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Choreography of the poem - Once Upon a Time
1. Name of the poem : Once upon a Time
2. Name of the poet : Gabriel Okara
3. Theme of the poem : The Undesireble changes, Hypocracy, writched, crafty, self centered and
unnatural lives of the people in the present days which is quite contrasting to
the adaptable, socials, whole hearted and other centered or rather unselfish
people in the fore (good olden days)?
Stanza 1 : The egoism and self centeredness of the people in the present days. Lack of
whole hearted natural smile with comlacement looks (unconcerned)

Stanza 2 : The people in the yore shook hands with others without hypocrisy, wretchedness and
crafty nature, whereas now people are vulpine and fully materialistic by nature.
Stanza 3 : The precepts or moral etiquittes of the people in the yore while welcoming the
quests whereas the false courtesies gaines dominance in the dresent days because
people started greeting with wooden faces (expression less as their minds are pre-
occupied with materiatistic though an idea
Stanza 4 : People in the precent days laugh with the borrowed smile like the person in the photo
with fixed feelings without expressions.
Stanza 5 : Fathers’ confession of his unnatural artificial smile, a feeling of good riddance in place
of good bye and a feeling of boredom and irritation instead of gladness.
Stanza 6 : Father’s request to his son to allow him lead a life unlearning all undesirablethings with
inhumane wicked and wooden feelings.
Stanza 7 : Father’s reasonable thought to releam from his son how to laugh and smile at others
whole heartedly as he did in the yore of his lime. But, now with his laugh which
remains him of snakes bare poisonous fangs.

I nstances of the poem:

Self centeredness of the people, lack of whole - hearted smile.
Now, the people are vulpime and cruel.
In the yore they shock hands without hypocricy, wretchedness and crafty nature. Precepts of moral
etiquettes of the people in yore while welcoming the quests where as false intesies gained dominion the
present days.
- People in the present days laugh without expressions.
- Father’s conjesion of is unnatural artificial smile, feeling of good riddance, poredom and irritation.
- Father’s request to his son the allow him lead a life without inhumane wicked and wooden feelings.
- Fathers reasonable though to releam from his son how to laugh and smile a she did in his yore days.
6. L ocation/ setting : Home, office, society, street club etc.,
7. Char acter s involved : Father, son, people in the yore, people in the present days etc.,
8. Performable actions / actions involved in the poem.
- The whole hearted laugh of the people in the yore facial expressions)
- The artificial or expression less laugh of the people in the present days
(facial expressions)
- The whole hearted shaking hands (gestures)
- Shaking hands without hearts (facial expression without displeasure)
- The false courtesies show while inviting the guests (facial expressions showing neglect to moral
values. But, showing domination to materialistic thoughts.
- Father’s confession of his unnatural artificial feelings (facial expressions showing regret)
- Father’s wish to lead a life unleaming all undersirable things (miming)
- Father’s reasonable thoughts to releam from his son how to laugh and smile at others whole
heartedly (facial expression showing a wish to revive)
9. Presentation of choreography on the stage.
* The chorus team sings the poem.
* The characters perform their actions.
* The action of father, son, self centered people of the present days, the other centered people of the
yore are performed.
* The actions related to miming facial expressions and gestures are performed.


Name of the poem : Another Woman
Name of the poetess : Ms. Imtiaz Dharkar
Theme of the poem : One of the burning social evils ‘Domestic Violence’, which is resulting
into the pathetic death of many innocent women/ girls.
The uncordial/ unfriendly relationship between the woman and her mother-in-law
M ood / Tone of the poem : Melancholic/ sorrowful/ sullen tone depicting the plight of the woman
due to unbearable domestic violence
Stanza 1 : Woman’s lack of freedom and domestic rights even in buying the vegetable of her
Her mother-in-law’s anger, dark threatening looks anf the soman’s submissive nature.
Stanza 2 : The mother-in-law’s curses and abuses and offensive words towards the woman and
her parents.
Stanza 3 : The woman’s lack of trust in her husband, lack of basic domestic rights on the part of
the woman.
Stanza 4 : The woman’s utter disgust due to lack of minimum identity in the house (leading to a
life of incognito)
Stanza 5 : The woman’s responsibilities after marriage and the basic identity that she deserves.
Stanza 6 : The woman’s self-immolation unable to bear the atrocities on her in the name of
domestic violence.
The people’s apathetic nature towards the death of the woman due to domestic violence/ lack of basic
concern towards such pitiable women who need our helping hand, support and encouragement in
rejuvenating their devastated feelings.
I nstances of the themes of the poem
1. The woman having no rights to buy the vegetable of her choice and the mother-in-law’s dark/
threatening looks at her irrespective of whether she is guilty of some wrong doing.
