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Subject- 'English Language and Literature'

Class - X
(Section -A Reading)
1. Read the passage given below :
(1) If you’re like most kids, you may love snow. Not only can it get you out of school, but it’s
also fun to play with. Who doesn’t love to sled
and build snowmen ? Snow can also be dangerous, too. You may have heard your parents
talk about how difficult it can be to drive in snow. Car accidents aren’t the only dangers
created by snow. If you’re ever skiing in the mountains, you’ll want to be aware of
avalanches. An avalanche is a sudden flow of snow down a slope, such as a mountain. The
amount of snow in an avalanche will vary
based on many things, but it can be such a huge pile that it can bury the bottom of a slope in
dozens of feet of snow.
(2) Avalanches can be caused by many things. Some of them are natural. For example, new
snow or rain can cause built up snow to
loosen and fall down the side of a mountain. Earthquakes and the movement of animals
have also been known to cause avalanches.
Artificial triggers can also cause avalanches. For example, snowmobiles, skiers, gunshots
and explosives have all been known to
cause avalanches. Avalanches usually occur during the winter and spring, when snowfall is
greatest. As they are dangerous to any
living beings in their path, avalanches have destroyed forests, roads, railroads and even
entire towns.
(3) Warning signs exist that allow experts to predict – and often prevent – avalanches from
occurring. When over a foot of fresh snow falls,
experts know to be on the lookout for avalanches. Explosives can be used in places with
massive snow build-ups to trigger smaller
avalanches that don’t pose a danger to persons or property. When deadly avalanches do
occur, the moving snow can quickly reach over 80 miles per hour. Skiers caught in such
avalanches can be buried under dozens of feet of snow. While it’s possible to dig out of such
avalanches, not all are able to escape.
(4) If you get tossed about by an avalanche and find yourself buried under many feet of
snow, you might not have a true sense of which
which way is up and which way is down. Some avalanche victims have tried to dig their way
out, only to find that they were upside down
and digging themselves farther under the snow rather than to the top ! Experts suggest that
people caught in an avalanche try to
“swim” to the top of the moving snow to stay close to the surface. Once the avalanche stops,
do your best to dig around you to create
a space for air, so you can breathe easier.Then, do your best to figure out which way is up
and dig in that direction to reach the surface and signal rescuers.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given
below: Cbse Board questions paper (2023 code 2/1/1 Set -1)
(i) Complete the sentence by choosing an appropriate option : 1
Avalanche can be caused by
(a) new snow or rain.
(b) heavy winds.
(c) high altitude.
(d) global warming.
(ii) Comment on warning signs exist which allow experts to predict avalanches in two
sentences. 2
(iii) Mention two reasons which destroyed the natural scenery. 2
(iv) Select the option that conveys the opposite of ‘massive’ : 1
(a) tiny
(b) lengthy
(c) bulky
(d) extensive
(v) The writer will agree with one of the given statements (paragraph 4) 1
(a) People caught in the Avalanche can try to swim to the top.
(b) Put on an oxygen Mask.
(c) Digging is not possible.
(d) Should not come close to the surface.
(vi) Select the option that corresponds to the following relation below : 1
You may not have an idea of which way is up and which way is down.
(a) The crowd will gather at Gate No. 1 and disperse from Gate No. 2.
(b) Due to the torrential rain, there was a heavy flooding.
(c) The guest felt uneasy and uncomfortable watching the child’s
(d) The more the effort, the bigger the gain.
(vii) The major causes which do not trigger an avalanche : 1
(a) Earthquakes
(b) Snow fall
(c) Rain
(d) Plastic waste
(viii) Explosives can be used in places: 1
1___________. (complete the sentence)

Passage 2
1.Hiking is a great source of pleasure to us besides being beneficial for health. Once we
leave the crowded streets of a city and go out for a walking tour away from the mad world,
we really feel free. The open air has a bracing effect on the mind. The congestion of the city,
the uproar and tumult, the intolerable noise of traffic, the hectic daily routine, all these are
forgotten and the mind is at ease. We then feel like running, leaping, singing and laughing.
We travel merrily mile after mile in the company of friends and associates.
2.Hiking takes us in the midst of nature. The sight of waterfalls, Bowers, streams, trees and
bushes is pleasing. A connection is established between us and nature. Various sounds of
nature, like the murmur of a brook or the song of a bird, acquire a new meaning and
significance to us.
3.You enjoy the beauty of nature. Minute observations like a casting its slough, a mouse
peeping out of its hole, a squirrel leaping about on the branches of a tree, a bird flying past
us, all are noticed and they arouse our interest. We have no business worries, no fear of the
examination, no anxiety about the home. We have leisure to stand, to walk and talk. It is
more thrilling and pleasurable to hike in a mountainous region than in the plains. The
excitement of climbing up to the top of a hill, the adventure of coming down a slope, the
grandeur of sunset behind a mountain-All these sights lend a rare charm and interest to our
4. We walk along a zigzag motor road or cut across a mountain path in search of adventure.
We may have bright sunny weather or might get caught in a shower of rain. We may look
below us into the yawning chasms or up at the mountain peak. The feeling of unlimited
freedom makes our hearts leap with joy.
5.Hiking is one of the healthiest sports. It ensures a complete escape from the urgent and
busy activities of life and therefore gives solace to our brain. It regains its lost energy and is
able to do twice as much work as before.
6.The fresh air, beautiful mountains, majestic trees, chirping sound of birds make one's mind
and soul at peace with nature.
Based on your reading of the passage, choose the correct options: (Board Question
Paper 2023)
(i) To go out for a walking tour is…..1
(a) to ramble (b) to stroll.
(c) to hike. (d) to saunter.
(ii) Why does the writer say that the mind is at ease when you hike? 1
(a) because hiking is an inexpensive activity
(b) because it brings families together.
(c) because of intolerable noise of traffic.
(d) because the depressing daily routine is forgotten.
(iii) Complete the following with a phrase:1
The various sounds of nature acquire............
(iv) Infer one reason for the following based on information in paragraph 2.
A contact is established between us and nature.
(v) Complete the following analogy correctly with a word from paragraph 2. 1
aroma: cooking; fragrance:
(vi) Give one reason why it is a pleasure to hike in the mountains rather than in the
plains. 1
(a) because observation is sharpened.
(b) because of the excitement of climbing up and gadventure of coming down
(c) because it is leisure to stand, to walk.
(d) because there are no worries.
(vii) List any two examples of minute observations you make while on a hike. 2
(viii) Substitute the word 'leap with joy' with one word similar in meaning in the
following sentence from the passage.1
The feeling of unlimited freedom makes our
hearts leap with joy.

