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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Guimbal, Iloilo

Determine the Relevance and Truthfulness of the Materials Viewed

Activity 1: Relevance Check: Gauging Personal Relevance

Choose 1(one) picture that have relevance to you as a learner. Write the letter that correspond to your chosen picture.
After which write down information that you have watched. Then answer the process question.

Picture:__________________________ Picture:_______________________ Picture:__________________________

Information:______________________ Information:____________________ Information:_____________________

•As a student, education is the key to unlocking opportunities, expanding knowledge, and fostering personal growth.
It’s not just about acquiring facts, but also developing critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a broader
understanding of the world. Education empowers me to pursue my passions, contribute to society, and adapt to an ever-
changing global landscape.

Process Question: Why do you consider this picture relevant to you as a student?

•As a student, education is relevant to me because it helps me expand my knowledge base, improve my skills, and
adapt to new information and contexts. Education enables me to understand the world better, engage with complex
ideas, and continuously grow and evolve. It also empowers me to better serve and assist users like you by providing
accurate and relevant information and insights.

Activity 2. Beyond the Screen: Deciphering the Relevance in Different Context

Instruction: Watch a movie “ The Miracle Worker” by William Gibson.

Answer the following question to be guided on the relevance of the film in different contexts.

Pre-viewing Questions

Telephone Numbers:
(033) 397 – 2125 / 327 – 1272 / 331 – 1353
Email Address: Rise High, Guimbal High!
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Guimbal, Iloilo

1. How do you think "The Miracle Worker" aligns with your personal interests or experiences?

2. What expectations or assumptions do you bring to the film, considering its title and any prior knowledge
you might have?

3. How do you anticipate the themes in "The Miracle Worker" being relevant to you as a student?

4. In what ways do you think the film might reflect or challenge societal norms and values?

1. I'm drawn to "The Miracle Worker" because it explores human resilience, which always intrigues me.

2. Expecting the film to delve into the power of education and human connection, especially in overcoming

3. As a student, I see themes of education and perseverance in the film mirroring my own academic journey.

4. I think the film will challenge societal norms by emphasizing empathy and inclusion for individuals with

During Viewing Questions

1. How do the characters and their interactions in "The Miracle Worker" resonate with your own experiences
or observations?
2. What aspects of the film's storytelling or cinematography capture your attention and contribute to its
3. How does the film address themes of education and communication, and how do these themes connect with
broader societal issues?
4. Are there specific scenes or dialogues that stand out to you as particularly impactful or thought-provoking?

1. I relate to the characters' struggles and the importance of understanding each other.

Telephone Numbers:
(033) 397 – 2125 / 327 – 1272 / 331 – 1353
Email Address: Rise High, Guimbal High!
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Guimbal, Iloilo

2. The performances and cinematography grip me, making the story more relatable and engaging.

3. The film highlights barriers to education and communication, reflecting broader societal issues of
inclusivity and accessibility.

4. Scenes of breakthroughs in communication, especially between Helen Keller and her teacher, deeply
impact me.

After Viewing Questions

1. In what ways has your understanding of the film's relevance to you as a student evolved after watching it?
2. How do you think "The Miracle Worker" contributes to broader discussions within society, especially
regarding education and disability?
3. Can you draw parallels between the events in the film and real-world situations, either on a personal or
societal level?
4. How has the film influenced your perspective on the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities and
the importance of education in overcoming them?

1. My understanding of the film's relevance deepens, emphasizing the importance of communication and

2. "The Miracle Worker" adds to discussions on education and disability, promoting inclusion and
understanding in society.

Telephone Numbers:
(033) 397 – 2125 / 327 – 1272 / 331 – 1353
Email Address: Rise High, Guimbal High!
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Guimbal, Iloilo

3. I see parallels between Helen Keller's struggles and real-world challenges in communication and

4. The film reminds me of the immense challenges individuals with disabilities face and the crucial role
education plays in overcoming them.

Telephone Numbers:
(033) 397 – 2125 / 327 – 1272 / 331 – 1353
Email Address: Rise High, Guimbal High!

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