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1) in scm raw material stage is known as?

2) in scminformation flow -------and ------the SC

3) SCM is the integration of business process that provide product and service and information
that provide ....... to the customers
4) In scm raw material stage is known as? You07:38 in scminformation flow -------and ------the
SC You07:41 SCM is the integration of business process that provide product and service
and information that provide ....... to the customers

5) what are the key business process of scm

...........may be throghfarmersminers processors raw meterial suppliers
6) in scm ....................moving goods towards the organization
7) scm ....................moving goods outwards the organization
8) After the article is producedscm diverge into different.............sales and distributional functions
9) the time and space between firmsimmediatematerial source and firms manufacturing
10) product life cycle and characteristics effective communication networks, logistics systems and
company size can shape..................
11) when a product become obsolete or nom functional or damaged its is brought back to
organizationits called
12) ----------Terminate with the end of a products useful life
13) What is the directive in Europe which sets collection recycling and recovery targets for
electronic goods, return of electronic goods free of charge for the purpose of recycling?
14) what are the activities under customer service in scm
15) what are the transportation activities?
16) what are the inventory management functions?
17) Stock layout and dock design is …………………activity
18) Equipment replacement policies is ……………….activity
19) Sequence and time production is ……………..activity
20) Handling and storage is …………………………activity
21) Data analysis and controlprocedure is …………….activity
22) Specifying aggregate quantities is ……………..activity
23) Space determination is …………………activity
24) Oder picking procedure ------activity
25) Ware house configuration is ………. activity
26) Select equipment is……………………activity
27) Control procedure is …….activity
28) Claim processing and equipment selection is……key activity
29) Raw materials and finished goods stocking policies is ……………..key activities
30) Is process for providing significant value added
31) ……………………ment to make positive feeling in the organization
32) ……………………to establish and maintain customer rapport
33) Who choose the transportation mode in scm
34) ………………..cost increases in proportion to the level of customer service is provided
35) …………….add place value to products and services
36) …………….add time value to products and services
37) ………………..serves as buffer between product supply and demand
38) ………………..product availability to the customer is maintained
39) ……………………provide flexibility to implement efficient methods for the manufacturing and
distribution of the product.
40) -----is concerned with specifying the size and placement of stocked goods
41) Logistics managers oftn describe themselves as processing …………….rather than moving
42) ……….involves the transmittal of sales oder information
43) …..departments negotiates terms and conditions and arrange insurance and payment
44) ….can be used to find new ways and opportunities to reduce costs
45) ………….is largly automated and the main link to to upstream activities
46) ……………important link between the produser and the consumer
47) ….ensure that goods are available when they are required and ensure that they are kept in
good conditions
48) ……general term for moving goods within the organization
49) ………………. And ………………………based on the forecast for product demand
50) To remain competitive manufactures design production processto be …………………enough to
respond to ongoing market changes and to accommodate mass customization.
51) ……assume important when goods are transported long distances or internationally over
multiple transportation modes.
52) Logistically packaging provide ………….during storage handling and transport
53) ……….involes organizing retrieving acquiring securing and maintaining information
54) …… collection and management of information from one or more source
55) ……….,…………….., &broad range of business capabilities facilitated by it solution .
56) …………… used describe the activities required to deliver finished goods to consumers
including outward transportation
57) Physical distribution is oftn aligned with…………….and forms as an important link with a
companiesdownstream supply chain activities
58) Recycling returns and waste dboxex , cable isposals comes after ………….
59) Pallets , delivery boxes cable reels and containers may be returned to suppliers for reuse is
known as …….
60) Without reliable………………… upstream and downstream supply chain activities ceases
61) Important factor underlying the significance of freight transportation in todays……..
62) In todays international marketplace companies are designing their product and producing
them were ever the………..materials are available
63) In todays international marketplace companies supply chain are expanded across national
………..and to into others continents
64) Suppliers, producers, warehouses and stores ect are considered as……of SCM
65) ……….is a well organized processes used to integrate all parties involved ie Suppliers,
producers, warehouses and stores
66) Using ……production cycles are optimized and final products are distributed at the right time
67) Minimizing entire cost including raw materials workin in progress transportation and
distribution of the finished goods is the target of ………………..
68) ………………..a system approach to all to all process of product life .
69) Flow of materials or product flow in the supply chain is the activity by SCM involves ………….
70) ………integrates supply and demand management within and across companies
71) ……… is broader than logistics as it deals not only with a firm’s internal product flow
72) ……….. integrates supply and demand management within and across companies
73) Companies sold off non-core operations and outsourced those functions to other companies
74) …………. Strategies were supposed to reduce costs and increases service levels and flexibility
75) …………also helped to enable the direct-to-consumer business model
76) Business practices as …………and…………are common practices
77) While SCM involves………………………operations to reduce costs
78) Supply chain strategy involves defining means,ways and ………as follows
79) ……….are a balanced set of appropriate measures for the development and exploitation of
80) Logistics and supply chain objectives are the…….to the drive employment of the strategy and
allocation of resources
81) Managers also need to recognize ……….and………..comprise a significant portion of the
companies cost
82) SCM can generate…………,not just reduce costs
83) Strategic SCM emphasises the alignment of………..with corporate and business strategies
84) Values in logistics is primarily expressed in terms of ………..and……….
85) SCM influenced more on ……………..
86) Alternate strategies are compared and selected based on alignment with
87) ………is a set of strategies, programs and enabling systems that focus on identifying and
building customer loyalty

111) While SCM involves managing ................operations to reduce costs,supply chain strategies have
a broader definition

112)It defines how a company’s supply chain should operate to compete in the market place

113)Supply chain strategies are required to manage the integration of supply chain activities through
improved supply chain relationships

114)major business challenges for organisations developing supply chain strategies include
developing capabilities to manage the sevens V’s that customers want

115)Managers also need to recognize that logistics and SCM comprice a significant portion of the
company’s costs

116)That decisions made about supply chain processes will yield different levels of customer service

117)SCM strategies can be used to penetrate new markets ,and increase market shares and profits

118)Strategic SCM emphasises the alignment of SCM with corporate and business strategies

119)Supply chain strategy should support corporate and business strategies at both the corporate
and business unit levels

120)If a company’s business strategy is to be a low cost provider,the supply chain strategy should
support this

121)If little value can be added,it is questionable whether the activity should exist

122)Value based SCM strategy aims to align all SCM activities with overall goal of improving the
companys value to customers

123)Performance basaed SCM strategies involves ......... and....... the supply chain,as well as
benchmarking against competitors and performance measurement
124)performance indicator are widely used for measurement

125)Intelligence-Problems or opportunities are identified through...............or performance


126)Alternative strategies are compared and selected based on ........... with corporate and business
strategies and objectives and priorities

127value in logistics is primerily expresses in in terms of ..... and ......

128…….and services have no value until they are in the procession of the consumer

129 firms spend great deal of time in to .........thier product

130…… used to penetrate in to the new markets

131the decisions made on the ……………….will yield different levels of customer service

132 ....... and ,,,,,comprises a significant portion of companies cost…………………..

133 a supply chain strategy should be an enabler of …………………….

134 Effective Scm view each activity in the Supply chain as contributing to the process of
adding ........

135……………….is added when customer are willing to to pay more for the product and services

136 ………………. aimed to align all scm activities with the overallgoal of improving companies value
to the customers

134 ……. influences the consumer satisfaction

135…………………..high delivery quality on which availability of materials capacities and information

have impact

136 on an operational level can be connected with the objective on a strategies’ level such as

137 …………………………involves controlling and monitoring the supply chain as well as benchmarking
against the competitors and performance measurement

138 A balance of financial and nonfinancial key performance indicators are uses in
………………………..based scm strategies’

139 intelligences, design, choice and implementation review are……………….in SCM development.

140 The costly inefficiencies and redundant activities and other problems that do not support the
company’s business strategies’ may be a target of elimination in…….

141 The capabilities that exist within the organization and their extended supply chain is assessed
in ……

142 In ……………………process inputs forpriorities come from product, market strategies and from
corporate strategies

143 feasibilities of……………………is evaluated interms of the capabilities and resources are available
144 alternative strategies are selected compared and selected based on alignment with corporate
and business strategies and objectives in ……process

145 when its necessary SCM strategies are modifies using …….process

146 …………………should include activities taskes roles ,responsibilities , a corresponding time lines
and performance should be tracked against performance objectives

147 SCM require a change from managing individual functions to……………… in to key supply chain

148 In the today highly competitive markets companies are required to ………their SC activities to
and to engage in strategic partnership with consumers suppliers distributers and others.

149 Optimizing product flow cannot be accomplished with out implementing a …………….approach.

150focus of CRM is to obtain additional value from …………………….

151 A set of stratagies programs and enabling systems that is focused on building customer loyality

152 CRM uses ……………………….to organize automate and synchronize sales marketing customer
service and technical support activities

153) the cost of marketing and client service is ……………………………..

154) Measuring and valuing customer relationship is critical to implementing…………………………


155 ……gathers informationabout customers and enables a business to creat assign and manage
request made by the customers .

156 Most of the organizations are increasingly using ……………………to improve their customers

156….helps a business to identify and target potential clients and to generate leads to the sales team

157…………………is used to identify and rewards loyal customerswhich will in turn will help improve
customer retention.

158 Every business achieves its aim by supplying ……………and ………… to its customers

158 Every business achieves its aim by supplying product and services to its customers and the
profitability is ultimately depending on achieving ………………………………

159 customer service provide customers Real time information on promised shipping date and
product availability through the interfaces through the organizations ………………………and

160 Any organization can provide outstanding customer service by if it allocate ………………….

161Any organization can provide outstanding customer service by if it allocates enough resources
that comes with…………………………..

162 Its realistic to find best balance between service and …………………..
162 Under different circumstances customers can demand very……..things

163 The concept of value chain was first introduced by Michael porter in his book

164 supply chain and demand chain are the two parts of ……………………..

165 purchasing manufacturing and distribution are the parts of…………………..

166 Marketing sales and customer service is the parts of ……………………..

167 demand chain management is different from supply chain management only in terms of its
emphasis on customer pull rather than supplier push ……true or false

168 if the firm wants want to produce product until customer demands its called as ……………………….

169 if a firmproduces to forecasts or anticipated sales to customer its called ………………………………

170) Due to …….……………its difficult accurately link accurately demand with supply.

171) the aim of ………………………….is to minimise out of stock situation and excessive cost supply

172) When the demand pattern is extremely volatile as a result of a sales promotion its called …………

173) when this supply capacity is unable to meet the sharp and rapid rise in demand …….become un
stable as a consequence.

