Literature Review On Local Government in Nigeria

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Crafting a comprehensive literature review on the local government in Nigeria can be a challenging

and time-consuming task. This process involves a thorough examination of existing scholarly works,
research articles, and other relevant sources that contribute to the understanding of the topic. The
complexity arises from the need to synthesize diverse perspectives, theories, and empirical findings
while maintaining a cohesive and well-structured narrative.

One of the primary difficulties faced by individuals undertaking literature reviews is the sheer
volume of available literature. Sorting through numerous sources to identify those that are most
pertinent to the research question requires both expertise and patience. Additionally, discerning the
reliability and credibility of each source is crucial to ensure the overall quality of the literature review.

Another challenge is the necessity to critically analyze and synthesize information from various
disciplines and perspectives. The integration of diverse viewpoints contributes to a more
comprehensive understanding of the subject matter but demands a high level of analytical skills.
Crafting a coherent narrative that seamlessly weaves together these insights is a skill that takes time
to develop.

Time constraints pose yet another obstacle, as many researchers, students, or professionals often
juggle multiple responsibilities simultaneously. Striking a balance between conducting an exhaustive
literature review and meeting deadlines can be a daunting task.

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government in Nigeria may find it beneficial to consider professional helpwriting services. Platforms
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The study recommended that increase in funding, recruitment of qualified personnel was considered
as the panacea for libraries to play their roles in providing relevant information to policy makers,
political office holders and those charged with positions of leadership in Nigeria. As such, this paper
submits that the place and roles of traditional rulers be accorded proper recognition and definition
respectively in the Nigerian constitution in order to help tackle the various socio-political and
economic challenges facing the country. Cells expressing BOR1-GFP displayed GFP fluorescence at
the plasma membrane, especially at the membrane between two attached cells. Due to inhibiting the
fibrinolysis, thrombotic events are other possible side effects of using tranexamic acid. What are the
challenges of political restructuring in Nigeria. Apart from explaining the basic objectives of local
government in Nigeria, the paper will therefore conclude that the structures of local government are
vital to the effectiveness and efficiency in performing its functions and thereby make some
recommendations to help Nigerian local government perform its statutory functions. Chairpersons
who refuse to kick back a share of their council’s monthly allocation are often blocked from seeking
reelection, thus cutting off their access to public funds and the affluent lifestyle, foreign travel, and
official perks that come with it. 164 A former local government in Cross River State claimed, for
example, to have been sacked by state legislators for failing to surrender part of his monthly
allocation to the governor. 165. It is a pivot that ensures stability, continuity, orderliness and
development of the state. Based on the findings, recommendations were made, such as curbing
illegal migration and selective migration policy in Nigeria; providing adequate infrastructure and
improving agriculture and economy of origin countries; and conflict prevention in the ECOWAS
region. The successor government of president Shehu Shagari refused to hold local elections,
allowing civilian governors to put caretaker committees in charge of local governments in their states.
325 Governors also hijacked funds deposited into the SJLGA, diverting them for other purposes.
Morphometric, allometric, and shape data indicate that LB1 is not a microcephalic or pygmy. Dengan
kadar air sebagai parameter utama penurunan mutu produk secara keseluruhan. If the economy of
Nigeria is to recover, sound ethical practices and conducts amongst public administrators must be
entrenched. The paper explored good governance and found it to contain three essential elements-
citizen participation, accountability and transparency. Pembangunan instrumen KPTK ini melalui
lima fasa utama iaitu; penterjemahan,pengesahan dari pakar bahasa, kajian rintis, analisis
kebolehpercayaan dan akhirnya pembangunanformat instrumen. This study interrogates the root
cause(s) of the Nigeria’s economic woes, persistent unethical comportment, erosion of values and
poor accountability in the contemporary public service in Nigeria. This study, having investigated
through questionnaires, interview and field observation, the various socio-economic characteristics of
three high density residential areas, namely, Ungwan Rogo, Gangare and Dadinkowa, respectively
sampled from the Northern, Central and Southern strata of the metropolis, established that the areas
are slums. Results of investigations revealed that over 75% of the total landuse is residential and
about 64% of the buildings possess no legal documents. Soon after this period, local government
administrations in Nigeria began to dwindle and subsequently fell far short of expectation. It is
recommended that, in the spirit of true federalism, the federating units should be given a wider
revenue base and more autonomy to enable them generate enough funds to be able to provide the
needed services for their people. It is therefore against this background, that this study investigates
local government fiscal management and intergovernmental fiscal relations. The numbers and names
of Nigeria’s LGAs are stipulated in the constitution. 16 Each LGA has delineated boundaries and a
designated headquarters where its main administrative building (secretariat) is located. Instead, as a
common Nigerian saying goes, “every household is its own local government,” sourcing its basic
needs—water, electricity, education, and healthcare—however it can. 4 Exhausted by local
government kleptocracy—a system in which those who govern steal from the governed—Nigeria’s
pragmatic citizens understand that they must fend for themselves. He serves as one of the signatories
to the account of the local government area. Indeed, when these elites and local political structures
are aligned, elections are generally uncompetitive, with the outcome decided well in advance. 251 As
one local government chairperson noted, his position depends on his ability to “deliver the needed
number of votes for national positions.” 252 Through such efforts, localized election rigging has
become a practiced routine. Findings from the study indicated that lack of autonomy, corruption, and
poor planning are the major challenges confronting local governments in service delivery in Nigeria.
