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Horror Companion
Written and developed by Shane Lacy Hensley, Darrell Hayhurst, Clint Black, Brian
Reeves, Erica Balsley, Michael Barbeau, and Donald Schepis.
Special thanks to Dog House Rules for the inspiration for our Slaughter Rules!
First Edition by Paul “Wiggy” Wade-Williams

Editing: Brian Reeves, Donald Schepis, Gerard Valliere

Graphic Design: Karl Keesler
Art Direction: Alida Saxon
Cover Art: Chris Appel
Interior Art: Aaron Acevedo, Chris Appel, Bad Moon Studio, Bruno Balixa, Matheus
Calza, Donald Crank, Tyler Clark, Dennis Darmody, Bien Flores, Allen Genata, Ani
Ghosh, Ross Grams, Grosnez, Falk Haensel, Irina Kovalova, Irina Kuzmina, Tamires
Pedroso, Martin Sickree, Vincenzo Sirianni, Unique Soparie, Dimitar Spasov, Don
Tantiado, Jon Taylor, Tomasz Tworek, Kim Van Deun, Mateusz Wilma
Marketing and Logistics: Jodi Black, Chris Landauer, and Christine Lapp
Production: Simon Lucas, Jessica Rogers, and Donald Schepis


Savage Worlds, artwork, logos, and the Pinnacle logo are © 2023 Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Savage Worlds, all
associated characters, logos, and artwork are Copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All other trademarks and
registered trademarks herein are the property of their respective owners.


CHAPTER ONE: CHARACTERS...5 Downtime.................................................39
What’s In This Book?.................................5 Environmental Phenomena...................41
New Hindrances........................................6 Chronological Phenomena....................41
New Skill.....................................................7 Terrain.......................................................41
New Edges..................................................8 Weather.....................................................42
Angel..........................................................12 Expanded Fear Effects.............................43
Demon..................................................... 14 Fear Checks..............................................43
Mummy....................................................16 Playing to the Tropes...............................45
Patchwork Monster ................................17 Signs and Portents...................................46
Phantom.................................................. 18 Slaughter Rules........................................47
Revenant...................................................19 Villainous Conviction............................ 48
Vampire.................................................... 20 Wards and Binds..................................... 48
Werewolf...................................................22 Wards........................................................ 48
CHAPTER TWO: GEAR...................25 Binds..........................................................49
Lodges.......................................................29 Wild Cards............................................... 50
Step 1: Advantage....................................29 Horror Styles........................................... 50
Step 2: Complication.............................. 30 CHAPTER FOUR: MAGICK...........57
Step 3: Form.............................................31 Arcane Backgrounds...............................57
Step 4: Upgrades......................................33 Alchemist................................................. 58
Encounters................................................35 Blighted.....................................................59
CHAPTER THREE: Demonologist.......................................... 60
SETTING RULES................................37 Fortune Teller...........................................61
New & Updated Rules.............................37 Medium....................................................62
Bound and Entangled.............................37 Occultist....................................................63
Desperate Attack..................................... 38 Priest........................................................ 64
Limited Actions...................................... 38 Psychic Investigator.................................65
New Hazard............................................. 38 Voodooist..................................................66
Stream Template..................................... 38 Warlock/Witch........................................ 68
Buckets of Blood..................................... 38 Ritual Magic.............................................72
Difficult Healing......................................39 New Powers..............................................73


CHAPTER FIVE: Subtlety vs. Gore....................................185

ARCANE ITEMS................................85 The Monsters......................................... 186
Making Alchemical Items......................99 Appearance............................................ 186
CHAPTER SIX: CREATURES....... 101 Fear......................................................... 186
New Monstrous Abilities......................101 The Rest.................................................. 186
Customizing Vampires........................ 166 Using the Bestiary................................. 186
Destroying Vampires............................ 168 Villains.....................................................187
SCARY TA LES.................................. 181
Set the Initial Mood..............................181 APPENDIX:
Show, Don’t Tell.................................... 182 THE CTHULHU MYTHOS............189
The Unknown........................................ 183 Minions of the Mythos........................ 190
The Unexpected.................................... 184 Gods of the Mythos...............................195
Isolation..................................................185 INDEX...................................................198


–Red, quoting Clive Barker’s “Bo
oks of Blood”

“Y M E
Y SO M.”
BARRY, –Gabe



omething is out there. And it’s coming Chapter Three contains a wealth of
for you. But you don’t have to be a information about different types of horror
victim. Whether the threat is a thing and Setting Rules to represent them.
from beyond the stars or a psychopath with Chapters Four and Five provide details of
a chainsaw, these are Savage Worlds. You are a arcane powers and items, including several
hero. You will fight and struggle and survive. Arcane Backgrounds.
And with courage, brains, and a little luck,
Chapter Six presents a new tome detailing
you might be able to triumph over the things
the darkest fiends for the Game Master.
that lurk in the darkness. Maybe you’ll save
your life. Maybe you’ll save your friends’
lives. Maybe you’ll even save the world.
And if the darkness overwhelms you, at
least you’ll go down swinging…


Most Savage Worlds feature horrific elements
of some sort—a zombie apocalypse, alien-
infested starships, or the grim prairie tales
of Deadlands®. This book shines a flickering
lantern into the darkest recesses of those
worlds, granting players and Game Masters
alike more options and ideas to expand the
more terrible elements of their setting.
Chapter One features new types of
monstrous heroes, Edges, and Hindrances.
Here we show you how to play those heroes
tainted with supernatural evil. They battle
not only the forces of destruction but their
own internal corruption as well!
Chapter Two presents new tools of the
monster hunter’s trade, gear and gadgets
such as holy water to ward off vampires or
EMF detectors to track and communicate
with troublesome spirits.


The caster’s magic draws on some foul, evil,

NEW or tainted source. Whenever he rolls a Critical
Failure on his arcane skill roll, he gains a new
HINDRANCES Minor Hindrance, or trades or upgrades a
Minor Hindrance gained by Corruption for a
Major Hindrance, that reflects his degrading
AMOROUS (MINOR) mind and body. A wizard might become
Due to lust or true admiration for form, this Jealous (Minor), for example, as he realizes
individual is easily enamored with a pretty how difficult it is to gather his power. Then
face. Amorous characters suffer a −2 penalty Bloodthirsty (Major) as his rage turns to
to resist Tests by any character with the violent thoughts.
Attractive or Very Attractive Edge.
These Hindrances last until the spell-user’s
BLEEDER (MAJOR) next Advance, at which time he may remove
Some individuals bleed more freely than one Minor Hindrance gained by Corruption,
others. Maybe it’s an actual genetic condition, or reduce or trade a Major Hindrance gained
or maybe the victim is just unlucky and her by Corruption for a Minor. This is in addition
attackers nick a vein or artery every time she to his regular Advance.
gets stuck by some psycho with a knife. CURSED (MAJOR)
Any time the victim suffers a Wound that NOTE: This Hindrance may only be taken in
doesn’t Incapacitate her, she begins to bleed. a setting that allows the Arcane Background
Each round after suffering the Wound she (Miracles) Edge.
must make a Vigor roll as a free action or
Your heroine crossed some dark power and
suffer a level of Fatigue that can lead to death.
has forever after been marked by its tainted
The bleeding can be stopped with a raise on
touch. Beneficial magical powers and effects
the Vigor roll or a successful Healing roll.
intended to aid her, including those cast by
BULLET MAGNET (MINOR) allies or even herself, suffer a −2 penalty to
the arcane skill roll. Worse, if the roll is a
Some people are always in the wrong place
Critical Failure, the caster is Stunned! The
at the wrong time. This unfortunate soul is
penalty applies if the Cursed character is
hit by accidental fire (using the Innocent
within an area effect power or targeted by
Bystander rules) on a 1–2 for single-
the Additional Recipients modifier.
shot weapons, and a 1–3 for shotguns
or full-auto fire. The Curse has no effect on hostile powers.


Nothing entertains this miscreant Death is eager for your hero. Perhaps
more than making others’ lives she cheated it at some point in her
miserable, especially if they’re path or was brought back from
“different.” As a Minor Hindrance the dead and owes the
the Bully frequently belittles Ferryman a fee. Whatever
anyone she doesn’t like, threatens the reason, the heroine
her, or she feels doesn’t belong. subtracts 2 from Soak
As a Major Hindrance, the rolls.
Bully is willing and able
to turn confrontations DREAD (MINOR)
physical. The investigator is the pessimistic
type who believes the light at the
CORRUPTION end of the tunnel is a freight train
(MAJOR) with his name on it. He adds +2 to
NOTE: This Hindrance may the results of failed Fear checks
only be taken by a character (page 43).
with an Arcane Background.


HEAVY SLEEPER (MINOR) As a Major Hindrance, she continues to

A thunderstorm from Hell itself doesn’t wake scream and is Distracted until she makes a
this Dozing Doolie. Once he drops off, he Smarts roll as a limited free action. Allies
must make a Notice roll (−4) to wake up. He (who can hear) within a Large Blast Template
also suffers a −4 penalty to Vigor rolls made centered on the Screamer are also Distracted
to stay awake. until the screaming ends, or they move out
of the template.
Every little thing makes this individual SUPERSTITIOUS (MINOR)
nervous and scared. Any time there’s a The victim finds something that helps him
sudden noise, shock, or surprise (GM’s call), deal with the terrors he faces. Pick a simple
the Jumpy hero must make a Fear check. routine or object to be the focus of this
disorder. As long as the focus is undisturbed,
MATERIA L COMPONENTS this character is fine. If the focus is lost or
(MAJOR) disturbed all Trait rolls are made at −1.
NOTE: This Hindrance may only be taken by
a character with an Arcane Background. UNNATURA L APPETITE (MINOR)
The spellcaster’s powers consume material Your investigator snacks on something most
items. Maybe a medium must burn sage others find disgusting, such as paper, food
to cast banish or a priest needs sacramental from trashcans, insects, or even rotten food.
bread to confer the smite power to his allies. This reduces his Persuasion by −2 when
Such items are assumed to be at hand— dealing with those who see or know of his
usually in a pocket, bag, or convenient strange eating habits.
pouch. If the caster is ever stripped of her
possessions and can’t get the materials she
We’ve all seen the movies. Some lone hero
needs, she reduces all arcane skill rolls by 4
or heroine is destined to survive while her
until they’re restored ($50 × the caster’s Rank
friends are slowly picked off one by one. Your
at a shop or a day’s worth of gathering or
foraging in an appropriate environment with hero is rarely the final guy or girl of the story.
a Survival roll per Rank). Anytime the Game Master decides to choose
A caster also runs out of material components a target randomly, she should usually choose
if she rolls a Critical Failure, then may the Victim instead. Any extra adversaries
replenish as above. “left over” when piling onto the party should
also go to the Victim as well.


The Land of Nod is a constant nightmare for
your investigator. He tosses and turns like a TO LI VE DELI CI OUSLY?
victim on a hot rack and likely keeps everyone Black Phillip,
within earshot of him awake with his nightly
torment. The repeated barrage on his psyche -The Witch
results in an overall weakened resolve. He
subtracts 1 from all Spirit rolls.
Anyone who sleeps nearby likely has a
long night ahead of them as well (see Sleep
in Savage Worlds for possible consequences).
SCREAMER (MINOR/MAJOR) This is the arcane skill for alchemists (see
No matter how much your investigator fights page 58) and may also be used to craft
it, fear and terror elicit an ear-splitting scream. alchemical items (page 99), or in place of
Any time the character fails a Fear check, she Science when examining chemical reactions,
automatically screams at the top of her lungs. studying reagents, and other related topics.


Your slayer is truly driven to defeat evil. He
Below are a number of new Edges appropriate must seek it out wherever he suspects it lies,
for horror-themed games, but don’t forget and brooks no interference from those he
many such tropes are already covered in thinks bar his way.
the Savage Worlds rules. If a player wants to
In exchange for this dogged determination
build an occult specialist, for example, the
and unflinching dedication to the chase,
Investigator or Scholar Edges already cover it,
Relentless characters who are Shaken may
and a monster slayer might already be well-
still take a single action at a −2 penalty.
served by the Champion Edge.

GA LLOWS HUMOR Your hero has been around a little longer than
the rest of the party. Maybe she’s older, or
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Taunt d6+
maybe she’s already fought more than her
Some people use humor to deal with horrific share of abominations.
circumstances, or are maybe just so tough
Veterans of the Dark World begin play at
they can laugh in the Grim Reaper’s face.
Seasoned (or one Rank higher than the other
A character with Gallows Humor may use hunters in your campaign), giving them
her Taunt skill instead of Spirit when making four immediate Advances during character
a Fear check (and all the usual modifiers apply creation. The price for this experience is a
as normal). If she gets a raise, she mocks the roll on the Veteran of the Dark World table
threat so effectively it acts as +1 Support for below to see what misfortunes lie in your
all allies making the same Fear check. hero’s past.


1–6 Major Hindrance: The being gains an additional Major Hindrance of her choice.
Jinxed: The veteran is cursed or ran into something that jinxed him forever. He gains
the Bad Luck Hindrance.
Night Terrors: The character’s dreams are haunted by the many terrible things she’s
9–10 seen. She has the Night Terrors Hindrance (page 7). If she already has it, she
subtracts 2 from Spirit rolls instead of 1.
Flashbacks: The survivor’s thoughts often hearken back to times long past and
friends long dead. Anytime her Action Card is a Club in combat, she’s Distracted.
Forlorn: The veteran begins to believe he will not win his long and terrible struggle.
He subtracts 2 from all Spirit rolls.
Maimed: An encounter with some supernatural creature left one of the character’s
14–15 limbs maimed or entirely missing. Roll a d6. On a 1–3, he’s Slow (Minor); on a 4–6,
he lost his non-weapon hand and has the One Arm Hindrance.
Hunted: The being has powerful or numerous enemies who want him dead. Most
16–17 likely, they’re in the right—he wronged them, their family, or their kind long ago
and they want vengeance. He has the Enemy (Major) Hindrance.
18–19 Reckless: The character has seen it all before. She gains the Impulsive Hindrance.
Marked for Death: The veteran crossed some powerful supernatural force in the
distant past that wants him dead. He has the Doomed Hindrance.


Whenever the Scream Queen or King must

LEADERSHIP EDGES roll on the Fear Effects table, she may reroll
her first result, but must accept the second!
suasion d8+
A calm, stalwart hero inspires those around FINA L GIRL/GUY
her, even in the face of overwhelming horror. REQUIREMENTS: Novice, a generally “virtu-
Every ally within Command Range gets a free ous” person relative to the setting
reroll on a failed Fear check. Your character rarely indulges in vices. She
believes in the power of good and true love.
POWER EDGES While others may tease her for being a “goody
two-shoes,” they secretly admire her inner
FAVORED POWER peace and strength of character.
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Arcane Back-
Once during any combat encounter (GM’s
ground (Blighted, Occultist, Warlock/Witch), call), a Final Girl can spend a Benny to gain
arcane skill d8+ five Inspiration Tokens. This is a limited free
The caster has dedicated his time to mastering action. For the remainder of the encounter,
a particular spell, miracle, or weird science the heroine may give these tokens to anyone
device. within a Range of Smarts except herself. This
Choose one of your character’s powers. She may be done at any time as long as the heroine
may ignore up to 2 points of any penalties is conscious, but the recipient must use the
(Multi-Action, Wounds, Fatigue, etc.) when token immediately—it cannot be saved.
activating that power. Each Inspiration Token allows a character
to reroll a Trait or damage roll. The roll may
SILENT CASTER only benefit from a single Inspiration Token,
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Arcane Background even if there are multiple “Final” Girls
(Any), Occult d8+ present. Further rerolls require spending a
The character has learned how to cast spells regular Benny or a special ability.
or invoke miracles without speaking. She Inspiration Tokens aren’t Bennies, don’t
may cast underwater, in a vacuum, while trigger Edges that use Bennies (such as
gagged, within a silence spell, etc. Elan), and can’t be used as such in any other
way such as drawing new Action Cards or
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Spirit d6+
The character is completely immune to Fear VISIONS
checks from one general type of creature, such REQUIREMENTS: Novice
as ghosts, werewolves, vampires, zombies, or Dark dreams or flashing images of doom and
constructs (GM’s call). It does not negate Fear dread fill this person’s thoughts. While the
checks from the fear power. visions are often disturbing, they are useful
The Edge may be taken multiple times, each as well.
applying to a different creature type. Once per game session, the character is
granted a vision. This may be a sudden flash
SCREAM QUEEN/KING that can occur at any time, a nightmare that
REQUIREMENTS: Veteran only happens when sleeping, or it may be an
Your hero has faced everything the darkness active process such as reading tea leaves or
has thrown at her and survived. She’s tarot cards.
overcome monsters, madness, mayhem, and When this occurs, use the Signs and Portents
perhaps most importantly, Fear. system described on page 46.


Arcane Backgrounds: Monstrous heroes
HEROES can take Arcane Backgrounds as usual. This
grants a wide variety of powers that can
Sometimes the monsters are the heroes. greatly accentuate their supernatural abilities.
Maybe there are worse threats out there, as A vampire sorcerer or werewolf necromancer
in DC Comics’ Creature Commandos™ who is a powerful foe indeed!
fought against the all-too human horrors of Fear & Monsters: Monsters cause Fear checks
World War II. Or maybe the monsters are part in mortals in most settings, but only make Fear
of a hidden society of beings who lurk in the checks from other monsters if the creature has
shadows of humanity, like the popular World a Fear penalty higher than their own. This
of Darkness™ roleplaying games. Or perhaps ability does not protect against Intimidation.
the monsters are all that’s left after some
Healing: Undead and other beings without
terrible catastrophe ravaged their world.
living flesh can’t be healed with the Healing
Whatever the cause, the rules in this chapter skill. Magical healing works normally.
allow the player characters to take on the
Supernatural Strength: Monstrous heroes
powers—and weaknesses—of monstrous
may increase their physical Traits (Agility,
supernatural beings.
Strength, and Vigor) with any Advance—
Monstrous profiles are in addition to a hero’s they aren’t limited to once per Rank like most
ancestral abilities. A human, for example, still player characters.
gets a free Edge from Adaptable, and an elf
retains her Agile, All Thumbs, and Low Light RAGE
Vision abilities (assuming the campaign uses Inside every monstrous being is preternatural
the standard ancestries presented in Savage energy waiting to be unleashed on the mortal
Worlds). world. Tapping into that power puts such
The rules here assume all the player creatures into bestial rage—that may one day
characters are monsters and will face threats cost them their humanity!
suitable to their power level. If this isn’t the Once per game session, a monstrous hero
case (perhaps one hero is bitten by a werewolf may trigger her Rage by spending a Benny as
but the rest of the party remains human) we Conviction. Rage expresses itself in different
suggest making this a temporary condition so ways—divine inspiration, possession, or
the player doesn’t overwhelm the rest of the the simple exertion of will. A werewolf
group for more than a session or two. becomes feral and savage, a mummy surges
These rules also assume the monstrous with ancient energy, or an angel lets loose a
heroes must hide in the shadows. Humans frightening display of divine power.
may be weak individually, but mobs of them The price for such power is that when the
with torches and pitchforks—or assault rifles Rage ends, the hero must make a Spirit roll at
and UV flashlights—are deadly. If this isn’t −2. Failure means she gains a Major Psychosis
the case, the monsters likely live in a world (see page 44). Narratively, these should
where other creatures of similar power reign. take on some aspect of anger—a vampire who
Traits: Any ability that increases a monstrous gains the Screamer Hindrance, for example,
hero’s Trait increases the limit a like amount. screams with rage rather than fright, a
werewolf who becomes Mute is so distraught
OTHER TYPES OF CHARACTERS he cannot howl, and so on. Psychoses from
Players who want to create their own monster Rage may be recovered normally (page 43).
type may do so using 15 points of powers from The Beast Within: If a monstrous hero
the Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion. A would ever gain a fourth Psychosis, either
veteran vampire slayer, a freak of nature, a from Rage or Fear, he has a Psychotic Break
powered vigilante, or a rogue mage can all instead (see the Fear Effects table). Psychoses
walk alongside the creatures presented here. gained from Rage can be treated just as those
from Fear.



The following Edges may be taken by any of
the monstrous hero types presented on the Several of the monstrous beings
following pages. can take the Mystic Powers Edge.
Specifics vary, but all use the rules
AGGRAVATED DAMAGE below unless otherwise specified:
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned The character has 10 dedicated Power
Those attacks made with the creature’s Points that recharge normally. As a
own claws, bite, or inherent powers such limited free action, she automatically
as holy light or hellfire can hurt any other activates the power with success for
supernatural creature, regardless of its its regular cost, or with a raise for
invulnerabilities or Weaknesses. Foes with an additional 2 Power Points. She
Regeneration (Slow or Fast) regenerate those may use applicable Power Modifiers
Wounds at a −4 penalty. if desired (at the usual cost).
If a power requires an opposed roll,
FEAR (-2) the caster must use Spirit as her
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Spirit d8+ arcane skill (even if she has another
All the monsters listed in this chapter cause arcane skill).
Fear in mortals the first time they’re seen— Mystic Powers doesn’t grant access
unless such creatures are common in the to Edges that require an Arcane
setting. If this Edge is taken, those Fear checks Background, but the character may
are made at a −2 penalty. take the Power Points or Soul
Drain Edge (substituting Spirit for
OLD the arcane skill Requirement for the
REQUIREMENTS: Novice latter). Abilities noted as “Self Only”
Some monstrous beings may have watched do not get any additional benefit from
Rome burn, Mark Twain speak, or even been that Limitation.
present when Lucifer fell. They’ve likely had If a hero also has an Arcane
numerous lives, multiple lovers or families, Background, none of its Edges or
and lived in many parts of the world. abilities can be used with Mystic
Their years of accumulated experience Powers and vice-versa. See page
gives them +2 to all Smarts and Common 57 for additional rules on multiple
Knowledge rolls. Arcane Backgrounds, Mystic Powers,
Obviously, the other skills, Edges, and Power Points, and other issues.
abilities such long-lived beings should have
aren’t normally possible with the usual
character creation rules, so the player should
work with the Game Master to figure out why
those abilities aren’t present. Perhaps they
were wiped clean or are repressed for some MONSTERS S T I N T HE
reason, but return as the creature gains new
Advances and begins its current life anew.
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Strength d10+
The monster can summon her bestial savagery, AND I F Y OUT O AN ABYSS,
jagged claws, or raw fury in desperate times.
The creature’s Wild Attacks cause +4 damage ENOUGH I N WI L L GAZE
instead of +2. T HE ABYSS O Y OU.”
BAC K I NT Nietzsche

damage to its basic type. A divine long sword,

ANGEL for example, causes Str+d8+d6 damage.

Angels are not “monsters” per se, but they are HOLY LIGHT
great and terrible beings to ordinary mortals. REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Angel
They have the power to smite their makers’ The angel can create dim or bright light in a
foes with great vengeance and furious anger. single Large Blast Template anywhere within
They shepherd their followers and serve 12” (24 yards), and may move it as a limited
as divine avengers who sometimes destroy free action each round.
entire cities to purge them of their wickedness. As a limited action, the angel can also focus
„ AGELESS: Angels do not age by mortal the holy light into a searing Cone (or Stream)
standards. Template. The attack uses Faith and causes
„ BEAUTIFY: Angels may create minor
2d4 damage that may be Evaded (at −2 with
a raise on the attack roll). A Critical Failure
beauty as a limited free action. They
on the attack roll Fatigues the angel.
might clean an ally’s clothes with a
gesture, make an infant coo, straighten SEARING BLAST
a painting knocked askew from a fight,
REQUIREMENTS: Veteran, Holy Light
banish minor cuts and bruises, cause
the flowers in a planter to grow lush and The angel’s Holy Light damage increases
colorful, and so on. to 2d6.
„ DIVINE MIGHT: Increase the
angel’s Strength and Vigor REQUIREMENTS: Heroic, Angel
two die types.
The angel has an eternal soul
„ FAITH: Increase the angel’s
that isn’t destroyed even if
Faith one die type. her body is “killed.” If slain,
„ FLIGHT: Angels can she returns to whatever
materialize or sprout great “Heaven” she came from
feathery wings as a limited for d4 days, then returns
action. This gives them in a new body with the
Flight at Pace 12. Retracting same statistics. She can
the wings is also a only be permanently
limited action. slain with a weapon
„ IMMUNE TO forged in Hell or other
DISEASE AND methods designed by
POISON: Angels shirk off the GM.
mortal ailments.
Angels must obey their
deity and have the Vow
(Major) Hindrance.

The angel has a magical
weapon that can slay other
immortals. It ignores
the Immortality
Edge and adds +d6



REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Angel REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Angel
Some angels have full Arcane Backgrounds, The angel can read, write, and speak any
but others are blessed with a limited but more languages known to humanity. She would
certain set of abilities granted by their creator. not understand alien tongues or messages
Choose one of the following packages, and written in code, however.
see the Mystic Powers sidebar on page 11
for other details. TOUGHNESS
„ DEATH: Boost Trait (self only), deflection, REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Angel
protection (self only), smite. The angel is protected by an invisible aura
„ HERALD: Boost/lower Trait, divination, healing, of divine favor that grants her +2 Toughness.
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Angel The angel is protected by an invisible aura
The angel can sense supernatural beings of divine favor that grants her an additional
and magical effects within 10” (20 yards). 2 points of Toughness (+4 total).
The ability doesn’t pinpoint or track such
beings, just that they are present and general
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Angel
numbers (a few or many).
The angel’s wings become weapons. He can
SPEED strike with them at Str+d8, Reach 2, and may
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Angel use them with the Sweep Edge.
The angel’s Flight Pace increases to 24. The If the angel flies at least 5” (10 yards) in a
Edge may be taken a second time to increase relatively straight line, the first strike with his
Pace to 48. wings in a turn causes +4 damage.
The wings also become tougher, allowing
the angel to envelop himself within. While the
wings are extended, he gains +2 Toughness—
this may be ignored with a Called Shot at −2.






„ INFERNAL STAMINA: Increase the

DEMON demon’s Vigor one die type.
„ SPIRITED: Increase the demon’s Spirit
Your character is a minor demon or has one die type.
demonic heritage—perhaps due to mixed „ WEAKNESS (Cold Iron): Demons take +4
parentage or an infusion of demonic blood. damage from cold iron weapons.
He lacks some of the starting abilities of
nonplayer character demons presented in
Chapter Six, but are still evil for purposes
of game mechanics (such as the Champion
Edge), and should take Hindrances that
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Demon
reflect their generally cruel or selfish natures.
The demon’s skin is thick and scaly, giving
They may not actually be evil depending on
him +4 Armor over his entire body.
the setting and circumstances, however. For
example, a demon might be rebelling against BITE
some lord of Hell and—at least for a while—
act on behalf of humanity. Or the demon
might simply be opposed to “self-righteous” The demon has fangs that cause Str+d6
angels and the divinity who commands damage and may be used against grappled
them. foes (see Grappling in Savage Worlds).
The Edge may be taken a second time
„ AGELESS: Demons do not age.
to increase the damage to Str+d6, AP 2.
„ BESPOIL: Demons may cause
small, ruinous effects to mark their CLAWS
passing. Flowers wilt, plants REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Demon
curl, babies cry, milk spoils, The demon has retractable
food rots, insects gather claws that cause Str+d4
or die, indoor lighting damage and add +2 to
flickers or becomes harsh Athletics (climbing) rolls.
and unflattering, and so The Edge may be taken a
on. The effect is limited to second time to increase the
a few targets and should damage to Str+d6, AP 2.
rarely have any actual game
„ DARKVISION: The demon REQUIREMENTS: Veteran, Demon
ignores Illumination penalties The demon has an eternal soul
and up to 2 points of penalties that returns even if her body is
from invisibility or similar destroyed. If slain, she goes to
powers within 10” (20 yards) whatever “Hell” she came from for
distant. d4 days, then returns in a new body
„ DEAL MAKER: See the Deal Maker with the same statistics. She can only
sidebar on the following page. be permanently slain with a weapon
„ DOESN’T BREATHE: Demons don’t forged in Heaven or Hell, or other
require oxygen. methods designed by the GM.
(Cold, Electricity, Heat): Demons
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Demon
receive a +4 bonus to resist cold,
electricity, and heat-based effects The demon can create a small (1d6
and reduce damage from such damage) fire in a single Small Blast
sources a like amount. Template anywhere within 12” (24
yards), and may move it as a limited
free action each round.
Demons shirk off mortal ailments.


As a limited action, the demon can also TRUE DEMON

focus his infernal flame into a blazing Cone REQUIREMENTS: Veteran, Demon
Template. The attack uses Athletics and The demon regains the blessings of Hell.
causes 2d4 damage that may be Evaded (at She takes half-damage (round up) from
−2 with a raise on the attack roll). A Critical nonmagical attacks except cold iron.
Failure on the attack roll Fatigues the demon.
REQUIREMENTS: Veteran, Hellfire
The demon has retractable wings and can fly
The demon’s Hellfire damage increases to at Pace 12. The Edge may be taken a second
2d6. It also allows the fire breather to use time to increase Pace to 24, and a third time
the Cone (or Stream) Template as desired. to increase it to Pace 48.
The demon is a spirit of dark energy and
malice with no material form. He may pass
through barriers and isn’t affected by physical
weapons or nonmagical energies such as Deal Maker
fire, cold, or electricity. Magical or blessed
weapons or energy affect him normally. Demons of this power level can’t make
the kinds of deals for fame, fortune, or
The demon may become corporeal for one long life that greater demons can. But
round by making a Spirit roll as a limited they can grant small boons in exchange
free action. While corporeal he may affect the for whatever favor they require or
physical world, but may also be harmed by mischief they desire.
normal weapons and energies.
The demon gains the ability to make
MYSTIC POWERS (DEMON) one (and only one) “Pact” with a
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Demon mortal soul, signed in blood. (Ageless
characters can’t agree to a Pact—their
Demons are magical beings and sometimes
souls are already spoken for.)
augment their natural abilities with various
powers. Choose one of the following packages, A Pact may be Minor (provides funds
and see the Mystic Powers sidebar on page equal to starting Wealth, a permanent
11 for other details. increase in a skill below its linked
attribute, a point of Conviction) or
„ POSSESSOR: Boost/lower Trait, curse,
Major (provides an Edge, a permanent
nightmares, puppet.
increase to an attribute, a permanent
„ SUMMONER: Protection, summon ally, increase to a skill equal to or above
summon demon, zombie. its linked Attribute).
„ TEMPTER: Boost/lower Trait, disguise, Pacts cause a thematically appropriate
empathy, mind reading. Minor Hindrance for a Minor Pact and a
„ TRICKSTER: Deflection (self only), disguise, Major Hindrance for a Major Pact. But
fear, illusionary horrors. this isn’t the only cost. The true price is
a favor, which the demon may define at
SENSE SUPERNATURA L the time of the signing or (dangerously)
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Demon later if the client agrees. If the favor is
The demon can sense supernatural beings refused when the time comes the benefit
and magical effects within 10” (20 yards). from the Pact is lost but the Hindrance
The ability doesn’t pinpoint or track such remains. A demon may only have one
beings, just that they are present and general open Pact at a time, so the favor
numbers (a few or many). must be resolved or the client must be
dead before a new Pact can be sealed.



Some mummies can call on mystical or divine
Mummies hail from Egyptian pyramids, sources for magical powers. Choose one of
South American temples, or mountain caves. the following packages, and see the Mystic
They are powerful undead, preserved from Powers sidebar on page 11 for other details.
times long past as rulers or guardians, or
„ ARCHITECT: Barrier, detect/conceal arcana,
sometimes criminals or challengers some
lock/unlock, telekinesis.
ancient regime wanted to punish in the
„ ROYAL: Blast, burst, spite.
grisliest way possible!
Mummies aren’t necessarily dressed in REGENERATION (SLOW)
bandages. Once reborn they can wear clothes REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Mummy
like any other being. Those who don’t feed
often enough begin to look dry or rotten, but Mummies with this Edge may make a Vigor
no more so than other undead. roll every day to regenerate Wounds not
caused by fire (which must heal normally).
„ AGELESS: Mummies do not age. Most are
many hundreds of years old. REGENERATION (FAST)
„ SLOW: The stiffness of the ages reduces a REQUIREMENTS: Legendary, Regeneration
mummy’s Pace by 1 and running die to (Slow)
d4. Mummies with this Edge may make a Vigor
„ THE STRENGTH OF AGES: Mummies roll every round to regenerate Wounds not
increase their Strength and Vigor two die caused by fire or holy water (which must
types. heal normally).
„ UNDEAD: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover
from being Shaken; no additional damage SUMMON STORM
from Called Shots; ignores 1 point REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Mummy
of Wound penalties; doesn’t breathe; This ability is typically associated with
immune to disease and poison. Egyptian mummies but those from other
„ WEAKNESS (Fire): Mummies are dry and regions may use similar abilities with
preserved with various flammable oils different Trappings. Once per game week, the
and resins. They suffer +4 damage from mummy can summon a massive sandstorm
fire and fire-based attacks (but not heat— several miles in diameter. The storm sweeps
just open flame). all before it, causing Dark conditions and
Vigor rolls every minute spent without
MUMMY EDGES shelter. Those who fail are Fatigued, and this
can cause death from suffocation.
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Mummy
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Mummy
The mummy can burrow at half Pace through
Once per day, a mummy with this Edge may
all but solid stone.
summon a swarm of insects, vermin, or other
MUMMY ROT pests. This is a Medium swarm that does
REQUIREMENTS: Veteran, Mummy
not split and can be given general mental
directions such as “protect that door” or “kill
Anyone touched by the mummy, whether he those interlopers.”
is damaged or not, must make a Vigor roll.
Failure means the character has “mummy rot” SUMMON GREAT SWARM
and suffers an immediate Wound. Victims REQUIREMENTS: Heroic, Summon Swarm
who die as a result of “mummy rot” may be
The mummy’s swarm is Large, and when
brought back as mummies through the zombie
slain, turns into two Medium swarms.


distance the part can operate is one mile. If

PATCHWORK the part is destroyed, the patchwork monster
can regrow it by feasting on an identical body
MONSTER part. Regrowth takes about an hour. He may
detach as many of the parts below as he likes
Your hero wasn’t born, he was created, stitched and switch between them as an action:
in a laboratory from the parts of others! He „ EAR: The ear cannot move but hears as a
is a patchwork man, much like the monster normal ear. Monsters may leave it where
depicted in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. they wish to eavesdrop on conversations!
„ AGELESS: Patchwork monsters do not age. „ EYE: The eye can roll around at a Pace 3
„ BERSERK: Your undead body translates and see just like a normal eye.
physical and emotional pain into a red „ HAND: The hand moves at Pace 5 and
cloud of rage. All patchwork monsters has a Strength equal to two die types less
have the Berserk Edge. than its owner’s. The hand is Tiny, so
„ DEATH’S HAZE: Your monster’s brain whether or not it can attack human-sized
belonged to a mortal, and any mental targets is up to the Game Master and
Hindrances he suffers belong to it. His environmental circumstances.
past is cloudy and unfocused, appearing
only briefly in flashes when triggered by DISCHARGE
some familiar event. He has the Clueless REQUIREMENTS: Veteran, Patchwork Monster
Hindrance and Smarts may only ever be Lightning and electricity gave this creation
raised once as an Advance. LIFE—and it can be used to take it! The
„ FIRE BAD!: Patchwork monsters are creature stores energy in its body. As a
terrified of flames. They have a Major limited action, it may take a level of Fatigue
Phobia of any fire as large as a torch or to give off a searing burst of electricity in a
greater. Large Blast Template centered on itself. Every
„ PARTS: Your body was built from the
being within takes 4d6 electrical damage. An
Incapacitated monster passes out but does
strongest parts. Increase both Strength
not perish.
and Vigor two die types. Lost parts can
be reattached with needle and thread, 10 FLASHBACKS
minutes’ work, and a Healing roll at −4
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Patchwork Monster
(or Weird Science at no penalty).
The monster occasionally gets flashes of
„ SCIENCE!: Patchwork monsters are born
memory and knowledge from the many body
of mad science and have the Arcane
parts used to piece him together. Once per
Resistance Edge.
encounter, he may increase any skill a die
„ UNDEAD: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover
type as long as it doesn’t exceed the linked
from being Shaken; no additional damage attribute. If he doesn’t have a skill, he gains it
from Called Shots; ignores 1 point at d4 and ignores the usual −2 penalty.
of Wound penalties; doesn’t breathe;
immune to disease and poison. HARDY
„ WEAKNESS (Fire): Fire (flame, not just heat) REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Patchwork Monster
causes +4 damage to patchwork monsters. Patchwork monsters with this Edge don’t
take Wounds from being Shaken twice.
MONSTER EDGES REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Patchwork Monster
DETACHABLE PARTS The monster bellows an unearthly groan that
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Patchwork Monster terrifies those who hear it. As a limited action,
the character can make an Intimidation Test
The horror can detach various parts of his body
in a Cone Template. All targets within are
and control them from afar! The maximum
affected and must resist separately.


Phantoms are a specific type of spirit that dwell
Phantoms are ghosts of the dead, spirits who in the physical world. With concentration,
refuse to move on to the Great Beyond for however, they can fade from our reality and
some reason. Phantoms are visible beings— return to the spirit realm for a short amount
they are not invisible like most ghosts. They of time to speak with other spiritual entities.
can be tangible or intangible by the power of
This works like Networking (see Savage
their will.
Worlds) with all the spirits, lost souls, ghosts,
„ AGELESS: The ravages of time no longer
and other beings of the void. The spirit can
affect phantoms. use Persuasion or Intimidation, but can’t
„ DARKVISION: Phantoms can see in grant favors (“Money Talks” or “Bust Heads”)
the dark. They ignore all Illumination unless the setting allows such things.
penalties and up to 2 points of penalties
from invisibility or similar powers within INVISIBILITY
10” (20 yards) distant. REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Phantom,
„ DOESN’T BREATHE: Phantoms don’t Spirit d8+
require oxygen. The haunt may become invisible while
„ ETHEREAL: Spirits are normally ethereal, ethereal. She cannot be seen, though if
but player character phantoms can choose someone knows the spirit’s general location
whether or not to manifest in a corporeal they may make attacks against her at −4.
state. Changing state is a limited free Spells cannot be cast on her unless the caster
action, meaning that if a phantom goes can see her via detect arcana or some other
intangible on his turn he can’t become means.
flesh again until his next.
While intangible, the phantom can REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Phantom
pass through solid objects. He cannot
The phantom can manipulate spiritual energy
be harmed by normal attacks, but takes
to cast spells. Choose one of the following
normal damage from magic weapons,
packages, and see the Mystic Powers sidebar
powers, and abilities.
on page 11 for other details.
„ FLIGHT: Phantoms can fly at Pace 12.
„ POLTERGEIST: Havoc, illusionary horrors,
„ IMMUNE TO DISEASE AND POISON: sound/silence, telekinesis.
Phantoms cannot be poisoned or diseased.
„ SHADE: Confusion, elemental manipulation,
„ STRONG SPIRIT: Transforming into a fear, puppet.
being of pure spiritual energy increases
„ WRAITH: Blind, light/darkness, sloth, stun.
the character’s Spirit a die type.
„ WEAKNESS (Salt): Phantoms cannot cross ROAR
a barrier of salt and are Shaken if forced REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Phantom
into contact with it. They may Evade if
The spirit emits a ghostly wail or banshee
salt is thrown at them.
scream that chills the marrow of all those who
hear it. As a limited action, the character can
PHANTOM EDGES make an Intimidation Test in a Cone Template.
All targets within are affected and must resist
CHILLING TOUCH separately.
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Phantom,
Spirit d8+
A phantom’s touch chills a living target’s
bones right down to the marrow. A successful GHOSTS OF OUR LOVE D
Touch attack (in corporeal form) against ONES ARE THE WORST.”
a living being causes Str+d4 damage that
ignores all but magical armor. –Arthur Conan Doyle


EYE: The eye can roll around at a Pace 3

and see just like a normal eye.
„ HAND: The hand moves at Pace 5 and
Once your hero walked among the living, but has a Strength two die types less than its
death called and the flesh passed into the owner’s. The hand is Tiny, so whether or
earth. Somehow, some way, he returned. He not it can attack human-sized targets is
is now an undead force of vengeance, seeking up to the GM and circumstances.
justice against his enemies.
„ AGELESS: Revenants do not age. RELENTLESS TRACKER
„ HARDY: Revenants do not take Wounds REQUIREMENTS: Veteran, Revenant
from being Shaken twice. Revenants are vengeful creatures who stalk
„ REGENERATION (Slow): Revenants may their prey relentlessly. A revenant with
attempt a natural healing roll every day this Edge adds +2 to Survival (tracking)
as long as they can somehow absorb at rolls (which stacks with all other tracking
least a pound of raw meat. bonuses) as long as she’s tracking someone
who wronged her in some way (GM’s call).
This is a magical sense that is only reinforced
return from death with plus one die type
by physical evidence of the prey’s passing, so
in Spirit and Vigor.
even if the trail is lost the revenant will pick
„ UNDEAD: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover
it back up within 2d6 hours (or whenever the
from being Shaken; no additional damage GM feels it’s possible).
from Called Shots; ignores 1 point
The revenant may only set her senses
of Wound penalties; doesn’t breathe;
to a single individual at a time, and once
immune to disease and poison.
dismissed, cannot set it on that target again
„ VENGEANCE: Revenants have a Vow
(though she may track him normally).
(Major) to exact vengeance or justice upon
some type of foe—evil-doers, monster STENCH
hunters, other types of monsters, etc. REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Revenant
The revenant’s flesh rots and stinks, repelling
REVENANT EDGES those living beings who get too close. Anyone
who moves adjacent to the character and has
DEATH TOUCH a sense of smell is Distracted. This lasts until
REQUIREMENTS: Heroic, Revenant they move away and their turn ends.
The revenant’s most feared power is its
deadly touch, which causes Str+d4 damage THOUGHT EATER
against the living (armor protects normally). REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Revenant
Against those it has sworn vengeance against If the revenant with this Edge eats a relatively
(the target of its Vow), it does Str+2d6 damage fresh or preserved brain of a sentient being,
instead. she gains scattered bits of its memories.
Exactly what the zombie learns is up to the
DETACHABLE PARTS Game Master, but usually includes traumatic
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Revenant events, especially those surrounding its death.
The horror can detach various parts of
his body and control them from afar! The ZOMBIE MASTER
maximum distance the part can operate is REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Revenant
one mile. If the part is destroyed, the zombie The revenant can attempt to control any
can regrow it by feasting on an identical body mindless zombie or skeleton with a successful
part. Regrowth takes about an hour. He may Intimidation roll opposed by the creature’s
detach as many of the parts below as he likes Spirit. This is an action, and the control lasts
and switch between them as an action: for the remainder of the encounter.
„ EAR: The ear cannot move, but can hear The Edge typically has no effect on other
as a normal ear. types of undead (GM’s call).


powers within 10” (20 yards) distant.

