veranda and having tea. (ii)
They heard a loud music from their children’s room and rushed to
their room. (iii) Jagat and Ved were dancing to the loud music of a
film song. (iv) Mrs.Sastry said,” Reduce the volume of the C.D.
player.” It’s horrible.” ‘What’s wrong with you, mom?” (v) “The music is
very sweet so we are listening to our new CD.” said the boys. “Boys, it
is not music, it is on an unpleasant sound. It is noise, please stop it.”
said their father. (vi) But the boys continued to dance to rhythm.
Their parents left the room disappointed.

Now, complete the following sentences and write them in your

answer script.

i) Rewrite the sentence using ‘Who .......................................’

ANS: Mr. and Mrs. Sastry who were sitting in the veranda were having
ii) Begin the sentence with ‘As soon as .............................’
ANS: As soon as they heard a loud music from their children's room
they rushed to their room.
iii) Add question tag.
ANS: Jagat and Ved were dancing to the load music of a film song,
weren't they?
iv) Begin the sentence with “Mrs. Sastry demanded .................”
ANS: Mr.Sastry demanded to reduce the volume of the CD player.
v) Rewrite the sentence using “so ......................... that”
ANS: The music is so sweet that we are listening to our new CD.
vi) Combine the sentence using ‘As’.
ANS: As the boys continued to dance to the rhythm, their parents left
the room disappointed.


SET –- 14
Q. No. (13) Read the passage given below focusing on the parts that
are underlined. Answer any 4 of the questions and write them in the
answer booklet. [4x2=8M]

One bright day, a thief broke into a rich merchant’s house. (i) He had
made a hole in the wall and sneaked in. (ii) He was carrying out his
loot, the wall of the old house collapsed on his head and killed him
on the spot. (iii) His brother was also a thief. He ran to the king to
complain. He said to the king, “Your Highness, When my brother was
pursuing his ancient trade, a wall fell on him and killed him. This
merchant is to blame. He should have built a good, strong wall. (iv) You
must punish the wrongdoer and compensate the family for this
injustice. (v) The king said, “Justice will be done. Don’t worry.” And
at once summoned the owner of the house. (vi) The owner of the house
was the richest merchant in the village.

Now, complete the following sentences and write them in your

answer script.

i) Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘not only.... but also’

ANS: He not only made a hole in the wall but also sneaked in.
ii) Combine the sentences using “As soon as..”
ANS: As soon as he was carrying out his loot, the wall of the old house
collapsed on his head and killed him on the spot.
iii) Combine the sentences using ‘who’
ANS: His brother, who was also a thief, ran to the king to complain.
iv) Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘The wrongdoer” ...
ANS: The wrongdoer must be punished and the family be compensated
for this injustice.
v) Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘The King promised that
ANS: The King promised that the justice would be done and assured hi
not to worry.
vi) Begin the sentence with “No other”
ANS: No other merchant in the village was as rich as the owner of the

*** THE END ***


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