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Name: Teneishia Nicole Pitao

Subject: Subject: Rizal 101 Life and Works of Instructor:

1.) In your own opinion, why are Filipino College students required to take Rizal course when
the course itself is repeatedly taught since elementary all way up to junior high school
aside from the fact that it is mandated by the law?

➢ I think one of the best reasons why it is essential for us college students to recall and
re-explore the life and works of Rizal is the fact that even we took this subject in
elementary school and junior high school, I think that there are still lots of areas that
we need to delve and focus on specifically that the topics that were covered and
discussed in the early education years was only limited and the topics were only gist
of what truly Rizal encountered and experienced throughout his journey as he
conquered the freedom and liberty for the Filipino people. I also think that there are
areas where we as college students have already forgotten, and it is important for us
to know this thing because we need to be reminded of where we came from and the
value that this freedom holds us. Moreover, as Filipino students it is also one of our
core values to embody and appreciate the history of our country because through
this it strengthens our understanding towards the people who sacrifice and
contributed their own lives just for the people to know the worth of giving voice for the
voiceless and oppressed. According to Nel Galarosa, it is important to study Rizal’s
life and his writings because the contribution he made to the country is priceless. We
youth know only the little background of Rizal’s lives and work. Thus, exploring his
life as a college student also served as a valuable impact to pay tribute to our
national hero for devoting his life and works in shaping the Filipino character.
1.) Is the life of Rizal still relevant in our modern society?

➢ Based on my honest personal experience, I think that if we tend to compare the life
of Rizal before and our lifestyle experience today, I can distinguish the differences
specifically the norms, practices and traits of the Filipino people. On my personal
understanding, the life of Rizal before specifically the societal norms was more
centered to patriarchal practices wherein only man during Rizal’s time were only
given a chance to be educated and women were seen and perceived to be the
modest, conservation and caretaker of the house and to take good care of the family.
As a matter of fact, I have watched this episode named “Maria Clara at Ibarra” it was
inspired from one of Rizal famous works the Noli Me Tangere, from that example I
get to discover the life and society of Rizal knowing the fact that the notable piece
was inspired based on true to life experiences of his time. His literary piece was in
fact one of the main reasons why the Filipino people during his time gets to become
empowered to fight for their rights and their liberty towards the colonizers which is
the Spaniards. Going back to the question, I think that the modern Philippine society
now has finally become more liberated and slowly woman of todays had been
acknowledging and regarded for their excellence in different areas such as politics,
markets, education and more. However, as women become more expressive
towards their selves a lot of the Filipina woman has become more liberated towards
how they present themselves. Before Filipina woman are regarded to be “Maria
Clara” who posses’ traits of being conservative and God-fearing people. In today’s
world a lot of women has become more liberated towards how they wanted to look
and even wear something body and skin revealing. In man’s perspective, before man
are perceived to be competent and smart however comparing to now a lot of man
prefer to stay at home or to just ignore their capacities to excel in different areas.
Moreover, Filipino man were regarded to be loyal and stick to one partner but today
they were unfaithful to their loved ones. Although there are a lot of things that have
been changed over the years it is still important for Filipinos to recall because history
shape who we are today.
3.) What is the importance of Rizal to your life as a Filipino and as a student?

When I was in elementary level, we used to study and explore the life of this well-known
national hero named "Jose P. Rizal". I even recall staring at a statue of his face that stood
next to the school flagpole when I was in grade six. I was really interested in his life and
background at the time. I have always been interested in heroes' lives, especially those
who are known as Philippine heroes. When I first heard the word "hero," I assumed that it

would mean someone who resembled a knight and a shining warrior, like I typically see in
movies. Basically, someone who fought using a sword and other weapons. However, Jose
Rizal's life was very different from this. I came to understand that he stood out from the
crowd because he used his intellect to fight for the nation's freedom using paper and a pen.
Going back to the question, I think that the best response towards that questions is the fact
that the life of Rizal signifies a powerful message to the youth that it is not necessary for us
to use our strength to fight wars using deadly weapons such as sword or knife just to be
called a hero but we can use our intellect to contribute and show our compassion and love
for our beloved country. I believed that it is important for us to study and explore his life for
us to be guided by our past and history because if we do not acknowledge our past, it only
makes us as someone who do not know to look back from where we are and where our
freedom derived from. Thus, taking this subject enables me to understand better the truth of
the history and it values to us living in this modern and liberal generation. As I took the
course, I realized how difficult to live the society where Rizal was once live in. The doubts
that I have shaped from the past questioning his title as a Philippine national hero was once
and for all answered through this subject. Truly, a hero cannot just only be defined as
someone who fought bloody but also as someone who knows how to use the gift of intellect
to set the society free. Exploring his life and works made me realized how lucky I am today,
I was able to express myself now freely and I was given a voice to be heard, given equal
chance and opportunity to study and was finally liberated to wear something I wanted to
wear to showcase who I really am. All of these will not be possible without Jose P. Rizal,
without his courage and compassion for the people I think that we will not be able to
experience the life that we are living today. It was truly an honor to read and explore his
literary piece, his writings provide nostalgic Filipino practices that truly define and shaped
the country's cultures. From the soft spoken "Maria Clara" conservative Filipina to sincere
and dedicated Filipino people who both values Christianity love of God.

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