Passage 3
1.The rivers of India play an important role in the lives of the Indians. They provide potable
water, cheap transportation, electricity, and the livelihood for a large number of people all
over the country. This easily explains why nearly all the major cities of India are located by
the banks of rivers.
2. Seven major rivers along with their numerous tributaries make up the river system of
India. The largest basin system of the rivers pours their waters into the Bay of Bengal;
however, some of the rivers whose courses take them through the western part of the
country and towards the east of the state of Himachal Pradesh empty into the Arabian Sea.
Parts of Ladakh, northern parts of the Aravalli range and the arid parts of the Thar Desert
have inland drainage.
3. All major rivers of India originate from one of the following main watersheds:
1.Aravalli range
2.Himalaya and Karakoram ranges
3.Sahyadri or Western Ghats in western India
4. Vindhya and Satpura ranges
Himalayan glaciers in the Indian subcontinent are broadly divided into the three river basins,
namely the Indus, Ganga and Brahmaputra. The Indus basin has the largest number of
glaciers (3500), whereas the Ganga and Brahmaputra basins contain about 1000 and 660
glaciers, respectively. Ganga is the largest river system in India. However, these rivers are
just three among many. Other examples are Narmada, Tapi, and Godavari.
4. The Himalayas, or Himalaya, form a mountain range in Asia, separating the plains of the
Indian subcontinent
from the Tibetan Plateau. The Himalayan range has many of the Earth's highest peaks,
including the highest, Mount Everest. The Himalayas include over fifty mountains exceeding
7,200 m (23,600 ft) in elevation, including ten of the fourteen 8,000-metre peaks. By
contrast, the highest peak outside Asia (Aconcagua, in the Andes) is 6,961 m (22,838 ft) tall.
5. Lifted by the subduction of the Indian tectonic plate under the Eurasian Plate, the
Himalayan mountain range
runs west-northwest to east-southeast in an arc 2,400 km (1,500 mi) long. Its western
anchor, Nanga Parbat, lies just south of the northernmost bend of the Indus river. Its eastern
anchor, NamchaBarwa, is just west of the great bend of the YarlungTsangpo River (upper
stream of the Brahmaputra River). The Himalayan range is bordered on the northwest by the
Karakoram and the Hindu Kush ranges. To the north, the chain is separated from the Tibetan
Plateau by a 50–60 km (31–37 mi) wide tectonic valley called the Indus-Tsangpo Suture.
6. Towards the south the arc of the Himalaya is ringed by the very low Indo-Gangetic Plain.
The range varies in width from 350 km (220 mi) in the west (Pakistan) to 150 km (93 mi) in
the east (Arunachal Pradesh). The Himalayas are distinct from the other great ranges of
central Asia, although sometimes the term 'Himalaya' (or 'Greater Himalaya') is loosely used
to include the Karakoram and some of the other ranges.
On the basis of your understanding of the passage attempt the given questions:
(Sample paper 2024)
(i) According to the passage, the major rivers in India….
a) Pour only into Bay of Bengal
b) Pour only into Arabian Sea
c) Pour either into Bay of Bengal or Arabian Sea or have inland drainage
d) Pour either into Bay of Bengal or Arabian Sea
(ii) How many glaciers are there in each of the river basins in India?
a) Brahmaputra, Ganga, Indus – 1000, 660, 3500 respectively
b) Indus, Brahmaputra, Ganga – 1000, 660, 3500 respectively
c) Ganga, Indus, Brahmaputra – 1000, 660, 3500 respectively
d) Ganga, Brahmaputra, Indus – 1000, 660, 3500 respectively
(iii) According to the passage the rivers in India play a pivotal role because:
1. They provide potable water
2. They provide cheap transportation & electricity
3. They are located near all major cities in India
4. They are means to earn livelihood for a large number of people
Choose the correct options
a) 1 2 3
b) 1 2 4
c) 3 2 4
d) 1 3 4
(iv) All the major Indian rivers originate from the following watersheds
a) Himalaya, Karakoram, Aravalli, Western Ghats, Sahyadri, Vindhya
b) Karakoram, Aravalli, Himalaya, Hindu Kush, Vindhya, Satpura, Sahyadri
c) Himalaya, Karakoram, Aravalli, Nanga Parbat, Vindhya, Satpura, Western Ghats
d) Aravalli, Himalaya, Karakoram, Sahyadri, Vindhya, Satpura
(v) Which all rivers are mentioned in the entire passage?
(vi) How long is the Himalayan mountain range?
(vii) How many peaks in the Himalayas are above 8000 metres above sea level?
a) Ten
b) Fifty
c) Five
d) Fourteen
(viii) Choose the option that lists statements that is NOT TRUE.
1.Towards the south the arc of the Himalaya is ringed by a wide tectonic valley called the
Indus-Tsangpo Suture.
2.The YarlungTsangpo River is the upper stream of the Brahmaputra River.
3.Ganga is the largest river system in India.
4.The largest basin system of the rivers pours their waters into the Bay of Bengal.
2. Read the passage given below :
Passage 1
(1) Increasing traffic congestion every year is causing increasing air pollution, wasting time
and productivity and diverse respiratory diseases. Moreover, the cost of solving or reducing
traffic congestion is enormous. However, neglecting the traffic jam problem would increase
the social problems among citizens.
(2) The number of vehicles has increased considerably in the city in the past five years. Due
to this increase, the city roads witness frequent traffic congestions, but above all, the
vehicles emitting pollutants are affecting the environment adversely.
(3) The Capital’s vehicular population saw an addition of more than five lakh vehicles last
year, registering an increase of over 4%, according to the Delhi Economic Survey 2020-21.
(4) In spite of the largest road network, through metro and bus services in major cities the
transport system is not being able to keep pace
with the growing demand. Consequently, more and more people use their private vehicles,
leading to increased congestion on the roads.
In spite of these challenges people in India Prefer road travel over air and other means of
travel.Citizens of Delhi/NCR have, time and again, pondered over the possibilities of how to
reduce the traffic congestion in the city,
especially during the peak hours. People should use public transport, the government must
increase the facilities of public transport, people should avoid the unnecessary collection of
vehicles and should use carpool and vehicle sharing.
(5) What is required is proper implementation of corrective measures by citizens to get an
organized traffic management system.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given
below : Cbse Board questions paper (2023 code 2/1/1 Set -1)
(i) Infer one reason for the following, based on information in paragraph 1.
Reducing traffic congestion is not easy.
(ii) Select the appropriate option to complete the following sentence. The reasons
for increased traffic congestion are ________.1
1. use of private vehicles
2. increase in demand for cars
3. inability to keep pace with population control
4. travelling by public transport
5. emission of pollutants
(a) 4, 5 (b) 1, 5 (c) 1, 2 (d) 2, 3
(iii) Complete the following analogy correctly with a word / phrase from paragraph (5).1
organized : chaotic : : lowest : _______
Clue : Just as organized is an antonym of chaotic, lowest is an antonym of
(iv) The vehicles emit pollutants which affect _______ badly. 1
(v) Complete the following sentence.1
Use of public transport will reduce ________.
(vi) Select the appropriate option which states the methods of reducing traffic congestion.1
1. start car pooling
2. add electric buses
3. increase in public modes of transport
4. increase car collection points
5. increase taxation
(a) 1, 4, 5 (b) 3, 5 (c) 2, 3 ,4 (d) 1, 3
(vii) Analyze the status of traffic between the years 2019-2022. 2marks

