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User Guide

PLC Controlled
Motion for Siemens
- Speed RPM
Application software for Control Techniques drives and
Siemens PLCs

Issue: 3
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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

Safety Information
Persons supervising and performing the electrical installation or maintenance of a Drive and/or an
external Option Unit must be suitably qualified and competent in these duties. They should be given
the opportunity to study, and if necessary, to discuss this User Guide before work is started.
The voltages present in the Drive and external Option Units are capable of inflicting a severe electric
shock and may be lethal. The Stop function of the Drive does not remove dangerous voltages from
the terminals of the Drive and external Option Unit. Mains supplies should be removed before any
servicing work is performed.
The installation instructions should be adhered to. Any questions or doubt should be referred to the
supplier of the equipment. It is the responsibility of the owner or user to ensure that the installation of
the Drive and external Option Unit, and the way in which they are operated and maintained complies
with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act in the United Kingdom and applicable
legislation and regulations and codes of practice in the UK or elsewhere.
The Drive software may incorporate an optional Auto-start facility. In order to prevent the risk of injury
to personnel working on or near the motor or its driven equipment and to prevent potential damage to
equipment, users and operators, all necessary precautions must be taken if operating the Drive in this
The Stop and Start inputs of the Drive should not be relied upon to ensure safety of personnel. If a
safety hazard could exist from unexpected starting of the Drive, an interlock should be installed to
prevent the motor being inadvertently started.
General Information
The manufacturer accepts no liability for any consequences resulting from inappropriate, negligent or
incorrect installation or adjustment of the optional operating parameters of the equipment or from
mismatching the variable speed drive (Drive) with the motor.
The contents of this guide are believed to be correct at the time of printing. In the interests of a
commitment to a policy of continuous development and improvement, the manufacturer reserves the
right to change the specification of the product or its performance, or the contents of this guide,
without notice.
All rights reserved. No parts of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electrical or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by an information storage or
retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Copyright © February 2021 Nidec Control Techniques Ltd.

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 TERMINOLOGY........................................................................................................................................ 7
1.2 AOI / FB NAMING CONVENTION ................................................................................................................ 7
1.3 PLC SPECIFICATION ............................................................................................................................... 7
2 SPEED RPM OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................... 8
3 COMMISSIONING THE DRIVE ............................................................................................................. 10
3.1 BEST PRACTICE FOR INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................ 10
3.2 INSTALL CONNECT ................................................................................................................................ 10
3.3 CREATE A CONNECT PROJECT FOR THE APPLICATION .............................................................................. 10
3.4 ASSIGN AN IP ADDRESS ........................................................................................................................ 12
3.5 DEFAULT THE DRIVE AND CONFIGURE THE OPERATING MODE ................................................................... 15
3.6 VERIFY THE DRIVE FIRMWARE VERSION .................................................................................................. 15
3.7 USE THE PLC CONTROLLED MOTION SETUP TOOL TO CONFIGURE THE AXIS ............................................. 17
3.8 APPLY THE SETUP................................................................................................................................. 26
4 PLC SETUP ........................................................................................................................................... 27
4.1 OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................... 27
4.2 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 28
4.3 PREREQUISITE PLC SETUP ................................................................................................................... 28
4.4 IMPORT THE GLOBAL LIBRARY ARCHIVE ................................................................................................. 28
4.5 ADD A PLC AND A DRIVE AXIS TO THE PROJECT ...................................................................................... 30
4.6 COPY THE GLOBAL LIBRARY COMPONENTS TO THE PROJECT LIBRARY ...................................................... 36
4.7 CALL THE AXIS EXAMPLE FROM “MAIN” ................................................................................................... 39
4.8 COMPILE, DOWNLOAD AND VERIFY THE AXIS ........................................................................................... 40
4.9 MOVING AN AXIS FOR THE FIRST TIME ..................................................................................................... 43
4.10 DUPLICATING A FB EXAMPLE AXIS ..................................................................................................... 45
4.11 ADDING A DIFFERENT FB EXAMPLE AXIS ............................................................................................ 51
4.12 UPDATING PROJECT FUNCTION BLOCKS ............................................................................................. 59
4.13 UPDATING PROJECT GSD FILES ....................................................................................................... 59
4.14 MAPPING ADDITIONAL DATA .............................................................................................................. 62
5 CT_A_SPEEDRPM FB DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 65
5.1 FB DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................................................ 65
5.2 FB PROJECT DOCUMENTATION LANGUAGE ............................................................................................ 65
5.3 MOTION FB TARGETS ........................................................................................................................... 65
5.4 FB FUNCTIONALITY ............................................................................................................................... 66
5.4.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 66
5.4.2 Limit................................................................................................................................. 67
5.4.3 Common motion .............................................................................................................. 67

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5.4.4 Motion Stop ..................................................................................................................... 68
5.4.5 Jog .................................................................................................................................. 69
5.4.6 Run.................................................................................................................................. 70
5.5 FB INPUT / OUTPUTS ............................................................................................................................ 71
5.6 FB INPUTS ........................................................................................................................................... 72
5.7 FB OUTPUTS........................................................................................................................................ 85
5.8 TIMING DIAGRAMS ................................................................................................................................ 93
5.8.1 STS_DriveOn .................................................................................................................. 93
5.8.2 CMD_JogForwards and CMD_JogReverse .................................................................... 93
5.8.3 CMD_RunForward and CMD_RunReverse .................................................................... 94
5.8.4 CMD_JogForward and CMD_RunForward ..................................................................... 94
6 SUPPORTING FUNCTIONALITY ......................................................................................................... 95
6.1 CT_B_M7XXM6XXDRIVESTATUSWORD ................................................................................................ 95
6.1.1 Function Block Diagram .................................................................................................. 95
6.1.2 Library Location ............................................................................................................... 95
6.1.3 Adding the function block to a program ........................................................................... 96
6.1.4 Function Block Input / Outputs ........................................................................................ 98
6.1.5 Function Block Outputs ................................................................................................... 98
6.2 CT_B_M6XXM7XXDIGITALIOREADWORD ........................................................................................... 103
6.2.1 Function Block Diagram ................................................................................................ 103
6.2.2 Library Location ............................................................................................................. 103
6.2.3 Adding the function block to a program ......................................................................... 104
6.2.4 Function Block Input / Outputs ...................................................................................... 106
6.2.5 Function Block Outputs ................................................................................................. 106
6.3 CT_B_M7XXM6XXADDITIONALSTATUSBITS ........................................................................................ 111
6.3.1 Function Block Diagram ................................................................................................ 111
6.3.2 Library location .............................................................................................................. 111
6.3.3 Adding the function block to a program ......................................................................... 112
6.3.4 Function Block Input / Outputs ...................................................................................... 114
6.3.5 Function Block Outputs ................................................................................................. 114
6.4 CT_B_M7XXAMC_STATUS................................................................................................................ 118
6.4.1 Function Block Diagram ................................................................................................ 118
6.4.2 Library Location ............................................................................................................. 118
6.4.3 Adding the function block to a program ......................................................................... 119
6.4.4 Function Block Input / Outputs ...................................................................................... 121
6.4.5 Function Block Outputs ................................................................................................. 121
7 DIAGNOSTICS .................................................................................................................................... 126
7.1 FB ACTIVE ERRORS ........................................................................................................................... 126

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

1 Introduction
PLC Controlled Motion from Control Techniques is a standardised motion control interface from a
PLC to a Control Techniques drive. All of the drives within the Commander, Unidrive M and Digitax
HD range can be controlled by at least 1 of the supplied motion interfaces.

There are two sub categories of PLC Controlled Motion interfaces:
• AMC (Advanced Motion Controller) based
o Speed control in user defined units (closed speed and position loop)
▪ For M7xx and HS70
o Position control in user defined units (closed speed and position loop)
▪ For M7xx and HS70
o Electronic Gearbox in user defined units (closed speed and position loop)
▪ For M7xx HS70
• Non-AMC based
o Speed in rpm units (closed speed loop only)
▪ M600 to M7xx and HS70
o Frequency in Hz (open loop)
▪ For M200 to M7xx, C200, C300, HS30 and HS70
This functionality is implemented in the form of AOIs (Add-On Instructions) or FBs (Function Blocks)
that can be imported into the given PLC programming environment, and then controlled using cyclic
communications data to the target drive axis. See section 5 CT_A_SpeedRPM FB Description for
more information.

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The drive side of the setup is made using a dedicated setup tool for Control Techniques Connect
called “PLC Controlled Motion”. Connect version 2.15.4 must be installed on the user PC incudes the
PLC Controlled setup tool. The setup tool is a guided setup that provides an intuitive way to
• The control selection
o Hz, rpm, Speed AMC, Position AMC or EGB AMC
• The machine selection
o Gearbox, belt and pulley, ball screw, linear slide, worm drive or user defined
• Motor map
• Option modules
• Encoder setup
• Machine units setup (AMC only)
• Hard limits setup
• Brake control
o Mechanical and electrical
• Network inputs and outputs
• Units optimisation (AMC only)
• Homing (AMC only)

(Example screen shot from the PLC Controlled Motion Connect Setup tool)
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1.1 Terminology
AOI = Add On Instruction
AMC = Advanced Motion Controller
Forward = A positive speed or an increasing position.
Reverse = A negative speed or a decreasing position.
rpm = Revolutions per minute
CMD = Command
CFG = Configure
STS = Status
PLC = Programmable Logic Controller
RTMoE = Real Time Motion over Ethernet
OB = Organisation Block
FB = Function Block
GSD = General Station Description

1.2 AOI / FB naming convention

There are three prefixes used for the AOIs / FBs:
CT_A_xxx = These are the main motion software blocks to be used by the customer to control a drive;
they are fully editable.
CT_B_xxx = These are software blocks to be used by the customer to read and write data and
information between the drive and PLC, they are not editable.
CT_C_xxx = These software blocks are used in the construction of the main software blocks and are
not intended to be used by the customer, they are not editable.

1.3 PLC Specification

• The PLC must have a minimum of 100KB work memory.
• The amount of memory available limits the maximum number of axes possible.
• The PLC must support PROFINET communications.
• The PLC must support programming via TIA Portal.

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2 Speed RPM Overview

CyclicDataIn CyclicDataOut

CMD_DriveOn STS_CyclicCommsOK
CMD_DriveReset STS_DriveOn
CMD_MotionStop STS_DriveOK
CMD_JogForward STS_DriveEnabled
CMD_JogReverse STS_CurrentLimitActive
CMD_HoldZeroSpeed STS_DriveAtSpeed
CMD_ManualBrakeForce STS_MotionStopActive
CFG_RPI_Time STS_JogActive
CFG_MaxSpeed STS_RunActive
CFG_MotionStopDecelTime STS_ForwardLimitSwitchOK
CFG_MotionStopSrampPercent STS_SpeedFollowingErrorOK
CFG_JogSpeed STS_FB_ActiveError
CFG_JogAccelTime STS_DriveActiveAlarm
CFG_JogDecelTime STS_DriveLastTrip
CFG_JogSrampPercent STS_DriveLastSubTrip
CFG_RunSpeed STS_DrivePreRampedSpeed
CFG_RunAccelTime STS_DrivePostRampSpeed
CFG_CurrentLimit STS_SpeedFollowingError

The Speed RPM FB has the following properties:

• Compatible with Unidrive M600 to M7xx and Digitax HD M75x
• Enable motion and the drive via CMD_DriveOn.
• Drive resetting via CMD_DriveReset.
• Dedicated stopping reference via CMD_MotionStop with configurable stopping motion profile.
• Jog forward / jog reverse via CMD_JogForwards / CMD_JogReverse with configurable motion
profile for manual control operations.
• Speed reference via CMD_RunForwards / CMD_RunReverse with configurable motion profile
for automated control operations.
• Motor direction inversion so motors can be fitted on any side of an application with common

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• Manual brake control forcing to allow maintenance of equipment.
• Configurable limits:
o Torque producing current
o Speed error
• Status indications:
o Motion block status (STS_FB_ActiveError)
o Cyclic communications
o Drive general
o Profile flags and data
o Hardware limits
o Reference active
See section 5 CT_A_SpeedRPM FB Description for more information.

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3 Commissioning the drive
This section describes how to commission the drive. It is assumed that before reading this section the
user has wired up the drive, in accordance with the relevant user guide, for the drive selected and the
control required by the application including electrical, control and communications connections. It is
further assumed that the drive has been powered up, in accordance with the relevant electrical and
machine safety regulations, and that it functions correctly.

