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When it comes to writing a literature review on a sensitive and complex topic like police brutality,

many individuals find themselves facing numerous challenges. Crafting a comprehensive literature
review requires extensive research, critical analysis, and the ability to synthesize information from a
wide range of sources. Moreover, delving into a topic as contentious as police brutality demands a
nuanced understanding of social, legal, and ethical issues, further adding to the complexity of the

One of the primary difficulties encountered by individuals attempting to write a literature review on
police brutality is the sheer volume of available literature. With scholarly articles, academic journals,
books, reports, and various other sources contributing to the discourse on this subject, navigating
through the vast amount of material can be overwhelming. Additionally, ensuring that the selected
sources are credible, relevant, and representative of diverse perspectives requires meticulous attention
to detail.

Furthermore, analyzing and synthesizing the information gathered from these sources can be
challenging. Different studies may present conflicting findings, theoretical frameworks, or
methodological approaches, making it crucial for writers to critically evaluate the evidence and
identify common themes, patterns, or gaps in the literature.

Beyond the technical aspects of writing, grappling with the emotional and ethical dimensions of
police brutality can also pose difficulties. Engaging with narratives of violence, injustice, and
systemic discrimination can be emotionally draining and may require writers to navigate their own
biases and preconceptions carefully.

Given the complexities involved in writing a literature review on police brutality, many individuals
may find themselves in need of expert assistance. At ⇒ ⇔, we understand the
challenges faced by students, researchers, and professionals tackling such topics. Our team of
experienced writers specializes in crafting high-quality literature reviews that meet academic
standards while addressing the unique requirements of each topic. By entrusting your literature
review to ⇒ ⇔, you can ensure that your work is thorough, well-researched, and
effectively communicates your insights and findings.

Don't let the daunting task of writing a literature review on police brutality hinder your academic or
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our expertise and commitment to excellence.
Her work has appeared in numerous publications, including The New York Times, Essence, The
Washington Post, The Nation, Ms., The Chicago Tribune and the Village Voice. Miller, G., and
Dingwall, R. (1997). Context and method in qualitative research. A wing responsible for law and
order must only be used for fieldwork. Yet scalping strategies didn’t repair the problem. A large
number of policemen stood in solidarity for the lives lost and stood up against their own department,
not fearing the repercussions it might have on their work by raising their voice against an immoral
action that needed to be dealt with no matter who the perpetrator was because no one stands above
the law. However, empirical evidences showed otherwise as emerging abuses and police brutality are
mounted by civilian communities. Besides, various states and regions have come up with their own
Police Brutality laws. Victims are also doubly confronted with difficulty in baring experiences out of
restrictive evidentiary rulings, of judicial insensitivity to police perjury, of the law of omerta or total
silence, of assailant’s immunity from punitive actions (Bandes, 1999, p. 7). Thus, there is perceived
failure to correct endemic system of police lawlessness and adherence to violence, often directed to
powerless and marginalized members of specific communities. Although the piece does focused
mainly upon the process of the militarization of police, the tangential understanding that can be
gained is the fact that this militarization has caused a psychological shift in the way that at least
engage with crime. Local information sharing organizations tend to work better when there. As in the
Hyderabad rape case of a veterinarian, where the police took the accused to the scene of the crime
and were executed claiming their attempt to escape. More often, these are kinds of security managers
who are in collaboration with groups and decision-makers who lacked respect to procedures that are
legally provided. Amnesty International is concerned that, while the incidence of corruption has
reportedly fallen in the past two years, allegations of police brutality have continued to rise.