(viii) Substitute the underlined word with ONE WORD similar in meaning in the following
sentence. 2
Citizens of Delhi/NCR have time and time again pondered over the possibilities of how to
reduce traffic congestion.

Passage 2
Adam Johnson is a gardener. He has always loved trees and says that his ambition is to
plant a thousand trees within a period of five years. He asks us to imagine what it would be
like if all the gardeners in the world were to work together, they could plant a rain forest.
Adam has always been interested in the environment. As a child, he used to visit his
grandfather, who grew vegetables, and that was what inspired him to love gardening. He
grew up at a time when a number of children's television programmes were encouraging
young people to cultivate their gardens and recycle their rubbish. He started gardening about
three years ago.
2.To start with, he planted a tree in his own garden. Then he suddenly thought that it would
be a good idea to put a few more around the neighbourhood. So he started planting them in
his friend's gardens and began to look around to see if there were any local areas that would
benefit from the presence of a few trees. There were, and then he planted trees all over his

3.Adam usually plants fruit trees, apples, pears and plums, because these are easiest trees
to plant. When they produce their fruit, he says he can pick some for himself, and other
people can also do the same.
4.The public parks are well looked after by the local authorities and Adam does not want to
interfere with their efforts. At the moment, he is working on a hospital garden and he is
always on the lockout for new places, but he no longer goes into private gardens. He has his
eye on a local government compound which he would like to brighten up,but he is not sure if
he will be given permission.
5.As well as his gardening activities, Adam also does whatever paid work he can so that he
can earn money to buy more trees. He lives a simple life. He grows his own vegetables and
what he cannot grow himself, he buys from his local co-operative food store. He likes this
shop because it supports low-energy light bulbs and does not have a cart or computer. If he
needs some entertainment, he's got an MP3 player because, after gardening, music is the
love of his life.
6.Adam says that when it comes to the environment, we must constantly look for solutions.
You have got to keep positive and give people answers. Let's see if we can save what we
can and do what we can. My ambitions are simple, I like to care for my local community and
improve the environment. We can all do something towards that. We could all plant a fruit
tree or a native tree. I wish I could plant myself. But if any person in my community wants to
buy trees, I will happily plant them.
Based on your reading of the passage, choose the correct options: (Cbse Sample
Paper 2023)
(a) What does Adam Johnson want? 1
(i) To plant 1200 trees within five years
(ii) To plant 1000 trees within five years
(iii) To grow fruits and vegetables in a large scale
(iv) To grow only fruit-trees
(b) According to Adam Johnson a rain forest could be in existence if: 1
(i) all the farmers in the world work together.
(ii) all the gardeners in the world work together.
(iii) all the countries in the world implement the planting.
(iv) all the fields in the world are planted together.
(c) Gardening became a hobby of Adam Johnson due inspiration received from his:1
(i) father (ii) mother
(iii) teacher (iv) grandfather
(d) Children's television programmes were specially for young people. Why? 2
(i) cultivate their gardens (ii) recycle their rubbish
(iii) Both (i) and (ii) (iv) grow vegetables, fruits and make manure
(e) According to the graph, how many trees does Adam Johnson expect to have
planted by 2011? 1.
(i) 300 (ii) 400
(iii) 500 (iv) 450
(f) According to the graph, how many trees did Adam Johnson planted by 2010? 1
(i) 100 (ii) 300
(iii) 250 (iv) 200
(g) Adam Johnson interested to plant, Why answer in 40-50 words: 2
(h) According to the graph during which year/years Adam Johnson expects to plant
trees? 1
(i) 2011, 2012 (ii) 2011, 2012, 2013
(iii) 2011, 2013 (iv) 2013

