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Emerging issues in the field of communication……………………………..…………………………………………………..2

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1. Definition of Communication........................................................................................................... 3
1.2. Importance of Communication in Society ....................................................................................... 3
1.3. Overview of Emerging Issues in Communication............................................................................. 4
2. Technological Advancements and Communication ....................................................................... 5
2.1. Impact of Social Media on Communication ................................................................................ 5
2.2. Challenges of Digital Communication.......................................................................................... 5
2.3. Ethical Concerns in Online Communication ............................................................................... 5
3. Globalization and Communication.............................................................................................. 5
3.1. Cross-Cultural Communication Challenges .............................................................................. 5
3.2. Language Barriers in International Communication ................................................................ 5

4. Media and Communication ................................................................................................................. 6

4.1. Fake News and Misinformation .................................................................................................... 6

4.2. Media Bias and its Effects on Communication............................................................................ 6

4.3. Role of Media in Shaping Public Opinion ................................................................................... 6


REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 7

1. Introduction
1.1. Definition of Communication
1.2. Importance of Communication in Society
1.3. Overview of Emerging Issues in Communication
2. Technological Advancements and Communication
2.1. Impact of Social Media on Communication
2.2. Challenges of Digital Communication
2.3. Ethical Concerns in Online Communication
3. Globalization and Communication
3.1. Cross-Cultural Communication Challenges
3.2. Language Barriers in International Communication
4. Media and Communication
4.1. Fake News and Misinformation
4.2. Media Bias and its Effects on Communication
4.3. Role of Media in Shaping Public Opinion

Emerging Issues in the Field of Communication

1. Introduction

When you take a class in interpersonal communication, for example, you're going to look at
how we form relationships and how we interact one-on-one. Public address and rhetoric looks
at the tools by which big messages are conveyed in public forums; so studying rhetoric means
studying the art of speaking or writing effectively. And so on and so on, for every different
kind of communication discipline that's out there.

To start, the term "communication" is described in different ways. Scholars have studied it
within disciplines like linguistics, rhetoric, political science, and information science, to name
just a few. Actually, as a way of comparison later in this volume, there is even a chapter that
talks about the role of communication in the lives of non-human animals. For human
communicative behaviors to have meaning and social ramifications, they have to be
understood as occurring within the nexus of various features of the human communicating.
Like human beings do, is at the heart of what differentiates us from the rest of the beings on
this planet; it is what also distinguishes the various disciplines and sub-disciplines that you
might encounter in connection with a degree in communication.

1.1. Definition of Communication

The term communication may be defined as a process wherein an individual or an animal

sends a message as a result of having a particular aim. The message is usually in a certain
form. It may be verbal or nonverbal. Verbal can be either oral (spoken words) or written
while nonverbal may involve any form of communication apart from written and oral
messages. For communication to be effective, the message should be properly passed and
understood by the intended receiver. The receiver in turn should send feedback as
acknowledgement that the message was successfully passed. It is worth noting that for
communication to take place, there must be existence of more than one person and the person
sending a message has to make sure that the message is properly understood by the recipient.
This means that communication is not only about sending and receiving messages but having
an understanding about the message. It involves creation of shared understanding and a link
that ties the sender and the receiver in the bond of a particular idea. Communication is also a
continuous process. It is a time-bound and continuous activity.

1.2. Importance of Communication in Society

Researchers and business experts have discovered the significance of communication in a

society. One of the rising troubles that touch on communication is the potential of society to
be split into exceptional elements and for sure communities as properly as special individuals
to proceed to emerge. This ability that communication is a necessity and that barring this
issue, it would now not be feasible for specific aspects of the world to proceed in a regular
manner. In many instances, the position of communication in a society is used to emphasize
the importance of guaranteeing this part is up to expectation with the desires of the
individuals as properly as making sure that the satisfactory output can be performed in
distinctive areas of the world, specially in the fiscal sense. The absence of communication
can be appeared as a purpose of unending disputes and stress that can in no way stop. This is
due to the fact with the absence of statistics flows, distinctive areas of the world will make
choices except sharing what they assume is proper to the rest.
1.3. Overview of Emerging Issues in Communication

Emerging issue in the field of communication includes the influence new technologies have
had on our communication landscape. Adapting to the constantly evolving digital age also
presents its own set of challenges to communication. More research and resources need to be
devoted to providing support for areas of the population who are all too often left out of the
conversation regarding communication practices and policy. Communication policy and law
are increasingly becoming areas in which there are jobs that need to be filled. There has been
a slow but sure transformation in the way communication policy has been made and
implemented since the introduction of new media and the internet. Such issues have been
compounded by the rise in populism across the globe where leaders use communication for
the furtherance of untruths and propaganda to promote their own or their preferred message
and silence those with alternative views. This is a real concern and is an area of significant
investigation in the field of communication.

