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Submitted by: MUHAMMAD WALEED KHAN-451539 MS-CSE (Morning Session)

TOPIC: Signature Recognition and Forgery Detection using Deep Learning Dated: 16-03-2024

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1 Off-line Signature Verification Based on Fusion of Grid and Global Features Using Neural Networks, Vol. 2(12), 2010, 7035-7044
2 Persian Signature Verification using Convolutional Neural Networks, Vol. 1 Issue 2, April - 2012
3 Offline Signature Verification with Convolutional Neural Networks, Gabe Alvarez, Blue Sheffer
5 K. Simonyan, A. Zisserman ”Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition” in ICLR 2015
6 Offline Signature Recognition and Verification Based on Artifical Neural Network, Mohammed A. Abdala & Noor Ayad Yousif
7 A new signature verification technique based on a two-stage neural network classifier H. Baltzakisa , N. Papamarkosb, (2001) 95–103
8 Emre Ozgunduz and M. Elif Karslıgil, "Off-line Signature Verification and Recognition by Support Vector Matching", 2003.
9 Local Feature Based Off-line Signature Verification using Neural Network Classifiers Article · January 2009
10 B. Kovari, "Time-Efficient Stroke Extraction Method for Handwritten Signatures," in ACS07, The 7th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer Science, 2007, pp. 157-161.
11 Glorot, X. and Bengio, Y. Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks. In Proc. AISTATS, volume 9, pp. 249–256, 2010.
12 Goodfellow, I. J., Bulatov, Y., Ibarz, J., Arnoud, S., and Shet, V. Multi-digit number recognition from street view imagery using deep convolutional neural networks. In Proc. ICLR, 2014.

Highet Priority
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Backward Search-5 Keywords Search
Stephane Armand, Michael Blumanstein, Muthukkumarasamy, V. (2006): Off Line Signature Verification based on Modified Direction Feature, Eighteenth International conference on Pattern Recognition, vol 4, pp. 509-512. Signature Verification, CNN, Neural Network
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Forward Search-1
Implementation of Hand Written based Signature Verification Technology using Deep Learning Approach
Offline Signature Recognition and Forgery Detection using Deep Learning Jivesh Poddara , Vinanti Parikh, April 6 - 9, 2020,
Online handwritten signature verification system based on DWT features extraction and neural network classification Maged M.M. Fahmy
Automated Verification of the Signatures’ Authenticity using Artificial Intelligence Methods., 7-9 September, 2023, Dortmund, Germa
M. Kurowski, A. Sroczyń ski, G. Bogdanis, and A. Czyżewski, "An Automated Method for Biometric Handwritten Signature Authentication Employing Neural Networks," Electronics 2021, 10(4), 456;
Handwritten signature forgery detection using Deep Neural Network
S. Jain, M. Khanna, & A. Singh, Comparison among different CNN Architectures for Signature Forgery Detection using Siamese Neural Network. In 2021 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS), pp. 481-486, 2021
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E. Alajrami, B. A. Ashqar, B. S. Abu-Nasser, A. J. Khalil, M.M. Musleh, A.. M., Barhoom, & S. S. Abu-Naser, Handwritten signature verification using deep learning, International Journal of Academic multidisciplinary Research, 3(12), pp. 39-44, 2019.
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