SCM Mod 1-30

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1) in SCM raw material stage is known as?

2) In SCM information flow -------and ------the SC

3) SCM is the integration of business process that provide product and service and information that
provide ....... to the customers
4) In scm raw material stage is known as? You07:38 in scminformation flow -------and ------the SC
You07:41 SCM is the integration of business process that provide product and service and
information that provide ....... to the customers

5) what are the key business process of scm

...........may be throghfarmersminers processors raw meterial suppliers
6) in scm ....................moving goods towards the organization
7) scm ....................moving goods outwards the organization
8) After the article is producedscm diverge into different.............sales and distributional functions
9) the time and space between firmsimmediatematerial source and firms manufacturing
10) product life cycle and characteristics effective communication networks, logistics systems and
company size can shape..................
11) when a product become obsolete or nom functional or damaged its is brought back to
organizationits called
12) ----------Terminate with the end of a products useful life
13) What is the directive in Europe which sets collection recycling and recovery targets for
electronic goods, return of electronic goods free of charge for the purpose of recycling?
14) what are the activities under customer service in scm
15) what are the transportation activities?
16) what are the inventory management functions?
17) Stock layout and dock design is …………………activity
18) Equipment replacement policies is ……………….activity
19) Sequence and time production is ……………..activity
20) Handling and storage is …………………………activity
21) Data analysis and controlprocedure is …………….activity
22) Specifying aggregate quantities is ……………..activity
23) Space determination is …………………activity
24) Oder picking procedure ------activity
25) Ware house configuration is ………. activity
26) Select equipment is……………………activity
27) Control procedure is …….activity
28) Claim processing and equipment selection is……key activity
29) Raw materials and finished goods stocking policies is ……………..key activities
30) Is process for providing significant value added
31) ……………………ment to make positive feeling in the organization
32) ……………………to establish and maintain customer rapport
33) Who choose the transportation mode in scm
34) ………………..cost increases in proportion to the level of customer service is provided
35) …………….add place value to products and services
36) …………….add time value to products and services
37) ………………..serves as buffer between product supply and demand
38) ………………..product availability to the customer is maintained
39) ……………………provide flexibility to implement efficient methods for the manufacturing and
distribution of the product.
40) -----is concerned with specifying the size and placement of stocked goods
41) Logistics managers oftn describe themselves as processing …………….rather than moving goods
42) ……….involves the transmittal of sales oder information
43) …..departments negotiates terms and conditions and arrange insurance and payment
44) ….can be used to find new ways and opportunities to reduce costs
45) ………….is largly automated and the main link to to upstream activities
46) ……………important link between the produser and the consumer
47) ….ensure that goods are available when they are required and ensure that they are kept in good
48) ……general term for moving goods within the organization
49) ………………. And ………………………based on the forecast for product demand
50) To remain competitive manufactures design production processto be …………………enough to
respond to ongoing market changes and to accommodate mass customization.
51) ……assume important when goods are transported long distances or internationally over
multiple transportation modes.
52) Logistically packaging provide ………….during storage handling and transport
53) ……….involes organizing retrieving acquiring securing and maintaining information
54) …… collection and management of information from one or more source
55) ……….,…………….., &broad range of business capabilities facilitated by it solution .
56) …………… used describe the activities required to deliver finished goods to consumers
including outward transportation
57) Physical distribution is oftn aligned with…………….and forms as an important link with a
companiesdownstream supply chain activities
58) Recycling returns and waste dboxex , cable isposals comes after ………….
59) Pallets , delivery boxes cable reels and containers may be returned to suppliers for reuse is
known as …….
60) Without reliable………………… upstream and downstream supply chain activities ceases
61) Important factor underlying the significance of freight transportation in todays……..
62) In todays international marketplace companies are designing their product and producing them
were ever the………..materials are available
63) In todays international marketplace companies supply chain are expanded across national
………..and to into others continents
64) Suppliers, producers, warehouses and stores ect are considered as……of SCM
65) ……….is a well organized processes used to integrate all parties involved ie Suppliers, producers,
warehouses and stores
66) Using ……production cycles are optimized and final products are distributed at the right time
67) Minimizing entire cost including raw materials workin in progress transportation and
distribution of the finished goods is the target of ………………..
68) ………………..a system approach to all to all process of product life .
69) Flow of materials or product flow in the supply chain is the activity by SCM involves ………….
70) ………integrates supply and demand management within and across companies
71) ……… is broader than logistics as it deals not only with a firm’s internal product flow
72) ……….. integrates supply and demand management within and across companies
73) Companies sold off non-core operations and outsourced those functions to other companies
74) …………. Strategies were supposed to reduce costs and increases service levels and flexibility
75) …………also helped to enable the direct-to-consumer business model
76) Business practices as …………and…………are common practices
77) While SCM involves………………………operations to reduce costs
78) Supply chain strategy involves defining means,ways and ………as follows
79) ……….are a balanced set of appropriate measures for the development and exploitation of ways
80) Logistics and supply chain objectives are the…….to the drive employment of the strategy and
allocation of resources
81) Managers also need to recognize ……….and………..comprise a significant portion of the
companies cost
82) SCM can generate…………,not just reduce costs
83) Strategic SCM emphasises the alignment of………..with corporate and business strategies
84) Values in logistics is primarily expressed in terms of ………..and……….
85) SCM influenced more on ……………..
86) Alternate strategies are compared and selected based on alignment with
87) ………is a set of strategies, programs and enabling systems that focus on identifying and building
customer loyalty

