NAME: Jeson G. Bergantinos Section: 1-MKTG-3

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NAME: Jeson G.

Bergantinos Section: 1-MKTG-3

Module 2: Lesson 1-Assignment #1

1. Essay: In the context of indigenous science and nation-building in the Philippines,

the Lumad community has been actively applying indigenous knowledge to address
the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Lumad, comprising various
ethnolinguistic groups such as the Manobo, T'boli, and Subanen, have demonstrated a
commitment to leveraging their ancestral wisdom, particularly in utilizing indigenous
plant medicines and remedies, for the prevention, management, and potential cure of
The Lumad community in the Philippines, representing various indigenous groups,
has actively applied their ancestral knowledge to combat COVID-19. Specifically, they
have integrated indigenous plant medicines and remedies into their prevention and
management strategies. While comprehensive success metrics are challenging to
establish, anecdotal evidence suggests positive outcomes in symptom relief and
community well-being. Supporting these traditional medicines aligns with goals of
cultural preservation, resilience, and a diversified approach to healthcare,
emphasizing the importance of collaboration between traditional healers and modern
healthcare providers for a more effective pandemic response.

2. Dress Up: Dressed up as the IP Group Igorots.

The Igorots, indigenous peoples residing in the mountainous regions of Luzon in the
Philippines, have a history marked by resilience and cultural vibrancy. Their
mountainous terrain served as a natural defense against Spanish colonization,
enabling them to maintain their unique cultural practices and a communal way of
life. Despite external pressures, the Igorots resisted colonial forces, preserving their
traditions through vibrant festivals, traditional dances, and rituals. These cultural
elements have become integral to the broader Filipino identity, fostering a sense of
pride and unity that transcends regional differences.

In addition to their cultural contributions, the Igorots have played a significant role
in nation-building through their commitment to environmental conservation and
public service. Their sustainable agricultural practices and deep respect for nature
align with contemporary environmental efforts. Furthermore, many Igorots have
served in the Philippine military, contributing to national defense and exemplifying
their dedication to the well-being and security of the Filipino nation. Recognizing
and celebrating the Igorots' historical resilience, cultural richness, and contributions
to environmental conservation and national defense contribute to a more inclusive
and diverse understanding of Filipino identity and nation-building.

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