2. Mother-in-law’s unbearable curses and abuses not only on the woman but also on her parents who
sent her to bring ill-luck/ ill0-fate to the family.
3. The woman’s lack of trust on her husband who doesn’t support her at all. The woman’s lack of basic
domestic rights.
4. The woman’s unbearable disgust at the atrocities meted against her by her mother-in-law.
5. The woman’s neglected identity and her responsibilities in her in-law’s house.
6. The appalling (shocking) decision taken by the woman in sacrificing her own life by immolating
herself to liberate herself from the unbearable atrocities. The people’s apathetic nature or indifferent
attitude towards such pitiable women. People fail to realize that either directly or indirectly we
ourselves are responsible for such pathetic deaths due to domestic violence but we fail to admit the
harsh reality that we are very apathetic to confess our brutal attitude towards such cases.
L ocation : Interiors of the house/ kitchen / market
Char acter s : The woman (Protagonist)
The mother-in-law (antagonist)
The woman’s husband, some vendors, buyers, the chorus team. The people in the society
Sequence of actions :
Scene 1 :
Sub theme : The woman does house hold work.
The chorus enters the stage and pose themselves in such a way that a visual effect of a house is
The woman mops the floor
The mother-in law comes from indoors and scolds the woman
The mother –in law commands the woman to go out
The woman goes out
All performers exit the stage
Scene 2 :
Sub theme : Women goes to market
The chorus enters and creates the setting of a market
Two vegetable vendors sit on the ground and selling vegetables
One person buy vegetables
Two or three people enter the market and exit
The woman enters
She chooses vegetables and bargains with the vendor
She collects vegetables and exit
All performers exit
Scene 3 :
Sub theme : Woman is subjected to mother in-laws anger.
The chorus enters the stage and pose themselves in such a way that a visual effect of a house is
The woman enters from outside
The mother-in law comes from indoors and scolds the woman for being late
The mother –in law commands the woman to cook fast
She keeps the pot on the stove
The woman cuts vegetables
The mother-in law comes near and scolds the woman
All performers exit the stage
Scene 4 :
Sub theme : Woman subjected to violence
The chorus enters the stage and pose themselves in such a way the visual effect of a kitchen is
The woman sits in front of a stove.
The woman’s husband enters the kitchen
The woman still bends her head down
Her husband beats at her back
All performers exit the stage.
Scene 5 :
Sub theme : Tragic end of the woman
The chorus enters the stage and pose themselves in such a way the visual effect of bedtime is created.
The woman crouched near the stove.
Mother in-law scolds her.
The woman’s husband enters and starts cursing her.
The woman throws kerosene on herself.
The woman lights the match stick and sets herself ablaze.
The woman screams with burns
The chorus circles around her in agony
All performers exit the stage.
Conclusion/M or al :
Is it for this fate the woman is born for? If the society shields its face to such violence, there would be
another woman in the same situation. Let it not continue to another woman.
Chor eogr aphy of the Poem “Or will the Dr eamer wake”
Name of the Poem : Or wil the dreamer wake?
Name of the poetess : Medora Chevalier
Theme of the poem : An urgent need for the conservation of species which core on the verge of
extinction. / Humans apathetic and callous attitude towards dumb species which are exterminated
mercilessly. (The strong truth has to be realised by all that if endangered species are not protected, they
would get extinct forever.
Stanza 1 : In the east the tigers are enlisted as the endangered species and they are getting extinct
day by - day. The poetessmentioned a tigress which was about to give birth to cubs
which was the victim of being on the list of the endangered species. Its painful grievous
(sad) sounds are heard by the tress which are the live witnesses to the extinction of the
tigress and its cubs too are the last ones to live freely, roam and mate. The poetess uses the
phrase “Our grandchild knows the tiger never” to emphasize the point that if tigers and
their cubs are not protected our future generation will never know them. Hence, Medora
Cheralier is questioning rhetorically whether man will wake to conserve the endangered
species “tigers” from the extinction or not.
Stanza 2 : In the Northern Arctic Region the white Polar bear too is facing extinction. The white
polar bear is snuffling due to the crashing glaciers due to the harmful effets of global
warming caused by man . The mother polarbear is apprehensive about the safety of her
cubs who are yet to take burth and is very sad to think that her cubs would be the last cubs
to freely live, roam and mate because they are endangered. The poetess Modora uses the
phrase “Our grand child knows the polar bear never” to emphasize the point that if we
don’t conserve the polar bear and her cubs, our future generations will never know them
and questions us rhetorically whether man will wake to conserve the endangered polar
bear and ber cubs from extinction.