Passage 3
(1) Necessity is indeed the mother of invention. When areas in and around Leh began to
experience water shortage, life didn't grind to a halt. Why? because a retired civil engineer in
the Jammu and Kashmir Government came up with the idea of artificial glaciers.
(2) Ladakh, a cold desert at an altitude of 3,000-33,500 metres above sea level, has a low
average annual rainfall rate of 50 mm. Glaciers have always been the only source of water.
Agriculture is completely dependent on glacier melt, unlike the rest of river/monsoon-fed
India. But over the years, With increasing effects of climate change, rainfall and snowfall
patterns have been changing, resulting in severe shortage and drought situations. Given the
extreme winter conditions, the window for farming is usually limited to one harvest season.
(3) It is located between the natural glacier above and the village below. The one closer to
the village and lowest in altitude melts first, providing water during April-May, the crucial
sowing season. Further, layers of ice above melt with the increasing temperature, thus
ensuring continuous supply to the fields. Therefore, farmers have been able to manage two
crops instead of one. It costs about 1,50,000 and above to create a glacier.
(4) Fondly called the glacier man, he has designed over 15 artificial glaciers in and around
Leh since 1987. In recognition of his pioneering effort, he was conferred the Padma Shri by
The President of India.
(5) There are a few basic steps followed while creating an artificial glacier. River or stream
water at high altitude is diverted to a shaded area of the hill, facing north, where the winter
sun is blocked by a ridge or a mountain range. At the start of a winter i.eIn November, the
diverted water is made to flow on sloping hills facing distribution channels. Stone
embankments are built at regular intervals which impede the flow of water, making shallow
pools which freeze, forming a cascade of ice along the slope. Ice formation continues for 3-4
months resulting in a large accumulation of ice which is referred to as an 'artificial glacier'
Based on your reading of the passage, choose the correct options: Board Question
Paper 2023)
(i) Infer one reason for the following based on information in paragraph 1.
Areas in and around Leh began to experience water shortage but didn't grind to a halt.
(ii) Select from the passage the appropriate option to fill in the blanks:
Agriculture is completely dependent on ........ Unlike the rest of river/monsoon-fed
(a) rainfall pattern. (b) climate change
(c) glaciers melt. (d) extreme winter conditions
(iii) Complete the following analogy correctly with a word/phrase from paragraph 3:
icing: cake:: layers:?
(iv) Select the correct option to complete the following sentence:
At the start of winter the diverted water is made to flow..............
(a) on sloping hills facing distribution channels
(b) on high altitude
(c) on ice-cold water level
(d) On mountain range
(v) From the chart select the months of water surplus.
(a) January, February (b) November, December
(c) July, August, September (d) March, April
(vi) Fill in the blank by selecting from the passage the correct option:
The............have been the only source of water in areas in and around Ladakh.
(a) glaciers. (b) rivers
(c) streams. (d) water springs
(vii) The word 'located' in paragraph 3 means
(a) found. (b) locally found
(c) situated. (d) adapted
(viii) List one reason why artificial glaciers seem the best option.

Section – B Grammar and Creative Writing Skills

3. Attempt only 10 the following:Cbse Board questions paper(2023 code 2/1/1 Set -1)
(i) Reena always ______ the truth.
(a) speak
(b) speaks
(c) will speak
(d) speaking
(ii) Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line :
Bread and butter ______ my favourite breakfast.
(a) is
(b) am
(c) are
(d) has been
(iii) Read the conversation between two friends Ravi and Reena. Complete the sentence by
reporting Reena’s reply correctly.
Ravi : “Reena, lend me a hundred rupees’.
Reena : “I don’t have it right now, but I will arrange it for you”.
Ravi asked Reena to lend him a hundred rupees, to which Reena
replied that _______.
(iv) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line
I can run fast when I was young.
(v) Complete the given narrative, by filling in the blank with the correct
option :
Heena _______ from fever since last Sunday.
(a) suffered
(b) will suffer
(c) suffer
(d) has been suffering
(vi) Fill in the blank by using the correct word in the bracket.
Anyas _______ (eat) all the chocolates kept in the tray.
(a) ate
(b) eating
(c) have eaten
(d) eaten
(vii) Report the dialogue between a mother and a daughter by completing the sentence :
Mother : Why are you looking so worried ?
Daughter : My exams are approaching.
In response to the question of the mother, the daughter replied that_______.
(viii) Identify the error in the given sentence :
The ship Titanic and her fate continues to fascinate the imagination of the people.
Use the given format for your response :
Error Correction
(ix) Ritu and Randeep are talking. Report Ritu’s question.
Ritu – Where are you going ?
Ritu asked ________.
(x) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the slogan :
______ smile and pass it to others.
(a) Happy
(b) Short
(c) Always
(d) Humble
(xi) Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue
between Anil and Sanjeev :
Anil : Where are you going ?
Sanjeev : To the airport.
Anil : May I drop you there as I’m going in that direction ?
Anil asked Sanjeev where he was going and offered to drop him as _____.
(a) he could be going in that direction
(b) he would be going in the direction
(c) he is going in the direction
(d) he was going in that direction
(xii) Identify the error in the newspaper headline.
Attractive packages for different Tourist destination – Mizoram, Kashmir, Kerala, Goa.
Use the given format for your response :
Error. Correction

