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Title: Mastering the Challenge: Crafting a Literature Review on Impulse Buying

Crafting a literature review on impulse buying can be an arduous task, requiring a delicate balance of
thorough research, critical analysis, and concise synthesis. Delving into the realm of consumer
behavior and psychological triggers demands a meticulous approach to uncovering relevant studies,
synthesizing key findings, and presenting insights coherently. However, with the right strategies and
resources, navigating through this intricate process can lead to a comprehensive and insightful review.

The difficulty in writing a literature review on impulse buying arises from the vast array of
interdisciplinary research encompassing psychology, marketing, economics, and sociology. Diverse
methodologies, conflicting theories, and evolving perspectives further compound the challenge,
necessitating a nuanced understanding and interpretation of the literature landscape.

To effectively tackle this challenge, it is essential to employ a systematic approach. This involves
identifying pertinent databases, journals, and academic sources, conducting comprehensive searches
using appropriate keywords and filters, and critically evaluating the credibility and relevance of each
study. Furthermore, synthesizing disparate findings and identifying common themes or trends
requires analytical prowess and a keen eye for detail.

Moreover, crafting a coherent narrative that seamlessly integrates various studies while maintaining
clarity and cohesion demands strong writing skills and organizational acumen. Striking the right
balance between providing sufficient context, summarizing key findings, and offering critical
insights is essential to producing a compelling literature review.

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Impulsive buying stresses the consumers urge to buy something immediately. Therefore analysis of
consumer buying behavior plays a very important role in the firm’s strategy. The current urban middle
and upper class Indian consumer buying behavior to a large extent has the Western influence
especially amongst females. Each approach also allows investigating IB from a different perspective.
Through an online study, subjects faced an actual website selling actual products characterised by
different brand positioning, which could be voluntarily purchased exchanging the monetary
endowment related to their participation. The entire process focuses on the Consumer Behavior.
Abstract- the marketing literature review of the effect of brand-cause fit on the people who are
currently no research published. Some of the influence the study first review, consumer decision. The
impact of various impulse buying factors like sales and promotions, placement of products, window
merchandising, effective price strategy etc on customer impulse buying behaviour has been analysed.
He defined store, customer mind is based on psychological. We argue that future research should not
exclusively gravitate around the cognitive side of IB, but rather it should encompass methods
analysing the visceral and conative facets of IB. Impulse buying behavior is that behavior of
consumer in which the consumer purchases unplanned things, or feeling desired to purchase products
without findings alternatives. It is a unplanned purchasing behavior where a buyer have no thinking
to make purchase (Rook. Psychophysiological tools also allow discerning the temporal evolution of
the externalisation of affect and assess how it influences the purchasing process. The data collection
method uses electronic and online questionnaires to collect primary data with a total sample of 330
taken with the criteria of having made transactions in e-commerce Shopee in the last three months.
On this premise, we claim that the four research approaches might find a proper fit in assessing a
specific facet of IB, namely its cognitive, conative, or visceral side. Stern, H. (1962). The
significance of impulse buying today. Apparel industry in India is booming and there is fierce
competition among various players in apparel segment in terms of lifestyle format. Cronbach’s alpha
was also conducted on a study which included 150 respondent sample size. Schnack et al. (2019)
recreated an immersive virtual convenience store where subjects had to perform actual purchases
while behavioural metrics were tracked. Customer who has to not preplanning to purchase product
they have to see product and they decided to purchase. Highly impulsive buyers are likely to be
unreflective in their thinking, to be emotionally attracted to the object, and to desire immediate
gratification. The method implies a first contact, where the subjects are asked to identify their
shopping plans, which are then compared with the actual purchases after the shopping trip to
discriminate the nature of the buying process. Article types Author guidelines Editor guidelines
Publishing fees Submission checklist Contact editorial office Submit your research Search Download
article. Second, these experimental designs grant the possibility of performing a deliberate purchase.