174)…………and ……………………the factors to consider new or obsolete product , competitors product

and pricing

175……is the complete process from point of sales enquiry to delivery of the product to the

176performance of the orderfullment process include integration of the………,distribution and

transportation plan

177……….is the strategic option in which product is designed and built to customer specification

178…….. is the strategic option were the product is unique and designed and build according to the
customer specification

179……………is the strategic option were product is based on standard design and the components of
the production and manyfacture is product is linked to specification contained in the customer’s

180… the strategic option product is built to consumer specification from a stock of existing

181 …….is the strategic option were the product is built to customer specification from a stock of
existing components
182……is the strategy the product is built against the sales for cast and sold to the consumer

183 ……. Is strategy being the products are digital assets and the assets and inventory is maintined
with a single digital master.

184…… the first step in the order fulfilment

185 providing the customer with the pricing……………….

186……….is a selection of the order placement or closing the deal in accordance with a purchase oder

187……………………..confirmation that the oder has been booked or received.

188…………………………presentation of the commercial invoice to the customer

189…………………………is the ability to make a variety of product in a timely manner at the lowest
possible and respond to changes in the demand.

190………………is the activities necessary to obtain implement and manage manufacturing flexibility
in the supply chain

191……………… and …………………developed as Japanese business practices

192 ……is to improve return on investment by reducing in process inventories and associated
carrying cost

193…….Reducing waste and redundant inventories by delivering product, component or materials

just when an organization need them

194 successes of……………is not only in reducing inventory cost but also in improving customer
service level.

195 Diminished raw materials work in process and finished goods inventories are……………….

196 JIT production strategy helps in dramatically improved inventory ……………………..cost

197 Jit production strategy help in ……………………improvement

198 Jit production strategy helps in achieving ………. between various production stages

199 A reduction in manufacturing cycle time is achieved in ………………………..

200 Toyota production system (TPS) management philosophy is the driving force for ……………..
201 Lean manufacturing is consider the expenditure of the resources of any goal than the creation
of value for the ………………………

202………… an activities that consume time resources or space but not add any value to the
product or service

203 designing a s simple manufacturing system is the feature of …………………..

204………………………….recognizes that thre is always room for improvement

205………………………..strives at improving the lean manufacturing system design

206……………………….is important to stay competitive in today’s market place

207 …………………… the key word in Lean manufacturing process

208……………………… the part of enterprise resource planning system

209 …………… a subset of SCM concerning transportation operation

210 Both inbound and outbound orders are evaluated by the TMS …….module

211 outboundoders are known as …………………….

212 inbound oders are known as …………………………..

213 ………………………..offers the shipper various suggested routings solutions

214 Transportation analyse provider analyse module is uses to select the best……and least…….

215……………typically generate electronic load tendering and tracking information’s to execute the

216 freight audit and payment is the last stage of TMS

217 The cost, lead time or reducing the number of stops or waiting time are the parameters for the
most efficient transport plan in ………………………..

218 Optimize the vehicle load and transport route is the function of ………………………….

219 ……………………..information flow between the shipper and selected carrier

220 ………………………….support the execution of transportation plan

221 The …………………… a reporting function of transport in logistics

222 …………………..include percentage of on time pick up or delivery performance requested .

223 Transmission of transport alerts in case of delays is done by tracking system of ……………

224 Cost per metric productivity in financial terms or productivity in operational terms is done in

225 KPI is also including time pick up or delivery performance relative to....................

226...........used to measure performance of TRANSPORTATION in terms of kilometre.Weight& pallets the acquisition of good s or services with the goal of meeting the purchasers need for
quality, quantity, time and location at the best possible cost

228.............include purchasing traffic warehousing and all the other activities receiving inbound

229.......procurement is commonly used by Japanese companies

230 ......procurment is basically used to keep inventory cost low

231.....are undertaken to establish price ,availability and product customization and delivery
schedule supplier preparation, expediting, shipment ,delivery and payment for the products/services
are completed based on contract terms.

233 Demand pull innovation and invention-push innovation are two catogoriesof………………..

234 .......occurs when there is an opportunity in market to be explored by the design of the product
235.......attempting to solve a design in response to consumer demand.

236..........solution may be te development of a new product or redeveloping a product that is

already in the market

237.....innovations are generally developed in response to a need that has yet to be satisfactorily

238............happens when there is an advancement in product design technology that is considered a

new invention

239Pull verses push system are distinguished by the way companies ....... is driven

240 if a company produces on the basis of forecast or anticipated sales to customers that is .............

241 ...................When te firm wait to produce products until customers demands it

242 Most of the companies push its inventories in to the markets in anticipation of sales

243 In product design stake holders involved will demand something different from the .........and
from the design process

244 In the product design process the manufacturer is concerned with....... and economically ......
produced product

245 In the production design process ....................will be concerned with price appearance and
prestige value as well as usability and functionality.

246 In the production design process .......................focus on how well the final product can be
maintained is the product easily reassembled disassembled diagnosed and services

247 Product development and commercialization involves

many ...................and .............stakeholders

248 Companies tries to integrate customers suppliers and other stake holders into product
development process for the purpose of.........................

249 Mnagersdevelop the production technology and system to manufacture


250 Mangersdevelop the production technology and system to integrate into the optimal supply
chain for the .....................

251 Mangers develop the production technology and system will select meterials and suppliers in
conjunction with the .........................

252 Mangers develop the production technology and system will coordinate with the
identify customer articulated needs

253 The strategies to eliminate or to reduce the risk in supply chain ...............forecasting
254 The strategies to eliminate or to reduce the risk in supply chain ...............Management

256The strategies to eliminate or to reduce the risk in supply chain ............and.....manufacturing

256 The strategies to eliminate or to reduce the risk in supply chain aimed at matching ...

257The strategies to eliminate or to reduce the risk of ...........................&...................

258 Spending on the Supply chain increases when they tries gain .........................

259 Outsourcing ,globalization increased competition and price pressure ,shortened and more
complex product life cycle,closer integration and collaboration with suppliers are.............................

260 Outsourcing ,globalization increased competition and price pressure ,shortened and more
complex product life cycle,closer integration and collaboration with suppliers are the trends causing
significant ...............and supply chain .

261 261 SCM strategies cannot be determined in ……… ,they are directly effected by another chain
that most organization have the development chain.

262 it is challenging to …….and ….. a supply chain in a manner that reduces total system-wide costs,
uncertainty and risk exist in every supply chain

263 Total system-wide costs, uncertainty and risk exist in every supply chain these are…………. SCM is
challenging and difficult to execute well.

264 Recent trends focused on reducing supply chain costs ,including outsourcing, offshoring and
lean manufacturing increase the level ………… the supply chain

265 Supply chain should be …… and …… to eliminates as much uncertainty and risks as possible as
well as deal effective with the uncertainty and risk threat remain

266 …… is the activity of estimating the quantity of a product or service that consumer will purchase

267 …………… involves quantitative methods such as the analysis of historical sales or current data
from test markets

268 ………………… may be used in making pricing decision in assessing future capacity requirements or
in making decisions on whether to enter a new market or not

269 Demand for a ……………………will likely rise if a competitor increases their price for the same items
or if the manufacture uses advertising and promotions to increase sales

270 If a competitors price fall and the ………………….. its marketing efforts demand for the product will
tend to decrease

271 The purpose of ………… is to facilitate the flow of information among all business function within
the organisation and manage the connections to outside the stakeholders
272The resulting increase or decrease in sales represents a changes in demand as a result of
consumer responding to ……………………

273 Demand forecast modelling considers the ……. of the market and the company individual shares
of the market versus the market share of competitors

274 Market shares may be measured as the percentage of the…………… occupies through
its sales ,it is the key indicator of how well it is doing against the competitors

275One of the problems with demand forecasting is that it has been traditionally been based on past
average ,which do not take …….. in account

276 Companies have developed techniques to improve the accuracy of demand ………. by basing it on
expected future sales

277 Although demand forecasting is an important …… due to the variety of complex factors involved

277 It is generally not possible to predict the precise …… for specific items even with the most
advanced forecasting techniques

278 Delivery ……………manufacturing yields transportation times and availability of materials and
goods from suppliers all effect the supply chain and its ability to meet customer demand

279 Inventory management is primarily about specifying the ….. and type of stocked goods

280 Inventory is required at different ……. within a facility or within many locations of a supply chain
to precede the planned production and stock of materials

281 Replenishment ……. are scheduled to arrive just in time to replenish products expected to run
out of raw materials

282 At the same time ,theinventory supply of all …….. is balanced out to make their inventories
proportion to the production requirements for each product

283 Lean manufacturing is aimed at eliminating all ………. adding process or waste from the
production process thereby reducing costs

284 Agile manufacturing means that the …….process is designed to respond quickly to changes in
information from the market or customer demand

285 But lean manufacturing is focused on eliminating……. while agile manufacturing is focused on
achieving …… adapt to constant market changes

286 Agile manufacturing requires the ability at short notice to change……. to accommodate a wide
variety of products

287 There for the ability to rapidly …………. the production process is essential

288 The lean…………….,the ability to change products quickly is also waste ,as any times spent in
changing over to production of a new products is considered wasteful and there for should be
289 In an agile system ,there needs t o be careful consideration of …… and …… requirements to
ensure the supply chain is robust enough to support changes in production to meet customer

290 Buy to Oder, make to order ,assemble to order, make to stock, ship to stock are the five type
of supply chain

291 When all the product are unique and not necessarily contain the same raw material ……
strategy is suitable

292 …………………….strategy customer must be prepared to accept long lead time

293 …………………….strategy product demand is highly variable

294 advantage of……………………is that if a product fails in the market place supply chain does not risk

295 High level of customization is possible in …………..strategy

296……………customisation is postponed in assemble to order strategy

297 ……….. and ……………………strategy a quantity of a standard product is produced according to the
sales forecast

298 A make to stock supply chain can cope up with…….. in various markets but requires a steady
over all demand of a standard product

299n If the aggregate global demand forecast was accurate , if the national demand forecast for
specific countries not ,Then one country could find ……..and another ……………………..

300 Solution for over stocking one country and understocking was to move the manufacturing step
of ………….to the distribution centres.

301 As many companies step back and examine their..................... some realise that out sourcing
parts of all of a supply chain can be advantageous

302 To take advantages of global improvements in information systems the costs and quality of
manufacturing and distribution and product design capabilities ,companies are adding......... to their
business by outsourcing all or parts of their supply chain

303 Third party logistics providers or 3PLs are firms that provides service to customers of outsourced
logistics service for part ,or all of their ...............functions

304 Third party logistics providers typically specialise in integrated operation ,warehousing and
transportation service that can be ....... and ................ to customers needs based on mark condition
and the demand and delivery service requirements for their products and materials

305 These services go beyond logistics and included value –added service related to the production
or procurements of goods ,which are service that....... parts of the supply chain
306 Without the right systems ,processes or organizational management structure ,there is a
great .........of failure

308 In an outsource-heavy environment companies need to put more controls and systems in place
to................. for the fact that their supply chain capabilities no longer reside onsite

309 In an outsourced supply chain environment ,the needs for information ,controls and excellence
from ..................... becomes a high priority

310 Largely due to improvements in.............,globalisation in dramatically impacting the way business
is managed and transacted ,even on the most local levels

311 Companies have buy ,transport ,store, manufacture ,sell and distribute
products in a single world wide market

312 Today ,virtually all major films have a significant and growing presence in business outside their
company of.......................