111) While SCM involves managing ................operations to reduce costs,supply chain strategies have a
broader definition

112) It defines how a company’s supply chain should operate to compete in the market place

113) Supply chain strategies are required to manage the integration of supply chain activities through
improved supply chain relationships

114) major business challenges for organisations developing supply chain strategies include developing
capabilities to manage the sevens V’s that customers want

115) Managers also need to recognize that logistics and SCM comprice a significant portion of the
company’s costs

116) That decisions made about supply chain processes will yield different levels of customer service

117)SCM strategies can be used to penetrate new markets ,and increase market shares and profits

118) Strategic SCM emphasises the alignment of SCM with corporate and business strategies

119) Supply chain strategy should support corporate and business strategies at both the corporate and
business unit levels

120) If a company’s business strategy is to be a low cost provider,the supply chain strategy should
support this
121) If little value can be added,it is questionable whether the activity should exist

122) Value based SCM strategy aims to align all SCM activities with overall goal of improving the
companys value to customers

123) Performance basaed SCM strategies involves ......... and....... the supply chain,as well as
benchmarking against competitors and performance measurement

124) performance indicator are widely used for measurement

125) Intelligence-Problems or opportunities are identified through...............or performance


126) Alternative strategies are compared and selected based on ........... with corporate and business
strategies and objectives and priorities

127) value in logistics is primerily expresses in in terms of ..... and ......

128…….and services have no value until they are in the procession of the consumer

129 firms spend great deal of time in to .........thier product

130 …… used to penetrate in to the new markets

131 the decisions made on the ……………….will yield different levels of customer service

132 ....... and ,,,,,comprises a significant portion of companies cost…………………..

133 a supply chain strategy should be an enabler of …………………….

134 Effective Scm view each activity in the Supply chain as contributing to the process of adding ........
135……………….is added when customer are willing to to pay more for the product and services

136 ………………. aimed to align all scm activities with the overallgoal of improving companies value to
the customers

134 ……. influences the consumer satisfaction

135…………………..high delivery quality on which availability of materials capacities and information have

136 on an operational level can be connected with the objective on a strategies’ level such as ……………

137 …………………………involves controlling and monitoring the supply chain as well as benchmarking
against the competitors and performance measurement

138 A balance of financial and nonfinancial key performance indicators are uses in
………………………..based scm strategies’

139 intelligences, design, choice and implementation review are……………….in SCM development.