VAMPIRE „ FEED: The vampire must drink at least
one pint of fresh blood every day. This is
Vampires crawl forth from the grave, cursed treated like the Habit (Major) Hindrance.
by the very earth that shuns them. Or perhaps „ REGENERATION (Slow): As long as they
they are sired by some older, more vile have fed, vampires may attempt a natural
creature, slinking out of the shadowed depths healing roll every day.
of time.
The loathsome fiends are ubiquitous increase their Strength and Vigor two die
across many cultures and regions of the types once turned.
world. Aswangs lurk in the dark jungles of
„ UNDEAD: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover
Asia. Hopping vampires haunt the forsaken
villages of China. Transylvanian nowferatu from being Shaken; no additional damage
prowl the besotted streets of Paris, New from Called Shots; ignores 1 point
Orleans, and other urban sprawls rife with of Wound penalties; doesn’t breathe;
prey. immune to disease and poison.
„ WEAKNESS: Vampires from different
Whatever their origin or background,
vampires are creatures of the night who prey cultures or backgrounds have different
on the blood of others. They are powerful weaknesses, but the following are
beings who may scavenge the back alleys or traditional. Work with the GM if you
mingle with the cream of society, but at heart wish to reflect a different background.
they are all life-sucking parasites. • Holy Symbol: Holy symbols act as wards
„ AGELESS: Vampires do not age. against vampires (see page 48).
„ BITE: The vampire has retractable fangs • Holy Water: In addition to the usual
that cause Str+d4 damage. effects (page 26), a vampire sprinkled
with holy water is Fatigued.
„ DARKVISION: The vampire ignores
Illumination penalties and up to 2 points • Invitation Only: Vampires cannot enter
of penalties from invisibility or similar a private dwelling without being invited.


They may enter public buildings as they while in an appropriate environment where
please. The public areas of inns or hotels such things dwell (GM’s call), the vampire
are not considered private dwellings, but may automatically summon a single dire
individual rooms are. wolf, 1d4+1 wolves, or a Medium swarm of
• Running Water: The vampire must make bats or rats. The latter split into two Small
a Spirit roll at −2 any time he enters or swarms when dispersed.
crosses a stream, river, channel or other
“running” water; or at no penalty if it’s CLAWS
a small water feature, water hose, etc. REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Vampire
Oceans, lakes, or “still” bodies of water The vampire has retractable claws that cause
have no effect. Failure means he may Str+d6 damage and add +2 to Athletics
not pass this scene, and a Critical Failure (climbing) rolls.
causes a Wound as well. Success allows
him to pass on his next turn, and a raise DAYWA LKER
allows him to cross without pause. REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Vampire
• Stake Through the Heart: A vampire hit The vampire is a “dhamphyr” and is not
with a Called Shot to the heart (−4) by a harmed by sunlight.
wooden weapon must make a Vigor roll
vs the damage total. If successful, it takes GORGE
damage normally. If it fails, it instantly REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Vampire
disintegrates into dust. No more than once per day, a vampire
• Sunlight: Vampires burn in sunlight. They who drains a normal-sized human to death
take 2d4 damage per round until they are increases her Strength and Vigor a die type
ash. Armor protects normally. for the next hour.

ANIMA L FORM Once per night, the vampire may turn into
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Vampire mist form. This requires an action and a
Smarts roll at −2. If failed, the vampire takes
As a limited action, the vampire can change
Fatigue but may try again. A Critical Failure
into a wolf or bat, or back to its vampire form,
means he takes Fatigue and may not try again
with a Smarts roll at −2. The vampire cannot
this night.
speak while in wolf or bat form.
Vampires in mist form are visible, fly at Pace
CHARM 6, and may pass through any barrier that isn’t
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Vampire airtight. They may not affect the physical
A vampire may cast puppet by spending a world or use other powers while misted. They
Benny and making a Persuasion roll as his may return to normal form as a limited action
arcane skill. The target cannot be Hostile, (no roll is required).
Unfriendly, or Uncooperative, so it pays to
earn the trust of potential victims first.
REQUIREMENTS: Legendary, Vampire
The fiend may not use any Power Modifiers
The vampire regenerates by making a Vigor
with this natural version of the power, but if
roll as a limited free action. Success heals
successful the Duration is 24 hours instead
one Wound or removes Incapacitation, and a
of five rounds, cannot be maintained, and
raise heals two Wounds. The vampire cannot
victims who succumb do not resist having
regenerate Wounds caused by decapitation,
their blood drained.
holy water or weapons, sunlight, or a stake
CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT through the heart.
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Vampire
The vamp has the ability to summon and
control bats, rats, or wolves. Once per night,


The vampire can “sire” another vampire
by letting a mortal drink of her blood. The This hero is cursed to transform into a feral
transformation takes d4 hours to complete, creature with heightened senses, razor-sharp
during which time the individual may be claws, and savage fury.
cleansed of the curse via the healing power’s Player character werewolves can control
Neutralize Disease Power Modifier. their transformation—at least until the full
A new “child” isn’t necessarily grateful for moon rises!
the change. They have their own free will, „ BITE/CLAWS: Str+d6, AP 2.
and may seek revenge if they resent the curse! „ CANNOT SPEAK: Werewolves cannot
speak while transformed. Those with
THRA LL Arcane Backgrounds cannot cast while
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Vampire in werewolf form unless they have the
Certain types of mortals bask in the miasma of Silent Caster Edge.
the undead, either attracted to their powerful „ FEROCITY: Werewolves increase their
magnetism or hopeful they will one day Agility, Strength, and Vigor two die types.
become eternal fiends themselves.
„ INFRAVISION: Werewolves can see heat
A vampire with this Edge gains a mortal and halve Illumination penalties when
thrall who is completely loyal to his “master.” attacking living targets.
The thrall is an Extra one Rank lower than
„ REGENERATION (Slow): Werewolves may
his sire and Advances whenever his sire does
attempt a natural healing roll every day.
„ SPEED: Increase the character’s Pace by
The thrall retains free will, but wants to
+2 and increase the running die one type.
serve the vampire for whatever reason, and
will die before betraying him. „ TRANSFORMATION: Player character
werewolves can transform from human
A vampire may take this Edge up to five
to werewolf or back again as a limited
times. If slain, the master may give rise to a
replacement when the situation allows. action. On the night of a full moon,
the character must transform into her
WA LL WA LKER werewolf form from dusk till dawn.
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Vampire All werewolf abilities and Edges apply
The vampire may crawl along vertical and only when in werewolf form.
inverted surfaces at half Pace and may run. If Incapacitated, a lycanthrope instantly
returns to its human form.
„ WEAKNESS: Silvered weapons cause
+4 damage to the character while in
“HOW DO WE SEE M TO lycanthrope form.
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Werewolf
. DO
‘DRI NK,’ YOU ASK ME The werewolf can attempt to control any
YOU HAVE ANY I DEA O canine with a successful Intimidation roll
COME?” opposed by the creature’s Spirit. This is an
THI NGS YOU WI LL BE action, and if successful, the control lasts for
-Louis, the remainder of the encounter. If the target
mpire creature is the alpha, the rest of the pack
Interview with a Va
follows its lead.


The beasts follow basic commands befitting SPEECH

their intelligence. Alpha only works on REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Werewolf
natural creatures, not hellhounds, demonic The monster learns to speak in fitful sentences
dogs, or other supernatural beasts. while in werewolf form. He subtracts 2 from
any Trait roll that requires clear speech, such
as arcane skill rolls and most Persuasion and
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Werewolf
Taunt rolls.
The werewolf’s bite and claw attacks increase
to Str+d8, AP 4. TOUGH
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Werewolf
The werewolf’s thick fur, tough hide, or raw
REQUIREMENTS: Legendary, Werewolf
muscle grants it +2 Toughness.
The lycanthrope regenerates by making a
Vigor roll as a limited free action. Success WA LL WA LKER
heals one Wound or removes Incapacitation, REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Werewolf
and a raise heals two Wounds. The were The werewolf may crawl along vertical and
cannot regenerate Wounds caused by silver. inverted surfaces at half Pace and may run.

REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Werewolf “W HEN WI LL
The werewolf howls at the top of its bestial
lungs, terrifying those who hear it. As a YOU RAGE?”
limited action, the character can make an -Werewolf: The Apocalypse,
Intimidation Test in a Cone Template. All
White Wolf Publishing
targets within are affected and must resist



ost hunters don’t have the natural
weaponry of the prey they seek. TAG NO.

Instead, they must rely on the cold

steel of a good sword, the smooth action of a 1234
trusted revolver, or some specialized weapon
designed for their particular target. PURITY OF
On the following pages are numerous
weapons hunters might wield in their battle
against evil, and a number of other devices— Lycanthropes are vulnerable to silver,
both traditional and arcane—they may use to and demons detest cold iron, but what
root them out into the unflinching light. does this mean when you’re after a
Arm your hunter carefully before pursuing weapon made of the substance?
nefarious horrors. The safest way to defeat SILVER
a monster is from a distance, so consider a
In most horror settings, a silver item
ranged weapon appropriate to the setting. has to be made of pure silver to be
Take a look at the Ammunition table as effective. Coating a sword blade with
well. Bullets tipped with silver nitrate work a veneer of silver just doesn’t work.
wonders against werewolves, and crossbows A pure silver melee weapon costs five
fitted with cords and winches are great for times as much as normal. It inflicts
dragging screeching undead from their lairs normal damage, but can harm creatures
into the bright light of day! that are immune to mundane blades.
Few monster hunters relish going toe-to-toe
with a hulking werewolf or a rancid zombie, COLD IRON
but sometimes there’s no other choice, so take Cold iron is iron that has not been
a solid melee weapon for backup. heated in a forge before it is worked.
As such, it contains no carbon and is
Finish your preparations with any special therefore pure, but also brittle. Cold
gear that might protect you from the darkness iron melee weapons cost twice as much
such as holy water or neck protectors. And as normal and shatter if the wielder
in the modern era, be sure to take cameras rolls a Critical Failure while Fighting.
or other recording equipment to prove your
innocence when ultimately confronted by the C I T Y M O R G U E


Atomic Ghost Pack 5/10/20 Special 1 24 d6 15 $3000
Notes: Has two settings—ensnare and destroy. Set to destroy it causes 2d8 damage to
ethereal creatures. Ensnare mode causes no damage, but does bind the spirit in a web of
crackling energy. On a successful Shooting roll, the spirit is Entangled. On a raise the target
is fully Bound. Other spirits may attempt to free the ensnared ghost by Supporting his roll to
escape. An ethereal entity may be safely moved 3” (6 yards) per round while trapped in the
Crossbow, Mini 6/12/24 2d4 1 1 — 3 $200
Notes: AP 1. Hand drawn.
Crossbow, Repeating 15/30/60 2d6 3 36 d6 12 $800
Notes: AP 2. Reloading a new magazine takes one action.
Crossbow, Winch 5/10/20 2d6 1 1 d6 15 $650
Notes: AP 2; Reload 2. If the shooter scores a Wound the bolt digs into the victim’s flesh. On
his next action, the firer may wind the winch, drawing the victim closer. This requires an
opposed Strength roll against the target. A victim who can grab onto something solid, like a
supporting beam or a door jamb, gains +2 to his roll. On a success, the victim is pulled 3” (6
yards), or 6” (12 yards) on a raise.
Flare Gun (Pistol) 3/6/12 2d4 1 1 — 4 $100
Notes: 1 action to reload. May set targets on fire (see Hazards in Savage Worlds).
Holy Water, Grenade* 5/10/20 — — 1 — 2 $30
Notes: This small explosive fills a Small Blast Template with holy water. Use the Athletics roll
as a Test against all creatures caught in the template; supernaturally evil creatures resist at –2.
Holy Water, Pistol* 1/2/3 — 1 5 — 4 $5
Notes: Shooting as a Test; supernaturally evil creatures resist at –2. A two-handed
“supersoaker” costs $50 and increases Range to 3/6/9.
Holy Water, Spray* 1 — 1 2 — 1 $5
Notes: A small mister filled with holy water. Spraying a target is an Athletics Test;
supernaturally evil creatures resist at –2.
Stake, thrown 2/4/8 Str+d4 — — — 2 $10
UV Grenade 5/10/20 Special — — — 2 $100
Notes: Medium Blast Template thrown with Athletics. Anyone caught in the template
is Distracted unless their vision is immune or protected in some way. Creatures with a
Weakness to the sun, such as vampires, take 3d6 damage from the intense blast.
* Creatures with a Weakness to holy water may suffer additional effects. See page 118 for demons and
167 for vampires.


Bolt (Mini-Crossbow) $1 1/10 —
Bolt (Repeating
$75 6 Holds 36 quarrels
Bolt (Winch Crossbow) $10 1 —
Garlic Bullets +$5/50 * Cause normal damage against vampires
Cause normal damage against
Silver Bullets +$10/50 *
lycanthropes; –1 AP (minimum 0 AP)
Silver Nitrate Bullets +$20/50 * +4 damage against lycanthropes
+4 damage against vampires; –1 AP
UV Bullets +$100/50 *
(minimum 0 AP)
Note: Use the firearm’s standard ammo for weight when needed.

Corpse Catcher — d6 4 $300
Notes: Reach 1. A successful Fighting attack means the target has been caught around his
waist and Entangled—with a raise the arms are pinned as well and the target is Bound.
Stake Str+d4 — 2 $10
Stake (Silver-tipped) Str+d4 — 2 $110


SPECIAL GEAR Kinect SLS Camera $500 2

Notes: An infrared camera with cellphone
or tablet style video screen that maps
Crucifix/holy symbol $20 1/5 detected motion to dots that form crude
Notes: May keep creatures at bay if stick figures to show the general shape and
displayed. A successful Touch Attack with movement of otherwise invisible creatures.
the symbol inflicts 2d4 damage. Doesn’t This negates 2 points of invisibility
work through armor, but the attacker can penalties for those who can see the screen.
make a Called Shot to bypass all but sealed
Kirlian camera, still $260 3
Notes: Captures images of ethereal beings
EMF Meter $40 1 even in total darkness. Film for the camera
Notes: Rechargeable detector that gives costs $10 for 24 exposures.
a digital reading when a spiritual entity
Kirlian camera, video $600 6
that emits an electromagnetic field (most
Notes: Shows the “aura” of ethereal beings.
ghosts and demons) is present within 6”
The film cannot be watched while it is
(12 yards).
recording, but can be played back after the
Ghost trap $200 5 event through the viewfinder. Four hour
Notes: Once a ghost is within a Small video tapes cost $20 each.
Blast Template centered on the trap and
Kirlian goggles $1400 2
the device activated, the ghost must make
Notes: Allows the user to see invisible and
a Strength roll at −2. Failure means it’s
ethereal entities, ignoring all penalties
sucked in and cannot escape. Ghost traps
to attack them. The wearer suffers a −1
work only on ethereal entities.
penalty to all actions not directly involving
an ethereal entity, however.
Motion tracker $30 4
PRESCRIPTION Notes: Motion trackers use a laser grid
or similar technology to detect motion at
MAKING HOLY a Range of 10” (20 yards) in a 90 degree
arc. This includes the movement of most
WATER ethereal entities (GM’s call). An advanced
Holy water is normal water blessed by rig costs $500 and includes a video screen
an ordained member of an organized that maps the presence to a stick figure
religion that endorses generally good avatar.
(non-destructive) tenets. The “priest” Neck protector,
$30 1
must have the Arcane Background leather
(Miracles) Edge. Notes: Provides +1 Armor against Called
Blessing a pint of water requires a Shots to the neck.
Faith roll and uses 1 Power Point. The Neck protector, metal $120 3
water remains blessed until used or Notes: Provides +3 Armor against Called
actively despoiled. Mixing holy water Shots to the neck.
with normal water dilutes it enough to UV flashlight $65 4
count as despoiled. Notes: Use the Cone Template to represent
In a fantasy game, most “good” the UV beam. All targets within the
deities should allow their priests to template may Evade or be affected as if
bless water. There may be some standing in bright sunlight. Creatures
exceptions, of course. The god of fire, completely covered by cloth may not be
while probably a benevolent deity, is affected (GM’s call).
very unlikely to have water used in
religious ceremonies honoring him.
Creatures with a Weakness to holy
water may suffer additional effects (see
page 167).



The Advantages listed on the table below are
The fight against evil can wear down even the framed in terms of traditional horror settings.
most resilient psyche. Heroes need a place Use your imagination to apply them to other
to rest and recuperate from their struggles. themes. A lodge in a world ruled by vampires,
They need a secure place where they can for example, is probably a hidden safe house,
gather with their companions and research forgotten vault, the top floor of an abandoned
the terrible things they must face together. skyscraper, or even a stealthy ship cruising
A lodge might be at the center of your from port to port looking for mortal survivors.
investigators’ exploits. This section lights the In all cases, “members” refers to any and
way toward this stony edifice, hidden vault, all permanent party members who have
or even haunted house—and the travails the free access to the base and its systems. If an
team must contend with to expand and keep individual quits or leaves the party, or if the
it. base is destroyed, any bonus is lost.
This section helps you establish a lodge for
the player characters in your game world. It ADVANTAGE (ROLL 1D6)
can create anything from a humble manor
with a few loyal servants to a scientific 1–Exotic Location: The lodge is in an
complex with security forces. When you’re unusual location relative to the flavor of
ready to do so, following the steps below. the campaign, such as an unassailable
promontory, an abandoned railway system,
„ STEP 1: Roll an Advantage (see below). or a cave.
„ STEP 2: Roll a Complication (page 30). The group may decide to keep the lodge’s
„ STEP 3: Determine the lodge’s Form and location secret. This makes it more difficult
how the investigators acquire it (page for enemies to find and attack, while a
31). known location makes it easier for clients
„ STEP 4: Add any Upgrades (page 33) to contract the monster hunters or allies to
the structure might already have when seek refuge.
acquired. The player characters can
guide its growth from there.


2–Hallowed: The structure or its grounds All party members gain a permanent die
are deeply revered and respected. It may type in a Trait of their choice. The bonus
mark the site of a great battle or heroic might come from exposure to divine or
sacrifice, hold the remains of a legendary magical phenomena, exceptional training
person, or be the former home of a equipment or tutors, or the high standards
prestigious order leader or monster hunter. the place demands of the party members.
Most locals have a Friendly attitude toward
any party members known to operate from
its hallowed halls, and all team members STEP 2: COMPLICATION
start each session with an additional Benny. Complications are long-term issues with the
3–Inspiring: Those who live in the lodge lodge. The heroes might be able to resolve the
are inspired to great deeds of selflessness matter for a while, but it eventually returns,
and heroism. Inspiration might come from changes, or evolves with a slight twist or
paintings of predecessors on the walls, busts change to keep the story interesting.
of fallen heroes, trophies from previous
victories, or even phenomenal architecture COMPLICATION (ROLL 1D10)
that inspires the soul. All party members’ 1–Contested: A powerful rival wants
Spirit die is increased one die type. The the lodge for her own. She’s constantly
bonus is lost when a character leaves the attempting to take it by guile, force,
team. blackmail, subterfuge, or even holy writ!
4–Mentor: The base is managed by an This is usually a villain, but could also
exceptional individual. He or she might be be a rival party of adventurers or even an
a retired detective, a beloved relative of one unfriendly noble, ruler, or businessman
or more party members, a veteran monster with a petty grudge.
hunter, an entire staff, or a mysterious The team gains the Enemy (Minor )
apparition. The GM should create a Hindrance. The enemy might be powerful
character that fits the setting and the theme but only show up occasionally, or may
of the lodge and use him or her to support be less powerful but more frequent in its
the team in their adventures. actions.
At the start of each session, randomly choose 2–Crumbling: The lodge is falling apart.
one player character. Continue to do so each It may be old, was built poorly, lies on
session until every player has been chosen an eroding sea cliff, or suffered one too
once, then start again. That character may many zombie hordes. Doors stick, rats
recite a brief tale of the mentor’s guidance scuttle in the walls, books are ruined by
or inspiration to gain Conviction that must mildew, floors slope at slight angles, or
be used on some action relevant to the bits of masonry fall randomly. When rolling
anecdote. If the Conviction isn’t used by for Encounters (page 35), a roll of 5–9
the end of the adventure, it’s lost. indicates the Collapse result instead.
5–Productive: The lodge produces 3–Cursed: The place reeks of ancient and
exceptional wealth of some kind. Members corrupted power. Any character with an
share in the rewards and enjoy a monthly Arcane Background adds +1 to her rolls
bonus equal to their Starting Funds times (this isn’t a choice), but a Critical Failure
their Rank (2× at Seasoned, 3× at Veteran, has particularly disastrous consequences.
and so on). Of course, rivals covet the A Permanent Injury, demonic possession,
lodge’s fortune and may attempt to steal opening portals to a flood of supernatural
or destroy it. foes, or similar catastrophes are all viable.
6–Renowned: The lodge is famous for 4–Dampened: Casters increase the cost of
something. Perhaps it holds a wondrous any powers activated inside the structure
library of occult texts, survived some (or an area of the grounds defined by the
famous catastrophe, or is one of the GM) by 1.
foremost training academies.


5–Desolate: The area is poor, has few

resources, and/or is extremely remote. The STEP 3: FORM
people are generally impoverished and the Once the nature of the lodge has been
owners must constantly put 25% of any established, figure out its general form and
earnings they receive into the lodge or the appearance. The heroes don’t have to have
local economy to keep it afloat. a stodgy brownstone, Victorian manor, or
6–Foreboding: The structure is labyrin­ rickety house at the edge a cliff. They might
thine, terrifying, a reminder of some terrible have an underground vault, a lighthouse, or
tragedy or betrayal, ugly, or perhaps located even a tavern or bookstore.
in some strange or unnatural place. Visitors For this reason, the exact size of the building
are uneasy there, help is hard to find (and isn’t defined—it should simply conform to
retain), and the world’s perception of its its narrative description. A manor with a
inhabitants is inevitably tainted. built-in hospital must be large enough to
Party members have the Bad Luck Hindrance accommodate it, its supplies, and staff.
(this doesn’t stack with a character’s Bad The heroes’ personal quarters should fit the
Luck). Roll again until you get a different theme of the place as well. Perhaps everyone
result if the lodge’s Advantage is Hallowed. gets their own suite in a manor, or must share
7–Haunted: The structure is haunted by gloomy subway cars in the cramped tunnels
one or more hostile spirits. They may be sly, of an abandoned underground rail system.
causing terrible accidents that disguise their Whatever it is, the lodge is large enough
presence, or they may be screeching terrors to accommodate the party’s quarters, mess,
that wander the halls each night, seeking meeting rooms, and Upgrades (page 33).
trouble and mischief. Ridding the grounds If the team later changes their lodge so that
of the phantom should require considerable the description no longer makes sense, the
research and effort. GM and players can describe an expansion,
8–Intruders: The lodge is frequently they can move to a new location, or whatever
attacked by enemies of some sort. The else fits narratively.
building may sit above an old burial
ground, uncharted tunnels, or portals to ACQUISITION
another world. Next decide how the heroes came by their
base. The group might assume ownership
These foes occasionally find their way
after cleaning a house of spirits or inherit it
inside to cause trouble, destroy evidence, or
from a mysterious relative. They might also
even attack. They may be spirits, demons, a
work for an organization that sponsors them,
subterranean race, ghouls, undead, or even
much like the lodges in the Rippers campaign
beings from eldritch dimensions.
setting. Even a posse in Deadlands might claim
9–Profane: The structure is built on an old manor as their base of operations.
corrupted ground of some kind. While on Don’t worry about the “cost” of the lodge.
its grounds, supernaturally evil beings add Decide what makes sense for the group and
+1 to all Trait rolls. their environment and use it as an opportunity
10–Strange Staff: The staff that manage to emphasize the flavor of the setting. If the
the site’s day-to-day operations are a little investigators came together after a zombie
odd. They may have off-putting habits or apocalypse, maybe they have to hole up in
demeanors, are members of an occasionally a relatively secure apartment building. If the
troublesome cult or order, or are just group are accomplished monster hunters,
generally untrustworthy. maybe the Vatican gives them a building
within the holy city, or an old monastery
elsewhere in Europe. Both reinforce the feel
of the game and even create new adventure
ideas. What do the heroes have to do to earn
respect? Does the patron expect something
in return?


Depending on the time period and culture, lodges come with any necessary suitable nonplayer
character staff such as gardeners, butlers, or even internet technicians in a modern, larger
building. The players and GM should work together to name a few of these individuals and
give them personalities or habits to make them memorable and unique (you can use the Allied
Personalities table in Savage Worlds for inspiration, if you like).
The cost to maintain the lodge isn’t something the players and Game Master should normally
track. It might be paid for by a wealthy patron, media appearances, or sales of strange artifacts
and information the investigators find in the course of their adventures.
Financial matters might occasionally create adventures, though. A rival business might
set out to ruin the group, an enemy might hack their finances, jobs might be sparse, or the
local economy might simply dry up. All of these might cause the group to take on jobs—and
risks!—they normally wouldn’t.
Use the maintenance and upkeep of the team’s stronghold to create drama and roleplaying
situations. Don’t worry about counting pennies—that’s not the kind of horror the players
likely signed on for.


Lodges consist of personal living quarters, kitchens, meeting rooms, and other basic areas by
default. Anything else is an “Upgrade.” When the group earns an Advance, they may also
add any one of the Upgrades below to their lodge. It’s up to the party to figure out what to
do if they can’t agree on which Upgrade to take!
The lodges imagined here are generally old manors, hidden vaults, or relatively small
facilities. If the party has a larger building, such as a keep or castle, the GM may allow them
to use some entries from the Fantasy Companion in addition to or instead of those presented
here. More modern settings might also allow Upgrades from the Super Powers or Science
Fiction Companions.
Encounters: Whenever the group Upgrades the lodge, roll on the Encounters table on page
35. If the party isn’t around for the encounter, the GM can send word of the event or save
it for when they return as she sees fit.

Chemistry Lab: The lodge has a chemist who produces a useful tonic of some sort once per
week. The group can choose from one of those listed in the Arcane Items chapter (page 94).
Duelist: Requires Training Grounds Upgrade. A renowned fighter hones the party's martial
skills. If a hero Trains with him (see Downtime on page 39), her Fighting increases a die
type when activating her rerolls.
Garage/Hangar: A garage, hangar, or coach house for vehicles or aircraft. Excellent tools,
ample bays, and ready supplies allow any mechanics working here to ignore 2 points of
penalties when making Repair rolls to fix damaged vehicles of any kind.
Graveyard: The lodge has its own graveyard, crypt, or tomb to hold the remains of great
heroes, honorable friends, and loyal servants. Though this may occasionally cause trouble
if the dead rise, the grim reminder of mortality adds +1 to all members’ Vigor rolls.
Guards: The lodge has a dedicated guard appropriate to its size. For a manor this might
be a half-dozen private security guards. A government-run complex might have an entire
squad of security officers with body armor and automatic weapons. A ranch in the Old West
might have a dozen grim cowboys who prowl the fencelines looking for trouble.
This Upgrade may be taken up to three times to increase the number of guards or grant
them better equipment (GM’s call).
Hidden Entrance: The lodge has a secure method its members and vehicles (and mounts
in archaic settings) can enter and exit without being seen. This might be a connection to the
local sewers or subway or an underground tunnel running to a concealed cave entrance.
Hospital: The party has a medical facility with beds, supplies, and a dedicated healer
(Healing d8). If this Upgrade is taken a second time, the healer is a Wild Card (Healing d10,
the Healer Edge) and the hospital is large enough to accommodate a dozen or so patients.
Library: A room full of useful books. Anyone performing a Common Knowledge or Research
roll in the library gets one free reroll per attempt if the GM feels such information might be
found within these tomes.
Master Gunner: A firearms expert teaches Shooting. If a hero Trains with her (see Downtime
on page 39), her Shooting increases a die type when activating her rerolls.
Menagerie: The lodge has a small “zoo” it can use to keep strange or otherworldly creatures
they don’t want to kill but can’t turn loose on the general public.
Monster Pens: Secure cells allow the party to hold those creatures they otherwise don’t
know what to do with. The number of cells grows as the lodge grows.



Monument: This Upgrade may only be taken after a party member falls! A monument in a
prominent location in the stronghold recounts her achievements and final sacrifice. Every
member of the party increases their Spirit one die type permanently. This may only be taken
once, no matter how many monuments are eventually installed.
Occult Library: The books in this room are best sealed behind locked doors. They grant
a free reroll per Occult roll if the GM feels such information might be found within the
blasphemous tomes.
Pious Priest: Requires Sanctuary. A devout priest attends the lodge. Training with him (see
Downtime on page 39) increases a hero's Faith one die type when he activates his rerolls.
Psychoanalyst: The lodge employees a dedicated psychologist or psychiatrist to help its
members deal with the trauma of their horrific encounters. Characters who employ the Rest
option to eliminate Psychoses during Downtime (see page 39) reduce the penalty by 2.
Radio Room: Pulp or Modern settings only. Communications gear that can reach most
anywhere in the world given a little time and effort. In the pulp era, this might include
pneumatic tube systems linked directly to the press, personal contacts, or local authorities.
The system allows investigators to make Networking rolls from their lair at a –2 penalty.
Reception Hall: An impressive hall for feasting, meeting, or entertaining important guests.
Members get a reroll on Persuasion or Intimidation rolls while in the hall.
Sanctuary: The lodge has a small chapel, either non-denominational or dedicated to a
particular religion as the group sees fit. Those who follow this religion add +1 to any Faith
roll made within. If this Upgrade is taken a second time it becomes a church with seating
for an entire congregation.
Spirit Containment Units: This weird room contains magical, divine, or scientific prisons
for spirits. If the Upgrade is ever damaged, the spirits may escape!
Stable Master: Requires Stables Upgrade. The heroes hire a veteran stable master to care for
their mounts. After a few weeks of training, the beasts' Pace increases by +2 when ridden
by any member of the lodge.
Stables: The grounds contain secure stables for the heroes’ mounts.
Summoning Chamber: This room has a summoning circle inlaid on the floor in some
permanent fashion. Summoning demons and other entities here is no easier than elsewhere,
but other wards and markings on the sole exit prevent such beings from escaping. That may
be little help to those inside who must contend with the creatures’ wrath, however.
Training Grounds: Requires Guards. A dedicated training area increases the lodge’s guards'
Fighting or Shooting skill one die type (distributed as the players see fit). If taken a second
time, it increases the guards' Strength or Vigor one die type (players’ choice). The third time
this Upgrade is taken, the guards have any one Combat Edge for which they're eligible.
Trophy Room: The heroes dedicate a secure room to relics of their most memorable quests.
This Upgrade may be taken up to three times, representing new trophies that add a Benny
to a special team pool. When this Upgrade is implemented, and at the start of each session
afterward, the players should take turns being in charge of the pool. The player with this
role can hand out these Bennies at any time, granting them as she thinks appropriate to her
teammates (and even nonplayer characters).


Every time your group Upgrades the lodge, roll a d20 and consult the Encounters table below.
As always, the Game Master should customize details for her world and the party’s particular
backgrounds and adventures.

1—Time of Trouble: Roll twice and apply both results!
2–8—Peace: It’s quiet. Too quiet. But strangely, nothing happens.
9—Collapse: Some part of the lodge collapses. Any one Upgrade, GM's choice, is lost in
some disaster, fire, or mysterious rot.
10—Defend: Something threatens the stronghold directly. A cabal of evil beings retaliate
for being hunted or a rival lures or summons monsters to attack.
11—Torches & Pitchforks: The neighbors are upset. Perhaps they’ve learned about the
monster hunters and think they’re riling up deadly creatures in their backyard. Or a local
authority causes trouble but is clearly an evil doppelganger with designs on the lodge and
its inhabitants. Refusal to take action has dire consequences.
12—Shortfall: The lodge needs money for maintenance, expansion, or some unexpected
dilemma. The heroes must find a way to generate significant income. They might have to
take on a ghostbusting job they don’t want, engage with a conspiracy theorist, or go hunting
for valuable treasures to cover their shortfall.
13—Thieves: Someone wants something from the lodge. Perhaps thieves hear of the
treasures stored within (real or imagined) and plan a heist, the local authorities decide to
confiscate something they feel is dangerous (or valuable!), or members of a “fan club” sneak
in for souvenirs.
14—Sickness: A sickness goes around the lodge. The staff are Incapacitated and the player
characters are Fatigued and stay that way until they discover its mysterious source.
15—Natural Disaster: A fire, flood, landslide, or other natural disaster threatens the lodge.
Perhaps it’s avoidable, or perhaps the heroes must ride to the rescue, and perhaps fight
some fiend responsible for the tragedy.
16—Economic Woes: The surrounding citizens, the world, a patron, or others who affect
the local economy go through a massive recession/depression. This might spark local crime
waves, disrupt or cancel travel, make supplies like ammo or ghostbusting equipment
unavailable, or cause staff/hirelings to move away. The effects may be tied to something
the heroes can fix, or they may just have to wait until some change in local, national, or
global leadership.
17—The Hunted: Something stalks the locals near the lodge or its environs. Locals are
missing or have been killed and the populace cries out to the lodge for help.
18—Outbreak: Some sort of monster rises up in the streets near the lodge. It could be a
full-blown zombie outbreak, a pack of werewolves who decide to go public, or vampires
who take over the town as their personal larder. The event might be public or it might be
19—Haunted: A demon, ghost, or other entity slips through into the physical world and
takes up residence in the heroes’ lodge, attracted to some magical artifact or practice.
20—Upheaval: Something important changes, perhaps forever. The lodge’s patron might
pass, the government falls in a coup to a hostile force, friendly authorities are replaced with
hostile forces, a law is passed that outlaws the heroes’ actions, or some other fundamental
change occurs that’s critical to the setting.


Setting Rules

ames which focus heavily on horror First, the entangle power (from the core
benefit from a few additions to the book) no longer has the Strong Power
rules, such as how to handle sanity, Modifier.
curses, and fortune telling. This section Second, the Entangled status now
details these macabre subjects and how to makes the victim Vulnerable rather than
integrate them into your game. Distracted, and we clarified a few aspects
of Breaking Free from a device. The
amended text for both is below.

NEW & UPDATED „ ENTANGLED: The victim can’t move

and is Vulnerable as long as he remains
RULES Entangled.
„ BOUND: The victim may not move, is

We’ve made a few rules changes since the Distracted and Vulnerable as long as
Savage Worlds Adventure Edition was first he remains Bound, and cannot make
published. You’ll find all of them in the latest physical actions other than trying to
update to Savage Worlds on our website and break free.
they will be amended in future printings. Breaking Free: Attempting to break free
Below are new rules and updates that are from being Bound or Entangled is an action
particularly important for some of the powers using Strength at −2 or Athletics.
and creature abilities. Breaking Free from a Device: A character
bound by a physical device (such as a net,
BOUND AND manacles, or handcuffs) who fails to break
free can’t try again until the situation changes
ENTANGLED in some way (GM’s call).
The rules for being Bound and Entangled Bound or Entangled victims may try to
have been updated since the first printing of destroy the entanglement with an accessible
the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. and appropriate weapon (GM’s call based
Playtesting has shown us the entangle spell on circumstances and the entangling
has become a bit too powerful, especially in material). Weapon attacks hit automatically
small spaces like haunted mansions. We also (see Breaking Things), and attackers may
wanted to make sure things like handcuffs Wild Attack for +2 damage. Webs, ropes,
weren’t too easy to escape from, so we’ve nets, and the like are generally Hardness 4.
made a few changes. If successful the character is un-Entangled


(others in an area effect entanglement must

be freed separately unless the attack is an area BUCKETS OF
effect itself).
Desperate attacks are frantic efforts to hit a In “splatter films,” victims often explode in
target at the expense of damage. The attacker showers of blood far beyond what the human
adds +2 or +4 to any Fighting roll and subtractsbody might possibly hold.
a like amount from damage if he hits. This can Anytime an individual dies in some
be determined per attack (before rolling), and gruesome fashion—whether it’s an Extra or
can’t be combined with Wild Attack. a player character—his corpse erupts in a
massive blood spray.
LIMITED ACTIONS Place the Cone Template on the victim,
A character may only perform one limited facing directly away from the angle of attack
action on their turn, whether it’s the same or (or in whatever other way makes sense).
different actions. For example, a spirit may Anyone caught in the template is drenched
turn ethereal or corporeal as a limited action. in blood and gore. The unfortunate soul must
That means it can’t do both in the same turn. make a Fear check at −2 (or −4 if he was Loyal
or the deceased was a close friend or ally).
The same applies to free actions. If a serial
killer can teleport as a “limited free action,” The area within the template is slippery
he may only do so once per turn. for several hours. Anyone moving through
it or taking complex physical actions (like
NEW HAZARD Fighting) must make an Agility roll before
performing their action or fall and become
HIGH A LTITUDE Distracted and suffer Fatigue from Bumps &
Traversing landscapes at high elevations can
cause Fatigue—and potentially worse—to Being drenched in blood might also make
those who aren’t used to it. When traveling it easier for certain creatures to smell the
at altitudes roughly a mile high or higher, character or pick him out of a group.
a character must make a Vigor roll every
four hours. Failure means the hero incurs a
Fatigue level. The roll is at −2 for elevation “HEL L IS EMP TY,
greater than 10,000 feet, and −4 (maximum)
for higher than 15,000 feet. AND ALL THE
Characters acclimated to these elevations DEVI LS ARE HERE.”
reduce the penalty by 2.
–Ariel to Prospero,
Incapacitation: Incapacitated victims fall
unconscious for 2d6 hours.
The Tempest
Recovery: Victims regain one level of
Fatigue per hour of rest as usual.

Any power or other effect that uses a Cone
Template may use the Stream Template
instead. This is a straight line 1” (2 yards)
wide and 12” (24 yards) long. If you aren’t
using miniatures, the GM can generally
assume it affects three foes.

Set ting Rules

DIFFICULT Carousing characters spend their time
socializing with friends, making new ones, or
HEA LING cementing relationships with their contacts.
This usually involves considerable cost and
It’s fairly easy to keep a party at full strength time spent at local restaurants, theaters,
if one or two members of the group have the gaming, or other social activities.
healing power. In a more realistic game, you During her Downtime, a Novice character
can make healing a bit more difficult without spends $50 in food, drink, and entertainment.
getting rid of it entirely—constant penalties Double that for each Rank thereafter: $100 for
aren’t much fun for players, after all. Seasoned, $200 for Veteran, $400 for Heroic,
If this Setting Rule is used, a healer has only and $800 if she’s Legendary.
one chance to heal a particular Wound. A In exchange, she gains a local favor she can
healer can attempt to heal any new Wounds call in at any time. The greater her Rank and
as they occur, but further attempts don’t affect her overall standing in the community (GM’s
any Wounds it already failed to improve or call), the greater the favor.
are over an hour old. This applies to both the
skill and any magical healing ability. CENTER
Example: Gabe is bitten by a wolf while The hero focuses on whatever brings her
stalking the Black Forest of Germany and takes happiness. That might include quality time
two Wounds. Red has a mysterious amulet that with friends, binge-watching a hot new
allows her to cast the healing spell once per show, going for a road trip, painting, reading,
day using her Occult skill. She drips a drop of writing, performing, dancing, or courting a
blood on the amulet, makes her roll, and heals romantic interest.
one of Gabe’s two Wounds. Later on, Gabe falls Whatever the activity, the goal is inner
down a cliff and takes another Wound. Red peace. Taking a week to enjoy the fruits of
can attempt to heal this new Wound, but the one’s labors grants the character Conviction.
previous Wound left over from the wolves must
heal naturally. EARN
The hero earns money. Maybe she goes
about her usual job, writes an adventure
for a game company, sells off some of the
DOWNTIME unlisted artifacts gathered in her adventures,
or performs at a street fair or local theater.
Investigators often have time between The hero must make a relevant skill roll to
mysteries where they tend to their jobs or earn her reward—Thievery for scoundrels,
families, practice the strange skills their Fighting for Mercenaries, Performance for
adventures have exposed them to, research entertainers, etc. Use an appropriate attribute
the horrors they suspect lurk in the darkness, for more mundane jobs.
or pray to their deities for guidance. A Critical Failure means the character
When the Game Master decides there’s doesn’t make any money and takes Fatigue
“downtime” (generally a few days to a week), from overwork or an accident of some kind.
you can choose one of the following activities. If the job was dangerous, she also takes d4
Each provides a benefit of some sort, from Wounds. Failure means she doesn’t make any
financial rewards to rerolls on select Traits. money and embarrasses herself somehow.
Choose the option your hero will follow then In a modern economy, success grants the
narrate a brief vignette of her actions for the campaign’s Starting Funds, or twice that with
rest of the party. a raise.
Unless an option says otherwise, its effect
may only be gained once per downtime no
matter how long the characters have away
from adventuring.


RESEARCH Use the Natural Healing rules during

A character can spend her Downtime the week. Any healers in the group can
developing or learning new powers. This provide Support, as can other allies or hired
doesn’t permanently give her a power, but professionals such as priests at a temple or
allows her to use any spell or miracle from physicians in a nobleman’s employ.
her Available Powers list and of her Rank or Rest also allows a character to make a
lower for one entire encounter. Smarts roll at −2 to remove a Psychosis if he’s
The character may also temporarily change suffered any (see page 43). Success removes
the Trapping of a power she already has for one Psychosis and a raise removes two.
one encounter—turning a fireball into an ice Regardless of either outcome, the character
blast, for example. gains a Benny.
The spell is cast at a −2 penalty, but is
otherwise treated just like one of the caster’s TRAIN
regular powers. This can be particularly An investigator can practice a specific skill
useful if the mage or priest must prepare to or attribute to temporarily increase its
face a threat with a particular weakness. effectiveness. A character might train Fighting
Finally, Research can also be used to by sparring with a trainer, Persuasion
reveal deep information about a particular by public speaking, Occult by studying
subject. The GM decides just how much the forbidden tomes, Strength or Vigor with
investigator learns based on the roll and vigorous exercise, and so on.
given the topic, location, and resources at The character must possess at least d4 in any
hand. This might reveal the weakness of a skill chosen for training. Afterwards, she gets
certain type of monster, the details of a victim a free reroll when failing that skill or attribute
or suspect’s past, or the last known location for one entire encounter. This stacks with any
of some lost artifact. other rerolls she may have from other sources.
The player chooses when to activate her
REST rerolls as a free action.
Those who have suffered grievous Wounds If she Trains again, the previous focus is lost.
might need to rest during Downtime to
recover their health.

Set ting Rules

Horror tales are rife with environmental or Supernaturally good beings draw strength
chronological phenomena that dramatically from consecrated ground such as churches or
affect the story. A ritual might only be cast holy sites. They gain +2 Toughness while upon
on profane ground at the Blood Moon, for it. Supernaturally evil creatures are Distracted
example, or a spirit haunting a particular and Vulnerable while on consecrated ground.
site might be far more powerful on the If the site is particularly powerful, such as a
anniversary of its death. cathedral, scene of a miracle, or other revered
site, evil entities take 2d4 damage at the end
The sections below can be used to augment
of their turn as well.
your tales of bloodcurdling horror.
The opposite is true for profane sites—evil
CHRONOLOGICA L entities gain the Toughness bonus and good
entities such as angels or avatars suffer the
PHENOMENA penalties.