313 Cost difference –Companies can reduce their overall costs by moving operations to regions
where they can be done least ...................

314 Growing demand in new market –As ..................... become more prosperous , foreign
companies recognise the opportunities in these new markets

315 Convergence of market demand-Satellite television ,thewebv and other ........ channels have
made customers more aware of products made in foreign countries

316 Greater demand from customers –As customers become more..........,local suppliers ,may not be
able to meet their requirements ,in this case ,thedy will look to other countries to find the best
products and resources

317 Removal of trade barriers –Free trade areas such as the European union and north American
free trade agreements ,encourage ........................

318 Strategic questions that should be addressed to............. a cost-effective and efficient global
supply chain include

319 To satisfy more demanding................. ,logistics managers must continually monitor and improve
their operations to remain competitive

320 Inclusions of the supply chain ............... partner in the information flow is a factor on which
optimally out source entirely or just as component depend heavily

321Establishment of control mechanism to proactively to monitor the various components of ....... is

a factor on which optimally out source entirely or just as component depend heavily

322 information system to connect and coordinate the a factor on which optimally out
source entirely or just as component depend heavily
323 Companies have build global supply chain to buy transport store manufacture sell and
distribute product in a single .................. markets

324 Better logistics are facilitating international...........

325 ....................... and....... transportation made the movement of the goods easier ,faster and less

326 Where ........................facilities be located is a strategic question to be addressed to design cost

effective and efficient global supply chain .

326 How many facilities should the companies have and what capabilities is a strategic question to
be addressed to design cost effective and efficient global .......... .

327 What kind of capacity should ..............have is a strategic question to be addressed to design
cost effective and efficient global supply chain .

328 What product and services should ......................handle is a strategic question to be addressed
to design cost effective and efficient global supply chain .

329 What suppliers and distributers should the source is a strategic question to be addressed to
design cost effective and efficient global ........... .

330 Which contract manufacturers should the company use is a ............... to be addressed to design
cost effective and efficient global supply chain .

331 Other companies …………. the intellectual capital needed to produce the goods or provide the

332 Cost reduction may be defined as a …….. in prior purchase price

333 There must be cost ………….. programme to define objectives adequately ,so that
accomplishment can be measured and performance evaluated

334 An example of commodification is the…………..of generic brands of drugs

335 Companies are looking to their …………. to two ways to help offset this trend

336 Companies may use cost ……………programmes targeted at reducing the overall costs of
producing and distributing a product with defined costes reduction objectives agaist which
performance is measured

337 Cost improvements around inventory……………………,logistics operation and manufacturing

costs ,including the procurements of raw materials and goods used in production

338 Streamlining business processes with better design ,better collaboration across network and
new products and services can help companies stay ……………………… and strengthen relationship with
their customers

339 The term product ……… refers to a reduction in sales volume , sales revenue or market share of
one product resulting directly from a new product by the same producer
340 PLM is the process of managing the entire …….of a product from its conception ,through design
and manufacture to service and disposal

341 PLM integrates peoples ,data ,process and ………………….. and provides a product information
backbone for companies and their extended supply chain networks

342 PLM systems are a collection of ……….. and methods integrated together to address either single
stages of the lifecycles ,connect different tasks or manage the whole process

343 PLM system have helped consumers.............. companies to continually drives …….. through
packaging and labelling innovation and design

344 Such companies are able to effectively ............and ......................... products that are targeted
for regional promotions or consumer preferences

345 SLA are an important parts of an .....................agreement Theyset agreed on metrics for service
levels between the two contracting parties

346 The SLA should also define the circumstances in which poor ................. would give the
customers the right to terminate the agreements

347 The process and procedures for ............... the outsourcing agreements need to be well defined

348Typically ,this portions of an................. will set out the maximum duration of the termination
period during which the outsourcing partner is required to provide defined termination

349 Provisionfo.................... an outsourcing agreements also usually address the return to the
customer of assets ,data ,and records

350 This issue is particularly crucial in the case of ................ to foreign countries

351 Where legal and regulatory .............. may be reduced or significantly different than those in
force domestically

352 Te third- party logistics providers are firms that provide service to customers of outsourced
logistics services for part or all of their supply chain management functions

353 Third party logistics providers typically specialise in .........operations , warehousing ,and
transportation service

354 These services go beyond logistics and included value –added services related to the production
or procurements of goods ,which are services that integrates parts of the supply chain this case ,the
providers may be called ....... supply chain management providers

355Without the ..............,process ,or organizational management structures ,there is a great risk of

356 Companies have built global ................ to buy ,transport ,store ,manufacture ,sells and distribute
products in a single worldwide markets
357 Strategic questions that should be addressed to design a ............... and efficient global supply

360 Maritime vessels , aircraft ,trucks , and trains transported these goods from ................. centres
to consumption markets

361 Developmentin International freights have all resulted in freights forwards talking on
greater ..........

362 The freight forwarders expanded role has raised.... questions and uncertainty about his legal
rights ,responsibility and liability for transport operations

363 The freight forwarding industry association in many countries have developed
standard ...............conditions based on the FIATA

364 Production ,inventory control ,transport ,distribution ,and specialised handling and management
are all parts of the these ...................

365 An international freight forwarder is an agent for the ............... in moving cargo to an overseas

366 An international freight forwarders is an agent for the exporters / importers in moving ......... to
a domestic or overseas destination

367 Freight forwarders assist .................. by preparing price quotation , advising on freight
costs ,port changes ,consular fees ,costs of special documentation , insurance costs ,and their own
handling fees

368 Freight forwarders may consolidates small shipments from a number of ............ into large
shipments being shipped to the same region at a lower rate

369 Because of consolidation efficiencies ,these companies can offer ...........rates lower than the
shippers could obtain directly from the carrier

370 once the order is ready for shipment freight forwarder will review all ............ to ensure that
every thing is okay This is of particular importance with letter of credit payment terms.

371 ...............may also prepare the bill of lading and any special required documentation

372 After shipment , ..........can route the documents to the seller ,the buyer or to a paying bank

373 Freight forwarders can also make ............... with customers brokers overseas to ensure that the
goods comply with customs export documentation regulations

374 A customs brokers is an individual or company that is transact customs business on
behalf of others

375 Most freight forwarders specialise in particular ............................. , modes of transport or

376 The freight forwarder which is an IATA cargo agent is ..................... by IATA to act as agent on
behalf of appointing IATA member airliners

377 The IATA cargo agent needs a complete commercial ................... covering products distribution
at every stages from manufacturing to marketing and selling

378 The agent must also have an appreciation of the.................. affecting the rights of disposition of
goods , damage ,insurance and licensing

379 The relationship between member .............. and their registered cargo agents in administered
under a set of IATA resolutions

380 Cargo initial qualification in air cargo , such as the IATA ......... introductory diploma or have
completed an equivalent courses offered by an IATA member

381 Suitable premises are to be maintained and operated for the promotion or sale of international
air ......... transportation through member airline and for the handling of consignment

382 Where required , an applicant must have a valid license to ................. and comply with any
other national legal requirements in the country of operation

383 Application , with full supporting documentation and applicable fees should be sent directly to
the nearest IATA ............. accreditation office

384 Particular attention is paid to ensuring that the ..... ,cargo handling equipments and staff meet
the requirements in order to prepare air cargo ready for carriage on behalf of IATA member airlines

385 When satisfactory ................ and financial reports are received ,details of the applicant are
published to all members airlines

386 It provided the applicant meets all ............... and has signed the IATA agreements ,approval is

387 Freight integrators are providers who specialise in the organisation of
multimodal full load transport ,involving at least two transport mode

388 The freight integrators chooses the most ....... and .............mode of transportation or
combinations of transport modes

389 The freight integrators main tasks are choosing the best combination of .........s for the journey ,
preparing the shipment itself with all necessary documents and overseeing the shipments etc

390 The freight integrators provides an ‘all in one ‘service to the customers or consignor ,allowing
the consignor to sign ....... service contract with him

391 The full services that the transport integratorsprovides also include ........ handling for the
entire transport chain

392 Most of the companies combine ………and …………..l transport , because most of the journeys
within Europe can easily be completed inland
393 …….. combinations are also used to move freight by truck to and from ports of overseas , short
sea or inland waterway journey

394 Freight forwarders and others ……… service providers use a number of documents to provide
their services

395 Transport documents are bills of lading and waybills for the various ……..modes

396 Commercial documents required by ………… , banks and transport carriers

397 Official documents required by governments ,regulators and customs

398 The documentation required for the international transport of goods will vary by …… or

399 A through bill of lading involves the use of at least ……different transport modes

400 A bill of lading serves as the ……. contract of carriage between carrier and shipper

401 Bill of lading is a receipt signed by the ……… confirming whether goods matching the contract
description have been received in a good condition

402 Bill of lading can be used as a document of ………. , which is freely transferable

403 A ………bill of lading states that the cargo has been loaded on board the transport vehicles in
apparent good order and condition

404 A solid bill of lading will include a clause or notation declaring a …….. condition of goods and

405 ……. bill of lading bill states explicitly that the bill is negotiable

406 Bearer Bill Of Lading states that delivery of the………… to be made to whoever holds the bills

407 Surrender bill of lading is a form of direct ………… in which the seller ‘surrenders’ title to the
goods and his power of sale over the goods by issuing the bills

408 The seller is not paid until the ……. is received and paid by the issuing bank issuing credit to the

409 ………….. bills of lading have traditionally been used in shipping transactions

410 One of the problems with a….. based system is the slowness of paper transaction

411 The advantage of using electronic bill of lading system includes …………..,speeding up of
settlement of transaction ,enhancement of traditional payment arrangements and enhanced

412 In the shipping industry ,electronic ………………… system have been developed to replace
traditional paper shipping document , particularly bills of trading
413 A major legal issue is whether ,in the case of a dispute , a ………….. cab be treated as a
documents and acceptance as evidence in a court of law

414 In the case where there is no original …………. – based documents , a data message or computer
print out may be considered the best available evidence

415 The most common form of ……….. required by domestic and international law is a manual

416 The courts have traditionally accepted manual …… evidence that two parties have agreed to
be bound by the terms of a contract

417 The United Nations Commission on International attempting to develop uniform
international rules that would validate and encourage the use of EDI

418 The model law is intended to serve as a model to countries in order to create............... and
practise involving the use of computers system in international trade

419 A through bill of lading involves the use of at least two different ..................................

420 A bill of lading may also with acronyms BOL / B/L

421 A Bill of lading serves as a valid contract of carriage of goods between the .................and the

422 A Bill of lading is a receipt signed by the ............... confirming whether goods matching the
contract description have been received in good condition