140 The costly inefficiencies and redundant activities and other problems that do not support the
company’s business strategies’ may be a target of elimination in…….
141 The capabilities that exist within the organization and their extended supply chain is assessed in

142 In ……………………process inputs forpriorities come from product, market strategies and from
corporate strategies

143 feasibilities of……………………is evaluated interms of the capabilities and resources are available

144 alternative strategies are selected compared and selected based on alignment with corporate and
business strategies and objectives in ……process

145 when its necessary SCM strategies are modifies using …….process

146 …………………should include activities taskes roles ,responsibilities , a corresponding time lines and
performance should be tracked against performance objectives

147 SCM require a change from managing individual functions to……………… in to key supply chain

148 In the today highly competitive markets companies are required to ………their SC activities to and
to engage in strategic partnership with consumers suppliers distributers and others.

149 Optimizing product flow cannot be accomplished with out implementing a …………….approach.

150focus of CRM is to obtain additional value from …………………….

151 A set of stratagies programs and enabling systems that is focused on building customer loyality is…..

152 CRM uses ……………………….to organize automate and synchronize sales marketing customer service
and technical support activities

153) the cost of marketing and client service is ……………………………..

154) Measuring and valuing customer relationship is critical to implementing…………………………strategy

155 ……gathers informationabout customers and enables a business to creat assign and manage request
made by the customers .

156 Most of the organizations are increasingly using ……………………to improve their customers

156….helps a business to identify and target potential clients and to generate leads to the sales team

157…………………is used to identify and rewards loyal customerswhich will in turn will help improve
customer retention.

158 Every business achieves its aim by supplying ……………and ………… to its customers

158 Every business achieves its aim by supplying product and services to its customers and the
profitability is ultimately depending on achieving ………………………………

159 customer service provide customers Real time information on promised shipping date and product
availability through the interfaces through the organizations ………………………and ……..operations
160 Any organization can provide outstanding customer service by if it allocate ………………….

161Any organization can provide outstanding customer service by if it allocates enough resources that
comes with…………………………..

162 Its realistic to find best balance between service and …………………..

162 Under different circumstances customers can demand very……..things

163 The concept of value chain was first introduced by Michael porter in his book …………………………….

164 supply chain and demand chain are the two parts of ……………………..

165 purchasing manufacturing and distribution are the parts of…………………..

166 Marketing sales and customer service is the parts of ……………………..

167 demand chain management is different from supply chain management only in terms of its
emphasis on customer pull rather than supplier push ……true or false

168 if the firm wants want to produce product until customer demands its called as ……………………….

169 if a firmproduces to forecasts or anticipated sales to customer its called ………………………………

170) Due to …….……………its difficult accurately link accurately demand with supply.

171) the aim of ………………………….is to minimise out of stock situation and excessive cost supply

172) When the demand pattern is extremely volatile as a result of a sales promotion its called …………

173) when this supply capacity is unable to meet the sharp and rapid rise in demand …….become un
stable as a consequence.

174)…………and ……………………the factors to consider new or obsolete product , competitors product and

175……is the complete process from point of sales enquiry to delivery of the product to the customer

176performance of the orderfullment process include integration of the………,distribution and

transportation plan

177……….is the strategic option in which product is designed and built to customer specification

178…….. is the strategic option were the product is unique and designed and build according to the
customer specification

179……………is the strategic option were product is based on standard design and the components of the
production and manyfacture is product is linked to specification contained in the customer’s design.
180… the strategic option product is built to consumer specification from a stock of existing

181 …….is the strategic option were the product is built to customer specification from a stock of
existing components

182……is the strategy the product is built against the sales for cast and sold to the consumer

183 ……. Is strategy being the products are digital assets and the assets and inventory is maintined with a
single digital master.

184…… the first step in the order fulfilment

185 providing the customer with the pricing……………….

186……….is a selection of the order placement or closing the deal in accordance with a purchase oder

187……………………..confirmation that the oder has been booked or received.

188…………………………presentation of the commercial invoice to the customer

189…………………………is the ability to make a variety of product in a timely manner at the lowest possible
and respond to changes in the demand.

