TOPIC 8 Metabolism Cell Respiration Photosynthesis

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TOPIC 8: Metabolism, Cell Respiration &

IPEKA Integrated Christian School Photosynthesis

Trevor Jones
IB DP Biology SL (DP1)


TOPIC 8: Metabolism, Cell Respiration & Photosynthesis

Subject Year Start date Duration

Biology DP1 Week 2, September 6 weeks

Course Part
8.1: Metabolism 8.2: Cell Respiration 8.3: Photosynthesis


8.1: Metabolism

8.2: Cell Respiration

8.3: Photosynthesis

In the Metabolism Unit, we will learn the importance of enzymes and how they speed up metabolic pathways. We will also look
at enzyme inhibitors and how metabolic pathways can be regulated through feedback mechanisms.

In the Cell Respiration unit, we will expand our knowledge of Topic 2.8. We will explore the structure of the mitochondria and
identify how it is adapted to produce energy. We will also identify specific metabolic pathways of Glycolysis and the Kreb Cycles

In the Photosynthesis unit, we will expand our knowledge from Topic 2.9. We will explore the structure of the chloroplast and
identify how it is adapted to absorb light energy. We will also identify specific metabolic pathways of the light-dependent and
light-independent reactions

Inquiry & Purpose

Transfer Goals

1. Metabolic reactions are regulated in response to the cell’s needs.

2. Energy is converted to a usable form in cell respiration

3. Light energy is converted into chemical energy.


Summative Assessment
OCT Topic 8.1 Metabolism Presentation
18 Summative Group and individual work: Labs and Inquiry acctivities Gizmos 9/10 Students Monday at 8:00 PM

Topic_8.1_Metabolism_presentation.docx Oct 14, 2021

IPEKA Integrated Christian School

Page 1 of 3
TOPIC 8: Metabolism, Cell Respiration & Photosynthesis
TOPIC 8: Metabolism, Cell Respiration &
IPEKA Integrated Christian School Photosynthesis
Trevor Jones
IB DP Biology SL (DP1)

OCT Topic 8.1 Metabolism Presentation

18 Summative Group and individual work: Labs and Inquiry acctivities Gizmos 0/1 Students Monday at 8:00 PM

Topic_8.1_Metabolism_presentation.docx Oct 14, 2021

NOV Cell respiration Gizmos

5 Summative Group and individual work: Labs and Inquiry acctivities Gizmos 9/10 Students Friday at 4:00 PM

Cell_respiration_STEM_case_ExploreLearning_Gizmos.docx Oct 26, 2021

NOV Cell respiration Gizmos

5 Summative Group and individual work: Labs and Inquiry acctivities Gizmos 0/1 Students Friday at 4:00 PM

Cell_respiration_STEM_case_ExploreLearning_Gizmos.docx Oct 26, 2021

DEC DP1 Semester 1 Final Exam plus bonus points

8 Summative Final/Summative Exams 9/10 Students Wednesday at 5:00 PM

Bonus Points:

1. 5 points for each paper completed

2. Completion is totally optional.

3. Use

DEC DP1 Semester 1 Final Exam plus bonus points

8 Summative Final/Summative Exams 0/1 Students Wednesday at 5:00 PM

Bonus Points:

1. 5 points for each paper completed

2. Completion is totally optional.

3. Use

NOV Cell respiration Gizmos STEM case

5 Summative Group and individual work: Labs and Inquiry acctivities Gizmos Friday at 3:00 PM

NOV Cell respiration Gizmos STEM case

10 Summative Group and individual work: Labs and Inquiry acctivities Gizmos Wednesday at 10:35 AM

NOV Gizmos Photosynthesis Lab

15 Summative Group and individual work: Labs and Inquiry acctivities Gizmos 9/10 Students Monday at 4:00 PM

IPEKA Integrated Christian School

Page 2 of 3
TOPIC 8: Metabolism, Cell Respiration & Photosynthesis
TOPIC 8: Metabolism, Cell Respiration &
IPEKA Integrated Christian School Photosynthesis
Trevor Jones
IB DP Biology SL (DP1)

PhotosynthesisLabSE.docx Nov 11, 2021

NOV Gizmos Photosynthesis Lab

15 Summative Group and individual work: Labs and Inquiry acctivities Gizmos 0/1 Students Monday at 4:00 PM

PhotosynthesisLabSE.docx Nov 11, 2021

DEC Learn-biology homework

8 Summative Homework, workbook, case study Wednesday at 3:00 PM

DEC Learn-biology homework

8 Summative Homework, workbook, case study Wednesday at 3:00 PM

JAN Lab 5: Photosynthesis

21 Summative Group and individual work: Labs and Inquiry acctivities Gizmos 8/10 Students Friday at 4:00 PM

5. Photosynthesis: Why Do Temperature and Light Intensity Affect the Rate of Photosynthesis in Plants?

JAN Lab 5: Photosynthesis

21 Summative Group and individual work: Labs and Inquiry acctivities Gizmos 1/1 Students Friday at 4:00 PM

5. Photosynthesis: Why Do Temperature and Light Intensity Affect the Rate of Photosynthesis in Plants?

JAN Lab 6: Cellular respiration

21 Summative Group and individual work: Labs and Inquiry acctivities Gizmos 9/10 Students Friday at 11:00 AM

6. Cellular Respiration: How Does the Type of Food Source Affect the Rate of Cellular Respiration in Yeast?

JAN Lab 6: Cellular respiration

21 Summative Group and individual work: Labs and Inquiry acctivities Gizmos 1/1 Students Friday at 4:00 PM

6. Cellular Respiration: How Does the Type of Food Source Affect the Rate of Cellular Respiration in Yeast?

IPEKA Integrated Christian School

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TOPIC 8: Metabolism, Cell Respiration & Photosynthesis

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