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hy Annu xure-g ! Cova TO AMMAN tuys tuba Sehinent.-4,feade and hubtdtn x i # ubdLehinen t.4. 5\ Dopartnynt 44,2. 1 wir diys CAjnjupriny Seuvier, lee eee aanitsacer do ppb dn uton to £° cors us Agelstont Executive Giginesen! acquit rin: DiTed/AM,1,U, 4 Pendiigtoinerduon = to” Ste nL puch ai . v xp ARAMA KIA AAA KK ew ee KetK Ket Ke Ko He KA HOADS_ AND, DULLULA $.11) DePAWIMWT pe 4 " toed: gh ede f er Mo2YPWC( FL)’ beparunyn by! ALP, Drough (oman ond Trace xe’ Ayoo ole rupryvon tution,l-datud 2341-1995. GoVt,Momo™No 2141/5, 1097/9511)" div id “GjExpm’ the shainee ee do f-(fwb) ‘Aa 1 Gargl1/D 1/92; dated: 61641995 " * een et Ty) x) y a 7 0-5 ~ : | d1={41999,.— Asi ! us Lieder Ips ve Lh Siisha oe sehe Eee ee 1 v8 Meg ape ee r ‘ Whe AP, Drauyh tsinon/ Tracers H Associution in ite xo Lomcond read" above eu pipawawn Lue - J that Drough temon/ Tru : bing dorited prom tion o6 AgoLatont Uxvcutiyu tngtnuor L. xuguygtud Ihe, Goverunent to consider Drough teman/ Trnce ’ psd) Te en/Aad LGN quarts flea tion wily o bi yoars. wr apiginuernt by. Lrunutox & Hxecutive Biylnour- and that the bby Fpo Limi tad to: 10X'0f Wie: vecsnel rocruitmont, y ds recommeded by Doard of Grlof Liginoors:in strode mio Lin yold on {74N{aI99ON° “Lt has ,also :buow represented: the brs a tion and Commahd Arood DeveLgpmont Depar ununt, hove olxeddy,. Lo aus re’ in G,O,Mo,No 1223} 1 &,CAD ,dato 441491 to that efroct and és uch to extond.rtha same bone Mt tr the Dreugh tsnon/ Tracers working 4r foada yond, Bulidlings Depardsent 6157. and seonubadig tal‘sorvice of oulnyoty of Anatatont nt by xan e for r “97 bs Governaantiafte® care ful oxamina tion of tho mattep in oneal tation with the Chginoor-in~Chie f(ABB) 1s hereby decided 1 appoint, te eligibie Draugh tsman/ Tracore whic acquired H qualifiention P30;/D,T0Ch/A.M,1.E. 45 ‘Assis lant Executive: : Bngineok"on appoin.uoont by trans for basis on temporazy basis fubjoct to.'amondiiont to Spdctal lulvo fox A,P Mads and Nuildings Engineering ‘Service. ond alsd subject w the ‘following condi gions! ee i ‘ (a) Appointnent by transfer of Veaugh Lemon 11nd |Grado/ MW’ TiLsd Grade ond Tracors of A,P.bagingoring Subordinate i : burvicou, wiv ocquirog Dj 6,/0 e790 ch/ A.M; 3G; (Indio) 7 qualifientions vailetin soavico ond vay Ore uppap vou piubationgas in Unt talogesy) , ‘ wy (b) Droughteme / Trocoxs vie wruy 2 uppadn ae , Reanufor os Astietant Uxeculive Enginoore publ pub in o sorvice of -5 yoarsy * b. Genta, . + a 1 Cr) Tr ,cone of Raroe Sidlilets secs), aA qian/naie, __ nbut}J vito Jolnod. svevice,. Ag HUGH Esinan,TLL.2d Soreid/ “Lind Grado and Tenge Tedd @ total’ sors “né of 8 years)!| be fore” b thig pliyible ‘for :re cru taen t “by transfor for* Lt $51.5, tank, Bagels .Engineors; anu J}; Tho appiodn tno t by ane poe "fot! the’ pees of Assis tan Gxoed th a Enginoer fain Drough tenon} TT do/ { , ‘tencois i9:AinLted “ulOR gd’? tho Agsistont Po dtae sON Ue cade reer Ltnon tive ats including thos? fom |the us bh re oeky’ point. Ue eiigibie G6 vo ini ‘oppo braugh tanna/,Ts 1 (Ud rod Nadu ‘qualification in Gygi ido san ondbyb in eel trans for gubjorat to amendmont \vw pe ols ost for APPS lqhds cand pulbe tg: neering Sorvico and alco! ‘oubjoct WwW Ine conditions spoel tied in poxrd|(2) above, onthe 4 Hocennary: pmondnen th Ap: Gpoclol fules for A,P..fords.and bulratigs ULNA Gory, oP Huloo wiih bot od, pee tol (yon ty cefint auhes Rees wt: Sr oaRIITANY: ito seove| MENT P iidastbod. en Ch q Ya " seated) (ale Raes te hey pho” oileng in ecinleqia.t hich \\4 ipye tor gnngead wadad ttlin bey oThosGene 19150 cre ta. ae

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