190………………is the activities necessary to obtain implement and manage manufacturing flexibility in
the supply chain

191……………… and …………………developed as Japanese business practices

192 ……is to improve return on investment by reducing in process inventories and associated carrying

193…….Reducing waste and redundant inventories by delivering product, component or materials just
when an organization need them

194 successes of……………is not only in reducing inventory cost but also in improving customer service

195 Diminished raw materials work in process and finished goods inventories are……………….

196 JIT production strategy helps in dramatically improved inventory ……………………..cost

197 Jit production strategy help in ……………………improvement

198 Jit production strategy helps in achieving ………. between various production stages

199 A reduction in manufacturing cycle time is achieved in ………………………..

200 Toyota production system (TPS) management philosophy is the driving force for ……………..

201 Lean manufacturing is consider the expenditure of the resources of any goal than the creation of
value for the ………………………

202………… an activities that consume time resources or space but not add any value to the product or

203 designing a s simple manufacturing system is the feature of …………………..

204………………………….recognizes that thre is always room for improvement

205………………………..strives at improving the lean manufacturing system design

206……………………….is important to stay competitive in today’s market place

207 …………………… the key word in Lean manufacturing process

208……………………… the part of enterprise resource planning system

209 …………… a subset of SCM concerning transportation operation

210 Both inbound and outbound orders are evaluated by the TMS …….module

211 outboundoders are known as …………………….

212 inbound oders are known as …………………………..

213 ………………………..offers the shipper various suggested routings solutions

214 Transportation analyse provider analyse module is uses to select the best……and least……. provider

215……………typically generate electronic load tendering and tracking information’s to execute the

216 freight audit and payment is the last stage of TMS

217 The cost, lead time or reducing the number of stops or waiting time are the parameters for the most
efficient transport plan in ………………………..

218 Optimize the vehicle load and transport route is the function of ………………………….

219 ……………………..information flow between the shipper and selected carrier

220 ………………………….support the execution of transportation plan

221 The …………………… a reporting function of transport in logistics

222 …………………..include percentage of on time pick up or delivery performance requested .

223 Transmission of transport alerts in case of delays is done by tracking system of ……………

224 Cost per metric productivity in financial terms or productivity in operational terms is done in

225 KPI is also including time pick up or delivery performance relative to....................

226...........used to measure performance of TRANSPORTATION in terms of kilometre.Weight& pallets the acquisition of good s or services with the goal of meeting the purchasers need for
quality, quantity, time and location at the best possible cost

228.............include purchasing traffic warehousing and all the other activities receiving inbound

229.......procurement is commonly used by Japanese companies

230 ......procurment is basically used to keep inventory cost low

231.....are undertaken to establish price ,availability and product customization and delivery schedule supplier preparation, expediting, shipment ,delivery and payment for the products/services are
completed based on contract terms.

233 Demand pull innovation and invention-push innovation are two catogoriesof………………..

234 .......occurs when there is an opportunity in market to be explored by the design of the product

235.......attempting to solve a design in response to consumer demand.

236..........solution may be te development of a new product or redeveloping a product that is already in

the market

237.....innovations are generally developed in response to a need that has yet to be satisfactorily met.

238............happens when there is an advancement in product design technology that is considered a

new invention

239Pull verses push system are distinguished by the way companies ....... is driven

240 if a company produces on the basis of forecast or anticipated sales to customers that is .............

241 ...................When te firm wait to produce products until customers demands it

242 Most of the companies push its inventories in to the markets in anticipation of sales

243 In product design stake holders involved will demand something different from the .........and from
the design process

244 In the product design process the manufacturer is concerned with....... and economically ......
produced product

245 In the production design process ....................will be concerned with price appearance and prestige
value as well as usability and functionality.

246 In the production design process .......................focus on how well the final product can be
maintained is the product easily reassembled disassembled diagnosed and services

247 Product development and commercialization involves many ...................and .............stakeholders

248 Companies tries to integrate customers suppliers and other stake holders into product development
process for the purpose of.........................

249 Mnagersdevelop the production technology and system to manufacture the......................effectively

250 Mangersdevelop the production technology and system to integrate into the optimal supply chain
for the .....................
251 Mangers develop the production technology and system will select meterials and suppliers in
conjunction with the .........................

