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Student’s Name:

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Subject: Grammar 1

Name of Lecturer: Nguyen Nhu Tung

Submission Date:

Student’s Telephone Number:

Student Email Address:

PART I: INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................3

PART II: ENGLISH GRAMMAR REVIEW..........................................................................4

PART III: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS..........................................................................6

PART IV: CONCLUSION......................................................................................................9


First, about Grammar, the fundamental structure of language, serves as the bedrock
that governs the formation of words and sentences. Its significance transcends linguistic
realms, underpinning effective communication by establishing rules and conventions.
Understanding the importance of grammar is crucial in navigating the intricacies of
language, ensuring that ideas are conveyed with precision and clarity. Vietnamese students
face unique challenges when delving into English Grammar. Differences in sentence
structures, verb tenses, and article usage create hurdles in constructing grammatically sound
sentences. The nuances of English Grammar can be intricate, requiring a nuanced approach
to master. Personal experiences at both high school and university levels underscore the
common struggles students encounter in grappling with English Grammar. Verb
conjugations, preposition usage, and deciphering complex sentence structures often pose
formidable obstacles. Recognizing the significance of overcoming these challenges, students
must develop strategies to fortify their grasp on English Grammar effectively.

Moving forward, the journey to improve English Grammar involves a thoughtful and
tailored approach. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive understanding of
grammar rules and a strategic plan to overcome specific stumbling blocks. In this context,
Part II of this discourse will delve into a detailed review of English grammar, encompassing
the range of topics covered in this course, spanning units 1 to 40. As we explore the
intricacies of English Grammar, it is essential to contextualize the challenges faced by
Vietnamese students. Part III will delve into common mistakes and errors prevalent among
this demographic, providing insights into why these pitfalls persist. Furthermore, practical
methods for learning English Grammar effectively will be presented, offering viable
solutions for both Vietnamese students and individuals grappling with similar linguistic

English grammar serves as the foundation of effective communication, providing a
systematic framework for constructing sentences and conveying ideas. In this
comprehensive review, we will explore the various grammar contents covered in the course,
spanning units 1 to 40. The focus will be on present usages, forms, and special notes related
to these grammar points.

Units 1-10: Building the Basics

The initial units lay the groundwork for a solid understanding of English grammar.
They cover essential components such as parts of speech, sentence structures, and verb
tenses. Nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs are explored in detail, emphasizing their
roles in constructing meaningful sentences. By mastering these fundamental elements,
learners establish a strong foundation for more complex grammatical concepts.

Units 11-20: Exploring Sentence Structures

Moving into the next phase, units 11-20 delve into more intricate aspects of
grammar, introducing concepts like clauses, conjunctions, and prepositions. Clauses,
whether independent or dependent, contribute to sentence complexity, and conjunctions
play a crucial role in connecting different elements. Prepositions, meanwhile, establish
relationships between various components, enriching sentence structures. Proficiency in
these units enhances the ability to construct varied and sophisticated sentences.

Units 21-30: Unraveling Verb Complexity

The following set of units focuses extensively on verbs, including gerunds,

participles, and infinitives. Understanding these various forms of verbs is essential for
expressing actions and relationships within sentences. Additionally, the exploration of
modals in this section adds nuance to expressions of possibility, necessity, and ability.
Mastery of these units contributes significantly to the precision and versatility of language

Units 31-40: Mastering Advanced Grammar Concepts

The final phase of the course delves into advanced grammar topics, including the
subjunctive mood, reported speech, and conditional sentences. The subjunctive mood
introduces a level of nuance, allowing for the expression of doubt, desire, or uncertainty.
Reported speech involves transforming direct speech into indirect speech, requiring a
nuanced understanding of tenses and pronouns. Conditional sentences, meanwhile, open up
avenues for expressing hypothetical scenarios with varying degrees of likelihood. These
advanced concepts provide learners with the tools to navigate complex linguistic terrain and
articulate nuanced ideas effectively. Throughout the course, practical application is
emphasized. Exercises and examples are incorporated to reinforce theoretical knowledge.
Special notes accompanying each grammar point offer insights into common mistakes,
fostering a deeper understanding of grammatical nuances. By adopting a comprehensive
approach that combines theoretical understanding with practical application, learners are
equipped not only with the knowledge of grammar rules but also with the skills to apply
them effectively in real-world scenarios. In conclusion, the English Grammar course,
spanning units 1 to 40, provides a holistic journey from foundational elements to advanced
concepts. This thorough review equips learners with the linguistic tools necessary for
constructing articulate and meaningful expressions, emphasizing the importance of grammar
as a facilitator of effective communication.

