Lesson 2c Outlining

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By: Mrs. Merjuny B. Villanueva

- plan for writing; a summary that gives the
essential feature of a text
-shows how the parts of a text are related to one
another as parts that are of equal importance, or
sections that are subordinate to a main idea

1. Alphanumeric Outline
- Uses both letters and numbers as labels

2. Decimal Outline
- Uses only numbers as labels

Principles of Outlining

1. Coordination
-requires ideas of the same
relevance to be labeled in the
same way

I. Positive effects of uniform policy
A. Promotes school identity
B. Improves school security

II. Negative effects of uniform policy

A. Inhibits learning
B. Curtails individuality

2. Subordination

-shows that minor details

have to be placed under their
respective major details

I. Positive effects of uniform policy
A. Promotes school identity
B. Improves school security

II. Negative effects of uniform policy

A. Inhibits learning
B. Curtails individuality

3. Division
-requires that no cluster
should contain only one item

I. Positive effects of uniform policy
A. Promotes school identity
B. Improves school security

II. Negative effects of uniform policy

A. Inhibits learning
B. Curtails individuality

4. Parallel Construction

-requires all entries in each

cluster to use the same
structure and format

I. Positive effects of uniform policy
A. Promotes school identity
B. Improves school security

II. Negative effects of uniform policy

A. Inhibits learning
B. Curtails individuality

Kinds of Outline According to Structure
1. Topic Outline

- systematic arrangement of ideas

using broad topics in the form of
words or simple phrases as

Thesis: Research shows that single-sex classes are better for girls and, therefore, should be encouraged.
I. Background
A. Segregated education
B. Coeducation
C. Title IX
II. Gender Bias
A. Attention
1. Opportunity
2. Discipline
B. Favoritism
1. Encouragement
2. Expectation
III. Academic advantages
A. Grade improvement
1. Materials
2. Methods
B. Techniques
1. Math
2. Science 14
2. Sentence Outline

- uses complete sentence as its

- expanded outline

I. Writers need time to plan.
A. Writers need time to plan to meet the audience’.
B. Writers need time to plan a viable thesis.
C. Writers need time to plan adequate support.
D. Writers need time to plan adequate evidence.
II. Writers need to compose.
A. Writers need time to compose thus reducing stress.
B. Writers need time to compose thus regaining spontaneity.
III. Writers need time to polish.
A. Writers need time to edit for habitual errors.
B. Writers need time to edit for clarity.
C. Writers need time to edit for fluency.

“In preparing for a battle I have always
found that plans are useless, but
planning is indispensable.”

-Dwight D. Eisenhower


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