423 A Bill of lading is.......a document of transfer , which is freely transferrable

424 The air way bill is a non .................BOL

425 It is used as a receipt for cargo and a ................... for transportation between the shipper and air

426 The air carrier must deliver the ............... to the consignee named on the non negotiable air wall

427 Airlines will use both international air way bill or airline way bill .....true or false

428 Freight forwarders may use ‘house air waybill ‘ as ...............and consolidate them with the
airlines international airway bills

429 The consignee can obtain the goods from the carrier at the destination point without
presentation of the road waybill or the rail waybill true or false

430 Way bill s may also serve as a mean of ................... goods through customs

431 A sea or liner waybill is a ..................... issued by the shipping line to a shipper

432 It serves as a .................for the goods and evidence of the contract of carriage
433 The purpose of the liner waybill is to avoid............... that may be occur when bills of lading are
late in arriving at the destination port

434 Packing list is an.............. describing the contents of each package in a shipment

435 used to determine the total weight and volumes of a shipment and to verify the cargo

436 A commercial invoice is the bill prepared by the ...... to the buyer/ consignee for payment of the
goods shipped

437 The commercial invoice is the main documents used by the foreign ............for import control
valuation of the goods , pricing ,terms of sale ,payment and delivery etc

438 The insurance certificate provides proof that cargo has been properly ...........

439 A letter of credit is a financial instruments issued by the buyers / consignees ...........

440 By issuing a letter of credit , the bank agrees to ..................its own credit for that of the buyer
and to pay a stated amount to the seller within a stated time

441 Some countries require that a certificate of ................ by provided for shipped goods that
certificates the originating country of imported goods

442 Some foreign governments require that a ............. or customs invoice be provided to identify ,
control and valuated imported goods

443 Consular documents are usually ......... with the consulate s official seal

444 The carrier certificate and release order is used to advice customs of the ............ details

445 Both the IMO and IATA require specific .............. to report hazardous goods and these
requirements are published in their respective codes

446 When freight is shipped , the consigner or exporters is the person shipping the .......... and the
consignee or importer is the person receiving the goods

447 Services provided on behalf of the consigner (exporter).............- chooses the route , mode of
transport and a suitable carrier or carriers ,books space with the selected carriers

448 services provided on behalf of the consignee(importer).............. - Monitors the transport of the
goods ,receives and checks all relevant documents related to the transport of the goods

449 Freight forwarders usually handle general.............comprising a large variety of finished ,

unfinished or semi – processed goods and other commodities being
transferred in International trade

450 Freight forwarders may also provide services related to the shipment of special cargoes .The are
the goods requiring .........and .......during acceptance ,storage ,handling and loading.

450.1 Dangerous goods, Live animals ,perishable goods are examples of ...... cargo
450.2 human remains ,Magnetizedmeterials ,valuable cargo and wet cargois example of ..................

450.3 Transport of construction project cargo, garment hanging services and transport of overseas
exhibitions is the areas at which some .................providing services .

451 Transport of construction .................... involves the transport of heavy machinery ,equipments
and materials for the construction of such large projects as airport , chemical plant ,hydroelectric
plants and oil refineries

452 Garments are carried in hangers hung on racks in special ...............

453 Organisers of overseas art or cultural exhibition will hire specialised ....................... to transport
exhibit items to exhibition sites in another countries

454 Freight forwarders specialising in this area must comply with the special ..............of exhibit
organisers related to the transport and handling of exhibits and the timing of delivery

455 ................. must also deal with the procedures and requirements of the customs air or port
terminal in the destination country

456 A freight forwarders legal ............. varies from country to country , depending on the countries
legal systems

457 Through legal ............ , common law courts have the authority to make law where no legislative
statute exists

458 Civil legal system hold case............ to be secondary and subordinates to statutory laws , and
the court system is usually unbound by precedent

459 China legal system is a .................... of civil law and the socialist law system that exists in
communist and formerly communist states

460 When the freight forwarders simply undertakes to ...................for the carriage of goods and
contracts out to carriers and other in the transport chain on the consignors behalf

461When a freight forwarders acts a .......... for the purpose of carrying out a fright shipment

462................... becomes responsible for the satisfactory performance of the entire transport
operation , including the period when the goods are in the custody of carriers

463 In civil law countries , the legal status and related rights and obligations of freight forwarders
vary from .......... to .............

464 Freight forwarders providing services in such countries transact business in their own.....on
behalf of their principles

465 Freight forwarders are considered to be ....... in relation to their principles and principles in
relation to carriers

466 In Germany , the freight forwarders does not assume ...... for the performance of
carriers ,unless he provides the carriage service himself
467 Standard trading condition are usually ......................according to a country commercial
practises and legal systems

468 In some countries , standard trading conditions are based on the International Federation of
freight Forwarders Associations Model............. for freight forwarding services

469 Under FIATA Model rules , when the freight forwarders acts as ........... , he is liable for damages
if he fails to exercise due diligence and takes reasonable measures in the performance of freight
forwarding services

470 Under FIATA Model rules The freight forwarders is also ..... for any loss . damage or personal
injury he may cause third parties during the course of his operations

471 The freight forwarder is generally not subject to ........ in situations where the customer has
received a transport documents from a carrier other than the freight forwarders

472 When the freight forwarders provides services.............than the carriage of goods , he is subject
to liability as principle

473 The freight forwarders liability as a principle is much than his .........bility as an agent

474 The FIATA Model rules also specify the rights , duties and responsibility of freight
forwarders ..............

475 The customer is required to ........ freight forwarder of the nature of any dangerous goods
contained in the shipment

476 The customer is also required to pay all monies owed to the freight forwarders , without any
reduction or deferment taken due to any ............................

477 Apart from the consignor and consignee of goods , the .................... deals with several third
parties to provide services to customers

478 ................. may be in solid dry form , or they may be liquid or gases

479 The physical state of ...... will determine how it must be stored , handled and transported

480 Dry ............... are raw material , and semi – finished or finished goods

481 The number of the dry cargo type is ............

482 The methods of cargo ............... and packaging should be considered at the very outset of the
shipping process

483 The size and quality of packages must be ............. with the transport equipments that will be
used , including the containers

484 The cost – effective used of shipping containers depends on positioning packages to
avoid ............
485 Bulk and general cargoes are defined relative to their means of..................and the cargo mix

486 Most finished goods are shipped as general ........, while raw materials in bigger lots are usually
bulk cargoes

487 However , general cargo moving between ...............countries today is usually containerised

488 ................ usually subjects the cargo to mechanical forces and /or climate forces

489 Cargo packaging needs to be strong enough to............ the rigours of stowage and multiple

490 Protection is required not only to protect cargo against loss, damage and pilferage ,but also
depending on the ....... of the contents against moisture entering ,leaving the package etc

491 If finished goods are moved in ............... , the packaging required is much less than if the goods
are transported in individual cases

492 Some cargo declared under a general description may contain hazardous articles that are
not .......

493 The container should not weigh more than the ............ maximum gross weight that is marked
on the container

494 The loading , carriage and discharge of dry bulk ........ is not as simple or straight forward as most
people would imagine

495 Many bulk cargoes have hazardous properties or can ........ their properties during passage

496 Large quantities of bulk dry goods are .................. by ship and rail

497 Much of the moisture settles during ............and is pumped out through the ships hold bilges

498 The loading and unloading of the ship must be meticulously planned to ensure that
not overstressed or damaged

499 ....... is one of the most difficult and dangerous cargoes to carry in bulk abroad ships

500 Many different types of minerals................... are handled and shipped in various parts of the

501 ........... products are classified as either volatile or non volatile cargoes

502 A cargo with a flash point below 60 degree celsius is a ......... product

503 A cargo with a flash point above 60 degree celsius is a............. products

504 ..................goods require special packing , marking , and labelling for which the shipper of the
goods is responsible
505 The ......stipulates that the shipper or his authorised agent must complete a shippers
certification for live animals for each shipments

506 The ..... provides the minimum container requirements per type of animal , as
design ,construction and size differs depending on the animal to be transported

507 Packaging must be of a standard that will help maintain the ............. of the contents and
minimise the effects of transportation time and environmental changes

508 Active packaging systems are shipping............ with a hard , insulated exterior shell and a
mechanical energy distribution that is activated by means of a maintains temperature within a
specified limits

509 Passive packaging systems consists of .........and ...............intended to keep the internal contents
of the packaging within a specified temperature

510 Wet ....... – Shipment containing liquids or shipments which by their nature may produce liquids
but which are not subjected to the dangerous goods regulation

511 Wet cargo is ............... to spillage or leakage that may corrode or cause damage to the transport
vehicles or to other cargo

512 To prevent spillage or leakage , special .......... for shipments containing wet cargo must be

513 In some cases machinery and special outsized or heavy parts for the petrol industry can
be ............ by air , but then special air cargo are used

514 A number of airlines specialise in the air .................. and have dedicated aircraft for cargo

515 ......transport represents more than 70 % of the land freight service at origin and destination

516 Each transport mode must operate within a ..............that is shaped by various laws and
international conventions

517 The goal of e – freight is to build a paper free air cargo supply chain by ............... key paper –
based transport documents to electronic format

518 Air freight is sensitive to changes in............... and may decrease dramatically during a global

519 Improvement in consumer and business ........and growth in world trade will tend to increase the
freight – kilometre –tones transported by air freight on a world basis

520 Air cargo is generally ........ on long – distance hauls with time sensitive or valuable products or
where other infrastructure

521 All air freight needs roads transport to complete the ...............from the airport to the end user
522 In some markets , airline have been trucking air cargo from user / producer locations to
major airport

523 ............ areas include parking lots , public transportation train stations and access roads

524 Airside areas includes all areas aircraft , including runways , taxiways ,ramps and cargo

525 Fuel facilities , air traffic control facilities , runway and taxiways are generally shared with all
traffic at the ............