Supernaturally evil creatures revel on the Mechanical constructs and the like may find
night before All Saints’ Day. From sunset refuge amid heaps of metal and lonesome
on October 31st to the following sunrise, scrapyards. Every ten minutes spent in such
abominations gain an additional Action Card a place allows the entity to make a Vigor roll
in combat and may choose which to act on. to heal a Wound (or two with a raise).
Alternatively, a construct (or an ally) can
ANNIVERSARY OF A spend that time applying metal scraps to its
SPIRIT’S DEATH body. This gives it +2 Armor for its next hit.
Ghosts are much more powerful on the After that the makeshift protection falls apart.
anniversary of their death. Starting at sunrise A construct may never gain more than one
on the date of their death and ending the armor bonus from this action.
following sunrise, the spirit acts as if it has
Conviction for all Trait and damage rolls and GRAVEYARDS
has the Unstoppable ability. Lonesome graveyards, forgotten cemeteries,
and old Boot Hills thrum with the negative
BLOOD MOON energy of death. Casting the zombie power
True blood moons occur when the moon is in grants +d6 additional zombies (if the
a total lunar eclipse, turning it deep red. All caster chooses, per the Additional Zombies
Power Modifiers are free for evil spellcasters modifier). Large cemeteries may grant 2d6
during the blood moon, and they add +d6 to additional zombies per casting!
their Spellcasting rolls.
DEVIL’S NIGHT Creatures born of fire, ash, sulfur, or lava
Certain demons, devils, and creatures of the draw strength from intense flames, and
Abyss are sometimes turned loose on the horrors of the ice and snow are replenished
night before Halloween (or other nights of by extreme cold.
the GM’s choosing depending on the setting).
If a Wounded being with Environmental
During this time, all demonic beings gain Resistance is in an extreme environment or
+2 points of hellish Toughness, or +4 if their can contact an extreme source of its desired
Toughness is already 10 or higher. temperature, it may make a Vigor roll once
per day. Success heals one Wound and a raise
heals another.


Heavy rain extinguishes fires within 1d10

WEATHER rounds, and only volatile materials have a
random chance of igniting from fire-based
STORMS attacks.
Few horror tales are complete without Critical Failures on most physical actions
driving rain, howling winds, and flashing cause Fatigue from Bumps & Bruises as the
lightning. The Hazards section in Savage character slips and falls on wet or muddy
Worlds covers blizzards, heat waves, and ground.
many other environmental effects, but below
are additional rules you can use to reflect the Wind: Gale-force winds subtract 2 from
nature of vicious thunderstorms. firearms attacks beyond 6” (12 yards) and 4
from all thrown weapons, bows, crossbows,
Lightning: For dramatic effect, the GM and the like. Characters exposed to the
can emphasize the danger of a lightning elements are Distracted.
strike anytime the party is outdoors in a
thunderstorm. The GM should roll a d10 TORNADOES
every few minutes outside of combat, or If a storm is bad enough, it might become
every time a Joker comes up if the game is a tornado. Anyone in its path is caught up
in rounds. On a 1, one of the beings in the in the funnel and hurled hundreds of yards
scene (character, creature, etc.) is struck by distant. This is usually instant death, but
lightning for 3d10 damage. victims do occasionally survive. For dramatic
Rain: Constant rain slowly soaks purposes, we suggest treating this as d6+2
investigators to the bone, dampening spirits Wounds which the character may Soak as
as well as clothes and shoes. Spirit rolls are usual, but ignore the Wound Cap rule even
made at −1 after an hour or more in the if it’s in play.
unrelenting rain.
Downpours reduce visibility to 12” (24 “VIENE LA TORMENTA!””
yards) and cast the entire area in Dim or Dark
lighting depending on the time of day and
–Gas Station Attendant,
environment (GM’s call). Terminator 2

Set ting Rules


EXPANDED Psychoses gained from failed Fear checks can
be removed in two ways:
FEAR EFFECTS „ REST/THERAPY: See Downtime, page 40.


Fear is a critical part of horror games, so we’ve
who participate in the defeat of a terrible
expanded the effects Fear has on our intrepid
threat (GM’s call) may remove any one
adventurers. The conditions described in this
Phobia or Psychosis (Minor or Major)
section are meant to represent the kind of
inflicted by Fear. This usually means
mental trauma seen in horror movies, other
defeating the villain of a tale (or powerful
roleplaying games, and the fiction of authors
minion), but might also include saving a
like H.P. Lovecraft—it is not an attempt to
village, ruining some cataclysmic scheme,
deal with the real-world complexities of
or any other significant accomplishment
mental illness.
the GM feels might restore the party’s
will to fight.
Note: Hindrances chosen at character
Characters make a Fear check (a Spirit roll as creation can only be removed by Advances—
a free action) when confronted by terrifying those are too deeply ingrained in a hero’s
monsters or situations (ignore the rules for psyche. The options above may be the
Nausea in Savage Worlds when using these narrative reason for the improvement, of
rules). Success means the hero withstands course.
the situation and carries on. Failure means
he must roll on the Fear Effects table (the GM GO A L I TT L E
may simply have Extras Panic if desired). “ WE AL L OMET I MES.”
Modifiers: Add any negative modifiers to MAD S orman B
the Fear check as a positive modifier on the –N
Fear Effects table (and vice-versa). Add +2 to
the final roll if the character Critically Failed
the Fear check.
Example: A character comes across a
particularly gory scene (−2) and Critically ATTACH T
1 7 51
Fails his Fear check. He adds +4 to his roll on
the Fear Effects table. SA NITY RU LE
T he fi rs t ed
BECOMING JADED it io n of th e
Companion and H or ro r
Characters shouldn’t make Fear checks every some of our Sa
Settings used vage
time they see a particular type of creature or a numerical “S
system to refle anity”
come across a grisly scene. If the party battles ct a character’
into madness. s spiral
their way through a city overrun by zombies,
for example, they should only roll the first That’s familiar
to most gamers
can feel a little but
time they encounter them, or if they’re artificial and ha
effect in one-sh s little
surprised, trapped, or otherwise confronted ots unless char
start with lower acters
by the zombies in a different situation. -than-usual scor
In this edition es.
we worked decli
BREAKDOWN sanity directly ning
into the usual
A character may not have more than three check process fo Fear
r a more natura
Psychoses caused by the Fear Effects table l result.
Combat-effects ra
on the following page. If a further Psychosis ttle our heroes w
growing psychose hile
would occur see the Psychotic Break entry s help players ro
growing insanity leplay
on the 22+ result row instead. Don’t include .
Hindrances gained in other ways, such as
character creation. C I T Y


Adrenaline Surge: The hero’s “fight” response takes over. He acts as if he had a Joker
1–3 this round! Out of combat, the hero is resolved instead. He accepts some terrible
truth and may either remove any one Psychosis or gain a point of Conviction.
Distracted: The hero is Distracted until the end of her next turn. Out of combat, she
also gains a level of Fatigue for the remainder of the scene.
Vulnerable: The target is Vulnerable until the end of his next turn. Out of combat,
he also gains a level of Fatigue for the remainder of the scene.
Shaken: The character is Shaken. Out of combat, she also gains a level of Fatigue
for the remainder of the session.
The Mark of Fear: The hero is Stunned and suffers some cosmetic physical
13 alteration—a white streak forms in his hair, his eyes twitch constantly, or some
other minor physical alteration manifests.
Frightened: The character gains the Hesitant Hindrance for the remainder of the
encounter (or session if not in combat). If she already has it, she’s Panicked instead.
Panicked: The victim immediately moves his full Pace plus running die away
16–17 from the danger and is Shaken. Out of combat, the investigator also gains a Minor
Psychosis for the remainder of the session (see below).
Minor Psychosis: The victim gains a Minor Hindrance. Choose or roll on the Minor
Hindrances section of the Random Psychoses table below.
Major Psychosis: As Minor Psychosis but choose or roll on the Major Hindrances
section of the Random Psychoses table below.
The hero is so overwhelmed by terror that her heart seizes or her mind snaps. The
Game Master may choose either of the results below randomly or decide which
makes more sense based on the nature of the threat, the setting, and the character.
Heart Attack: The hero must make an immediate Vigor roll at −2. If successful, she’s
Stunned. If she fails, she’s Incapacitated and dies in 2d6 rounds. In the latter case, a
Healing roll at −4 saves her life, but she remains Incapacitated. She may be treated
22+ normally thereafter (see Incapacitation under Healing in Savage Worlds).
Psychotic Break: If the hero has fewer than three Psychoses, she immediately
chooses or rolls on the Major Hindrances section of the Random Psychoses table
below. The unfortunate soul becomes a nonplayer character under the GM’s control
until she can be captured and rehabilitated. During this time she might be catatonic,
violent, murderous, etc., depending on the trigger, her nature, the setting, and the
circumstances of her madness.
* Add the creature’s Fear penalty as a positive number to this roll.

1 Cautious 7 Quirk 1 Bloodthirsty 7 Night Terrors
2 Delusional 8 Screamer 2 Cursed 8 Phobia
3 Dread 9 Stubborn 3 Delusional 9 Ruthless
4 Habit 10 Superstitious 4 Doomed 10 Screamer
5 Hesitant 11 Suspicious 5 Habit 11 Suspicious
6 Phobia 12 Thin Skinned 6 Mute 12 Yellow

Set ting Rules


THE TROPES Common Horror Tropes

Characters in horror tales are often their own Here are some tropes common to horror
worst enemies. They split up to “cover more movies that are often worthy of a Benny:
ground,” read aloud from the clearly evil • engage in various vices that leave
book covered in human skin, or engage in the character impaired in some way
various vices that mark them for grisly ends (per the tropes of certain types of
(these are often morality tales, after all). horror movies)
Players in roleplaying games know better. • split up the party
They aren’t forced to walk down the dark • get into a car without checking the
corridor unarmed. They keep the group back seat
together. They don’t go off alone with the • “flood” the engine of your car so it
clearly supernatural but incredibly handsome won’t start right away
man or beautiful woman.
• trip while running
To encourage more risky behavior from your
hapless heroes, characters who deliberately • hide a bite mark that’s clearly going
play to a risky trope should occasionally get to turn the hero into a brain-eating
a Benny. zombie
Common sense applies as always—the • run away from the killer/monster
characters shouldn’t get a Benny every time after putting it down without
they split the party. The GM can choose when making sure it’s dead
she thinks it’s appropriate—the first time it • insult someone who’s obviously
happens to show everyone the mechanic, more than they seem or could help
when it’s clearly risky, when they don’t them later on
already have a stack of Bennies, and so on. • touch things you know you
Players can deliberately screw their shouldn’t
characters over by the way; they don’t have • pick up a sketchy hitchhiker
to wait for the dice to give them mishaps. • sit with your back to a flimsy door
Want to say your heroine trips and falls as she or window where the monster/killer
runs from the rampaging demon? Just tell the can easily get through it
GM that’s what happens and see how things
play out. If it gets your investigator in serious • lie about (or forget to tell anyone)
trouble, the GM is likely to reward you for where the party is going so no one
contributing to the story and the atmosphere knows where they’ve disappeared
of the tale. to
Consider this rule encouragement to bargain • reach into a dark hole or crevice
with the Game Master. The characters do • wander off to investigate a strange
things common to horror films (or whatever noise or sight alone or without
sub-genre you’re emulating) and hope it telling the rest of the party
results in a Benny—either right away or as • tease/taunt or otherwise draw the
the GM sees what happens. This is an art and attention of some entity (like looking
a little cooperative storytelling, not a hard in a mirror and saying Bloody Mary
rule. three times)

The Fly


Sometimes the price is paid involuntarily

SIGNS AND because the player characters refuse to
interact with “charlatans” or occultists.
PORTENTS Fate may intervene in such cases, bringing
the prediction to the heroes whether they
Horror tales often feature signs, portents, want it or not. Maybe a maniac jumps out
prophecies, or mysterious fortune tellers with at the party screaming a cryptic message
cryptic advice and dire warnings. Most are that only make sense as the tale progresses.
fakes and swindlers looking to prey off the Or a character opens a fortune cookie with
desperate, but sometimes these portents are a strangely portentous message inside. The
very real. The following system conveys the Game Master essentially sets the “price” by
feel of these portentous events in your game. the difficulty or discomfort caused by the
Use these rules when the party seeks out encounter and the vagaries of the message.
a fortune teller, psychic, or other magical or
spiritual source of information. THE REVELATION
Once the price is paid (or incurred), the source
THE SOURCE reveals its warning or information. The
Granting foreknowledge should almost greater the price, the greater the information
always be a strange and unsettling affair. provided.
Before you impart information to the
investigators, make sure to set an appropriate EXAMPLE: WAX WORK
stage. Red and Gabe are Victorian heroes in our
Rippers campaign setting. A serial killer is
If a character’s source is a mysterious fortune
murdering police officers in Paris and our
teller in Eastern Europe, for example, describe
heroes have hit a dead end. They decide to visit
the guarded looks of the burly hunters who
Madam Vivienne Tussaud, granddaughter of
protect her, the strange fetishes that hang
the famous wax figure maker, Marie Tussaud.
from the walls of her home, and the eerie
stillness of the dark glade she dwells in. In a Vivienne sometimes sees images in the wax
science-fiction setting, perhaps an emotionally she works with, and will help Red and Gabe
distant computer AI models or predicts some for a price—she wants to cast the death mask
outcome with cold, emotionless calculations. of a royal mistress, recently deceased. Why?
In a modern or Victorian setting, the visions She will not say, but retrieving the body
might occur in fitful, gothic nightmares. requires breaking into a nearby manor and
digging up the corpse. Reluctantly, Red and
THE PRICE Gabe go through with the request.
Fortune tellers often require a price for As Tussaud’s price involves significant risk,
their services and the great risks they take the Game Master decides to reward Red and
for engaging with supernatural forces. That Gabe with significant information. When
price largely depends on the subject of the they bring the corpse to Vivienne, she goes
request and the darkness of the setting, but into a deep trance and sculpts a figure in hot
it should be something significant. A fortune wax, the form of the killer the investigators
teller might ask for the gold tooth of a dead seek!
man—or revenge on her bloodsworn enemy.
A voodoo priestess might require a personal
artifact of some local notable—and the hero
must decide if he will expose that victim to REASSURED ABOU T THE
her possible curse. In a sword and sorcery NOISES IN THE CELLAR AND
horror game, an old wizard might ask the THE WINDOW THAT SHOULD
hero to gather rare ingredients or perform
some quest. The Game Master can determine
the fee based on the situation, or she might –T.S. Eliot,
use the Exotic Ritual Components table on The Family Reunion
page 71 for ideas.

Set ting Rules

„ PLAYER BENNIES: Bennies are awarded

SLAUGHTER to players, not their characters. If an
investigator dies, her player keeps any
RULES Bennies she’s accumulated.
„ CRITICAL KILLS: Any time a player rolls
If a setting feels like it should be especially a Critical Failure in a situation where it
harsh or is a “funnel” where players may could be fatal for her character, it is! The
go through multiple characters in a single player can describe her own demise if
adventure, use these very deadly “Slaughter she wishes or hand that honor off to the
Rules.” This dangerous deviation is especially Game Master.
appropriate in adventures modeled after After her gruesome end, the player is
slasher, giant monster, or disaster movies. awarded a Benny.
The rules below apply to player character „ FRESH MEAT: When a player character
and allied Wild Cards only—the “good guys.” meets her end, her player should make
Villainous Wild Cards use all the usual rules. a new one immediately and rejoin the
No one said this was fair, friend! game as soon as it’s appropriate. This
„ ONE WOUND: Wild Cards start with works particularly well in games where
one Wound instead of three. If they can the GM has prepared a stack of ready-to-
take additional Wounds from Edges or play characters. In that case, the player
abilities, those work as usual. should choose or draw randomly and
„ NO SOAK: Bennies can’t be used to Soak rejoin the action as soon as the GM feels
Wounds unless the hero is under the it’s appropriate.
effects of Conviction—then they work
normally. And yes, you can trigger
Conviction instantly if needed (and you
actually have Conviction!).



The player characters have Bennies, Certain types of supernatural creatures are
Conviction, and even Adventure Cards to invulnerable under normal circumstances,
help them in their epic struggles—and the meaning heroes can merely ward off their
ability to earn more through great roleplaying. attacks. Vampires care little for crosses
Wild Card villains get Bennies, but at a much and garlic, for example, werewolves detest
slower rate, and while they can be given wolfsbane, and in some settings ghosts and
Conviction if the Game Master desires, it’s other haunts withdraw from the presence of
not something they earn quite as easily as salt.
player characters. Such entities might also be temporarily
If this rule is in effect, the central villain of bound by sigils, pentagrams, or a simple ring
an adventure gains Conviction any time he of some despised material or energy.
succeeds at a major goal or the heroes fail in
some significant task related to his scheme. WARDS
This makes villains much more powerful
Wards are signs, substances, or energies that
and provides incentive for the heroes to act
keep certain kinds of supernatural entities
quickly and decisively when thwarting their
at bay. Those with Occult can roll to recall
the wards of relatively common creatures
in the setting, but must adventure or
perform Research to discover more obscure
Once the proper ward is discovered, it must
be presented or visible to work.
A horror that wishes to attack a character
holding or wearing an appropriate ward
must make a Spirit roll at −4 to do so (−2 if
the ward is rotten, decayed, or otherwise
imperfect). This is a limited free action.
If the creature wishes to cross a barrier
protected by an appropriate ward, it must
make a Spirit roll at −4, and cannot try again
this encounter if it fails (about a day or until
some aspect of the situation changes). It takes
a Wound on a Critical Failure that cannot be
Regenerated if it has that power (but may
heal or be healed normally).


–Van Helsing,
Set ting Rules

BINDS Ghosts & Other Spirits

A character with Occult can make a “binding Binding is primarily for capturing demons
circle” to trap and hold infernal and divine and either exorcising them or forcing
beings (demons, devils, angels, etc.). them to perform an evil occultist’s will.
The longer an occultist takes to prepare a
Ghos ts, fairi es, and spiri ts cann ot
binding circle, the stronger it becomes. Hasty usually be restrained by binding circles
circles may be nothing more than quickly unless the GM decides otherwise, but
painted lines. More elaborate circles contain might be trapped or imprisoned by rings
complex sigils and runes that take some time of salt, holy water, silver, or other
to prepare and perhaps even charge with substances (see Wards on the previous
magical energy. page).
Hasty and Standard circles may be no larger
than a Medium Blast Template. Elaborate and
Custom circles may be the size of a Large
Blast Template.
Creating the circle is relatively easy—
Bound entities may not attack out of the
maneuvering a hostile entity into it is the
binding circle or affect the physical world
difficult part as they must be tricked, forced,
with their own form, powers, or abilities.
coerced, or driven into them. Binding circles
They can speak and perform mundane actions,
must be visible to work, but can be hidden
including Tests, or use mundane objects
to lure the being into them then revealed (be
from within their circle. A demon can Taunt
wary of breaking the circle when revealing
someone outside the circle, for example, but
the trap, however).
couldn’t cast bolt or puppet. It could throw a
When any part of the creature is within rock it found inside the circle out or even fire a
the binding circle, the occultist makes an gun it had on its person, but it couldn’t strike
opposed roll of his Occult versus the being’s someone on the other side with its claws or a
Spirit, plus the modifiers listed on the table sword, or cast a spell or even use a magic item.
What exactly the entity can do is up to the
The Occult roll is a limited action. If Game Master, but generally the creature is
successful, the entity is bound until the trapped unless it finds a particularly clever
circle is broken, it’s released, or the being is way to escape. A demon trapped in a chalk
destroyed. circle, for example, could throw a rock to
break a window to let in rain and wash away
the binding circle.

Hasty: A simple circle, hastily drawn with chalk, paint, salt,
1 round −2
Standard: A circle with a few sigils and runes to enhance its
1 minute —
Elaborate: A circle with numerous and complex glyphs, sigils,
10 minutes +2
and signs that greatly enhance its power.
Custom: A binding circle tailored to a particular being. This
requires Research, roleplaying, or investigation to find or
decipher its “true name” or incorporate some magical artifact 1 hour
or a relic from its past. Such creatures guard this information or more
fiercely and seek great retribution on those who seek, share,
or use it.

setting, for example, or Gritty Damage in

WILD CARDS your Victorian horror campaign. Use our
suggestions to kick off the creative process,
With this Setting Rule, most all characters then make your own list that fits the feel
and creatures are Wild Cards. This should you’re after.
drastically reduce the number of foes the
party must face, but makes a few thugs in an COSMIC HORROR
alley, a lone zombie in a house full of kids, or This is one of the most popular types of horror,
a creeping nosferatu much more dangerous in no small part due to the work of our friends
than usual. at Chaosium, creators of the popular Call of
Which beings are Wild Cards is completely Cthulhu Roleplaying Game. Based on a series
up to the Game Master, but this rule is meant of stories written by author H.P. Lovecraft—
to make even a single zombie far tougher and subsequently expanded upon by many
than usual in appropriate settings. Hordes, other authors, including popular pulp writers
packs, and the like should still be Extras, but like Robert E. Howard and Clark Ashton
otherwise, expect the party’s opponents to be Smith—cosmic horror pits humanity against
much more challenging. unknowable, alien, and all-powerful beings
Combine this with the Slaughter Rules from beyond time and space.
option (page 47) to even the odds even Whether these are specifically Lovecraft’s
more. unique mythos (see 189) or some other cabal
This rule can be particularly useful if you of otherworldly entities, this type of horror
want to keep the number of foes (and figures emphasizes the notion that humans are small
if using miniatures or our fantastic full-color, and frail against the forces of darkness. We
die-cut pawns) low. lack the power to put a stop to abominations
nearly as old as the universe itself, and don’t
even fully understand the sheer scale and
capability of the eldritch beings allied against
HORROR STYLES us. The best we can hope for is to stop them
temporarily; to put a dent in their plans to
Horror is a broad genre that comes in many return and plunge our world into an eternity
strange forms, from the unstoppable slashers of horror.
in movies like Friday the 13th to the sanity- With this almost absurd power imbalance
melting monstrosities of Lovecraft’s iconic in mind, cosmic horror adventures tend to
stories. be small in scope. The heroes are almost
The Savage Worlds Horror Companion allows always average folks—professors, private
you to recreate all these different tropes investigators, journalists, antiquities
at your game table by selecting which collectors, or even small-time criminals—who
backgrounds, Hindrances, and Edges are have only just had their eyes opened to this
available, changing or modifying skills, mind-blowing reality. They are confronted
including (or not including) powers, and with minions of the eldritch horrors, dark
especially using Setting Rules from this book, cults bent on returning their strange gods to
Savage Worlds, or our other Companions and life, or some other human-scale threat, rather
settings. than those immortal beings themselves.
We “decompose” many of these horror Most adventures are focused on investigation
subtypes on the following pages to give you and exploration as the characters gradually
some guidance when scheming up your next peel back the layers of the mystery. Combat
terrifying tale or building a new game world is often rare and reserved for the finale (if at
of doom and dread, and note the Setting Rules all) with the investigators often being killed
we think might help you set the tone you’re or going insane, their noble sacrifice merely
looking for. These are just recommendations, buying some more time for humanity.
of course. You might want to include Heroes This kind of adventure can be challenging
Never Die in your urban monster hunting for players who are more accustomed to

Set ting Rules

other genres, where characters are more tend to be isolated, emotionally cold, and
evenly matched against their opponents and almost abandoned. Often there is a sense of
character death is more rare. Similarly, long lost grandeur—a castle with dusty passages
campaigns are harder to sustain when the long since forgotten, a neglected manor house
team is gradually whittled away through on a distant moor, a crumbling colonial
madness or death. For many players, plantation on the bayou. Even urban areas are
however, there is a sort of irrational pleasure bleak, places of crushing poverty, dilapidated
in embracing their hero’s inevitable doom. architecture, and fading hope.
That doomed experience is in fact the very In these settings the supernatural exists on
fabric of most cosmic horror. the periphery, hiding in old tombs or creeping
This subgenre usually takes place in a through foggy streets.
modern (or near-modern) version of our Monsters are usually unique—rather than
world to ground our mundane characters, but facing hordes of undead, the heroes are
it can easily be combined with fantasy, supers, dealing with just a few, or maybe even one
science fiction to add an even greater sense of monstrosity. These are powerful, intelligent
a vast, cosmic threat. enemies with their own agendas. The real
„ SETTING RULES: Difficult Healing, stakes might be one’s immortal soul rather
Dynamic Backlash, Expanded Fear than “mere” physical death.
Effects, Fanatics, Gritty Damage, Hard The 1800s (or some fantastic version of it)
Choices, Playing to the Tropes, Signs and is the most common setting for gothic horror,
Portents, Villainous Conviction, Wards but it can easily exist in a medieval setting
and Binds, Wild Cards. or something much more modern, as long
„ EXAMPLES: H.P. Lovecraft’s At the as there exist places of isolation and decay
Mountains of Madness and other stories, where darkness can thrive.
Ambrose Bierce’s Shadows of Carcosa,
Edgar Cantero’s Meddling Kids, Nick
Cutter’s The Deep, Stephen King’s The
Mist, Annihilation, Stranger Things, In
the Mouth of Madness, Cast a Deadly Spell,
Event Horizon, the Darkest Dungeon video

Another very popular subgenre of horror
rose out of the writings of authors during the
Romantic and Victorian eras. These stories of
“gothic horror” were known for melodramatic
writing, bleak and oppressive settings, and
strong emotions. The supernatural was
present but more subtle—perceptible only to
those directly affected, and sometimes even
then with enough margin for doubt that the
protagonists often wondered if they were
simply losing their minds. And in true literary
spirit, the supernatural evil functioned as
a metaphor for temptation, the dangers of
playing God, the sin of adultery, and so on.
Modern gothic horror has left behind the
symbolism, but the tropes are alive and well—
vampires, ghosts, castles, foggy Victorian
streets, remote provincial villages, desolate
graveyards, and musty crypts. Locations


„ SETTING RULES: Conviction, Dynamic often accomplished with grit and firepower.
Backlash, Environmental Phenomena, There might even be a touch of the comedic as
Expanded Fear Effects, Fanatics, Hard the heroes dash off witty quips while taking
Choices, Heroes Never Die, Playing to out a pack of werewolves.
the Tropes, Signs and Portents, Villainous Monsters in these kinds of adventures are
Conviction, Wards and Binds, Wild Cards. usually much more numerous than other
„ EXAMPLES: Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Mary settings, set up as fodder to be slain to better
Shelley’s Frankenstein, Oscar Wilde’s The feature the heroes’ power. Rather than a
Picture of Dorian Gray, Emily Brontë’s single dangerous ghoul, the graveyard is
Wuthering Heights, Edgar Allen Poe’s The infested with a horde of the gray-skinned
Fall of the House of Usher, Arthur Conan things. These monsters are usually minions
Doyle’s The Hound of the Baskervilles, of a more powerful villain, but even they
Gaston Leroux’s The Phantom of the Opera, can be outwitted and outgunned—though
the Dungeons & Dragons® Ravenloft not without a few intense chases or perilous
setting, Crimson Peak, Suspiria, House of battles along the way!
Dark Shadows, Sweeney Todd, Van Helsing, The threat of encroaching madness or
The Fearless Vampire Killers. the corruption of one’s soul is usually
downplayed in action horror, or perhaps
ACTION HORROR eliminated completely. Supernatural evil is
This very modern invention is a unique less seductive, less insidious. The potential
crossover subgenre which blends typical for defeat still exists, but at least the heroes
horror trappings (classic monsters, eerie will go down with their mind (or soul) intact.
locations, the fight against all-consuming This type of horror is at home in nearly any
evil) with the exaggerated, over-the-top time or place. The investigators might be pulp
mayhem seen in action movies or comics. adventurers in the 1930s fighting mummies,
Unlike other horror subgenres that depict stalwart werewolf hunters in the Victorian era,
the struggle against the supernatural as cybernetically-enhanced vampire hunters in
hopeless, dangerous, or even symbolic of a postmodern urban sprawl, a team of Navy
a larger struggle against sin, action horror SEALS stopping a zombie outbreak, or even
frames the conflict as a mainly physical one, plucky high schoolers fighting summoned
where defeating supernatural evil is more demons.

Set ting Rules

„ SETTING RULES: Born a Hero, Buckets A particularly excellent example of this

of Blood, Conviction, Creative Combat, kind of adventure can be found in Dog
Dumb Luck, Dynamic Backlash, House Rules’ Trailer Park Shark Attack!, where
Environmental Phenomena, Fanatics, players randomly churn through a variety
Fast Healing, Heroes Never Die, High of survivors to resolve a terrifying (and
Adventure, Unarmored Hero, Wound hilarious) “shark-pocalypse.”
Cap. Since slasher films almost always feature
„ EXAMPLES: Edgar Cantero’s Meddling a single killer against a group of victims,
Kids, Seth Grahame-Smith’s Abraham consider giving the antagonist Fast Healing,
Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, Richard Unstoppable, and/or even Invulnerability.
Matheson’s I Am Legend, Justin Cronin’s The heroes might be able to get in a good
The Passage, The Mummy (1999), Army of shot that slows their attacker down or even
Darkness, Zombieland, Van Helsing, Planet seems fatal, but the killer always comes back
Terror, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Shaun of unless some special condition is met. And
the Dead, Dog Soldiers, the Blade trilogy. even then...?
„ SETTING RULES: Buckets of Blood,
SLASHER Conviction, Creative Combat, Difficult
Made popular by John Carpenter’s 1978 Healing, Dumb Luck, Environmental
movie Halloween and countless similar Phenomena, Expanded Fear Effects,
movies in the years that followed, the slasher Gritty Damage, Hard Choices, Playing to
subgenre focuses on a group of people being the Tropes, Slaughter Rules, Villainous
hunted by a single (possibly unstoppable) Conviction, Wards and Binds, Wild
killer. The victims are taken out one by one Cards.
until a single one remains. Since in the movies „ EXAMPLES: Stephen Graham Jones’ The
this is most often a woman, the character is Last Final Girl, Sergio Gomez’ Camp
often dubbed the “Final Girl.” Slaughter, A Texas Chainsaw Massacre,
Slashers can take place in a variety of Scream, Halloween, Alien, Nightmare on
locales and times, but are almost always Elm Street, Friday the 13th, I Know What
set in a modern or near-modern era. They You Did Last Summer, The Cabin in the
share a few other similarities, as well—the Woods, Child’s Play, Candyman, Malignant,
characters share a common trait (teenaged Jeepers Creepers, Don’t Breathe, The Quarry
camp counselors, fellow passengers on a bus, video game.
journalists investigating a sealed asylum,
etc.), the characters are isolated (remotely PULP HORROR
or perhaps just socially), and the killer is Unlike the other types of horror in this list,
motivated by some past wrong (targeting the which originated from literature or movies,
victims because of mistaken identity or guilt pulp horror was born in the world of cheap
by association). comic books of the 1940s and 1950s. Intended
As popular as the subgenre is in movies, it to be read and then discarded much like
can be challenging to represent as a tabletop newspaper, comic books of the day often
roleplaying game because the characters featured daring heroes, cliffhanger situations,
are slain one by one until only one survivor simplistic plots, and two-dimensional
remains. Eliminated characters are not characters. These “pulps” were so named
usually replaced by more. In addition, such because of the inexpensive paper used to
a setup doesn’t lend itself well to a long-term keep printing costs down.
campaign. Horror comics similarly featured short
It can, however, make for a fun one-shot, “stories” of only a few pages, but told dark
especially if using the Slaughter Rules found morality tales of unscrupulous characters
on page 47. In this case, the GM might have earning their karmic comeuppance. Delivered
a stack of characters ready to go, allowing with sadistic glee by sinister narrators such as
players to choose or draw randomly as their the “Crypt Keeper” or the “Old Witch,” these
last character meets some grisly end. stories were known for their exaggerated


emotions, ironic twists, often disturbing art,

perhaps even superhuman—abilities. As
and characters who will do almost anything horror usually relies on powerlessness
for their own self gain. to inspire fear, superheroic horror is less
The supernatural in pulp horror exists concerned with the fear of physical defeat
purely to tempt humans into vile acts, and but rather with spiritual defeat.
then punishes them for it. Black magic The main character is often an “anti-
(stereotypes of “voodoo” or “witchcraft”) hero” who has become powerful due to the
interferes with the thoughts or feelings of the
supernatural, but that power also comes with
target, but always comes with a hefty price. the gradual, maybe inevitable, loss of his soul.
Victims of dark betrayal inevitably get revenge
The superheroic character must use his dark
from beyond the grave through bizarre powers to prevent harm befalling others,
misfortunes, unforeseen consequences—or thus flirting with an even deeper slide into
even by returning as a shambling corpse. darkness. Ironically, his salvation comes from
Pulp horror adventures are best geared not using those powers—but he would then
toward one-shots, as they tend to dish out carry the guilt of inaction forever.
permanent justice on the main characters. Superheroic horror adventures most
Also, while pulp horror occasionally focuses closely resemble more “typical” scenarios. A
on innocents who find themselves in horrific villain—usually linked to the same kind of
situations purely by accident, most of the darkness that infects the superheroes, but not
characters are ethically compromised, so burdened with any lingering morality—kicks
the players need to be comfortable playing off a plot to create or cement her power and
occasionally villainous or at least ruthlessly
influence. It’s up to the anti-heroes to stop it,
selfish roles. hoping they don’t finally lose all vestiges of
Plots focus around a person (or persons) their humanity.
who want something very badly and are Such stories tend to have a grim tone to
willing to betray others for it—even kill them.
match the internal struggle of their anti-
This kicks off a cosmic rebalancing of sorts heroes. That same inner darkness is usually
as their sins are reflected back on them ten-represented in external ways, such as a
fold. Sometimes the situation isn’t directly bleak and oppressive environment, creepy
caused by their actions (like a killer on theor malicious power sets, or the protagonists
run who stumbles into a werewolf) but serves being frightening or repulsive to others.
as punishment all the same. While this could easily take the form of full-
„ SETTING RULES: Conviction, Difficult on comic book superheroes, such as those
Healing, Environmental Phenomena, you might create with the Savage Worlds
Expanded Fear Effects, Gritty Damage, Super Powers Companion, the true essence of
Hard Choices, Playing to the Tropes, superheroic horror is that the same darkness
Signs and Portents, Slaughter Rules, Wildthat must be defeated also dwells within the
Cards. heroes. They don’t need to be able to fly or
„ EXAMPLES: W.W. Jacobs’ “The Monkey’s shoot lasers from their eyes—they just need
Paw,” Saki’s “The Interlopers,” Ambrose that little gift which is also a curse in some
Bierce’s “An Occurrence at Owl way.
Creek Bridge,” Shirley Jackson’s “The „ SETTING RULES: Born a Hero, Conviction,
Lottery,” Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Cask of Environmental Phenomena, Fanatics,
Amontillado” and “The Telltale Heart,” Hard Choices, Heroes Never Die,
the Tales from the Crypt comics, The TwilightHigh Adventure, Signs and Portents,
Zone, Pumpkinhead, Creepshow, Tales from Unarmored Hero, Villainous Conviction,
the Darkside, Hellraiser, Tales from the Hood.
Wards and Binds.
„ EXAMPLES: The Marvel Zombies comic
SUPERHEROIC HORROR book series, Ex-Heroes, The Tomb of
This type of horror centers around extremely Dracula, Spawn, Hellboy, Batman, Justice
powerful protagonists with extraordinary— League Dark, Midnight Sons, Werewolf by
Night, Swamp Thing, Constantine, Blade.

Set ting Rules

place on an isolated ranch, an orbiting space

SURVIVA L HORROR station, a container ship at sea—just about
Survival horror as a subgenre is most any location where the party is on their own.
commonly associated with zombie apocalypse The plot might involve the first confusing
scenarios, where (due to a virus, parasites, days as the bewildered characters struggle to
alien energies, magic, etc.) the dead all over make sense of the rapid changes happening
the world have risen to destroy the living. But around them, or it might occur long
as its name implies, the only real requirement afterwards in a world of few resources and
for survival horror is that the characters are constant fear where the focus is on rebuilding
plunged into a life-or-death scenario with no their broken world.
apparent goal beyond sheer survival. Characters are often quite varied in their
Unlike other horror subgenres, survival skills and personalities, allowing for a variety
horror is about teamwork and pits the heroes of interactions—both positive and negative—
against many foes, rather than one which and to give them situations in which their
prefers to divide and conquer. The monsters experience can mean the difference between
are never humanized or sympathetic, nor are life and death.
they interested in corrupting their victims. Usually these scenarios don’t bother with
They just want to kill—perhaps to eat, or Fear rolls, aside from the first moments
maybe it’s just the reason they exist. dealing with the enemy, occasional gory
Some version of the modern world is the or surprising situations, or encountering
most common choice, though a survival horror unexpected evolutionary variants of the
scenario can take place nearly anywhere. It enemy entities.
might be interesting, for instance, to take a „ SETTING RULES: Buckets of Blood,
typical fantasy world and see what happens Difficult Healing, Gritty Damage, Hard
when it is unmade in a zombie apocalypse. Choices, Playing to the Tropes, Slaughter
Or “turn out the lights” on an interstellar Rules.
civilization when it is overrun by ruthless
„ EXAMPLES: Max Brooks’ World War Z,
hunter/killer robots from an alien world.
Justin Cronin’s The Passage, The Walking
The stakes certainly don’t need to be that Dead graphic novel series, Night of the
high. Survival horror adventures can also Living Dead, Tremors, Aliens, Dawn of the
deal with a small group of characters who Dead, The Descent, As Above So Below, The
find themselves in a raw survival situation Last of Us, the Resident Evil video games,
against relentless horrors. This could take Dead Space, Days Gone.



itchcraft, black magic, voodoo. Each power is activated using the arcane
These are the powers of darkness skill of the Arcane Background through
in most horror settings. Sometimes which it is gained, and specific Edges or
investigators discover such arcane lore and abilities apply only to powers gained from it
learn to harness it. Other times they are as well. The two powers gained through the
consumed by it. New Powers Edge may be all for one Arcane
In this chapter you will find new powers Background or one each for both. For instance,
suitable for horror campaigns, rules for a mage who takes on a priestly role can’t cast
conducting powerful rituals, and Trappings healing with her Spellcasting skill.
of doom and dread. Example: Gabe starts with Arcane Background
(Demonologist) during character creation. He
has 10 Power Points and five spells. Later he
decides to become an alchemist as well and
ARCANE takes Arcane Background (Alchemist) as an
Advance. His base Power Points increase to 15
BACKGROUNDS since it’s higher than his starting demonologist
Power Points, he gets a d4 in Alchemy, and
On the following pages are Arcane gains the starting spells and other abilities of
Backgrounds drawn from common horror an alchemist.
tropes. As always, the Game Master should
decide which, if any, are available to players.
BACKGROUNDS The Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion has
numerous Arcane Backgrounds that might
If a character takes a new Arcane Background, be appropriate for certain kinds of horror
she gets the new powers and a d4 in its arcane settings. Some are repeated here, sometimes
skill (if she doesn’t already have it). If she with a few differences that better fit the horror
already has an Arcane Background or Mystic genre. The Game Master should feel free to
Powers (see page 11), she uses the largest use either as befits her world. Just make sure
starting pool of Power Points and applies to communicate that to the players if they’re
any increases from other sources to it. All of allowed to take Arcane Backgrounds.
her Arcane Backgrounds and Mystic Powers
share this pool.


Powers with greater Range use misters,

A LCHEMIST bellows, or grenades, with a maximum Range
of 12” (24 yards). The alchemist “throws” the
Alchemists create potions, oils, elixirs, and grenade or fires the mister with his Alchemy
other consumables imbued with the powers skill rather than Athletics or Shooting (but
they’ve learned. Narratively, their concoctions treats other projectiles normally). Critical
are created “off-camera” some time prior to Failure affects the caster normally—the
their use. In game terms, they’re “cast” as device shatters in his hand, showering him
the player needs them—pulling various vials with noxious fumes that cause Fatigue.
or containers from their alchemist’s bag or
bandoleer and activating them as needed. GIVING CONCOCTIONS
„ REQUIREMENTS: Smarts d6+
An alchemist can “administer” her concoction
„ ARCANE SKILL: Alchemy (Smarts)
to nearby allies just like casting any other
„ STARTING POWERS: Any three from the power. If she wants to give someone a
list below. concoction to carry or use later, she states the
„ POWER POINTS: 15 concoction’s power and invests it with any
„ AVAILABLE POWERS: Banish, beast friend,
number of her current Power Points.
blast, blind, boost/lower Trait, burst, confusion, Gifted concoctions are created with a specific
darksight, deflection, detect/conceal arcana, aspect—boost Trait (Strength), for example,
empathy, entangle, environmental protection, or sloth (but not speed). The alchemist has
farsight, fear, fly, growth/shrink, healing, no choice in this—she can’t give someone
intangibility, invisibility, light/darkness, boost Trait without naming the Trait affected,
protection, puppet, relief, resurrection, shape even if her power doesn’t normally have the
change, sloth/speed, slumber, smite, speak Aspect Limitation.
language, wall walker, warrior’s gift. Gifted concoctions last until used or 48
„ POWER EDGES: Alchemists may not hours pass, whichever comes first. Once their
take Power Edges except for Artificer, Power Points are used, the alchemist recovers
New Powers, Power Points, and Arcane them normally.
Background (Alchemist) Edges. The recipient rolls the maker’s Alchemy
„ POWER MODIFIERS: Alchemists can’t use skill to activate the concoction, just as if the
the Selective Power Modifier. alchemist were administering it herself.
„ ALCHEMIST’S BAG: Concoctions and the
ingredients alchemists need to create A LCHEMIST EDGES
them are stored in a bag of some sort. As
long as the alchemist has access to her CHEMIST
bag, she can also make Alchemical Items REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Arcane Background
(see page 99). (Alchemist), Alchemy d8+
„ COMPONENTS: Alchemists’ pills, The alchemist’s concoctions last one week
potions, and grenades are expendable, rather than 48 hours when given to others.
giving them the Material Components
REQUIREMENTS: Veteran, Arcane Back-
ACTIVATION ground (Alchemist), Alchemy d10+
When an alchemist “casts” a power, the A discerning alchemist knows the best
player must describe how it’s delivered. ingredients for her concoctions, casting aside
Powers with a Range of Self or Touch are inferior or less pure reagents in favor of those
usually a potion, edible, pill, salve, or oil. with the highest quality.
Fatigue from Critical Failure affects the Such care increases the longevity of a
recipient, if someone other than the alchemist. potion’s effects. Any power with a Duration
of 5 now has a Duration of 8 when she imbues
it into her concoctions.