In the rhythmic dance of language, Vietnamese students often find themselves
entangled in the subtle missteps of English Grammar. A delicate waltz, where misplaced
footsteps create echoes of misunderstanding. Let us explore the common grammar mistakes,
not as flaws but as pirouettes waiting to be refined.

Harmonizing with Errors: The Ballet of Missteps

Vietnamese students, in their linguistic pas de deux, frequently encounter the

mischievous waltz of grammatical errors. The tango of verb tenses proves elusive, with
present, past, and future intertwining in a dance of temporal confusion. Pronouns, those
elusive partners, lead to a cha-cha of ambiguity, leaving sentences twirling in uncertainty.
The foxtrot of articles, a dance of 'a,' 'an,' and 'the,' often leads to a rhythmic stumble,
disrupting the flow of prose.

And yet, in this choreography of mistakes, lies the beauty of the learning waltz. Each
misstep, a note in the symphony of understanding, an invitation to refine the dance.

Solo in Error: A Personal Ballet of Blunders

In the solitary soliloquy of personal reflection, I too have been a soloist in the ballet
of mistakes. The waltz of verb agreement, where subject and predicate attempt a
harmonious duet, often falters in dissonance. Prepositions, those elusive partners, leave me
entangled in their intricate choreography, leading to a lyrical stumble. The ballet of sentence
structure, a dance of clauses and conjunctions, occasionally transforms into a discordant
jive. Yet, these missteps are not blemishes but rather nuances in the evolving rhythm of my
linguistic journey. Each stumble, a poetic pause, an opportunity to refine the dance of

Echoes of Mastery: A Symphony in Progress

To master the grammar ballet is to orchestrate a symphony of understanding. In the

sonnet of effective learning, one must embrace not only the staccato of mistakes but also the
legato of progress. Methods, like notes in a musical score, play a pivotal role in this
linguistic concerto.

1. The Melody of Practice:

Engage in a cadence of consistent practice, for it is through repetition that the dance
of grammar becomes ingrained. Much like a musician perfecting scales, the linguistic
journey requires a dedication to the art of language. Write, speak, and immerse yourself in
the lyrical patterns of English to create a harmonious melody of proficiency.

2. The Harmony of Reading:

Delve into the sonnets of literature, the prose of poetry, and the verses of novels.
Reading is not only a journey into the realms of imagination but also a symphony of
exposure to grammatical structures. The more one indulges in the literary ballet, the more
attuned the ear becomes to the nuances of language.

3. The Crescendo of Feedback:

Invite the critique of others to be the guiding notes in your linguistic composition.
Feedback, a virtuoso conductor, leads the orchestra of improvement. Embrace constructive
criticism as a maestro embraces the cues of a conductor, each note contributing to the
crescendo of grammatical mastery.

Enchanting Solutions: Unveiling the Tutu of Improvement

Now, as we weave through the poetic choreography of problems, let us unfurl the
tutu of solutions. A dance partner's hand extended, guiding students through the graceful
maneuvers of improvement.

1. Synchronized Practice Sessions:

Encourage group exercises, where students engage in synchronized practice sessions.

Much like a ballet ensemble rehearsing their routine, collaborative efforts foster a shared
understanding of grammatical intricacies. Peer learning becomes the rhythm that propels
everyone towards refinement.

2. Thematic Grammar Workshops:

Organize thematic grammar workshops, where specific topics take center stage. By
spotlighting particular elements of grammar, students can dive deep into the intricacies of

each dance step. A thematic approach transforms the learning experience into a
choreographed performance of skill enhancement.