2. Technological Advancements and Communication
2.1. Impact of Social Media on Communication
Social media has had a profound impact on communication in various ways. It has greatly
increased the speed and reach of communication, allowing people to connect instantly across
the globe. However, it has also led to shorter and more informal communication styles,
sometimes sacrificing depth for brevity. Additionally, social media platforms have created
new forms of interaction, such as likes, shares, and comments, which can both enhance and
distort communication.
2.2. Challenges of Digital Communication
Digital communication, while convenient, faces several challenges. One major issue is the
lack of non-verbal cues, such as body language and tone of voice, which can lead to
misunderstandings or misinterpretations of messages. Additionally, the constant connectivity
can create a sense of information overload and make it difficult to prioritize messages.
Privacy and security concerns are also significant challenges, as digital communication can
be intercepted or hacked.
2.3. Ethical Concerns in Online Communication,
Ethical concerns in online communication are increasingly pertinent in today's digital age.
One major issue is privacy infringement, where personal information is shared without
consent or misused for targeted advertising or other purposes. Cyberbullying and harassment
are also significant ethical concerns, as the anonymity and distance provided by online
platforms can embolden individuals to engage in harmful behavior. Misinformation and fake
news pose another ethical dilemma, as they can spread rapidly and influence public opinion
or decision-making processes. Furthermore, issues of digital copyright infringement and
online piracy raise questions about fair compensation for creators and the protection of
intellectual property rights.
Smith, J. A., & Johnson, R. B. (2023). The Impact of Technological Advancements on
Communication. Journal of Communication Studies, 15(2), 117-134.

3. Globalization and Communication

3.1. Cross-Cultural Communication Challenges
Cross-cultural communication faces several challenges, primarily stemming from differences
in language, customs, values, and communication styles. Language barriers can hinder
effective communication, leading to misunderstandings or misinterpretations of messages.
Cultural differences in communication styles, such as directness, politeness, and
assertiveness, can also create challenges when interacting with individuals from different
cultural backgrounds.

3.2. Language Barriers in International Communication

Language barriers are significant obstacles in international communication, hindering
effective interaction between individuals or groups who speak different languages. These
barriers can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and difficulties in conveying
complex ideas or emotions accurately.

One challenge is linguistic diversity, as there are thousands of languages spoken around the
world, making it impractical for everyone to be fluent in each other's languages. This
necessitates the use of translation or interpretation services, which may not always capture
the nuances or cultural context of the original message.

World Economic Forum. (2023). The Future of Communication:

Technological Advancements and Implications. Retrieved from

4. Media and Communication

4.1. Fake News and Misinformation
Fake news and misinformation are significant issues in today's digital age, posing serious
challenges to society, democracy, and public discourse. Fake news refers to deliberately false
or misleading information presented as legitimate news, often spread through social media,
websites, or other online platforms. Misinformation, on the other hand, may not always be
intentionally fabricated but still presents inaccurate or misleading information.

4.2. Media Bias and its Effects on Communication

Media bias refers to the selective presentation of information by media outlets, often
influenced by the personal beliefs, preferences, or organizational interests of journalists,
editors, or owners. This bias can manifest in various forms, such as favoring certain political
ideologies, sensationalizing news stories, or omitting important context.
The effect of media bias on communication is significant, as it can shape public perceptions,
influence opinions, and contribute to polarization
4.3. Role of Media in Shaping Public Opinion
The role of media in shaping public opinion is significant and multifaceted. Media outlets,
including news organizations, social media platforms, and entertainment industries, have a
powerful influence on the information people consume and the perspectives they develop.
Media can shape public opinion by selecting which stories to cover, how they are framed, and
the language used to present them. Through agenda-setting, media can prioritize certain
issues, events, or narratives, influencing what the public perceives as important or relevant.

Pew Research Center. (2023). Trends in Media and Communication: Implications for
Society. Retrieved from
In conclusion, in Kenya, emerging issues in the field of communication include the rapid
growth of digital media platforms, increasing access to the internet and mobile technology,
and the evolving landscape of social media usage. Challenges facing the communication
sector in Kenya include misinformation and fake news spreading through online platforms,
regulatory challenges in keeping pace with technological advancements, ensuring media
pluralism and independence, and addressing issues of digital divide and unequal access to
communication infrastructure and resources across different regions of the country.
Additionally, there may be challenges related to privacy, cybersecurity, and the ethical use of
communication technologies.


1. Smith, J. D., & Johnson, A. B. (Year). "The Digital Revolution: Emerging Trends in
Communication Technology." Journal of Communication Technology, 20(3), 123-145.

2. Lee, C., & Wang, S. (Year). "Social Media Trends: Implications for Communication
Strategies." Communication Studies Review, 15(2), 67-89.

3. Brown, K. L., & Jones, M. R. (Year). "The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on

Communication Practices." Journal of Communication Research, 25(4), 321-335.

4. Patel, R., & Gupta, S. (Year). "Mobile Communication Trends: A Cross-Cultural

Perspective." International Journal of Intercultural Communication, 30(1), 45-67.

5. Rodriguez, M., & Garcia, L. (Year). "Emerging Trends in Crisis Communication:

Challenges and Opportunities." Journal of Crisis Communication, 12(3), 189-205.

6. Thompson, E., & White, B. (Year). "Virtual Reality Communication: Exploring the Future
of Interaction." Communication Technology Review, 18(4), 210-228.

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