At best, they serve in an unofficial capacity as mere advisory body to the local, state and federal
government functionaries. The summary starts with the late colonial period, when Nigeria’s current
local government system began to take shape, and concludes with 2004, the last year when (almost
all) of Nigeria’s states held local government elections in tandem. Since 2004, local elections have
become stage-managed electoral events in which each state’s ruling party engineers a landslide win
(see Appendix 2). Empowered to name top SIEC officials, governors invariably place trusted
loyalists in charge. 44 Through their influence over state legislators, governors can also manipulate
the timing and funding of local government elections to their own political benefit. 45 In addition,
governors exercise strong informal control over their state’s judiciary, including which staffs
tribunals that preside over local election disputes. 46. Various protocols have been developed to
enable development of organoids with all major retinal cell types; however, variability across iPSC
lines is often reported.
Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF Editorial v.25, n. 41. 2016 ROSANA MARIA
BADALOTTI 2017, Revista Grifos Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF Evaluation of the
Depth and Width of Progressive Failure of Breakout Based on Different Failure Criteria, Using a
Finite Element Numerical Model Ali Lakirouhani, Mohammad Bahrehdar 2022, Arabian Journal for
Science and Engineering Shear failure due to compressive stress around a borehole is called
breakout. Please enable it in your browser settings and refresh this page. The states have inhibited
their participation in governance, and as such, for devolution of powers to work effectively in
Nigeria, fiscal federalism must be encouraged for local governments to gain their deserved
autonomy. However, the paper founds out that, the current state of Local Government in Nigeria is
characterised by unbridled in. Census data, satellite imagery, interviews, surveys, and focus group
discussions provided a comprehensive understanding of Lagos's urbanization and its effects. No
form of election was recorded to have held into the local government councils nationwide. Although
they received subventions from Regional and Central Governments for targeted expenditures, they
still imposed taxes and as well raised tax revenues from the services they provided. Local
government chairpersons are typically nominated by “kingmakers” who help finance their election
campaigns. This was partly due to some internal shortcomings within the local councils and partly
due to some critical external factors like constitutional inadequacies and usurpation of local
government powers by the governments of the federating units, under whom the the local
governments operate. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely,
please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Based on the test results, the soil samples were
classified into various groups of medium to fine sand with nonplastic fines up to 45%. Beyond
irregularly paying their workers’ meager salaries, local governments accomplish little and provide
minimal public services. We identify urgent research and policy agendas for four groups of countries
with either low or high emissions and well-being indicators. This in turn requires well equipped
Libraries and information resource centres in tertiary institutions to improve the educational system.
Comparing the results of numerical analysis with the results of breakout experiments performed on
Tablerock sandstone, it was observed that the breakout failure depth, for certain in situ stresses,
could be close to the breakout failure depth obtained according to Drucker-Prager and modified
Lade criteria. Nigeria deserves a federalism that responds to its own unique historical, political and
socio-cultural experience in a manner that advances the yearnings and aspirations of all citizenry. The
perspective of achieving sustainable city development in Nigeria in terms of improving the quality of
the urban environments came to the fore by recommending a smart city approach for managing city
developments. Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF A new process knowledge representation
approach using parameter flow chart AHMAD TAUFIQ HIDAYATUR ROHMAN 2011, Computers
in Industry Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF Study of Cytogenetic Effects of Cimetidine
Drug in White mice (Mus musculus) Tetou Mohamed 2017, Magallat. Commonwealth Journal of
Local Governance, (18), 181-195. The study established that the local governments in Nigeria are
docile in terms of aggressive revenue collection to augment allocations from the federation account
which they get on monthly basis. To browse and the wider internet faster and more
securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Housing, industrial locations and dock
side developments are typical regeneration projects. The plasma membrane signal was abolished
when cells were incubated in medium with a high concentration of borate (3 to 5 mM). Some states
have taken modest action to improve transparency. Read also Fake certificates: List of 107 private
universities FG wants to investigate 4. The Executive structure consists of the Chairman, Vice-
Chairman, Secretary, Supervisory councillors, and Heads of Departments. You can download the
paper by clicking the button above. Many rural communities at the period relied on these services.
Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF Local Government Administration and Good Governance
in Nigeria IOSR Journals The paper was an examination of good governance at the local government
level in Nigeria. Sama dengan kondisi UMKM di Negara lain, pengembangan UMKM di Indonesia
menghadapi berbagai tantangan (untuk tidak berhubungan), terutama adalah akses pembiayaan dan
Put specifically, these scholars maintain that it is only federalism that allows states the liberty to
maximize the use of their resources and grow at their different pace in a manner that is justifiable,
fair and equitable. However, the avenue through which this effective information services delivery in
Nigerian public libraries can be achieved may be through the provision of diversified information
resources (both print and non-print) and further inclusion of community library services, not
necessarily delivered within the walls of. The study reveals that the third tier of government in
Nigeria is still characterised by low revenue generation ability, inability to provide adequate services
and amenities both in quantitative and qualitative terms, tendency to prepare ambitious budgets,
inability to avail of the benefits of development planning and to live up to the expectations of their
clientele. He also increased local government allocations from 10 to 15 percent of national revenues;
in 1992, he upped them to 20 percent. 341 Also in 1990, Babangida held a second set of local
elections as a prelude to legislative and governorship elections that ushered in a brief period of
hybrid civilian (state and local) and military (federal) rule. Local government mostly serves as a
conduit for corruption, waste, and political manipulation. What this paper will try to do is to focus
on these challenges and determine the factors responsible for them and suggest some relevant way
forward in order to ameliorate the difficulties. Already missing in action, Nigeria’s local governments
would not be missed. Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF Online Counselling for Children
and Young People Aaron Sefi 2012, IGI Global eBooks Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF
Penanggulangan Tindak Pidana Pencurian yang Dilakukan oleh Anak (Studi Kasus di Direktorat
Reserse Kriminal Umum Polda Sulteng) ida lestiawati Jurnal Kolaboratif Sains Metode yang
digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah menggunakan pendekatan Penelitian secara Yuridis
Empiris. Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF Merging Motor and Cognitive Development:
There's so Much to Learn While Being Physically Active! W. This was partly due to some internal
shortcomings within the local councils and partly due to some critical external factors like
constitutional inadequacies and usurpation of local government powers by the governments of the
federating units, under whom the the local governments operate. Hence, they were located in
palaces, monasteries and private residences. Under colonial administration, it was known as indirect
rule system. Perniciously self-reinforcing, kleptocracy makes it easier for state and federal elites to
manipulate elections. This study analyzed the collective role of stakeholders in the war against
corruption as a means of resolving the problem. This is largely facilitated by governors’ control over
their state’s electoral management body, the SIEC. 43 Unlike federal and state elections, local
government elections have been the responsibility of each state’s SIEC since 2004. Due to external
influences and interferences, local governments’ administrations cannot function well the creation of
excess local government areas: Government areas are created according to certain criteria such as
landmass, population, revenue, and others. This should be supported with improved sanitation
strategy for sustainable management of the area. Also, the study utilized the secondary method of
data collection largely drawn from official publication, journal articles and books while we analyzed
the data using the content analysis. Libraries and information resource centres are institutions that
are well established to take care of the information needs of all segments of society-students,
lecturers, researchers and scholars. Under every local government, there are wards that are supervised
by Councilors. It is found that the two countries exhibit divergence in the manner of
constitutionalisation, which also provides difference in degree of autonomy enjoyed by the local
government-where the constitution provides powers and rights of local government directly or
whether it seeks to achieve these through the laws of other governmental levels. Empowered to name
top SIEC officials, governors invariably place trusted loyalists in charge. 44 Through their influence
over state legislators, governors can also manipulate the timing and funding of local government
elections to their own political benefit. 45 In addition, governors exercise strong informal control
over their state’s judiciary, including which staffs tribunals that preside over local election disputes.