3.1 Best practice for installation

When installing any software including installers from Control Techniques, it is best practice to avoid
installing the software directly from a USB memory device and instead copy the files to the target PC
and install from that copy.
This is because most virus scanning software installed on a target PC have strict rules inhibiting the
functionality of executable files from a USB memory device to prevent virus infection, that will also
prevent a genuine installer file from operating correctly.
Uninstall any previous version of PLC Controlled Motion before installing Connect 2.15.4 which
includes PLC Controlled Motion as part of the installation.

3.2 Install Connect

To use PLC Controlled Motion, the user must first install a minimum of version 2.15.4 Connect. The
software may be downloaded from or Control
Techniques Support Suite.
Note that from V2.15.4 Connect, PLC Controlled Motion was included in the installation. A separate
installation is no longer required.
The user help and PLC software files are installed in the following directory:
• C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Control Techniques\PLC Controlled Motion\Siemens

3.3 Create a Connect project for the application

Create a new Connect project to match the requirement of the application:
1. Open the Connect PC software by double clicking the “Connect” icon.

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2. Ensure the version of Vonnect is V2.15.4. If an earlier version is installed please upgrade to
V2.15.4; the software file may be obtained from your local Control Techniques Drive Centre /
Distributor or Control Techniques Support Suite.

3. Select Create or Open a “new project” > “New project”

4. Fill in the project name, then select “Empty Project” and click OK:

A new Connect project will be created with the name provided.

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3.4 Assign an IP address
This section shows how to assign an Ethernet digital communications IP address to one or more
target drives.
1. Before starting, connect a Cat 5 or 6 Ethernet cable from the PC Ethernet port to the drives
Ethernet port. The connection may go via a suitable Ethernet switch.
2. In the new Connect project, click “Add drive > Scan for new drives…”:

3. The system will scan for any new drives connected to the PC, including any drives that have
not had an IP address configured yet e.g. a brand new drive does not have an IP address
configured “out of box”.

Where a drive does not have an IP address is will look similar to the screen shot below. Note
that the IP address is

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Where multiple drives on the network don’t have an IP address assigned, an individual drive
may be identified by using the button, which flashes both of the Ethernet interface
port lights on the target drive at the same time with a pattern of flashes. The pattern is 4
flashes and then a 1 second gap, repeated 4 times.

The IP address can be configured in the drive by clicking . The IP address

editor will start, where the IP address can be specified e.g. Click

when the IP address has been configured.

Once all of the drives on the network have had their IP addresses assigned, click
to add any drives with a check mark, , to the project:

In the example above the drive with IP address would be added to the project

when is clicked.

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4. Upload the drives IP address configuration to the offline project by clicking

The upload from drives dialog will start. By default, the drives parameters in the Connect
project will be updated for each drive. Click to complete the process.

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3.5 Default the drive and configure the operating mode
It is important that the drive is defaulted before following the setup instructions to make sure any
previous setup has been removed from the drive. To do this:
• From the “Dashboard” tab click “Online” to connect to the target drive.

• Next click “Default parameters”.

• When the “Default Parameters” pop-up appears configure the operating mode and frequency
if the ones suggested by Connect are not correct using the “Change…” option and then click
“Apply” to make the changes.

3.6 Verify the drive firmware version

A minimum of drive firmware version V01.19.00.00 must be loaded into any M600 and M7xx drives
when working with PLC Controlled Motion. To verify the software version, navigate to drive parameter
Pr11.029. If the version is V01.18.00.00 or earlier you must upgrade the software; the software file
may be obtained from your local Control Techniques Drive Centre / Distributor or Control Techniques
Support Suite.
To ensure the best performance, the latest versions of firmware available for the drive and
communications interface module should be used.
To update the firmware:
1. Highlight the drive to upgrade in the project tree and then click “Online”.

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2. Click in the project tree and then from the dashboard click

3. The “Firmware Transfer” tool will open. Select the drive firmware, and then use the
“Browse…” button to locate the V01.19.00.00 drive firmware file.

Make sure that the drive is disabled and that any application software modules e.g. MCi210 or
SI-Applications Plus have their programs stopped.

Click to continue.
4. Click “Start Download” to begin the transfer of the firmware. Please ensure that the drive
remains powered up and the communications stay intact until the process has completed.

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3.7 Use the PLC Controlled Motion setup tool to configure the axis
1. Naviage to the “Dashboard” tab and then select “Setup & Diagnostics > Setup” and click on
“PLC Controlled Motion”.

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2. Note that the help documents and software resources are available at any time while running
the PLC Controlled Motion setup dialog by clicking on “Libraries and Documentation” button
as shown below.

Videos showing step by step setup of an axis are available on the Control Techniques
YouTube® channel under PLC Controlled Motion.

Context based help is available when the mouse pointer is hovered over items in the PLC
Controlled Motion project to help with configration. If the help panel is not docked under the
project tree it can be invoked by clicking “View” > “Help”:

3. Note that for a complete configuration of the underlying parameters in the drive, the user must
view all of the tabs at least once, either by clicking the tabs to the left or by clicking “Next”.

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4. Use the “Axis Configuration” tab to select the “PLC Type”, “Control type” and “Machine Type”.
For this example use “Siemens PROFINET”, “RPM Setup” and “No Machine”.

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5. Use the “Motor Setup” tab to select the motor type and then set the “Motor Nameplate” data.
If the machine motor is Leroy Somer or CT Dynamics it may be selected from the motor

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6. Use the “Option Modules” tab to select which port the communications to the PLC will be
serviced with:

Slot 1
Menu 15

Slot 2
Menu 16

Slot 3
Menu 17

Slot locations for Digitax HD (Left) and Unidrive M (Right)

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7. Use the “Encoder Setup” tab to configure Encoder or Sensorless operation and then
configure the encoder setup:

o “RFC Feedback Mode” = “Feedback” is the most common configuration where the
motor speed has a speed feedback encoder which is used to close the speed loop.
o “RFC Feedback Mode” = “Sensorless” is the mainly used to recover a machine if the
main feedback encoder is broken. Sensorless mode uses current feedback data to
derive motor speed and thereby close the speed loop.
The thermistor settings allow the user to configure different types of motor thermistor that
could be connected to the drive feedback interface. The default setup is suitable for most

Note that for the Control Techniques demo cases for Unidrive M700 and Digitax HD M750, or
where the single motor cable solution is used, the thermistor type must be set to “Encoder” to
get the thermistor data over the EnDat encoder communications.
The Advanced Encoder Settings allow the user to configure whether an absolute encoder is
fitted to the system such that homing is only required once to datum the system when

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8. Use the “RPM Setup” tab to configure the zero speed, At speed and over-speed thresholds:

9. Use the “Hard Limits” tab to configure the drives digital input selection used for hardware axis

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10. Use the “Brake Control” tab to configure the both the dynamic braking resistor and
mechanical brake properties.

o Where a braking resistor is fitted to the drive to dump regenerative energy from the
motor and load, the user must setup the properties of the braking resistor.
o Where a mechanical brake is fitted to the application, the user must select the digital
output that has been connected to the brake circuitry. The user may select from the
available outputs via the “Select the digital output for the brake selection” drop down
o Note that it is possible for maintenance purposes to force the mechanical brake to
apply or release from the CMD_MechanicalBrakeForce FB input. The user must
configure whether to apply or release the brake when manually forcing via the
“Manual Brake Forcing selection” drop down menu.

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11. The “Apply Setup” tab gives the user controls required to complete the setup of the axis, in
the order they are required.

Note that for Open-loop applications running with voltage modes Fixed, Fixed Tapered and
Square the Auto-tune step is not required.

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3.8 Apply the setup
The final steps required to setup the axis are:
1. Download the parameters to the drive, save them and reset any trip by clicking on the
“Download to drive” button.

2. At this point the drive has all of the data needed to tune the drive the connected motor. Before
performing the Autotune pleas ensure you have read the safety information in the drive user
guide. Autotuning may cause the motor shaft to rotate and deliver considerable torque into
any mechanism coupled to the motor. You should be sure before proceeding that you have
taken precautions to prevent injury or danger to life. You should satisfy yourself that if a load
is connected to the motor then the coupling and other mechanical arrangements are capable
of withstanding the full continuous and overload torque of the motor.
3. Note that when using open-loop voltage mode Fixed, Square and Fixed Tapered with a
default setup that an autotune is not required. The only exception is where catch a spinning
motor is enabled.
4. Where a PLC has been used to configure the drives PROFINET connection, disable
PROFINET comms by setting Prx.24.001 to “Off” e.g. for the multi-protocol factory fitted
Ethernet module set Pr4.24.001 to “Off”. For SI-PROFINET V2 disconnect the PLC from the
Ethernet network. The PROFINET comms may be reintroduced after the autotune has been
completed successfully.
5. Autotune the motor by clicking on the “Start Autotune” button. This takes the drive on-line and
starts the autotune wizard. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the autotune, and
when completed, close the autotune tab.

6. Note that when the Autotune has completed the user must disable the drive via the STO input
at least once before motion will be permitted.
7. When the Autotune has been completed successfully the drive setup must be saved by
clicking on the “Save and start PLC comms” button. This button also reset the
communications to start the PLC communications.

8. Save copy of the drive parameters in the offline project. Click on the “Upload from drive”
button to keep a local copy of the final setup.

9. The next step is to set up the PLC. Note that the PLC code is available in the
C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Control Techniques\PLC Controlled
Motion\Siemens\Global Library Archive by clicking the “Open PLC code and documentation

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4 PLC Setup
This section covers how to set up the PLC side configuration. It is assumed that the drive(s) have
been configured using the information in section 3.

4.1 Overview
From the TIA Portal and PLC perspective, all the software files required to get PLC Controlled Motion
working are provided in the following location:
• C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Control Techniques\PLC Controlled
Motion\Siemens\Global Library Archive
o Once the Global Library Archive has been imported using “Options > Global Libraries
> Retrieve Library” following library structure will be seen:

o Axis Examples gives complete working code for each axis type i.e. Frequency Hz,
Speed RPM, Speed AMC, Position AMC and EGB AMC. All of the examples can be
freely modified.

o Motion System contains all of the underpinning Functions and function blocks that
make up PLC Controlled Motion.

o PROFINET Drive Modules contains configured communications interfaces for Control

Techniques Drives.

▪ For Commander C200 and C300, Unidrive M200, M300, M400 and M600 use
▪ For Unidrive M70x, Digitax HD M75x use
“Multi Protocol Factory Fit Ethernet”.

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4.2 Minimum requirements
The minimum requirements for the PLC and programming environment are:
• Minimum of V14 TIA Portal.
o Later versions of the operating system are backwardly compatible with this version.
• The PLC must be either a S7-1200 or an S7-1500. Older PLCs like the S7-200/300/400 are
not supported.
• The PLC must have a minimum of 100KB work memory.
• The PLC must support PROFINET communications.
• A suitable Ethernet connection between the drive, PC and PLC.
• At least 1 drive axis that has been configured using the setup described in section 3Error!
Reference source not found..

4.3 Prerequisite PLC setup

The following prerequisite setup must be performed before continuing further:
• The PLC hardware must be assembled and connected to a suitable power supply in
accordance with local electrical regulations.
• The PLC PROFINET communications port or optional PROFINET card installed according the
manufacturer’s instructions.
• The PLC PROFINET communications are setup with suitable IP address, e.g.
sub net using “TIA Portal > Project View > Online access”
• A minimum of V14 TIA Portal is installed on the user PC.

4.4 Import the Global Library Archive

This section describes how to take the Global Library Archive for PLC Controlled Motion and add it to
the user Global Library in TIA Portal.
1. Open TIA Portal and create a new project.
2. Open the project view.

3. Click “Options > Global libraries > Retrieve library”

4. Navigate using the browser to C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Control Techniques\PLC
Controlled Motion\Siemens\Global Library Archive\Siemens PLC Controlled Motion Library-
[DATE].zal14 and click open when finished.

5. Choose the target location for the retrieved library, then click OK.

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6. The new library will be added to “Libraries > Global Libraries”

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4.5 Add a PLC and a drive axis to the project
This section describes how to add a PLC to the project and how to add a single drive axis.
1. Add a PLC to the project by double clicking on “Devices > Add new device”

2. Select the application PLC using the Add new device window. Click “OK” when the correct
PLC has been selected.

3. Check that the PLC can be seen in the project. Click “Online access > Comms Interface >
Update accessible devices”. After 30s or so the application PLC will appear below the comms
adapter name indicating that TIA portal can see the PLC. If the PLC does not appear please
follow the Siemens instructions on how to configure the IP address of a PLC.