„ POWER: Blighted may take Edges that

BLIGHTED require any Arcane Background ignoring
the Arcane Background Requirement
Sometimes a mortal encounters a supernatural and substituting Focus for any arcane
force so powerful it corrupts their very soul— skill Requirements.
but gives them some fraction of that power in „ CORRUPTION: Blighted received their
return. Or they might themselves be children abilities from powerful supernatural
of some obscene or incredible scientific sources. Even if the source was generally
experiment, the blasphemous union of mortal good that kind of power is difficult for a
and preternatural being, or an offshoot of mortal to comprehend and control. They
some bizarre evolutionary line. have the Corruption Hindrance (page
The source determines the nature of the 6).
blighted’s abilities, so all powers are available
as long as the player and Game Master think BLIGHTED EDGES
they fit the origin’s theme. The blighted have many origins. Some may
„ REQUIREMENTS: Spirit d6+ have literally been to Hell and come back
„ ARCANE SKILL: Focus (Spirit) tainted. Another may have seen the true
„ STARTING POWERS: Any two that make form of an angel and found her soul changed
sense given the nature of the power’s forever. Still others may have animal DNA,
origin. the blood of monsters, or themselves be the
products of weird science or sorcery.
Because their origins are so varied,
„ FAVORED POWER: Blighted choose one of
blighted don’t have their own individual
their starting powers and may ignore up Edges, but can take those from any other
to 2 points of any penalties (Multi-Action, Arcane Background, ignoring the Arcane
Wounds, Fatigue, etc.) when activating it. Background Requirement and substituting
Focus for any arcane skill Requirements.
Other Requirements must be fulfilled as


„ SUMMONING: Demonologists may

DEMONOLOGIST conjure demonic legionnaires (page 118)
with the summon ally power at Novice
Those who study, hunt, summon, and consort Rank, for 4 Power Points. At Seasoned
with demons are powerful heroes but play Rank, they may call forth hellhounds
with dangerous forces. (page 120) for 5 points. At Veteran Rank
„ REQUIREMENTS: Smarts d6+ they may summon a demonic steed (page
119) for 7 points.
„ ARCANE SKILL: Spellcasting (Smarts)


summon ally, and two other powers
chosen from the list below. They may use HELL’S WRATH
banish at Novice Rank. REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Arcane Back-
„ POWER POINTS: 10 ground (Demonologist)
„ AVAILABLE POWERS: Arcane protection, Demonologists channel fiery, hellish power
banish, barrier, blast, bolt, burst, consecrate that can boil flesh and melt bone. Once this
ground, curse, damage field, darksight, detect/ Edge is taken, the demonologist’s bolt, blast,
conceal arcana, dispel, divination, drain and burst powers cause +2 damage.
Power Points, environmental protection,
exorcism, fear, havoc, illusion, illusionary INFERNA L ARMOR
horrors, light/darkness, nightmares, puppet, REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Arcane Back-
seance, smite, speak language, spite, summon ground (Demonologist)
ally, summon demon, wall walker. As an action, a demonologist can limn his
„ MAGIC: Demonologists may take Edges clothes (or armor if wearing any) with a
that require Arcane Background (Magic). hellish glow that grants him +2 Armor. This
„ CORRUPTION: Demonologists consort lasts as long as the demonologist wishes
with extra-planar entities, most of them and stacks with his highest worn armor, but
evil or at least mischievous. They have marks him as a channeler of dark magic and
the Corruption Hindrance (page 6). makes Stealth virtually impossible.


that foe to discard its Action Card and draw

FORTUNE TELLER again. The foe may spend Bennies to draw
new Action Cards afterwards if it chooses.
Some call it “the Sight.” Others dream of The fortune teller may never force a foe to
scenes or images that eventually come true. discard a Joker.
A few actively seek to peer into the future,
perhaps with the use of crystal balls, tarot SIXTH SENSE
cards, tea leaves, or less savory devices. REQUIREMENTS: Veteran, Arcane Back-
Fortune tellers specialize in divination ground (Fortune Teller)
and talking to spirits. They are conduits to The fortune teller anticipates her foes’ attacks.
a world unseen by most mortals. They have She may spend up to 4 Power Points to
very few spells compared to most who dabble increase an Evasion total (after rolling), or
in the arcane arts, but have fewer decrease an attack’s damage against her.
drawbacks as well.
„ REQUIREMENTS: Smarts d6+

„ ARCANE SKILL: Spellcasting

two from the list below.

Darksight, deflection, detect
arcana, divination, empathy,
farsight, locate, object reading,
protection, scrying, seance.
„ MAGIC: Fortune tellers may
take Edges that require Arcane
Background (Magic).
„ THE SIGHT: After all Action Cards
have been dealt and resolved, a
fortune teller can spend a Benny to
gather the Action Cards of all willing
allies and redistribute them as she

REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Arcane
Background (Fortune Teller)
The fortune teller alters the skein of
fate to interfere with her enemies.
Once a foe (or group of foes
on the same Action Card)
has chosen its Action Card
and accounted for all Edges,
Hindrances, and abilities
that affect Action Cards, she
may spend a Benny to force


„ I SEE DEAD PEOPLE: Mediums can sense

MEDIUM incorporeal and invisible creatures. They
always act as if under the effects of detect
It is as much curse as blessing to see and arcana, rolling their arcane skill only
communicate with the spirit world. Fairies when attempting to see through conceal
can be capricious, jealous, and cruel. Demons arcana or similar obscurements.
are nefarious liars and cheats. And the dead
are relentless in their quest for peace or their MEDIUM EDGES
hatred of the living.
Mediums bridge the gap between the spirit SPIRIT FRIEND
and mortal realms, acting as go-betweens for REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Arcane Back-
those who must petition ethereal creatures for ground (Medium)
some terrible favor. This may be a lucrative or Somewhere along the way, the medium met
altruistic profession, but it is always fraught and befriended a friendly spirit. The entity
with danger, for even the most placid spirits acts exactly as a witch’s familiar (see page
can quickly turn pernicious if angered. 72) but is of full human intelligence and
„ REQUIREMENTS: Spirit d6+ has the Ethereal Special Ability.
„ ARCANE SKILL: Spellcasting (Smarts)
„ STARTING POWERS: Banish, detect/conceal REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Arcane Back-
arcana and any one other spell from the ground (Medium)
list below. They may use banish at Novice
A medium’s experience in banishing spirits
grants her a +2 bonus to her arcane skill roll
„ POWER POINTS: 15 when casting banish.
„ AVAILABLE POWERS: Arcane protection,
banish, beast friend, consecrate ground,
corpse sense, darksight, detect/conceal arcana,
dispel, divination, empathy, exorcism, grave “I SEE DEAD PEOPLE.”
shroud, locate, object reading, sanctuary,
–Cole Sear,
scrying, seance, speak language.
The Sixth Sense
„ MAGIC: Mediums may take Edges that
require Arcane Background (Magic).



Knowledge is power, and occasionally the ELDRITCH INSPIRATION
path to madness. Occultists delve into all REQUIREMENTS: Heroic, Arcane Background
types of arcane lore: from numerology to (Occultist)
demon summoning to ancient incantations. Occultists are curious by nature, gathering
They study accounts of monsters, geists, information from any and all sources—
spirits, and horrors of every culture on earth— ancient tomes, the internet, or even the
and some beyond! whispers of preternatural entities. They keep
„ REQUIREMENTS: Smarts d6+ this knowledge in “spellbooks,” though they
may be electronic in nature in the modern
„ ARCANE SKILL: Spellcasting (Smarts)
age. As long as the occultist has access to his
„ STARTING POWERS: Detect/conceal arcana,
spellbooks, he may spend a Benny to cast any
dispel, lock/unlock, and two other powers power of his Rank or lower. The power may
chosen from the list below. be maintained normally but afterwards is
„ POWER POINTS: 10 forgotten (the occultist doesn’t add it to his
„ AVAILABLE POWERS: Arcane protection, list of powers).
banish, barrier, beast friend, blast, blind, An occultist may not use this ability if his
bolt, boost/lower Trait, burst, confusion, spellbook is taken away.
corpse sense, curse, damage field,
darksight, deflection, detect/conceal UNIVERSA L WARD
arcana, disguise, dispel, divination, REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Arcane
drain Power Points, elemental Background (Occultist)
manipulation, empathy, entangle, Occultists peer into the darkest
environmental protection, dimensions, read the most
exorcism, farsight, fear, profane secrets, and
grave shroud, havoc, investigate the blackest arts.
illusion, intangibility, Those with this Edge have
invisibility, light/ created their own personal
darkness, locate, lock/ warding symbol that works
unlock, nightmares, against all supernatural
object reading, protection, creatures—good or evil! See
puppet, sanctuary, scrying, page 48 for information on
seance, sloth/speed, slumber, Wards.
smite, sound/silence, speak The ward is usually worn as
language, spite, stun, summon a necklace, ring, or bracelet—
ally, summon demon, suppress something that can be
transformation, telekinesis,
easily presented to protect
teleport, wall walker, warrior’s
against the creatures of the
gift, zombie. night.
„ MAGIC: Occultists may take
Edges that require Arcane
Background (Magic).
„ CORRUPTION: Occultists dabble
with dark forces. They have the
Corruption Hindrance (page 6).


Trait, confusion, consecrate ground,

PRIEST darksight, deflection, detect/conceal arcana,
dispel, divination, empathy, entangle,
Priests are preachers, imams, rabbis, or other environmental protection, exorcism, farsight,
holy men and women ordained by their havoc, healing, light/darkness, protection,
religion. They are protectors of humanity and relief, resurrection, sanctuary, scrying, sloth/
the world made by their Creator. Most follow speed, slumber, smite, sound/silence, speak
at least the core tenets of their church, but language, stun, warrior’s gift.
some shun organized religion for their own „ MIRACLES: Priests may take Edges that
particular brand of service. require Arcane Background (Miracles).
„ REQUIREMENTS: Spirit d6+ „ HOLY SYMBOL: Priests who prominently
„ ARCANE SKILL: Faith (Spirit) display the symbol of their religion get a
„ STARTING POWERS: Healing, sanctuary, free reroll on all Faith rolls.
and three other powers from the list „ VOW: Priests must have a Vow (Major) to
below. serve their religion and its people. If they
„ POWER POINTS: 10 fail to uphold their religion’s values, they
subtract 2 from Faith rolls for a week.
„ AVAILABLE POWERS: Arcane protection,
Truly sacrilegious acts might rob them of
banish, barrier, beast friend, boost/lower their powers entirely until they atone in
some way.

REQUIREMENTS: N o v i c e , A r c a n e
Background (Priest), Spirit d8+
A field of holy energy encircles this noble
being. Allies within 10” (20 yards) add +1 to
Fear checks and subtract 1 from Fear Table

REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Arcane
Background (Priest)
Priests are often the backbones of their group.
A word of encouragement, a stern nod, or
humming a few bars of an inspiring hymn
can steel the nerves of those who stand
behind her.
As an action, the character can spend 1
Power Point and grant “Mercy” to any
one character within a Range equal to her
Spirit, automatically removing one of the
following states: Distracted, Vulnerable, or


Scan requires concentration, so it’s a limited

PSYCHIC action and the psychic is Distracted while it’s
The minds of the guilty are open books to REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Arcane
those with the power to read minds. They are Background (Psychic Investigator ),
the ultimate sleuths, able to tell truth from lie Smarts d8+
with concentration. Whether anyone believes The investigator has trained her mind to
their readings depends on the nature of the resist mental intrusions. She adds +4 to any
world they live in, but such is the price one roll made to oppose, resist, or recover from
pays for such intrusive power. mental intrusions such as mind reading, mind
„ REQUIREMENTS: Smarts d6+ wipe, puppet, or similar monstrous abilities.
„ ARCANE SKILL: Psionics (Smarts) This stacks with all other bonuses and
„ STARTING POWERS: Any three chosen
penalties to resist such effects.
from the list below.

„ AVAILABLE POWERS: Beast friend, blind,

boost/lower Trait, confusion, curse, IS YOUR... YOUR
divination, empathy, fear, illusionary
horrors, mind link, mind reading,
mind wipe, locate, object reading, POSSIBILI TY
puppet, scrying, slumber, sound/
silence, suppress transformation.
investigators may take PREMONI TI ONS.
Edges that require Arcane
Background (Psionics). I T’S
-Dr. Weizak,
The Dead Zone
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Arcane
Background (Psychic Investigator),
Psionics d8+
The investigator may sense all
sapient minds within 10” (20 yards),
whether she can see them or not. She
cannot read those minds but detects the
direction and distance to each and any
particularly strong emotions—anger,
fear, joy, etc.
This can be a handy tool if trying to
identify a hidden enemy, detect the
location of a bound or hapless victim,
pick out the leader of a mob, or even
quickly navigate the best route
through a crowd.


Voodooists communicate and bargain with

VOODOOIST their spirits through rituals and shrines.
Stationary houngans and mambos have
Those who practice voodoo are houngans shrines to numerous loas in their house or
(male) and mambos (female)—collectively, nearby environs. Traveling voodooists make
“voodooists.” Their power comes through do with a small shrine, usually lit by candles
spirits called “loas,” a host of spirits with and placed before them each night before
specific personalities and traits like Baron they bed down. Either spend at least an
Samedi (loa of the dead, who wears a top hour a day in prayer and occasional animal
hat, black tailcoat, and dark glasses), Papa sacrifice (which are usually consumed as a
Legba (intermediary of the spirit world who meal as well).
appears as an old man with a cane and straw These prayers and rituals petition various
hat), or the terrifying Marinette of the Dry loas for power, which are focused into
Arms (a violent spirit who frees her people charms—rocks, bones, sculptures, animal
from bondage). parts, or even dirt or dust gathered from
Gentle spirits are rada loa. Hot-tempered some special place. All of this goes into the
spirits are petro loa. Some label rada as “good” voodooist’s “gris-gris” bag so it can be drawn
spirits and petro as “bad,” but voodooists on when the houngan or mambo invokes the
see each spirit as a tool. Some have relatively loa’s power. When a houngan wants to call on
peaceful purposes, like Legba. Others the power of a loa, he takes an action to use
are violent but all-too-frequently a charm, hurls a bone as an attack, rubs a
necessary, like Marinette. cat’s tooth for protection, and so on.
Voodooists have a relatively small
selection of powers compared to most
Arcane Backgrounds, but make
up for it with two powerful and
versatile spells that invite the
loa into their bodies, called
aspect of the rada loa and fury of
the petro loa.
„ REQUIREMENTS: Spirit d6+
„ ARCANE SKILL: Faith (Spirit)


two chosen from the list below.
protection, aspect of the rada
loa, banish, barrier, beast friend,
blind, boost/lower Trait, confusion,
consecrate ground, corpse sense,
curse, darksight, deflection, detect/
conceal arcana, dispel, divination,
empathy, exorcism, fear, fury
of the petro loa, havoc, healing,
illusionary horrors, locate,
nightmares, object reading,
protection, puppet, relief,
sanctuary, seance, sloth/speed,
smite, speak language, stun,
warrior’s gift, zombie.


„ MIRACLES: Voodooists may take Edges that require Arcane

Background (Miracles).
„ GRIS-GRIS: Voodooists must carry a “conjure” bag on their
person to activate their powers. They have the Material
Components Hindrance (page 7).

REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Spirit d8+, Arcane
Background (Voodooist), Faith d8+
The voodooist nearly died at some point but came back. He’s
seen the crossroads between worlds and the spirits hear
his call better than most. This Edge may only be taken
after character creation. The character must have been
Incapacitated due to some near-death experience (GM’s
call). Assuming the voodooist survives somehow, he
gets a free reroll on Faith rolls.

REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Spirit d8+, Arcane
Background (Voodooist), Faith d8+
This Edge may only be taken once, and signifies
a special relationship between a mambo or
houngan and a particular loa. It only benefits those
who have the aspect of the rada loa or fury of the petro loa spells.
The hero must plainly and visibly mark his or her allegiance to the
chosen loa in some way—perhaps carrying a pet snake to signify a
mambo’s “marriage” to Damballa, wearing black “mourning” clothes
to honor Baron Samedi, and so on.
As long as this homage is present, either power costs 3 Power Points instead
of 5.


Below are some of the loas most likely DAMBALLA: Ancient rada loa and creator of
encountered in a horror campaign. Each the world. He influences fate and fortune.
is far more nuanced than we have space to
describe here, so we encourage you to use ERZULIE FRÉDA: The quick-tempered “black
these references for your own research. Madonna” of love and femininity. Her petro
loa aspect is Erzulie Dantor, the wrath of the
AGWÉ: A rada loa who rules over the great Haitian Revolution.
waters and all that dwells within them. He is a
sorrowful loa who cries salt tears, particularly MARINETTE BWA CHECH: “Marinette of
for the slaves transported across the ocean the Dry Arms” is a terrifying petro loa of
during the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. malicious rage.

BARON SAMEDI: This bawdy rada loa appears PAPA LEGBA: A great communicator who
as a tall man in a black top hat, dark glasses, appears as a kindly old man. His petro
cane, and formal clothes and rules over the aspect, Met Kalfu, appears at the crossroads
land of the dead. of life and death and lies with a literal forked




„ ARCANE SKILL: Spellcasting (Smarts)

WITCH „ STARTING POWERS: Any three chosen

from the list below.
In the horror genre, warlocks and witches „ POWER POINTS: 10
learn their craft from old books or mysterious „ AVAILABLE POWERS: Arcane protection,
mentors, turning to dark powers only in the banish, barrier, beast friend, blast, blind,
most desperate circumstances. Most of their bolt, boost/lower Trait, burrow, burst,
magic focuses on hearth and home but those confusion, corpse sense, curse, darksight,
who cross them quickly learn they know far deflection, detect/conceal arcana, disguise,
more wrathful spells as well. dispel, divination, drain Power Points,
Warlocks and witches tend to be secretive elemental manipulation, empathy, entangle,
in historical settings where locals fear their environmental protection, exorcism, farsight,
magical powers. They may be more open in fear, fly, grave shroud, growth/shrink,
modern campaigns or worlds where magic havoc, healing, illusion, illusionary horrors,
is common. invisibility, light/darkness, locate, lock/
unlock, mind reading, mind wipe, nightmares,
Note: This Arcane Background is different
object reading, protection, puppet, relief,
from the version found in the Savage Worlds
scrying, seance, shape change, sloth/speed,
Fantasy Companion.
slumber, smite, sound/silence, speak language,
spite, stun, summon ally, summon demon,
suppress transformation, telekinesis, wall
walker, warrior’s gift.
„ MAGIC: Witches/warlocks may take
Edges that require Arcane Background
„ COMPONENTS: Witches and warlocks
require bits and baubles for their spells,
from eye of newt to the hair of a hanged
man, which they store in their “hex bags.”
They have the Material Components
Hindrance (page 7).
„ CORRUPTION: Warlocks and witches
gather power and knowledge from a
variety of sources, some of which bring
ruin to their mind and body. They have
the Corruption Hindrance (page 6).
„ FAMILIAR: Witches and warlocks
maintain their connection to the natural
world via small magical pets. They start
with a familiar (page 72).


-Black Phillip,
The Witch


“Familiars” are small creatures (Size −2 or −3) that serve as a mage’s loyal pet and magical
companion. They are loyal to their masters but aren’t slaves. They are very smart versions of
their species but can occasionally be distracted by their own inherent instincts. For example, a
cat might interrupt its task to chase a mouse or take a brief nap, and a dog will almost certainly
bark when a stranger approaches.
A familiar is a Wild Card with respect to Wounds and rolling a Wild Die with its Trait rolls.
It doesn’t get Bennies, but the mage can spend his own on its behalf.
The familiar can understand its master’s speech and vice-versa (others hear only the
creature’s natural sounds), though concepts are limited to what a member of its species might
The familiar has 5 Power Points of its own. It cannot cast spells, but the mage can draw on
them as if they were his own. They recharge separately and at the same rate as the mage’s.
The bond between the familiar and the mage makes it immune to the beast friend power cast
by others.
A familiar doesn’t Advance, but instead gains one of the advantages below for each of
its master’s Ranks (including Novice) and for every fourth Advance the hero gains past
„ SECOND SIGHT: The owner may use the familiar’s senses as if they were her own, with a
maximum range of 10 miles. She is Distracted and Vulnerable while doing so.
„ TRAINING: The mage can increase one of the familiar’s Traits one die type (no more than
once per Trait).
„ ENHANCEMENT: The familiar gains an Edge. It must make sense for the familiar’s species
(GM’s call) and meet the Requirements as usual.
If a familiar dies, the hero is automatically Stunned (no matter how far away he is). He can
summon another after 10 days and can change the type if he chooses.

There is one further catch. If the ritual fails,

WARLOCK / the being that gave the witch the spell lied to
WITCH EDGES her! The failure counts as Critical Failure and
triggers her Corruption. In this case, it may
CONSORT be appropriate to take a Hindrance such as
Enemy that reflects the machinations of the
REQUIREMENTS: Veteran, Arcane Back-
entity—perhaps even its appearance in the
ground (Warlock/Witch)
physical world.
Occultists search through spellbooks to
cast spells outside their usual expertise THE WITCHING HOUR
(via the Eldritch Inspiration Edge). Witches REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Arcane Back-
consort with primal or dark powers for such ground (Warlock/Witch)
Witches and warlocks are more powerful
A witch may spend a Benny to cast any spell between the hours of midnight and 1 am (or
available in the campaign (and approved by some other suitable time in your campaign
the Game Master), ignoring all Requirements, world). During this hour, a witch or warlock
including Rank! The spell must be cast as cannot Critically Fail a roll (it’s just a normal
a ritual (page 72), and once cast may be failure), and gets a free Soak roll anytime he
maintained normally from her own Power or she takes a Wound!



Animal Part: Usually from a smaller creature used as food or a pet. Examples:
Chicken foot, turtle meat, rat’s tail.
Animal Fetish: Doesn’t require the death of the animal, but the creature itself is
usually large, rare, or aggressive. Examples: Bull’s tail, ostrich feather, snakeskin.
Dangerous Totem: Usually the most dangerous part of an aggressive animal.
Examples: Rattlesnake rattle, bear claw, skunk’s tail.
Unlucky Omen: Easy to procure but considered bad luck. Example: A shard
from a broken mirror, spilled salt, a gifted clock.
Human Refuse: Unpleasant waste produced by a human being. Examples:
Vomit, human blood, fingernail clippings.
Venomous Extremity: A part of a poisonous creature, or the poison itself.
Examples: Scorpion tail, snake venom.
Powder Compound: A powdered mixture of several chemicals. Examples:
Gunpowder, saltpeter.
Meaningful Object: Something with an emotional or spiritual investment.
Examples: A child’s toy, a believer’s cross.
Specialized Liquid: A bottle of something specially brewed or blessed.
Examples: A bottle of specific alcohol, holy water, freshly gathered milk (unpasteurized).
Invasive Souvenir: An object that requires violating privacy or taboo to collect.
Examples: Air from a sealed crypt, a brick from an occupied home.
Toxic Substance: Potentially harmful chemicals or compounds. Examples:
Arsenic, asbestos, nitrous oxide (laughing gas).
Regional Token: An object that represents a certain kind of land or climate.
Examples: Beach sand, a pinecone.
Ceremonial Edibles: Food items to please or feed the spirits. Examples:
Specially-baked bread, a bag of sugar.
Reptile Part: Components from various reptilian creatures. Examples: A
lizard’s eye, chameleon’s skin, snake scales.
Vermin Part: Components from one or more insects. Examples: A cricket’s legs,
a spider web, four fly wings.
Animal Teeth: One or more teeth from a specific kind of creature. Examples:
A kitten’s tooth, a shark’s tooth.
Animal Offal: Internal organs or blood from a single creature or multiple
smaller creatures. Examples: A bucket of fish guts, a cow’s heart.
Specific Glass: Shards or powder ground from a certain kind of glass.
Examples: Crushed red glass, a piece of glass from a broken church window.
Symbol of Death: An object that represents death or the grave. Examples:
Cemetery dirt, a chip from a 100 year old gravestone.
Symbol of Entropy: An object that represents aging or decay. Examples: A
rusted hinge, timbers from a collapsed house.



Rare Hair: A small number of hair follicles from a specific type of donor.
Examples: Hair strands from a 100 year old woman, hair from a lion’s mane.
Venomous Animal: A live and potentially dangerous specimen sacrificed as
part of the preparations. Examples: A cobra, live rattlesnake.
Radioactive Material: Naturally occurring or waste products that are
3 dangerously radioactive unless shielded. Examples: 12 oz of radium, 2 oz of
Atypical Parts: Organic components harvested from a diseased or unusual
subject. Examples: The brain of a rabid animal, fur from an albino cat.
Rare Powder: The crushed remains of something expensive or unusual.
Examples: Ashes from a forest fire, rhino tusk powder.
Cursed Totem: An object touched by dark magic. Examples: A bound evil spirit,
a cursed object.
Human Remains: Parts of a deceased human body. Examples: Ground human
bones, a gallon of blood from one person, an eye or severed finger.
Natural Constructs: Something created in nature must be found and recovered.
Examples: A hawk nest, a triton shell.
Precious Metal: An expensive amount of pure, precious metal. Examples: 12
oz of pure silver, 2 oz of solid gold.
Large Animal: A live specimen needs to be sacrificed as part of the preparations.
Examples: A cow, a deer.
Large Trophies: The bones, tusks, or horn of a very large animal. Examples:
An elephant tusk, a whale bone.
Occult Token: Remains from a macabre being. Examples: Demon blood, dust
from decomposed undead.
Symbol of Emotion: An object that represents an extreme emotion. Examples:
A child’s tear, a returned engagement ring.
Murder Relic: An item involved in a vicious murder. Examples: The wedding
ring of a murdered bride, a serial killer’s murder weapon.
Rare Stones: Naturally occurring stones in an unworked state. Examples:
Unpolished jade, a deep river stone.
Ancient Liquids: Any bottled substance more than 100 years old. Examples:
Ancient wine, water stored for more than a century.
Rare Botanicals: Hard to find or specialized plants. Examples: Night-blooming
flowers, carnivorous plants.
Crystalized Objects: Any naturally forming crystal or similar substance.
Examples: Fossilized tree resin (amber), a ruby gemstone.
Lurid Taxidermy: Ghastly preserved body parts from animals or humans.
Examples: A gorilla paw, a shrunken head.
Holy or Unholy Relics: Items worshipped by true believers. Examples: The
shroud of a saint, the blade of a famous sinner.



Magic in horror settings is rare and powerful, 1–2 2 — −2
and often designed to have a very specific
3–4 2 1 −2
effect, such as sealing an interdimensional
rift or forcing some terrible abomination back 5–6 3 1 −2
through it. Such spells are almost always 7–8 3 2 −3
activated by ritual.
9–10 4 2 −3
Rituals are usually discovered by
investigators in musty tomes or crumbling 11–12 4 3 −3
grimoires, though in modern campaigns they 13–14 5 3 −4
might also be found on the internet!
15–16 5 4 −4
Follow the steps below when the party
needs to use ritual magic. 17–18 6 4 −4
„ SELECT POWER: The caster chooses any … and so on.
power he knows or gains access to via tomes,
scrolls, grimoires, and the like (he doesn’t „ PREPARATION: Once the components are
have to know it himself). Then add up its gathered, the mage spends ten minutes
total Power Points, including modifiers, per Rank of the spell in stationary
Limitations, and any enhancements from the preparation, drawing lines on the floor,
table below. Ritual magic doesn’t actually preparing, burning, or destroying the
cost Power Points, but the total is used to components, or simply concentrating. A
determine the cost in components (see below). Novice Rank spell takes 10 minutes to
prepare, while a Veteran Rank power
requires a half-hour.
„ CAST: The spell is activated with the
COST EFFECT Occult skill via a single-person, Difficult
Increase the Duration of a power Dramatic Task. The penalty to cast
3/5 expressed in rounds to minutes depends on the Power Points required
for 3 points, or an hour for 5. (see the table above). The caster uses
If a power has an area of effect, it his Occult or arcane skill if that spell is
may be increased to a radius of 50 available to his Arcane Background.
yards for +3 points, or 100 yards The power is cast immediately with the
3/5 for +5. Either enhancement may successful completion of the Dramatic
also conform to a building, ship, Task. Use the final roll of the task as the
or other irregular space of roughly casting total. Spellcasters may not spend
the same size (GM’s call). Power Points to maintain the power. If
the Dramatic Task fails, the ritual fails
Targets of the power resist
and the components are consumed. That
its effects at an additional –2
5 caster can’t attempt that ritual again for
modifier, in addition to any Power
one week (but others may).
Modifiers such as Strong.
A Critical Failure on the final roll of the
„ COMPONENTS: Ritual magic requires a ritual has an additional effect besides the
number of components determined by consequences of failure itself. This might
the spell’s total Power Points. The Game include an arcane explosion in a Large
Master can choose these components Blast Template for 3d6 damage, allowing
herself or roll them randomly on the a supernatural entity to enter the world,
components tables on the preceding pages. swapping the bodies of participants, or
Gathering the components is usually a whatever the Game Master feels makes
large part of an adventure, and some­ sense for the particular setting, power, and
times adventures in and of themselves. circumstances.



On the following pages are a number of
powers found in many horror settings—such Spells like boost Trait last only five
as the summoning and exorcising of entities rounds; little use for something like
or speaking with corpses. boosting Survival for a scout attempting
to lead an expedition into mountains of
These new powers, as well as those found
in Savage Worlds, function normally for the
most part, but you should carefully consider For long-term tasks, allow spellcasters
their Trappings. Magic in horror settings is to use their powers anyway, assuming
typically of a dark and Faustian nature. While they’re able to boost Traits, grant relief,
entangle neatly sums up what the spell can do, or provide protection at critical moments
calling it “Tentacles of Vralkresh” carries much along the way.
more weight and atmosphere.
If characters can only learn magic from
tomes, consider giving spells names that
don’t immediately give away what the „ AGWÉ: This loa rules over the great waters
spell does. Magic is not a science taught in and all that dwells within them. He is
schools, and magicians rarely give their spells most often depicted as a tall, handsome
workmanlike names. Angel’s spear might be man with deep green eyes wearing formal
bolt, but could be smite or stun. Winds of Death clothes, crying salt tears for the slaves
could easily be blast, burst, lower Trait, or transported across the ocean during the
even a flame-type barrier with a necromantic Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Those ridden
Trapping. by Agwé are morose and easily brought
F Updated Powers: Powers marked with to tears.
this symbol have been updated from early
printings of the Savage Worlds Adventure
Epic Modifiers: Power Modifiers marked
with a star may only be used by a caster of
Veteran Rank or higher, or with the Epic
Mastery Edge found in other Savage Worlds
companions if it’s available in the campaign.


Rank: Novice
Power Points: 5
Range: Self
Duration: One Hour
This power invites a rada loa to “ride” the
houngan or mambo’s body for up to one hour.
Only one spirit may ride the voodooist at a
time, though the caster may drop the spell
at any time and start another if she chooses.
Aspect of the rada loa invites the spirit into
her body, giving her some of its personality
(noted in each power). That loa remains for
the entire Duration, and no other loa may be
invited in until the previous spirit leaves.


The spell allows the voodooist mastery of „ DAMBALLA: The ancient creator of the
the water for the Duration of the power. world once lay beneath the earth in
She may walk upon it, breathe beneath its serpent form. It was he who created the
surface, and swim at her full Pace (plus mountains and the skies and the seas
running die if desired). With a raise, she and all that humanity beholds. He’s a
adds +2 to her total Pace each round. powerful, pristine loa who communicates
„ BARON SAMEDI: Samedi appears as messages of wealth, prosperity, and
a tall man in black hat, dark glasses, health through dreams. Casters who
formal coat with tails, cotton plugs in invite Damballa into their body become
his nose, and painted skull face. He is a more patient and kind, with a long view
dirty-minded and foul-mouthed loa who to the cosmos and all who dwell in it.
relishes human vices. Samedi is the loa of You can reroll any Vigor roll for the
the dead and gatekeeper to the afterlife. Duration of the spell. If using the Wealth
Anyone possessed by the Baron becomes rules from Savage Worlds, you can also
bawdy and salacious. reroll any Wealth roll for the Duration of
Samedi temporarily severs an undead the spell. If not, reroll any Persuasion rolls
creature’s link to the spirit world. If a to haggle or otherwise negotiate prices to
creature with the Undead Special Ability get a better deal (a discount the GM feels
moves adjacent to the voodooist, it must is appropriate for the particular situation).
make a Vigor roll (at −2 if cast with a raise) All rolls are made at +1 if the spell is cast
or be Stunned. with a raise.
„ ERZULIE FRÉDA: Erzulie appears as
a “black Madonna,” a loa of love and
Good, Evil, and the femininity. While beautiful and kind,
Supernatural she’s also quick-tempered. When ridden
by Erzulie, the voodooist adopts these
Some powers and abilities refer to traits.
“supernatural” creatures, powers, and The hero gains favor by touching (skin
beings, or even “good” and “evil.” But on skin) a single individual who is
what does that mean in game terms? romantically inclined toward them and
The short answer is that it’s up to the starts with a Neutral or better Reaction
Game Master based on the setting and (GM’s call). This isn’t the puppet power—
the beings in question, but here are the individual isn’t a mind-controlled
some guidelines. slave—they’re just eager to please the
Any creatures that can’t exist without caster. A raise means the target is even
the existence of the supernatural are more eager to aid the voodooist.
supernatural themselves: zombies, Once the power expires, the target may
vampires, ghosts, demons, etc. Sorcerers rethink his or her commitment depending
who use magic aren’t supernatural on the situation. Of course the voodooist
themselves, but their powers are. can always channel Erzulie Fréda and
“Good” generally means those entities rekindle the relationship anew.
that exist to protect humanity. “Evil” „ PAPA LEGBA: Legba is the great
beings are those that seek to destroy it. communicator. He is depicted as an
A ghost haunting its house against old man with a cane, wearing a broad-
intruders is only evil if it seeks to rimmed straw hat and smoking a pipe,
cause permanent harm. An angel and is often accompanied by a loyal dog.
rebelling against God to bring ruin to When he rides an individual, she becomes
the “monkeys” that inherited the Earth more patient, wise, and sympathetic.
is supernatural and evil, even though The houngan or mambo gets a free reroll
born of divinity. on any Persuasion, Intimidation, or Taunt
Tests for the Duration of the possession (at
+1 if cast with a raise).



Rank: Seasoned Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 5 Power Points: 5
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Duration: One hour Duration: Instant
Trappings: Circle of holy water or salt, Trappings: Voodoo dolls, strange marks on
energy barrier, pentagram. the victim’s skin, the evil eye, a victim’s
This spell turns a patch of ground equal to personal belongings or locks of their hair,
a Large Blast Template into consecrated secreted hex bags.
ground (as described on page 41). It takes Some practitioners of the arcane arts heal
one full minute of preparation and some sort their allies. Others inflict sickness, maladies,
of material (salt, chalk, etc., per its Trapping) or other curses upon their enemies. To use
to activate, lasts one hour, and may be this particularly nasty spell, the caster makes
maintained thereafter. an arcane skill roll opposed by the victim’s
Supernaturally good beings draw strength Spirit roll. Failure means the victim suffers
from consecrated ground—they gain +2 a level of Fatigue immediately and at sunset
Toughness while upon it. Supernaturally each day thereafter (further castings of curse
evil creatures are Distracted and Vulnerable have no additional effect).
while contacting the consecrated area. With Once the accursed becomes Incapacitated,
a raise on the spell, evil entities in contact he makes a Vigor roll each day to
with the template take 2d4 damage at the avoid death.
end of their turn as well. A caster may not attempt to curse
Note: Evil casters may invoke this power an individual more than once per
to create profane ground. day.
MODIFIERS Breaking a Curse: The curse can
„ DURATION (+5): Must be cast as a ritual. be lifted by the original caster
The Duration is extended until the at will, and ends automatically
next sunset. if she’s slain. Dispel also
removes a curse, though
CORPSE SENSE each individual may only
Rank: Novice try once—if failed it’s
Power Points: 2 beyond her abilities.
Duration: 30 minutes „ ALTERNATE EFFECT
Trappings: Chanting, staring (+2): Instead of
into a mirror. becoming Fatigued,
This incantation allows the the caster might
caster to detect all Tiny or give the victim a
larger corpses (including undead) Minor Hindrance
of Tiny or larger within one mile instead (or a Major
(five with a raise). Once detected, the Hindrance with a raise on the
caster may also see and hear through their casting roll). She might make the
skulls if they have one. character Ugly, for example, or
Sentient undead may make a Spirit roll as unable to swim (Can’t Swim), or
a limited action each turn to eject the mage Clumsy. Physical curses, such as
from their mind. One Arm, may simply mean the
victim’s arm is sore, strained, or
MODIFIERS otherwise useless rather than
„ SPEECH (+1): The caster can speak actually missing.
through any or all non-animated skulls
or mindless undead.


EXORCISM it’s attached to. This is handy when a

Rank: Veteran house is haunted but the spirit senses
Power Points: Special danger and hides from ghost hunters, for
Range: Smarts example, or a demon hides in the nether
Duration: Permanent realm, tormenting some unfortunate soul
Trappings: Holy items, arcane symbols, through powers or other manipulations
handful of salt, other trappings specific to rather than direct manifestation.
the creature being expelled.
Banish temporarily rids the mortal world of
Rank: Novice
troublesome spirits, but permanently exiling
Power Points: 5
such entities requires more powerful magic.
Range: Self
Exorcism may only be cast as a ritual, and Duration: 5
only affects spirits such as demons, ghosts,
Petro loa are more aggressive or ill-tempered
or similar types of otherworldly beings
(GM’s call). This includes entities that have than rada loa, so they’re primarily useful in
possessed a mortal host. dangerous situations such as combat. Like
aspect of the rada loa, fury of the petro loa invites
Each round of the ritual is an opposed roll of these spirits into the voodooist’s body.
the caster’s arcane skill versus the creature’s
Spirit. If the entity is trapped in a binding Only one spirit may ride the
circle, the caster may add the circle’s bonus voodooist at once, though the caster
to her arcane skill rolls. Obviously it’s wise to may drop the spell at any time and
prepare when exorcising powerful beings— start another if she chooses.
an Elaborate binding circle and a few Other Aspects: Most loas
allies for Support are critical when have more than one aspect.
tangling with powerful creatures of Those listed here are the most
the netherworld! common favors requested
If the ritual fails, the caster’s by heroic voodooists.
components are destroyed but „ ERZULIE DANTOR:
she may try again once new Erzulie Dantor is an
components are gathered. If aspect of Erzulie Fréda
she’s successful, the entity is born of the bloody Haitian
permanently sent back to its Revolution. She appears as a
native plane (or destroyed, GM’s black Madonna with a scar
call). Certain clever or powerful on her cheek and a severed
beings may eventually find tongue—cut out to ensure
their way back to the mortal she kept the secrets of the
world, but this should be a revolution. Anyone ridden by
rare and difficult process. Erzulie gains a bleeding cut on
the tongue (no game effect) and
The Power Point cost is
the Vengeful (Minor) Hindrance
3 plus the target entity’s
for the Duration of the power.
Spirit die type if it’s a Wild
Card, or 3 plus half its Spirit die The fearful Dantor is a vengeful
type if it’s an Extra. Exorcising a Wild Card protector. Anyone who harms the
demon with a d8 Spirit, for example, costs voodooist (causes her to be Shaken,
11 Power Points. Stunned, or Wounded) must make
an immediate Spirit roll (at −2 if cast
MODIFIERS with a raise) or be Stunned.
„ UNSEEN FOE (+4): A character may
Targets of Erzulie’s rage see her
exorcise a spirit she can’t see as long as
ghostly visage emerge from the
she knows its general location (a small
voodooist. She races toward
house, floor of a large house, etc.) or
them, screeching with the stump of
has contact with an object or person
her severed tongue, eyes black as night


and blood-stained hands reaching out for Grave shroud transforms the target’s
vengeance. She passes through their form appearance and “aura” to that of a zombie.
and chills them to the very marrow…then It is very similar to disguise but the illusion
disappears. is restricted to shambling undead and it also
„ MARINETTE BWA CHECH (“Marinette covers the smell and general “aura” of such
of the Dry Arms”): This terrifying petro creatures.
loa is a tall, almost skeletal figure with Unwilling victims may be targeted with an
wild hair, mad eyes, and parched skin opposed arcane skill roll versus their Spirit.
wearing ragged, blood-stained clothes. Those affected look and smell like a walking
Those ridden by Marinette gain the Mean corpse. Near-mindless undead (such as
Hindrance. zombies and skeletons) treat the target as
Marinette extends her host’s Fighting one of their own. Intelligent undead (such as
attacks to Reach 2, and Str+d6, AP 2 if vampires) are likely to see the character as a
unarmed. The damage is increased to mindless minion unless given some reason
Str+d8 if cast with a raise. to look more closely. Then a Notice roll at −2
Anyone struck by the voodooist sees a (−4 if cast with a raise) detects the reality and
ghostly image of the horrific Marinette dispels the illusion.
transposed over the attacker, screaming In either case, creatures attacked by the
obscenities in her mad fury as she reaches “undead” defend themselves and fight back
out with her horrific dry arms and long, as fits the situation.
jagged claws.
„ MET KALFU: Kalfu is the dark side of „ ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The power
Papa Legba. He appears as a suave man may affect more than one target for 1
in a top hat with a forked tongue. He is additional Power Point each.
another loa of the crossroads between
worlds, with influence over dark spirits ILLUSIONARY HORRORS
and emotions. Those who invoke Kalfu Rank: Seasoned
gain the Ruthless (Minor) Hindrance. Power Points: 5
Voodooists who already have the Range: Smarts
Hindrance do not suffer the −2 to the Duration: One day
Spirit roll below. Trappings: The evil eye, spit, stealing a per-
As master of strange, spiritual energies, sonal possession of the accursed, tricking
Kalfu can sever a target’s ties with Fate someone into taking a cursed object.
itself. Any time a foe within 12” (24 yards) The curse twists the target’s mind so that she
spends a Benny and the voodooist wants sees horrors everywhere she looks. The effects
to counter it, he may make a Spirit roll at may be subtle: the eyes of a painting move to
−2 (or no penalty if cast with a raise). If watch her, a passing crow squawks her name,
successful, no Benny can be spent on that or some weapon or tool in the victim’s hand
roll. With a raise, the Benny is lost as well! appears covered with blood or ichor.
When an opponent’s luck is countered, The effects might also be dramatic: the victim
he sees a ghostly image of Kalfu greedily sees a terrifying hag in the shadows, a flock
drawing the energy into his mouth and of birds descends to peck at her, a video of
devouring it with glee. the hero dying appears on a television screen.
GRAVE SHROUD The power’s effects activate at the Game
Rank: Seasoned Master’s whim, or anytime the game is in
Power Points: 2 rounds and the victim’s card isn’t a face card.
Range: Smarts This causes her to be Distracted for that round,
Duration: 10 minutes but more importantly influences her behavior.
Trappings: Blood, rotten meat, garbage. The vision might “chase” the victim into a
trap, cause her to act hysterically in front of
others, make her drop something, and so on.