However, it is not difficult to refrain from using excessive force in times when situations can do
without. Throughout the course, we have talked about many topics. As indicated in the methodology
above, this study will not utilize advanced statistical tools like SPSS for analysis. Here, you will
provide research analysis to defend your position on the selected topic. A victim of police brutality
can decide to retaliate, based on the inflicted by the officers; as a result, the officers will be in
danger. By The Learning Network Credit Illustration by Pola Maneli current events conversation
Who Are Your Favorite Athletes to Watch Right Now. Aggregate?level look into on policing has
commonly bolstered this suggestion, demonstrating that proportions of minority risk are identified
with lawful systems of wrongdoing control. Whereas very little information has been put forward
thus far with respect to the citizens response to police brutality and police militarization, the article in
question seeks to provide just such a perspective. I have highlighted a specific word or phrase in
your essay and connected a helpful comment. While each writer approaches the issue by first
outlining historic police-community relations and then showing how that relationship has manifested
in the present, perhaps the most purely historical endeavor is “Persecution of Negroes by Roughs and
Policemen, in the City of New York, August 1900 Citizens’ Protective League.” It is a collection of
statements and proofs in connection to riots following the death of a police officer. First, you state
“that is the reason why.” However, it is unclear what the reason is. There was a widespread protest
against this long ongoing discrimination in the country. Those who are involved in police brutality
tactics are characterized with such nastiness as they were trained to view the public, the people
whom they ought to secure, as their enemy. However, the main problem remained unresolved,
namely, police officers are very difficult to prosecute and in fact they are unaccountable to anyone
but their superiors. What follows is a brief outline of why the issue of definition is of some concern,
and an outline of the key terms used throughout this short review. Thus, in order to make body
cameras obligatory there must be some judicial background to force policemen to wear the cameras.
Apparently, such cases do not garner much attention because of the suppression of these cases by the
police using wrong accusations and false claims in order to defend themselves.
Although it is not an overstatement that community policing in a free world like the United States is
similar to cutting through a mountain with bare teeth. As far as the cases of police brutality are
frequently judged in differently from the cases of the same abuse but made by civilians, the juridical
base that frees officers from blame must be reconsidered and changed. To browse and
the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. I
have highlighted a specific word or phrase in your essay and connected a helpful comment.
However, the reality is that enforcement of such official rules is at the very least challenging and
may be unrealistic. It is an agreeable statement that yes, police are humans too, humans who
constantly put themselves in a line of danger. The decision was however unacceptable for US
president and other executives citing that King is a victim of police brutality (Cannon, 1999). This
particular article provides a distinctive view of police brutality. Her work has appeared in numerous
publications, including The New York Times, Essence, The Washington Post, The Nation, Ms., The
Chicago Tribune and the Village Voice. Often logged without witnesses to corroborate the conduct
of brutalities, Bandes (1999) noted that authorities would just label this as an incident which is
either isolated, systemic, or part of a larger pattern to suppress a movement. That is the business case
as well as the moral case. At the same time, it is equally challenging to draw the line by determining
a particular amount that would separate ethical from corrupt behaviour and to find an acceptable
justification for that line' (2005: 27). Police brutality is the use of any force exceeding that
reasonably necessary to accomplish a lawful police purpose. Trayvon Martin, Philando Castile, and
Alton Sterling: all victims of a corrupt justice system. Finally, if there are some contradictions in
analysis of any case when police is included, videotaping will be helpful in figuring out the details of
the case. By The Learning Network Student Opinion What Communities Are You a Part Of. The
prosecutor proved that Michael Brown did not obey the policeman Darren Wilson and represented a
threat to his life. By The Learning Network Credit Maria Jesus Contreras Latest Search Search Clear
this text input Student Opinion Why Does the Right to Protest Matter. However, empirical evidences
showed otherwise as emerging abuses and Police Brutality are mounted by civilian communities.
Patterns of Injustice: Police Brutality in the Courts. This was not the first incident of a black person
losing life because of the ruthlessness of the police. Or have long-held prejudices played a significant
role in this kind of deadly act. Later, in Cleveland, Ohio, a 12-year-old was shot dead also because
of a toy gun. Although the piece does focused mainly upon the process of the militarization of police,
the tangential understanding that can be gained is the fact that this militarization has caused a
psychological shift in the way that at least engage with crime. They were booked under Section 188
(disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant), Section 353 (use of force to deter public
servant from duty), Section 269 (negligent act likely to spread infection of disease dangerous to life)
and Section 506(2) (Punishment for criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code. The police will
always be the main instrument of the domestic policy of the United States of America. The
justification of his death: suspicious behavior. Police are law enforcers of the nation, mandated with
authority to manage community peace and security. The violations persist nationwide, in rural,
suburban, and urban areas of the country, committed by various law enforcement personnel including
local and state police, sheriff’s departments, and federal agents. Indeed, the cited cases remind
government authorities to further improve and professionalize policemen of their duties in managing
peace and order.