46. Although it could be argued that elimination would over-centralize power at the state level (see
“Over-centralization” above) and politically marginalize ethnic micro-minorities, it would not make
these existing problems worse. 292 Indeed, neutralizing a mechanism that ruling majoritarian elites
use to exploit communities and control local political outcomes would likely have a decentralizing
effect by giving community-based organizations (see below) more freedom to operate. Download
Free PDF View PDF Free PDF A new process knowledge representation approach using parameter
flow chart AHMAD TAUFIQ HIDAYATUR ROHMAN 2011, Computers in Industry Download
Free PDF View PDF Free PDF Study of Cytogenetic Effects of Cimetidine Drug in White mice
(Mus musculus) Tetou Mohamed 2017, Magallat. In Enugu State, for example, local officials
promised food assistance but delivered only token quantities to residents. 167. The dissolution of
local government in Nigeria could close off countless avenues through which public funds are
frittered away and diverted into private hands. In other words, the local government structure in this
context was purely to serve the interest of the colonial masters which include the exploitation of the
Nigerian people and resources. This is because, for any nation to develop, it needs to have and
provide relevant, updated and adequate information on agriculture and food security, democracy,
health, education, gender equality, tourism etc. It also highlights the need for comprehensive
strategies to build a prosperous, equitable, and eco-friendly city. It is a kind of governance in which
there is sustained development in the economic, political, educational and social spheres of the
But it is unfortunate to note that the local government management have not lived up to expectation
especially to provide basic social amenities to the rural people. Majority of the wealth of Nigeria
comes from this particular region. Countries vary from one another dramatically in how effectively
they convert resources into well-being, and some nations with low levels of emissions have relatively
high objective and subjective well-being. Such also, are the expectations on public libraries in
Nigeria. How the nation could extricate itself from food insecurity would be suggested based on the
experience of other nations. Under colonial administration, it was known as indirect rule system. The
proliferation of libraries can be attributed to the Renaissance period which ushered in increased
desire for more knowledge, establishment of universities and the invention of printing by Johannes
Gutenberg. This work analyzes qualitative changes in the group of control variables due to the effect
of kinesiologic treatment. Closely linked and mutually reinforcing, each enable kleptocracy and
exacerbate local government funding shortages. Page Abdul H. Wando Despite their hard-hitting
rhetoric, Nigeria’s political leaders have done little to rein in local government corruption and the
governance failures it causes. The researcher therefore recommended that the revenue available to
local government should be handled by honest and accountable personnel, those who posses sound
knowledge about revenue generation and utilization. The need to collect these writings for
preservation so that they can be passed from one generation to the other could have been the
harbinger of libraries (Aina, 2004). You can download the paper by clicking the button above.
Chairmen and other elected officials of local governments in Lagos State enjoy a four-year tenure
instead of the usual three years in other states. In the constitution, it was declared that “the system of
democratically elected local government councils is under this constitution guaranteed”. However,
the paper used a simple methodology of literature review. However, the July 25 process has changed
the political landscape by enabling unilateral governance of the political and religious spheres, which
has left Islamist parties like the Ennahdha Party outside the political system. The government
nevertheless failed to capitalize on the impromptu reform by institutionalizing and expanding on it in
the form of a constitutional amendment that clarifies the modalities of local government financial
autonomy. Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF The Dilemma of Local Government at Work in
Nigeria Daniel Tonwe 2014, AFRREV IJAH: An International Journal of Arts and Humanities This
paper attempts a scan of local government at work in Nigeria in the critical areas of revenue
generation, budgeting, development planning, provision of services, and community mobilization. In
other words, the local government structure in this context was purely to serve the interest of the
colonial masters which include the exploitation of the Nigerian people and resources. Using the
lysine analogous of antifibrionlytic agents are the preferred strategy to suppress the need for
transfusion procedures and blood products. Rather than focusing their engagement and support on
quixotic attempts to reform local government structures, they should push for their dissolution and
deepen relationships with community-based organizations that serve as surrogate local governance
structures in city neighborhoods, towns, and villages all across the country. The research
methodology is carried out through the use of secondary data. The persistent call for restructuring
takes numerous dimensions, but particularly outstanding is in the dimension of politics. Finally, the
use of okra in different fields will be discussed. Download Free PDF View PDF Local Government
and the Challenges of Service Delivery: The Nigeria Experience Oluwatobi Adeyemi 2013 Nigeria is
a Federation of thirty-six States and a Federal Capital Territory located in Abuja. Experiences in
other jurisdictions are also considered and this study provides constructive and positive suggestions
for improvement in the status of the local government system in Nigeria. A similar mechanism was
suggested in rice as excess boron decreased rice borate transporter levels, although in this case
whether the decrease was dependent on an increase in degradation or a decrease in protein synthesis
was not elucidated. Introduction The vital roles played by libraries in human societies cannot be
overemphasized. Hence, they were located in palaces, monasteries and private residences.