MODIFIERS Unlock may be used in place of Repair or

„ ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+2): The power Thievery (but not Strength) when attempting
may affect more than one target for 2 to unlock a container, door, or portal. It
additional Power Points each. ignores up to 4 points of penalties to the task,
and with a raise disarms any traps or alarms
LOCATE on the portal as well.
Rank: Novice Neither spell has any effect on barriers,
Power Points: 3 barricades, or blockages—only distinct
Range: Self objects which can be opened or shut.
Duration: 10 minutes
Trappings: A floating crystal over a map, MODIFIERS
message in the clouds, a ray of light. „ ALERT (+1): Lock only. If the magically
locked object is opened, the caster instantly
Sometimes it’s literally impossible to find
knows this happened (and which object
something via mundane means. Locate allows
was unlocked if multiple instances of this
the caster to find these hidden things.When
power are in effect). A being who speaks
casters use this power, they choose an object,
the password (determined at the time
creature, or location. If the caster has never
of casting) doesn’t set off the alert. This
seen the target, the roll is at −2.
warning lasts one day.
Success gives a sense of the general direction
and distance of the target. A raise also gives NIGHTMARES
an impression of the target (e.g., the creature Rank: Novice
is asleep, the object is in a strongbox, the Power Points: 2
secret door is behind a bookshelf). Range: Unlimited
MODIFIERS Duration: One week
„ FIND THE PATH (+1): In addition to the This insidious spell causes the victim to suffer
direction and distance to a target, the terrible nightmares. The caster must know
caster also has a supernatural sense of the name of the victim and possess something
the best or fastest way to navigate to its which belonged to him (like a lock of hair or
general area. item of clothing), but need not know his exact
LOCK/UNLOCK If successful, the victim has the Night Terrors
Rank: Novice Hindrance (page 7) until it’s dispelled or
Power Points: 1 expires, the caster terminates it, or the caster
Range: Smarts is slain.
Duration: Permanent (lock); Instant (unlock)
Trappings: A skeleton key, miming opening MODIFIERS
or locking a lock. „ SPECIFIC THEME (+1): For 1 Power Point
the caster may implant specific scenes
Lock magically seals a door, window, container,
or themes into the victim’s nightmares,
envelope, drawer, box, or other closeable item.
perhaps urging him to specific beliefs or
Any attempt to open a magically locked container,
door, or portal suffers a −4 penalty. Any further
attempts by a character automatically fail until SANCTUARY
he increases his skill, at which point he may
Rank: Novice
try again. A raise when magically locking
Power Points: 2
the container means it can only be unlocked
Range: Touch
via the unlock version of this power (at the
Duration: 5
−4 penalty listed above) or by dispelling the
Trappings: Words of power, holy symbol,
magical lock then picking the lock as usual.
glowing light.
The caster may set a passphrase when the
Sanctuary protects the righteous from the
lock is created; the portal opens for anyone
vile clutches of malignant entities. Any
who speaks the phrase and remains open
supernaturally evil creature attempting a
until the phrase is repeated.


damaging attack that affects the recipient If the caster has never seen the target herself,
must make a Spirit roll (at −2 if cast with a she makes her arcane skill roll at −2. Scrying
raise). If the roll fails, the creature loses that on a target in a different plane of existence
action. (The GM should use group rolls for also imposes a −2 penalty.
identical Extras.) Scrying is opposed by the subject’s Spirit. If
If anyone under the effects of sanctuary the target wins, he knows he’s being spied
attempts to harm another creature (evil or on. If the caster wins, he can see and hear the
otherwise), he loses the benefit of sanctuary target and the area around it but cannot move
instantly. his perspective. With a raise, he can shift
Sanctuary trumps any ward the caster may perspective and follow the target at a Pace 24.
be holding or protected by (see page 48). If A scrying “eye” may be seen with detect arcana.
the creature overcomes the sanctuary spell, it It may also be dispelled (at −2 if suspected but
ignores any wards that turn as well. not revealed).
„ AREA EFFECT (+2/+3): For +2 points the „ GROUP SIGHT (+1): The caster may share
power affects all allies within a Medium her perception with allies within a Range
Blast Template centered on the recipient. of Smarts for the power’s Duration.
For +3 points the area of effect is increased
to a Large Blast Template. SEANCE
 STRONG (+1): Spirit rolls by the creature are Rank: Seasoned
made at an additional −2. Power Points: 5
Range: Self
SCRYING Duration: Special
Rank: Seasoned Trappings: Ouija boards, personal items of
Power Points: 3 the spirit, seances.
Range: Self Seance allows a caster to speak to departed
Duration: 5 spirits. The spell must be directed toward
Trappings: Images on a reflected surface, a particular soul, so the caster must either
glowing eyes, a crystal ball. know the name of the deceased or possess
Scrying allows the caster to spy on a a personal item that belonged to them to
distant target. Preparing the spell takes attempt the seance.
one uninterrupted minute while the caster Ghosts, haunts, poltergeists, and the like
focuses on a target item, creature, or location. have a very limited view of the physical
This makes her Vulnerable and unable to take world, and an even lesser understanding of
any other actions. If she’s Shaken or Stunned the ethereal realm. They spend most of their
during this time, the spell fails. time drifting in a state of semi-consciousness,


only glimpsing occasional visions of the real

world. “Good” spirits find this peaceful and
only interact with the mortal realm if forcibly
TAG NO. called to it. Restless entities have a very
different take. They peer into the world of the
living far more often, seeking resolution for
their terrible lives, and are driven to madness
and violence. They actively attempt to reenter
the physical domain and take out their fury
WHAT DO on the living beings they find there.
GHOSTS KNOW? If the ritual is successful, the entity manifests
long enough to answer three questions to
This depends largely on the entity
the best of its ability (the answers are more
itself. Spirits essentially have “tunnel
specific with a raise). Then it fades back into
vision” to the physical world, so their
the void.
knowledge is generally confined to their
local area and things relating to their A Critical Failure when casting seance has
particular nature or past. an additional consequence—the entity (or
some other being pretending to be the entity!)
The ghost of a murdered lover likely
manifests nearby! What it does next depends
focuses entirely on the event of her
on its personality, but the being must be
death, how she gave her heart to her
bound and exorcised to return it to the spirit
beloved, how the diamond he gave her
sparkled in the night, then how her
lover’s hands later tightened on her MODIFIERS
throat when he grew into a jealous „ DEMONIC PRESENCE (+2): The caster can
rage. speak to other entities of the spirit realm,
A boy who died in a tragic accident including demons and devils.
might remember the red ball he used „ TASK (+2): Spirits are not demons—they
to throw up the stairs, the dog that have no compunction to bargain. But
accompanied him everywhere he went, sometimes a summoner can convince an
or the well he fell into on a blisteringly entity to carry out a minor task. The being
hot day. is summoned as described above, but
Murder victims may not always know rather than being asked questions may
the identity of their killers. Sometimes be asked to perform one relatively simple
they are taken by surprise or from task it can complete in less than an hour.
behind, slain from a distance, or the
murderer wore a mask or disguise. If
Rank: Seasoned
the seance power is available to the
Power Points: 3
party, think about how you might keep
Range: Self
it from spoiling the mystery without
Duration: 5
making it completely useless to them.
Trappings: A protective entity, protective
runes inked on the skin, a slight red aura.
OFFICE OF THE CORONER Violence begets violence, especially with this
vengeful evocation. Anytime the caster takes
one or more Wounds from a direct attack,
the attacker takes 1d6 damage per Wound
“I THI NK I HUR T inflicted. If an occultist blasts a witch with
SOMEONE.” spite for three Wounds, for example, he then
takes 3d6 damage.
–Arne, Spite triggers anytime someone causes the
The Conjuring: caster injury. This includes area effect spells,
for example, but wouldn’t include stabbing
The Devil Made Me Do It
oneself with an opponent’s blade.

F SUMMON A LLY The type of servant that can be sum­moned

Rank: Novice depends on the caster’s Rank. With the GM’s
Power Points: Special approval, the player may swap abilities. If
Range: Smarts a hero wants an attendant in the form of a
Duration: 5 wolf, for example, the caster might exchange
Trappings: Clay figure that grows into a the Shooting skill for Survival so that the
servant, a tattoo that comes to life. “animal” can track its foes.
This power allows the character to summon SUMMON ALLY
a magical servant from nothing. The ally SERVANT RANK COST
typically takes the form of a basic humanoid
of the appropriate Size but can appear Attendant Novice 1
differently based on the caster’s Trappings. Bodyguard Seasoned 3
It materializes anywhere in Range, and with a Sentinel Veteran 5
raise on the arcane skill roll, it’s Resilient as well.
Mirror Self Heroic 7
The ally acts on its creator’s Action Card
and follows her commands to the best of its MODIFIERS
ability. It has no personality, creativity, or  ADDITIONAL ALLIES (Varies): Additional
emotions. When the power ends or the ally allies of the same type may be summoned
is Incapacitated, it fades into nothingness, at the same time for half the Power Points
leaving no trace behind.

Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, The ally is a clone of the caster except: it’s
Strength d4, Vigor d4 an Extra; it has the same number of current
Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d4, Notice d4, Power Points as the caster after subtracting
Shooting d4, Stealth d6 for this casting; it cannot use the summon ally
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4 power; its skills (but not attributes) are one
Special Abilities: die type less (minimum d4) than the original;
„ Claws: Str+d4 it has identical mundane equipment (no
„ Construct: +2 to recover from being magical qualities, disappears when the power
Shaken; ignore 1 point of Wound expires); has the Construct and Fearless
penalties; doesn’t breathe, immune to abilities.
poison and disease.
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and SENTINEL
Intimidation. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Strength d12+2, Vigor d10
BODYGUARD Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d10, Intimida-
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, tion d10, Notice d8
Strength d8, Vigor d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 13 (4)
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Intimida- Edges: Arcane Resistance, Sweep (Imp).
tion d6, Notice d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d4 Gear: Melee attack (Str+d8).
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7 (2) Special Abilities:
Edges: First Strike „ Armor +4: Stone skin.
Gear: Melee attack (Str+d6). „ Construct: See Attendant.
Special Abilities: „ Fearless: Immune to Fear and
„ Armor +2: Hardened skin.
„ Construct: See Attendant. „ Size 2: Sentinels are 8’ tall and very dense.
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and


Rank: Veteran
Power Points: Special
Range: Smarts
Duration: No more than one week
SUMMONI NG Trappings: Pentagrams, black candles,
animal sacrifices.
SP EC I FI C DE MONS Most heroes would never seek to consort with
The Game Master may let the denizens of Hell, but occasionally, such a
summon some or all of the feat may be required in pursuit of some more
demons in
Chapter Six with the summon noble aim.
power, perhaps requiring Demons may only be summoned by ritual
and adventure to discover magic (page 72), and must be conjured
ritual components required inside a binding circle (prepared prior to
for each.
Put some thought into thi starting the ritual, see page 48).
s before
allowing the players to Each round of the ritual is an opposed roll of
do so, as
some of the creatures the the caster’s arcane skill versus the creature’s
re are
incredibly powerful. Of cou Spirit. The binding circle’s modifier applies
rse such
beings are deadly if mishan to the arcane roll each round of the ritual as
dled, and
even the humiliation of a well.
summoning isn’t forgotten—th
e being The Power Point cost is 3
might seek revenge later,
either plus the target entity’s
personally or through its
minions. Spirit die type if it’s a
Wild Card, or 3 plus
C I T Y half its Spirit die type if
it’s an Extra. Summoning
a Wild Card demon with a
d8 Spirit, for example,
costs 11 Power
cost of the original summons (total cost Points.
including modifiers, rounded up).
„ COMBAT EDGE (+1): The ally has
a Combat Edge (it must meet
the Requirements as usual).
You may take this modifier
up to three times per ally.
„ FLIGHT (+1): The ally can
fly at its base Pace.
The caster can increase
a Trait one die type
for 1 Power Point. She
may do this for as many
Traits as she likes, but
only once per Trait.
„ MIND RIDER (+1): The
caster can commun­icate
and sense through any
of the allies summoned in
this casting.


Failing the ritual means no demon is Few curses are as terrible as those that
summoned. A Critical Failure on any round transform the victim into something else—
of the ritual means the demon appears but is something hideous. Most monster hunters
not bound, usually going on a bloody assault know lycanthropes change into their animal
on those who summoned it! form at the full moon, but other horrors may
If the ritual is successful, the demon appears transform as well. One unfortunate soul may
inside the binding circle and is bound. If the find himself becoming a gurgling fish-man
caster got a raise on the final round of the while another slowly becomes an abominable
ritual, the demon is more powerful in some fly-like being.
way—it has an extra Wound, Edge, important This rare spell gives these miserable souls
Trait bump, or other ability the GM feels is an opportunity to recover their humanity and
appropriate. suppress the beast within.
Tasks: A bound demon can be offered its Once cast, a victim inflicted with lycanthropy
freedom in exchange for some task. The or some other transformative malady resists
demon must be able to reasonably perform the change or halts its progress for the next
the task even if it’s likely to result in its “death” 24 hours.
(which usually just returns it to wherever it
came from).
„ PERMANENT (+4): If cast as a ritual
Once the demon agrees to the bargain, the (page 72) the victim is permanently
summoner must break the binding circle cured of whatever affliction besets him.
and set it free. The demon is now bound This requires the heart or other vital
to the caster—it cannot directly harm the organ of a greater creature of the same
summoner and must attempt to perform its type in addition to the usual number of
task to the best of its ability (though it may components, which is consumed whether
create additional mischief if it can!). the ritual is successful or not.
Communication: Demons are not (generally)
telepathic. If the summoner plans on sending
the evil entity out of sight, he’d best give it
very specific instructions. Intelligent demons
may be given physical equipment (such as cell
phones or transmitters in modern settings),
but whether or not they actually use these
tools is entirely up to them.
Specialized Demons: Some demons might
require special offerings or knowledge
(such as their true name), can only agree
to specific requests, or have different terms “EVEN A MAN WHO IS
such as Duration or how they’re controlled. A
demon of vengeance, for example, may only PURE IN HEAR T,
be tasked with exacting vengeance of some
sort (the Black Coachman on page 107 is an
example of this). This is entirely up to the PRAY ERS BY NIGHT,
Game Master, the setting, and the description
of the creature. MAY BECOME A
Power Points: 3
Duration: One night
Trappings: Potion, runes drawn on body, MOON IS BRI GHT.”
circle of wolfsbane, silver coins over eyes. –Gwen Conliffe,
The Wolf Man

Arcane Items

ursed items are staples of many horror them eternal life. They were not subservient
tales. In this chapter are a number creatures, but free-willed undead. In modern
of relics, antiques, and artifacts you times, necromancers have altered the magic to
might use in your campaign. How such items create mindless guardian mummies, and use
appear—and the havoc they cause when they the bandages to punish wayward disciples
do—is often an adventure in itself! and create an army of undead.
Destroying Arcane Items: Dispel might
temporarily disenchant an item, but some BLOOD MONEY
cursed devices may only be destroyed in Blood money is physical currency paid to
certain ways—extreme heat (factory forge, someone who betrayed a close friend—and
volcano, etc.), doused in the blood of a saint, that betrayal resulted in the latter’s death. The
a dispel cast by ritual magic, and so on. This most famous blood money is Judas coins, the
is completely up to the Game Master and the 30 pieces of silver Judas was paid to betray
needs of the story, but should definitely be Christ.
difficult and risky.
A character who acquires blood money
senses its effects after a few hours. Anytime
BANDAGES OF ANUBIS the traitor takes an action that directly and
First created millennia ago by priests of negatively affects an ally, he adds +4 to his
Anubis, these seemingly innocent rolls of roll. This might be an attack, an opposed roll,
bandages are actually powerful necromantic or simply persuading some third party to
tools. Unfortunately for the victim, they must perform an action that will harm the target.
be applied while the person is alive. The traitor must be carrying one or more of
Once completely wrapped in the bandages, the actual bills or coins to be cursed. In the
the victim’s skin and muscles begin to modern era, he might carry a bank statement
desiccate. In a number of hours equal to the or check instead.
victim’s Vigor die type, the bandages bond Anyone using blood money pays a hellish
into his withered flesh, slowly turning him price. If the bonus is used a single time, the
into a guardian mummy (see page 149). If bearer is treated as a supernaturally evil
completed, the magic is irreversible and creature for purposes of Edges such as
extremely painful. Otherwise, it reverses in Champion or holy relics and powers that
a like amount of time. affect such beings.
In earlier days, priests and magicians
received this as a blessing, a way of granting


Removing the mask, once its existence is

suspected, requires a Wound caused by the
banish power. The victim also automatically
makes another attempt to break free of the
mask’s influence on the first night of each
full moon. With success he can pull the mask
from his face. With failure he remains a mad
cannibal for another lunar cycle.
Exactly how these masks are created is a
mystery, but many who have studied them
believe a demon or cannibal spirit is bound
into the mask through arcane rituals.

Made of white porcelain and painted in
the style of Japanese kabuki masks, these
foul items have no effect on the living, but
grants an undead wearer Invulnerability. No
damage of any type, magical or mundane,
BRAZIER OF can affect the undead so long as it wears the
mask. Explosions, gunfire, or other ranged
CONJURATION attacks never remove a mask—they can
Standing three feet high on a tripod base, only be pulled off by hand, which requires a
the inner surface of this black, iron brazier is successful grappling attack then an opposed
engraved with runes of opening. Strength roll at −2 (a separate action).
If filled with at least two pints of human As soon as the mask is removed, the undead
blood (in addition to any other ritual can be affected normally, whatever that
components), the brazier adds +2 to a caster’s means for the particular being.
arcane or Occult skill rolls during any ritual.
The cannibal mask is a painted, wooden face
Forged to protect warriors against demons,
mask, similar to those found in tourist shops
cold iron chainmail covers the torso, arms,
in many parts of Central Africa. Unfortunately
and legs of the wearer. The armor grants the
for anyone who wears it, this particular type
wearer +3 Armor as usual, and an additional
is cursed.
+3 against attacks made by demons, whether
As soon as the mask is placed on his face, the mundane (such as claws) or magical in origin.
wearer must make a Spirit roll at −8. Failure
means the mask melds into the victim’s flesh CORPSE DUST
and becomes part of his body—effectively
disappearing. Made from the ground bones of the dead and
enchanted with necromantic energy, corpse
From this moment on, the wearer develops
dust returns the dead to life—as undead. Each
a craving for human flesh. No other food,
pinch animates a corpse, either as a zombie
including other forms of meat, satisfies the
or skeleton, depending on how much flesh
victim’s hunger. Once every 24 hours, he
must devour a pound of flesh. If he doesn’t,
he goes into a mad rage until he consumes The dust is usually found in skin bags
twelve pounds of flesh. During such a rage, containing 1d6 doses. The undead remain
his Strength increases two die types and his active for 12 hours or until destroyed. They
canines descend, giving him a bite attack follow the verbal directions of whoever raised
(Str+d4). them implicitly and without question.

Arcane I tems

of time spent gazing at her reflection—20

DIARY OF A MADMAN minutes, 40 minutes, and so on.
This unique item has been attributed to many The more she looks, the more powerful
madmen throughout the ages, though in the mirror becomes. It begins talking to her
reality it is not the work of a single person, through her reflection, mimicking her and
but a collection of writings from numerous convincing her to commit acts of evil.
authors, all totally insane. When the viewer finally acquires a Major
Contained within the pages of gibberish Psychosis and fails to overcome it at midnight,
and mad ramblings are many secrets. A the doppelganger mirror is powerful enough
reader can use the diary to get a bonus to any to emerge as its own spirit. It takes the form
Smarts-based skill roll, but he risks losing a of the viewer and begins a reign of terror that
little piece of his mind each time he does so. lasts until one of them—the body double or
The reader simply states what bonus he the original—perishes, at which point the
wants, from +1 to +6. After making his roll, doppelganger is returned to the mirror and
he must then make a Spirit roll with a penalty seeks a new owner.
equal to the bonus he gained.
Failure means the reader must roll on the ELIXIR OF LOVE
Fear Effects table (page 43) at +2. A Critical Anyone who drinks this sweet-tasting love
Failure means he rolls at +4. potion immediately falls in love with the first
person he sees. Until the effect is dispelled, the
DOPPELGANGER victim adds +2 to Support rolls to help the
target of his affection. Unfortunately, he is
MIRROR also completely, totally, head-over-heels
Majestic and strangely alluring, this full-sized obsessed with his beloved. He won’t leave her
mirror catches the eye with its heavy Rococo side, becomes insanely jealous over any other
frame and lustrous sheen. Its origins are a hint of affection, and is quick to violence if
mystery, as there are no signatures or other the target is threatened, insulted, or slighted
telltale markings to indicate its provenance. in any way.
Anyone in the room with the mirror feels This may not be romantic love—it may be
compelled to look at it. Resisting the urge is platonic, maternal, etc.
just a matter of willpower and doesn’t require The elixir may be negated with the dispel
a roll, but the mirror has its own built-in power at −4, though each caster may only
reward: Those who gaze into its clear glass ever try once per subject.
see themselves as more attractive, more fit,
more appealing. FLAIL OF UNHEA LING
The effect is subtle but powerful. As long as
a viewer dedicates 10 minutes to staring at FLESH
her reflection in the mirror, she temporarily This cursed weapon is a cat-o-nine-tails
gains +2 to Persuasion and Intimidation tipped with metal barbs. In combat, it acts
rolls, a boon which lasts until the stroke of as a flail and leaves deep, weeping wounds
midnight. This stacks with anything else that that cannot be healed with first aid or magic—
grants a similar benefit. only natural healing works.
Of course, there’s a price to pay. The
viewer also acquires a Minor Psychosisis FORBIDDEN LORE
(or a Major one if she already has a Minor Knowledge “Man Was Not Meant to Know” is
Psychosis). At midnight the viewer rolls Spirit sometimes found in obscure books, treatises,
to recover from the Psychosis. Failure means or texts that describe some dark and ancient
it’s permanent (though it can be eliminated evil. The information is often disguised
during Downtime as usual). in ciphers, codes, or dead languages and
Each time the viewer wishes to gain the provides great insight into its subject matter
mirror’s “gift” she must double the amount but might cost its reader her sanity!


Forbidden lore typically has an atmospheric

name that inspires dread and awe in those FRANKENSTEIN’S
who find it. A book about vampires might LABORATORY
be called a Codex of Night Fiends, the Study
of Those Creatures Which Require Blood, or the Whether the original equipment or recreated
Cyclopedia of Sanguinary Horrors. A scroll on from Dr. Frankenstein’s notes, his generator,
Japanese oni (demons) might be The Seven slab, and potent mix of chemicals is good for
Leaping Fiends of Igo. just one thing—making a monster!
The form of the lore depends on the setting. Creating a monster takes time and money
In a sci-fi game it may be fragmentary texts in addition to Frankenstein’s equipment.
from a lost civilization, data files, or even The doctor (if one can call him that) must
instruction manuals on bizarre topics. In a spend $100,000 over nine months making his
fantasy campaign, lore may be the tome of monster. He then makes a Healing roll.
a foul lich or vile necromancer. In a modern With success, he creates a corpse golem
day monster hunter tale, the lore might come (page 134). The creature is free-willed but
in the form of a ledger made from human has an almost animal level of intelligence. For
skin and inked in the blood of its writer’s each raise on the roll, the creature gains one
victims. An Egyptian text detailing The Rise die in Smarts (max d12). This isn’t necessarily
of Sobek might be written on tanned crocodile a good thing, for once the thing realizes what
skin, while a mariner’s sighting of some be- it is it’s likely to be a little upset!
tentacled humanoid stalking the high seas With a Critical Failure the creature still
might be carved in scrimshaw. comes to life but has the Suspicious (Major)
Reading the lore reflects obsessive study that Hindrance and acute psychopathic tendencies.
takes 2d6+2 dedicated hours (or an amount of
time set by the GM). The bearer is compelled GRANDFATHER CLOCK
to read and reread the text in excessive detail, Often found ticking away in abandoned
including any hidden or coded messages that houses, these devices are not ordinary
may (or may not!) lie within. He is a believer timepieces. Their relentless ticking slowly
in its authenticity and desires to protect and gets under the skin of those nearby. Anyone
shelter the text from harm. Whether this is within auditory range (usually 6” or 12 yards)
to further learn its mysteries, to keep others suffers a −2 penalty to Spirit rolls.
from learning them, or simply to be the only
one who knows its strange secrets is up to the Some particularly powerful grandfather
player and the nature of the lore. clocks have the ability to create a minor pocket
dimension around themselves. The clock’s
Those who complete the reading must make face is normal during the day, but at night
a Smarts roll at −2 (or −4 if the subject matter the viewer notices the numbers go up to 13.
is particularly terrifying). Success leaves After midnight, those within auditory range
the reader disturbed but has no long-term must make a Spirit roll or be shunted into
consequences. Failure causes a permanent another world, one which looks exactly like
Minor Psychosis (or Major with a Critical our own but is completely uninhabited—save
Failure); the GM can choose or use the table for undead or stranger monsters. The victims
on page 44. are trapped in this world for exactly one hour,
In exchange for this risk, the bearer gains returned (alive or dead) to the mortal world
two benefits: He ignores all Fear checks when the clock strikes one.
relating to the subject matter or creatures
covered by the text (determined by the GM), GRAVE DUST
and knows the details of a single creature or
type of creature detailed in the lore, including This dark, gritty dust is made from the burnt
all strengths, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities. bones of skeletons and energized with dark
power. It is used to communicate with the
This is often the only way to defeat certain dead, not animate them.
powerful beings who have managed to hide
their weaknesses from the world!

Arcane I tems

The dust must be sprinkled on the remains

of the deceased, a personal item, or his grave SAMPLE GRIMOIRES
marker, then the user makes a Spirit roll. With
success, a ghostly voice makes itself known
and may be questioned. This functions The Book of the Dead: A large tome
exactly like the seance spell as if it were cast from an ancient culture—usually Egypt or
with a raise. Babylonia—that contains rites and rituals
of the dead. It contains boost/lower Trait
Grave dust is usually found in batches of (undead only), and zombie.
1d4 doses.
Book of the Writhing One: This
Grave dust can be made by a character who massive, twelve-pound book contains a
has found the proper recipe, obtains human long, rambling, and mostly unintelligible
bones, and has access to modest chemical or history of Vralkresh (see page 116), a dark
alchemical equipment. Doing so requires six god worshiped by various cults through
hours and an Occult roll at −4. Each success the last millenia. If read in a ritual with at
and raise creates one dose. least 13 assistants, it casts summon demon,
specifically drawing Vralkresh to the
GRIMOIRES mortal realm.
Grimoires are books, scrolls, or texts The Dark Scripture: Crafted in human
containing magical spells, miracles, or arcane skin, this journal details the summoning,
designs. The exact contents are up to the binding, and banishing of demons. It
Game Master but most contain 1d6 powers. contains summon ally, banish, and summon
When a character with an Arcane demon.
Background takes the New Powers Edge, she Liber Timor: Also known as the Book of
takes two powers as usual, and she may take Terrors, this book casts the fear spell with
one bonus power from any she’s found in a an added effect—all sentient beings in
grimoire. The additional power must be at or sight are affected by the spell.
below her Rank and available to her Arcane Scrolls of the Unseen: This scroll can
Background as usual. only be read once. If successfully cast, it
Some grimoires may be enchanted like turns all allies within arm’s length invisible
scrolls, allowing the user to cast the spells for three days.
inside once each, after which the grimoire
is usually destroyed or inert until recharged
somehow—a day, a week, the next solstice, One may “light” the fingers and thumb of
the death of the reader, etc. (see page 96). the hand just like candles, turning the hand
into a macabre candelabrum. When all five
HAND OF FATE digits are lit, the hand has the stun power and
This wizened, mummified human hand is 10 Power Points. The wielder uses Spirit as his
horrifying to behold and clammy to the arcane skill. When depleted, the flames flicker
touch. Carrying the odious object leaves the out and cannot be relit until the next nightfall.
bearer adrift on the fickle currents of fate and
Any time a player character with the Hand Whether painstakingly crafted by a
of Fate spends a Benny to reroll a skill, he rolls deranged hobbyist or willed into existence
a d6. On a 5–6, he gets the Benny back. On a by a supernatural entity, these miniature
1, he loses all his remaining Bennies. toy houses are both an impressive display of
miniature art and a frightening intersection
HAND OF GLORY between our world and whatever lies beyond.
This sinister item is fashioned from the Haunted dollhouses resemble tiny homes,
severed hand of a hanged man. It is shriveled complete with furniture, décor, walls, and
and dried, often contained inside a small floors—and sometimes tiny figures of the
wooden box. home’s occupants—all in miniature scale.


Some haunted dollhouses might even appear The watch grants a reroll when rolling the
like a scaled-down version of the real home Healing skill. In addition, when a character
in which they are found, right down to the holding the pocket watch is Incapacitated, the
smallest detail. watch begins to tick, delaying the wielder’s
Anyone who sleeps near a haunted roll to survive for five rounds—a number of
dollhouse wakes to find a new doll in the seconds equal to the lives Oberle saved.
house—one resembling themselves. Seeing
this for the first time calls for a Fear check. HELLFIRE BLADE
Every 2d12 hours (when not being observed), Crafted from black metal not found on Earth,
whatever spirit is tied to the dollhouse or the quenched in the blood of virginal sacrifices,
local environment moves the dolls inside, and inscribed with runes of fire, hate, and
arranging them in new configurations. pain, the hellfire blade is, quite literally, a
Some ghosts use these to retell past real-life weapon from the depths of Hell.
tragedies or to reveal events yet to come. When drawn, green hellfire erupts along the
Seeing one’s own doll being attacked, blade and crackles with demonic fury. Any
chased, injured, or even slain in one of these victim struck by it has a chance of catching
dioramas calls for a Fear Check at –2. For the fire (see Savage Worlds). The weapon is
next day, the hapless character cannot spend magical and gives the user +2 to Fighting
Bennies should she encounter the real-life rolls and +4 damage, or +8 against angelic or
version of that scene! “holy” creatures.
Destroying a doll that represents a living Good creatures who attempt to wield it are
person automatically deals Fatigue (this may Distracted and take 2d6 damage every round!
cause Incapacitation). It’s a futile gesture Hellfire blades are typically wielded by
anyway, for the next morning there’s a new powerful demons in their war against divine
doll to take its place! forces. They are prized by such beings, and
In some cases, sleeping near a haunted wielding one often draws their attention.
dollhouse causes the character to experience
vivid, terrifying dreams in which he gradually HOCKEY MASK
realizes he’s doll-size and trapped in the
dollhouse. Some particularly strong haunts
can cause this nightmare scenario to become Beloved by chainsaw-wielding serial killers
more than just a dream... everywhere, this sinister relic is a hockey
mask stained with the blood of countless
THE HEARTBEAT’S victims. The horrid thing grants Fast
Regeneration (unless the Wounds were
POCKET WATCH caused by fire) and the Bloodthirsty
This beautifully crafted, 19th- Hindrance to the wearer, turning
century, silver pocket watch seems him into an unstoppable killing
silent and broken. Originally owned machine.
by a Swiss emergency surgeon The regeneration ability heals as
named Elias Oberle, the watch normal, but the visible and ghastly
timed every procedure the effects of the wearer’s wounds
doctor performed. might remain for a while. If a
Oberle’s skill with a blade was hockey mask-wearing fiend is
so magnificent his peers often sliced with a katana, for example,
joked he must have sold his soul he might heal the Wound for
to the devil for the skill. game purposes but retain a nasty
It’s unclear if any such gash congealed with thick red
infernal pact was made, blood. This is purely a visual effect
but the watch soaked in but is important for the tone and
every moment of near-death atmosphere in most cases where a
Oberle staved off. mask like this might be used.

Arcane I tems

Removing the mask requires a successful In game terms, the mirror grants a +2, +4,
grappling attack then an opposed Strength or +6 bonus to Occult rolls, the bonus being
roll at −2 (a separate action). This might not dependent on the size of the mirror. It can
change the nature of the fiend beneath if he also be used to divine the future, as discussed
was already a psychotic killing machine! under Signs and Portents on page 46.
The mirror may be asked a question only
JACK’S SCA LPEL once every 24 hours.
Whether or not this scalpel really belonged If it is ever broken, the last person to ask it
to Jack the Ripper is questionable, but it a question suffers 4d10 damage!
certainly has all the hallmarks of being the
item which caused his murder spree in 1888. MANACLE OF THE
Once grasped, the holder must make a Spirit INQUISITION
roll at −2 or fall under the scalpel’s insidious
spell. He develops a hatred of women that This heavy iron manacle was once used by
inflicts −4 to all Persuasion rolls when dealing the terrible torturers of the feared Spanish
with them. Worse, once per month from dusk Inquisition. If the band is snapped into place
till dawn, he loses control and becomes a on the wrist of a living being, it magically
homicidal maniac under the Game Master’s locks and cannot be removed until the
control. manacle releases the victim (see below).
While in this state, the victim’s Strength When a character wearing the manacle
increases two die types. The scalpel causes makes a Trait roll, he may choose the result
Str+d4 damage, or Str+d10 damage against of one die used in that roll instead of rolling it
women. The scalpel cannot be dropped while (other dice are rolled as normal). This means
the wielder is in his rage, but if the hand you can make that die Ace, then roll normally
itself is amputated or destroyed it falls to the for the Ace result.
ground and the wielder regains his senses— Each time the character uses this effect,
whatever those might be. however, spikes shoot from the inside of the
During the rest of the month, the wielder is manacle into the wearer’s wrist and he takes
quiet and secretive about his blade. He might a Wound that cannot be Soaked or healed by
hide it somewhere special and will certainly any means as long as the manacle is worn.
guard it with his life if it is threatened—even If the victim is Incapacitated or rolls a
if he knows what it’s doing to him. Critical Failure, the manacle releases him and
Removing the curse requires the destruction cannot be worn by that individual again.
of the scalpel—most likely in a furnace or
other source of heat capable of melting metal MARK OF THE DEMON
to a pure liquid state. The Mark of the Demon is a powerful item of
great evil, and yet appears as nothing more
JADE MIRROR than a slip of parchment. The paper is blank
Created by priests of the Aztec god unless read by the light of the moon, at which
Tezcatlipoca, whose name means “Smoking time silvery writing in an unknown language
Mirror,” these jade mirrors come in a variety appears.
of sizes. The smallest measures only six At the stroke of the next midnight, the
inches across, whereas the largest stands over magic contained in the paper conjures forth
six feet tall with a width of half that. a terrible demonic entity known as a collector
When smeared with the blood of a sentient (page 118). This beast of Hell has only one
sacrifice and illuminated by the light of the purpose—to find and slay the possessor of
full moon, the owner can ask the mirror the Mark of the Demon.
questions related to occult matters. Answers Obviously, villains take great care to ensure
appear on the surface, either in writing or as their victim is slipped the paper unawares,
warped images. such as in a coat pocket, and then take almost


ludicrous measures to ensure the target does Asia. Variations from Africa or South America
not return the paper to them somehow. might also exist.
Destroying the paper ends the spell It might look innocuous, but the Monkey’s
immediately—as long as the demon has not Paw has the ability to grant three wishes to
yet materialized. whomever possesses it. Often, the owner
The demon appears within 4d6 yards of doesn’t know about this power until he
its victim, whom it can sense through its accidentally states his desire in the form of
Unnatural Senses. It remains on Earth until an “I wish...” statement. When each wish
its victim is killed, it is banished with magic, is granted, one of the monkey’s fingers
or it is destroyed in the course of its duties. straightens out, as if counting the number.
Such a powerful boon comes at a terrible
MONKEY’S PAW price. The Monkey’s Paw always perverts the
owner’s wish in some way, though honoring
The Monkey’s Paw is the severed, mummified
it to the letter. Dead relatives wished back to
hand of a macaque with its fingers and thumb
life return as zombies, for instance. Or the
curled inward. Its origin is a mystery, but
owner wishing for wealth might find a money
most certainly originates from southeast
stash left by the mafia—who come back to
TAG NO. The third wish is the worst, and often

results in the death—or complete mental
breakdown—of the owner, after which the
ATTACH TO DECEASED’S TOE Monkey’s Paw finds its way into someone
else’s life. One way or another, it offers no
A DEMON BY ANY additional benefits after the third wish.
OTHER NAM E The Monkey’s Paw may be destroyed, but
it always comes back somewhere, often to
The Game Master must determine if plague anyone who cast it aside or “beat” it
other types of evil spirits are “demons” at its own game!
for purposes of spells, powers, and
arcane items. MOONBLADE
In Islamic legend, for example, King
These foul weapons are any bladed weapon
Solomon was a powerful magician who
inset with the tooth of a werewolf. The tooth
bound evil jinn into copper jars. (A
must be ripped out under a full moon while
puzzle box might just as easily be
the beast still lived then embedded in the
one of these fabled copper jars!) Jinn
weapon’s hilt. If a living, human victim who
(or “djinn”) are generally considered
takes at least one Wound from a moonblade,
“demons” in game terms, as are oni,
is Incapacitated and survives, he transforms
yökai, malicious nature spirits, and
into a werewolf on the night of the next full
other evil entities. Most come from
dark netherworlds (some version of
Hell), but some may dwell entirely in the
material world depending on their lore.
The distinction is important so the GM Said to have been penned by Lucifer himself,
can decide if certain binds and wards, the Music Infernalis is a musical score with
the banish spell, or items like puzzle a deservedly vile reputation. Many classical
boxes affect or include the creature. musicians claim it is unplayable, but they lie.
If so, the GM might also want to add Any character trying to play the score must
them to the Random Demons table, or make a Performance roll at −6. With success,
even replace it to reflect regional lore. he summons a demon of the Game Master’s
choice (each type has its own “theme music,”
C I T Y M O R G U E it seems).

Arcane I tems

Controlling the demon is a separate affair, Keeping the Necronomicon around has
but it’s summoned into a binding circle another downside. As long as it remains in
if there is one within 12” (24 yards) of the one’s possession (or a group’s, shared library,
musician. etc.), the individual (or group) cannot attempt
to remove Psychoses during Downtime. The
THE NECRONOMICON Necronomicon has a way of slowly driving
mad those who possess it...
There are many dark grimoires, but only
one Necronomicon—the legendary “Book of
the Dead” purported to have been penned NIGHTMARE STONE
thousands of years ago by the insane Arab, Nightmare stones are cursed items, often
Abdul Alhazred. slipped into the pockets of victims by
Though many copies have been made in the nefarious sorcerers.
eons since its creation (with varying degrees of These cursed items activate every night
accuracy), they pale in comparison to the when the “owner” goes to sleep, giving him
original, a heavy, atlas-sized folio bound terrible nightmares per the
in strange, unidentifiable leather nightmares spell with the
which apparently Specific Theme modifier.
hasn’t aged at all. This also means the
Inside are person who “gifted”
hundreds the target may
of pages of insinuate what
text detailing kinds of
the origin of nightmares
eldritch beings, his enemy
occult incantations, suffers.
illustrations of dark The nightmares
horrors, and other stop if the stone is found and cast aside.
passages—all in OPTOGRAPH
Alhazred’s semi-legible
handwriting. This portable machine looks much like an
old box camera from the late 1800s, but has
The Necronomicon holds a trove of
a special purpose: It allows the user to view
forbidden lore (see “Forbidden Lore” on
the last thing seen by a dead body.
page 87). As other tomes of its kind, it
requires 2d6+2 hours of close study and To operate an optograph, the user extends
those who complete the reading must make an “accordion”-style lens and positions
a Smarts roll at –4. With success they may it right over a corpse’s open eye (a special
gain the benefits of forbidden lore, or one of tripod allows the lens to point downward
the following alternatives: if needed). Upon opening the aperture, the
optograph takes a “photo” of the deceased’s
„ ANCIENT RITUAL: Gain access to one
final vision—burned, as it were, on their
power of any Rank for a ritual (see
“Ritual Magic” on page 72).
Naturally, this only works for fresh corpses
„ ARCANE POWER: Learn one bonus power
which have not yet begun to decay. The
when taking the New Powers Edge, as
visions degrade after 3d6 hours unless the
per a grimoire (see “Grimoires” on page
eye is preserved.
89). The Necronomicon contains most
powers (GMs call). A special attachment converts the optograph
into a camera obscura, instead projecting the
„ ELDRITCH SECRETS: Boost Occult by one
corpse’s final vision onto a nearby screen.
die type, or two with a raise. This lasts
While it cannot be recorded, this method isn’t
until the next time the reader sleeps, after
limited to a still image, but shows the final
which the memory fades.
1d10 minutes of the victim’s life.


completely destroyed so is he regardless of

Made from a strange dark metal of unknown
origin, this thin headband grants an unnatural POTIONS
insight into the spirit realm. Drinking one of these magical elixirs is an
At the start of combat, and anytime the action and produces the listed effects.
Action Deck is shuffled, look at the top 10 „ DARKSIGHT: Ignore all Illumination
cards of the deck. Put those cards back in any penalties for one hour.
order. Action Cards are dealt to the left of the
„ HEALING: Automatically heals one
GM, in order, when the diadem is used.
Wound and all Fatigue.
If the wearer is ever dealt the lowest card in
„ POWER: Restores 10 Power Points.
a round, the diadem causes an automatic roll
on the Fear Effects table at +2 (page 44). It „ QUICKNESS: Grants the Quick Edge for

then rejects the wearer and she can no longer one minute.
benefit from its dark visions ever again. „ STRENGTH: Increases Strength two die
types for one hour.
This simple-looking hatchet has been at the
A portrait of immortality is a painting imbued
center of horrible crimes throughout history.
with the unholy power to grant the owner a
The cleaver latches onto its host’s emotions,
limited form of immortality. Disease, poison,
enhancing them and granting increased
Wounds, and even aging cause no harm to the
physical prowess.
owner. Instead, all the effects are transferred
to the painting, which steadily changes to When a character picks up the weapon, he
represent the terrible injuries inflicted on the must make a Spirit roll at −4. With failure, the
owner’s body. character becomes host to the cursed weapon
and gets a free reroll on any failed Fighting
In game terms, the owner becomes immune
roll while using the bloody blade.
to poison and disease, does not require air to
breathe, needs no food or drink to survive Unfortunately, the butcher is driven to wield
(though most do still partake), suffers no the thing in combat and gains the Bloodthirsty
ill effects from aging, and Hindrance until he murders a family member
has invulnerability to or close friend. Once that tragedy occurs,
all forms of damage, be the cleaver’s hunger is sated.
they mundane or arcane. The user loses the Bloodthirsty
In short, nothing can harm Hindrance and the weapon
the owner—except the loses its powers until picked
portrait itself. up by another.
The character is forever The user can toss the cleaver
tied to the well-being of his aside or even destroy it, but
canvas. Damage caused to his Hindrance remains and it
it is likewise reflected on returns to his hand whenever
the character. If it is slashed danger looms.
(Toughness 4), a Wound
appears in the same location POSSESSED DOLL
on the owner’s flesh, if the Dummies, dolls, and even action
painting is destroyed, so is the figures can all become repositories
subject. for malignant presences. They
The subject may spend may be ghosts, minor demons,
Bennies to Soak damage as or other entities, but all look to
usual even if he is nowhere bring disaster on the house they
near the painting, but if it’s dwell in.