3. Attempt only 10 the following: (Board questions paper 2023)

(i) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete a school advisory.
Parents must. ............... their children's leisure activities.
(a) look at. (b) look into
(c) look away. (d) look up
(ii) Read the conversation between the Chief Guest and the student. Complete the
sentence by reporting the reply correctly.
Chief guest: Who inspired you to learn classical dance.
Student: I was inspired by my grandfather who was a renowned dancer.
The Chief Guest asked the student who had inspired the student to learn classical dance.
The student replied……………………………
(iii) Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line on a save the
environment poster:
Keep the environment clean. Do not litter.
You …………………... follow rules.
(a) may. (b) should
(c) will. (d) have to
(iv) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the
following line:
The sounds of laughter was echoing in the corridor.
Option Error Correction
(a) sounds sound
(b) laughter laughing
(c) was were
(d) in of
(v) complete the given narrative by filling in the blank with the correct option:
In times of trouble you can always……………..your parents for help.
(a) turn in. (b) turn to
(c) turn on (d) turn away
(vi) Fill the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket:
The students with the help of their teacher……….(create) a beautiful poster.
(vii) Report the dialogue between the receptionist and the customer by completing the
Receptionist: When would you like to check into the hotel?
Customer: I will send you an email and give the details.
In response to the question regarding when
he would like to move in, the customer replied...............................................
(viii) Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction :
The children were exciting when they saw the leopard.
Use the given format for your response:
Error Correction
(ix) Samiksha shared some information with Sameer regarding the annual blood
donation camp. Report Samee's question: How did you feel when you were donating
(x) The doctor…………. examined the patient when the family arrived
(a) was. (b) had
(c) has. (d) have
(xi) Select the correct option to complete the narration of a dialogue between a
passerby and a farmer.
Passerby: Can you tell me the way to Rampur? Farmer: Drive for four kms and then turn
The passerby asked the farmer if he could tell him the way to Rampur. The farmer
replied that………
(a) he may drive for four kms and then turn right.
(b) he should drive for four kms and then turn right.
(c) he might drive for four kms and then turn right.
(d) he had to drive for four kms and then turn right.
(xii) Identify the error in the statement given below and supply the correction.
Use the given format for your response.
Water was vital to human health and fitness.
Error Correction

3. Attempt only 10 the following: (Cbes Sample paper 2024)

(i) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given
portion of
a letter:
Dear Sir
This is with reference to committee’s letter of recommendation that ________ (highlight) the
nominations for ‘Safe Residential Area’ award for this current year.
(ii) Read the given sentence from a recipe review article. Identify the error and supply
the correction in the sentence.
This delightful recipe must keep your hunger pangs at bay with its balanced spices and
oriental flavour.
Use the given format for your response.
error correction

(iii) Abhilash and Neha had a conversation about the inauguration of Neha’s Dance
Report Abhilash’s question.
Is your best friend helping you in this venture?

(iv) Read the dialogue between Shabnam and her mentor, Sara, regarding her summer
internship programme.
Sara: Why did you choose to participate in this internship programme?
Shabnam: Ah! I am convinced this programme has the potential to enhance my abilities.
Select the correct option to complete the reporting of the above dialogue.
Sara asked Shabnam_________________________________ in that internship
Shabnam sighed and exclaimed that she was convinced that programme had the potential to
enhance her abilities.
A. why to choose to participate
B. to choose participation
C. about her choice to participate
D. with her choice in participating
(v) Fill the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the concluding line of an
circular by an Organisation, to its Managers.
A copy of the plan is enclosed and__________ (that/ then/ this) may be communicated to all
Team Leaders for compliance.
(vi) Identify the error and supply correction for the given sentence from a commercial
company’s current marketing strategy.
The company aimed at increasing authority in areas frequently visited by the clients.
Use the given format for your response.
error correction
(vii) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the
closing line, from an analytical report.
In conclusion, this study explores the association among short-sleep pattern and overweight
Options error correction
A explores explore
B and or
C among between
D In for

(viii) Complete the given narrative, by filling the blank with the correct option.
The experience of nursing an injured bird left me _____________ grateful for knowing the
importance of being kind and compassionate to all creatures.
A. feeling
B. having felt
C. felt
D. feels
(ix) Report the dialogue between a vendor and his customer, by completing the
Vendor: It is nice to see you, Sir!
Customer: Yes, indeed! Unlike last month, I have been away for quite some time this month.
The vendor greeted his customer respectfully and mentioned that he was pleased to see
The customer answered in the affirmative and explained that ______________________

(x) Fill the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the live feed on a school
news channel.
Congratulations Change Makers!
The regional competition awards have been announced and our school music
club……………. the first prize.
A. had been won
B. will win
C. was winning
D. has won
(xi) Complete the line from a self-awareness song, by filling the blank with the correct
The river runs through your veins
The trees and mountains ______ your name
The moon and stars watch over
You’re guiding your way back home
To dream the night away.
A. will call
B. call
C. had called
D. calls
(xii) Many a student……………….(laugh) at him daily. (Sample paper 2024)

4.(1)You are pained to see that in your city, there is no proper arrangement for cleaning of
drains. There are heaps of accumulated garbage and stagnant water. Write a letter to the
Municipal Commissioner of your city complaining about the same as there is a
fear of outbreak of disease. You are Alka/Ashish. (Word limit 100-120)Cbse Board questions
paper(2023 code 2/1/1 Set -1)
(2)The authorities have been claiming that the roads in your town have been relaid and
repaired. But no such work is done. Write a
letter to the editor of a local newspaper expressing your concern at the present situation and
giving suggestions to resolve the problem, in 100-120 words. You are Prabhu/Parvati of
Vivek Vihar, Delhi. Cbse Board questions paper(2023 code 2/1/1 Set -1)
(3) Stakeholders associated with the education of children are concerned about the poor
habits of students today. There are multiple reasons for this recent trust and students.
Academic pressure, technology and distraction, social media, parents not reading, children
not visiting libraries, and lack of leisure time are some of the reasons. As a concerned
parent, write a letter to the editor in about 100 to 120 words expressing your concern.
Suggest innovative ways in which children can be brought back to books. You are
Sahil/Susheela. (Board questions paper 2023)
(4) You are Swati/ Sohan living at, DLF, Phase lll, Gurugram. Your streets and roads get
waterlogged during the monsoon season every year. Car stalls, drains overflow and traffic
comes to a standstill. It is difficult to lead a normal life and this adds to your woes. Write a
letter in 100- 120 words to the editor, ' The Times of India,' highlighting the problems and
suggesting measures to control the problem. (Cbse Question paper, code 2/5/1; 2022-23)
(5) You are Rita/Rahul living at Sunder Colony, Agra. The stray dogs in your colony are
regularly fed and vaccinated by the RWA of the colony. You are disturbed to see your
neighbours treating these dogs badly. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the President of the
Society complaining against the rough treatment meted to them and how it and how it
impacts the behaviour of the dogs who are otherwise very docile. [CBSE Question Paper,
Code 2/5/1; 2022-23] (5 marks)
6. You are Rita/Rahul, you purchased a T.V. set from Capital Electronics. However, after a
month the T.V. the set stopped working properly. The volume could not be adjusted and the
screen kept going back.
Write a letter of complaint to the Manager of the store asking them to send a technician and
if required replace the T.V. set since it was within warranty period.
[CBSE Question Paper, Code 2/4/3; 2022-23] (5 marks)
5.(1)The chart below displays details regarding online activity for four ageSe groups in six
categories. Write an analytical paragraph for the table provided in about 100 words.Cbse
Board questions paper(2023 code 2/1/1 Set -1)