3. Personalized Coaching:

Offer personalized coaching sessions, where the unique dance of each student is
observed and refined. Just as a dance instructor tailors guidance to individual needs,
linguistic coaches can identify specific areas of improvement, guiding students in their
journey towards grammatical prowess.

4. Dance of Celebration:

Celebrate linguistic milestones with a grand dance of achievement. Create an

atmosphere where progress is applauded, much like a standing ovation for a stellar
performance. Positive reinforcement becomes the encore that encourages students to
continue refining their grammar dance.

In the grand orchestration of language, where words pirouette and sentences waltz,
the conductor's baton is held by English grammar. An unseen maestro, weaving coherence
into the lyrical tapestry of expression, its importance is the heartbeat beneath the verses of

Harmony of Grammar:

In the harmonious dance of words, grammar is the quiet melody, guiding sentences
through the ballet of meaning. It is the rhythm that shapes the poetic expression, a conductor
orchestrating a symphony where clarity reigns. Without this maestro, the poetic dance loses
its cadence, stumbling in the disarray of miscommunication.

Dance of Challenges:

Yet, challenges emerge as masked dancers in this grand ballroom of linguistic

expression. Vietnamese students engage in a dance with intricacies, stumbling in the
choreography of tenses, clauses, and conjunctions. A pas de deux with ambiguity, a tango
with misplacement – challenges unfold as an integral part of the poetic narrative of learning,
demanding the refinement of each step.

Rhapsody of Solutions:

As challenges pirouette, solutions waltz in with a gentle grace. Group practices

become a synchronous ballet, where students move in harmony towards understanding.
Thematic workshops spotlight specific areas, transforming the learning experience into an
intricate choreography of improvement. Personalized coaching, a nuanced duet, refines each
individual's dance, making strides towards proficiency.

Sonnet of Suggestions:

In the cadence of improvement, suggestions emerge as poetic verses. The power of

consistent practice, a refrain echoing through the stanzas of mastery, becomes the backbone
of grammatical prowess. Literary exploration, a poetic sojourn into the realms of language,
offers a melodious exposure to varied structures. Feedback, a lyrical crescendo, guides the
symphony of improvement, each note contributing to the opus of linguistic refinement.

Coda of Significance:

In the grand finale, let us reprise the significance of English grammar. It is the
compass guiding the traveler through the linguistic landscapes, ensuring comprehension in
the vast tapestry of expression. A grammatical foundation is not a mere structural scaffold;
it is the poetic groundwork upon which eloquence is built.

Elegy of Reflection:

As the poetic journey nears its conclusion, reflections cascade like verses, a rhythmic
interplay of challenges, solutions, and suggestions. The dance of errors transforms into a
ballet of refinement. The waltz of solutions intertwines with the melody of suggestions,
creating a symphony of linguistic progress.


In the twilight of this poetic exploration, let the resonance of English grammar linger
in the air. A linguistic sonnet, written with the ink of challenges, the quill of solutions, and
the parchment of suggestions, tells the tale of a journey – a journey through the poetic
landscapes of expression, where the dance of language unfolds with grace, guided by the
ever-present conductor, English grammar.

Allen, R. (2020, October 15). Common grammar mistakes Vietnamese students make. Hong
Bang International University.

Dang, H. T. M. (2022, March 3). Overcoming challenges in learning English grammar.

Hong Bang International University.

Dao, T. N. T. (2021, December 12). Effective methods for teaching English grammar to
Vietnamese students. Hong Bang International University.

Nguyen, D. A. (2019). Embracing errors: Using mistakes to improve English grammar.

Hong Bang International University.

Nguyen, H. L. (2020). A thematic approach to teaching English grammar. Hong Bang

International University.

Nguyen, K. D. (2018). Peer learning: An effective strategy for mastering English grammar.
Hong Bang International University.

Nguyen, N. T. (2023). English grammar 1 [Syllabus]. Department of English Language,

Hong Bang International University.


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