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Teacher asks the students to mach the adjectives inferred from the poem “Phineus” with their
meanings (see appx.7). After this exercises, teacher mow reflects the adjectives of both poems on the
board in order to be more visual and memorable for the students.

On examining those adjectives the students consider that the old wornan vision in the poem “Warning”
and the old lady in the poem “Phineus” are so much different. The old woman vision drawn in the poem
“Warning” by the adjectives is so much strange, unusual, out of box and liberate. Although the lady in
the poem "Phineus" is old, she does not have the features of the old lady vision in the poem ”Warning”.
She is a typical old woman who gave a lot and wants to ger back. She cannot get rid of her
responsibilities despite her old age. So she decided to want her liberty back and says “Leave me be”.
However; she is still confused and quickly says “don’t leave me alone…” This confusion, limits and
pessimist ideas about having short time to live make the poem slow, gloomy and sad. But the poem
“Warning” is so much enjoyable and cheerful because of the mischievous behavior of the old woman.

Until now students are expected to understand both poems. At this moment of the lesson, in order to
emerge a different discussion atmosphere, teacher can occur “debating groups” if the numbers of the
students are appropriate. And he asks the last question.

Does old age really bring freedom?

This question is the last and the target question. This entails a very good critical thinking and
comprehension competence. The students are divided into two groups. And ‘group A’ supports the idea
that “old age brings freedom”; and ‘group B’ supports that “old age does not cause to be free”. As a rule
each group has five or ten minutes to think; and while they are debating they have to prove their ideas
by referring to the lines of the poems. At the beginning this debating idea seems frightening for the
students. But they are encouraged when they see that they can speak English fluently in order to express
their ideas. Finally the

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