Arcane I tems

A haunted doll can create illusions RANDOM DEMONS

throughout the home in which it “lives.” It
retains these powers to some degree if taken
out of the home, though they are typically 1 Collector Demon
much more confined in space and frequency. 2 Demonic Steed
Haunted dolls may house any of the spiritual 3 Demon Worm
entities described in Chapter Six (page 101)
4 d4 Gladiator Demons
such as ghosts or possessor demons, or they
may be marionette golems (page 134), but 5 Gluttony Demon
they also carry a particularly cruel curse in 6 Librarian Demon
addition to their illusory powers. Any roll
of 2 (total) becomes a Critical Failure while 7 Pazuzu
the doll’s “enemies” are within its domain or 8 Plague Demon
within 12” (24 yards) of it outside the home. 9 Possessor Demon

PUZZLE BOX 10 Seducer

11 d4+1 Spined Demons
Inspired by Chinese puzzle boxes, these
wooden or metal cubes are actually keys to 12 d4+1 Torment Demons
Hell that allow the denizens of that fiery place
to appear in the mortal world.
affected. These bonuses stack with the Arcane
A character wishing to solve the puzzle box Resistance and Improved Arcane Resistance
must spend at least one minute manipulating Edges.
its various faces, then make a Smarts roll at
−6. Failure means a random demon from RINGS OF THE ETERNA L
the table below appears unrestrained and
may wreak havoc as it wishes. A Critical BROTHERHOOD
Failure means a gateway to Hell opens and These cursed rings are often tied to fraternal
d6 random demons pour out before it closes orders, cults, or other organizations that tend
again. to inspire zealotry in their members. Anyone
With success, the puzzle box summons a wearing one of these rings gains a free reroll
random demon from the table below. The on Persuasion rolls made against anyone
demon must serve the summoner for one currently or formerly of the order.
day, or five days with a raise. It must obey Many rings indicate the rank of the member
the summoner’s commands and attempt any wearing it, and grant a +2 bonus to Persuasion
tasks to the best of its ability, even if it results rolls when interacting with someone of a
in its destruction. If it can create additional lower rank who’s also in the order.
mischief while doing so, it likely will.
More importantly, whenever a wearer of
the ring suffers one or more Wounds, he can
RING OF MAGICA L make a Spirit check at −2. With success he’s
WARDING unharmed and a random member of his order
(of lower rank) takes the Wounds instead!
These silver bands contain a single topaz, a
stone renowned for its properties in warding
off magic.
They are valued by priests and sorcerers
alike for the protection they grant against START WI TH A
supernatural powers.
The wearer gains 4 points of Armor against
damage-causing arcane powers and adds –The Invisible Man
+4 to his Trait rolls when resisting opposed
powers. Even friendly arcane powers are


An adventurer who manages to fall asleep

SACRIFICIA L KNIFE within the candle’s light dreams he is inside
Favored by cultist priests and servants of his murderous shadow. He can’t direct its
dark gods, the curved blade of a sacrificial actions, only witness its foul deeds. Sleepers
knife is usually made from some hellish beast in the light of one or more shadow candles
and engraved with runes of death and magic. can’t be awakened by any means while
the candles remain lit. Once all candles are
The blade is magical and can harm ethereal
doused or burn out any sleepers awaken and
beings and other monsters otherwise immune
the killer shadows disappear.
to nonmagical damage. It also grants a +2
bonus to damage (Str+d4+2).
It has a far more useful power for spellcasters.
For each Wound the blade inflicts, 1d6 Power During the Age of Sail, ships regularly
Points are stored within its unholy runes. featured an ornamental figurehead affixed
As the number of Power Points increases, to the bow. These took many shapes, most
the runes glow red, starting with a barely often mythological beings such as Greek gods,
noticeable sheen and rising to a blazing dragons, mermaids, unicorns, and the like.
hellfire when full. The blade can store a total Superstition held that the figurehead
of 15 Power Points, which can be used by the guarded the ship by keeping watch for reefs,
wielder to power his spells as long as he holds storms, doldrums, and heavy surf.
it. Of course, most are just inert bits of carved
and painted wood. But some figureheads are
SCROLLS enchanted through witchcraft or other dark
Each scroll has a power of the Game Master’s arts. Still others become haunted by elemental
choosing inscribed onto it, including Power spirits, phantoms of deceased crewmembers,
Modifiers if listed in its description. A or other mysterious entities.
character must hold the scroll and may not Attaching one of these figureheads to a ship
read more than one scroll per turn. grants reroll on the ship’s Boating rolls.
Reading a scroll is an action and requires a The flip side is that the ship traps the spirits
Smarts roll or arcane skill roll (caster’s choice). of anyone who died on board, preventing
If the roll is successful, the power activates them from passing on. The vessel then
and the scroll fades, crumbles, or is otherwise becomes known for strange happenings—
rendered inert. odd whisperings at night, or glimpses of
A reader may try again if the roll fails, but a shadowy figures in the rigging.
Critical Failure means the scroll crumbles to Unless laid to rest, the souls of her collected
dust without activating the power. dead come with the figurehead if it is ever
transferred to a new vessel.
SHADOW CANDLES Should the ship bearing a figurehead ever
Shadow candles are a gruesome reddish sink, the curse is sealed. The figurehead
color. Once lit, the flame burns bright red inevitably washes up on shore, looking for
for 2d4 hours, casting a strong light in a 5” a new host. However, once a year on the
(10 yards) radius that automatically repels anniversary of its sinking, the ghostly crew
all Ethereal creatures. The light is so bright come looking for the figurehead, slaying
that nothing within its radius casts a shadow. anyone who possesses it, and returning it to
The shadows of those within the light don’t the sea once more.
just disappear, they turn into “shadow killers”
(see page 157) that prowl the local landscape. SILVER CLAWS
The shadows start in darkness near the candle, Designed for the monstrous hands of a
and then move outward in search of blood werewolf, these leather gloves are tipped
until the flame is snuffed or the candle burns with silver claws, the relic of some rivalry or
out entirely. war fought between the savage monsters.

Arcane I tems

A werewolf with these gloves treats its The staff has 20 Power Points and grants
claw attacks as silvered weapon, but a the fear and zombie powers, which require
Critical Failure on a Fighting roll means the Spellcasting to use.
lycanthrope damages himself!
Soul candles must be tied to a specific
These simple looking devices are blessed by
individual during creation. This is usually
truly pious priests and given to those they
achieved by adding a lock of hair or a few
charge with some terrible task—such as
drops of blood to the hot wax.
destroying a powerful monster.
Once lit, the candle burns for 2d4 hours,
They grant the user +2 Toughness versus
during which time the benefactor (the one for
direct attacks from supernaturally evil
whom the candle was made) gains the Hard
creatures, their powers, and spells.
to Kill and Improved Nerves of Steel Edges.
Although lighting extra candles doesn’t TEMPLAR BLADE
increase the potency of the magic, it does
allow an ally to extend the Duration of The Knights Templar were actively
the power by lighting a new candle as engaged in the destruction of cults
one burns down. across Europe and the Holy Land.
One key weapon in their war
THE SOUL- against evil were swords of cold iron
emblazoned with holy runes. It is said
KILLER GUN the Templars discovered the secrets to
This unique artifact is a multi-barreled forging these blades in the catacombs
pistol originally crafted in the fifteenth beneath the Temple of Solomon, though
century. Unusually for the time, it has no record of any such discovery exists
a breach mechanism and bullets. The today.
barrel of the gun and the wooden stock The long swords grant the user +2 to
are inscribed with foul runes. It gives Fighting and damage against demons. In
off wisps of sulfurous smoke even if it’s the presence of demons or demonic magic
unloaded. (about 10 yards), the symbols on the sword
The gun’s Range is 12/24/48. It doesn’t glow hellish red.
roll damage, but instead destroys what it
hits, completely and forever. Unless the VAMPIRE’S COFFIN
shot hits with a raise, a target may attempt Vampire coffins are filled with soil from the
to Evade the fateful bullet but even if creature’s homeland. The vampire adds +2
successful is Stunned by the near miss. to its Notice rolls to avoid Surprise and
Apart from finding the Soul-Killer Gun regains one Wound per hour spent sleeping
in the first place, its main limitation is its in its coffin.
bullets. The rounds are as unique as the Since coffins are relatively flimsy
weapon itself, and only one to three are (Toughness 4) and can be made unusable
ever found with it. by placing holy water or a cross inside, most
vampires keep several spare coffins hidden
STAFF OF THE around their lands to ensure their continued
NECROMANCER existence.
Stronger coffins (Toughness 8) are available,
This feared relic is carved from gnarled,
and paranoid fiends may secure them in vaults,
black wood with a withered human hand
mausoleums, tombs, or other protected areas
at the “working end.” The hand clutches a
on their estates. Sentinels or loyal guards are
clear orb, in which floats a myriad of trapped
almost always present if the vampire expects
souls, each howling silently in eternal torment.


The witch ladder may target a specific

VOODOO DOLLS individual or a group of people confined to a
Voodoo dolls are wax, mud, or straw effigies relatively small area, such as the inhabitants of a
of someone a spellcaster wishes to harm at a particular abbey, organization, guild, or town.
distance. Although called voodoo dolls, similar Those unfortunate souls targeted by a witch
items can be found in several other beliefs. ladder must make a Vigor roll at sunset each
When the doll is made, the maker must have day or suffer a level of Fatigue. Failure once
a token of his victim to be incorporated into Exhausted signals death in a number of days
the doll. A lock of hair could be stuck to the equal to the victim’s Vigor die type (so no
doll’s head, or a fragment of clothing or a further rolls are necessary).
piece of jewelry could also be stuck to it. The curse of a witch ladder cannot be
A mage armed with such an effigy may cast dispelled—the ladder must be destroyed to
certain spells against his victim at a Range save its victims.
of Smarts in miles. Only the following spells The smaller the target, the closer the ladder
may be cast through a voodoo doll, however— must remain to work its dark magic. It might
boost/lower Trait (usually only the latter), curse, be hidden in a well or pond to curse a village,
entangle (the victim is paralyzed), fear, puppet, or the house of a single target.
stun, and telekinesis (only to throw the victim Creation: A witch may never have more
around). Other powers might be cast through than one active ladder at once. Creating one
a voodoo doll as the Game Master and setting that targets a specific individual requires
allow. the components, an hour of time, and a
Spellcasting roll. If the target is a small group
WARDING CHA LK of people (around a dozen), the roll is made at
Warding chalk is chalk blessed by a truly –2. The penalty is −4 to target the population
pious priest of an established religion. When of a small town or village (a few hundred
used to create a binding circle, it adds +2 individuals).
to the user’s Occult roll versus any being If the Spellcasting roll to make a witch
summoned within it. ladder is failed, the witch loses a die type of
Vigor—permanently. If this would reduce her
WEREWOLF BLOOD Vigor below d4 she dies screaming, dragged
The life fluid of a lycanthrope is very potent— to Hell by the dark forces she consorted with.
but extracting it is usually a fatal exercise for
Anyone drinking a vial of werewolf blood This item appears as an ordinary gentleman’s
must make a Vigor roll at −4. If the roll cane, the type one might bring as an
succeeds, she is immediately relieved of all accoutrement for an evening at the opera
illnesses, diseases, and poisons—magical or or a walk about town. It is topped by an
mundane! ornate silver handle in the shape of a leaping,
If the roll is failed, the victim becomes a snarling wolf.
lycanthrope and changes at the next full The cane may be used as an Improvised
moon. Her ailment is not cured until that Weapon and has a pure silver handle for
time. If she happens to die before then, the exploiting a lycanthrope’s Weakness to that
curse of the werewolf has no effect. metal.
Ironically, the wolf-head cane is also cursed.
WITCH LADDER Anyone who comes into possession of the
A witch ladder is a cord woven out of a cane must roll Spirit –2 or be stricken with
mixture of human hair and black thread. lycanthropy herself (one time only). This
Every few inches the cord is knotted around affliction doesn’t show up until the evening
an item, usually a chicken feather or a small of the next full moon. The only way to lift
bone, as well as personal belongings of the the curse is by gifting—not selling—the cane,
people the creator wishes to torment! thus transferring the curse to someone else.

Arcane I tems

Alchemical items are created with pseudo-science and perhaps minor magic, depending
on the setting. Whether they’re available in a particular campaign or not is up to the Game
Master. They may be sold at common vendors in horror-fantasy games or found as rare
treasures in more grounded campaigns.


Anyone with the Alchemy skill (see page 7) may make any of the items listed below if
she has access to a suitable lab or workshop (GM’s call), a number of minutes equal to the
cost of the item, and half the listed cost in components—if the GM agrees such materials are
available. Once the time is invested, the character must make an Alchemy roll. If the roll is
failed the time is lost but not the components. A Critical Failure means the components are
lost as well. Success creates one of the items below, and a raise creates two.
Acid flask 3/6/12 2d4 — 1 SBT 1 $10
Notes: Thrown like a grenade. Those within the template take 2d4 damage when hit and
2d4–2 damage at the start of their next turn unless the acid is washed off somehow.
Alchemist’s Fire 3/6/12 2d4 — 1 SBT 1 $20
Notes: A sticky, flammable liquid that ignites on impact. Heavy Weapon. Those within the
template take 2d4 damage when hit and 2d4–2 damage at the start of their next turn unless
dowsed with water. Targets might catch Fire (see Savage Worlds).
Antitoxin, vial — — — — — 1/2 $50
Notes: Grants a +4 bonus to resist poison for one hour.
Boom Stone 3/6/12 — — 1 MBT 1 $30
Notes: An enchanted rock that explodes with a deafening boom when struck against a hard
surface. Anyone in the template must make a Vigor roll or be Shaken as well as deafened for
one hour.
Smokestick 3/6/12 — — 1 MBT 1/10 $20
Notes: An alchemically treated stick that creates thick smoke (Dark Illumination) in a
Medium Blast Template for one minute. Dissipates in strong wind in one round.
Tanglefoot 1/2/4 — — 1 — 4 $50
Notes: A Size 3 or smaller victim hit by this small sack of sticky materials is Distracted for
five rounds and must make an Athletics roll or be stuck to the ground (Entangled) as well.
Tindertwig — — — — — 1/10 $1
Notes: A thin stick that alights with flame when struck against a hard surface. It allows
torches and other flammable substances to be lit in a single action.


Anyone with the Alchemy skill may make any of the items found above if they have
access to a lab, a number of minutes equal to the original cost, and half the listed
cost in components, followed by an Alchemy roll.
If the roll is failed the time is lost but not the components. A Critical Failure means
the alchemist cannot make that item until he replenishes his supplies at a town, lab,
or other source of supplies (use the rules for the Material Components Hindrance
on page 7).



he centerpiece of most horror tales are further rolls are required from that attack. A
the monsters that drive them. Some successful Healing roll also stops the bleeding.
are psychopaths wielding chainsaws
or axes. Others are ancient creatures lurking SWA LLOW WHOLE
in the forgotten shadows of the world or With a successful bite attack, the victim must
groaning undead hungry for human flesh. make an Evasion roll or be Swallowed Whole.
A rare few are entities from other planes of At the end of the creature’s subsequent turns,
existence looking to destroy our world. anyone swallowed must make a Vigor roll at
Only one thing is for sure—they must be −2 or take a Wound from the crushing gullet
stopped. and acidic bile. This continues until they’re
freed or perish.
WILD CARDS If the creature is Shaken or Wounded from
Some monsters are noted as Wild Cards the inside (ignoring its Armor!), everyone
by the black skull symbol. These are the inside gets an immediate Athletics roll to
creatures that should almost always be Wild escape. If the monster is Shaken or Wounded
Cards, but remember even a single zombie from the outside, the escape roll is made at −2.
might be a Wild Card if it’s the center of a Appropriate Tests (GM’s call, such as pepper
tragic tale, the leader or “alpha” of a horde, or in the nose, extreme nausea from a spell effect
just a particularly nasty example of the type. or poison, etc.) might cause the beast to cough,
sneeze, or vomit. This gives everyone inside
NEW MONSTROUS an Athletics roll to escape.
RENDING The creature has strong will, magical
protections, or great mass. It takes a maximum
Victims Shaken or Wounded by the creature
of one Wound per attack no matter how many
are bleeding and must make a Vigor roll as
Wounds would normally be caused (after
a free action at the beginning of their next
Soak rolls are made).
turn. Failure causes one Wound and the
victim must make another Vigor roll next If an attacker’s Action Card is a Joker, he
turn. Success means the victim doesn’t suffer may ignore this rule. Some magic items
a Wound, but must make a Vigor roll again or a creature’s Weaknesses also bypass
next turn. A raise stops the bleeding and no its Unstoppable ability, as listed in the


AMA-NO-JAKU ghost of a child, a friendly spirit, etc., and

that any new intruders wish it harm.
Translating roughly as “imp of heaven,”
„ Traps: Ama-no-jaku take great delight in
ama-no-jaku are small beings found in
luring their victims into numerous traps
Japan that tempt and provoke mischief into
they’ve placed around their lairs. Anytime
mortals. They often do this by pretending to
a character’s Action Card is a Club in
be something they’re not—such as a human
combat and the fight is taking place in the
child or a beneficent spirit.
creature’s lair or someplace it’s been able
Ama-no-jaku (sometimes amanojaku) do to prepare, the victim stumbles into a trap.
not have a magical power to obscure their The GM can determine the effects on her
looks, so they must wear natural disguises, own or use the Ama-no-jaku Traps table.
such as shrouds or the skin of their victims.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, ANIMA L HYBRID
Strength d4, Vigor d6 Hybrids are the result of mad scientists
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8, messing with genetics, dark magic, or other
Fighting d6, Notice d8, Performance d10, “technology.” Most are part-human part-
Persuasion d12, Stealth d10, Taunt d12, animal, but a few are the mixture of two
Thievery d10 breeds of animal.
Pace: 10; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 A hybrid has all the Hindrances, Edges, and
Edges: Extraction (Imp), Fleet-Footed Special Abilities of both species. If the species
Gear: The demons prefer to lure victims have shared Abilities, such as Claws or Armor,
into death traps (see below), but also take use the highest value. Hybrids always have
great delight in slashing with nasty (often the Fear Special Ability as well.
infected) knives (Str+d4) and retreating into
Traits work slightly differently. If one is two
the shadows.
or more steps higher than the other, reduce
Special Abilities:
it by one step and use this for the creature.
„ Blur: Ama-no-jaku move with Otherwise, use the highest Trait as it stands. If
supernatural speed. Attacks against them Pace is different, add the two values together
are made at −4. and halve it, rounding down.
„ Defender: Some ama-no-jaku keep their
most deluded victims nearby as guardians Example: An alligator has a Spirit of d6 and
when working with more observant a lion a Spirit of d10. Since the lion’s Spirit is
groups. Such a person is typically an two steps higher, reduce it by one to a d8 and
ordinary man or woman who has been use this for the beast. Vigor, however, is only
tricked into believing the demon is the one die different (d10 compared to a d8, so we
use the d10).


This abomination has the body of a lion
Deuce: The character stumbles into a
and the skin, tail, and jaws of an alligator.
deadly trap such as a falling ceiling or
Additional changes allow it to function
spiked pit and takes 3d10 damage.
underwater. They are particularly foul-
Three—Ten: The hero steps into a tempered and easy to anger.
dangerous trap and suffers 3d6 damage.
This might be poisoned pungi sticks, Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8,
falling bricks, or a deadly snake hidden Strength d12, Vigor d10
in a concealed area. Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d8,
Stealth d10
Jack–King: The hero suffers Bumps &
Pace: 5; Parry: 6; Toughness: 11 (2)
Bruises from some minor trap.
Edges: Frenzy (Imp)
Ace: The hero spots the trap just in Special Abilities:
time to avoid it. He loses his turn but „ Aquatic: Pace 5.
suffers no injury. „ Armor +2: Thick skin.


„ Bite/Claws: Str+d6.
„ Fear: Anyone seeing
the creature must
make a Fear check.
„ Pounce: Add +4 to
damage instead of
+2 when making a
Wild Attack.
„ Rollover: If the beast
hits with a raise
on a bite attack, it
deals +1d10 bonus Edges: Alertness, Block, Dodge
damage instead of Special Abilities:
the usual +1d6. „ Bite: Str+d6.
„ Size 2: This beast „ Fear –2: Anyone seeing the
weighs over 500 pounds. creature must make a Fear check.
„ Infravision: Halve penalties for Illumin­
ation when attacking warm targets.
A man-dog hybrid is humanoid, covered
„ Resilient: Can take one additional
in fur, and has the head and tail of a dog. It
stands hunched, and while it can run upright,
„ Wall Walker: Can walk on vertical or
prefers to move on all fours. Their fingers
inverted surfaces at full Pace, and may
are tipped in small claws, and are dexterous
enough to use weapons and tools. These
foul beasts can talk, though with a rough, MAN-REPTILE HYBRID
growling voice. A man-reptile hybrid is a humanoid covered
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, in scales. It has gills, claws, and sharp reptilian
Strength d6, Vigor d6 teeth. Although it has fingers, they are either
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, webbed or too thick to use weapons and tools.
Fighting d6, Notice d10, Persuasion d4, Some hybrids are capable of hissing speech.
Shooting d6, Stealth d6
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Strength d10, Vigor d8
Edges: Alertness, Fleet-Footed
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowl-
Gear: Whatever its master gives it.
edge d4, Fighting d8, Notice d6,
Special Abilities:
„ Bite/Claws: Str+d4.
Persuasion d4, Stealth d6, Survival d6
„ Fear: Anyone seeing the creature must
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 (2)
Edges: Frenzy
make a Fear check.
Special Abilities:
MAN-INSECT HYBRID „ Aquatic: Pace 6.
A man-insect hybrid is humanoid, but with „ Armor +2: Scaly hide.
the hideous head and arms of an insect such as „ Bite/Claws: Str+d6.
a praying mantis or a wasp. Whether created „ Cold-Blooded: Subtract 1 from Agility,
by magic or a tragic accident of science these Strength, and Vigor rolls after more than
creatures don’t last long, following their 10 minutes below 60° Fahrenheit.
instincts to hunt and kill during whatever „ Fear: Anyone seeing the creature must
time they have. These horrid creatures can make a Fear check.
talk in a high-pitched, buzzing voice. „ Low Light Vision: Ignores penalties for
Dim and Dark Illumination.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, „ Rollover: If the creature hits with a raise
Strength d12, Vigor d10 on a bite attack, it deals +1d10 bonus
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Notice d8, damage instead of the usual +1d6 bonus
Stealth d8, Survival d4 damage.
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7


ANT, COLOSSA L becomes sentient. Individual ants are still

of animal intelligence, but collectively the
Regular ants can make war, devour cattle,
hive may set traps, formulate plans, and
and obliterate acres of land when they go on
even take advantage of some technology.
a rampage. Much larger giant ants (and other
Knowledge gained by one ant is gained
giant insects) can be found in the Fantasy
by all the turn after. The individual lives
of ants are unimportant to the intelligence,
Colossal ants are titanic monsters capable only the colony’s survival as a whole.
of damage on an immense scale. The profile „ Paralysis: Anyone Shaken or Wounded
below is for the warriors that protect the by the ant’s bite must make a Vigor roll or
queen and leave the tunnels of the hive to be Stunned. They are also paralyzed and
forage for food. They have six legs, faceted incapable of an action—even speech—for
eyes, and dangerous mandibles capable 2d6 rounds.
of crushing a car. Scouting parties contain „ Poison (Lethal): Anyone Shaken or
one to five warriors. The hive itself contains Wounded by the ant’s bite must make a
hundreds, sometimes thousands of these Vigor roll. If he fails, he is Stunned, suffers
monsters. one Wound (two with a Critical Failure),
The Hive Must Survive!: Like most ants, and perishes in 2d6 rounds.
these colossal cousins dig elaborate tunnel „ Poison Spray: As an action, the ant
systems with storage rooms filled with rotting may vomit a stream of poison in a Cone
meat (cows, corpses, or whatever is available Template. It rolls Athletics to hit, and
locally). At the bottom is an immobile queen targets suffer the effects of the creature’s
who lays all the eggs for the colony. When a Poison Special Ability. Evasion avoids the
colony is ready to spread —or threatened— attack.
she births new queens, who hatch with wings „ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from
and fly away to dig a new tunnel and begin being Shaken; no additional damage from
anew. Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound
penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d10,
disease and poison.
Strength d12+6, Vigor d10
„ Zombies: A specialized pheromone
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Notice d6,
hijacks the nervous system of targets
Stealth d8, Survival d6
killed by ant poison. The corpse continues
Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 13 (2)
to perform a programmed task, even
Hindrances: Bad Eyes (Major)
though it’s dead. Used on warriors, they
Edges: First Strike, Quick
gain the Undead Special Ability. Used on
Special Abilities:
a human, the target becomes a Zombie
„ Armor +2: Carapace plates.
(page 176).
„ Bite: Str+d8, AP 2.
„ Fear: The roll suffers a −2 penalty if more
than a dozen ants are present.
„ Size 4 (Large): Colossal ants are 15’ long
and weigh over a ton.
„ Wall Walker: Can walk on vertical (but
not inverted) surfaces at full Pace, and
There are many different species of ants,
all with their own special adaptations for WORL D, NOBODY CAN PREDI CT.”
–Edmund Gwenn,
„ Burrow (Pace 8): Can burrow through all
but solid stone; cannot be attacked while
beneath the earth except by special means.
„ Intelligence: The hive as a whole


An aswang is a vampire-like creature from Traditional banshees are feminine spirits who
the Philippines. By day it assumes the form of take one of three forms—a young maiden, a
a beautiful female and lives a normal human matron-like figure, or an old crone. All dress
life, even marrying and having children. By in either a dark, hooded cloak or a funeral
night, however, it becomes a bloodsucking shroud. Their long nails may be able to tear
fiend. It uses its immensely long, hollow through flesh, but their most feared power is
tongue to siphon blood, preferring to project their terrible scream, which can drive a man
it down through cracks in the roof rather mad or even kill him.
than enter buildings. Unlike true vampires, A variant of the banshee, known as the
however, the aswang is not undead. “washer woman” comes in the form of a
The human form has whatever profile cloaked figure washing blood-stained clothes.
the Game Master wants to assign (such as According to legend, these are the garments
Innocent Victim on page 169) but is always of those about to die from her wailing.
Very Attractive. The profile below is for its
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
vampiric form.
Strength d6, Vigor d8
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4,
Strength d12+2, Vigor d10 Fighting d6, Intimidation d10, Notice d8,
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d6
Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Notice d8, Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Persuasion d8, Stealth d10 Special Abilities:
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7 „ Bite/Claws: Str+d4.
Special Abilities: „ Ethereal: May pass through objects;
„ Blood Drain: Grappled foes cannot be harmed by nonmagical
must make a Vigor roll when attacks; may become invisible
grappled and at the start of (−6 penalty to hit) as a limited
the vampire’s turn as long free action.
as they remain Bound or „ Materialize: May
Entangled. Failure results become corporeal as
in Fatigue that can lead to a limited free action,
death. Entangled victims appearing as a spirit
with a knife or an ally may or as it did in life.
attempt to sever the „ Scream: Once
tongue (Toughness 3). per night, and again
„ Shadow Lick: A per- anytime a banshee’s
son whose shad- Action Card is a face
ow is licked by card in combat, it may
an aswang is elicit its trademark
cursed. This scream as its only
is a non-dam- action. Anyone within
aging Touch 12” (24 yards) must
Attack if the victim is aware and make a Spirit roll or die.
attempts to resist. Once cursed, Those who succeed must
any Vigor roll failed by the vic- roll on the Fear Effects table
tim counts as a Critical Failure (page 43) and are Stunned.
instead for the next 24 hours. „ Wail: The banshee can elicit
„ Tongue Lash: Str+d4, Reach 2. an unearthly wail that terrifies
„ Weakness (Dawn): An aswang those who hear it. As a limited
automatically returns to its human action, the banshee can make
form at the first ray of dawn. an Intimidation Test in a Cone
„ Weakness (Garlic): An aswang becomes Template. All targets within are
Distracted if within 1” (2 yards) of garlic. affected and must resist separately.


Powers: Darkness (mist), fear (unearthly

scream), lower Trait (curse), speed (supernat-
ural reflexes). Power Points: 15
Gear: Ancient bronze breastplate (+3), bronze
long sword (Str+d8).
Special Abilities:
„ Bony Claws: Str+d4.
„ Bound: A barrow dweller may not move
further than 50” (100 yards) from its
burial place.
„ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the creature
must make a Fear check at −2.
„ Numbing Touch: Any creature touched
by a barrow dweller must make a Vigor
roll or be Stunned.
„ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from
being Shaken; no additional damage from
Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound
penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to
disease and poison.
„ Wail: A barrow dweller can elicit an
unearthly wail that terrifies those who
hear it. As a limited action, the thing
can make an Intimidation Test in a Cone
Template. All targets within are affected
and must resist separately.
„ Weakness (Sunlight): Barrow dwellers
are weakened by the sun. Each round in
B BARROW DWELLER sunlight, they must make a Vigor roll or
take a level of Fatigue. This cannot kill
Also known as wights and hagbui (literally them, but leaves them dried and helpless
“barrow dweller”), these undead are the until removed from the light and restored
corporeal remains of kings, queens, and with an offering of blood.
heroes buried in ages past. They are
common in northern Europe, especially BAT, GIANT
areas the Vikings settled. Their form is that
Giant bats are usually found in groups of 2d6
of a mummified corpse with tight, leathery
members. They are rarely aggressive unless
skin drawn over wasted muscles. Their
provoked in their lair or under the control of
eyes burn with a pale, cold light. Although
some nefarious master.
barrow dwellers can speak, they only do so
in languages known to them in the era they Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6,
died. Their tombs are often brimming with Strength d6, Vigor d6
treasure, and they intend to ensure it remainsSkills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Notice d12,
that way for eternity. Stealth d10
Pace: 1; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d10,
Special Abilities:
Strength d10, Vigor d10
„ Bite: Str.
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimi-
„ Echolocation: Giant bats suffer no
dation d10, Notice d6, Spellcasting d8,
penalties for bad lighting, even in Pitch
Stealth d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12 (3)
„ Flight: Pace 8.
Edges: Counterattack, Mighty Blow
„ Size −1: Giant bats are about the size of
medium dogs in the body, and have 9’
long wingspans.


B THE BLACK slay the creature is to use a banish spell. If

a Wound would be caused, it causes the
COACHMAN creature to lose its invulnerability for the
The Black Coachman has existed in one form next 13 minutes instead. Death while in this
or another for millennia. The Egyptians knew state opens a portal on the ground to Hell.
him as the “dark charioteer,” the Romans as A moment later a horde of demons rises
the “black rider,” and the Normans called up and drags the coachman screaming
him “death’s wagoner.” His current name to the Abyss—until summoned again!
stems from the Victorian era. „ Reaping Scythe: Against his named
The coachman appears only when targets, the scythe causes no damage but
summoned via a ritual (use the summon those hit by it must make a Spirit roll at
demon power with a cost of 13 Power Points −4 or be “claimed.” Those claimed fall
and a Duration of 13 nights). An additional into a torpor (Incapacitated), alive but
component is a scroll written in the caster’s unresponsive until the coachman finishes
blood of up to 13 names—whom the Black his task and delivers his targets to Hell.
Coachman will hunt! Against all other victims, the scythe causes
The coachman begins his ride at 13 minutes Str+d10 damage.
after the next stroke of midnight, riding If the coachman is defeated in his
the roads within 13 miles of where he was vulnerable state, claimed victims awake
summoned. He remains in the mortal realm Exhausted.
for 13 nights, claiming his prey with unerring „ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from
accuracy. being Shaken; no additional damage from
The coachman prefers to stay in the shadows, Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound
waiting patiently on his coach down some penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to
dark alley or dirt road until he senses his disease and poison.
prey. If it becomes obvious his prey is hiding,
however, the coachman is perfectly willing to
dismount and barge into homes or buildings
and slay anyone who gets in his way.
After claiming any one of his named victims,
the coachman disappears for the night unless
another is directly in sight. If he cannot reach
a victim before dawn, he vanishes then
reappears to try again each night until
all his victims are collected, his time
expires, or he’s slain.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8,
Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d10, Common
Knowledge d8, Driving d10, Fight-
ing d8, Intimidation d12, Notice d8,
Riding d10, Stealth d6, Survival d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9
Edges: Block, Trademark Weapon
(Reaping Scythe)
Special Abilities:
„ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the creature
suffers a Fear check at −2.
„ Invulnerable: The coachman can be
Incapacitated by magical attacks or
weapons but reappears the following night
as usual. The only way to permanently


„ Unerring Tracker: The coachman can fights on foot. It returns the following
sense any of the individuals on his list night along with the coachman until he
as long as they’re within the 13 miles of returns to Hell.
his hunting radius. His senses guide him
to within 50 yards of any victim, then he BLACK-EYED KID
must rely on his Survival (tracking) to Black-eyed kids, or BEKs, are mysterious
hone in on their exact location. creatures from a realm of pure darkness. They
are similar to vampires in many ways but
BLACK COACHMAN’S HORSES are not vampires nor are they undead. They
Four stallions, with coats as black as pitch and hunger for flesh, and take the form of human
eyes like burning coals, pull the coachman’s children to appear as innocent and helpless
black coach. There are no reins attaching them beings to draw in their prey. As their name
to the coach, only strands of inky blackness. implies, their eyes are solid black.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, Black-eyed kids usually hide their unusual
Strength d12+4, Vigor d10 eyes behind dark glasses, hoods, or by just
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d8 keeping their heads down. They cannot enter
Pace: 10; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10 human dwellings without permission, similar
Edges: Brawler, Fleet-Footed to some vampires, so they try to persuade
Special Abilities: those inside to let them in to use the phone,
„ Ghostly Gallop: Black horses run just claiming to be lost children.
above the surface of the ground, and Black-eyed kids are from a dimension of
do not suffer movement penalties for shadow and hunger for life essence. They can
Difficult Ground. only enter this world at night, vanishing at
„ Kick: Str+d6.
dawn to return after the next sunset.
„ Size 2: Black horses weigh between 800
and 1000 pounds. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10,
Strength d6, Vigor d8
THE BLACK COACH Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6,
The black coach is a prison for souls awaiting Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Per-
delivery to whatever fate awaits them. Black suasion d6, Stealth d10
curtains cover the windows, but occasionally Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5
the ghostly face of a coachman’s victim can be Special Abilities:
seen peering out, frantically looking for help. „ Bite/Claws: Str+d6. Black-eyed kids have

Black Coach (Ancient): Size 4 (Large), Han- sharp teeth and retractable, razor-sharp
dling +1, Top Speed 15 MPH, Toughness 14 claws.
„ Consume: When living prey is slain, the
(2), Crew 1+Special
Notes: A horse-drawn carriage; tabletop Pace entire pack tries to drag the body into
is 12; Heavy Armor thanks to its hellish ori- the nearest patch of shadow. Once there,
gins; see the Fear and Invulnerable Special they fade into the shadow realm at the
Abilities below. beginning of their next turn and the
Black Coach (Modern): Size 4 (Large), Han- corpse and its soul are consumed forever.
dling +1, Top Speed 100 MPH, Toughness The kids don’t return for at least a month
18 (4), Crew 1+Special. after feeding.
„ Eyes of Dread: As a limited action, a black-
Notes: A motorized hearse; Heavy Armor
thanks to its hellish origins; see the Fear and eyed kid can glare into the eyes of a victim
Invulnerable Special Abilities below. within 6” (12 yards). The target must
Special Abilities: make a Spirit roll at −2 or be Vulnerable
„ Fear (−2): Anyone who opens the coach for the remainder of the encounter!
„ Low Light Vision: Ignores penalties for
door sees a writhing mass of screaming,
tormented spirits. They must make a Fear Dim and Dark Illumination.
„ Shadow Form: Black-eyed kids can assume
roll at −2.
„ Invulnerable: If the coach is destroyed, a shadowy form, appearing seemingly
the coachman either mounts a horse or out of nowhere, as a limited free action.


„ Size −1: Black-eyed kids are the size of Special Abilities:

normal children, ranging from 3–5 feet „ Dark Insight: If the summoner defeats
tall and weighing up to 120 pounds. the judge in single-combat, he may ask
„ Weakness (Dawn): A black-eyed kid him how to defeat a single supernatural
automatically returns to its shadowy creature. The judge imparts no other
home dimension at the first ray of dawn. information—his sole cosmic purpose is
„ Weakness (Invitation Only): Black-eyed to reveal such secrets. Some believe this
kids cannot enter a private dwelling is a sort of “safety net” for knowledge
without being invited. They may enter that might otherwise be lost so that no
public domains as they please. creature is ever truly undefeatable.
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
B THE BLACK JUDGE „ Invulnerability: The judge is invulnerable
For those who know the ancient rituals to all but the person who summoned him.
necessary to summon him, the Black Judge „ Judgment: If the summoner is
can be an ally in the fight against evil. He Incapacitated by the Black Judge and
appears when summoned via a ritual (use the survives, he gains the Doomed Hindrance.
summon demon power with a cost of 10 Power „ Weakness (Summoner): The judge
Points and a Duration of one hour). is vulnerable only to the one who
summoned him.
The being takes the form of a cowled figure
clad in robes of darkest night. Over his face
he wears a vaguely skull-like black mask
with burning yellow eyes and fangs. What Black trees are malevolent creatures found in
lies beneath the mask has never been clusters within ancient and dark forests.
revealed. Some are formed by desecration of old
burial grounds, some are possessed by
Once summoned, the
spirits or demons, and others exist
judge attacks the summoner,
where chemical dumping has
and is vulnerable only to
corrupted the land.
that individual. Weighing
whether or not the judge They resemble standard
should be summoned trees, but their bark is black,
should be a very difficult and sticky red sap oozes
decision. from gaps in the bark. Most
have grotesque “facial” features,
If the judge is defeated,
formed from knots and twists in
he falls to one knee and
the wood.
awaits his question. The
summoner may ask Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4
him how to defeat (A), Spirit d10, Strength d12+4,
any one supernatural Vigor d12
creature—good or Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8,
evil. Intimidation d10, Notice d8
If the summoner is defeated Pace: 2; Parry: 6; Toughness:
and survives, the judge 19 (3)
renders judgment—see below. Special Abilities:
„ Armor +3: Thick bark.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, „ Blood Drain: Grappled
Spirit d12, Strength d8, Vigor d8 foes must make a Vigor roll when
Skills: Athletics d12, Fighting d12, grappled and at the start of the tree’s
Intimidation d10, Notice d8, Per- turn as long as they remain Bound or
suasion d10, Stealth d8, Taunt d10 Entangled. Failure results in Fatigue
Pace: 6; Parry: 9; Toughness: 6 that can lead to death.
Edges: Block, First Strike „ Branches: Str+d6, Reach 3. A black
Gear: Long sword (Str+d8). tree has numerous branches (treat as


Tentacles, see Savage Worlds) with four a Critical Failure. Bound or Entangled
actions. targets suffer Str+d6 damage when
„ Entangle: The tree’s lesser branches and crushed, ignoring all but sealed armor.
roots attempt to trip and entangle its Engulfed targets may attempt to escape
attackers. Everyone who moves within a as if the blob was grappling them. Dead
Large Blast Template centered on the tree victims are absorbed and add to the blob’s
(or begins a turn inside that radius) must bulk (see Variable Size below).
succeed at an Evasion roll or become „ Fear: Anyone seeing the creature must
Entangled. An Entangled target who fails make a Fear check.
the roll becomes Bound. „ Invulnerability: A blob is immune to
„ Fear: Anyone seeing the creature begin to nonmagical weapons (except for fire, see
move must make a Fear check. below).
„ Impale: A raise on the thing’s Fighting „ Mindless: Immune to Fear and
roll impales its foe on a sharp branch, Intimidation.
Entangling him as if grappled. „ Sticky Body: An attacker who strikes
„ Resistance (Piercing Weapons): A black a blob with a melee weapon finds his
tree suffers half damage from piercing weapon stuck to it. On his next action,
attacks, including gunshots. he must make a Strength roll at −2 to
„ Size 8 (Huge): Black trees stand up to free his weapon. With success, he frees
50’ high. The creature has two additional the weapon but it takes the entire round.
Wounds due its massive frame. With a raise, he frees the weapon and
„ Sticky Sap: An attacker who strikes a may still perform other actions this round.
black tree with a melee weapon finds his A character touching the blob becomes
weapon stuck to the sap. On his next action, Bound instead.
he must make a Strength roll at −2 to free „ Variable Size: A new blob begins as
it. With success, he frees the weapon but a Small Blast Template (Size 2). For
it takes the entire round. With a raise, he each victim it absorbs, it grows 1” (two
frees the weapon and may still perform yards) in diameter and adds +1 Size (and
other actions this round. A character Toughness). It gains additional Wounds
touching the tree becomes Bound instead. and other benefits as it becomes Large,
„ Weakness (Fire): A black tree takes +4 Huge, and Gargantuan.
damage from fire attacks. „ Weakness (Fire): A blob suffers +4 damage
from fire attacks. The creature’s Weakness
BLOB may change depending upon its origin—
A blob is an amorphous mass of acidic jelly light, salt, and even water are all potential
with an insatiable hunger. It might be an alien agents to use against it.
entity brought to Earth on a crashed satellite,
a creature from another dimension, or the BLOOD MIST
result of rampant pollution. The destruction of an ancient vampire’s
physical body isn’t necessarily the end of
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d12,
its existence. Through dark magic, it can
Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
be brought back into existence as near—
Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d4, Notice d8,
mindless, ethereal clouds of vapor with an
Stealth d6
insatiable bloodlust by those who know the
Pace: 4; Parry: 4; Toughness: 10
proper rituals.
Special Abilities:
„ Blob: +2 to recover from being Shaken; no Blood mists appear as gray clouds until they
Wound penalties; immune to poison and feed, then change to pink to dark red as they
disease. consume more blood. Their preferred tactic
„ Engulf: After a blob finishes moving, is to mingle with natural mist, allowing them
every creature under its mass who isn’t to approach unsuspecting victims with ease.
Entangled or Bound may Evade. Those Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10,
who fail become Entangled, or Bound on Strength d6, Vigor d10


Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d12, Stealth d10 „ Resilient: Can take one additional
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7 Wound.
Special Abilities: „ Size 3: Carnivorous plants large enough
„ Invulnerability: Blood mists suffer no to threaten humans typically spread ten
damage from mundane attacks. Magic feet across.
weapons and supernatural powers affect „ Trap: The plant attacks by attempting
them normally. They can be temporarily to grapple prey within reach, preferably
driven off by tactics such as sucking them with The Drop. Bound or Entangled
into a vent, intense heat, or pelting them targets suffer Str+d6 damage when
with a strong stream of water. Such tactics crushed, ignoring all but sealed armor.
typically scatter the mist for 1d10 minutes. VARIANT SPECIAL ABILITIES
„ Life Drain: Anyone within the mist at the „ Aquatic: Pace 0. The plant may drift along
start of the creature’s turn (or about every rivers or with the tide, and anyone it traps
minute out of combat) must make a Vigor risks drowning.
roll or take a level of Fatigue that can lead „ Decoy: The plant has evolved a pod which
to death. A target in a completely sealed resembles a baby, and can produce a sound
suit is immune. like a young child in distress. Curious
„ Swarm: +2 to recover from being Shaken;
investigators have one chance to make a
Parry +2; blood mists cover the area of Notice roll with a −2 penalty to spot the
a Large Blast Template; normal attacks, nature of the deception, otherwise by the
even area attacks, deal no damage at all time they get close enough to determine
(see Immunity). the true nature of the lure they are close
„ Variable Size: A blood mist begins as a
enough for the plant to attack.
Large Blast Template. A Wound reduces „ Poison Spit: The plant may spit its poison
it to a Medium Blast Template, two to a up to 6” (12 yards), using Athletics to hit.
Small template, and three destroy it. Every Characters in a sealed environmental suit
three levels of Fatigue it drains allows it are immune, but anyone else must roll
to replenish its size, up to a maximum of Vigor or suffer the creature’s Paralysis
a Large Blast Template. (see above). Spitters usually have a Pace
of 1 so they can creep forward to consume
CARNIVOROUS PLANT their victims while they are frozen in
Plants which evolve to consume flesh evoke place.
instinctive dread. They could lurk anywhere, „ Sticky Body: An attacker who strikes
as deadly grass, ominous lily pads, or the plant with a melee weapon finds his
innocuous vines. What makes them terrible weapon stuck to it. On his next action,
is the lengthy and painful demise that awaits he must make a Strength roll at −2 to
their victims as they are paralyzed and slowly free his weapon. With success, he frees
digested alive. the weapon but it takes the entire round.
With a raise, he frees the weapon and may
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d10,
still perform other actions this round. A
Strength d10, Vigor d12
character touching the plant becomes
Skills: Athletics d8, Notice d6, Stealth d8
Bound instead.
Pace: —; Parry: 2; Toughness: 13 (2)
Special Abilities:
„ Armor +2: Thick, fibrous husks.
„ Fear: Anyone who sees a carnivorous
plant attack must make a Fear check.
„ Mindless: Immune to Fear and
Intimidation. –Audrey II,
„ Paralysis: Anyone Shaken or Wounded
Little Shop of Horrors
by a carnivorous plant must make a Vigor
roll or be Stunned. They are also paralyzed
and incapable of an action—even speech—
for 2d6 rounds.