Despite this fact, there are still some general differences between the female and male shopping
behavior. Figure 1 illustrates the flowchart of the study selection process, which was based on the
PRISMA 2020 protocol ( Page et al., 2021 ). Fashion apparel industry has become more diverse by
fashion brands, personalization, advertisement and literature in the global marketplace. Second, we
underscore a lack of real-time assessment of IB.
A survey of 325 students studying in Indian universities was conducted. Impulse buying behavior is
that behavior of consumer in which the consumer purchases unplanned things, or feeling desired to
purchase products without findings alternatives. Through a direct comparison of the research
methods employed in IB research, we provide indications about the type of research approach and
metrics that might be appropriate depending on the context and the specific facet of IB. This study is
a first attempt to examine the mediating effect Urge between store environment. For instance,
research might greatly benefit from the assessment of physiological activations in conjunction with
atmospheric triggers (e.g., ambient music or lighting condition) to examine the impact of cues that
prompt IB. This study will be useful for retailing researchers and practitioners towards
comprehensive insight of the shopper's impulsiveness in theoretical framework. Three different major
scales are employed to assess IB tendency, namely the ones developed by Rook and Fisher (1995),
Weun et al. (1998), and Verplanken and Herabadi (2001). The findings of Han et al. (1991) quoted in
response to fashion involvement of consumers, that it might enhance fashion-oriented impulse
buying behaviors among those who habitually wear fashion outfits. The 9-item scale developed by
Rook and Fisher (1995) appear to be the most frequently used tool (tallied 16 times as significant),
while the other two scales are frequently used as well (each tallied 7 times). Data analyses based on
self-reports were frequently carried out through SEM (46% of total quantitative studies), whereas
econometric models or inferential analyses accounted for the remaining part. Directions for future
research are discussed in the following. The mother may not have chocolates on her buying list, but
she may be influenced to make an impulse purchase if the companion, in this, case the kid argues to
buy one. For instance, marketers might increase their knowledge about the effectiveness of
marketing stimuli such as product placements or promotional campaigns. Afterwards, participants
received a monetary endowment and faced the decision to either pocket the money or use a part to
perform an immediate purchase. Impulse items can be anything, a new product, samples or well-
established products at surprising low prices. In Education Ours responder education is, Matric are 9
that represent 6.0% Intermediate are. H4: Urge mediates the relationship between store environment
and impulse. By others it means people accompanying a shopper to shop, they maybe friends, family,
etc. Special deals to premium customers or clearance sale at the end of the season also contributes in
impulse buying. Consumer looks for the value addition and satisfaction while purchasing any
product. For e.g. when a customer wants to buy a Camera he may look for picture quality, zoom
factor, megapixel range, brand name, feasibility of using the camera and various other features.
Highly impulsive buyers are likely to be unreflective in their thinking, to be emotionally attracted to
the object, and to desire immediate gratification. The application of these tools may shed light on the
neural structures and physiological responses involved in impulse purchases. So far, however, there
has been little discussion about how to assess impulse purchases, leading to a potential divergence of
practise from theory and complexities in cross-study comparability. Likewise, we adopted an
extensive selection of research methods including both qualitative approaches (e.g., focus groups,
ethnographic studies) and quantitative approaches (e.g., quantitative self-reports, laboratory
investigations). A Review Of Literature On Impulse Buying Behaviour Of Consumers In Brick Amp.
Women see clothes as a mean for self-identity and status symbol, whereas men focus more on
functional and financial benefits. Purchasing is, generally defined as, a consumer?s unplanned
purchase which is an important part of buyer behavior. Download Free PDF View PDF Effective
advertising and its influence on consumer buying behavior soheil sajedian Advertising is a form of
communication intended to convince an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to purchase or take
some action upon products, information, or services etc. Based on the findings of our review, we
discuss the fit with IB research of each approach and consider the existing methodological gaps.
Therefore, we excluded forms of “compulsive” buying.