Stanza 3 : In the West the poetess Medora Chevalier merrtions a noist Thrush warbles which is also
included as the endangered species facing extinction. The female Thrush weares her
nest, stays in it waits for its mate (male partner) lays eggs and hatches them. The warbles
and its chicks are indangered. Theses chicks are the last chicks to firely sing, fly and
mate. Our grandchild knows the thrush never because it is endangered. Therefore the
poetess is urging as rhetorically to protect the thrush and its chicks from extinction.
Stanza 4 : In the South or Antaroti ocean, the poetess enlisted whales as the endangered species
facing extinction. A mother whale in the deep South Ocean swins across the ocean singing
the song of giving birth to its calves (baby whales) Thousands of creatures witness the
glorious moments of how the mother whale gives birth to its calves. But these moments
are momentary because the whales are facing extinction. So the baby whales are the last
ones to freely sing, swim and shake the ocean. Our grand child (future) generation will
know the whale never.
Hence Medora is rhetorically questionong whether man will wake up to conserve the
endangered whales or not
Stanza 5 : From the rendezvous (meeting, point, centre) of the four directions, the path ahead is
strewn (filled with ups and downs). Some of the animals and birds are endangered and a
few of them became extinct. The human’s solemn need to conserve the species that are
endangered. This is the last new bright world. This could be our last true moment with the remaining
endargered species which are about to get extinct, if we don’t conserve them. On knwing the truth we
have to make the right choices. Our grand child asks, that was the moment and whether the man woke
to conserve the endangered species.
I nstances of the poem
1. The tigers painful feelings of threat from the callous humans which leaves them endangered and be on
the verge of extinction.
2. The polar bears apprehension about the threat faced by them and their cubs due to crashing glaciersand
the need for conservation.
3. The thrush warbles concern for its conservation and the threat faced by its chicks too.
4. The woefyk (sad) endangered blue whales and their calves due to the pollutants and industrial effluents
released into oceans and seas and the need to conserve them.
5. The right choice to be made while choosing conservation of endangered species as the only immediate
L ocation & settings : The forest the trees, the nest of thrush warbles, oceans, seas the earth.
Characters The tigers its cubs, the polar bear, its cubs, the thrush warbles, its mate, its chicks, the mother
whale its calves, te future generations and the chorus team.
Per for mable Actions / Actions involved in the poem
1. The deep anguish of the motehr tigress as she and her cubs are endangered and are on the verge of
extinction. (facial expression showing grief and anguish)
2. The apprehension (worry) of the mother polar bear due to the crashing glaciers posing a threat to their
3. The wounded feelings of the thrush warbles anguished about the safety of herself and her chicks which
are endangered (facial expression showing disgust)
4. THe obnoxious, unpleasant feelings shown by mother blue whale about the urgent need for its conservation
along with its calves and thecallous attitude of senselesshumans (miming, gestures and facial expressions)
Presentation of the choreography
The chorus team sings the poem.
The characters
The actions of the tigress, the mother polarbear the female thrush the motehr blue whale, the apathetic
humans, the future generations baffled state is performed.
The actions related to miming, gestures, facial expressions are performed.
The actions related to the need for conservation callous attitude of humans, the trees hearing the tigress
breathing sounds, the sounds of crashing glaciers, the thrushs singing, the mother whale giving birth to
calves etc. are performed.
The actions related to the rendezvous of the fair creatures and the right choices are performed.
Conclusion : Its high time, the senseless humans conserved the species and birds from getting extinct.
“Whatever befalls, them befalls soon on us too”.
Chor eogr aphy on : A Plea for India
Name of the poem : A plea for India.
Theme of the poem : To ignite the falme of Nationalism / patriotism in India irrespective of
caste, creed, region, religion.
Name of the poet : Unknown
I nstances of the poem : (Tone Requst of the poet to be printed.
The poet wants us to nuture a feeling of pride about our nation.
A feeling of strong conviction about unshakable roots of our nation is picturished in this poem.
The poet wants us to stop fights which leave us in poor flight.
One must forget one’s region, religion, caste which makes us lose our charm.
The poet is advocating or exhorting us to be broad minded, so that we will stand united by fostering an
idea of nationalism.
One must ignore the selfish call of each religion and collectively work for the development of the nation.
We must not spend our time bickering (arguing) about unimportant things.
There are somany tasks to be finished like education for all, putting an end to child labour, evadicating
diseases, curbing terrorism, child marriages, abolition of burning social issues.
The poet feels that there are so many better things to do than indulging ourselves in waging wars and
creating problems anew.
The narrow minded people create riots and violence, but try to give an impression to the people that they
are doing a favour to them.