252 Mangers develop the production technology and system will coordinate with the identify
customer articulated needs

253 The strategies to eliminate or to reduce the risk in supply chain ...............forecasting

254 The strategies to eliminate or to reduce the risk in supply chain ...............Management

256The strategies to eliminate or to reduce the risk in supply chain ............and.....manufacturing

256 The strategies to eliminate or to reduce the risk in supply chain aimed at matching ... and...............

257The strategies to eliminate or to reduce the risk of ...........................&...................

258 Spending on the Supply chain increases when they tries gain .........................

259 Outsourcing ,globalization increased competition and price pressure ,shortened and more complex
product life cycle,closer integration and collaboration with suppliers are.............................

260 Outsourcing ,globalization increased competition and price pressure ,shortened and more complex
product life cycle,closer integration and collaboration with suppliers are the trends causing
significant ...............and supply chain .

261 261 SCM strategies cannot be determined in ……… ,they are directly effected by another chain that
most organization have the development chain.

262 it is challenging to …….and ….. a supply chain in a manner that reduces total system-wide costs,
uncertainty and risk exist in every supply chain

263 Total system-wide costs, uncertainty and risk exist in every supply chain these are…………. SCM is
challenging and difficult to execute well.

264 Recent trends focused on reducing supply chain costs ,including outsourcing, offshoring and lean
manufacturing increase the level ………… the supply chain

265 Supply chain should be …… and …… to eliminates as much uncertainty and risks as possible as well
as deal effective with the uncertainty and risk threat remain

266 …… is the activity of estimating the quantity of a product or service that consumer will purchase

267 …………… involves quantitative methods such as the analysis of historical sales or current data from
test markets

268 ………………… may be used in making pricing decision in assessing future capacity requirements or in
making decisions on whether to enter a new market or not
269 Demand for a ……………………will likely rise if a competitor increases their price for the same items or
if the manufacture uses advertising and promotions to increase sales

270 If a competitors price fall and the ………………….. its marketing efforts demand for the product will
tend to decrease

271 The purpose of ………… is to facilitate the flow of information among all business function within the
organisation and manage the connections to outside the stakeholders

272The resulting increase or decrease in sales represents a changes in demand as a result of consumer
responding to ……………………

273 Demand forecast modelling considers the ……. of the market and the company individual shares of
the market versus the market share of competitors

274 Market shares may be measured as the percentage of the…………… occupies through its
sales ,it is the key indicator of how well it is doing against the competitors

275One of the problems with demand forecasting is that it has been traditionally been based on past
average ,which do not take …….. in account

276 Companies have developed techniques to improve the accuracy of demand ………. by basing it on
expected future sales

277 Although demand forecasting is an important …… due to the variety of complex factors involved

277 It is generally not possible to predict the precise …… for specific items even with the most advanced
forecasting techniques

278 Delivery ……………manufacturing yields transportation times and availability of materials and goods
from suppliers all effect the supply chain and its ability to meet customer demand

279 Inventory management is primarily about specifying the ….. and type of stocked goods

280 Inventory is required at different ……. within a facility or within many locations of a supply chain to
precede the planned production and stock of materials

281 Replenishment ……. are scheduled to arrive just in time to replenish products expected to run out of
raw materials

282 At the same time ,theinventory supply of all …….. is balanced out to make their inventories
proportion to the production requirements for each product

283 Lean manufacturing is aimed at eliminating all ………. adding process or waste from the production
process thereby reducing costs
284 Agile manufacturing means that the …….process is designed to respond quickly to changes in
information from the market or customer demand

285 But lean manufacturing is focused on eliminating……. while agile manufacturing is focused on
achieving …… adapt to constant market changes

286 Agile manufacturing requires the ability at short notice to change……. to accommodate a wide
variety of products

287 There for the ability to rapidly …………. the production process is essential

288 The lean…………….,the ability to change products quickly is also waste ,as any times spent in
changing over to production of a new products is considered wasteful and there for should be

289 In an agile system ,there needs t o be careful consideration of …… and …… requirements to ensure
the supply chain is robust enough to support changes in production to meet customer demand