526 Large aircraft are used on long haul........, while smaller aircraft serve domestic origin and

527 Large aircraft system allows ....... between origin / destination pairs that could not support direct
point to point , service

528 The hub airport is generally ........... in or near a major populations centre to have a significant
amount of inbound and outbound cargo

529 The...... airport provides a trans – shipment between separate domestic and international

530 The hub and spoke system can also be seen as ......, providing a connection for international air
– road –domestic air services

531 The cargo is transported under an ......and customs clearance is performed at the feeder airport

532 ...... cargo can be carried by either passenger or by freighter only aircraft

533 ....... or narrow – body aircraft – These aircraft have a fuselage width of approximately 3 m with
a single aisle between passengers seats

534 High capacity or ....... aircraft – These aircraft have an internal cabin sufficient for normal
passengers seating that is divided into three axial groups by two aisles or more

535 ..... handling operations at airports involve the final preparation of cargo shipments for loading
onto the aircraft and the loading and unloading

536 For .......cargo , preparation includes security checks , consolidation of cargo , building up the air
cargo pallets and container and inspection and documentation

537 For .....cargo , preparation include customs and other regulatory procedures ,as well as
deconsolidation of cargo

538 For ......cargo , the operation is generally limited to unloading reconsolidating if needed and
reloading the cargo

539 Bounded ........are required for imports and international trans-shipment of cargo
540 A ,major issue ........of airports is the extent to which cargo – handling activities take place on the
airport versus outside the airport boundaries

541 Inspection is also generally done at ......including scanning , which generally implies that the
palettes are built up on the airport

542 The airline and security official ......the freight forwarders warehouse as well as the freight
forwarders himself

543 Air carrier maintain the ultimate ....... for the safety of their aircraft and therefore must ensure
compliance with all cargo security regulation

544 The village is designed to allow better....... of operation and improved traffic flow

545 National ........ usually determine who can provide cargo ground handling service , but this varies
from country to country

546 National ...... are often given exclusive right to provide these service , especially in smaller

547 Scheduled....... – passengers airlines offering cargo services at scheduled flights

548 Integrated express........ offering door to door services by combining air and land transport

549 All-cargo airlines operate............. services for contract shippers

550 The two largest scheduled ...... carriers are Cargolux based in Luxebourg and Martinair based in

551 Scheduled carriers and all-........, along with their freight forwarders , together account for 90 %
of all air freight tonnage

552 Other operators are hired for ....... and do not carry a regular schedule

553 All four own and operate ........ , but very often rely on third parties to provide the capacity
needed for their global network

554 They have...... possibilities to change the destination and addressee in transit

555 The worldwide air transport network spans and connects 210 countries

556 The air waybill is the .......made out by/or on behalf of the shipper than evidence the contract
between the shipper and carrier for carriage of goods

557 Airline air waybills are issued by individual....... to freight forwarders appointed as agents by the

558 The master air waybill is the carriers air......... that covers a consolidated shipment tendered by
a freight forwarders or freight consolidator
559 A house air waybill is ...... issued by an international air freight forwarder under the terms of his
own tariff

560 A minimum of three ....... must accompany a commercial shipment

561 An expert goods declaration is a........ that indicates the expert customs procedures to be applied
to the goods

562 A commercial invoice and ........documents , such as air waybill , are generally required to import
goods into the country of origin

563 Customs authorities will also require that....... be completed to declare and give details of the
goods being imported

564 An import cargo declaration provides the .......required by customs for goods being brought into
the custom territory

565 An import goods declaration is a............ that indicates the import customs procedure to be
applied to the goods

566 The air cargo industry still largely relies on .......–based documentation supporting the
movement of freight

567 IATA has established the e-freight program to ...... air cargo documents to electronic format

568 The goal of e-freight is to build air cargo supply chain

569 E-freight has the potential to ..........eliminate from $3.1 to $4.9 billion in costs across the air
cargo supply chain

570 Some of the documents must be all cases and are called core documents

571 All of the key stakeholder in the ....... supply chain are included in the scope of the e-freight

572 The electronic air waybill is also one of the .......planned for conversion with e-freight

573 Environmental sustainability is one of ...... key priorities , along with safety and security

574 The European Commission ........the first concrete measures to address aviation as an emitter of
greenhouse gases

575 IATA has more than 230 member ...... .represents 93 percent of scheduled international air

576 Aviation is the first industry to achieve a global ........agreement for reducing greenhouse gas

577 The main objective of ICAO is to avoid the......... or duplication of economic measures and
taxation of airlines
578 International Civil Aviation Organisation is the ............. in which creates standard and
recommended practises in field of the civil aviation

579General purpose of ICAO is to secure ........... and highest possible degree of uniformity in
regulations and standards ,procedures , and organisations regarding civil aviation mater

580 The aviation legislation is based on ......... ratified by contracting states

581 The Warsaw convention for the unification of certain rules for international carriage by...... is an
international convention

582 The Guatemala city protocol of 1971 specifies that the carriers ......for any damages to or loss of
cargo is in force throughout the period

583 The protocol also states that carriers are not ...... for damages to cargo

584 The Montreal convention of 1999 is designed to ......the warsawconvention and all of its related
instruments and to eliminate the need for the patchwork of regulation

585 The convention require ...... , acceptance , approval or accession by 30 states before it enters
into force

586 The railway systems basic elements are the .........structure , locomotives ,rolling stock and the
control system

587 Train route selection is based on both ...... factors and the railways marketing strategy

588 Route selection is also .............. by the requirement to maintain a nearly level route

589 Train size and speed are limited by ......... factors related to safety and cost

590 A freight car or wagon is a platform or box designed to carry certain ........and equipped with
couplers to allow assembly to a train

591 Flatcars are used to transport loads that are too.......... or heavy to fit easily into other types of
rail cars

592 The ends of each unit ........ to serve as ramps ,allowing trucks to be driven onto the units

593 The need for expensive lift ....... to load and unload trains tends to limit multimodal operations
to high – density transport corridor

594 The key documents required for freight transport include the carriage of goods
by rail consignment note and freight forwarders certificate

595 CIM Consignment note document confirms that the ............ has received the goods and that a
contract of carriage exist between trader and carrier

596 CIM consignment notes are used to calculate .................if goods are lost or damaged
597 The first international convention concerning the carriage of........... by rail dates from the year

598 International rail transport law needed to be adapted to .............. the separation of railway from
state administration and their legal independence as companies under private or public

599 Liberalisation and modernisation of the laws concerning the international carriage of goods and
passengers by rail ......... the scope for agreements between railway companies and their customers

601 Road freight transport brings most goods to their final.......... and is used to move domestic ,
trans-border and international cargo

602 Road transport represents more than 70 % of the land freight service at ......... and destination
point , connecting the business to world market

603 The profitability of individual companies depends on ........operation

604 Operator will tend to ........... in one or more of types of service , depending on their size and

605 International traffic is more regulated than national traffic and require ...............that can carry
much more cargo

606 Complete cargo is a shipper fills at least one ..............for the route required for that one

607 Partial cargo is that the shipper does not fill the cargo ........

608The basic concept of door-to-door service is to simplify .......... multimodal services by using one
multimodal transport operator

609 The MTO will subcontract out to ............. as necessary to complete the freight journey

610 A 3PL firm provides ........... service for part of all of a customer supply chain management

611 Tank truck or tanks are.............. designed to carry liquid bulk ,dry bulk cargo or gases on roads

612 Competition within the industry helps ensure that the benefits of .............development are
passed onto customers

613 A wide range of ICT solutions are now commonly used in logistics and ............. transport

614 Vehicle and trailer tracking system are used to ......loads , as well as vehicles and trailers

615 Vehicle and trailer tracking systems are also of great importance in ............products that have
gone missing en route

616 Track and Trace system can be used to track products throughout the supply chain and are
widely used to ship parcels worldwide
617 Track and trace systems are being increasingly used to ......loads moved by road as part of
international freight transport

618 Paperless documentation systems can be used to load .........information electronically into a
driver terminal at the beginning of the working day

619 The key transport documents in road transport include the .......for the international carriage of
goods consignment note and freight forwarders certificate of receipt

620 The CMR is a consignment note or waybill, with a........ set of transport and liability conditions

621 The TIR systems is based on the principle that ......... measures in the departure country should
be accepted by the countries of transit and destination

622The CMR applies to the European union and specifies ......... of contract for international road
transport of goods

623 The convention requires that goods travel under a .......note established under a format set by
the CMR

624 The convention also states the....... and liabilities of the shipper and carrier

625The shipper is liable for any........... caused by inadequate information given to the carrier

626 Dry cargo and containerized....... accounted for the largest share of goods loaded , while oil
made up the balance

627 The container shipping sector has......... in larger containerships to capitalize on the
containerized trade market and reduce costs

628 An ore-bulk-oil carriers is a ship ........ to be capable of carrying both wet and dry bulk cargoes

629 Floating storage and ........units are used worldwide by the offshore oil industry to receive oil
from nearby platform

630 Dry bulk shipping involves carrying ......dry bulk cargoes in large volumes

631 A bulk carriers or bulk freighter is a .......ship specially designed to transport unpackaged bulk

632 Liner shipping is the most efficient....... mode of transport for goods

633The linear shipping market represent around a ....... of the total volume of international cargo
transported by sea

634 Shipping operators that provide will invest in specialised ships designed to
accommodate special type of cargoes

635 Marine innovation have helped to fuel the....... of maritime freight traffic
636 Ship design has .........radically-from timber to steel to vessels built mainly of aluminium and
composite materials

637 Specialization in the .........industry has bought massive changes to ocean shipping

638 Automation has markedly reduced the ........ needed and substantially improved safety

639 The marine bill of lading serves as both a......... between the marine carrier and the shipper for
the transportation of goods and as a receipt issued by a carrier to the shipper

640 A sea waybill is a non-negotiable document issued after........ of the goods by the carrier

641 The purpose of the liner waybill is to avoid ...... that may occur when bills of lading are late in
arriving at the destination port

642 The IMO’s primary purpose is to .......... and maintain a comprehensive regulatory frame work
for shipping

643 IMO is a technical ......and most of its work is carried out in a number of committees and

644 The IMO and its committees have been....... in the development of several international
conventions to deal with various sea transport issues

645The SOLAS convention covers a wide....... of measures designed to improve the safety of shipping

646The IMO convened a major ............. to discuss the problems of marine population from ships

647 The MARPOL Convention deals not only with ......... , but also pollution from chemicals other
harmful substances , garbage and sewage

648 UNCLOS defines the rights and............. of nations in their use of the worlds ocean , establishing
guideline for businesses , the environment etc

649 The UNCLOS ........ came into force in 1994

650 The convention provisions define the ........ territories over which states have jurisdiction

651 The revised annex also introduced a ....... of changes to the maximum allowable sulphur content
of fuel oil

652 The convention would apply to all....... engaged on international voyages that carry ballast

653 The international convention for the safe and environmentally sound recycling of ships was
adapted by 63........ states of the IMO

654 The convention is a response to the lack of....... and standards in ship breaking practise ,
especially where safety , environmental and quality standards are concerned
655Multimodal transport involves the ......... of goods by more than two transport modes under a
single contract

656 MTO assumes responsibility for ........ of the multimodal transport contract and of the carrier
participating in the multimodal transport operation

657 The term combined transport /multimodal transport are all used to....... the movement of cargo
from its origin to its destination

658 Multimodal transport carrier organising the ...... takes responsibility for the entire door-to-door
transport and issues a multimodal transport documents

659 The international institute for the ......of private law worked to establish a legal regime for
multimodal transport

660 Containers have enabled be applied to most types of general cargo by means of an
international standardised transport unit

661 The term ‘multimodal transport ‘ was officially introduced in 1980 under the United Nation
Transport ........

662 The multimodal transport operator....... and coordinate the transportation process from the
shippers door to the consignees door