Technology additionally assumes a part in community organizations. Further, the article indicates that
even though it is possible that innate levels of racism within individual police departments as slowly
dropped over the past several years, the increased militarization of the police is something that has
essentially transformed the way in which they perform their jobs. Policing (COP) is an approach
which draws in the community as an equivalent collaborates with. In 2013, there was a case in the
city of Santa Rosa, when police opened fire on a thirteen-year-old teenager, finding his plastic toy
AK-47 for real. The caller expressed doubts about the gun’s authenticity and said the male was
probably a juvenile, but that information wasn’t relayed to the responding officers. The entire
assignment was quite a great challenge for me, but not for the writer at GetEssay. On the other hand,
there is also a need for civilian populace to exercise their rights with sobriety, to be lawful and to act
with propriety. This is so because the spate of police brutality on ordinary Americans in recent years
has quadrupled with dismally high figures. My name is Jay and I started this blog because I love to
read and wanted a place to share my thoughts with other readers and lovers of romance. The thesis
statement for the ENG105 argumentative research paper should include three parts: who (an
individual, group, or organization), what (action should be taken), and why (the benefit or result of
purposed action). In April 1985 officers from 106th Precinct in Queens were accused of torturing
three suspects with an electronic stun gun to force them to confess to having sold small quantities of
marijuana. Law Enforcement. Protect and serve community Good officers are overshadowed by
those who commit infractions. The reason for the combination of inductive and deductive
frameworks lies in making use of the advantages of both. Trayvon Martin, Philando Castile, and
Alton Sterling: all victims of a corrupt justice system. Across the country, Americans complain about
the rudeness of cops and their desire to solve any problems with the help of physical force, and often
firearms. This way of thinking of policemen often leads to numerous cases when the weapon was
used absolutely unreasonably. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your
own, that is cheating. Also you. However, the topic of police crime and brutality is still topical. The
police will always be the main instrument of the domestic policy of the United States of America.
This field of study is dynamic, and studies are constantly sought by the law enforcement agencies in
order to control the rate of occurrence of this enigmatic problem. Regoli, R.M., and Hewitt, J.D.
(2007). Exploring criminal justice. By The Learning Network Credit Eleanor Davis Celebrity Feuds
Do you know about this one. However, recognising this, and being prepared to discuss openly the
problems and the complexities necessarily involved in policing, is an important part of the process of
developing coherent administrative policy responses to such issues. Section 331 of the Indian Penal
Code states that, an individual voluntarily causing grievous hurt to extort confession or to compel
restoration of a property is also liable to punishment. It is unclear what is “the exceeding police
authority.” How else can you describe this idea, perhaps using a different adjective form of the verb
“exceeding?”. Roberts (2011) attributed this inhuman way of managing suspects, civilians and
victims to militarist treatment as abuse of power. But we typically have those who do not want to
follow the rules and. For the avoidance of people's doubts in their safety, police brutality should be
precluded by attentive control of law enforcement officers by using body cameras. This study will
employ a mixed methodology through the use of an inductive and deductive framework to
investigate the phenomenon of police brutality against ordinary American citizens (Kothari, 2008).
Without it, it is unclear how the details in a body paragraph tie together and how the body paragraph
connects to the thesis.
Future studies may want to concentrate on the mental health investigation of the police officers
involved in civilian bashing. Police are law enforcers of the nation, mandated with authority to
manage community peace and security. The participants were chosen without any discrimination
against age, gender, height, looks and status. Such an attitude does not respect the tenets or laws of
the United States, which grant every member of American communities his or her statutory rights.