5.(2) A survey was conducted in New Delhi in over twenty schools about
the different activities that interest the children in the age group of 13 to 15 years. Write an
analytical paragraph in about 100 words
analyzing the following information: Cbse Board questions paper(2023 code 2/1/1 Set -1)

5. (3) The chart below gives the percentage of social media users by age in India in 2020.
Write a paragraph analysing the given information drawing comparisons among different age
groups in 100 to 120 words Internet activities by age group.(Board questions paper 2023)

4.Write a paragraph, in not more than 120 words, analysing the listed responses to the
situation when one faces setbacks. (CBSE Sample Paper, 2022; Term 2).
Study the concept chart from the self-help magazine section of monthly publication.
5.The given bar graph shows the increasing use of skin care products by men and women
over the period of three months. Write an analytical paragraph elaborating the given
information in about 100-120 words.
(CBSE Question Paper, Code 2/6/1; 2022-23)
6. The graph below illustrates why it is important to have people in quarantine during the
Coronavirus pandemic. Compose an analytical paragraph, in 100-120 words, summarising
the same.

( Section – C Literature)
6. Attempt the given extracts :Cbse Board questions paper(2023 code 2/1/1 Set -1)
1. Let me put this more clearly, since no one will believe that a thirteen-year old girl is
completely alone in this world. And I’m not. I have loving parents and a sixteen years
old sister, and there are almost thirty people I can call friends. I have a family, loving
and a good house. No, on the surface I seem to have everything, except my one true
friend. All I think about when I am with friends
is having a good time. I can’t bring myself to talk about anything, but ordinary
everyday things.
(i) On the surface, it appears that Anne is a thirteen year old girl _____.
(ii) How can we infer that the speaker felt alone in the world ?
(a) She had a family of many people.
(b) She had loving parents.
(c) She had thirty friends.
(d) She craves for a true friend.
(iii) Anne and her friends talked about _____.
(a) their problematic parents
(b) their financial problems
(c) common everyday things
(d) the commuting problems
(iv) Complete the analogy by selecting the suitable word from the text :
alone : friends : : nothing :
(v) Select the option that correctly captures the usage of the idiom ‘bring myself ’ from the
extract :
(a) to do something willingly
(b) to do something unwillingly
(c) a charitable act
(d) an involuntary act

2. Mrs. Hall almost fell down the stairs in hysterics. She was convinced
that the room was haunted by spirits and that the stranger had somehow caused
these to enter into her furniture. Cbse Board questions paper(2023 code 2/1/1 Set -1)
(i) Mrs. Hall tripped because ______
(a) the floor was oily.
(b) she was standing on a chair.
(c) she was in a state of panic.
(d) the door was slammed.
(ii) Mrs. Hall suspected everything in the room was put under a
spell of witchcraft by ______.
(iii) Fill in the blank with one word only :
Mrs. Hall was afraid that spirits had entered _______.
(iv) According to the extract, the feeling of Mrs. Hall can be best described as
(1) stunned (2) happy
(3) awestruck (4) nervous
(5) outraged (6) agitated
Select the correct option :
(a) (2) and (4)
(b) (3) and (6)
(c) (5) and (6)
(d) (1) and (6)
(v) ‘Spirits’ in the above lines means the same as
(a) ghosts
(b) conscience
(c) ego
(d) attitude

3. And as the light came on, Fowler had his first authentic thrill of the day. Halfway
across the room, a small automatic pistol in his hand, stood a man. Ausable blinked a
few times.
(i) Who was standing in the room with a pistol in his hand? 1
(a) Ausable
(b) Fowler
(c) Max
(d) A waiter
(ii) Ausable blinked because he: 1
(a) was getting adjusted to the light
(b) got afraid of the man with a pistol.
(c) was thrilled to have reached his room.
(d) started thinking of how to get rid of the man
(iii) Fowler was thrilled because what he saw looked like a…………………...2
(iv) Which word in the extract means the same as 'genuine/real"? 1 Cbse Board questions
paper(2020 code 2/1/1 Set -1)