The majority of previous studies proves to be limited to surveys aimed at inquiring individual
thoughts and contextual evaluations, thus potentially oversighting the implicit mechanisms driving
the buying act. Pengaruh shopping life style dan fashion involvement terhadap impulse buying. So
far, however, there has been little discussion about how to assess impulse purchases, leading to a
potential divergence of practise from theory and complexities in cross-study comparability. Second,
we underscore a lack of real-time assessment of IB. Conative expressions of IB also include rapid
decision-making and on-the-spot actions ( Piron, 1991; Lades, 2014 ). Their survey found out that
only a very few impulse purchases are a consequence of promotions. It deciphers the characteristics
of individual consumers such as demographics and behavioral variables so as to understand what
people want. In Symposium on Retail Patronage and Strategy Edited by: Barry J. Positive emotions
are defined as affects and moods, which determine intensity of consumer decision-making reported
by Watson and Tellegen (1985). Drawing from related clinical literature, the research approaches
based on physiological responses might be enriched to define biomarkers or behavioural indicators
related to IB. Consumer would also compare the product with other competitor’s product and in the
end would purchase only that product which will give them value for their money and great
customer satisfaction. Store environment is very important element for impulse buying. Park (2006)
found a positive relationship of positive emotions, fashion involvement and fashion-oriented impulse
buying with the overall impulse buying behavior of the consumers. The analytical done by Indian
designers is highly appreciated globally. These include the perception of urges to buy, pre-shopping
intentions, representations of future states, or post-purchase dispositions. The key elements in each
impulsive buying behavior are: purchase being unplanned, difficult to control, and accompanied by
an emotional response. Foreign brands gain wide consumer acceptance in India. Store plan and its
design likewise serving to expand the purchaser's accommodation. Data is analyzed by running
correlation and multiple regressions in SPSS 21 version. Impulse buying is undecided purchase when
buyers have not. Our review core brand extensions, brand loyalty affects on consumer buying
behaviour. Fashion apparel industry has become more diverse by fashion brands, personalization,
advertisement and literature in the global marketplace. Study of Influencing Attributes in the
Context of Purchasing Behaviour in the. These include tasks to measure risk propensity or impulse
control, such as the Balloon Analogue Risk Task or the Cued Go No-Go Task ( Lauriola et al., 2014
). The systematic search process carried out is dependent on our main query. In this case the design
of the outlet plays a very important role in this kind of purchases. Further synonyms were introduced
in line with previous reviews ( Xiao and Nicholson, 2013; Chan et al., 2017 ), including “impulse
purchase,” “impulse shopping,” and “impulse consumption.” The second layer searched for keywords
linked to measurement and assessment methods (e.g., “determinant,” “measure”) and the related
synonyms or plurals. Beatty and Ferrell (1998) defined impulse buying as instantaneous purchase
having no previous aim or objective to purchase the commodity. Given the growth of e-commerce to
increase e-shopping, researchers can be investigated in this area in recent years. These consumers
often pay little attention to potential negative consequences that may result from their actions (Hoch
Loewenstein, 1991).
Therefore he will make the purchase according to the traditional consumer buying behavior process.