663 The MTO issues to the shipper one ......document that includes an invoice for freight charges
and a guarantee for the transit time

664 Transporting goods from the shipper to the .............. may require up to 10 or 12 district
transport links

665 The MTO is the only responsible party ............ of coordinating the various modes of transport
and organising multimodal transport

666 The main four elements are required to efficient multimodal transport are commercial
practise , trade facilitation , customs procedures and transport infrastructure

667 A considerable amount of .............may be required by the various authorities in a jurisdiction to

process goods in transit

668 The speed of goods ...... from one point to another has outpaced the speed at which transport
document arrive

669 The trade facilitation is done by............. information flow through simplification , normalisation
and harmonisation

670 Simplification involves............ the amount of information required by the various authorities to
an absolute minimum

671 Normalisation requires procedures and ......... requirement to be identical in all ports of a
country and to be aligned to similar procedures and documents in other countries
672 Harmonisation involves the ..........of systems used to transmit data using electronic data

673 The role of a customs department is to ......that all goods entering and exiting a country do so in
compliance with all applicable laws

674 Customs also facilitates the entry of all ..........merchandise into the country

675 Customs administration must also produce trade statistics and enforce laws related to such
issues as health and safety and ....... property

676 Customs must balance the need to ...... with the need of facilitate movement of goods across
the border

677 Custom convention are designed to eliminate .....customs procedures and to harmonize
essential procedure .......... was the general agreements on tariffs and trade

679 The KYOTO convention....... procedure was entered into force in 1974

680 The development and widespread use .......... transport requires a modern infrastructure capable
of handling containers across all transportation modes

681 Exporters benefit by being more ....... in reaching foreign buyers in less time and less expensive
with goods delivered in good condition

682 Importers benefit by receiving goods at ........ and in good condition

683 The National Transportation .................... enhancements of both the movement of goods and
the movement of people

684 Road traffic congestion must be investing in public transit and commuter rail services that
keep up with transport demand in growing neighbourhood

685 Multimodal transport , improved use of .............. transport modes and the strategic use of rail
transport along corridor where trucking is heavily used to take pressure of the highway system

686 The National Highway System provides support for the....... and maintenance of international
freight facilities that connect roads with other types of transport

687 The benefit of multimodal transport include using a........... of transport modes more effectively
and getting goods to market more efficiently

688 Requirement to issue multiple............... for each segment of the transportation chair are

689 Land-sea-land combinations are generally used to move ............ shipments weighing several
tones to the port of exit and then overseas to the port

690 A land-sea-land freight journey may involve ........ transport legs, one or two rails and a marine
transport leg

691 A rail leg may be used to move....... long distance inland

692 A combination of air and ...... is frequently used to provide multimodal transport services

693 Sea-air-sea transport combines the of sea transport with the speed and efficiency of air
694 The economics of the sea-air-sea ........n favour high value consumer goods such as electronics ,
electrical goods , etc

695 The sea-air-sea ............. is also used to transport goods with high seasonal demand

696 Rail/road/inland waterways ......... is commonly used when goods are being moved by rail or
from an inland centre to the transport in the country of origin

697 RO-RO Vessels have built –in ramps that allow ...... to be efficiently rolled on and rolled off the
vessels when in port

698 In the piggyback transport system , goods are articulated semi-trailers and hauled by
tractors to the railway station

699The MTO ‘s liability for loss or damage to goods can...... depending on which stage of transport
the loss has occurred

700 International rules governing a ....... responsibility and liability for the loss of or damage to goods
occurring in the course of a multimodal transport operations

701 The convention states that the period of ....of the MTO includes the period from the time he
takes the goods in his charge until the time of their delivery

702 The INCOTERMS rules are accepted by Govt , legal........ and practitioner worldwide for the
interpretation of most commonly used terms in international trade

703 The MTO takes on .....for the entire journey by issuing a multimodal transport document to the

704 Many .......are often arise between buyers and sellers , mainly because of different
interpretation of the terms used in the contracts

705 The ...... and latest version of INCOTERMS 2010 was published on January 1,2011

706 The INCOTERMS are three letter trade terms related to common...... practises

707 The INCOTERMS rules are intended to .......clearly the tasks , costs and risks associated with the
transportation and delivery of goods

708 The INCOTERMS informs the sales contract by ......the respective obligation involved in the
delivery of goods from the seller to the buyer

709Transfer of title is not coverd by any of the INCOTERMS 2010 rules and must be separately
specified by the parties

710 One of the simplest shipment arrangements........ the minimum responsibilities on the seller and
greater responsibility on the buyer

711 In the FCA-Free carrier.......... the seller delivers the goods , cleared for exports , to the carrier
selected by the buyer

712 In a CPT arrangements , the ............of risk from seller to buyer occurs once the goods have been
delivered into the custody of the first carrier

713 Once the goods are ............ to the first carrier , the buyer bears risk of loss or damage
714 The buyer is also responsible for clearing the goods for..... and paying freight to the named
destination point

715 The seller also buys cargo insurance against the buyers ......of loss or damage of goods during
carriage to the named destination

716 The seller carries all costs and risks until the.........are delivered to the first carrier

717 The seller bears all risks involved in .......... the goods to the named destination

718 Under the FAS arrangements , the seller’s ...... cease when the goods are delivered alongside
the vessels

719 The buyer carries the costs and risks for ...... and arrangements for both import and export
customs clearance

720 In CFR risk is transferred from seller to ...... when the goods pass the ships rail

721 The buyer completes all customs........ for import and pays for the costs of unloading the cargo

722The INCOTERMS 2010 has only two....... for any mode of transport , and sea and inland waterway

723 Contracting parties may determine ......terms they want to use and many designate the version
they wish to use to draw up a contract

724 The buyer and seller can specify ......... of the goods to a warehouse or other destination point

725 The seller delivery obligations is ....... when the goods are placed at the buyers disposition on
board a vessels at a named port of delivery , not cleared for import

726 The MTD is issued for containerized door-to-door shipments that ......various carriers and
transportation modes from origin to destination

727 One of the MTDs currently in use was developed by the....... international maritime council is
conformity with the UNCTAD/ICC Rules

728 The multi modal transport contract is a single......... contract for the carriage of goods by at least
two different modes of transport

729 Transport corridor and multimodal transport ........ in particular are very important for the
economic development of a country or a region

730 Multimodal transport corridor facilitate........ to international market through the use of hubs
that interconnect transport services

731 An effective management is the ongoing development , improvement ,and upgrading of a
transport corridor infrastructure , facilitates and operations

732 Integration of transport network .......the interconnection and interoperability of transport


733 Integration can help....... transportation service delivery and overall efficiencies

734 Development of ....... freight transport involves multimodal transport , as well as intermodal
735 Various organisations around the ......... are involved in multinational projects designed to
develop and build integrated transport networks that will facilitates trade

736 The concept of integrated ............ management has been developed separately in the freight
transport community and the urban transport community

737 The concept of ‘intermodalism’ to provide .............. with the most efficient movement of goods
for the best value

738 Connection concepts involves the ......... , rapid and efficient and safe transfer of cargo from one
mode and pick –up point to another during a single transit

739 Modern and functional............. is needed to facilitate integrated transport- both for freight and
passengers transport

740 Coordination and.......are required among transportation organization to improve the quality ,
safety and economy of transportations services

741 Higher load factors and transport........ can be achieved if the transportation system is organized
this way

742 TRACEA is the.......of the great silk road, one of the ancient trade routes in the world

743 The southern corridor would........Southeastern Europe and Turkey with Iran and would have
branches to central Asia / China and South East Asia / Southern China

744 The proposed north-south....... would link Northern Europe and the Russian Federation with the
Persian Gulf

745 The North-south corridor would offer ...... and less expensive transportation than the
alternatively currently used

746 A transport corridor includes one or ....... that connect centres of economic activity and serve
both passengers and freight traffic

747 Most corridor have ............ have on which various transport modes travel

748 The routes are composed of links over which ........... vehicles travel and hubs that interconnect
transport services

749An International corridor connects one or more ............ , with airports and seaports serving as

750Most transport corridors are........ to support regional economics growth

751Most have been developed and ......... from existing land-based transport networks

752 A transport gateway is a point of .......and exit of goods in a region , country or continent such as
an airport or seaway terminal

753 Gateway include customs and other facilities at a countrys shipping ports and at its land based

754 A transport hub is a central point place where passengers and cargo are exchanged between
vehicles or between transport modes

755At freight hubs , goods are....... , sorted . and shipped to the next carriers or delivery point
756 The hub concept comes from...... used in airline transportation for both passengers and cargo ,
such as hub and spoke system

757 The different types of transport....... are domestic trade , foreign trade , and transit trade

758 A domestic trade corridor is a...... route within the national transport network used to distribute
goods within a country

759 Responsibility for the ........development and management of the domestic trade corridor is
given jointly to the national and provincial or state governments

760 The objective of ........domestic corridor is to promote internal trade and economic growth along
the corridor

761 The cost for developing and .... the corridor are generally covered through general revenues

762 Foreign trade corridor are used to transport goods being importing into and ....... from a country

763 Foreign trade corridor tend to be located close to large markets where......... of exports and
consumption of imports are concentrated

764 The objective of establishing foreign ........ is to a country s economic growth through increased
trade and competitive

765 The costs for the gateway and .............. crossing are generally recovered through user fees

766 The costs of ........ links and hubs are usually covered through general revenues

767 Transit trade corridor are used to........ the cargo of other countries

768 Transit trade corridor are....... by a border crossing at one end and an international gateway or
border crossing at the other

769 Transit trade corridor are........ to promote regional integration and economic cooperation
between neighbouring countries

770 The costs of operating transit ........are covered in the same way as for foreign trade routes

771 In many cases , there is also a ....... collected to cover the marginal costs for maintain transit
these routes

772 Management of a transport....... is generally done by government agencies , private sector or

jointly by the public and private sector

773 Management include planning and.........development , disseminating information and

coordinating the efforts of various stakeholders

774 The appropriate structure for .............. will depend on the type of corridor and the specific
functions to be management

775 The goals for domestic corridor include............... of regulation on the safe operation of
transport vehicles and minimizing the conflict between passengers and freight transport

776 The goals of managing foreign........ include ensuring the security of borders and enforcing trade
777 Management must balance the need to ........ trade with the need to provide increased security
778 The goals for managing transit corridor include providing efficient and safe movement of cargo
through the country

779 Effective procedures are also required to ......that cargo is not tampered with while in transit
across the country

780 Corridor infrastructure is .....developed and funded primarily by the public sector

781 An increasing proportion of the ..... at hubs and gateways is developed , financed and operated
by the private sector

782 The main exception is land ........, which continue to be developed and operated by government
customs and border security agencies

783 Capital costs of infrastructure ar........or by general revenues , while maintenance costs of
infrastructure are often paid by user fees

784 Effective management of....... helps ensure that infrastructure and facilities are used efficiently
by administering user fees judiciously