CAT, SMA LL Pace: 6; Parry: 9; Toughness: 7

Hindrances: Heroic, Loyal
This is an ordinary house cat, the sort that
Edges: Acrobat, Arcane Resistance, Block,
might be a familiar for a spellcaster, a beast
Champion, Combat Reflexes, Command,
master’s animal friend, or an alternate form
Danger Sense, Dodge, Hard to Kill, Level
for the shape change power.
Headed, Quick
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10, Gear: Sword (Str+d8), sharpened stake
Strength d4−3, Vigor d6 (Str+d4), crossbow with wooden bolts.
Skills: Athletics d8, Notice d6, Stealth d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 2 CHUPACABRA
Edges: Acrobat Chupacabras are large, hairless canine
Special Abilities: creatures with long legs and a pronounced
„ Bite/Claws: Str. ruff of mange or spines on their back. They
„ Low Light Vision: Ignores penalties for feed by seizing their prey in their jaws, then
Dim and Dark Illumination. piercing the target’s skin with a sharp, hollow
„ Size −3 (Very Small): Cats are typically tongue and sucking out blood. They tend to
less than a foot high. rip the body apart after feeding, which makes
it difficult to find the puncture wound and
B CHOSEN SLAYER identify the attack as the work of a chupacabra.
Many are called but most die before they
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6,
get a chance to prove themselves. Whether
Strength d8, Vigor d8
a chosen slayer is a feisty young maiden
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimida-
hunting vampires or a mean hombre packing
tion d8, Notice d6, Stealth d10
state-of-the-art technology depends on your
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
setting. What they all have in common is a
Edges: Fleet-Footed, Frenzy
calling to serve a higher power.
Special Abilities:
„ Bite/Claws: Str+d6.
B CHOSEN SLAYER „ Blood Drain: Grappled foes must make
This stat block is for a monster hunter at the
a Vigor roll when grappled and at the
start of her career.
start of the creature’s turn as long as
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, they remain Bound or Entangled. Failure
Strength d8, Vigor d8 results in Fatigue that can lead to death.
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Entangled victims with a knife or an
Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Per- ally may attempt to sever the tongue
suasion d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Taunt d4 (Toughness 3).
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 „ Spines: Anyone who grapples or is
Hindrances: Heroic, Loyal grappled by a chupacabra suffers 2d4
Edges: Acrobat, Arcane Resistance, Cham- damage per round from its spines.
pion, Danger Sense, Quick
Gear: Sword (Str+d8), sharpened stake CORPSE WORM SWARM
(Str+d4), crossbow with wooden bolts. Corpse worms are one-inch long red worms
with a taste for flesh and a paralyzing bite.
B VETERAN CHOSEN SLAYER Although they usually feed on carcasses,
Slayers who survive their first few years have they are partial to warm, living tissue. While
learned how to handle themselves in battle an individual worm poses little threat to a
against a variety of supernatural foes. healthy human, a swarm can render a man
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, incapable of defending himself very quickly.
Strength d10, Vigor d10 Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6,
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6, Strength d4−3, Vigor d6
Fighting d12, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d12, Stealth d10
Persuasion d8, Shooting d10, Stealth d8, Pace: 1; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5
Taunt d6


Special Abilities: Special Abilities:

„ Devour from Within: Anyone paralyzed „ Choke: A creeping hand may immediately
by a corpse swarm is slowly devoured make a grappling attempt (at +2) as a free
from within, taking one Wound per action if it gets a raise on a Fighting attack
hour that can only be stopped by magic against a target of Size 0 or less.
or ingesting a full pound of salt. This „ Scuttle: Creeping hands have a d4
dehydrates the worms like slugs and they running die.
die inside the body. „ Size −3 (Very Small): Creeping hands are
„ Paralysis: Corpse worm swarms don’t under a foot long from fingertip to wrist.
cause damage, but living victims who
aren’t in sealed suits of at least 1 Armor CULTIST
must make a Vigor roll every round The mortal worshipers of insane gods,
they’re within the swarm or be paralyzed demons, and other supernatural entities may
for 2d6 rounds, or as long as they remain be cunning schemers, stark-raving lunatics,
with the swarm. fanatics loyal to their master, or some deadly
„ Swarm: +2 to recover from being Shaken; combination of all three.
Parry +2; corpse swarms cover the area
of a Medium Blast Template; cutting and TYPICA L CULTIST
piercing attacks inflict no damage, area Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
effect weapons work normally; reduce Strength d6, Vigor d6
the Blast Template to a Small Blast Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowl-
Template after a Wound. Small swarms edge d4, Fighting d6, Notice d6,
are destroyed. Persuasion d6, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
CREEPING HAND Hindrances: Loyal (to cult)
Creeping hands are severed hands Edges: Brave
given animation by some arcane Gear: Ceremonial robes,
process. Three different dagger (Str+d4).
varieties have been
recorded, though all B CULT LEADER
share the same traits. At the top of every cult is a high
The first are those of priest, grand wizard, or other
murderers. In this instance, lunatic. Most have supernatural
the hand somehow reanimates powers granted to them by their
after death and sets out on a dark gods, expressed as profane
murderous spree. miracles or black magic. Alter
the Trappings of their spells to
The second belong to
fit the nature of the beings they
sorcerers who have learned
how to detach their hands and
send them to perform errands. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8,
Not all of these are necessarily Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d8
evil. Skills: At h l e t i c s d6,
The third sort are vengeful Battle d6, Common Knowl-
creatures, usually belonging edge d6, Fighting d8, Notice d8,
to accident victims who seek Persuasion d8, Spellcasting d10,
revenge. Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6 Hindrances: Arrogant
(A), Spirit d10, Strength d12+2, Edges: Arcane Background (Magic),
Vigor d8 Command, Inspire
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d10, Powers: Bolt (screaming skull),
Notice d4, Stealth d10 darkness (cloud of darkness), fear
Pace: 4; Parry: 7; Toughness: 3


(unearthly shriek), puppet (hypnotic voice),

smite (balefire along blade), zombie (special
Whatever the setting, sentient races are likely
powder). Power Points: 15
to follow gods. Some are omnipotent beings
Gear: Ceremonial robes, cursed dagger
with no true physical form, able to grant their
(Str+d6+2 damage; Wounds can only be
most trusted followers special powers. Others
healed naturally).
are demigods, saints, or powerful spirits.
B DANSE MACABRE Whether super aliens, beings from another
dimension, demon lords, or avatars of true
A danse macabre is both a singular entity
gods is up to the Game Master. Many use
and an event. The creature itself, often called
their followers to achieve their own goals
the Dance Master to differentiate it from
(such as being summoned to Earth) then
the event it leads, is a skeletal figure clad in
devour them without so much as a thought.
brightly colored robes. Although it has no
capacity to breathe, it plays on a set of pipes Below are a few examples to help you create
crafted from the bones of the damned. The your own malevolent deities. Repelling
tune is not only spellbindingly haunting, it such a powerful being typically requires
is deadly to mortals. disruption of the ritual that summoned it, or
an even greater ritual if that event has already
Following the Dance Master are a number of
skeletons, previous victims who defend their
master from attack. Slaying a dark god is virtually impossible.
Virtually, of course, means there is a way,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d12, but both the forbidden knowledge and the
Strength d8, Vigor d8 sacrifice required to do so should be at least
Skills: Athletics d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, twice as difficult as summoning the thing in
Performance d12, Persuasion d8 the first place.
Pace: 8; Parry: 2; Toughness: 8
Special Abilities: B ARACHNOS, THE MANY
„ Dance of Death: Each round the Dance
Master plays its pipes, it makes an Many people are afraid of spiders. If they
opposed roll of its Performance versus knew their true origin, everyone would be
the Spirit of every creature within close afraid. Arachnos, Mother of Spiders, takes
earshot (20 yards). Those who fail to the form of a monstrous tarantula. Crawling
beat the master become members of the across her back are thousands of smaller
dance troupe and begin dancing along to spiders—her young.
the tune. Victims may make a Spirit roll
at −2 every hour to break free. Each hour Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
they remain in the dance, they suffer a Strength d12+7, Vigor d12+2
Wound as their flesh rots away. Anyone Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d8, Notice d8,
Incapacitated in this way dies, becoming Shooting d10, Stealth d8
a skeleton permanently ensnared in the Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 22 (3)
dance of death. Edges: Arcane Resistance (Imp)
„ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the danse Special Abilities:
macabre must make a Fear check at −2. „ Armor +3: Chitinous shell. Heavy Armor.
„ Fearless: The Dance Master is immune to „ Bite: Str+d6.
Fear and Intimidation. „ Fear (−6): Anyone seeing the creature
„ Skeletal Dancers: Surrounding the Dance must make a Fear check at −6.
Master are 4d6 skeletons (see Savage „ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
Worlds). „ Hardy: If already Shaken, further Shaken
„ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from results have no effect.
being Shaken; no additional damage from „ Poison (−4): Anyone Shaken or Wounded
Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound by Arachnos’ bite must make a Vigor roll
penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to at −4 or die.
disease and poison.


„ Regeneration (Fast): Natural healing roll „ Size 10 (Huge): Crazalphasalius is 40’ in

every round except for those Wounds diameter.
caused by fire, magic, or her own poison. „ Unstoppable: A dark god can’t suffer
„ Size 10 (Huge): Over 60’ across. more than one Wound from a single
„ Spider Swarm: Arachnos may release one attack (after Soak rolls are made).
swarm (see Savage Worlds), per round, up „ Weakness (Water): Crazalphasalius can
to 10 per day. only be harmed by water or ice-based
„ Unstoppable: A dark god can’t suffer attacks. A mere bucket of water inflicts
more than one Wound from a single 1d6 damage, whereas something like a
attack (after Soak rolls are made). fire hose causes 3d6 damage.
„ Wall Walker: Can walk (or run) on vertical
or inverted surfaces at full Pace. B JJRIKILLIMSG, THE
„ Webbing: Arachnos may hurl a web in a HOWLER OF TRUTH
Cone Template or Medium Blast Template Jjrikillimsg is mad—totally and utterly mad in
(Range 24” or 48 yards), using Athletics. a way no mortal can ever hope to understand
Targets must Evade or be Entangled or emulate. His titles include such epithets
(Bound if Arachnos hits with a raise). The as the Insane, One Without True Form, the
Webs are Hardness 10 to cut. Revealer of Secrets, and Enlightener of Closed
B CRAZA LPHASA LIUS, If Jjrikillimsg has a true shape, no one has
THE FIRE STORM ever recorded it. It flits between many forms,
Crazalphasalius is aptly titled. His form is changing so rapidly that the human eye cannot
that of a vast fireball of no fixed dimensions. keep up. Every now and then, however, he
He ebbs and flows to his own tide, engulfing pauses in one form just long enough for the
everything he touches in searing flame. Few brain to analyze what it has seen. Madness
materials can withstand his fiery wrath for usually follows shortly thereafter.
long. His other titles include the Living Flame,
the Howling Inferno, the Purifying Flame, Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d12,
and the Burning Maelstrom. Strength d12+8, Vigor d12+4
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimida-
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, tion d12, Notice d6, Stealth d4
Strength d10, Vigor d12+8 Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 18
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Intimida- Edges: Arcane Resistance (Imp)
tion d12, Shooting d10, Stealth d4 Special Abilities:
Pace: 10; Parry: 5; Toughness: 22 „ Fear (−6): Anyone seeing the creature
Edges: Arcane Resistance (Imp) must make a Fear check at −6.
Special Abilities: „ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
„ Engulf: Crazalphasalius fills an area 12” (24 „ Hardy: If already Shaken, further Shaken
yards) in diameter. After he moves, those results have no effect.
within his template take 2d10 damage. „ Howl: Once per round, as a free action,
„ Fear (−6): Anyone seeing the creature
Jjrikillimsg emits an unearthly, howling
must make a Fear check at −4. babble. Every living being that can hear
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
and is within 10” (20 yards) must make
„ Fireball: Crazalphasalius may use a Spirit roll. Failure causes the victim to
Shooting to hurl one RoF 3 fireball per lose his mind, permanently lowering his
round at any target within 24” (48 yards). Smarts a die type. If Smarts drops below
Each shot may be Evaded, causes 2d10 d4 the victim has a Psychotic Break (see
damage in a Large Blast Template, and is the Fear Effects table on page 43).
a Heavy Weapon. „ Insane: A character trying to affect
„ Hardy: If already Shaken, further Shaken
Jjrikillimsg’s mind through arcane powers,
results have no effect. such as puppet automatically fails and
„ Regeneration (Fast): Natural healing roll
causes the caster to permanently reduce
every round except for those Wounds his Smarts a die type. If Smarts drops
caused by water, ice, or magic. below d4 the victim has a Psychotic Break


(see the Fear Effects table on page 43). every round except for those Wounds
„ Natural Weapons: Str+d8. The dark god caused by fire or magic.
always has some form of weapon, be it „ Size 10 (Huge): Todoto is a 70’ tall
claws, teeth, a multiple barbed tail, or a humanoid.
blade of some sort. „ Unstoppable: A dark god can’t suffer
„ Regeneration (Fast): Natural healing roll more than one Wound from a single
every round except for those Wounds attack (after Soak rolls are made).
caused by fire or magic.
„ Size 8 (Huge): Jjrikillimsg’s form varies, MINION OF TODOTO
but averages around 30’ tall and 10’ in Those unfortunate souls sprayed with
diameter (or vice-versa). Todoto’s blood become twisted and warped.
„ Unstoppable: A dark god can’t suffer No two forms are the same. Some may grow
more than one Wound from a single extra limbs or tentacles while others turn
attack (after Soak rolls are made). inside out, transforming into an unholy blend
of man, plant, and animal. Still others might
B TODOTO, THE MUTATOR become putrescent blobs of gelatinous ooze.
Todoto takes the form of a huge giant with dark Minions are loyal to Todoto, though he has
green skin. His skin bubbles and writhes as if no special powers to control their actions.
some unholy force were fighting for release.
Todoto is a chaos god, warping life through the Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
power of his blood. Nothing is safe from his Strength d8, Vigor d8
corruption, and once corrupted, his victims Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Intimida-
can never be returned to their normal form. tion d8, Notice d6, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
As with most dark gods, Todoto has many
Special Abilities:
titles, including the Spawner, Chaos Breeder,
„ Fear: Anyone seeing a Minion must make
Dark Warper, and the Unholy Shaper.
a Fear check.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, „ Natural Weapons: Minions have a variety
Strength d12+12, Vigor d12+4 of attacks including bite, claws, tentacle
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d12, Notice d8, slaps, and tails. All inflict Str+d4 damage.
Stealth d4
Pace: 8; Parry: 8; Toughness: 20 B VRA LKRESH OF THE
Edges: Arcane Resistance (Imp) THOUSAND MAWS
Special Abilities: Vralkresh is a monstrous-sized bag of
„ Blood Spray: Any Wound caused to pulsating jelly with blood red segments
Todoto causes a fountain of blood to mixed with ichor green, putrefying blue, and
spray in a Cone Template away from all manner of other vile colorations. When
the direction of the injury. Any character lying dormant, Vralkresh has no discernible
under the template must Evade or be features. Once awakened, however, a throng
struck by the blood (see below). of slimy tentacles, each tipped with a grasping
„ Fear (−6): Anyone seeing the creature mouth, sprouts from his gelatinous form.
must make a Fear check at −6. Vralkresh is known by many other names,
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation. including Lord of Many Mouths, He Who
„ Hardy: If already Shaken, further Shaken Feeds Endlessly, and the Slithering Maw.
results have no effect.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d12,
„ Mutating Blood: Any creature struck by
Strength d12+10, Vigor d12+4
Todoto’s blood must make a Vigor roll
Skills: Fighting d12, Notice d8
at −2 or be transformed into a Minion of
Pace: 8; Parry: 8; Toughness: 26 (4)
Todoto (see below). The process takes
Edges: Arcane Resistance (Imp)
one round, during which time the victim
Special Abilities:
can take no action. Dispel at −2 stops the
„ Armor +4: Gelatinous body. Heavy Armor.
process if cast before the transformation
„ Fear (−6): Anyone seeing the creature
occurs, but it is otherwise irreversible.
must make a Fear check at −6.
„ Regeneration (Fast): Natural healing roll


„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation. being Shaken; no additional damage from
„ Hardy: If already Shaken, further Shaken Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound
results have no effect. penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to
„ Regeneration (Fast): Natural healing roll disease and poison.
every round except for those Wounds
caused by fire or magic. DEATH WORM
„ Size 12 (Gargantuan): Vralkresh is over Death worms are blood red and look more like
100’ wide. a length of fresh human entrails than a living
„ Tentacles (Variable): Str+d8, Reach creature. They are incredibly poisonous: toxic
2, Heavy Weapon. Vralkresh has four to the touch and able to spit deadly venom
tentacle actions. Instead of regenerating from either end. Death worms burrow easily
a Wound, Vralkresh can sprout a new through desert sand and the flesh of carrion.
tentacle to replace one that’s been severed.
„ Unstoppable: A dark god can’t suffer Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6,
more than one Wound from a single Strength d6, Vigor d8
attack (after Soak rolls are made). Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Notice d6,
Stealth d6
B DARK MAN Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 3
Special Abilities:
Although often referred to as “the” Dark Man,
„ Bite: Str+d4.
evidence suggests that this creature is not a
„ Blindsense: Death worms ignore
unique entity. He is a human-like figure of
invisibility, illusion, and Illumination
inky darkness with no visible facial features.
He is a source of pure necromantic energy,
„ Burrow (Pace 4): Can burrow through all
with power to boost undead. As such, a dark
but solid stone; cannot be attacked while
man is never summoned except to lead a host
beneath the earth except by special means.
of such fiends.
„ Poison (Lethal): Anyone Shaken or
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Wounded by the worm’s bite must make
Strength d6, Vigor d10 a Vigor roll or be Stunned, suffer one
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Focus d10, Wound (two with a Critical Failure), and
Intimidation d10, Notice d6, Stealth d12+2 perish in 2d6 rounds.
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 9 „ Poison Spit: A death worm may spit its
Edges: Arcane Resistance (Imp) poison, rolling Athletics to hit any target
Special Abilities: within 6” (12 yards). Characters in a
„ Boost Undead: Any undead within 10” sealed environmental suit are immune,
(20 yards) adds +2 to recover from being but anyone else must roll Vigor as if
Shaken, Fighting attack and damage rolls, touched by the creature’s Poison.
and Toughness. „ Size −3 (Very Small): Death worms are
„ Ethereal: May pass through objects; around two feet in length and very thin.
cannot be harmed by nonmagical attacks;
may become invisible (−6 penalty to hit) DEMON
as a limited free action. Demons and devils may be minions of Hell or
„ Fear: Anyone seeing the creature must servants of evil gods depending on the setting.
make a Fear check. Regardless of origin, they are supernatural
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation. evil beings completely devoid of positive
„ Necromantic Surge: As a free action, a qualities, though some feign good virtues to
dark man may make a Focus roll to send lure unwary prey to their doom.
forth a wave of necromantic energy. If Demons speak many languages, including
successful, it removes all Distracted and a demonic tongue rarely spoken by mortals
Vulnerable statuses from all Undead not involved with the dark arts. Whether they
within 12” (24 yards). With a raise it also bother to talk to lowly mortals is a matter of
removes Shaken or Stunned results. personal choice.
„ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from


„ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing a collector must

HOLY WEAKNESSES make a Fear check at −2.
„ Size 1: These cowled demons stand over
Demons might have an additional 7’ tall.
Weakness in some settings, particularly „ Soul Drain: The uncowled stare of a
those based on our world. collector rips the life and soul from its
quarry. To use this Ability, the collector
„ Weakness (Holy Symbol): “Good”
must grapple its foe, at which point it
holy symbols act as wards against
removes its cowl and forces its prey to
vampires (see page 48).
stare into its demonic eyes. The victim
„ Weakness (Holy Water): In addition
must make an opposed Spirit roll against
to the usual effects (page 26), a
the demon’s Intimidation or die instantly.
demon sprinkled with holy water
The victim’s soul is sent to Hell, making
is Fatigued. In some settings, holy
resurrection impossible without somehow
water is much more dangerous.
freeing it.
When successfully Tested (see page
„ Unnatural Senses: A collector can detect
26), they take 2d4 damage (2d6
its target anywhere on earth, homing in
with a raise). A demon immersed in
on it with unerring accuracy (though it
or forced to drink holy water takes
may take a while to travel to it). It also
2d4 damage per round (or per cup).
ignores all penalties for bad lighting,
including complete darkness.
Demons represent a wide variety of evil
beings with very different powers and DEMONIC LEGIONNAIRE
The legions of Hell are formed of these
abilities. In typical horror settings, defeating
silent souls. They are relentless horrors,
their mortal form sends them back to the
whipped into action by a Wild Card leader
Abyss only for a short while (usually only
with increased Traits and a few Combat or
until the next sunset). Destroying or exiling
Leadership Edges.
them permanently requires an exorcism.
Below are typical demons from a variety of Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
religions and beliefs. Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimida-
B COLLECTOR DEMON tion d8, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d6
Collector demons are sent to gather the souls Pace: 6; Parry: 6 or 8 (shield); Toughness: 8 (2)
of those who renege on their promises to Hell. Hindrances: Mean
This may be someone who sold their soul, a Edges: Brave
cultist who pledged his life to a dark master, Gear: Carapace armor (+2), barbed long
or perhaps even a fool who lost a bet with swords (Str+d8, +2 damage if foe has no
some demonic power. more than 2 points of Armor), medium
shield. Some may be equipped with barbed
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d12, light crossbows (Range 10/20/40, Damage
Strength d12, Vigor d12 2d6, +2 if foe has less than 2 points of Armor,
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6, AP 2).
Fighting d10, Intimidation d12, Notice d8, Special Abilities:
Stealth d12, Survival d12+2 „ Demon: +2 to recover from being Shaken;
Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 9 immune to poison and disease; half-
Edges: Arcane Resistance (Imp), Strong damage from nonmagical attacks except
Willed for cold iron.
Special Abilities: „ Fear: Anyone seeing the creature must
„ Claws: Str+d6 AP 6.
make a Fear check.
„ Demon: +2 to recover from being Shaken;
immune to poison and disease; half- DEMONIC STEED
damage from nonmagical attacks except Demonic steeds are primarily used by demons
for cold iron. to travel around Hell, but are occasionally


gifted to loyal mortals. Demonic steeds creature must make a Fear check at −4.
are jet black with red eyes and steaming „ Hardy: If already Shaken, further Shaken
nostrils. Their bits and bridles are made from results have no effect.
twisted, barbed wire and their horseshoes are „ Size 8 (Huge): Demon worms are over 30’
hammered in with nails made from the ribs long and 10’ in diameter.
of sinners. „ Slam: Demon worms can crush prey
beneath their massive bodies. Lay three
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6,
Small Blast Templates adjacent to one
Strength d12+2, Vigor d10
another in a straight line. Everything
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d6
beneath the templates must Evade or be
Pace: 10; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12 (3)
crushed, taking the worm’s Str as damage.
Edges: Fleet-Footed
Ignore Scale modifiers when making a
Gear: Some villains give their nightmares
Slam attack.
barding (+3).
„ Swallow Whole: Victims bitten by a
Special Abilities:
demon worm must make an Evasion roll
„ Kick: Str+d6.
or be Swallowed Whole.
„ Rider Empathy: If the rider of a
„ Tentacles (4): Demon worms have four
demonic steed is evil, whether mortal or
tentacle actions. Each causes Str+d4
supernatural, he adds +2 to his Riding rolls.
damage, Reach 1.
Good characters subtract 4 and the steed
attempts to kill him at an appropriate and GLADIATOR
perhaps inescapable moment. Gladiators are Hell’s elite warriors, fighting in
„ Size 2: Demonic steeds weigh between
the service—or for the amusement—of demon
800 and 1000 pounds. princes. They are towering monstrosities of
muscle, metal, and hate.
Summoned from the depths of Hell, demon Somewhere in the bowels of the Abyss,
worms are actually more akin to gargantuan in some horrific workshop of screaming
slugs. Their mottled green skin drips with blacksmiths, metal plates have been crudely
foul ichor and leaves a slimy trail wherever riveted onto its flesh. Its arms below the
they go. They have vast, round mouths full elbow end in large, jagged blades, the tips
of needle-like teeth surrounded by a mass of scraping along the ground when the beast
writhing tentacles. moves. Even when calm, a gladiator froths
at the mouth and has a mad look in its eyes.
Some cultists worship them as gods, though
they are far from omnipotent and can bestow Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
no powers to their misguided followers. Strength d12+3, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d12, Common
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A),
Knowledge d4, Fighting d12,
Spirit d10, Strength d12+7, Vigor d10
Intimidation d8, Notice d6,
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Intimida-
Stealth d6
tion d10, Notice d10, Stealth d6
Pace: 7; Parry: 10; Tough-
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 19 (4)
ness: 14 (2)
Special Abilities:
Edges: Ambidextrous,
„ Armor +4: Thick layers of
Berserk, Block (Imp),
„ Bite: Str+d8.
„ Demon: +2 to recover from
being Shaken; immune to
poison and disease; half-
damage from nonmagical
attacks except for cold
„ Fear (−4): Anyone
seeing the


Special Abilities: „ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the creature

„ Armor +2: Pieces of metal. must make a Fear check at −2.
„ Berserker: Gladiator demons don’t suffer „ Obese: Gluttony demons roll a d4 running
Fatigue from going Berserk, and only end die instead of a d6; Toughness +1.
their furious rampage when all foes in „ Size 4 (Large): Gluttony demons are the
sight are dead. size of small elephants and have one extra
„ Blades: Str+d10, Reach 1. Wound.
„ Demon: +2 to recover from being Shaken; „ Swallow Whole: Anyone hit by a bite
immune to poison and disease; half- attack must make an Evasion roll or be
damage from nonmagical attacks except Swallowed Whole.
for cold iron.
„ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing a collector must HELLHOUND
make a Fear check at −2. Hellhounds are monstrous demon dogs
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation. with black skin, steaming from the heat of
„ Infravision: Halve penalties for their demonic blood. Their eyes burn with
Illumination when attacking warm balefire and their teeth jut from their jaw at
targets. terrible angles. Certain demons often keep
„ Size 5 (Large): Gladiators are over 15’ tall hellhounds as pets, though they may also be
and have one extra Wound. found in the company of necromancers and
„ Very Resilient: Non-Wild Card gladiator other evil wizards.
demons can take two additional Wounds Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8,
before being Incapacitated. Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d10,
Stealth d8, Survival (tracking) d12+2
Gluttony demons have the bodies of large,
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
bloated toads and the limbs of a pig. So obese
Edges: Alertness, Fleet-Footed
are they that their bodies actually wobble
Special Abilities:
from side to side like a mass of quivering jelly.
„ Bite: Str+d6.
Their jaws can expand wide enough to „ Demon: +2 to recover from being Shaken;
swallow a man-sized object in a single immune to poison and disease; half-
gulp. Their appetite is endless, and they can damage from nonmagical attacks except
swallow an unlimited number of foes during for cold iron.
a single combat. „ Fear: Anyone who sees a hellhound must

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, make a Fear roll.
„ Immunity (Fire): Hellhounds take no
Strength d12+4, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimida- damage from fire.
„ Terrible Wounds: The jagged teeth of
tion d10, Notice d6, Stealth d6
Pace: 5; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12 a hellhound inflict terrible wounds,
Special Abilities: which do not heal quickly. Healing
„ Bite: Str+d6. rolls, including magical and
„ Demon: +2 to recover natural healing, are subject to a
from being Shaken; −2 penalty on top of any Wound
immune to penalties.
disease; half- „ Invisible: Some hellhounds
damage from are invisible to all but those they
nonmagical pursue! Attacks against them
attacks are made at −6 and until an ally
except sees evidence of their existence they
f o r may not believe the prey’s mad pleas
cold for help!


„ Unerring Trackers: Hellhounds might be the letter (but not the spirit!); they must
sent by vengeful owners to track down always accept something offered.
prey and make them pay some nefarious „ Weakness (Sunlight): Imps are Distracted
debt. Hellhounds are relentless trackers while exposed to direct sunlight.
already, but if the host manages to take
some action that would thwart most B LIBRARIAN
trackers—change his scent, board a plane While it’s doubtful many demon lords
for a new continent, etc.—the hounds have libraries, these unusual demons are
eventually find a way to follow. GMs may the scholars of the underworld. The epithet,
set some limits on this, of course. Maybe perhaps given in jest, has become common
the hounds can’t pursue into other planes parlance.
of existence, Hell, if the prey changes Librarians are tall, blue-skinned humanoids
bodies somehow, etc. with red eyes. Their heads are completely
bald, and runes of power and knowledge
IMP are burned into their skull. When traveling
Imps are pernicious creatures that delight in in mortal realms, they wear heavy cowled
violent mischief. Most are summoned by a cloaks to conceal their appearance.
witch or necromancer, or serve a powerful
Unusually for a denizen of Hell, librarians
seem quite willing to help mortals in return
The details of their form vary greatly, but for a small reward, such as a relic or a tome
most are short, humanoid beings with large of knowledge. What use they have for these
heads and pointed ears. They favor darkened items in Hell is anyone’s guess.
areas, recoiling violently from bright light
with hisses or curses. Should their fanged Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d10,
mouths and clawed fingers leave any doubt, Strength d8, Vigor d8
the malevolent gleam in their eyes makes Skills: Academics d12+2, Athletics d4,
their wicked natures clear. Battle d10, Common Knowledge d12, Elec-
tronics d10, Fighting d4, Notice d8, Occult d12,
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Persuasion d8, Repair d10, Research d12,
Strength d4, Vigor d6 Science d12, Stealth d10, Taunt d8
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6, Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 7
Fighting d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Shoot- Edges: Arcane Resistance (Imp), Investigator,
ing d8, Spellcasting d10, Stealth d10, Scholar (Academics)
Taunt d8 Special Abilities:
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 4 „ Demon: +2 to recover from being Shaken;
Powers: Invisibility, slumber. Power Points: 20 immune to poison and disease; half-
Special Abilities: damage from nonmagical attacks except
„ Claws: Str+d4.
for cold iron.
„ Demon: +2 to recover from being Shaken; „ Learned: Librarian demons have lifetimes
immune to poison and disease; half- of education, and gain a free reroll on all
damage from nonmagical attacks except Smart-based skills.
for cold iron. „ Size 1: Librarians are taller than humans.
„ Low Light Vision: Ignores penalties for
Dim and Dark Illumination. B PAZUZU
„ Shadow Magic: Imps are magical Pazuzu have the head of a man with a lion’s
creatures tied closely with darkness. They mane, leonine claws on their hands and feet,
may only use their powers in areas with the wings of an eagle, and a scorpion’s tail.
an Illumination penalty. When on Earth they prefer hot, dry climates.
„ Size −1: Imps are three to four feet tall.
They are said to be masters of illusion, and
„ Weakness (Imp Code): Imps must abide
desert nomads believe mirages are their work.
by special rules of behavior. They cannot
Pazuzu enjoy cruel and often lethal pranks.
lie (but don’t have to tell the truth, either!);
One common trick is to approach desert
they must always parley, if asked; if they
nomads and question them about how much
agree to a bargain, they must keep to


water they have. If they are low, the demon „ Illusionary Appearance: Pazuzu
offers to lead them to an oasis in return for can assume the form of a human (or
money. In reality, it leads them deeper into nonhuman if your setting allows such
the desert and then abandons them to await races).
a lingering death. Once its victims have died, „ Retaliate: If the demon resists an attempt
it returns to feast on their flesh. to banish it (including each round of an
exorcism), the caster suffers Fatigue that
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
can lead to death!
Strength d12+2, Vigor d10 „ Size 2: Pazuzu stand over 9’ high in their
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8,
natural form.
Fighting d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d10, „ Untrickable: Pazuzu are masters of
Stealth d8, Survival d8, Taunt d12
deception and are immune to Tests based
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9
on Smarts.
Edges: Frenzy (Imp), Rabble-Rouser, Retort
Special Abilities: B PLAGUE DEMON
„ Claws: Str+d6. Plague demons have haunted mankind for
„ Demon: +2 to recover from being Shaken; millennia, spreading sickness and disease
immune to poison and disease; half- wherever they go. They resemble humans
damage from nonmagical attacks except (or any other race in a fantasy or sci-fi horror
for cold iron. game), but are covered in weeping sores, pus-
„ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing a collector must filled boils, and always surrounded by a dark
make a Fear check at −2. halo of flies.
„ Flight: Pace 12.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Intimida-
tion d8, Notice d6, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Special Abilities:
„ Claws: Str+d4.
„ Demon: +2 to recover from being
Shaken; immune to poison and disease;
half-damage from nonmagical attacks
except for cold iron.
„ Disease (−4): Anyone
touched by a plague demon
must make a Vigor
roll or catch a Chronic
Disease (see Savage
Worlds). The disease is
contagious, so anyone the
victim physically contacts
must also make a Vigor roll or
catch the disease. Healing rolls
to treat the disease are made at
„ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing
the creature must make a Fear
check at −2.
„ Halo of Flies: The swarm
of flies around a plague demon
makes it hard to hit. Attackers
suffer a −2 penalty to all attack rolls.



In their natural form, possessors are dark
shadows of indiscernible shape. They drift Accepting a seducer’s dark gift gives the
like clouds, changing form in response to an recipient one of the advantages listed in this
imaginary wind. sidebar but comes at the stated price:
Possessors exist only to inhabit mortal hosts „ MINOR: Increase a Trait one die type (this
and use them as puppets to wreak havoc and may exceed the character’s maximum),
misery. Although they can possess alert and money equal to five times the setting’s
awake victims, possessors prefer to infest Starting Funds, make someone
those who are sleeping, if only to keep their Friendly to the hero (see Persuasio n
presence a secret. in Savage Worlds), cause an enemy
embarrassment or misfortune, grant
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d10,
the hero leadership of a medium-sized
Strength d6, Vigor d6
organization or middling authority.
Skills: Notice d6, Stealth d10, Taunt d12
„ MAJOR: Increase a Trait two die
Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 5
Special Abilities: types (this may exceed the character’s
„ Demon: +2 to recover from being Shaken; maximum), money equal to 20 times the
immune to poison and disease; half- setting’s Starting Funds, make someone
damage from nonmagical attacks except fall in love or be Helpful to the hero
for cold iron. (see Persuasion in Savage Worlds), cause
„ Ethereal: May pass through objects; an enemy grave misfortune or death,
cannot be harmed by nonmagical attacks; grant the hero leadership of a large
may become invisible (−6 penalty to hit) organization or powerful authority.
as a limited free action. Each dark gift comes with a price, of
„ Possession: These insidious fiends can course. A Minor gift gives the hero a Minor
cast the puppet power at will using Spirit Psychosis, and a Major gives her a Major
as their arcane skill, but may not possess Psychosis. If a hero would ever experience
more than one victim at a time. The victim a Psychotic Break from gaining a fourth
resists at −2 and the base Duration is 24 Psychosis (see page 44), she becomes the
hours. Releasing the spell is a free action. seducer’s slave instead, doing his or her will
„ Retaliate: If the demon resists an attempt without question.
to banish it (including each round of an
exorcism), the caster suffers Fatigue that Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d12,
can lead to death! Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Intimi-
B SEDUCER dation d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d12+2,
Whereas incubi and succubi seduce mortals Taunt d10
to feed on their life energy, seducer demons Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
corrupt their souls. They favor the innocent— Edges: Charismatic, Very Attractive
though harder to corrupt, the end result is Special Abilities:
much sweeter to their diabolical tastes. „ Dark Gifts: See the Dark Gifts sidebar.
Seducers work by approaching mortals and „ Demon: +2 to recover from being Shaken;
offering them strength, power, love, wealth, immune to poison and disease; half-
or other benefits. These “dark gifts” are damage from nonmagical attacks except
delivered subtly within a few days or weeks. for cold iron.
Raising a Trait might take a few days so as „ Fear: Anyone seeing the creature in its
not to raise suspicions. Wealth might come in natural form must make a Fear check.
the form of a lucrative contract, or something „ Illusionary Appearance: Seducers can
as simple as finding a treasure chest or bag assume any humanoid form.
of money. A leadership position follows the „ Retaliate: If the demon resists an attempt
death or embarrassment of the previous to banish it (including each round of an
leader. exorcism), the caster suffers Fatigue that
can lead to death!



Spined demons are hunched humanoids These bizarre entities are the personification
with scaly skin covered in short, sharp spines. of suffering. They are summoned from
They have no visible facial features, yet have Hell by solving one of their puzzle boxes.
little difficulty detecting their foes. They Some attempt the task because they want to
typically serve as minions to other demons experience the dark desires promised, but
and devils. most do so purely by accident.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Either way, once the puzzle is solved, a trio
Strength d12, Vigor d8 of demons appears and shows the solver the
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d10, Intimida- “pleasures” that await. The target may now
tion d10, Notice d6, Shooting d10, Stealth d8 make a Spirit roll at −4 if she wishes. If she
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 6 doesn’t or fails, she’s carried off to Hell and
Special Abilities: eventually becomes a torment demon herself.
„ Claws: Str+d6. If she succeeds, the demons may attempt to
„ Demon: +2 to recover from being Shaken; kill her or thank her and explore the mortal
immune to poison and disease; half- realm until returned to Hell by some do-
damage from nonmagical attacks except gooder. If the puzzler succeeds with a raise,
for cold iron. the puzzle resets and the torment demons
„ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing a collector must return to Hell with a grudge.
make a Fear check at −2. Torment demons have unique mutilations
„ Spines: Anyone who grapples or is
and scarification that cross the line between
grappled by a spined demon suffers 2d4 pleasure and pain. Most still look somewhat
damage from its spines at the beginning human, but all delight in the misery they seek
of the thing’s turn. to share.
„ Volley of Spines: As an action, a spine
demon may launch a volley of sharp Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d12+1,
spines in a Cone Template. It rolls Strength d8, Vigor d12+2
Shooting to hit, and targets who don’t Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4,
Evade take 2d6 damage. Fighting d6, Healing d10, Intimidation d10,
Notice d6, Occult d8, Persuasion d10, Shoot-
ing d10, Stealth d6, Taunt d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 11 (1)
Edges: Menacing, Strong Willed
Gear: Light leather armor (+1).
Special Abilities:
„ Bite/Claws: Str+d4.
„ Chains: Str+d6, Reach 2, Rending.
Torment demons summon hooked,
barbed, or grotesque chains that impale
or wrap around their victims. A raise on
the attack roll Entangles the victim.
„ Demon: +2 to recover from being Shaken;
immune to poison and disease; half-
damage from nonmagical attacks except
for cold iron.
„ Fear (−2): Anyone who sees a torment
demon must make a Fear check at −2.
„ Retaliate: If the demon resists an
attempt to banish it (including each
round of an exorcism), the caster
suffers Fatigue that can lead to


DEVILKIN are murderous things, giving in fully to

their bestial, demonic sides and reveling in
Devilkin are minor infernals from the Abyss
bloodshed, terror, and chaos.
that often pretend to be far greater beings,
such as the dark master himself. They are The most famous cambion in the United
humanoid in appearance, but with the legs States is the Jersey Devil. This being is said
and head of a goat. to be the 13th child of “Mother” Jane Leeds.
Exhausted and exasperating at birthing her
A summoned devilkin does not speak, but
13th child, she exclaimed her son would be
listens to the summoner’s pleas, canting its
the devil. So cursed, the child was indeed
unearthly head back and forth as if paying
born a half-human monster that sprouted
great attention. When the request is complete,
wings and escaped up the chimney. It now
the pretender runs off and tries to fulfill the
haunts the Pine Barrens of southern New
caster’s request in the worst way possible. It
won’t attack the summoner though—it wants
to torment her through its deeds instead. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Strength d10, Vigor d10
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10 (A), Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6,
Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d8,
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Intimida- Stealth d8, Survival d6
tion d8, Notice d6, Spellcasting d8, Stealth d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 Special Abilities:
Powers: Barrier (invisible wall), bolt (fiery „ Bite/Claws: Str+d6.
bolts from eyes), darkness (cloud of dark- „ Demon: +2 to recover from being Shaken;
ness), detect/conceal arcana (word of power), Immune to poison and disease; Half-
fear (curses), puppet (hypnotic gaze), stun damage from nonmagical attacks except
(word of power). Power Points: 20 for cold iron.
Special Abilities: „ Fear: Anyone seeing the creature must
„ Fear: Anyone seeing the creature
make a Fear check.
must make a Fear check. „ Fearless: Immune to Fear
„ Kick: Str+d4.
and Intimidation.
„ Hardy: If already Shaken,
B DEVIL further Shaken results have no
(MORTA L) effect.
A mortal devil, half- „ Immortal: A mortal
fiend, or “cambion” devil cannot die of old
is the offspring of age.
a human and a
demon or devil or a DHAMPYR
child cursed by some Dhampyrs are the
demonic influence. Typical features children of an unholy
include cloven hooves, horns, bat- (and seemingly
like wings, claws, fangs, and an impossible) mating of
animal-like head. Most mortal a vampire and a mortal.
devils are wicked beings true to They have some of the strength
their ancestry, but this is not and abilities of their sires, but can
always the case; in some rare walk in the sunlight and detect
occasions the human side the presence of other vampires.
is more prominent. These
At t r i b u t e s : Agil-
moral devils are lonesome
ity d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
creatures, shunned by
Strength d10, Vigor d10
human society but desirous of
S k i l l s : At h l e t i c s d 6 ,
its benefits nonetheless. Their
Common Knowledge d4,
wicked counterparts
Fighting d8, Intimida-


tion d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d8, „ Separate Limbs: The first Wound(s) a
Stealth d8, Survival d6 dismembered corpse takes causes it to
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7 separate but causes no actual damage.
Hindrances: — Each limb then acts as an Extra. Only by
Edges: Assassin, Combat Reflexes destroying all seven parts can the corpse
Gear: Wooden stake (Str+d4), pistol or cross- be vanquished.
bow (depending on era), crucifix. • Head: Head butt or bite for Str damage.
Special Abilities: • Torso: Slam for Str damage.
„ Sense Vampire: Dhampyrs can detect
• Intestines: Grapple.
vampires (and other dhampyrs) up to 10”
(20 yards) distant. If masked by conceal • Arms (2): Clawed hands for Str+d6
arcana, the dhampyr opposes it with his damage.
Notice skill. • Legs (2): Toenail claws for Str+d4 damage.
„ Weakness (Sunlight): Dhampyrs are „ Size −2 (Small): After the corpse has
Distracted while exposed to direct divided, each part is a smaller target and
sunlight. has Toughness 6.
„ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from
DISMEMBERED CORPSE being Shaken; no additional damage from
When first encountered, dismembered Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound
corpses look exactly like zombies. After they penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to
take their first Wound, however, they fly disease and poison.
apart into four limbs, a torso, intestines, and
a head—each acting as an independent entity. DOG
The various parts float around the torso but
operate completely independently. These B BLACK SHUCK
This apparition appears as a large black dog
various bits flail, slap, kick, and claw at their
bewildered foes. with shaggy hair and glowing red, saucer-
like eyes. Black Shuck wanders the woods
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, and moors at night during storms. It attacks
Strength d8, Vigor d8 those who show fear, but is apt to avoid or
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Notice d4, even protect those who don’t. Similar black
Stealth d6 hounds have been sighted in remote areas
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 all across the world. Sometimes they are said
Special Abilities: to presage death (see Signs and Portents on
„ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the dismembered
page 46).
corpse after it has separated must make a
Fear check at −2. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10,
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation. Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Notice d10,
Stealth d12, Survival (tracking) d12
Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7
“LAST NIGHT I SAW Edges: First Strike, Fleet-Footed, Frenzy
UPON THE STAI R, A Special Abilities:
„ Bite: Str+d6.
LI TTL E MAN WHO „ Fear: Anyone who sees Black Shuck must

WASN’T THERE. HE roll a Fear check. Failure activates the

creature’s Ill Omen Special Ability, in
WASN’T THERE AGAIN addition to the usual effects.
TODAY. OH, HOW I „ Ill Omen: A witness who shows fear in
front of Black Shuck falls under a curse.
WISH HE’D GO AWAY…” For the next year, any failed Vigor roll
counts as a Critical Failure instead. The
–William Mearns, curse may be broken early by seeking


out Black Shuck on a different night and cannot be harmed by nonmagical attacks;
succeeding at the Fear check. may become invisible (−6 penalty to hit)
„ Vanish: Black Shuck disappears without as a limited free action. Fetches may not
a trace if the weather improves, the sun make physical attacks.
rises, or it is Incapacitated. „ See Invisible: A fetch can see invisible crea-
tures, whether they are flesh or ethereal.
DOG, JUNKYARD „ Size −1: Fetches are canines whose heads
The stats below are for large attack dogs come to an average human’s waist.
trained to be vicious by cruel masters—or
compelled to violence by unseen forces. DOPPELGANGER
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, There are many types of doppelgangers in
Strength d8, Vigor d8 the horror genre: pod people, aliens who
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Notice d10, walk among us, mythological beings, or dark
Stealth d8, Survival (tracking) d8 fairies, just to name a few.
Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 The profile here is for a shapeshifter that
Edges: Alertness, Fleet-Footed, Frenzy takes an hour to duplicate a form but no
Special Abilities: clothes or items. Those of magical origin
„ Bite: Str+d4. might be able to completely duplicate their
„ Size −1: The heads of these canines usually prey much faster, and are listed in the
come to an average human’s waist, and Variants which follow.
they weigh about 60 pounds. Doppelgangers have many goals.
FETCH Some want to take over a person’s life
Fetches are spiritual companions to mortals for companionship while others may
who can detect spirits and other ethereal be scouts for some alien or monstrous
beings. Traditionally, only people born on force attempting to take over the world.
a Saturday could have a fetch dog, but this Doppelgangers aren’t particularly powerful
may vary depending on the setting and its physically, so they rely on stealth and guile
particular lore. A fetch might be a gift from a to isolate their chosen prey before “wearing”
powerful, supernatural ally, for example. its skin.
The “owner” of a fetch cannot communicate Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d6,
with it—the thing simply stays by its Strength d6, Vigor d6
companion at all times, protecting its master Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6,
from evil to the best of its ability. It cannot Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Per-
affect the physical world in any way. suasion d6, Stealth d10, Survival d8
Fetches are invisible, but mortals might Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
occasionally catch a glimpse of the creature Edges: Jack-of-All-Trades
whenever it performs some crucial act. Special Abilities:
„ Shift: Doppelgangers take on the forms
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8, of others. This takes an hour with an
Strength d6, Vigor d6 immobile victim and results in its death.
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Notice d10,
Stealth d6, Survival (tracking) d8 VARIANT SPECIAL ABILITIES
„ Memories: The doppelganger has full
Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4
Edges: Alertness, Fleet-Footed access to the host’s skills and memories
Special Abilities: (use the higher of the two beings’ skills).
„ Quick Shift: The doppelganger’s ability
„ Bite: Str+d6 vs ethereals only.
„ Dire Warning: When a fetch detects to mimic a host is magical or supernatural.
an invisible or ethereal foe within 10” It happens immediately after it touches
(20 yards), its host gains a sense of the its prey and replicates gear and items as
enemy’s location as well, ignoring up to 4 well. If the host has magical items, the
points of its attack penalties. doppelganger’s versions are mundane
„ Ethereal: May pass through objects; instead.


