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Part 3: ESSAY

Briefly discuss the following:

1.Your company handles records of thousands of customers. These records are used to
subscribe to a mobile phone plan. One customer approached you and is asking for your
help to give the personal information of a subscriber who has unresolved issues with him.
He is one of your top customers and you may lose him to a competitor if you do not give
in to his request. What will you do? Will you give the personal information asked? What
strategy will you do? Back your answer with ethical or legal basis.

2.Is it easier or harder to gain competitive advantage via the internet as opposed to
traditional means? Explain your answer.

Gaining a competitive advantage via the internet can generally be considered easier
compared to traditional means. First, the lower barrier to entry on the internet helps establish
an online presence without significant upfront costs and that is more affordable than the
traditional setting which is associated with acquiring a physical space and hiring more staff.
Second, the internet paves the way to immediately access, target, and engage a wider
audience and potential customers through various platforms like email, social media, etc.
compared to traditional means. Third, the internet provides real-time data collection and
monitoring systems that are beneficial in coming up with useful strategies since data
analytics via the Internet gathers recent information about customers’ behaviors and
preferences as well as market trends. Lastly, the Internet’s flexibility allows faster adaptation
to changes in the market, customer demands, political volatility, and economic instability to
remain agile more than the traditional means.

3.Based on your understanding, why is "culture" an important factor to consider when

building information system solutions to business problems?
Culture is an important factor because businesses can shape their information system
solutions to fit the specific needs, values, and context of the organization in addressing
business problems. Culture also influences the way technology and ideologies are
adopted utilized, and integrated within an organization. For instance, a culture that is
open to change, innovation, and technology is more likely to embrace new systems and
processes. In the same way that when a culture values continuous learning, skill
development, and adaptability, people are more likely to support effective change
management efforts. Moreover, understanding that culture is intertwined with
organizational structure and hierarchies helps in discerning power struggles and dynamics
and making informed decisions in designing and implementing information system
solutions. A comprehensive understanding of culture warrants a smoother
implementation process, higher user adoption rates, and overall success in addressing
business problems through information system solutions.

4.How can information systems achieve operational excellence?

Information systems can achieve operational excellence within an organization
through data integration and centralization that will help improve data accuracy and
enable better decision-making in effective planning and resource allocation. Information
systems also proactively help organizations in identifying, assessing, and managing risks
reducing operational disruptions, and strengthening operational resilience. Further,
operational excellence can be reached when information systems enable real-time
reporting and analytics capabilities, providing organizations with timely and accurate
insights into their operations. In turn, the information systems can be able to support
collaboration and communication within and across teams in the organization. It is
important to note that leveraging the full potential of information systems in contributing
to an organization’s operational success requires the alignment of technology with
organizational strategies and investment in employee capability building.

5.What is the difference between information technology and information systems?

Describe some of the functions of information systems.
Information Technology (IT) refers to the technical infrastructure, hardware,
software, networks, and systems used to manage and process data and information while
Information Systems (IS) encompass the broader organizational framework that combines
people, processes, data, and technology to support the collection, processing, storage, and
dissemination of information within an organization. Some of the functions of the IS
include Functions of information systems include (1) strategic planning and management;
(2) decision support and analytics; (3) knowledge management; (4) data and information
management; (5) collaboration and communication; (6) supply chain management; (7)
business process automation; and (8) customer relationship management

6.Your organization handles information of your clients, both operational and

personal. Your manager says that your organization is not covered by Data Privacy
Laws, like the Data Privacy Act of 2012. Is he correct in saying that? Explain your
Considering the organization operates within the jurisdiction of the Philippines and
handles personal information of individuals in the Philippines, the manager is incorrect in
his claim because the organization is generally subject to the provisions of the Data
Privacy Act of 2012. The Data Privacy Act of 2012 in the Philippines has a broad
jurisdictional scope. It applies to the processing of personal information by: (1) natural or
juridical persons residing or established in the Philippines, including those outside the
country if they process personal information in connection with the offering of goods or
services to individuals in the Philippines; and (2) natural or juridical persons not residing
in the Philippines, but the data processing equipment is located within the country, except
when used for transit purposes.

7.An information system consists of hardware and software. Why is this statement
Such a statement alone is inadequate because it overlooks other essential elements
and aspects of an information system. While hardware and software components are
essential, an information system encompasses a broader set of elements, including data,
people, procedures, networks, infrastructure, software architecture, security, and the
organizational context. To effectively and efficiently design, implement, and manage an
effective information system all these elements must be considered and understood.