785 Bilateral agreements with o....... improvements once the corridor is operating and traffic is

787 The three complementary sustain development are a long-term plan , a series of
parallel initiatives and a programme for monitoring performance

788 Possible improvement........ that could be taken to improve transportation services and
efficiency under the category of asset management , regulation and information

789 Performance .......requires the collection of performance data to identify physical and
operational problems that increase costs and cause delays

790 Surveys of shippers , transportation services providers and operators can also be conducted , to
gain qualitative information on a....... performance

791 Trend in costs , time and ....... indicate whether a corridor performance is improving or
deteriorating over time

792 Airline and air traffic authorities are being ........challenged by the current airspace structure

793 Traffic levels continue to ..... at an average rate of 4%annualy , implying a doubling a traffic every
10-15 years

794The IATA is working with key ....... to help introduce more option for route flexibility , starting
with less dense traffic areas

795A major opportunity to...... benefits using the IFLEX methodology applies to long-haul flights

796The sophisticated flight .......system used by airlines have the capability to predict and validate
optimum daily routings

797 Flexible routes for .....introduce benefits in several domains

798ICAO’s Global Air Navigation ....... a firm foundation for the coordination and partnership that
will be required between states , air navigation services providers and airlines , as the major groups
of airspace users

799 IFLEX is considered as a ....... in beginning the evolution to flexible routing an a global basis

800 All flex routes when ....... will be validated against airspace constraints and en-route weather

801 The resulting ....... plans will employ an optimized trajectory based on the winds forecast for
each flight

802 More flexible ....... based on airline preference are possible in today s operating environment
and using current aircraft technology

803The term ‘modal ....... ‘refers to the tendency of certain countries / regions to rely extensively on
one particular mode of transport

804 A customer who ....... to ship goods chooses among transportation modes based on his own
criteria in a competitive system

805 A growing ....... of shippers seek to reduce their overall logistics costs , not just their shipping

806 Economic and ....... constraints, competitive pressure and customer requirement mandate the
firms to make the most efficient and productive transport choice

807 The choice of freight ....... modes is also affected by geography , available infrastructure and
public transportation policies

808 However, when we ....... the entire European continent, rail remains the primary transport
mode across Europe

809 Freight transport ....... will vary according to the distance of haulage or mileage

810 For full truck ....... consignment, there are no such time-consuming and costly additional
operations required

811 A company ....... whether to ship cargo by either road or rail will generally do so according to a
threshold distance

812 Road is generally ....... for short distance of up to 500 km to 800 km

813 The choice of road ....... rail is the largely the results of the difference in transport cost , which is
reflected in the price

814 The choice of the ....... will also depend on the size and weight of the cargo

815 A big shipment allows ....... of scale in both variable shipping costs related to mileage and fixed
costs of the shipping operation

816 Each transport mode has very ....... characteristics that have caused it to specialize in a specific
market segment

817 Competition in the freight ....... is mainly within modes among operators using the same
transport mode ,rather than between modes
818 An alternative supplier to the ....... industry does not exist , due to either lack of infrastructure ,
hortage of capacity or long route mileage

819 roads are more likely to cover the ....... possible inland distance than rail , because they can be
built for travel over steep slopes

820 Two additional tunnels were ....... to transport freight under the Alps, to help alleviate truck
traffic on road

821 The general expansion of road ....... transport poses the threat of reducing competition of
situation where rail or marine transport offer a competitive advantage for massive shipments

822 To make ....... possible and provide a greater choice of freight transport modes to shipper , the
infrastructure must exist to enable alternative

823 New transport ....... require large investments that have no guarantee of achieving profitability

824 Government can make real ....... possible by developing adequate infrastructure along long
transport corridor serving substantial freight traffic markets

825 New freight transport technologies that provide new areas of ....... advantages could also help
reduce reliance on road transport

826 Unitisation involves the ....... of various cargo items of relatively small size into larger units of a
standard size

827 Containerisation is a ....... of freight transport based on a range of steel intermodal containers ,
which have standard dimension

828 Both unitisation and containerisation have significantly ....... efficiency and reduced the cost of
transporting mass cargo

829 Containers were ....... to reduce the cost and time associated with loading and unloading cargo
from ships

830 Containers provide ....... access to raw materials and reduce manufacturing and labour costs

831 Pallets are used to ....... and transport assembled quantities of unitised cargo , usually with a

832 The aircraft ULD’s are...... that interface directly with an aircrafts loading and cargo restraint

833 Unitising is a process of...... individually packaged products into a large , stable , unit load
convenient for handling , shipping and storage

834 Fully automatic...... machines are used to unitise cargo into unit loads

835 The fully ......large machines may handle cargo units on pallets or without a base support

836 Cargo handlers then use...... and vehicles to move and load the unit loads

837 One of the key aspects of ..... unitisation is the correlation between handling capacity and the
weight of the standard unit

838 A large amount of time that it takes to......small size packages , particularly for loading into the
vessels hold
839 The cost of labour arising from ......handling is reduced appreciably through the use of
mechanical equipment to handle larger unitised loads

840 Containerisation is a system of freight ...... based on a range of steel intermodal containers

841 Containerisation has its origin in early coal mining England

842 The Liverpool and Manchester Railway in the United Kingdom was one such .....

843 The early 1990s saw the adoption of..... container boxes designed to transfer cargo between
road and rail modes

844 In the mid-1930s , the Chicago great ......and the new haven railroad began piggy-back service ,
transporting highway freight trailers on flatcars limited to their own railroads

845 By 1953 , the Chicago and Eastern and southern pacific railroads had..... the innovation

846 By 1955 , an additional 25 ..... had begun some from of piggy-back trailer service

847 The original sea containers were ...... metal boxes suitable for carrying dry goods or general
purpose cargo

848 During containerisation first 20 years , many ....... sizes and corner fittings were used

849 The need for international standard led the international .......organisation to set up a new
technical committee to develop standard for freight containers

850International standards were developed for the ..........dimension and the specification and
testing of containers

851 In united state exist domestic standardised ............. with dimension 48-ft and 53-ft

852 The unit used to measure containers capacity is the............., which refers to the length of the
standard container box

853 A general cargo container is any type of ............. that is not intended for use in air transport and
not primarily intended for the carriage of a particular category of cargo

854 General purpose.............are totally enclosed and weather –proof

855 General purpose containers is intended for .............of the widest possible variety of cargo

856 Specific purpose containers designed to facilitate packing or empting the containers other than
by means of doors at one end of the container

857 Ventilated containers are similar to general .............container , but designed to allow air
exchange between its interior and the outside atmosphere

856 Vented containers have ............. vents at the upper part of their cargo space

857 Bulk and bulk-dry containers consist of a cargo – carrying structure for the carriage
of .............bulk without packaging

858 Open top containers similar to general purpose containers , except that it has no permanent
rigid roof

859 Platform containers is a loadable ............. that has no superstructure whatsoever , but has the
same length and width as a container of the same series
860 A specific cargo container is primarily intended for the.............of particular categories of cargo

861 Thermal containers has insulating walls , doors ,floors and roof

862 The most common variant in the integrated.............containers , often referred to as the “reefer”

863 Tank containers come in ............. ISO and European sizes and may be pressurized or non-

864 Named cargo ............. built in general accordance with ISO standards , either solely or principally
for the carriage of named cargo

865 A swap body is standard .............containers for road and rail transport

866 Swap body have a lightweight design that minimize ............., thereby reducing fuel cost ,
because less dead weight has to be transported

867 Swap bodies have a.............strength designed only for rail and road vehicle transport

868 Many swap bodies are fitted with four fold-up legs under ............., to make it possible to change
or swap their body from one carriage to another one

869 Special swap bodies may have more doors or .............than ordinary hard boxes for trucks ,
railroads cars or sea containers

870 A containers tare weight is what the containers .............when empty

871To determine a containers total .............capacity , you need to add the containers tare weight to
the weight of the contents

872 In a multimodal transport operation , various systems may be used to improve the.............,
loading and unloaded during the sea leg

873 A lift-on-lift-off system involves lifting ............. to load and unload transport units on and off of a

874 Individual container may be.............and transferred by simple equipment

875 Containers may be .............not only among the different mode , but also among carriers of the
same mode to optimize the cargo handling operation

876 Standardised containers enable cargo to be ………………… handled and transferred from ships to
truck and rail wagon with mechanical handling equipment

877 In a trainload or block train system , a complete ………………… travels from origin to destination
without any re-marshalling along the way

878 In a wagonload system , individual ………………… are loaded by different senders at various points

879 Wagons may be ………………… two or three times during the journey

880 A consolidated ………………… involves a combination of both a trainload and a wagonload

881 Ports represent one of the principal …………………in the international container transport chain

882 The area under the control of a single …………………is typically comprised of a number of
dedicated terminals and cargo handling facilities
883 Although ports are normally ………………… with a waterfront , tight space constraints have led
many ports to develop inland containers depots or dry ports

884 Smaller ports tend to operate individual …………………stacking vehicles to stack or unstuck

885 Large ports usually use larger gantry cranes that pass over ………………… stacks to pick and place
containers onto delivery vehicles

886 To handle containers safety , …………………need to understand the design and safety features of
each type of container

887Once a container has been sealed , terminal are generally the only…………………where its contents
may be examined under the supervision of local custom authorities

888 On a worldwide basis , there are ………………… 450 maritime carriers operating vessels that can
accommodate containers

889 The majority of thef …………………are fully cellular ships , which means they are designed for the
exclusive purpose of transporting containers

890 The largest class of …………………is the Maersk E class , with a carrying capacity of 11000-14500

891 The deadweight of 156,907 metric tonnes

892 A pallet is a flat base panel onto which ............. is placed and secured with shrink film wrap or
other packaging materials

893 Palletising involves the ............. of one or more packages on a pallet base and securing the load
to the pallet

894 Many .............can be economically palletised or unitised to facilitate their handling , storage and

895 Most pallets are made of ............. , but they may also be made of plastic or steel for special

896.............pallets are especially suited to particular application such as transportation of food or


897 Steel pallets provide maximum ............. and load-carrying capacity , with a minimum of

898 Most steel pallets are ............. construction and are usually protected with baked enamel , zinc
plating or hot –dip galvanizing

899 Pallets are made in a considerable variety of............., styles and sizes

900 Pallets are relatively simple in ............. and fabrication

901 The type of pallet used will depend on the ............. of the loads and the handling facilities
available during shipment

902 Expandable pallets are frequently used only for one or a few trips

903 Pallets of all ............. types are made to provide either two-way or four-way entry
904 Many expendable wood ............. are four – way entry with nine blocks

905 Generally , pallet ............. range from 610 mm to 1829 mm

906 No one pallet size is all industries , but some industries have standardized pallet size

907 The use of relatively small number of standard panel and unit-load size is necessary to
promote ............. and reduce handling and shipping costs