It can be seen in the example above that PLC IP adress can be seen by TIA

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4. Assign the physical PLC IP address to the project PLC by clicking on
and then click on the tab. Double click on the PLC slice to reveal the PLC
properties box.

On the “General” tab select “PROFINET Interface” and then set the project PLC IP address to
the same one as the physical PLC.

5. Next the drive must be added to the network. To do this click the Library tab and navigate
“Siemens PLC Controlled Motion Library > Master copies > PLC Controlled Motion >
PROFINET Drive Modules”.

For Digitax HD M750 select the interfaces in the “Multi Protocol Factory Fit Ethernet” folder,
and for Commander C200 and C300, Unidrive M200 to M600 and Digitax HD M751 select the
interface in the “SI- PROFINET V2” folder. Unidrive M70x is may be used with either SI-
PROFIBUS V2 or Multi Protocol Factory Fit Ethernet.

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6. The following example is for an M700 that will run the Position function block which is a part
of the AMC family of motion interfaces so the A1_AMC_Motion interface must be dragged
and dropped into the “Network view” next to the PLC. Note that A1 is short form for Axis1.

The table below indicates which drives, motion FBs, motion examples and PROFINET
interfaces work together:
Drive Motion FB Motion Example PROFINET Interface
Commander CT_A_FrequencyHz Frequency Hz M200 To M400 Axis A1_FrequencyHz_SI_M200_
C200 C300 Example To_M400
Unidrive CT_A_FrequencyHz Frequency Hz C200 C300 Axis
M20x M30x Example
CT_A_SpeedAMC Speed AMC M750 Axis Example
CT_A_PositionAMC Position AMC M750 Axis Example
Digitax HD CT_A_ElectronicGearBox_ EGB AMC M750 Axis Example
M750 AMC
CT_A_SpeedRPM Speed RPM M750 Axis Example A1_SpeedRPM_ M750
CT_A_FrequencyHz Frequency Hz M750 Axis Example A1_FrequencyHz_M750
CT_A_SpeedRPM Speed RPM SI M751 Axis
CT_A_FrequencyHz Frequency Hz SI M751 Axis
Digitax HD Example
M751 CT_A_SpeedAMC Speed AMC SI M751 Axis
CT_A_PositionAMC Position AMC SI M751 Axis

Unidrive CT_A_SpeedRPM Speed RPM M60x Axis Example A1_SpeedRPM_SI_M60x

M60x CT_A_FrequencyHz Frequency Hz M60x Axis Example A1_FrequencyHz_SI_M60x
CT_A_SpeedAMC Speed AMC M70x Axis Example
CT_A_PositionAMC Position AMC M70x Axis Example A1_AMC_Motion_M70x or

CT_A_ElectronicGearBox_ EGB AMC M70x Axis Example A1_AMC_Motion_SI_M70x

M70x CT_A_SpeedRPM Speed RPM M70x Axis Example A1_SpeedRPM_M70x or
CT_A_FrequencyHz Frequency Hz M70x Axis Example A1_FrequencyHz_M70x or

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7. Connect the project PLC to the drive comms interface. To do this click on and drag the green
square on the PLC to the green square on the drive comms interface.

Note that the drive axis PROFINET interface interface has changed from Not assigned to
PLC_1 indicating the link has been made.
8. Next the IP address for the target drive must be configured to match the one that was
configured using the PLC Controlled Motion setup tool. Double click on the dark grey box
within the PROFINET interface.

Select the “General” tab and then “PROFINET Interface” and then configure the project IP
address as assigned using the PLC Controlled Motion setup tool.

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9. The device name and IP address must be assigned to the drive axis. To do this right click on
the rectangular box in the middle of the green link line between the PLC and the PROFINET
interface for the drive, then select “Assign device name”.

The tab will appear.Change the “Online access > Type of

the PG/PC Interface:” to “PN/IE”, and the “PG/PC interface” to match the PC Ethernet interface.

Click to make sure the PLC has its name and IP address assigned. It will
look similar to the example below if it is OK.

Change the “Configured PROFINET device > PROFINET device name” to


Click to to show the list of available target drive axes. Click on the drive
axis that is going to be a part of the system.

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Click to assign the neame and project IP address to the target drive axis.
When this has been done its entry in the list will change to show that it is OK.

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4.6 Copy the Global Library components to the project library
Note that this section shows calling the CT_A_PositionAMC example routine but the
procedure is similar for all of the examples.
This section describes how to add the PLC Controlled Motion library components to the project
“Program blocks”.
1. Expand the PLC properties in “Project Tree > Devices”. Expand the Siemens PLC Controlled
Motion library in “Libraries > Global libraries”

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2. Click and drag the “Motion system” folder from the global library to the PLCs “Program blocks”

When complete, the “System” folder will be visible in the PLC properties under “Program

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3. Click and drag the axis example for the application from the global library to the PLCs
“Program blocks” folder. The target axis will use the “Position AMC M70x Axis Example”.

When complete the axis example folder will be visible in the PLC properties under “Program

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4.7 Call the axis example from “Main”
Note that this section shows calling the CT_A_PositionAMC example routine but the
procedure is similar for all of the examples.
This section describes how to service the axis example in the PLC code.
1. Double click on “Main” in the project tree to reveal the Main OB ladder programming area.

2. Open the “Position AMC Axis Example” folder under “Devices > PLC > Program blocks”, and
the drag the “PositionAMC_M70x_A1” function block and drop it onto the top rung of the
“Main” OB.

The “Call options” dialog will appear. Change the data block assigned to the one in the
example folder. For the position example the data block is called “PositionAMC_A1_DB”.

Click “OK” when the example data base has been selected. The completed code change will
be similar to the example below:

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4.8 Compile, download and verify the axis
Note that this example shows the CT_A_PositionAMC example routine but the procedure is
similar for all of the examples.
This section shows how to compile and downloads the program to the PLC, and to verify that the
target axis is operating properly.
1. Ensure the PC Ethernet adapter is in the same IP address range as the application drives and
2. Right click on the PLC in “Project Tree > Devices” and select “Compile > Hardware and
software (only changes)” and wait for the code to compile.

3. Download the project to the drive using the “Download to device” button .

The “Extended download to device” dialog will appear if this is the first time the PLC has been
programmed. Configure the connection settings. An example is given below.

When this has been completed click to find the physical PLC on the Ethernet
network, and add it to the “Select target device” list. When the search completes select the
application PLC from the “Select target device” list and then click “Load”

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If the PLC has been loaded before the “Load Preview dialog will appear where the user
should select “Load”.

4. Check if the cyclic communications are working after the download. Check “Project tree >
Devices > PLC” where “Local modules” and “Distributed I/O” must have a to the right.

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5. Check if the CT_A_PositionAMC function block is operating correctly. Double click on the
OB under “Project tree > Devices > PLC > Program blocks” to reveal the Main
OB programming area.

Double click on “PositionAMC_M70x_A1” to open the function block instance programming

area, and then scroll down to Network 2, and then click to monitor the code on-line.

STS_CyclicCommsOK will be “TRUE” if the communications are working properly.

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If it is practical and safe to do so, toggle the 24V signal to the STO / Enable input for the
target axis where STS_DriveEnabled will toggle TRUE/FALSE as the input is changed.

4.9 Moving an axis for the first time

This section gives a simple guide to setting up and testing the axis:
1. At this stage, provided it is safe to do so, we can test jogging motion on the axis. To run the
axis Set CMD_DriveOn to 1, apply 24V to the enable / STO input(s). The axis motor should
remain stationary.

Note that to access CMD_DriveOn, unlike the Rockwell RSLogix environment, values can’t be
changed directly from the Ladder logic view. Access can be made by directly accessing the
data block e.g. PositionAMC_M70x_A1_DB, or by creating a watch table. A watch table can
be created by navigating to “Project Tree > Devices > PLC > Watch and force tables > Add
new watch table”.

(An example showing a watch window with the CT_A_PositionAMC interface)

2. If the axis motor is noisy when it becomes energised e.g. due to a low resolution feedback
device please increase the current loop filter in drive parameter Pr4.012. In most cases
setting this filter value to 1.0ms will help get rid of the motor noise created by a low resolution
feedback device.
3. If the axis motor has no load connected then the default speed loop gains for the axis drive
will be sufficient to turn the motor. However, if there is a load connected to the motor then the
speed loop gains must be increased to allow smooth control of the motor. The simplest way to
do this is to increase the speed loop P Gain in drive parameter Pr3.010 in steps of 0.01 until
the motor starts to become noisy, (high pitched noise), and then reduce the value till the noise
is acceptable. Next set the Speed loop I gain to 4.00 in drive parameter Pr3.011. This setup
method will give reasonable initial performance in most cases.
4. Set the jogging speed to nominal low value e.g. 10% of the motor rated speed in user units.
The maximum speed in user units is given by the PLC Controlled Motion setup tool on the
units tab by Max operating axis speed in user units/ms – find 10% of this value and put the
value in CFG_JogSpeed.
5. To run the jog reference set CMD_JogForward or CMD_JogReverse to 1, whichever is
appropriate for the applications mechanical arrangement. The axis should now begin to move.

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6. Please consult section 5 for further information on the motion FB.
7. Note that further tuning may be required for the best performance, where the relevant drive
parameters are Pr3.010, Pr3.011, Pr39.007 and Pr39.009. In general, the drive speed loop
gains, (Pr3.010 and Pr3.011), must be tuned first followed by the position loop gain Pr39.007.
It is recommended to use Control Techniques CT Scope to view the drives response, where
parameters Pr3.001, Pr3.002, Pr3.003 and Pr39.008 should be monitored.

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4.10 Duplicating a FB example axis
Note that this section shows duplicating a CT_A_PositionAMC example routine but the
procedure is similar for all of the examples.
The following steps show how to duplicate an axis to build up a more complex system with 2 or more
drive axes.
1. Copy and paste an existing axis PROFINET interface.

2. Rename the axis PROFINET interface, e.g. A2_AMC_Motion.

3. Connect the new comms interface to the PLC by clicking and dragging the green square on
the PLC to the green square on the new axis PROFINET interface.

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4. Verify that the IP address of the new axis PROFINET interface matches the one assigned
when setting up that axis with the PLC Controlled Motion setup tool. To do this click on the
dark grey box with a picture of a drive and motor in it, then Select “General > PROFINET
interface” and scroll down to the axis IP address, and set it as appropriate.

5. Push the name and IP Address to the new axis. Right click on the rectangular box in the
middle of the network connection line, and select “Assign device name”

When the “Assign PROFINET device name” dialog appears, set “Configured PROFINET
device > PROFINET device name” to the name given to the new axis e.g. a2_amc_motion.

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Click and then highlight the device with the IP Address that matches
the one assigned in step 4, and then click .

When the name and IP address are assigned the entry in the “Accessible devices in the
network table” will change as shown below.

6. Copy and paste the axis function blocks by clicking on “Project tree > Devices > PLC >
Program blocks > Position AMC Axis Example” and copy the folder, then paste when “Project
tree > Devices > PLC > Program blocks” is selected so that the new axis sits at the same
level as the existing one.

Rename the folders and sub items to match the PROFINET interface name.

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7. Update the PROFINET axis interface name used by the cyclic data function blocks.

Open up the “ReadInputData xxx” function block e.g. ReadInputDataPositionAMC_A2, and

then use find and replace to change “A1_AMC_Motion_M70x” to “A2_AMC_Motion_M70x”.

Repeat this process for the “WriteOutputData xxx” function block e.g.
WriteOutputDataPositionAMC_M70x_A2. When this has been completed the communications
and motion function block are now linked.

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8. The new axis must be called from the Main OB to service the code. Double click on “Main” in
the project tree to reveal the Main OB ladder programming area.

Open the “Position AMC Axis 2 Example” folder under “Devices > PLC > Program blocks”,
and the drag the “PositionAMC_A2” function block and drop it onto the top rung of the “Main”
OB next to the original axis function block.

The “Call options” dialog will appear. Change the data block assigned to the one in the
example folder. For the position example the data block is called “PositionAMC_A2_DB”.

Click “OK” when the example data base has been selected. The completed code change will
be similar to the example below:

9. Please follow steps 4.8

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Compile, download and verify the axis and 4.9 Moving an axis for the first time for details on
how to commission the axis.