290 Buy to Oder, make to order ,assemble to order, make to stock, ship to stock are the five type of
supply chain

291 When all the product are unique and not necessarily contain the same raw material …… strategy is

292 …………………….strategy customer must be prepared to accept long lead time

293 …………………….strategy product demand is highly variable

294 advantage of……………………is that if a product fails in the market place supply chain does not risk

295 High level of customization is possible in …………..strategy

296……………customisation is postponed in assemble to order strategy

297 ……….. and ……………………strategy a quantity of a standard product is produced according to the sales

298 A make to stock supply chain can cope up with…….. in various markets but requires a steady over all
demand of a standard product

299n If the aggregate global demand forecast was accurate , if the national demand forecast for specific
countries not ,Then one country could find ……..and another ……………………..

300 Solution for over stocking one country and understocking was to move the manufacturing step of
………….to the distribution centres.
301 As many companies step back and examine their..................... some realise that out sourcing parts
of all of a supply chain can be advantageous

302 To take advantages of global improvements in information systems the costs and quality of
manufacturing and distribution and product design capabilities ,companies are adding......... to their
business by outsourcing all or parts of their supply chain

303 Third party logistics providers or 3PLs are firms that provides service to customers of outsourced
logistics service for part ,or all of their ...............functions

304 Third party logistics providers typically specialise in integrated operation ,warehousing and
transportation service that can be ....... and ................ to customers needs based on mark condition and
the demand and delivery service requirements for their products and materials

305 These services go beyond logistics and included value –added service related to the production or
procurements of goods ,which are service that....... parts of the supply chain

306 Without the right systems ,processes or organizational management structure ,there is a
great .........of failure

308 In an outsource-heavy environment companies need to put more controls and systems in place
to................. for the fact that their supply chain capabilities no longer reside onsite

309 In an outsourced supply chain environment ,the needs for information ,controls and excellence
from ..................... becomes a high priority

310 Largely due to improvements in.............,globalisation in dramatically impacting the way business is
managed and transacted ,even on the most local levels

311 Companies have buy ,transport ,store, manufacture ,sell and distribute products
in a single world wide market

312 Today ,virtually all major films have a significant and growing presence in business outside their
company of.......................

313 Cost difference –Companies can reduce their overall costs by moving operations to regions where
they can be done least ...................

314 Growing demand in new market –As ..................... become more prosperous , foreign companies
recognise the opportunities in these new markets

315 Convergence of market demand-Satellite television ,thewebv and other ........ channels have made
customers more aware of products made in foreign countries

316 Greater demand from customers –As customers become more..........,local suppliers ,may not be
able to meet their requirements ,in this case ,thedy will look to other countries to find the best products
and resources
317 Removal of trade barriers –Free trade areas such as the European union and north American free
trade agreements ,encourage ........................

318 Strategic questions that should be addressed to............. a cost-effective and efficient global supply
chain include

319 To satisfy more demanding................. ,logistics managers must continually monitor and improve
their operations to remain competitive

320 Inclusions of the supply chain ............... partner in the information flow is a factor on which
optimally out source entirely or just as component depend heavily

321Establishment of control mechanism to proactively to monitor the various components of ....... is a

factor on which optimally out source entirely or just as component depend heavily

322 information system to connect and coordinate the a factor on which optimally out
source entirely or just as component depend heavily

323 Companies have build global supply chain to buy transport store manufacture sell and distribute
product in a single .................. markets

324 Better logistics are facilitating international...........

325 ....................... and....... transportation made the movement of the goods easier ,faster and less

326 Where ........................facilities be located is a strategic question to be addressed to design cost

effective and efficient global supply chain .

326 How many facilities should the companies have and what capabilities is a strategic question to be
addressed to design cost effective and efficient global .......... .

327 What kind of capacity should ..............have is a strategic question to be addressed to design cost
effective and efficient global supply chain .

328 What product and services should ......................handle is a strategic question to be addressed to
design cost effective and efficient global supply chain .