They were given money to spend on purchases and asked to visit websites to purchase the products
that they wanted. Self-scripts require the respondents to put in writing their experience in a third-
person view, thus releasing self-censorship ( Bayley and Nancarrow, 1998 ). Upload Read for free
FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is
Scribd. The first wave of research was focused on identifying and acknowledging that impulsive
buying behaviour is a complex phenomenon with a number of key characteristics. For instance,
research might greatly benefit from the assessment of physiological activations in conjunction with
atmospheric triggers (e.g., ambient music or lighting condition) to examine the impact of cues that
prompt IB. Sirgy conducted through literature study was designed in turkmenistan ejbe, secondary
data for. Despite little evidence of alternative research methods, common practises in IB research
tend to collect data with a time lag between the purchasing act and its measurement. In particular,
future research can benefit not only from the positive correlations between visceral and cognitive
responses but from their tensions. Impulsive buying stresses the consumers urge to buy something
immediately. Merchandising, service quality, location all are the components of Urge. The analytical
done by Indian designers is highly appreciated globally. Data analyses based on self-reports were
frequently carried out through SEM (46% of total quantitative studies), whereas econometric models
or inferential analyses accounted for the remaining part. It is true that people purchase those brands
with which they are emotionally attached. A comparative study on consumer behaviour about colgate
and pepsodent. The method implies a first contact, where the subjects are asked to identify their
shopping plans, which are then compared with the actual purchases after the shopping trip to
discriminate the nature of the buying process. The greater part (71%) involved between 200 and 600
respondents, while larger (11%) and smaller (18%) samples were observed as well. For instance,
from the interviewee's transcripts it was possible to extrapolate factors such as post-purchase regret
or the connexion between unplanned and impulsive purchases ( Dittmar and Drury, 2000 ). As
concerns sample size, our results show that interviews relied on smaller samples, ranging from 30 to
46 subjects, thus favouring depth over breadth of analysis. Fashion is a billion-dollar industry
employing customer analytical people not only in emerging economies but across the globe. Drawing
from related clinical literature, the research approaches based on physiological responses might be
enriched to define biomarkers or behavioural indicators related to IB. This study attempts to explore
the association exists between the variables involved, by tapping the responses of 165 respondents
from higher income group in the area of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. From this perspective,
forthcoming research may find fertile ground in the investigation of the latency time in decision-
making, or the role played by cool-down phases. Schnack et al. (2019) recreated an immersive virtual
convenience store where subjects had to perform actual purchases while behavioural metrics were
tracked. Retail industry is a kind of business with the highly competition of. Later on, research has
indicated that experience, emotions and feelings could affect and alter judgment and influence the
buyer to make an unplanned purchase. To assess this aspect, information search patterns or
behavioural interactions with the purchasing environment may be tracked. Likewise, we adopted an
extensive selection of research methods including both qualitative approaches (e.g., focus groups,
ethnographic studies) and quantitative approaches (e.g., quantitative self-reports, laboratory
investigations). Considering the major role of affective charges occurring during impulse shopping,
complementary research approaches, and metrics belonging to applied psychophysiology and
consumer neuroscience are examined. Second, the absence of empirical standards for IB assessment
may hamper cross-study comparability in upcoming research.
The impulse buying have been investigated by consumer behavior researchers and marketing
academician more than a half century. This exploration articles assists the with retailing store to
enhance store environment. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip
carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The impulse buying tendency (IBT) scale
will be measured by 5itemsfrom. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted,
provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original
publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. Findings show the
existence of four methods to investigate IB, namely quantitative self-reports, laboratory
investigations, fieldwork observations, and qualitative interviews. Biases in responses triggered by
social desirability, acquiescence in the respondent, or alteration in response recalling, play a central
role in IB research. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 11(2), 117-125. Analysing the
physiological responses before, during, and after the moment of purchase may shed light on the
nature of affective states involved during IB. Impulse buying is undecided purchase when buyers
have not. Objective of the research study is to find the relationship between store environment, Urge
and. All authors contributed to the article, final revision, and approved the submitted version.