Loading interface. About the author Jill Nelson 21 books 21 followers Jill Nelson was born and
raised in Harlem and has been a working journalist for over twenty years. A petition was filed in the
Supreme Court for the formulation of this law but the apex court observed that the government
cannot be compelled to make law through the writ of mandamus as treaty ratification is a political
decision and a matter of policy. Tyler Davis Darrell Worthy Anushka Pai Cindy Stappenbeck. It must
state what “should, must, or need” in order to imply a best course of action that will be backed up
with expert opinion and hard date. Therefore, judicial magistrates must not rush through remand
cases. Conclusion Police brutality is a despicable act that has been endangering the systematic
framework of the operational procedures. Law Enforcement. Protect and serve community Good
officers are overshadowed by those who commit infractions. This leads to lower productivity
because of the intermixing of both these aspects. As settled as they may appear on the outside, they
still have a lot to work through. There are others, however, where much depends on the nature and
circumstances of the conduct itself. On the other hand, there is also a need for civilian populace to
exercise their rights with sobriety, to be lawful and to act with propriety. The committee under this
resolution constituted Committee Against Torture (CAT) which monitors the implementation of the
rules by the state parties. This particular article provides a distinctive view of police brutality. By The
Learning Network Student Opinion What Communities Are You a Part Of. It’s not his ideal client,
as Walter Hoffmeister is a policeman that no one likes. Activities such as acceptance of gratuities
(though this is itself far from cut and dried) and kickbacks' are not criminal but would often be
considered unethical. A more effective way of presentation should have been devised to reduce
oversight of such lapses. In a rather brief form, the contents of the report reflected the following
shortcomings of the American police of that period. Community Policing in action: lessons from an
observational study. Policing (COP) is an approach which draws in the community as an equivalent
collaborates with. Later, in Cleveland, Ohio, a 12-year-old was shot dead also because of a toy gun.
Policemen were not stopped by the age of the “suspect” or by the fact that he easily managed with
the “real” machine. Police brutality happened anywhere in this world whether it develop countries
and much practice in underdeveloped countries. As in the Hyderabad rape case of a veterinarian,
where the police took the accused to the scene of the crime and were executed claiming their attempt
to escape. Hi, Aaron. My name is Lauren, and I will be your online tutor for this session. Why
should police threaten, terrorize and bash defenseless people they had been trained to protect.
Even if problematic, however, thinking about the definition of corruption ' is nevertheless a necessary
element in understanding the issue. Policemen were not stopped by the age of the “suspect” or by
the fact that he easily managed with the “real” machine. But no action has been taken by the
government regarding the same. Although the piece does focused mainly upon the process of the
militarization of police, the tangential understanding that can be gained is the fact that this
militarization has caused a psychological shift in the way that at least engage with crime. The source
goes on to indicate the fact is that the militarization of the police is a relatively new occurrence; even
though concerns and issues over police brutality is an issue that has been represented for a very long
period of time. Officers can distinguish issues by drawing in nearby. Indeed, while corruption is
generally thought of as actions involving the abuse of position, there is also a range of activities that
are not illegal and do not necessarily involve either the exchange of money or other material goods. 7
An example of this is the inappropriate disclosure of information or evidence which would, similarly,
be regarded as unethical (HMIC, 2011). The police have institutionalised crime in their own
profession while trying to control or eradicate the same from society. Use the literature you
developed for references to prepare an analysis of the topic, and identify required changes,
revocation, or additions to the issue, problem, or policy you selected for study. He still has a lot of
rage inside of him from all the events, past and present, involving Mikey, and the last case, with the
murderer known as the Keeper of the Bees, is unsolved and the murderer is still out there. My study
will reveal the modern causes of police aggression, the perception of such an attitude in the society,
and how it could be controlled. Highly recommend for anyone interested in documented history of
police brutality. Therefore, the following issues are begging for clearer explanations: (i) what
motivates an average police officer to pull a trigger on an ordinary, innocent citizen like himself or
herself. Examine recommends a wide assortment of organizations can be. However, instances of
overtly use of force and weapons peppered by racial prejudice have often come up between the
civilians and the police officers (Milton et al, 1977). The presence of multi-cultural communities in
many cities and towns across the country even makes this task appears more complicated.
Concerning the design of the questionnaire, the questions the participants will be asked are
concerned about the issues leading to police brutality, the victims’ self-defense efforts and the quest
for criminal justice by the families of the victims. Their responses were expected to contain
information that would be used in measuring. Connecticut, for instance, law authorization officers
meet with entrepreneurs and other community. The remit of The New York State Commission on
Criminal Justice and The Use of Force (also known as the Curran Commission, after its chair Paul
Curran) was to investigate the use of force by police departments throughout the state and to
examine, among other things, whether racial minorities were more likely to be victims of excessive or
deadly force than other groups. Protection of illegal Police protection of those engaged in illegal
activities activities (prostitution, drugs, pornography) enabling the business to continue operating.
