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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

‫ِبْس ِم ِهللا الَّرْح مِن الَّر ِح ْيِم‬،

‫ َو الَّص َالُة َو الَّس َالُم َع َلى َم ْن َنَس َخ‬، ‫ َو َأْفَهْم َنا ِم ْن ُع ُلْو ِم اْلُع َلَم اِء الَّر ِشِخ ْيَن‬، ‫اْلَحْم ُد ِهلل اَّلِذ ى َجَع ْلَنا ِم َن الَّناِصِح ْيَن‬
‫ َأَّم ا َبْعُد‬، ‫ َو َع َلى آِلِه َو َأْص َح اِبِه اَّلِذ ْيَن َك اُنْو ا ِبَتَم ُّس ِك َش ِر ْيَعِتِه َص اِلِح ْيَن‬، ‫ِد ْيُنُه َأْد َياَن اْلَكَفَر ِة َو الَّطاِلِح ْيَن‬

The honorable the jury of speech contest

The honorable committee of speech contest
The respectable teachers who attends this program
And all of the participants
First of all let’s Praise and tank’s to Allah subhanahu wata'ala, who has given us all
the pleasures, especially health and the blessings of faith and Islam so that until we can
attended the commemoration of the national santri day which coincided on October 22 in
good health wal afiat.
Sholawat and greetings may continue to be poured out to our lord the Great Prophet
Muhammad SAW whom we hope for intercession on the last day, aamiin ya robbal alamin.
Ladies and gentlemen….
I respect National Santri Day has always been commemorated on October 22 since
2015. And now this year we are again commemorating a special day among Muslims,
especially these students. Please note that santri is a term for someone who seeks knowledge,
especially religious knowledge who stays at a boarding school.
The students have the spotlight from the community, especially behavior in everyday
life. Especially the behavior and etiquette of the students, because these students are
considered to get special attention in the context of inculcating moral and ethical behavior in
Islamic boarding schools by ustadz and kiai. In order to commemorate the commemoration of
this national santri day, we students must remember that the label of santri that we already
have must always be shown to the public. That the students have good morals.
In this day and age we see for ourselves that temptations from all directions are very
dangerous and very numerous, ranging from clothing, food, and entertainment which will all
only attack and demoralize the younger generation.
Happy guests We need to know, we as the younger generation must be able to
maintain and instill noble character in our daily lives, such as the moral example of
Rasulullah SAW. The morals of the Prophet are morals that we need to emulate, this is in
accordance with the Word of God in Surah Al Qalam verse 4.
‫ِبْس ِم ِهللا الَّرْح مِن الَّر ِح ْيِم‬
‫َو ِاَّنَك َلَع َلى ُخ ُلٍق َع ِظ ْيٍم‬
"Indeed you (Muhammad) have a very great character." (Surat al-Qalam: 4)
Therefore we as the people of Prophet Muhammad SAW must idolize by imitating
and imitating what he taught and conveyed.
Hopefully with the commemoration of this national santri day we can all improve our
morals in accordance with the morals of the Prophet Muhammad.
So a little speech that I can convey may be useful for all of us, especially for students
who are studying. Thank you very much for your attention.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

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