329 What suppliers and distributers should the source is a strategic question to be addressed to design
cost effective and efficient global ........... .

330 Which contract manufacturers should the company use is a ............... to be addressed to design
cost effective and efficient global supply chain .

331 Other companies …………. the intellectual capital needed to produce the goods or provide the
332 Cost reduction may be defined as a …….. in prior purchase price

333 There must be cost ………….. programme to define objectives adequately ,so that accomplishment
can be measured and performance evaluated

334 An example of commodification is the…………..of generic brands of drugs

335 Companies are looking to their …………. to two ways to help offset this trend

336 Companies may use cost ……………programmes targeted at reducing the overall costs of producing
and distributing a product with defined costes reduction objectives agaist which performance is

337 Cost improvements around inventory……………………,logistics operation and manufacturing

costs ,including the procurements of raw materials and goods used in production

338 Streamlining business processes with better design ,better collaboration across network and new
products and services can help companies stay ……………………… and strengthen relationship with their

339 The term product ……… refers to a reduction in sales volume , sales revenue or market share of one
product resulting directly from a new product by the same producer

340 PLM is the process of managing the entire …….of a product from its conception ,through design and
manufacture to service and disposal

341 PLM integrates peoples ,data ,process and ………………….. and provides a product information
backbone for companies and their extended supply chain networks

342 PLM systems are a collection of ……….. and methods integrated together to address either single
stages of the lifecycles ,connect different tasks or manage the whole process

343 PLM system have helped consumers.............. companies to continually drives …….. through
packaging and labelling innovation and design

344 Such companies are able to effectively ............and ......................... products that are targeted for
regional promotions or consumer preferences

345 SLA are an important parts of an .....................agreement They set agreed on metrics for service
levels between the two contracting parties

346 The SLA should also define the circumstances in which poor ................. would give the customers
the right to terminate the agreements

347 The process and procedures for ............... the outsourcing agreements need to be well defined
348Typically ,this portions of an................. will set out the maximum duration of the termination period
during which the outsourcing partner is required to provide defined termination

349 Provisionfo.................... an outsourcing agreements also usually address the return to the customer
of assets ,data ,and records

350 This issue is particularly crucial in the case of ................ to foreign countries

351 Where legal and regulatory .............. may be reduced or significantly different than those in force

352 Te third- party logistics providers are firms that provide service to customers of outsourced logistics
services for part or all of their supply chain management functions

353 Third party logistics providers typically specialise in .........operations , warehousing ,and
transportation service

354 These services go beyond logistics and included value –added services related to the production or
procurements of goods ,which are services that integrates parts of the supply chain this case ,the
providers may be called ....... supply chain management providers

355Without the ..............,process ,or organizational management structures ,there is a great risk of

356 Companies have built global ................ to buy ,transport ,store ,manufacture ,sells and distribute
products in a single worldwide markets

357 Strategic questions that should be addressed to design a ............... and efficient global supply chain

358 SCM is the integration of business process that provides products , service and information that add
value for customers

359 SCM is the management of all key business processes across the supply chain

360 The physical supply channel is the time and space gap between a firms immediate material sources
and its manufacturing facilities

361 The physical distribution channel is the time and space gap between the firms manufacturing
facilities and its customers

362 The reverse logistics channel may use all or a portion of the forward logistics channel or it may
require a separate design

363 Customer service is a process for providing significant value-added benefits to the supply chain in a
cost-effective way
364 Transportation is also required for the physical distribution of products , as well as to return
products and wastes to the company

365 Transportation and inventory management are the highest cost logistics activities

366 Inventory management is concerned with specifying the size and placement of stocked goods

367 Procurement can be used as a business tool to find new ways and opportunities to reduce costs and
enhance profitability and cash flow

368 Warehousing activity is an important link between the producer and the customer

369 Material handling is the general term used to describe the movement of materials with an

370 The production or manufacturing process produces and supplies products to distribution channel
based on forecast for product demand

371 Packaging provides protection during storage , handling and transport

372 Information management is the collection and management of information from one or more

373 Transportation is a vital part of supply chain because all manufactures must transport the raw
materials they use in production

