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Speech That Can Be Used Daily

At home:

1. Good Morning/ good afternoon/ good night. (to wish all)

2. What a beautiful day! (if the weather is good)
3. Wow, it’s raining today! ( if you like rainy days)
4. Oh no, it’s raining today! (if you don’t like rainy days)
5. I’m hungry, what did you make for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner mom? (according to the time in the morning,
afternoon, evening)
6. Can you bring me my breakfast/ lunch/ dinner?
7. Can you help me to do my task? (asking your family member to help you)
8. Mom I want to go out to play? (asking for permission)
9. Close the window/door.
10. I want to eat (……..)/I want to eat (noodles). (for snack time)
11. I have completed my homework.

At classroom:

1. How are you today? ( to everyone you know you can ask)
2. Excuse me, teacher. (for teacher’s attention)
3. I have a question. (to ask a question and tell the question)
4. Can you pass me my book?(if your friend has your book)
5. Do you have an extra pen? (when you don’t have a pen)
6. I’m sorry, I haven’t seen. (if someone is looking for something)
7. Will you play with me?(asking your friend to play with you)

At park:

1. It’s a nice park. (when you like the park)

2. I want to play at the park.
3. Can I go to the park? (asking permission)
4. Will you play with me?( asking to play with others)
5. I want to play with the swing.
6. I want to climb the monkey bar/ jungle gym/slides,

At the market:

1. Can you show me this _________? (the item you want to see)
2. I want to buy a shirt/pant/ belt/watch /……………………………. Etc.
3. How much does the shirt cost? ( to know the price)
4. It’s so expensive, show me cheaper ones. (if you have a budget list)
5. It’s not of good quality; give me the good quality one. (searching for good quality product)
6. I don’t like this item, I will find another one. (when you don’t like the item)

At the restaurant:

1. Can you show me the menu?

2. How much will this food item cost? ( if the price is not written)
3. Is there any other option. ( want to know more option)
4. I’m done. (when you finish eating/your stomach is full)
5. I want to pay my bill.

At the prayer place:

1. Remove your shoes.

2. Be quiet. / keep silence.
3. Pay your respect.
4. Say your prayers and be committed.
5. Your prayer

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