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4.11 Adding a different FB example axis
Note that this example shows adding a CT_A_EGB_AMC interface but the procedure is similar
for all of the motion interfaces.
The following steps show how to add a different axis type to the project to build up a more complex
system with 2 or more drive axes. This example shows how to add an EGB axis.
1. Add a PROFINET interface for the new axis. Navigate to “Libraries > Global libraries >
Siemens PLC Controlled Motion Library > Master copies > PLC Controlled Motion >
PROFINET Drive Modules”. Select the interface type required by the new axis.

For Digitax HD M750 select the interfaces in the “Multi Protocol Factory Fit Ethernet” folder,
and for Commander C200 and C300, Unidrive M200 to M600 and Digitax HD M751 select the
interface in the “SI- PROFINET V2” folder. Unidrive M70x is may be used with either SI-
PROFIBUS V2 or Multi Protocol Factory Fit Ethernet.

The following example is for an M700 that will run the Electronic Gear Box function block
which is a part of the AMC family of motion interfaces so the A1_AMC_Motion interface must
be dragged and dropped into the “Network view” next to the PLC. Note that A1 is short form
for Axis1.

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The table below indicates which drives, motion FBs, motion examples and PROFINET interfaces work
Drive Motion FB Motion Example PROFINET Interface
Commander CT_A_FrequencyHz Frequency Hz M200 To M400 Axis A1_FrequencyHz_SI_M200_
C200 C300 Example To_M400
Unidrive CT_A_FrequencyHz Frequency Hz C200 C300 Axis
M20x M30x Example
CT_A_SpeedAMC Speed AMC M750 Axis Example
CT_A_PositionAMC Position AMC M750 Axis Example
Digitax HD CT_A_ElectronicGearBox_ EGB AMC M750 Axis Example
M750 AMC
CT_A_SpeedRPM Speed RPM M750 Axis Example A1_SpeedRPM_ M750
CT_A_FrequencyHz Frequency Hz M750 Axis Example A1_FrequencyHz_M750
CT_A_SpeedRPM Speed RPM SI M751 Axis
CT_A_FrequencyHz Frequency Hz SI M751 Axis
Digitax HD Example
M751 CT_A_SpeedAMC Speed AMC SI M751 Axis
CT_A_PositionAMC Position AMC SI M751 Axis

Unidrive CT_A_SpeedRPM Speed RPM M60x Axis Example A1_SpeedRPM_SI_M60x

M60x CT_A_FrequencyHz Frequency Hz M60x Axis Example A1_FrequencyHz_SI_M60x
CT_A_SpeedAMC Speed AMC M70x Axis Example
CT_A_PositionAMC Position AMC M70x Axis Example A1_AMC_Motion_M70x or

CT_A_ElectronicGearBox_ EGB AMC M70x Axis Example A1_AMC_Motion_SI_M70x

M70x CT_A_SpeedRPM Speed RPM M70x Axis Example A1_SpeedRPM_M70x or
CT_A_FrequencyHz Frequency Hz M70x Axis Example A1_FrequencyHz_M70x or

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2. Rename the axis PROFINET interface, e.g. A2_AMC_Motion_M70x.

3. Connect the new comms interface to the PLC by clicking and dragging the green square on
the PLC to the green square on the new axis PROFINET interface.

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4. Verify that the IP address of the new axis PROFINET interface matches the one assigned
when setting up that axis with the PLC Controlled Motion setup tool. To do this double click on
the dark grey box with a picture of a drive and motor in it, then Select “General > PROFINET
interface” and scroll down to the axis IP address, and set it as appropriate.

5. Push the name and IP Address to the new axis. Right click on the rectangular box in the
middle of the network connection line, and select “Assign device name”

When the “Assign PROFINET device name” dialog appears, set “Configured PROFINET
device > PROFINET device name” to the name given to the new axis e.g.

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Click and then highlight the device with the IP Address that matches
the one assigned in step 4, and then click .

When the name and IP address are assigned the entry in the “Accessible devices in the
network table” will change as shown below.

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6. Drag and drop the new motion example into the project. Expand the PLC properties in
“Project Tree > Devices”. Expand the Siemens PLC Controlled Motion library in “Libraries >
Global libraries”

Click and drag the axis example for the application from the global library to the PLCs
“Program blocks” folder. The target axis will use the “EGB AMC M70x Axis Example”.

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7. When complete the axis example folder will be visible in the PLC properties under “Program

Rename the axis to match the comms interface name e.g. EGB AMC Axis 2 Example.

Open up the “ReadInputData xxx” function block e.g. ReadInputData_EGB_AMC_A2, and

then use find and replace to change “A1_AMC_Motion_M70x” to “A2_AMC_Motion_M70x”.

Repeat this process for the “WriteOutputData xxx” function block e.g.
WriteOutputData_EGB_AMC_M70x_A2. When this has been completed the communications
and motion function block are now linked.

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8. The new axis must be called from the Main OB to service the code. Double click on “Main” in
the project tree to reveal the Main OB ladder programming area.

Open the “EGB AMC M70x Axis 2 Example” folder under “Devices > PLC > Program blocks”,
and the drag the “EGB_AMC_M70x_A2” function block and drop it onto the top rung of the
“Main” OB next to the original axis function block.

The “Call options” dialog will appear. Change the data block assigned to the one in the
example folder. For the position example the data block is called

Click “OK” when the example data base has been selected. The completed code change will
be similar to the example below:

9. Please follow steps 4.8

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Compile, download and verify the axis and 4.9 Moving an axis for the first time for details on
how to commission the axis.

4.12 Updating project function blocks

Updated versions of the Siemens PLC Controlled Motion Library are available in for location below:
C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Control Techniques\PLC Controlled Motion\Siemens
Follow the steps in section 4.4 Import the Global Library Archive to import the library. Once imported
the complete set of function blocks which provide the under-pinning logic for PLC Controlled Motion
may be updated by simply deleting the System folder under “Project tree > Devices > PLC > Program
Blocks”, and then replace with the new one from the imported global library.

4.13 Updating project GSD files

This section covers how to update Siemens GSD files for Control Techniques PROFINET interfaces.
An updated GSD file may be downloaded from Control Techniques Support Suite or by request from
a Control Techniques drives centre.
1. Place the new GSD .xml file into the current projects “AdditionalFiles\GSD” folder.
2. From the top tool bar click “Options > Manage general station descriptions files”.

3. When the “Manage general station description files” dialog appears tick the GSD file that is
“Not yet installed”. Click “Install” to install the GSD to TIA portal.

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4. When the installation is complete the following installation result will be seen. Click “Close” to
update the hardware catalog.

5. Click and then click on a Control Techniques PROFINET inteface.

The interface will be highlighted with a blue square. This will reveal the properties tab for the

6. On the “General” tab for the PROFINET interface, and scroll down to “Catalog information”
and click “Change revision”.

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7. When the “GSD file – change revision” dialog appears, highlight the GSD file to change to,
and select “All matching I/O devices of the I/O system” to update all of the GSD files
referenced. Click “OK” to make the update.

8. The new GSD file will be referenced in the “Catalog information” for all I/O devices using the
original GSD file.

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4.14 Mapping additional data
The PROFINET link assignments to the target axis drive allows for 4 user defined inputs, and 4 user
defined outputs. These must be mapped in TIA portal. Use the following steps to map additional drive
1. Double click on the “Devices & networks”.

2. When the “Devices & networks” tab opens, double click on the drive and motor icon.

3. When the “Device overview“ tab opens, scroll down past the PLC Controlled Motion
parameter mappings to an empty cell.

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4. Select a parameter to add to the PROFINET mapping from the “Catalog”. Drag and drop the
required parameter to the empty cell if it is directly listed or a flexible module if it is not.

5. Make a note of the start memory location where the data will be placed, in this example 23:

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6. Create a PLC tag and map the memory location from the previous step to it. Double click on
“PLC tags” > “Show all tags”. Create a new Tag, set an appropriate data type, and set the
address for the tag to the %I register start byte address.

In the example below the address is %ID23 where %I represents inputs registers, D
represents data type DINT, and 23 is the starting byte for the input PROFINET register.

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5 CT_A_SpeedRPM FB Description
5.1 FB Diagram

CyclicDataIn CyclicDataOut

CMD_DriveOn STS_CyclicCommsOK
CMD_DriveReset STS_DriveOn
CMD_MotionStop STS_DriveOK
CMD_JogForward STS_DriveEnabled
CMD_JogReverse STS_CurrentLimitActive
CMD_HoldZeroSpeed STS_DriveAtSpeed
CMD_ManualBrakeForce STS_MotionStopActive
CFG_RPI_Time STS_JogActive
CFG_MaxSpeed STS_RunActive
CFG_MotionStopDecelTime STS_ForwardLimitSwitchOK
CFG_MotionStopSrampPercent STS_SpeedFollowingErrorOK
CFG_JogSpeed STS_FB_ActiveError
CFG_JogAccelTime STS_DriveActiveAlarm
CFG_JogDecelTime STS_DriveLastTrip
CFG_JogSrampPercent STS_DriveLastSubTrip
CFG_RunSpeed STS_DrivePreRampedSpeed
CFG_RunAccelTime STS_DrivePostRampSpeed
CFG_CurrentLimit STS_SpeedFollowingError

5.2 FB Project Documentation Language

The rung comments, tag comments, help text and version information have been implemented in US
English. It must be noted that if any other language is selected the text based information will not be
visible if a language other than US English is selected.

5.3 Motion FB targets

This motion function block may be used to control the current range of Control Techniques drives in
capable of closed loop operation, including Unidrive M600 and M70x and Digitax HD M75x. The only
exception is Digitax HD M753 with EtherCAT.

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5.4 FB Functionality
This section shows the groups of functionality for the CT_A_SpeedRPM FB. This provides an
overview of the features and helps the user to identify which type functionality a given input or output
is related to.

5.4.1 General

IN General Functionality OUT

CMD_DriveOn STS_CyclicCommsOK
CMD_DriveReset STS_DriveOn
CMD_ManualBrakeForce STS_DriveOK
CFG_InvertMotorDirection STS_DriveEnabled
CMD_HoldZeroSpeed STS_FB_ActiveError

The general functionality offers the user:

• The ability to enable / disable the target drive via CMD_DriveOn, with status information via
STS_DriveOn and STS_DriveEnabled.
• Target drive alarm and trip information via STS_DriveOK, STS_DriveActiveAlarm,
STS_DriveLastTrip and STS_DriveLastSubTrip.
• The ability to reset the target drive in the event of a trip via CMD_DriveReset
• The ability to control the state of the mechanical brake via CMD_ManualBrakeForce, when it
has been configured by the PLC Controlled Motion setup tool.
• The ability to invert the direction of rotation of the target axis motor via
• The ability to provide torque at the motor while at zero speed with no motion commands
selected i.e. just CMD_DriveOn = 1, using CMD_HoldZeroSpeed.
• Status information on the PLC cyclic data, (STS_CyclicCommsOK).
• Target drive load information via STS_DriveLoadPercent.
• Information on motion function block errors via STS_FB_ActiveError.

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5.4.2 Limit

IN Limit Functionality OUT

CFG_CurrentLimit STS_CurrentLimitActive
CFG_SpeedFollowingErrorLimit STS_ReverseLimitSwitchOK

The operating limits available for the target axis are:

• Hardware axis travel limits configured using the PLC Controlled Motion setup tool and
monitored via STS_ForwardLimitSwitchOK and STS_ReverseLimitSwitchOK.
• Symmetrical current limit control via CFG_CurrentLimit. This may be used to give control over
the torque applied to the motor.
• Speed following error limit and monitoring.

CFG_SpeedFollowingErrorLimit, STS_SpeedFollowingErrorLimitOK and

STS_SpeedFollowingError are used with this functionality.

The intention is that the user connect the Boolean STS_SpeedFollowingErrorLimitOK output
to some PLC logic that will handle the limit breach in a way that is sympathetic to the machine
design e.g. bring the axis to a stop.

5.4.3 Common motion

IN Common Motion Functionality OUT

CFG_MaxSpeed STS_DriveAtZeroSpeed

The common motion functions are:

• The maximum speed for both the CMD_Run and CMD_Jog motion references can be
specified. The acceleration / deceleration time for a given motion reference are the time to
reach CFG_MaxSpeed and not the Jog or Run speed.
• Profile and Drive speed monitoring. Profile monitoring is an indication of the motion profile
generator, and Drive monitoring is related to the slave position feedback encoder.

STS_DriveAtZeroSpeed, STS_DriveAtSpeed, STS_DrivePreRampSpeed,

STS_DrivePostRampSpeed and STS_DriveActualSpeed are used with this functionality.