Laboratory investigations and fieldwork observations arguably represent suited research approaches
to assess purchasing actions with reference to their rapidity or spontaneity. The impulse buying have
been investigated by consumer behavior researchers and marketing academician more than a half
century. Companies place these products in such a fashion that consumers are bound to look at the
products and instant connection with the product ultimately results in buying. A hypothetical model
has created in this paper, which has been taken into consideration for our research work on impulse
buying behaviour of the consumers. Therefore analysis of consumer buying behavior plays a very
important role in the firm’s strategy. As concerns sample size, our results show that interviews relied
on smaller samples, ranging from 30 to 46 subjects, thus favouring depth over breadth of analysis. It
is a unplanned purchasing behavior where a buyer have no thinking to make purchase (Rook. For
years, marketers have been generically forecasting sales for their retail outlets. Shopkeepers or retail
stores keeps products which are high on impulse purchase like chocolates, stationery, etc near the
billing counter as consumer are bound to look at them and make impulse purchase. The paper
concludes with; the questions that could be raised in future research according to the three waves of
research and a suggestion of refreshing strategic perspective offering a typology based on ideal,
normative, standard and impulsive customer buying behaviour. This study reported new evidences in
the field of impulse buying behavior of consumers pertaining to the local markets of the twin cities
of Pakistan. The attributes of certain products may trigger a stimulation that may urge the consumer
to make an impulse purchase. Martineau, P. (1958). The personality of the retail store. This study
reports new evidences in the field of consumer buying behavior of consumers pertaining to the local
markets of these cities of Pakistan. Research studies following this approach investigate the outcome
of actual purchases in a naturalistic setting, commonly a shopping venue. When focussing on the
effect of a single modulating variable, investigations carried out in a controlled setting may be
favoured. Store environment is very important element for impulse buying. Dr. Syed Muhammad Ali
Tirmizi 2009, European Journal of Scientific Research This paper investigates the relationship
between independent variables which are shopping lifestyle of consumers, fashion involvement of
consumers, pre-decision stage and post-decision stage of consumer purchase behavior with the
attitudinal and behavioral aspects of impulse buying behavior.
Retail industry is a kind of business with the highly competition of. The documents included were
limited to peer-reviewed research published in English, thus excluding conference proceedings and
book chapters. The attributes of certain products may trigger a stimulation that may urge the
consumer to make an impulse purchase. In the fast evolving fashion industry even the best plans and
activities can be failed by economic change and the buying literature competitors. When focussing
on the effect of a single modulating variable, investigations carried out in a controlled setting may be
favoured. Mintel reported literature his study that and age groups are target to the marketers as
women are less anxious about quality they prefer style in their clothing. On the practitioners' side, the
issues might affect the reliability of the information which is used as the foundation to deploy
marketing actions. Mehrabian (1976) study finding that store lighting is very important variable of
store. Our results show that interviews delving into IB follow a semi-structured format resembling an
open and naturalistic conversation with a single respondent (e.g., Dittmar et al., 1995 ). The
technique involves a thematic text analysis, namely an interpretation and a further categorisation of
verbal information into theme-based patterns related to the understanding of meanings and
motivations associated with IB episodes ( Dittmar and Drury, 2000 ). Impulsive buying stresses the
consumers urge to buy something immediately. This is followed by a series of studies conducted to
empirically identify the underlying phenomenon behind the impulse buying. The findings of Han et
al. (1991) quoted in response to fashion involvement of consumers, that it might enhance fashion-
oriented impulse buying behaviors among those who habitually wear fashion outfits. This cognitive
facet includes the understanding and interpretation of the phenomenon. We expect that IB research
may be a fertile ground for the application of physiological analyses, considering the major role of
affective charges as well as the rapidity and the powerful behavioural drives that characterise IB. The
adoption of multimodal research approaches may further shed light on the weight of each facet of
IB and highlighting the role of individual and situational factors. This paper offers the scholarly
community a consolidated overview of approaches employed in consumer behaviour research. First,
participants usually lack prior awareness of the purchasing possibility. Download Free PDF View
PDF Stimulating Factors of Impulse Buying Behavior: A Literature Review Mustafa Unsalan
Consumers buy products not only because of need to them but also because of sudden urge to buy
them. The attributes of certain products may trigger a stimulation that may urge the consumer to
make an impulse purchase. These are often aimed at assessing further variables such as personality
traits or perceived affective states (e.g., Beatty and Ferrell, 1998; Mohan et al., 2013 ). It aims to
gain an understanding into the buyer’s decision making process, both as individuals as well as in
groups. Seventy nine research papers were excluded after this stage. This reliance on cognitive
assessments of IB influences both its theoretical understanding and the related practical applications.