The poet asks us who can revive the son who lost his life in violence, to wipe out the tears of hisbelowed
mother (Mother India) and dear brother (a fellow India)
The poet is even questioning us where has all the love gone which recided in the heart of all? (patriotic
The poet is proceeding to suggest that we must neither feel proud nor be over joyed of our behaviour or
The poet requests us to throw out the not and devote our time to pious thoughts.
The poet questions us why must we hang our heads in shame.
when we have the power to win.
The poet wanted us to throw out the rot and devote our time to pious thoughts.
The poet wanted us to fight against whose who incite (anti national elements) and mislead us.
We have the power to achieve patriotism and nationalism.
But, the only one thing we need is a bit of dedication.
Per for mable actions / actions involved in the play
The poet urges for patriotism and nationatism.
We declare that our roots cannot be shaken.
The fights for ones own region, religion which end up in misery is shown. (Facial Expression)
We have many tasks to do let us stop indulding in new problems (Mining)
The mother crying for her son whom she lost in the war.
Unconditional love of mother is shown (Jestures)
The poet wanted the nation to get back the love which recided in their hearts.
The people’s feelings of happiness is shown.
The peoples duties and responsibilites towards the country is shown.
Poet;s strong belief that people become patriotic and be ready to make noble sacrifies to restore the
glories of Mother India.
Pr esentation of the chor eogr aphy on the stage
The chorus team enters the stage singing the poem.
The characters perform their action.
The actions of people fighting for their region, religion, mother’s cries and the cries of people who lost
their brothers is shown. The peoples frustration, agression, sheer neglect is depicted.
The actions related to mining, facial expression and jesters is shown.
Conclusion : We the Indians must come united in abolishing the vices likecasteism, extreme nationalism
and show patriotism to save our mother land.
Choreogr aphy of the Poem - Abandoned
Name of the poem : Abandoned
Name of the poetess : Suraya Nasim
Theme of the poem : One of the burning social issues is abandoning the baby. A new born baby is
discarded in the garbage bin due to inhumane and wicked act of jettisoning (abandoning) the infant in
the garbage bin. This is mainly due to the result of unwanted pregnancy, polygamy, genderbias,
supergtitious belief, illiteracy, child marriages, lack of knowledge etc., This is the awful candition of the
baby as “An out cast of destiny”. It is the illfate of the baby.
I nstances of the poem
The new born baby is abandoned in the garbage bin. Mosquitoes and insects are eating its tiny
The little baby cries for help as the bin is fraught (filled with) prevadil bacteria which caused stinking
As a result of these prevaling awful candition in the garbage bin the baby cries with panic and
The cries of the baby die out that intimidating (frightening) and scary night of silence.
The awful condition of the baby termed as “An out cast of destire ie rejected by the society. pdygancy
child marriages etc.,
L ocation / setting : Out skirts of the city / Town. A garbage bin, intimidating, scary dark
Char acter s involved : New born baby mosquitoes, insects, bacteria, cat and rats.
Per for mable actions / actions involved in the play
The baby is thrown in the garbage bin. It is due to the callous nature of human beings who follow
polygancy and due to unwanted pregnancy.
The baby cries as the bin is filled with bacteria, mosquitoes and foul smell. (facial expression)
The cries of the baby are unheard in the silence. (miming)
In that diplorable condition the baby lef no stone unturned to breathe quickly. The baby with a deep
greenish blue coloured lips and sea - blue nose is abandoned as waste material.
The baby’s clothes got tattered and torn. Soon, the baby started shivering in the frozen cold winds.
At that moment, a fifthy black cat which was waiting for a chance edged on the holed bin searching
for easy rats.
The rat already started gnawing at the ears of the baby with their sharp teeth, tearing at the babeshair.
When the rats saw the cat with their blood soaked bodies crying (shouting) in a disorderly manner.
Is being an act of crime of the baby?
It is the peoples callous attitude which is a result of unwanted pregnancy
The baby is treated as (rap solidwaste)
The baby’s lips are turned into deep greenish blue colour and its nose into sea - blue as they are
The rats tore the baby’s clothes and its hair. (Miming)
A filthy cat jumped into the holed bin for easy rats.
Seeing this the rats let loose with a clicking squeak. (Jestures)
Is being born, the sin of the baby.
Pr esentation of the chor eogr aphy on the stage
The chorus team enters the stage singing the song.
The characters perform their actions.
The action of mosquitoes, cats, rats and cries of baby is seen here.
The baby’s frustration, agression, sheer neglect is depicted.
The actions related to miming, facial expressions and jestures.
Conclusion : We must collectively join our hands and raise our voice to put an end to one of these
burning social issues of abandoning the baby in the garbage bin which is not the sin of the baby. We
wish everybaby would be generosuly rescued. Foetocide / infanticide is unpardonable offence.

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