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5.4.4 Motion Stop

IN Motion Stop Functionality OUT

CMD_MotionStop STS_MotionStopActive

Motion stop gives the user the ability to ramp the motion profile to a stop. This reference has
individual deceleration time and S-ramp percentage so the deceleration may be customised to the
machine requirement.
Motion Stop is intended to be used to rapidly stop the axis where the user would normally set the jerk
percentage to 0, (giving linear speed ramps), and a small deceleration time.
When CMD_MotionStop is activated it has priority over all other motion references e.g. if the system
is jogging using CMD_JogForward and later motion stop is activated by setting CMD_MotionStop to 1
then the motion stop profile will be activated bringing the profile stop overriding the jog command.


Axis Speed
Motion CMD
Motion Active STS

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5.4.5 Jog

IN Jog Functionality OUT

CMD_JogForward STS_JogActive

The jog function gives the user a standard interface to implement a standard manual jogging control.
The jogging reference has independent control inputs for jogging forward and jogging in reverse that
may be routed to a manual user control.
The jogging reference has its own motion profile where the jogging speed, accel/decel time and
S-ramp percentage can be configured.
Note that the maximum speed that may be configured is defined by CFG_MaxSpeed.
Status information is available to allow the used to detect when the jog reference is active, indicated
by STS_JogActive.



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5.4.6 Run

IN Run Functionality OUT

CMD_RunForward STS_RunActive

The run reference allows the user to make the target axis move at a user defined speed target
configured using CFG_RunSpeed. The run speed target has its own motion profile e.g. accel / decel
time and S-ramp percentage.
Note that the maximum speed that may be configured is defined by CFG_MaxSpeed.
This reference is intended to be used by an automated process to control the speed of the axis, rather
than the Jog function which is intended to be used by a manual control scheme.
Status information is available to allow the used to detect when the speed reference is active,
indicated by STS_RunActive.



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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

5.5 FB Input / Outputs

FB Parameter CyclicDataIn

Description The function block interface to the PROFINET cyclic input mapping data. Each
DINT element in the array represents a value received from the target drive by
the PLC.
This must be linked to the #CyclicDataIn tag connected to the instance of the
ReadInputData xxx function block for the axis.

The recommended communications update rate is <=100ms

Usage InOut Data Type DINT[32]
Unit N/A Drive Parameter N/A
Minimum N/A Maximum N/A
Visible Yes Required Yes

FB Parameter CyclicDataOut

Description The function block interface to the PROFINET cyclic output mapping data. Each
DINT element in the array represents a value sent by the PLC to the drive.
This must be linked to the #CyclicDataOut tag connected to the instance of the
WriteOutputData xxx function block for the axis.

The recommended communications update rate is <=100ms

Usage InOut Data Type DINT[32]
Unit N/A Drive N/A
Minimum N/A Maximum N/A
Visible Yes Required Yes

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5.6 FB Inputs

FB Parameter CMD_DriveOn

Description When set to 0, the drive will become inhibited by removing the software
enable, the run signal will be removed.
When set to 1, the drive will be software enabled. Provided the hardware
enable is applied to the drive by applying 24V to the STO input(s), and a
motion command is provided, (CMD_JogForwards, CMD_JogReverse,
CMD_RunForward or CMD_RunReverse), the drive will transition to the run
and will begin to apply the selected motion reference profile.
CMD_DriveOn will be inhibited if STS_FB_ActiveError = 6, This is a drive
mode mismatch.
In the event that CMD_MotionStop = 1 at the same time as CMD_DriveOn
changes from 1 to 0 (motion was in progress), CMD_MotionStop has
priority and will bring the axis to a controlled stop before disabling the target
Note that to provide holding torque at the shaft when only CMD_DriveOn =1
CMD_HoldZeroSpeed must be set to 1. Sufficient motor cooling must be
provided when using the CMD_HoldZeroSpeed feature.
Usage Input Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr6.042 Bit0 and 5
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required Yes

FB Parameter CMD_DriveReset

Description On a rising edge transition, from 0 to 1, the drive will be reset. This is the
equivalent of pressing the red reset button on the keypad of the target drive
axis. Internally the reset will be actioned for 150ms to allow the command to
propagate to the target drive axis via PROFINET cyclic communications.
Usage Input Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr6.042 Bit13
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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FB Parameter CMD_MotionStop

Description When set to 1, all other motion references will be superseded by motion
stop regardless of the state of their CMD bit. The target drive axis will be
stopped using the profile defined by CFG_MotionStopDecelTime and
Once motion stop has been requested, the target drive axis will be
commanded to reach zero speed even if CMD_MotionStop is set to 0. Once
the target drive axis has stopped i.e. STS_DriveAtZeroSpeed = 1, new
motion can only be started provided CMD_MotionStop = 0 and the other
motion reference are not selected for at least one PLC task scan i.e.
CMD_JogForward = 0, CMD_JogReverse = 0, CMD_RunForward = 0 and
CMD_RunReverse = 0 for a minimum of one PLC task scan. This prevents
the target drive axis from inadvertently moving following completion of a
motion stop.
In the event that CMD_MotionStop = 1 at the same time as CMD_DriveOn
changes from 1 to 0 (motion was in progress), CMD_MotionStop has
priority and will bring the axis to a controlled stop before disabling the target
Usage Input Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter N/A
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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FB Parameter CMD_JogForward

Description When set to 1, the target drive axis will jog forwards using the profile
configuration defined by CFG_JogSpeed, CFG_JogAccelTime,
CFG_JogDecelTime and CFG_JogSrampPercent.
CMD_JogForward and CMD_JogReverse are XORed with each other
• CMD_JogForward = 0 and CMD_JogReverse = 0 → No selection
• CMD_JogForward = 1 and CMD_JogReverse = 1 → No selection
• CMD_JogForward = 1 and CMD_JogReverse = 0 → Jog Forward
• CMD_JogForward = 0 and CMD_JogReverse = 1 → Jog Reverse
When the axis has been jogging and CMD_JogForward and
CMD_JogReverse = 0, then the axis will decelerate to a stop using the
profile defined by CFG_JogDecelTime and CFG_JogSrampPercent.
This motion reference is superseded by CMD_MotionStop.
This motion reference can only be activated when CMD_DriveOn = 1 and
when no other motion reference is selected.
Usage Input Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter N/A
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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FB Parameter CMD_JogReverse

Description When set to 1, the target drive axis will jog in reverse using the profile
configuration defined by CFG_JogSpeed, CFG_JogAccelTime,
CFG_JogDecelTime and CFG_JogSrampPercent.
CMD_JogForward and CMD_JogReverse are XORed with each other
• CMD_JogForward = 0 and CMD_JogReverse = 0 → No selection
• CMD_JogForward = 1 and CMD_JogReverse = 1 → No selection
• CMD_JogForward = 1 and CMD_JogReverse = 0 → Jog Forward
• CMD_JogForward = 0 and CMD_JogReverse = 1 → Jog Reverse
When the axis has been jogging and CMD_JogForward and
CMD_JogReverse = 0, then the axis will decelerate to a stop using the
profile defined by CFG_JogDecelTime and CFG_JogSrampPercent.
This motion reference is superseded by CMD_MotionStop.
This motion reference can only be activated when CMD_DriveOn = 1 and
when no other motion reference is selected.
Usage Input Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter N/A
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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FB Parameter CMD_RunForward

Description When set to 1, the target drive axis will run forwards using the profile
configuration defined by CFG_RunSpeed, CFG_RunAccelTime,
CFG_RunDecelTime and CFG_RunSRampPercent.
CMD_RunForward and CMD_RunReverse are XORed with each other
• CMD_RunForward = 0 and CMD_RunReverse = 0 → No selection
• CMD_RunForward = 1 and CMD_RunReverse = 1 → No selection
• CMD_RunForward = 1 and CMD_RunReverse = 0 → Jog Forward
• CMD_RunForward = 0 and CMD_RunReverse = 1 → Jog Reverse
When the axis has been running and CMD_RunForward and
CMD_RunReverse = 0, then the axis will decelerate to a stop using the
profile defined by CFG_RunDecelTime and CFG_RunSRampPercent.
This motion reference is superseded by CMD_MotionStop.
This motion reference can only be activated when CMD_DriveOn = 1 and
when no other motion reference is selected.
Usage Input Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter N/A
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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FB Parameter CMD_RunReverse

Description When set to 1, the target drive axis will run in reverse using the profile
configuration defined by CFG_RunSpeed, CFG_JogAccelTime,
CFG_JogDecelTime and CFG_RunSRampPercent.
CMD_RunForward and CMD_RunReverse are XORed with each other
• CMD_RunForward = 0 and CMD_RunReverse = 0 → No selection
• CMD_RunForward = 1 and CMD_RunReverse = 1 → No selection
• CMD_RunForward = 1 and CMD_RunReverse = 0 → Jog Forward
• CMD_RunForward = 0 and CMD_RunReverse = 1 → Jog Reverse
When the axis has been running and CMD_RunForward and
CMD_RunReverse = 0, then the axis will decelerate to a stop using the
profile defined by CFG_RunDecelTime and CFG_RunSRampPercent.
This motion reference is superseded by CMD_MotionStop.
This motion reference can only be activated when CMD_DriveOn = 1 and
when no other motion reference is selected.
Usage Input Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter N/A
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter CMD_HoldZeroSpeed

Description When set to 1, the target drive axis will remain active in the “Stop” state with
a speed reference of zero provided the drive remains enabled and no
motion CMD bits are selected, thereby apply holding torque at the motor
When set to 0, the target drive axis will go to the “Ready” state provided the
drive remains enabled and no motion CMD bits are selected.
STS_DriveOn = 1 when CMD_HoldZeroSpeed = 1 and CMD_DriveOn = 1
provided the drive remains enabled and no motion CMD bits are selected,
indicating that the drive is active.
Note that this must be set to 1 for the correct operation of the drive brake
controller if mechanical brake control is used.
Sufficient motor cooling must be provided when using this feature.
Usage Input Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter 6.008
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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FB Parameter CMD_ManualBrakeForce

Description When set to 0, the mechanical brake controller in the target axis drive is in
charge of the operation of the brake control output.
When set to 1, the mechanical brake controller in the target axis drive is
bypassed and the output is forced to apply or release brake control output
as requested. The PLC Controlled Motion Connect setup tool sets whether
the brake is applied or released when forced.
Note that the manual brake force feature completely overrides the brake
controller such that even if the drive is tripped the brake will remain forced
to the user selected state (applied or released).
Usage Input Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr12.010
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter CFG_RPI_Time

Description CFG_RPI_Time allows the user to optimise the reference timing from the
PLC to the target axis. CFG_RPI_Time must be set to the Ethernet cyclic
link update time in millisecond units. The PLC cyclic communication time
must not be set greater than 100ms. The default of 100ms will work in all
cases but offers the least optimised reference timing to the target axis.
Usage Input Data Type DINT
Unit ms Drive Parameter N/A
Minimum 1 Maximum 100
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter CFG_InvertMotorDirection

Description When set to 0, the default motor rotation direction is used.