374 Physical distribution is often aligned with marketing and forms an important link with a company’s
downstream supply chain activities

375 The target of SCM is to minimize entire costs , including raw materials , work in process ,
transportation and distribution of the finished goods

376 SCM also extends to a manufacture’s suppliers and other external firms involved in the production
and sale of its goods

377 CRM is a widely implemented model for managing a company’s interaction with customers , clients
and sales prospects

378 CRM assumes that all employees are engaged in customer service on some levels and are dedicated
to meeting customer needs

379 Order fulfilment is the complete process from point of sale inquiry to delivery of a product to the

380 Manufacturing flow management is the SCM process that include all activity necessary to obtain ,
implement and manage manufacturing flexibility
381 A transportation management system is a subset of SCM concerning transportation operation and
may be part of an enterprice resource planning system

382 Procurement is the acquisition of goods or services with the goal of meeting the purchaser’s needs
for quality , quantity , time and location at the best possible cost

383 ERP system integrate internal and external management information across an entire organization ,
including finance /accounting , manufacturing etc

384 Demand forecasting is the activity of estimating the quantity of a product or service that consumer
will purchase

385 Demand forecasting involves quantitative methods , such as the analysis of historical sales data or
current data from test market

386 Market share may be measured as the percentage of the market a company occupies through its

387 Demand forecasting considers the impact of market share on demand for a company’s products
over a period of time

388 The supply chain is a dynamic system in which customer demand and supplier capabilities change
over time

389 Inventory management is primarily about specifying the amount and type of stocked goods

390 389 Inventory management is primary objectives of determining and controlling inventory levels
within the physical distribution system

391 Inventory management controls and reduce inventory holding and handling costs

392 Agile manufacturing means that the production process is designed to respond quickly to changes in
information from the market or customer demand

393 Lean manufacturing reduces the requirement for supply chain robustness by stabilizing demand
through the use of market knowledge and advance planning

394 The buy to order strategy is suitable in situation where all products are unique and not necessarily
contain the same raw materials

395 The make to order supply chain can change to accommodate the production of different products as
long as they are produced from the same raw materials

396 The assemble to order supply chain , product customisation is postponed until as late as possible

397 In make to stock and ship to stock supply chain , a quantity of a standard product is produced
according to sales forecast and sold to the customer from finished goods stock
398 A make to stock supply chain can cope with demands in various markets

399 A ship to stock supply chain is best suited to providing a standard product at fixed locations

400 Outsourcing is the process of contracting an existing business process which an organisation
previously performed internally to an independent organisation

401 Outsourcing offers the opportunity for organisation to use the best logistics providers available to
meet their needs

402 Outsourcing may be done either locally or in a foreign country

403 Managing the actual offshore relationship is also a major additional and sometimes unforeseen cost

404 Third party logistics providers typically specialise in integrated operation ,warehousing and
transportation services

405Companies have built global supply chain to buy , transport , store , manufacture , sell and distribute
products in a single worldwide market

406A well thought – out global supply chain can optimize the flow of materials through the supply chain

407 Strategic questions that should be addressed to design a cost effective and efficient global supply

408 Direct delivery of products can enable companies to reduce lead times , reduce costs to customers ,
improve their relationship with customers etc

409 Direct or just in time deliveries require that smaller deliveries be made more frequently

410 Commodification of product and services occurs as they loss differentiation in the market place

411 Companies acquire the intellectual capital needed to produce the good or provide the service

412 PLM is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of a product from its conception through design
and manufacture , to service and disposal

413 PLM system are a collection of software tools and methods integrated together to address either
single stages of the lifecycle

414 PLM systems help organisation to cope with the increasing complexity and engineering challenges
of developing new products

415 PLM system have helped consumer goods companies to continually drive demand through
packaging and labelling innovation and design
416 Strategic partnership between suppliers and buyers are being forged to help both parties reduce
their costs

417 The ultimate goal collaboration is to make better management decisions and to ultimately decrease
supply chain costs

418 UTC is a diversified company that provides a broad range of high – technology products and service
to the global aerospace and building system industries


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