908 Some vehicles and handling and shipping system are based on U.S measurement units ,while
others are based on ............. unit

909 A typical .............passenger aircraft carriers 16 containers and six pallets

910The total ............. of cargo for passenger aircraft is up to 40 tonnes , the equivalent of 20
passenger cars

911 ULD containers purchase , made of lightweight materials and not as robust as rail
and sea shipping containers

912 ULDs are tracked and traced

913 To enter service with an ............. , a certified ULD must undergo a series of extreme load tests ,
supervised by the aviation authorities

914 Ever single items on an aircraft also has to be as ............. as possible

915 Condition during flights place very high forces on cargo and baggage which will be thrown
around unless held ............. in place

916 .............can be large and heavy like an aircraft engine or comprise many small package in a
container or on a pallet

917 A ULD is fixed to the floor of the key places using locks

918 There is only a small gap for the.............base to fit under the locks in the cargo hold

919 Dangerous goods are solid , liquid or gases that can pose a............. to people , property of the
environment due to their chemical or physical properties

920 The most widely applied regulatory scheme is that for the transportation of dangerous goods

921 The united nation economies and social council issues the .............regulations on the transport
of dangerous goods , which form the basis for most regional and national regulatory schemes

922 The regulation are addressed to.............and international organisation concerned with the
regulation of the transport of dangerous goods

923 The regulation do not apply to the .............of dangerous goods in sea –going or inland navigation
bulk carriers or tank – vessels

924 The UN Subcommittee of experts on the .............of dangerous goods develops recommended
procedures for the transport of all types of dangerous goods except radioactive materials

925 The international Atomic Energy Agency is the.............that develops recommended procedures
for the safe transport of radioactive materials
926The international civil aviation organization has used these recommended procedure as the basis
for developing the.............for the safe transport of dangerous goods by air

927 The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulation contain all of the ............. of the technical instruction

928 IATA has drawn on its extensive experience to give special attention to the format and wording
of .............

929 The international .............organization has developed the international maritime dangerous
goods code for the transportation of dangerous goods on the high seas

930 The intergovernmental organisation for international carriage by ............. has developed the
regulations concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail

931The.............calls for containers of dangerous goods to be marked with pictogram addressing

acute toxicity and physical and environmental hazards

932 Dangerous goods are assigned UN number and proper shipping names according to
their ............. and composition

933 The goal of the UN Model regulation is to provide a model for uniform development of national
and international regulation on the transport of dangerous goods by various modes

934 The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulation are based on the requirement of annexe 18 of the
Chicago convention

935 Awareness of the danger and regulation related to the handling and transport of dangerous
goods is key to maintaining safety and preventing accidents

936 Generally , regulation require that all staff who processing cargo may encounter dangerous
goods , whether ground based or airborne

937 Very small quantities of some dangerous goods may be transported in such a manner that they
are expected from marking , labelling and documentation requirement

938 Some example of the very small quantities of dangerous goods permitted are as little as 1 g or
ml for solids or liquids of some toxic substances

939 Non toxic gases are limited to containers with a water capacity of 30ml

940 The shipper is responsible for packing and all necessary marking and labelling of each package of
dangerous goods

941 Each package must be of such a size that there is adequate space to affix all required marketing
and labels

942 Most substance have been assigned to a packing group based on technical criteria , but some
have been assigned based on experience

943 Dangerous goods must always be transported in approved packages , unless they are acceptable
in expected quantities and limited quantities

944 The UN mark is always followed by a number of codes providing such information as the type
code of packaging and its packing group , limitation and year of manufacture
945 The correct marking and labelling of packages containing dangerous goods is extremely

946 The label will identify the package and its content , which is especially important if the package
has been damaged and there is a risk of contamination

947 No damaged goods may be located on an aircraft with a damaged or missing label

948 The lower half of the shipper declaration for dangerous goods serves as the Natural and
Quantity of dangerous goods statement

949 The NOTOC is a special form prepared by the operator of the aircraft carrying DG

950 Anyone who may have been affected by the spill must be taken care of and their names and
addresses noted

951 The person supervising the situation must consult a suitable dangerous goods emergency chart
to see what immediate remedial action may be required

952 Passengers do , however often pack hazardous articles and substance without knowing that it is
dangerous and jeopardising their life

953 The airline has the final responsibility to ensure that passengers are informed and aware of
regulation and technical instruction regarding which items are not permitted in passengers baggage

954 Dangerous Goods training are mandated by ICAO in its Technical Instruction for the safe
transport of dangerous goods by air

955 This may entail only familiarisation training or it may also include more detailed training on the
intricacies of the IATA DGR

956 All categories of personnel involved directly or indirectly in the movement of DG by air must be
trained according to their responsibilities

957 A test must be provided after DG Training and the passing mark is at least 80 %

958 The test should be designed to enable the participant to demonstrate an understanding of all
the subjects covered

959 Patient specimens are collected directly from humans and animals

960 Medical or clinical wastes are derived from the medical treatment of humans or animals , or
from bio-research

961 Generally , the requirements for the transport of dangerous goods by air are more restrictive
than the surface modes of sea , road or rail

962 Infectious substance must be classified according to the level of health and safety risk they pose
as either category A or Category B

963 Category A infectious substance are capable of causing permanent disability or life threatening
or fatal disease

964 Category B biological substance are infectious substance that do not meet the criteria for
inclusion in Category A
965 The packaging system comprises a primary receptacle , secondary packing and an outer

966 Labels and markings on the packages are an essential source of information to communicate to
everyone involved in transportation process

967 Effective employee training and appropriate emergency response procedures are required to
significantly minimize the risk of exposure and subsequent transmission on infection

968 Should a spill or leak occurs from a damaged package containing an infectious substance , do
not attempt to clean-up or dispose of it yourself

969 Liquid bleach will generally effectively inactivate the released substance

970 If any person is exposed to the infectious substance or spill through inhalation , ingestion or
skin contact , move them to a safe isolated area

971 Person administering first aid should take precautions to avoid personal exposure or secondary
contamination of others

972 In case of contact of the substance to skin , eyes , nose or mouth , immediately flush the
exposed area with copious amounts of running water

973 In case where a vehicle travelling under the ADR does not comply in full , the vehicle becomes
subject to all domestic requirements

974 The ADR has been developed and is updated under the auspices of the UN Economic
Commission for Europe
975 Annexes A and B have been regularly amended and updated since the ADR becomes effective in

976 Personnel engaged in the transport of dangerous goods also require security awareness

977 Carriers , consignors and others who transport high consequence dangerous goods are required
to develop and implement security plans

978 A security coordinator must be appointed to take full responsibility for the entire security
planning process and manage security threats

979 The RID applies to OTIF’s 45 Europeans , Middle-eastern and Maghred Member states

980 The RID apply to the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail in the territories of
member states
981 The code is used primarily by marine shipping operators and applies to the IMO’s 170 member

982 Individual countries are responsible for implementing the code under their own legislation

983 The IMDG code was adopted at fourth IMO assembly in 1965

984 The IMDG code is published every two years

985 The standard condition governing the international FIATA multimodal transport bill of lading
provide additional guidance on the multimodal transport of dangerous goods
986 The seller is require to comply with national laws and international convention respecting the
transport of dangerous goods

1 ULDs are tracked and traced

2 To enter service with an ............. , a certified ULD must undergo a series of extreme load tests ,
supervised by the aviation authorities

3 Ever single items on an aircraft also has to be as ............. as possible

4 Condition during flights place very high forces on cargo and baggage which will be thrown around
unless held ............. in place

5 .............can be large and heavy like an aircraft engine or comprise many small package in a
container or on a pallet

6 A ULD is fixed to the floor of the key places using locks

7 There is only a small gap for the.............base to fit under the locks in the cargo hold

8 Dangerous goods are solid , liquid or gases that can pose a............. to people , property of the
environment due to their chemical or physical properties

9 The most widely applied regulatory scheme is that for the transportation of dangerous goods

10 The united nation economies and social council issues the .............regulations on the transport of
dangerous goods , which form the basis for most regional and national regulatory schemes

11 The regulation are addressed to.............and international organisation concerned with the
regulation of the transport of dangerous goods

12 The regulation do not apply to the .............of dangerous goods in sea –going or inland navigation
bulk carriers or tank – vessels

13 The UN Subcommittee of experts on the .............of dangerous goods develops recommended

procedures for the transport of all types of dangerous goods except radioactive materials

14 The international Atomic Energy Agency is the.............that develops recommended procedures

for the safe transport of radioactive materials

15 The international civil aviation organization has used these recommended procedure as the basis
for developing the.............for the safe transport of dangerous goods by air

16 The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulation contain all of the ............. of the technical instruction

17 IATA has drawn on its extensive experience to give special attention to the format and wording of
18 The international .............organization has developed the international maritime dangerous
goods code for the transportation of dangerous goods on the high seas

19 The intergovernmental organisation for international carriage by ............. has developed the
regulations concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail

20 The.............calls for containers of dangerous goods to be marked with pictogram addressing

acute toxicity and physical and environmental hazards

21 Dangerous goods are assigned UN number and proper shipping names according to their .............
and composition

22 The goal of the UN Model regulation is to provide a model for uniform development of ........ on
the transport of dangerous goods by various modes

23 The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulation are based on the requirement of ...... of the Chicago

24 Awareness of the danger and regulation related to the handling and transport of ...... is key to
maintaining safety and preventing accidents

25 Generally , regulation require that all staff who processing cargo may ....... dangerous goods ,
whether ground based or airborne

26 Very small quantities of some ...... may be transported in such a manner that they are expected
from marking , labelling and documentation requirement

27 Some example of the very ........... of dangerous goods permitted are as little as 1 g or ml for
solids or liquids of some toxic substances

28 Non toxic gases are limited to ........with a water capacity of 30ml

29 The shipper is responsible for packing and all necessary marking and ...... of each package of
dangerous goods

33 Each package must be of such a size that there is ...... to affix all required marketing and labels

34 Most substance have been assigned to a packing group based on ....... , but some have been
assigned based on experience

35 Dangerous goods must always be transported in ......... , unless they are acceptable in expected
quantities and limited quantities

36 The UN mark is always followed by a number of codes providing ......... as the type code of
packaging and its packing group , limitation and year of manufacture

37 The correct marking and labelling of packages containing .......... goods is extremely important

38 The label will identify the package and its content , which is especially important if the package
has been damaged and there is a risk of contamination

39 No damaged goods may be located on ....... with a damaged or missing label

40 The lower half of the ....... for dangerous goods serves as the Natural and Quantity of dangerous
goods statement
41 The NOTOC is a special form prepared by the operator of the aircraft carrying DG

42 Anyone who may have been affected by ....... must be taken care of and their names and
addresses noted

43 The person supervising the situation must consult a ........... goods emergency chart to see what
immediate remedial action may be required

44 Passengers do , however often pack .............. and substance without knowing that it is dangerous
and jeopardising their life

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