When set to 1, the direction of the motor rotation is inverted.
CFG_InvertMotorDirection can only be changed when all CMD bits = 0 and
STS_DriveAtZeroFreq = 1.
Note that drive will trip on Encoder 7.1 indicating that the encoder setup has
been changed this is a part of the drives protection against encoder setup
changes. To remove the trip it is recommended that the drive parameters
are saved following a change of motor direction.
Usage Input Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr5.042 & Pr3.056
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible No Required No

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FB Parameter CFG_MaxSpeed

Description Defines the maximum Speed reference that the target drive axis will accept.
The FB will internally limit all frequency demands to this maximum.
CFG_MaxSpeed forms the basis of the acceleration units which are
s/CFG_MaxSpeed e.g. if an acceleration rate = 1.0s and CFG_MaxSpeed =
50.0 rpm then the acceleration rate will be 1.0s/50.0 rpm or 50rpm per 1.0
Fixed precision of 1 decimal place.
The working maximum is given by 550 * 60 / motor pole pairs, where the
maximum frequency that can be applied to the motor is 550Hz.
Values will be internally limited to a range of 0.0 to 50000.0.
Usage Input Data Type REAL
Unit Rpm Drive Parameter Pr1.006
Minimum 0.0 Maximum 50000.0
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter CFG_MotionStopDecelTime

Description Defines the maximum deceleration rate in s/CFG_MaxSpeed used when

CMD_MotionStop = 1.
CFG_MaxSpeed forms the basis of the Deceleration units which are
s/CFG_MaxSpeed e.g. if a deceleration rate = 1.0s and CFG_MaxSpeed =
50.0rpm then the deceleration rate will be 1.0s/50.0Rpm or 50rpm per 1.0
The working maximum before an STS_FB_ActiveError is reported is given
Working Max = 3200 * CFG_MaxSpeed / 1000
Fixed precision of 3 decimal places.
Values will be internally limited to a range of 0.0 to 3200.0.
Usage Input Data Type REAL
Unit s/CFG_MaxSpeed Drive Parameter Pr2.021
Minimum 0.000 Maximum 3200.000
Visible Yes Required No

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FB Parameter CFG_MotionStopSrampPercent

Description Defines the jerk rate in percentage of S Ramp units used when
CMD_MotionStop = 1. Fixed precision of 1 decimal place. When set to 0,
linear speed ramps will be used.
The S Ramp is implemented in a way that preserves the defined
acceleration / deceleration time but increases the maximum acceleration /
deceleration and therefore the torque in doing so.
Fixed precision of 1 decimal place.
Values will be internally limited to a range of 0.0% to 100.0%.
Usage Input Data Type REAL
Unit S Ramp % Drive Parameter Pr2.040
Minimum 0.0 Maximum 100.0
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter CFG_JogSpeed

Description Defines the maximum speed in rpm units used when CMD_JogForward or
CMD_JogReverse = 1. Fixed precision of 1 decimal place.
Values < 0 will be internally limited to 0.
Usage Input Data Type REAL
Unit Rpm Drive Parameter Pr1.021
Minimum 0.0 Maximum CFG_MaxSpeed
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter CFG_JogAccelTime

Description Defines the maximum acceleration rate in s/CFG_MaxSpeed used when

CMD_JogForward or CMD_JogReverse = 1.
CFG_MaxSpeed forms the basis of the deceleration units which are
s/CFG_MaxSpeed e.g. if a deceleration rate = 1.0s and CFG_MaxSpeed =
50.0rpm then the deceleration rate will be 1.0s/50.0rpm or 50rpm per 1.0
The working maximum before an STS_FB_ActiveError is reported is given
Working Max = 3200 * CFG_MaxSpeed / 1000
Fixed precision of 3 decimal places.
Values will be internally limited to a range of 0.0 to 3200.000.
Usage Input Data Type REAL
Unit s/CFG_MaxSpeed Drive Parameter Pr2.011
Minimum 0.000 Maximum 3200.000
Visible Yes Required No

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FB Parameter CFG_JogDecelTime

Description Defines the maximum deceleration rate in s/CFG_MaxSpeed used when

CMD_JogForward or CMD_JogReverse = 1.
CFG_MaxSpeed forms the basis of the deceleration units which are
s/CFG_MaxSpeed e.g. if a deceleration rate = 1.0s and CFG_MaxSpeed =
50.0rpm then the deceleration rate will be 1.0s/50.0rpm or 50rpm per 1.0
The working maximum before an STS_FB_ActiveError is reported is given
Working Max = 3200 * CFG_MaxSpeed / 1000
Fixed precision of 3 decimal places.
Values will be internally limited to a range of 0.0 to 3200.000.
Usage Input Data Type REAL
Unit s/CFG_MaxSpeed Drive Parameter Pr2.021
Minimum 0.000 Maximum 3200.000
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter CFG_JogSrampPercent

Description Defines the jerk rate in percentage of S Ramp units used when
CMD_JogForward or CMD_JogReverse = 1. Fixed precision of 1 decimal
place. When set to 0, linear speed ramps will be used.
The S Ramp is implemented in a way that preserves the defined
acceleration / deceleration time but increases the maximum acceleration /
deceleration and therefore the torque in doing so.
Fixed precision of 1 decimal place.
Values will be internally limited to a range of 0.0% to 100.0%.
Usage Input Data Type REAL
Unit S Ramp % Drive Parameter Pr2.040
Minimum 0.0 Maximum 100.0
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter CFG_RunSpeed

Description Defines the maximum speed in rpm used when CMD_RunForward or

CMD_RunReverse = 1. Fixed precision of 1 decimal place.
Values < 0 will be internally limited to 0.
Usage Input Data Type Real
Unit Rpm Drive Parameter Pr1.021
Minimum 0.0 Maximum CFG_MaxSpeed
Visible Yes Required No

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FB Parameter CFG_RunAccelTime

Description Defines the maximum acceleration rate in s/CFG_MaxSpeed used when

CMD_RunForward or CMD_RunReverse = 1.
CFG_MaxSpeed forms the basis of the deceleration units which are
s/CFG_MaxSpeed e.g. if a deceleration rate = 1.0s and CFG_MaxSpeed =
50.0rpm then the deceleration rate will be 1.0s/50.0rpm or 50rpm per 1.0
The working maximum before an STS_FB_ActiveError is reported is given
Working Max = 3200 * CFG_MaxSpeed / 1000
Fixed precision of 3 decimal places.
Values will be internally limited to a range of 0.0 to 3200.000.
Usage Input Data Type REAL
Unit s/CFG_MaxSpeed Drive Parameter Pr2.011
Minimum 0.000 Maximum 3200.000
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter CFG_RunDecelTime

Description Defines the maximum deceleration rate in s/CFG_MaxSpeed used when

CMD_RunForward or CMD_RunReverse = 1.
CFG_MaxSpeed forms the basis of the deceleration units which are
s/CFG_MaxSpeed e.g. if a deceleration rate = 1.0s and CFG_MaxSpeed =
50.0rpm then the deceleration rate will be 1.0s/50.0rpm or 50rpm per 1.0
The working maximum before an STS_FB_ActiveError is reported is given
Working Max = 3200 * CFG_MaxSpeed / 1000
Fixed precision of 3 decimal places.
Values will be internally limited to a range of 0.0 to 3200.000.
Usage Input Data Type REAL
Unit s/CFG_MaxSpeed Drive Parameter Pr2.021
Minimum 0.000 Maximum 3200.000
Visible Yes Required No

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FB Parameter CFG_RunSrampPercent

Description Defines the jerk rate in percentage of S Ramp units used when
CMD_RunForward or CMD_RunReverse = 1. Fixed precision of 1 decimal
place. When set to 0, linear speed ramps will be used.
The S Ramp is implemented in a way that preserves the defined
acceleration / deceleration time but increases the maximum acceleration /
deceleration and therefore the torque in doing so.
Fixed precision of 1 decimal place.
Values will be internally limited to a range of 0.0% to 100.0%.
Usage Input Data Type REAL
Unit S Ramp % Drive Parameter Pr2.040
Minimum 0.0 Maximum 50.0
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter CFG_CurrentLimit

Description Defines the symmetrical current limit in percent of motor rated current units.
CFG_CurrentLimit value can be changed at any time.
Fixed precision of 1 decimal place.
Usage Input Data Type REAL
Unit % rated current Drive Parameter Pr4.007
Minimum 0.0 Maximum Rating dependant
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter CFG_SpeedFollowingErrorLimit

Description Defines the symmetrical speed following error limit used to detect when the
speed following error is within acceptable limits. This limit is then used to
derive STS_SpeedFollowingErrorLimitOK. It also defines the acceptable
following error for STS_DriveAtZeroSpeed and STS_DriveAtSpeed.
Changes to CFG_SpeedFollowingErrorLimit take effect immediately.
The working maximum is given by 550 * 60 / motor pole pairs, where the
maximum frequency that can be applied to the motor is 550Hz.
This is an FB internal calculation.
Usage Input Data Type REAL
Unit rpm Drive Parameter N/A
Minimum 0.0 Maximum 50000.0
Visible Yes Required No

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AOI Parameter CFG_BypassOverhootProtection

Description When set to 0, the profile is protected from speed overshoot. When set to 1,
the profile may be updated at any time, but there is a possibility of profile
overshoot, particularly when changing from short acceleration / deceleration
times and low jerk percentages, to long acceleration / deceleration times
and high jerk percentages while the axis speed is changing.
It is recommended to leave this set to 0 where possible, and only change to
1 when the overshoot protection must be bypassed. It is not recommended
to leave this input set to 1 permanently.
Usage Input Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter N/A
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible No Required No

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

5.7 FB Outputs

FB Parameter STS_CyclicCommsOK

Description When set to 0, indicates that the cyclic communications used to control the
target drive axis are not working.
When set to 1, indicates that the cyclic communications used to control the
target drive axis are working correctly.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter N/A
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter STS_DriveOn

Description When set to 0, indicates that the drive is not on i.e. not in the run state.
When set to 1, indicates that the drive is on and motion has been
commanded i.e. enabled, the drive is healthy, a motion CMD bit is applied,
and the final drive reports run or drive active and there are no trips.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.001 & Pr10.002 &
not Pr10.005
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter STS_DriveOK

Description When set to 0, indicates that the drive is unhealthy i.e. tripped. The specific
trip may be read from STS_DriveLastTrip and STS_DriveLastSubTrip.
When set to 1, indicates that the drive is healthy i.e. not tripped.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.040 Bit0
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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FB Parameter STS_DriveEnabled

Description When set to 0, indicates that the target drive axis safe toque off feature is
active i.e. 0V is applied to a target drive axis STO terminal.
When set to 1, indicates that the drive is hardware enabled i.e. 24V is
applied to the target drive axis STO terminal(s).
When CMD_DriveOn = 0, STS_DriveEnabled = 0.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr8.071
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter STS_CurrentLimitActive

Description When set to 0, indicates that the current is less than the limit.
When set to 1, indicates that the current limit has been reached or exceed.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.009
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter STS_DriveAtZeroSpeed

Description When set to 0, indicates that the target drive output speed is not 0 Speed.
When set to 1, indicates that the target drive output speed is at 0 Speed.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.003
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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FB Parameter STS_DriveAtSpeed

Description When set to 0, indicates that the target drive output frequency is not at the
demand value.
When set to 1, indicates that the target drive output speed is at the demand
value i.e. STS_DrivePreRampSpeed = STS_DrivePostRampSpeed.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr100.1, Pr5.001
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter STS_MotionStopActive

Description When set to 0, indicates that the motion stop reference is not active.
When set to 1, indicates that the motion stop reference is active where all
other motion references are superseded and the target drive axis will slow
down and stop.
This bit remains set while decelerating to a stop even if CMD_MotionStop is
reset to 0.
In the event that CMD_JogForwards, CMD_JogReverse,
CMD_RunForward or CMD_JogReverse = 1 during a motion stop and
remain 1 after CMD_MotionStop = 0 then this bit will remain 1 to indicate
that motion stop is still activated to prevent an unexpected movement after
0 speed is reached. To begin new movement after a motion stop all motion
reference CMD bits must = 0 for 1 PLC scan.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter N/A
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter STS_JogActive

Description When set to 0, indicates that jog is not the active motion reference.
When set to 1, indicates that jog is the active motion reference.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter N/A
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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FB Parameter STS_RunActive

Description When set to 0, indicates that run is not the active motion reference.
When set to 1, indicates that run is the active motion reference.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter N/A
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter STS_ReverseLimitSwitchOK

Description When set to 1, indicates that the reverse limit switch is not active.
When set to 0, indicates that the reverse limit switch is active
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr6.036
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter STS_ForwardLimitSwitchOK

Description When set to 1, indicates that the forward limit switch is not active.
When set to 0, indicates that the forward limit switch is active
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr6.035
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter STS_SpeedFollowingErrorLimitOK

Description When set to 1, indicates that the speed following error is within the limit
defined by CFG_SpeedFollowingErrorLimit.
When set to 0, indicates that the speed following error is not within the limit
defined by CFG_SpeedFollowingErrorLimit.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr2.001 and Pr3.027
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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FB Parameter STS_FB_ActiveError

Description Indicates the active error for the FB. The errors are assessed in the order
shown where the lower the error number the greater the priority. The user
may need to enter a correct value into an FB input to clear a persistent
error. STS_FB_ActiveError cannot be reset, the user must clear the current
error by rectifying the indicated error until STS_FB_ActiveError = 0. Some
of the errors may not be relevant for this particular FB.
The following list details the error values:
1 – 99 = Drive status, 100 - 999 = Internal input range errors, 1000+ User
input range errors.
• 0 = No error.
• 1 = Motion requested but STS_CyclicCommsOK = 0 or
CFG_CurrentLimit = 0 or CMD_DriveOn = 0.
• 2 = STS_CyclicCommsOK = FALSE.
• 3 = STS_DriveOK = FALSE.
• 4 = STS_HardwareTravelLimitPositiveOK = FALSE.
• 5 = STS_HardwareTravelLimitNegativeOK = FALSE.
• 6 = The drive mode does not match this FB. The FB will prevent the
axis from running. E.g. The CT_A_SpeedRPM FB is used but the
target drive is in open loop mode as indicated by Pr11.031.
• 7 = Motion Stop is activated. To reset motion stop set the selected
motion CMD bits to 0 when STS_CyclicCommsOK = 1.
• 100 = CFG_MotionStopDecelTime has been limited to a range of
0.0 to 3200.000.
• 101 = CFG_MotionStopSRampPercent has been limited to a range
of 0.0 to 50.0.
• 102 = CMD_JogForwards and CMD_JogReverse = 1.
• 103 = CFG_JogSpeed has been limited to a range of 0.0 to
• 104 = CFG_JogAccelTime has been limited to a range of 0.0 to
• 105 = CFG_JogDecelTime has been limited to a range of 0.0 to
• 106 = CFG_JogSrampPercent has been limited to a range of 0.0 to
• 107 = CMD_RunForward and CMD_RunReverse = 1.
• 108 = CFG_RunSpeed has been limited to a range of 0.0 to
• 109 = CFG_RunAccelTime has been limited to a range of 0.0 to
• 110 = CFG_RunDecelTime has been limited to a range of 0.0 to
• 111= CFG_RunSRampPercent has been limited to a range of 0.0
to 100.0.