A questionnaire survey was conducted on the users of the Digi Kala website. Since IB is often
characterised by an emotional conflict, insights are expected to emerge from the analysis of
discordances between reflective and impulsive responses. Direct queries are frequently used to
determine the essence of the purchase. Beatty and Ferrell (1998) defined impulse buying as
instantaneous purchase having no previous aim or objective to purchase the commodity. The mother
may not have chocolates on her buying list, but she may be influenced to make an impulse purchase
if the companion, in this, case the kid argues to buy one. Laboratory investigations and fieldwork
observation find a better fit with the conative and visceral facets of impulsive buying. Pengaruh
shopping life style dan fashion involvement terhadap impulse buying.
In another research, it was reported that impulse buying usually takes place, when a consumer feels a
forceful motivation that turns into a desire to purchase a commodity instantly Rook (1987).
International Journal of Research in Marketing, 11(2), 117-125. Donovan, Rossiter, Marcoolyn and
Nesdale (1994) found that the pleasant and better store. The spontaneous purchasing decision
echoes the characteristic of IB behaviours of being on-the-spot decisions ( Piron, 1991 ). A total of
seven documents was excluded after this stage. Burke, R. R. (2005). Retail Shoppability: A Measure
of the World’s Best Stores.Future Retail. Similar to this opinion, Bowers (1973) believes that people
or buyers welcome or ignore a. A vast number of retailers and marketers believe that purchasing
decisions are generally made inside the store. The desires that arise when a consumer comes in
contact with the product, resulting in sudden urges are to buy the product which undermines all other
rational thinking. A relative stratified sampling technique was utilized for data collection. Arons, L.
collected from the online survey method the different antecedents of impulse buying have been
analysed and reported on the basis of their significance. Positive emotions are defined as affects and
moods, which determine intensity of consumer decision-making reported by Watson and Tellegen
(1985). The present research is a conceptual study which focuses on understanding the impulse
buying behavior of the cusotomers, as well as the factors responsible for that. This study was
conducted to determine how different situational factors affect everyone's likelihood of making
impulse purchases. Rook, D. W. (1987). The buying impulse. Journal of consumer research, 189-199.
Notable laboratory investigations are found both in online IB explorations ( Adelaar et al., 2003;
Parboteeah et al., 2009 ) and in general offline IB behaviours ( Weinberg and Gottwald, 1982; Vohs
and Faber, 2007 ). The third layer was intended to exclude studies with psychiatric implications (i.e.,
investigating the sphere of compulsive behaviours), according to the area of investigation of the
present study. These consumers often pay little attention to potential negative consequences that may
result from their actions (Hoch Loewenstein, 1991). Babin, USM Jean-Charles Chebat, HEC,
Montreal November 4-5. Download Free PDF View PDF Stimulating Factors of Impulse Buying
Behavior: A Literature Review Mustafa Unsalan Consumers buy products not only because of need
to them but also because of sudden urge to buy them. Also, impulsive buying is prone to occur with
diminished regard for its consequences. Several reviews find common ground in describing it as a
multifaceted construct, which includes conative, visceral, and cognitive factors ( Xiao and
Nicholson, 2013; Amos et al., 2014; Chan et al., 2017; Iyer et al., 2020 ). From its conative side, IB
is conceptualised as an act with no pre-shopping intentions driven by immediate self-fulfilment (
Rook, 1987; Rook and Fisher, 1995; Beatty and Ferrell, 1998 ). RELATED TOPICS Literature
Review Online Shopping Behaviour Online Impulse Buying See Full PDF Download PDF About
Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. Impulse buying further stimulates
emotional conflict in the post-purchase due to its hedonic content ( Puri, 1996; Dittmar and Drury,
2000 ). Second, we underscore a lack of real-time assessment of IB. Answers provided through self-
reports require that respondents must determine their response through introspection. Figure 1
illustrates the flowchart of the study selection process, which was based on the PRISMA 2020
protocol ( Page et al., 2021 ). Albaum, (1977) and the employees scale will be drawn from Dickson
and Albaum. In our search approach we scanned for documents published in renowned academic
journals, hence we intentionally excluded conference papers and books.

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