The most serious facts of police involvement in criminal activities can be found in the recent 90s of
the 20th century, when police not only covered criminal activity, but also themselves were involved
in cocaine trafficking. Credit Social Studies Lesson plans for social studies from The Learning
Network. Although the 1960’s are commonly associated with two major events, Civil Rights and
Woodstock, which had a significant impact on the decade, it is important to note that the Harlem
Riot of 1964 was just one of three riots to occur in Harlem, New York throughout its history. Police
fierceness (i.e., utilization of exorbitant physical power) comprises an extra?legal component. The
utilization of over the top power could possibly. As far as policemen are the workers of law
enforcement, they can sacrifice their privacy in favor of the highest priority which is human life and
its safety. A more effective way of presentation should have been devised to reduce oversight of
such lapses. Community Policing in action: lessons from an observational study. Keep on browsing if
you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Laid with high expectations from
constituents, they are expected to perform their roles and mandates professionally and in observance
to international humanitarian standards.
The internal control system was also corrupt: internal investigations were conducted in a biased
manner, and the management in every possible way covered policemen guilty of committing crimes.
Aleksei Navalny, the Russian opposition leader, died in a prison last week. It should be added that
similar instances of the use of weapons by policemen against US citizens occur quite often. Patterns
of Injustice: Police Brutality in the Courts. Law treats all who appear before the court equally and it
is not up to a few individuals such as the police to deliver justice or resort to their own fast track
methods. Yet scalping strategies didn’t repair the problem. Let us write or edit the research paper on
your topic. Flaking' or padding' Planting of, or adding to, evidence (argued by Punch to be
particularly evident in drugs cases). This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as
your own, that is cheating. Also you. Hazard has so much rage and it doesn’t take much to set him
off and he really needs something that will allow him to calm down some. Keep on browsing if you
are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. According to Section 330 of the Indian Penal
Code, any individual causing hurt voluntarily to extort confession or to compel the restoration of a
property is liable to punishment. The court’s acquittal in 1992 provoked mass riots, during which 54
people were killed, 2,383 people were injured and 13,212 people were arrested. For example, in
Minnessotta, Police Brutality not only entails excessive use of force by police, but also entails;
unnecessary gun use, beating civilians with fists, using batons to beat civilians, choking, unnecessary
and inappropriate use of pepper spray, using police dogs inappropriately, body slamming against hard
surfaces, abuse of the rights of a prisoner, and the unnecessary and inappropriate use of tasers by
police (Johnson 26). The source goes on to indicate the fact is that the militarization of the police is a
relatively new occurrence; even though concerns and issues over police brutality is an issue that has
been represented for a very long period of time. After he recovered, King appealed for peace on
television and the Department of Justice of United States revived the investigation. Joyfully Jay
kicked off back in September 2011 and we are growing bigger every day. By The Learning Network
Credit Illustration by Pola Maneli current events conversation Who Are Your Favorite Athletes to
Watch Right Now. There is a sizeable body of Literature that attempts to wrestle with the thorny
issue of how corruption ' might be defined. Civil suits were later charged against the enforcers which
jailed two officers while two others were acquitted (Cannon, 1999). George Floyd, a man of colour
pleading to police officers to not use force against him because of the asphyxiation they were
causing, was ignored inhumanely which lead to his death. Democracy thrives on the people’s choice;
brutality cannot define our laws and its enforcement. In an open questionnaire there is greater
structure, which allows for probing deeply into the minds of the victims of police brutality to remove
the disadvantage of receiving superficial data, as in the case of a closed questionnaire. The decision
was however unacceptable for US president and other executives citing that King is a victim of
police brutality (Cannon, 1999). A year later, two policemen were found guilty of violating the civil
rights of R. My name is Jay and I started this blog because I love to read and wanted a place to share
my thoughts with other readers and lovers of romance. India’s attempt to implement a stricter Anti-
Torture Law has failed not once but several times. Question 6: Did other law enforcement agents
around to stop the attack? Even if problematic, however, thinking about the definition of corruption '
is nevertheless a necessary element in understanding the issue. It is not clear that acts for
organisational benefit are necessarily perceived to be the most serious breaches of trust by a Police
officer, nor is it the case that causes and control efforts in such cases are necessarily all that different.

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