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• 112 = CFG_MaxSpeed has been limited to the range of 0 to 50000
• 113 = CFG_RPI_Time has been limited to within the range of 1 to
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter N/A
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter STS_DriveActiveAlarm

Description Indicates the target drive axis active alarm where:

• 0 = None
• 1 = Brake resistor
• 2 = Motor overload
• 3 = Ind overload
• 4 = Drive overload
• 5 = Autotune
• 6 = Limit switch
• 7 = Fire mode
• 8 = Low load
• 9 = Option slot 1
• 10 = Option slot 2 where applicable
• 11 = Option slot 3 where applicable
• 12 = Option slot 4 where applicable
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.104
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter STS_DriveLastTrip

Description Indicates the most recent target drive axis trip. Please refer to the UniM70x
user guide for more details.
Usage Output Data Type DINT
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.020
Minimum 0 Maximum 255
Visible Yes Required No

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

FB Parameter STS_DriveLastSubTrip

Description Indicates the most recent target drive axis sub trip. Please refer to the
UniM70x user guide for more details.
Usage Output Data Type DINT
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.070
Minimum 0 Maximum 65536
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter STS_DrivePreRampSpeed

Description Indicates the Pre-ramp speed demand in rpm units. Fixed precision of 1
decimal place.
Usage Output Data Type REAL
Unit Rpm Drive Parameter Pr1.003
Minimum 0.0 Maximum 50000.0
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter STS_DrivePostRampSpeed

Description Indicates the target drive post-ramp speed in rpm units. Fixed precision of 1
decimal place.
Usage Output Data Type REAL
Unit Rpm Drive Parameter Pr2.001
Minimum 0.0 Maximum 50000.0
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter STS_DriveActualSpeed

Description Indicates the speed feedback from P1 device in rpm units. Fixed precision
of 1 decimal place.
Usage Output Data Type REAL
Unit Rpm Drive Parameter Pr3.027
Minimum -50000.0 Maximum 50000.0
Visible Yes Required No

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FB Parameter STS_DriveLoadPercent

Description Indicates the target drive axis load as a percentage of motor rated current.
Fixed precision of 1 decimal place.
Usage Output Data Type REAL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr4.020
Minimum -Rating dependant Maximum Rating dependant
Visible Yes Required No

AOI Parameter STS_SpeedFollowingError

Description Indicates the speed following error in 0.1 of motor rated current. Fixed
precision of 1 decimal place.
Usage Output Data Type REAL
Unit rpm Drive Parameter N/A
Minimum -50000.0 Maximum 50000.0
Visible Yes Required No

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

5.8 Timing Diagrams
The following section shows the timing diagrams for the FB.

5.8.1 STS_DriveOn





CMD_xForward or

x = Jog or Run

5.8.2 CMD_JogForwards and CMD_JogReverse








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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

5.8.3 CMD_RunForward and CMD_RunReverse








5.8.4 CMD_JogForward and CMD_RunForward






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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

6 Supporting Functionality
The following section details the FBs which support the use of the motion FBs.
These FBs can be imported into a PLC program and used as a source of additional information from
of the target drive which has been assigned to them.

6.1 CT_B_M7xxM6xxDriveStatusWord
The CT_B_M7xxM6xxDriveStatus FB decodes cyclic data originated from the target drive status
word, (Pr10.040). This source data is available as part of the open and closed loop PROFINET cyclic
data input mappings via #CyclicDataIn. The status word is decoded to produce 15 individual Boolean
values as listed in the parameter guide for (Pr10.040).

6.1.1 Function Block Diagram

6.1.2 Library Location

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

6.1.3 Adding the function block to a program
This section describes how to add the function block to a motion example.
1. Open the motion example function block e.g. “PositionAMC_A1”. To do this navigate to
“Project tree > Devices > PLC > Program blocks > Position AMC Axis 1 Example >

2. Navigate to the CT_B_M7xxM6xxDriveStatusWord function block by selecting “Project tree >

Devices > PLC > Program blocks > System > System Function Blocks > Status >
CT_B_M7xxM6xxDriveStatusWord”. Click and drag CT_B_M7xxM6xxDriveStatusWord to the
right of the ReadInputData xxx function block e.g. "ReadInputDataPositionAMC_A1".

3. The “Call options” dialog will open. Rename the Data block so that the axis name is
referenced e.g. DriveStatusWord_A1_DB. Click “OK” when this has been done.

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

The data block instance for CT_B_M7xxM6xxDriveStatusWord will appear in the project tree.

4. Link the instance of CT_B_M7xxM6xxDriveStatusWord to the input data from the axis. Double
click the next to “#CyclicDataIn” on the new instance of
CT_B_M7xxM6xxDriveStatusWord, and then click and select ““#CyclicDataIn”.

The instance of CT_B_M7xxM6xxDriveStatusWord is now connected to the axis PROFINET


5. Access the data by dot syntax via the data block name e.g.

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

6.1.4 Function Block Input / Outputs

FB Parameter CyclicDataIn

Description The function block interface to the PROFINET cyclic input mapping data.
Each DINT element in the array represents a value received from the target
drive by the PLC.
This must be linked to the #CyclicDataIn tag connected to the instance of
the ReadInputData xxx function block for the axis.

The recommended communications update rate is <=100ms

Usage InOut Data Type DINT[32]
Unit N/A Drive Parameter N/A
Minimum N/A Maximum N/A
Visible Yes Required Yes

6.1.5 Function Block Outputs

FB Parameter Drive Healthy

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.001, which indicates that
the drive is healthy, or the under voltage state if it is set to one. If Auto-
reset Hold Drive Healthy, (Pr10.036) = 1 and auto-reset is being used,
Drive Healthy, (Pr10.001), is not cleared until all auto-resets have been
attempted and the next trip occurs.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.040 bit 0
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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FB Parameter Drive Active
Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.002, which indicates that
the drive is Active.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.040 bit 1
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter Zero Speed

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.003, which indicates that
the speed is below the zero speed threshold.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.040 bit 2
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter Running at or below Minimum Speed

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.004, which indicates that
the drive is running at or below the minimum speed.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.040 bit 3
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter Below Set Speed

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.005, which indicates that
the drive is running below the set speed.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.040 bit 4
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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FB Parameter At Speed
Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.006, which indicates that
the drive is running at the set speed.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.040 bit 5
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter Above Set Speed

Description This bit represents target drive parameter (Pr10.007), which indicates that
the drive is running above the set speed.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.040 bit 6
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter Rated Load reached

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.008, which indicates that
rated load has been reached.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.040 bit 7
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter Current Limit Active

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.009, which indicates that
the current limit is active.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.040 bit 8
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

FB Parameter Regeneration
Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.010 Indicates that power is
being transferred from the motor to the drive.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.040 bit 9
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter Braking IGBT Active

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.011, which indicates that
the braking IGBT is active.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.040 bit 10
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter Braking Resistor Alarm

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.012, which indicates that
the braking IGBT is active and the braking resistor thermal accumulator is
greater than 75%.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.040 bit 11
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter Reverse Direction Command

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.013, which indicates that
the reverse direction has been commanded.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.040 bit 12
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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FB Parameter Reverse Direction Running
Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.014, which indicates that
the drive is running in the reverse direction.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.040 bit 13
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter Supply Loss

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.015, which indicates that
the drive is in the supply loss state.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.040 bit 14
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

6.2 CT_B_M6xxM7xxDigitalIoReadWord
This function block decodes cyclic data originated from the target drive axis digital I/O read word,
(Pr08.072) for M600 and M700 drives. This source data is available as part of the open and closed
loop PROFINET cyclic mappings, input via CyclicDataIn. The digital I/O read word is decoded to
produce individual Boolean values as listed in the parameter guide for (Pr08.072). The Reserved I/O
bits are not viewable as they have no function.
Note that the outputs from this FB contain all of the features possible for an M70x, however, for an
M60x and M75x not all of the features are applicable. Please consult the user documentation for the
list of available features for the target drive.

6.2.1 Function Block Diagram

6.2.2 Library Location

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

6.2.3 Adding the function block to a program
This section describes how to add the function block to a motion example.
6. Open the motion example function block e.g. “PositionAMC_A1”. To do this navigate to
“Project tree > Devices > PLC > Program blocks > Position AMC Axis 1 Example >

7. Navigate to the CT_B_M7xxM6xxDigitalIoReadWord function block by selecting “Project tree

> Devices > PLC > Program blocks > System > System Function Blocks > Status >
CT_B_M7xxM6xxDigitalIoReadWord”. Click and drag CT_B_M7xxM6xxDigitalIoReadWord to
the right of the ReadInputData xxx function block e.g. "ReadInputDataPositionAMC_A1".

8. The “Call options” dialog will open. Rename the Data block so that the axis name is
referenced e.g. DriveDigitalIoWord_A1_DB. Click “OK” when this has been done.

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

The data block instance for CT_B_M7xxM6xxDigitalIoReadWord will appear in the project

9. Link the instance of CT_B_M7xxM6xxDigitalIoReadWord to the input data from the axis.
Double click the next to “#CyclicDataIn” on the new instance of
CT_B_M7xxM6xxDigitalIoReadWord, and then click and select ““#CyclicDataIn”.

The instance of CT_B_ M7xxM6xxDigitalIoReadWord is now connected to the axis


10. Access the data by dot syntax via the data block name e.g.

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

6.2.4 Function Block Input / Outputs

FB Parameter CyclicDataIn

Description The function block interface to the PROFINET cyclic input mapping data. Each
DINT element in the array represents a value received from the target drive by
the PLC.
This must be linked to the #CyclicDataIn tag connected to the instance of the
ReadInputData xxx function block for the axis.

The recommended communications update rate is <=100ms

Usage InOut Data Type DINT[32]
Unit N/A Drive Parameter N/A
Minimum N/A Maximum N/A
Visible Yes Required Yes

6.2.5 Function Block Outputs

FB Parameter Digital I/O 1

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr08.001, which indicates the
state of Digital input/output 1.
Usage Output Data Type Bool
Unit N/A Drive Parameter 08.072 bit 0
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter Digital I/O 2

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr08.002, which indicates the
state of Digital input/output 2.
Usage Output Data Type Bool
Unit N/A Drive Parameter 08.072 bit 1
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter Digital I/O 3

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr08.003, which indicates the
state of Digital input/output 3.