8.From a business perspective, identify and discuss reasons for implementing a new
information system.
It is worthy of note to first determine the specific needs and goals that will influence
the reasons for implementing a new information system. One reason to consider
implementing a new information system is to enhance data protection, security, and
privacy through the implementation of robust security measures, data encryption, access
controls, and audit trails that can safeguard sensitive information and ensure regulatory
compliance. Another reason is to effectively and efficiently leverage technology and data
to gain a competitive advantage that is agile and adaptive to changing market conditions
and customers’ preferences. Lastly, a new information system can lead to long-term cost
savings though it will incur upfront costs in the beginning. However, the business can
greatly reap the long-term benefits, which include streamlining operations, eliminating
efficiencies, reducing labor costs, and enhancing efficiency and productivity. Just a word
of caution, that there is a need for careful and strategic planning and alignment with
business objectives to ensure successful implementation and maximize the benefits
derived from the new system.

9.Information exhibits quality only if it is relevant and useful. Explain what characteristics of
information are important if information is for self-use.

10. Internet technology has provided a flattening effect on organizations. Why is it so?
The internet technology has provided a flattening effect on organizations because
continuously expands market access and opens opportunities even to small and micro
organizations and businesses to compete since it can directly and quickly reach and
engage with the global audience. In effect, communication and collaboration improved
despite time zone differences and geographical distances. Also, the internet allows access
to vast amounts of information that enables small entrepreneurs or organizations to
compete on a more level playing field because they can now make better, strategic, and
informed decisions. With these advantages, the internet technology fostered
entrepreneurship since small businesses can start with minimal costs which in turn
created innovative ideas and breed startups to be part of the larger market. Such
disruptive innovation has allowed new entrants to compete with the big traditional

11. How effective were collaborative information systems during the pandemic? Site an
example to show effectiveness.
Collaborative information systems have been an integral instrument in the pandemic
response, particularly in contact tracing efforts collaboration, and information sharing
among individuals. A good example that highlights the effectiveness of such systems is
the adoption of the platform, a web and mobile application developed by the
Philippine government to facilitate contact tracing and health monitoring during the
COVID-19 pandemic. The serves as a centralized system for individuals to
register their personal information, health status, and travel history where is was
integrated with other existing systems and databases, such as those in health facilities.
The platform also provides features such as QR code scanning for entry into
establishments and digital health declaration forms. Through this collaborative
information system, contact tracing has been streamlined and facilitated timely
notifications to individuals who may have been exposed to COVID-19.

12. How does Information systems enforce best practices for an organization?
Information systems enforce best practices for an organization through incorporation
of standardized processes and workflows, facilitation of compliance with regulatory
requirements, centralization of knowledge resources, and automation of routine tasks.
Furthermore, information systems help ensure data integrity, provide reporting and
analytics for performance monitoring, and support employee capability upgrades. A
culture of continuous improvement is fostered because the best practices are incorporated
into information systems that help provide knowledge resources that guide employees
toward optimal practices and contribute to overall efficiency and effectiveness.

13. Is there value in documenting your organization's business process?

Yes, there is value in documenting the business process in the Philippine Air Force
(PAF) organization because it helps establish standardized procedures and practices
within the organization and ensure that all activities are aligned with the desired
objectives that improve efficiency, reduce errors, and enhance overall operational
effectiveness. Moreover, documenting business processes preserves institutional
knowledge and allows transfer to ensure continuity and prevent the loss of critical
knowledge and expertise. Further, the PAF benefits from documenting the business
processes to ensure strict compliance with regulations, standards, and best practices as
they serve as a reference for internal and external audits, enabling organizations to
demonstrate adherence to required procedures and controls.

14. Amongst the key technology trends that raised ethical issues (Doubling computer
power, Rapid decline in storage costs, Networking advance and internet, Advances
in data analytics, and mobile device growth), which do you believe might have the
most adverse consequences? Why do they feel this way? Do the positives outweigh
the negatives for all issues? Why or why not?
It is challenging to determine which one might have the most adverse consequences, as it
depends on various factors and the specific context in which they are applied. In terms of
whether the positives outweigh the negatives for all these issues, it is a complex matter.
Each trend has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and the balance between
them can vary depending on how these technologies are implemented and regulated. It is
essential to have appropriate governance frameworks, ethical guidelines, and legal
safeguards in place to maximize the benefits while minimizing the potential adverse
consequences. Striking the right balance involves considering societal values, individual
rights, and the long-term implications of these technologies on various aspects of human
life, such as privacy, security, equality, and human well-being.
15. Why do you think some information systems implementations fail? Are off-the-shelf
systems better than custom-built systems? Explain your answer.
Some information systems implementations fail because of budget constraints,
limited resources, unrealistic timelines, and existing systems and infrastructure
integration challenges. Also, failures can be attributed to poor planning, lack of executive
support and stakeholder involvement, and ineffective communication training, and
support that can lead to resistance and low user adoption.

On the choice between off-the-shelf systems and custom-built systems, the answer
depends on the specific needs and circumstances of the organization. Off-the-shelf
systems are generally more cost-effective and time-efficient for standard business needs,
while custom-built systems offer greater flexibility and customization for organizations
with unique requirements or a need for competitive differentiation.

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