The study highlighted that for inclusive and equitable quality education for people with disability,
access to information is important; and since the library plays a key role in providing this access,
there is need to develop policies and put structures in place to cater for students with special needs.
Note that, as of 1990, Nigeria had twenty-one states and the Federal Capital Territory. This study
looked at the concept of ethics and its practice in the public sector as well as the unethical practices
being witnessed in Nigeria. Central to the success of fiscal decentralization, is clarity in revenue and
expenditure authority and responsibilities. The paper, however provide recommendations in form of
solutions to these c. List of Lotus Bank Branches in Nigeria Is NFT Legal in Nigeria. The major
research instruments used to gather relevant information include questionnaire administration, direct
observation, photographs, housing demographic and facility survey. It is therefore against this
background, that this study investigates local government fiscal management and intergovernmental
fiscal relations. Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF Online Counselling for Children and
Young People Aaron Sefi 2012, IGI Global eBooks Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF
Penanggulangan Tindak Pidana Pencurian yang Dilakukan oleh Anak (Studi Kasus di Direktorat
Reserse Kriminal Umum Polda Sulteng) ida lestiawati Jurnal Kolaboratif Sains Metode yang
digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah menggunakan pendekatan Penelitian secara Yuridis
Empiris. Sanitary inspection, town planning, water supply and markets and their managements were
among valuable services that Town Councils provided across Nigeria. A corollary to this argument is
the submission that only states can be federating units in a federation and to that extent, local
governments can only exist as appendages of states. They travel in a convoy of these SUVs, with the
full complement of bodyguards and police orderlies. 190 Chairpersons also use security vote money
to sponsor political violence on their behalf. The idea of phages as self-assembling supramolecular
nano-machines that are bioactive biomaterials in characteristics, tunable and easily producible have
lent its utility to recent fields such as regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. Suggestions were
proffered on ways libraries can contribute to the nation building through its services and laudable
programmes. The authors analyse the efficiency values for the heat and the electricity production in
the cogeneration regime and the savings of primary energy when the cogeneration plant works with
partial load. Sama dengan kondisi UMKM di Negara lain, pengembangan UMKM di Indonesia
menghadapi berbagai tantangan (untuk tidak berhubungan), terutama adalah akses pembiayaan dan
pemasaran. Introduction The vital roles played by libraries in human societies cannot be
overemphasized. Articles published by UTS ePRESS are protected by copyright which is retained by
the authors who assert their moral rights. Dalam istilah sehari-hari, khususnya di lingkungan lembaga
keuangan baik bank maupun non bank, maka dalam istilah UMKM yang terkandung badan usaha
Koperasi. Continue reading our list of the 36 states in Nigeria and their Local Government Areas to
find out. These changes have made it to pass through series of uncertainties and with peculiar
characteristics. Other factors of cross-border migration included inadequate infrastructure and public
services, economic, ethno-cultural ties and family and social connections. Download Free PDF View
PDF The 2011 National Minimum Wage Act Controversy and Trade Dispute in Nigeria:
Problematizing Nigeria's Fiscal Federalism Ernest Aniche The 2011 National Minimum Wage Act
raised serious controversy and debate in Nigeria thereby problematizing the nature and structure of
Nigerian federalism and fiscal federalism. The involvement of the health team with the teacher and
the group of students, when discussing the proposals, reinforces the importance of teamwork and
collaboration in patient care. Morphometric, allometric, and shape data indicate that LB1 is not a
microcephalic or pygmy. The originator of this current series of posters is designer and design
historian Roy R. Local kleptocrats have financial incentives to allow insecurity to worsen—as
security deteriorates, their access to opaque, easy-to-embezzle slush funds known as “security votes”
increases. Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF See Full PDF Download PDF About Press
Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. The paper argues that, despite numerous
constitutional developments, current constitutional provisions for local government in Nigeria leave
much to be desired. One recent study of six local governments in Anambra State revealed widespread
failures to provide basic services. 239 Another study of Cross River State assessed that “the concept
of local governance when compared with the reality on ground... is a farce and fallacy.” 240.

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