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Usage Output Data Type Bool
Unit N/A Drive Parameter 08.072 bit 2
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter Digital Input 4

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr08.004, which indicates the
state of Digital input 4.
Usage Output Data Type Bool
Unit N/A Drive Parameter 08.072 bit 3
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter Digital Input 5

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr08.005, which indicates the
state of Digital input 5.
Usage Output Data Type Bool
Unit N/A Drive Parameter 08.072 bit 4
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter Digital Input 6

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr08.006, which indicates the
state of Digital input 6.
Usage Output Data Type Bool
Unit N/A Drive Parameter 08.072 bit 5
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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FB Parameter Relay Output
Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr08.007, which indicates the
state of Relay Output 1.
Usage Output Data Type Bool
Unit N/A Drive Parameter 08.072 bit 6
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter 24V Supply Output

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr08.008. which indicates the
Usage Output Data Type Bool
Unit N/A Drive Parameter 08.072 bit 7
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter STO Input 1

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr08.009, which indicates the
state of Safe Torque Off 1.
Usage Output Data Type Bool
Unit N/A Drive Parameter 08.072 bit 8
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter STO Input 2

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr08.040, which indicates the
state of Safe Torque Off 2.
Usage Output Data Type Bool
Unit N/A Drive Parameter 08.072 bit 9
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter Keypad Run Button

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr08.041, which indicates the
state of the Keypad run button.
Usage Output Data Type Bool
Unit N/A Drive Parameter 08.072 bit 10
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

FB Parameter Keypad Auxiliary Button
Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr08.042, which indicates the
state of the Keypad auxiliary button.
Usage Output Data Type Bool
Unit N/A Drive Parameter 08.072 bit 11
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter 24V Supply Input

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr08.043, which indicates the
state of the 24V supply input.
Usage Output Data Type Bool
Unit N/A Drive Parameter 08.072 bit 12
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter Keypad Stop Button

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr08.044, which indicates the
state of the keypad stop button.
Usage Output Data Type Bool
Unit N/A Drive Parameter 08.072 bit 13
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter Relay Output 2

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr08.045, which indicates the
state of the state of Relay Output 2
Usage Output Data Type Bool
Unit N/A Drive Parameter 08.072 bit 14
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter Drive Reset Button

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr08.072 bit 15, which indicates
the state of the Drive reset button.
Usage Output Data Type Bool
Unit N/A Drive Parameter 08.072 bit 15
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

6.3 CT_B_M7xxM6xxAdditionalStatusBits
The M7xxM6xxAdditionalStatusBits function block decodes cyclic data originated from the target drive
axis additional status bits, (Pr10.069). This source data is available as part of the input PROFINET
cyclic data mappings, input via CyclicDataIn. The additional status bits are decoded to produce
individual Boolean values as listed in the parameter guide for (Pr10.069).
Note that the outputs from this function block contains all of the features possible for an M70x,
however, for an M60x and M75x not all of the features are applicable. Please consult the user
documentation for the list of available features for the target drive.

6.3.1 Function Block Diagram

6.3.2 Library location

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

6.3.3 Adding the function block to a program
This section describes how to add the function block to a motion example.
11. Open the motion example function block e.g. “PositionAMC_A1”. To do this navigate to
“Project tree > Devices > PLC > Program blocks > Position AMC Axis 1 Example >

12. Navigate to the CT_B_M7xxM6xxAdditionalStatusBits function block by selecting “Project tree

> Devices > PLC > Program blocks > System > System Function Blocks > Status >
CT_B_M7xxM6xxAdditionalStatusBits”. Click and drag CT_B_M7xxM6xxAdditionalStatusBits
to the right of the ReadInputData xxx function block e.g. "ReadInputDataPositionAMC_A1".

13. The “Call options” dialog will open. Rename the Data block so that the axis name is
referenced e.g. DriveAdditionalStatusBits_A1_DB. Click “OK” when this has been done.

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

The data block instance for CT_B_M7xxM6xxAdditionalStatusBits will appear in the project

14. Link the instance of CT_B_M7xxM6xxAdditionalStatusBits to the input data from the axis.
Double click the next to “#CyclicDataIn” on the new instance of
CT_B_M7xxM6xxAdditionalStatusBits, and then click and select ““#CyclicDataIn”.

The instance of CT_B_M7xxM6xxAdditionalStatusBits is now connected to the axis


15. Access the data by dot syntax via the data block name e.g.

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

6.3.4 Function Block Input / Outputs

FB Parameter CyclicDataIn

Description The function block interface to the PROFINET cyclic input mapping data. Each
DINT element in the array represents a value received from the target drive by
the PLC.
This must be linked to the #CyclicDataIn tag connected to the instance of the
ReadInputData xxx function block for the axis.

The recommended communications update rate is <=100ms

Usage InOut Data Type DINT[32]
Unit N/A Drive Parameter N/A
Minimum N/A Maximum N/A
Visible Yes Required Yes

6.3.5 Function Block Outputs

FB Parameter UnderVoltageActive

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.016, which indicates that
the drive is in a under voltage state.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.069 bit 0
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

FB Parameter MotorOverloadAlarm

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.017, which indicates that
the motor overload accumulator is above 75% and the output current is
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.069 bit 1
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter DriveOverTemperatureAlarm

Description This bit represents target drive parameter (Pr10.018), which indicates that
the drive over-temperature alarm is active.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.069 bit 2
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter DriveWarning

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.019, which indicates that
one or more of the drive warning alarms are active.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter 10.069 bit 3
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter LowLoadDetectedAlarm

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.062, which indicates that
the low load alarm is active.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.069 bit 4
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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FB Parameter LocalKeypadBatteryLow

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.063, which indicates that
the real time clock battery in the local keypad is low.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.069 bit 5
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter RemoteKeypadBatteryLow

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.064, which indicates that
the real time clock battery in the local keypad is low.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.069 bit 6
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter AutotuneActive

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.065, which indicates that an
auto-tune sequence is active.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.069 bit 7
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter LimitSwitchActive

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.066, which indicates that a
limit switch is enabled and active.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.069 bit 8
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

FB Parameter FireModeActive

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr10.067, which indicates that
fire mode is enabled and active
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr10.069 bit 9
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

6.4 CT_B_M7xxAMC_Status
The AMC_Status FB decodes cyclic data originated from the target M7xx drive axis AMC status word,
(Pr41.002). This source data is available as part of the closed loop AMC FB Ethernet mappings, input
via CyclicDataIn. The additional status bits are decoded to produce 16 individual Boolean values as
listed in the parameter reference guide for (Pr41.002).

6.4.1 Function Block Diagram

6.4.2 Library Location

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

6.4.3 Adding the function block to a program
This section describes how to add the function block to a motion example.
16. Open the motion example function block e.g. “PositionAMC_A1”. To do this navigate to
“Project tree > Devices > PLC > Program blocks > Position AMC Axis 1 Example >

17. Navigate to the CT_B_M7xxAMC_Status function block by selecting “Project tree > Devices >
PLC > Program blocks > System > System Function Blocks > Status >
CT_B_M7xxAMC_Status”. Click and drag CT_B_M7xxAMC_Statusto the right of the
ReadInputData xxx function block e.g. "ReadInputDataPositionAMC_A1".

18. The “Call options” dialog will open. Rename the Data block so that the axis name is
referenced e.g. AMC_Status_A1_DB. Click “OK” when this has been done.

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

The data block instance for CT_B_M7xxAMC_Status will appear in the project tree.

19. Link the instance of CT_B_M7xxAMC_Status to the input data from the axis. Double click the
next to “#CyclicDataIn” on the new instance of CT_B_M7xxAMC_Status, and then click
and select ““#CyclicDataIn”.

The instance of CT_B_M7xxM6xxAdditionalStatusBits is now connected to the axis


20. Access the data by dot syntax via the data block name e.g.

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

6.4.4 Function Block Input / Outputs

FB Parameter CyclicDataIn

Description The function block interface to the PROFINET cyclic input mapping data.
Each DINT element in the array represents a value received from the target
drive by the PLC.
This must be linked to the #CyclicDataIn tag connected to the instance of
the ReadInputData xxx function block for the axis.

The recommended communications update rate is <=100ms

Usage InOut Data Type DINT[32]
Unit N/A Drive Parameter N/A
Minimum N/A Maximum N/A
Visible Yes Required Yes

6.4.5 Function Block Outputs

FB Parameter AMC EGB Locked

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr37.006, which indicates
when the electronic gearbox is locked.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr41.002 Bit 0
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter AMC Cam Complete

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr35.010, which indicates
when the cam controller reaches the end of the cam table.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr41.002 Bit 1
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

FB Parameter AMC Movement Complete Flag

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr41.004, which indicates the
AMC has completed its position profile and the drive is at zero speed.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr41.002 Bit 2
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter AMC Profile Complete Flag

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr41.006, which indicates the
AMC Profile has Completed.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr41.002 Bit 3
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter AMC Following Error Flag

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr41.008, which indicates the
AMC reference position and actual position difference is great than the
given parameter.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr41.002 Bit 4
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter AMC at Speed Flag

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr41.010, which indicates the
AMC profile output speed is on target.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr41.002 Bit 5
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter AMC Master Speed Too High Flag

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr41.011, which indicates the
AMC master speed is greater than the AMC profile max speed value.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr41.002 Bit 6
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter AMC Following Error Stop Flag

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr41.012, which indicates the
AMC Reference position has exceeded the AMC following window value.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr41.002 Bit 7
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter AMC Home Complete

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr40.005, which indicates the
AMC Homing task has completed all phases.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr41.002 Bit 8
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter AMC Home Offset Complete

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr40.008, which indicates the
AMC Homing position and Home offset position are within range of AMC
Home complete window.
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr41.002 Bit 9
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter AMC Positive Hardware Limit Flag

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr41.013, which indicates the
state of the Forward limit switch (Pr06.035)
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr41.002 Bit 10

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter AMC Negative Hardware Limit Flag

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr41.014, which indicates the
state of the Reverse limit switch (Pr06.036)
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr41.002 Bit 11
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter AMC Positive Software Limit Flag

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr41.015, which indicates the
state of the AMC positive position limit compared to the AMC slave
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr41.002 Bit 12
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter AMC Negative Software Limit Flag

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr41.016, which indicates the
state of the AMC negative position limit compared to the AMC slave
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr41.002 Bit 13
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter AMC Home Required Flag

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr41.017, which indicates the
AMC Home Required Flag is set to 1 if AMC Home Required (Pr40.020)
is enabled and AMC Home Slave Source (Pr40.021) is not the same as
AMC Slave Source Select (Pr33.001).
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr41.002 Bit 14

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

FB Parameter AMC Position Feedback Initialised Flag

Description This bit represents target drive parameter Pr41.018, which indicates
when the AMC master and slave position accumulators have been
Usage Output Data Type BOOL
Unit N/A Drive Parameter Pr41.002 Bit 15
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Visible Yes Required No

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

7 Diagnostics
7.1 FB Active Errors
FB Parameter STS_FB_ActiveError

Description Indicates the active error for the FB. The errors are assessed in the order
shown where the lower the error number the greater the priority. The user
may need to enter a correct value into an FB input to clear a persistent
error. STS_FB_ActiveError cannot be reset, the user must clear the current
error by rectifying the indicated error until STS_FB_ActiveError = 0. Some
of the errors may not be relevant for this particular FB.
The following list details the error values:
1 – 99 = Drive status, 100 - 999 = Internal input range errors, 1000+ User
input range errors.
• 0 = No error.
• 1 = Motion requested but STS_CyclicCommsOK = 0 or
CFG_CurrentLimit = 0 or CMD_DriveOn = 0.
• 2 = STS_CyclicCommsOK = FALSE.
• 3 = STS_DriveOK = FALSE.
• 4 = STS_HardwareTravelLimitPositiveOK = FALSE.
• 5 = STS_HardwareTravelLimitNegativeOK = FALSE.
• 6 = The drive mode does not match this FB. The FB will prevent the
axis from running. E.g. The CT_A_SpeedRPM FB is used but the
target drive is in open loop mode as indicated by Pr11.031.
• 7 = Motion Stop is activated. To reset motion stop set the selected
motion CMD bits to 0 when STS_CyclicCommsOK = 1.
• 100 = CFG_MotionStopDecelTime has been limited to a range of
0.0 to 3200.000.
• 101 = CFG_MotionStopSRampPercent has been limited to a range
of 0.0 to 50.0.
• 102 = CMD_JogForwards and CMD_JogReverse = 1.
• 103 = CFG_JogSpeed has been limited to a range of 0.0 to
• 104 = CFG_JogAccelTime has been limited to a range of 0.0 to
• 105 = CFG_JogDecelTime has been limited to a range of 0.0 to
• 106 = CFG_JogSRampPercent has been limited to a range of 0.0
to 100.0.
• 107 = CMD_RunForward and CMD_RunReverse = 1.
• 108 = CFG_RunSpeed has been limited to a range of 0.0 to
• 109 = CFG_RunAccelTime has been limited to a range of 0.0 to

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

• 110 = CFG_RunDecelTime has been limited to a range of 0.0 to
• 111= CFG_RunSRampPercent has been limited to a range of 0.0
to 100.0.
• 112 = CFG_MaxSpeed has been limited to the range of 0 to 50000
• 113 = CFG_RPI_Time has been limited to within the range of 1 to

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PLC Controlled Motion for Siemens – Speed RPM

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