4.This, I was to learn, is a characteristic of Otters, every drop of water must be, so to
speak, extended and spread about the place; a bowl must at once be overturned or, if
it will not be overturned, be sat in and sploshed in until it overflows. Water must be
kept on the move and made to do things; when static it is wasted and provoked.
(i) What is the scientific name of the species of the Otter referred to in the extract?
(a) Lutrogale maxwelli (b) Lutrogale perspicillata
(c) Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli (d) Maxwelli perspicillata lutrogale
(ii) What does 'this' refer to in the given extract?
(iii) Fill in the blank with ONE WORD only.
The given lines show that the otter was……..
(iv) What kind of relationship is shared by the speaker and the Otter?
5. It was this desire for the freedom of my people to live their lives with dignity and
self- respect that animated my life, that transformed a frightened young man into a
bold one, that drove a law-abiding attorney to become a criminal, that turned a family
loving husband into a man without a home, that forced a life-loving man to live like a
(a) How did he become a criminal?
(i) By fighting for his people's freedom which was illegal under the apartheid system
(ii) By leaking sensitive information
(iii) By involving in a scam
(iv) By involving in violence against police
(b) Mandela was transformed from a:
(i) frightened man to bold man
(ii) law abiding attorney to a criminal
(iii) life - loving man to the one who lives like a monk
(iv) all of these
(c) Which desire transformed Mandela into a criminal?
(i) The desire to travel freely
(ii) The desire to become rich
(iii) The desire for freedom for all
(iv) None of these
(d) Which of the following did Mandela want for his people?
(i) Freedom (ii) Dignity
(iii) Respect (iv) All of these
(e) Which word means the same as 'being worthy of honour or respect'?
(i) Desire (ii) Dignity
(iii) Attorney (iv) Monk
6."I didn't get any real results," he said. "But I went ahead and showed that I had tried
the experiment. This time I won." The next year's science fair project was testing the
theory that viceroy butterflies copy monarchs. The theory was that viceroys look like
monarchs because monarchs don't taste good to birds. Viceroys, on the other hand,
do taste good to birds. So, the more they look like monarchs, the less likely they are
to become a bird's dinner. Ebright's project was to see whether, in fact, birds would
eat monarchs. He found that a starling would not eat ordinary bird food. It would eat
all the monarch it could get.
(i) Choose the option listing Ebright's qualities as depicted by the above extract.
(1) Persevering
(2) visionary
(3) determined
(4) liberal
(5) conceited
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 3 and 5
(C) 1 and 3
(D) 4 and 5
(ii) According to the dictionary, 'fair' as a noun, shows the following meanings.
Choose the option that lists the meaning similar to the usage to that in the extract.
(A) A gathering of stalls and amusements for public entertainment.
(B) A competitive exhibition showcasing products or ideas.
(C) A periodic gathering for the sale of goods.
(D) An annual exhibition of livestock, agricultural products, etc. held by a town, county, or
(iii) Choose the option that is true for the two statements given about the information
in the extract.
Statement 1- Starling feeds on viceroys.
Statement 2 - Starling does not eat seeds and insects.
(A) Both statements are clearly mentioned in the extracts.
(B) Statement I cannot be clearly inferred from the text and statement 2 is true.
(C) Statement I is false and statement 2 cannot be clearly inferred from the extract.
(D) Both the statements need to be inferred from the given extract.
(iv)Choose the statements that are TRUE for the given extract contextually.
(1) Ebright didn't get any results for the experiment he conducted on butterflies
(2) Monarchs tasted awful to the birds.
(3) Ebright wanted to explore the possibility of monarchs getting eaten by birds.
(4) He wanted to prove that viceroys are lookalikes of monarchs.
(A) (1) and (2)
(B) (2) and (3)
(C) (1) and (3)
(D) (2) and (4)

7. Attempt the given extracts :

1. Though to distinguish beasts of prey A novice might nonplus,The crocodiles you
always mayTell from the Hyena thus :
Hyenas come with merry smiles;But if they weep they’re crocodiles.Cbse Board
questions paper(2023 code 2/1/1 Set -1)
(i) Select the appropriate option to complete the sentence,
according to the extract :
Crocodiles can be identified by their _______.
(a) tears
(b) attitude
(c) smiles
(d) attacks
(ii) State whether the following statement is True or False :
Hyenas are famous for weeping.
(iii) ‘Novice’ in line 2 means the same as :
(a) learner
(b) beast
(c) tender foot
(d) beginner
(iv) In this extract the poet has presented two different behavioural
traits of animals. They are ______.
(v) The poet uses ‘A novice might nonplus” instead of the novice might get confused. How
does this usage impact the poem ?
(a) adds an incorrect option.
(b) it is associated with beasts.
(c) it rhymes and adds humour.
(d) it simplifies the meaning.
2. He stalks in his vivid stripes
The few steps of his cage,
On pads of velvet quiet,
In his quiet rage
He should be lurking in shadow
Sliding through long grass
Near the water hole
Where plump deer pass. Cbse Board questions paper(2023 code 2/1/1 Set -1)
(i) Complete the sentence appropriately.
The vivid stripes refer to the ______.
(ii) Which word from the extract is the opposite of ‘loud’ ?
(iii) The use of the phrase ‘pads of velvet’ means
(a) neck
(b) tail
(c) skin
(d) paws
(iv) State whether the following statement is True or False :
The confinement of the cramped space of the cage has
restricted the tiger’s steps.
(v) The tiger was lurking in the shadows _________.
(a) to catch its prey
(b) as the cage was dark
(c) as the velvet was quiet
(d) as he was in a rage
3. Winds rush to meet them.
The moon is broken like a mirror,
Its pieces flash now in the crown.
of the tallest oak. (Cbse board Question paper 2020 Set 2/2/1)
(a) The above lines were written by…….
(i) Robert Frost
(ii) John Berryman.
(iii) Robin Klein
(iv) Adrienne Rich
(b) The crown of the oak lies in its
(i) top most branches.
(ii) roots
(iii) rich and tasty fruit
(iv) broad leaves.
(c) The winds are rushing to meet the…………...
(d) Find the word from the extract which means the same as "shine."
(e) Which poetic device is used in line second?
4. (There is a languid, emerald sea,
where the sole inhabitant is me -
a mermaid, drifting blissfully)
(i) What does Amanda want to do?
(a) She wants to drift blissfully. (b) She wants to sprint.
(c) She wants to fly. (d)She wants to run bare- feet.
(ii)How is the sea?
(a) Wild (b) peaceful and beautiful
(c) Overflowing (d) dirty
(iii) About whom is the poem?
(a) Princess (b) Single mother
(c) Lady (d) Teenage girl
(iv) What does Amanda want to be?
(a) Rapunzel (b) Orphan
(c) Mermaid (d) Normal girl
(v) Why does Amanda want to be drifting in the sea?
(a) To find calm (b) To escape
(c) To hide (d) To feel safe
5. "I heard an old religious man
But yesternight declare
That he had found a text to prove
That only God, my dear
Could love you for yourself alone
And not your yellow hair."
(i) The above stanza strongly defines the idea of
(a) internal qualities
(b) external beauty
(c) spiritual self
(d) divinity
(ii) Choose the phrase that best represents, 'love you for yourself alone'.
(a) Unconditional love
(b) Unseemly love
(c) Unrequited love
(d) Understated love
(iii) What wisdom was imparted to the poet and by whom it was imparted? Answer in
about 40 words
(iv) Where did the religious man find that God loves everyone selflessly?

6. Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
(i) Choose the CORRECT statement about the given poem.
( A) Fire and Ice are images - they help the readers visualize the power of nature over man.
(B) Fire and Ice are symbols-not of natural disasters, but of humanity's ability to create
disasters of its own.
(C) Fire and Ice are elements-not of nature but man-made and possess the ability to create
havoc for mankind.
(D) Fire and Ice are agents- they change the thinking of mankind from negative to positive
and bring harmony.
(ii) Select the option that correctly classifies the connotations for fire and ice, as
suggested in the poem.
(1) rage
(2) violence
(3) indifferences
(4) hate
(5) greed
(A) Fire-(3), (4); Ice-(1), (2), (5)
(B) Fire (2), (5); Ice-(1), (3), (4)
(C) Fire-(1), (3), (5); Ice - (2), (4)
(D) Fire -(1), (2), (4); Ice - (3), (5)
(iii) The poem is a……………….,put across by the poet.
(A) power warning
(B) heart-felt apology
(C) earnest appeal
(D) vengeful threat
(iv) What is the imagination of the poet? Explain in 40 words.
8. Attempt the following questions questions given below in 40-50 words:Cbse Board
questions paper(2023 code 2/1/1 Set -1)
(a) What did Pranjol and Rajvir do during the journey ? Why ?
(b) Who read the letter sent by Lencho ? What did he do then ?
(c) Where is Coorg located ? Write any two characteristics of the people
of Coorg ?
(d) How does the poem ‘The Tale of Custard The Dragon’ differ from the
a traditional ballad ?
(e) What does the Buddha say about the world?
8.Attempt the following questions questions given below in 40-50 words: (Cbse board
Question paper 2020 Set 2/2/1)
(a) What were Lencho’s feelings when the hail stopped ?
(b) Why does the poet use the term ‘noble’ and ‘wild’ for the tiger ? (How
to Tell Wild Animals)
(c) What was the major flaw in Tricki ?
(d) What made the boys follow Griffin ?
(e) How is Ausable different from other secret agents ?
8.Attempt the following questions questions given below in 40-50 words:
(a) From beginning to the end of the lesson ‘Black Aeroplane’ is a mystery. How? (Sample
paper 2024)
(b) Kitty was a trusted friend to Anne. Elaborate. (sample paper 2024)
(c) How did Valli succeed in fulfilling her desire of riding a bus ? ( Board - 2017 set 2/1)
(d) What do we learn about the financial condition of the bakers of Goa ? ( 2017 set 1 2/1)
(e) In the poem ‘Trees’, where are the trees ? What are their roots, twigs, etc trying to do ? (
2017 set 1 2/1)
9. Attempt the following questions given below in 40-50 words Cbse Board questions
paper(2023 code 2/1/1 Set -1. 2/1)
(a) Why does Anil not hand over Hari Singh to the police ?
(b) What opinion did Mr. Weiherer, Ebright’s Social Science teacher, have about Ebright ?
(c) What was Mr. Herriot’s strict advice ? Did Mrs. Pumphrey agree to his advice ?
(d) Was Mrs Pumphrey a rich lady? How to know. ( Cbse Sample paper 2024)
(e) Can you contribute to change the social evil like dowry? How?
(f) How did M. Does Loisel try to make his wife happy ? ( 2017 set 1 . 2/1)
(g) Do you think books are being replaced by the electronic world? Can we do away with
books altogether?
(h) Why did Horace Danby get angry when anyone talked about 'honour among thieves?
(i) Draw the character sketch of Natalya.
10. Answer a the following questions in 100-120 words :Cbse Board questions
paper(2023 code 2/1/1 Set -1)
(a) Whenever we want to achieve something, difficulties always come in
our way. What did Valli have to do to go and ride in a bus ?
(b) Through the story of Kisa Gotami, what did the Buddha try to preach to the common man
(c) What lesson did Kisa Gotami learn the second time that she had failed to learn the first
time ?(Cbse board Question paper 2020 Set 2/2/1)
(d) Lencho did not bother exploring any other means to resolve his situation but just turned
to God. Do you feel that his approach was justified? Why/Why not?
(e) The People's Collective for Endangered Species has invited the narrator of "Mijbil the
Otter" as a guest speaker to address the audience about the importance of protecting Otters
and their natural habitats like lakes and ponds. As the narrator, pen down a speech detailing
your own experience with Mijbil and why it is important to conserve water bodies for animals
like Otters.
(f) Describe the controversy between Lomov and Natalya about the Oxen Meadows and
their dogs.
11. Answer the following questions in 100-120 words : Cbse Board questions
paper(2023 code 2/1/1 Set -1)
(a) Education is always a great asset in the life of a woman. How did
Bholi, an educated girl, faces the challenge posed by Bishamber’s greed ?
(b) Those who are satisfied with what they have are happy in life. Those who aspire more
than what they can afford ruin their life. Matilda
was one such person. If she were content with her life she would have led a happy life.
Elaborate on the basis of the chapter ‘The
(c) What do you know about Bishamber Nath? Why did Bholi refuse to marry him ? (Cbse
board Question paper 2020 Set 2/2/1)
(d) Give a brief character sketch of Fowler ? What are the values reflected in his character?
(e) "If one seeks peace, one should draw out the Sorrow of lamentation," What do you infer
from the Buddha's statement?
(f) Why is the poet writing long letters? Why does she not mention the departure of the

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