„ Wail: The creature can emit an inhuman

wail as a limited action. This is an
Dreamreavers are spirits of nightmare that
Intimidation Test in a Cone Template.
prey on mortal psyches plunging them
All targets within are affected and must
into a terrible dreamscape. Within, the
resist separately. Other doppelgangers in
dreamer must battle to complete some quest,
earshot are often attracted to the wail and
overcoming obstacles and defeating foes, or
may come running to its aid.
remain lost in the nightmare land forever.
B DREAM EVIL Dreamreavers often pull close companions
of their victims into the nightmare realm
At certain times of the year, evil holds great
as well. This means an entire party might
sway. All Hallows’ Eve is one such occasion,
find themselves trapped in one of their
but there are others. During this time,
companions’ nightmares.
creatures born in sleepers’ nightmares gain
the power to enter the physical world. Once in the dreamscape, the victim stumbles
on some quest he feels compelled to complete.
Their exact form varies from sleeper to
The task may be simple escape, to defeat a
sleeper. Some take the form of demonic
dreaded foe, or to reach some distant objective.
clowns, others tentacled beasts or maniacal
The terrible foes and otherworldly obstacles
versions of abusive parents. Regardless of
faced along the way look and feel real and
form, all are intent on manifesting in the
should be handled as such, though with
physical world and causing as much mayhem
whatever strange physics the dreamscape
as possible.
Dream evils materialize after their host has
Victims who die in the dream world remain
gone to sleep, generally appearing within a
in a coma in the physical world. They are
few miles and proceed to act like the thing
essentially brain dead—the dreamreaver has
they’ve manifested as. A giant spider lurks
devoured their essence.
in trees and ensnares victims, an evil clown
might appear near a circus and lure attendees Those who survive and “win” dispel the
into a dark tent where it can devour them, etc. dreamreaver and are blessed with restful
sleep for the rest of their lives. If they suffered
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d12, from night terrors or other sleep disorders
Strength d12, Vigor d12 before, they are cured. They may still have
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Intim- occasional nightmares, but are always aware
idation d12, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, they are nothing but dreams and ignore any
Spellcasting d10, Stealth d10 ill effects.
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8
Powers: Confusion, entangle, fear, illusion, The statistics below are for the dreamreaver’s
invisibility, shape change, slumber, sound/ spirit form. Those who can see such things spy
silence. Power Points: 20 a squat, toad-like humanoid with black eyes,
Special Abilities: lolling tongue, and vacant, slack-jawed gaze.
„ Nightmare Entity: Dream evils disappear Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
immediately when their host wakes. Strength d6, Vigor d6
If destroyed by the banish spell they Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d4, Notice d6,
reappear the next time the host sleeps. Stealth d10
Only the death of the host, an exorcism, or Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
seven straight nights without sleep by the Special Abilities:
host destroys them for good (see Sleep „ Dream Warp: The dreamreaver can pull
under Hazards in Savage Worlds). any sleeping victim into the nightmare
lands, as described above.
“I DREAMED ABOUT THIS GUY IN A „ Ethereal: May pass through objects;
cannot be harmed by nonmagical attacks;
DIRTY RED AND GREEN SWEATER.” may become invisible (−6 penalty to hit)
–Nancy, as a limited free action. Dreamreavers
A Nightmare on Elm Street may not take physical actions.


DROWNLING Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d10,

Strength d6, Vigor d6
Drownlings are drowning victims come back
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Notice d6,
to unlife. They look like they did in life, but
Stealth d8
wear water-soaked clothes which never dry
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Special Abilities:
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, „ Dark Emotion: The spirit attaches itself
Strength d8, Vigor d6 to a single victim and stays within a few
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Notice d6, feet for the duration of its “life.” While
Stealth d6 present, it enhances the host’s negative
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 emotions, making them more desperate,
Special Abilities: violent, or long-lived. A peaceful man
„ Aquatic: Pace 6. might become angry or short-tempered,
„ Drown: Drownlings embrace their while a naturally angry man likely
victims and force water into their mouths becomes violent.
and lungs. Grappled foes must make „ Ethereal: May pass through objects;
a Vigor roll when grappled and at the cannot be harmed by nonmagical attacks;
start of the drownling’s turn as long as may become invisible (−6 penalty to hit)
they remain Bound or Entangled. Failure as a limited free action. Emotion spirits
results in Fatigue. Once Incapacitated, may not take physical actions.
death results in a number of rounds equal
to the victim’s Vigor die. EVIL CLOWN
„ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from The irrational fear most have of clowns isn’t
being Shaken; no additional damage from always irrational. Below is a common
Called Shots; ignores 1 point of version of the evil clown—the kind
Wound penalties; doesn’t breathe; that lures victims into the dark and
immune to disease and poison. devours them.
A gaggle of clowns has the statistics
EMOTION SPIRIT listed below. A single clown—or
Emotion spirits are non-corporeal sometimes a “boss clown”—is a
embodiments of a dark or negative Wild Card.
emotion, such as hatred or greed.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6,
They attach themselves to a victim
Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d10
who was—at least momentarily­—
S k i l l s : At h l e t -
affected by its particular vice. So a
ics d6, Common Knowledge d4,
Greedy character, or one who was
Driving d6, Fighting d8, Intimida-
even temporarily greedy, might
tion d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d10,
attract the spirit’s attention.
Stealth d8, Taunt d10
After that the creature follows Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
its host around, invisible and Edges: Combat Acrobat, Frenzy
ethereal, emphasizing this (Imp), Retort
negative trait to the extreme in Special Abilities:
hopes of causing more misery and „ Bite: Str+d12, Rending.
pain. „ Claws: Str+d6.
To those who can see them, their „ Fear (−2): Once a clown has
form varies by type. A spirit of greed its victim isolated and alone, it
might appear as a corpulent human drops its disguise and reveals its
weighed down by golden chains. A true self, causing a Fear check at
spirit of cruelty might be covered in −2.
weeping whip marks.


B FEAR STA LKER Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7

Special Abilities:
Fear stalkers are created when a person
„ Claws: Str+d4, Rending.
experiences overwhelming fear. The wretched,
„ Disguise: A flesh ripper wearing the skin
unseen things then attach themselves to the
of a victim looks, sounds, and has the
victim, driving him to dread, ruin, madness,
same mannerisms as the victim. It has
or death from misadventure.
none of their memories, Hindrances or
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Edges, however.
Strength d6, Vigor d6 „ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the creature
Skills: Athletics d6, Intimidation d10, without skin must make a Fear check
Notice d6, Stealth d10 with a −2 penalty.
Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 5 „ Regeneration: Each time a flesh ripper
Special Abilities: dons a new skin, it recovers one Wound.
„ Enhance Fear: The subject becomes This is the only way it can heal damage.
nervous and jumpy over time, receiving a „ Resilient: Can take one additional
−1 penalty to his Fear checks for each week Wound.
the spirit is attached, up to a maximum of „ Skin Loss: Every time a flesh ripper takes a
−4. Wound, it must make a Vigor roll. Failure
„ Ethereal: May pass through objects; means the skin it’s currently wearing is
cannot be harmed by nonmagical attacks; ruined and peels away, revealing the
may become invisible (−6 penalty to hit) creature in its natural form. Each hour the
as a limited free action. Fear stalkers may creature spends without a skin, it must
not take physical actions. make a Vigor roll or suffer a Wound.
„ Strip: Flesh rippers can skin an
FLESH RIPPER Incapacitated victim in three rounds,
Flesh rippers are fleshless pulling the entire skin off in a single piece.
humanoids who need the skin It then takes 1d4 rounds to don and meld
of victims to survive. into the skin.
Although they
can use animal FLYING HEAD
hides, most prefer Among certain tribes of North
the comforting American Indians, there
f i t o f h u m a n exist stories of flying
skin. Particularly heads. Each head is as tall
beautiful o r as a man, and rests upon
charismatic humans are their two short legs. At the end
favorite targets. Individual of each leg are a set of
flesh rippers may have other powerful claws. Flying
preferences, such as heavily heads emit a fearsome cry
tattooed victims or those which can turn a warrior’s
with a particular hair or blood to ice.
eye color.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10,
At t r i b u t e s : Agil- Strength d8, Vigor d8
ity d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d8, Notice d8,
Strength d10, Vigor d10 Stealth d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Pace: 4; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Common Knowledge d4, Special Abilities:
Fighting d10, Intimi- „ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the creature
dation d8, Notice d8, must make a Fear check at −2.
Persuasion d 8 , „ Fearless: Immune to Fear (except
Stealth d10 lightning) and Intimidation.
„ Flight: Pace 8.


„ Kick: Str+d6. visible (or even corporeal) as a limited

„ Scream: Once per night, and again free action. It may manifest as it appears
anytime a flying head’s Action Card is in the spirit realm, at its death, or at any
a face card in combat, it may elicit its point in its life as it chooses.
trademark scream as its only action. „ Near-Omniscient: The ghost is usually
Anyone within 12” (24 yards) must lurking in the background, listening in
make a Fear check at −1 per flying head on the living and waiting for a chance
participating (maximum penalty of −4). to strike. It knows most anything the
„ Weakness (Lightning): Flying heads fear heroes say or do within its domain unless
lightning and must make a Fear check distracted somehow.
when they see it or attempt to flee into „ Retaliate: If the spirit resists an attempt
cover of some sort. to banish him (including each round of an
exorcism), the caster suffers Fatigue that
GHOST can lead to death!
Specters, shades, and phantoms sometimes „ Telekinesis: The spirit can affect the
return from death to haunt the living or fulfill material world without manifesting
some lost goal. itself—balancing chairs, hurling knives,
etc., just as if it were real. It typically
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, remains invisible while doing so, however.
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8,
Fighting d6, Intimidation d12, Notice d12,
Stealth d12, Taunt d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Gear: Thrown objects (Str+d4).
Special Abilities:
„ Ethereal: May pass through objects;
cannot be harmed by nonmagical attacks; PLAYING FAIR
may become invisible (−6 penalty to hit)
as a limited free action. Player characters in fantasy settings
„ Fear (−2): Ghosts cause Fear checks at −2 usually have access to spells and magic
when they let themselves be seen. items. Such weapons are more rare in
VARIANT SPECIAL ABILITIES horror games, so ethereal creatures
Ghosts in horror tales have many different that can affect the physical world, like
powers and abilities. Customize with these ghosts, are very dangerous and very
or other abilities as desired. unfair.
„ Energy Drain: With a successful touch or This is horror, so fortunately “unfair”
attack, a victim must make a Vigor roll is part of the experience. In fact, it’s
or lose a die type in Strength or Vigor expected and makes the monsters far
(whichever is highest, or spirit’s choice more terrifying.
if tied). If the attack would reduce Vigor But there’s a limit, of course. If the
below d4, the victim must make a Vigor investigators enter a house haunted
roll at the end of his next turn or perish. by a murderous ghost and took no
Unless slain, a victim recovers one die precautions, a few horrific attacks from
type every 24 hours. an invisible foe should chase them out
„ Illusions: The ghost can manifest minor and encourage them to return prepared.
illusions at will. With more effort (usually Use such assaults to scare the players,
no more than once per scene), the spirit herd their characters where you want
can create larger illusions, such as them to go, encourage research, and
transforming its entire surroundings. emphasize the nature of the genre. Go
Illusions cannot cause harm, but they might too far and you’ll quickly wind up with
lead a victim to harm if they’re not careful! a very unfun “total party kill.”
„ Materialize: The spirit may become


VARIANT WEAKNESSES Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d10,

Here are a few additional Weaknesses your Strength d8, Vigor d10
investigators might use to battle these tricky Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimida-
fiends. tion d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Stealth d8
„ Bane: The ghost is vulnerable to Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9
something associated with its life or death. Edges: Arcane Resistance (Imp), Killer
The phantom of a hanged man might Instinct
retreat from anyone holding a noose, for Special Abilities:
„ Claws: Str+d6. She only uses her claws on
example. The item acts like a ward to this
spirit (see page 48). victims who have looked into her eyes or
„ Resolution: Most spirits materialize invited her into their home.
„ Ethereal: May pass through objects;
because they want something. A
murdered woman might want someone cannot be harmed by nonmagical attacks;
to know it was her jealous husband—not may become invisible (−6 penalty to hit)
the drifter from out of town—who killed as a limited free action.
„ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the white lady’s
her. If whatever brought the spirit back is
resolved in some acceptable way, it fades hollow eyes or hearing her knock must
from the physical world and does not make a Fear check with a −2 penalty.
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
„ Salt: The ghost suffers damage from salt— „ Invulnerability: A white lady
such as shotgun pellets filled with it. This Incapacitated by any means other than
cannot kill the thing, but it can drive it a banish spell leaves any house she is
off for about 10 minutes per Wound. The haunting, but eventually reappears on the
spirit also cannot cross barriers of salt, road to stalk again. Her invitations are no
and if its corpse is covered in a fine layer longer valid. Incapacitating her with the
of salt, it is effectively paralyzed in the banish power ends her threat for good.
„ Marked for Death: Anyone who looks
nether realm and can no longer function
in the mortal world. into her eyes is subject to the white lady’s
„ UV: The spirit cannot go into bright lights curse until sunrise: all Vigor rolls are
and burns for 2d6 damage per round if hit made at −2.
„ Weakness (Daylight): The white lady
with strong UV light such as the sun or
technology that uses UV rays. cannot appear during the day. She isn’t
present at all, and only returns after
B WHITE LADY sunset the next day, either where she
The White Lady is an example of a specific last vanished or by the road she usually
type of ghost, and refers to a number of haunts.
similar stories involving such an entity. „ Weakness (Invitation Only): The white

A white lady appears as a pale woman lady cannot enter a private dwelling
dressed in white. She is usually covering her without being invited. They may enter
face and weeping. Those unfortunate enough public domains as they please.
to look into her eyes see only dark, hollow
voids. She embodies some tragedy, usually GHOUL
involving missing or murdered children or Ghouls are vile scavengers, feasting off
a husband. She appears to travelers on roads carrion and unfortunate victims who cross
seeking aid or a ride, and follows them home their paths while feeding. Ghouls have pale,
whether granted aid or not. At home is where rubbery skin with the texture of uncooked
the real trouble starts. She knocks on the door pastry. Their eyes are large and glow with a
sporadically with increasing desperation. If pale feral-yellow color. They have sharp claws
she’s invited in she disappears and begins and teeth, often with shreds of rendered flesh
to haunt the house and murder those within, hanging from them.
otherwise she disappears at sunrise and Ghouls typically scavenge in packs and live
looks for new travelers to stalk with the next in vast lairs of 20+ individuals with a Wild
nightfall. Card king or queen.


Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, but solid stone; cannot be attacked while
Strength d8, Vigor d8 beneath the earth except by special means.
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Intimida- „ Claws: Str+1d4, AP 2. Goblin claws are
tion d8, Notice d8, Stealth d10, Survival d8 dense and sharp, capable of scoring solid
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 stone.
Special Abilities: „ Size −1: Goblins are 4’ tall.
„ Claws: Str+d4. „ Weakness (Sound): Goblins can be
„ Infravision: Halve penalties for “blinded” with continuous loud noise or
Illumination when attacking warm magical silence.
„ Keen Nose: Ghouls get +2 to Notice rolls „ Pack Tactics: For a far more brutal,
against living targets and Survival rolls to coordinated group of goblins, add any
track them. Gang Up bonus to their Fighting damage
„ Paralysis: Anyone Shaken or Wounded
by a ghoul’s claw attack must make a
Vigor roll or be Stunned. They are also GOLEM
paralyzed and incapable of an action— Golems are artificial creatures made with
even speech—for 2d6 rounds. magic and pseudo-science. Some, like the
„ Weakness (Sunlight): Ghouls are Dis-
clay golem of Prague, were created to act
tracted while exposed to direct sunlight. as servitors. Others are an attempt to make
guardians or murderous automatons.
Few sane men of science put belief in such
These are not the goblins of epic fantasy, but
creations, and even fewer have the finances,
the twisted fey of fairy tales. The legends
skill, or urge to dabble in their making. Such
say they hunt children, perhaps looking to
monstrosities are more often created by
initiate them into their tribe, but perhaps
deranged scientists, necromancers, and the
these are just wives’ tales.
misguided. True golems cannot talk.
These cretinous creatures are small and
blind, with milky-white, pupil-less eyes. They BEAST GOLEM
navigate in the dark places by echolocation, Animal golems are stitched together from the
issuing soft cooing noises that often sound parts of many beasts. Below is an example
like the babes they’re rumored to steal. using the torso and legs of a bear with the
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, forearms and head of a lion.
Strength d8, Vigor d8 Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d10,
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Strength d12+2, Vigor d10
Notice d8, Stealth d8 Skills: Athletics d8, Fight-
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: ing d8, Intimidation d10, Notice d6,
7 (2) Stealth d6, Survival d6
Special Abilities: Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10 (1)
„ Armor +2: Fey goblins
Edges: Berserk, Frenzy (Imp)
are densely Special Abilities:
muscled with „ Armor +1:
thick, leathery Hard muscle.
hides. „ Bite/Claws:
„ Blind: Goblins Str+d6.
“see” via echolocation „ Construct: +2 to
and are immune to recover from being Shaken;
vision-based effects ignores 1 point of Wound
(darkness, invisibility, penalties; doesn’t breathe or
etc.). suffer from disease or poison.
„ Burrow (Pace 4): Can
burrow through all


„ Fear: Characters seeing a beast golem BONE GOLEM

must make a Fear check. Unlike skeletons, bone golems are a mishmash
„ Fearless: Golems are immune to Fear (with of bones bonded together through dark magic.
the exception of fire) and Intimidation. Many are given bony spines to add to their
„ Size 2: Being based on a bear, this already grotesque appearance.
particular beast golem stands over 8’ tall.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d8,
„ Weakness (Fire): Beast golems are afraid
Strength d12, Vigor d12
of fire. They are Distracted around a
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d10, Intimida-
person carrying a burning torch or similar
tion d8, Notice d6, Stealth d8
Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 12 (2)
BLOOD GOLEM Edges: Frenzy
Blood golems are created by magically Special Abilities:
binding together the blood of many creatures. „ Armor +2: Bone.
Blood congeals quickly, so it must be fresh „ Bony Claws: Str+d4.
when the ritual is conducted. Soon after, it „ Construct: +2 to recover from being
turns to a thick jelly. Shaken; ignores 1 point of Wound
penalties; doesn’t breathe or suffer from
Blood golems are dark red in color and
disease or poison.
humanoid in shape, but with no facial
„ Fear: Characters seeing a bone golem
features other than two glowing yellow slits
must make a Fear check.
for eyes.
„ Fearless: Bone golems are immune to Fear
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, and Intimidation.
Strength d10, Vigor d10 „ Size 2: Bone golems are usually over 9’
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimida- tall.
tion d8, Notice d6, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 CORPSE GOLEM
Special Abilities: Corpse golems are patchwork men made
„ Construct: +2 to recover from being from the bits and pieces of others recently
Shaken; ignores 1 point of Wound deceased.
penalties; doesn’t breathe or suffer from Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d10,
disease or poison. Strength d12, Vigor d10
„ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the creature
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimida-
must make a Fear check at −2. tion d10, Notice d6, Stealth d6
„ Fearless: Blood golems are immune to
Pace: 5; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 (1)
Fear and Intimidation. Hindrances: Slow (Minor)
„ Infravision: Halve penalties for Edges: Arcane Resistance, Berserk
Illumination when attacking warm targets. Gear: Typically a long sword (Str+d8).
„ Invulnerability: Nonmagical attacks of
Special Abilities:
any sort cause half-damage. „ Armor +1: Hard skin and muscle.
„ Size 1: Blood golems stand slightly taller „ Construct: +2 to recover from being
than a human. Shaken; ignores 1 point of Wound
„ Slam: Str+d4.
penalties; doesn’t breathe or suffer from
„ Smother: Grappled foes must make a
disease or poison.
Vigor roll when grappled and at the start „ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the creature
of the golem’s turn as long as they remain must make a Fear check at −2.
Bound or Entangled. Failure results „ Fearless: Golems are immune to Fear and
in Fatigue. Once Incapacitated, death Intimidation.
results in a number of rounds equal to the
victim’s Vigor die.


MARIONETTE GOLEM as it drains their life essence, the Medium

Stories of possessed marionettes (stringed Template 2d6, and the Large Template
puppets) have dated back centuries. More 1d6. The gravebane has no other form of
modern marionette golems may be made in direct attack.
the form of dolls or teddy bears. „ Ethereal: May pass through objects;
cannot be harmed by nonmagical attacks;
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
may become invisible (−6 penalty to hit)
Strength d8, Vigor d10
as a limited free action.
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Intimida-
„ Fear: Anyone seeing the creature must
tion d6, Notice d6, Stealth d10, Taunt d8
make a Fear check.
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7 (2)
„ Zombie: Gravebanes retain the power to
Gear: Knife (Str+d4).
animate the dead, but only within about
Special Abilities:
10” (20 yards) of their grave. Most control
„ Armor +2: Wooden body. (Ignore this for
2d6 zombies when encountered, lying
teddy bears, stuffed animals, etc.)
just below the sodden earth and ready to
„ Construct: +2 to recover from being
Shaken; ignores 1 point of Wound
penalties; doesn’t breathe or suffer from GRAY
disease or poison.
„ Fearless: Golems are immune to Fear and These elusive, advanced beings hail from
Intimidation. elsewhere in the universe. They appear
„ Size −2 (Small): Marionettes stand no as slender, hairless humanoids with egg-
taller than 2’. shaped heads, large black eyes, tiny noses
and mouths, and gray skin (hence the name).
B GRAVEBANE What brings them here is a mystery, but
When a powerful necromancer dies but his grays haunt deserts and other remote locations
spirit refuses to move on, a gravebane may where they transport isolated victims to their
be born. Gravebanes are large clouds of spaceships for experimentation. Captives
putrescent energy. They retain a small degree remember little from their experience other
of intelligence, but are primarily interested than bright lights, bizarre humanoids, and
in feasting. They do so by animating nearby terrifying probes.
undead to hunt for them. One of the grays’ spacecraft is rumored to
The gravebane’s favored tactic is to remain have crash landed in Roswell, New Mexico,
hidden and use its zombies to kill nearby and is now held by the U.S. Government in a
beings. Once all the prey are dead, the top-secret research facility—perhaps some of
zombies bring the corpses to the gravebane their weird technology has been behind our
for absorption. own scientific leaps.

Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d8, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6,
Strength d6, Vigor d10 Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Notice d8, Skills: Athletics d6, Electronics d8, Fight-
Shooting d8, Stealth d10 ing d6, Healing d10, Notice d8, Piloting d10,
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 Psionics d10, Repair d8, Science d10, Shoot-
Special Abilities: ing d6, Stealth d6
„ Bloat: As a limited action, a gravebane Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 10 (4)
can greatly expand its mass. On the first Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), Men-
round it swells to the size of a Small Blast talist
Template. The next round it increases to Powers: Boost/lower Trait, confusion, mind link,
a Medium Blast Template, and then a mind reading, mind wipe, puppet, slumber, stun,
Large Blast Template on the third. On the telekinesis. Power Points: 20
fourth round, it shrinks back to normal Gear: Stun gun (Range 1/2/4, Vigor roll at
size. Once started, the process must be −2 or be Stunned), scalpel, futuristic body
seen through to the end. Anyone caught armor (+4).
in the Small Template suffers 3d6 damage



„ Curse of Doom: When a hag is slain, she
Though they are often mistaken for witches,
curses her slayers with a malevolent curse.
“hags” are not—or are no longer—human.
Until the character undergoes a ritual
Some are more akin to trolls with witch-like
casting of dispel (or some other specific
powers, while others were once women or
task set by the Game Master), any failed
even actual witches who became something
Vigor roll counts as a Critical Failure
far more loathsome and corrupt.
See page 173 for actual witches, often „ Ogre Blood: The hag has the Strength of
misunderstood spellcasters feared by locals an ogre (d12+2), Size 2, and may have the
who only treat with them out of sheer Brute, Berserk, and Sweep Edges at the
desperation. Hags are the cackling fiends the GM’s discretion.
locals really should fear.
B HAG A wood hag was an evil and vengeful witch
Hags have given themselves to sinister who died and left a tormented soul behind
powers in exchange for revenge, long life, or to possess the woods she once roamed. They
other dark desires. They are the monsters are invisible, incorporeal beings with a hatred
who cook children and murder those who for the living, and are even more powerful in
stumble into their territory. They revel in death than they were in life.
extreme gore, horror, and the grotesque. Wood hags curse an entire region of forest
They might use their magic to move among around their lairs, infusing the trees, the
the populace they hate and magically fill a animals, and even the land itself with their
communal feasting pie with maggots, cause foul presence. They rarely show themselves,
a dreadful industrial accident, or startle a preferring to attack with their powers, using
driver into a grisly accident. animated trees, enraged animals, and the
Some hags might be part troll or ogre, or land itself to torture those who trespass on
they might be unique creatures twisted their domain.
by whatever dark powers grant them their The most famous wood hag from American
terrible magic. history was Kate Batts, also known as the Bell
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Witch. She haunted the family of John Bell in
Strength d10, Vigor d10 Tennessee in the early 1800s. She tormented
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8, them for years and is reportedly responsible
Fighting d10, Healing d8, Intimidation d10, for the death of John Bell himself.
Notice d8, Occult d10, Persuasion d4, Spell- Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d10,
casting d10, Stealth d10, Taunt d8 Strength d6, Vigor d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d12,
Hindrances: Ugly (Major) Fighting d4, Intimidation d8, Notice d8,
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Assassin, Occult d10, Spellcasting d10, Stealth d10,
Frenzy (Imp), Menacing, Rabble-Rouser, Taunt d8
Sweep (Imp) Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 7
Powers: Boost/lower Trait, deflection, disguise, Hindrances: Ruthless (Major), Vengeful
entangle, farsight, fear, fly (broom), illusion, (Major)
illusionary horrors, invisibility, light/darkness, Edges: Arcane Background (Magic)
lock/unlock, protection, puppet, summon ally, Powers: Barrier (underbrush and vines), beast
summon demon, wall walker. Power Points: 25 friend, blind, confusion, curse, elemental manip-
Special Abilities: ulation, entangle (underbrush and vines),
„ Bite/Claws: Str+d6, AP 2, Rending. environmental manipulation (fire, ice, rain,
„ Fear (−2): Anyone who sees a hag in her landslides), fear, havoc, illusion, illusionary
true form must make a Fear check at −2. horrors, lower trait, nightmares, slumber, stun,
telekinesis. Power Points: 30.


Special Abilities: Powers: Confusion, deflection, disguise, elemen-

„ Cursed Forest: Wood hags claim a region tal manipulation, entangle (water weeds), sloth,
of the forest within a few miles radius of stun. Power Points: 20
her former lair. The limits of her domain Special Abilities:
are marked by strange occult symbols „ Aquatic: Pace 10.
carved into trees and rocks, or by stick „ Armor +2: Thick or blubbery skin.
dolls hanging from trees, though such „ Bite/Claws: Str+d6.
marks may be obvious or obscured. Fear „ Environmental Resistance (Fire): The
checks are made at –2 in a cursed forest, swamp hag’s wet skin gives her +4
Survival checks to track, hunt, or navigate resistance / –4 damage from Fire-based
are made at −4, and trespassers never effects.
recover Fatigue while within. „ Fear –2: Anyone seeing a swamp hag
„ Ethereal: May pass through objects; must make a Fear check at –2.
cannot be harmed by nonmagical attacks; VARIANT SPECIAL ABILITIES
may become invisible (−6 penalty to hit) „ Regeneration (Fast): Natural healing roll
as a limited free action. every round except for those Wounds
„ Fear: If a wood hag becomes visible,
caused by fire or heat.
witnessing her causes a Fear check.
„ Flight: Pace 12. HARBINGER
„ Invulnerable: A wood hag can be
A harbinger is a winged creature that appears
Incapacitated by magical attacks, but in the sky during or just before deadly
cannot be slain. Once Incapacitated, her disasters. Whether they are drawn by the
soul returns to the soil of her forest to rest. impending doom or somehow cause it is
While resting she makes natural healing unknown. Harbingers are mute, but just by
rolls as usual, and cannot manifest again appearing they offer a warning of sorts to
until all of her Wounds are healed. The those who understand what they’re seeing.
only way to permanently rid a forest of a
wood hag is to locate her grave (or bones) Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d12,
and give it a proper exorcism (page 76). Strength d10, Vigor d10
If the wood hag isn’t Incapacitated, she Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8,
will of course do all she can to disrupt the Fighting d8, Notice d6, Stealth d10
ritual. Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
Edges: Arcane Resistance (Imp), Combat
B SWAMP HAG Reflexes, Danger Sense, Dodge, Level
A swamp hag is a female humanoid creature Headed (Imp)
that lives in lakes and swamps. Most are Special Abilities:
descended from either trolls or ogres with „ Bite/Claws: Str+d6.
water-logged, decaying flesh, sharp black „ Doom: Anyone who fails the Fear check
claws, wide maws filled with small, jagged gains the Doomed Hindrance (page 6)
teeth, and long scraggly hair dripping with until the harbinger is Incapacitated or at
stagnant water. Swamp hags are carnivorous, the completion of some terrible event.
lurking in wait for animals and people to „ Fear: Anyone seeing the creature must
venture too close to the water they hide in. make a Fear check.
Then they burst up from the murk and attack. „ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
Swamp hags of folklore include the fuath, „ Flight: Pace 10.
the fideal, and the monster called Jenny
Green-Teeth. B HATE
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, A hate is formed when multiple souls suffer
Strength d12, Vigor d12 a collective fate. They are usually found on
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intim- battlefields, scenes of massacres, and death
idation d8, Notice d8, Spellcasting d8, camps. When the bodies of the victims die,
Stealth d10 their souls flock to form a mass of swirling,
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10 screaming spirits. Hates are filled only with


thoughts of vengeance. Although initially Either way, a walking suit of empty plate mail
they target those who oppressed them in life, is a challenging foe!
their desire for revenge can never be truly
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8,
sated and even innocents quickly become
Strength d10, Vigor d8
their prey.
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d6,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Stealth d6
Strength d6, Vigor d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 7 or 9 (shield); Toughness: 10
Skills: Notice d6 (4)
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 7 Edges: Block, Sweep (Imp)
Special Abilities: Gear: Sword (Str+d8) or mace (Str+d6). Some
„ Ethereal: May pass through objects; also carry a medium shield (Parry +2).
cannot be harmed by nonmagical attacks; Special Abilities:
may become invisible (−6 penalty to hit) „ Armor +4: Most spirits choose to inhabit
as a limited free action. Hates may not plate mail armor.
take physical actions. „ Construct: +2 to recover from being
„ Fear: Anyone seeing the creature must Shaken; ignores 1 point of Wound
make a Fear check. penalties; doesn’t breathe or suffer from
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation. disease or poison.
„ Rage: A hate fills a Large Blast Template. „ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
When a living being enters the template,
or starts his turn within it, he must make a HAUNTED CAR
Spirit roll at −4. Those who fail go Berserk Haunted cars (or other vehicles) are
(per the Edge) and launch a violent attack possessed by evil machine spirits who “feed”
against the nearest by mangling victims beneath their wheels or
character, friend even within them. Haunted cars are sentient
or foe. Once out of and malevolent. They’re also conscious of
the template, the hate’s being destroyed and so know to maintain
victims automatically a low profile—when they aren’t on a
make another Spirit roll murderous rampage.
(−4) to break out of the Haunted cars control themselves,
thing’s control (that’s but like to toy with their victims
why hates tend to follow for a while before feasting on
their victims and keep their shattered bodies. This
them inside their area of process may go on for
effect). When a thrall escapes,
several days or even
he’s Shaken.
weeks if the car
„ Swarm: +2 to recover from
becomes fond of a
being Shaken; Parry +2; particular operator.
Large Blast Template; When this happens,
cutting and piercing which it inevitably
attacks inflict no does, the machine spirit “falls
damage, magical area in love” with the driver, killing at
effect weapons work night or when the operator isn’t
normally. present to avoid the temptation
of devouring him or her
HAUNTED instead. Such spirits often
ARMOR become very jealous of
Sometimes the spirits of others who compete for
those who inhabited a suit their operator’s attention.
of armor give it life. Other Track the car’s
times they may be animated Wounds just as you
by sorcerous shenanigans. would any other


vehicle. It can be Wrecked but fixes itself withPowers: Fear, protection, puppet, telekinesis.
Slow Regeneration (see below). Power Points: Unlimited
Special Abilities:
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d10,
„ Animate: The spirit can animate the image
Strength —, Vigor —
of any person in the portrait. Although
Skills: Driving d12 (plus Handling), Fight-
the image cannot attack, it can move its
ing d8
eyes to follow people, open its mouth to
Pace: As vehicle; Parry: 2 (Inanimate Object);
speak, and even move its hand to make
Toughness: As vehicle.
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Mean
„ Invulnerability: The spirit can only be
Edges: Arcane Resistance (Imp), Strong
injured in the painting it calls home. For
obvious reasons, they are loath to reveal
Special Abilities:
which painting this is.
„ Armor: The car’s Toughness relates
„ Weakness (Fire): Haunted portraits suffer
to every part of the vehicle, even the
+4 damage from fire.
windows. This is magic, after all!
„ Control: The car can control all its VARIANT SPECIAL ABILITIES
accessories, making it freezing cold with „ Manifest: Some very powerful paintings
its air conditioner or blasting its radio can eject their subjects into the physical
to deafen everyone inside. It might world for a time, usually no more than
also communicate with its radio, using an hour per day. Any of the images
different stations to put together a cryptic within may manifest—use the statistics
message from various spoken words or of whatever the painting depicts, but
playing certain songs that communicate the creatures are always Extras. When
its message. It can also hold its doors (or manifested they disappear from the
other portals) closed with a Strength of painting, and when “slain” their image
d12+2. returns.
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation. „ Skidoo: Some haunted paintings can also
„ Feed: Haunted cars must feed on flesh pull viewers inside! If the spirit desires,
and blood at least once per week or they any being who gets within a foot and
suffer a Wound. They do this by ramming, stares for even a few moments at the
or allowing an unwitting person inside painting’s details must make a Spirit
then crashing at the first opportunity roll at −4 or be swept into the world it
when no one is looking. represents. This lasts until the heroes
„ Regeneration (Slow): Haunted cars (viewers may fail willingly if they want to
make a Spirit roll every day to “heal” follow a companion) defeat the painting
their Wounds. Dents fix themselves, in its own nightmare world. Its profile
tires reinflate, bumpers reattach, and so there depends on the form it takes, but is
on. Even crushing it is only a temporary usually something incredibly powerful
“death” for the vehicle. Only an exorcism such as a dragon or a demon.
can permanently destroy a haunted
vehicle. B HELLDRAKE
Helldrakes are akin to dragons but have seven
HAUNTED PORTRAIT heads, each inscribed with a blasphemous
A haunted portrait is a painting possessed name. Their thick scales are fiery red, like the
by a malevolent spirit—typically a shade or fires of the inferno that spawned them, and
shadow of the person depicted. engraved with unholy runes and sigils.
In some settings, helldrakes might serve as
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d10,
mounts for powerful demons of Hell.
Strength d4, Vigor d10
Skills: Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Spellcast- Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d10,
ing d10, Taunt d10 Strength d12+9, Vigor d12
Pace: —; Parry: 2; Toughness: 7 Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d10, Intimida-
tion d12, Notice d12, Spellcasting d12


Pace: 10; Parry: 7; Toughness: 20 (4) HOARFROST WARRIOR

Edges: Arcane Resistance (Imp), Champion,
These malevolent spirits were once Norse
Level Headed (Imp)
warriors, traveling from frozen, northern
Powers: Blast (hellfire, victims may catch fire),
lands to raid for riches and flesh. Unlike
burst (rots the flesh from bones), fear (unholy
many of their Viking brethren, they were
curses), lower Trait (curse), puppet (seductive
little more than murderous thugs in life. Their
words), stun (roar), zombie (corpse possessed
souls were denied admittance to the afterlife
by unholy spirit). Power Points: Unlimited
and are now cursed to roam the seas, raiding
Special Abilities:
seaside communities again and again as
„ Armor +4: Scaly hide.
hoarfrost warriors.
„ Bite/Claws: Str+d8.
„ Fear (−4): Anyone who sees a helldrake In life, Vikings limited their raids mainly
must make a Fear check at −4. to European shores. In general, hoarfrost
„ Hardy: If already Shaken, further Shaken warriors are most likely to be found in these
results have no effect. regions. However, the power of the curse
„ Multiple Heads: Helldrakes have seven upon them may send hoarfrost warriors onto
heads. Each head may make a Fighting any seacoast where the temperature drops
or Spellcasting roll in a round without below freezing.
incurring a Multi-Action penalty (but no When they appear, they approach the shore
more than two heads may make a Fighting in long, dark boats which are nothing more
roll against a single target each turn, than silhouettes in the night. The hoarfrost
regardless of its Size). Every head has one warriors silently glide across the waves
Wound and is severed if Incapacitated. from their shadowy craft and into
Each of the seven heads knows unsuspecting towns, spreading
one of the creature’s powers. havoc and death throughout the
If a head is severed, the settlement.
helldrake loses the use On occasion, the spirit raiders
of that power. kidnap male victims and
D a m a g e take them aboard their
caused to ethereal longboats.
heads does not Legend claims
inflict Wound those captured
penalties on the replenish the
helldrake, but it ethereal warbands’
dies when the last ranks when their
head is severed (the numbers diminish.
only true way to slay it).
Hoarfrost warriors
„ Regeneration (Fast): Helldrakes
are invisible except
get a natural healing roll every
in moonlight.
round as a free action, even if
There, they appear as
Incapacitated—even against
translucent, hulking
fire and acid. This cannot
N o r s e wa r r i o r s
regrow heads though—
with pale white
those regrow in a week if
skin accented by pale
severed. The only way to
blue veins and hair. Deep
stop its regeneration is
within their chests beats the
to sever all seven heads
sparkling outline of their
before any are regrown.
frozen hearts, pulsing in
„ Size 8 (Huge): Helldrakes
time with their blood
are over 40’ long.


Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, A homunculus’ appearance depends largely
Strength d8, Vigor d8 on the ingredients used to form it. Some are
Skills: Athletics d8, Boating d8, Fighting d8, plant-like while others resemble lizards or
Intimidation d8, Notice d4, Shooting d6, other reptiles. Over time, they may take on
Survival d8 more human features if they bond to their
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 creator—or more demonic ones if they
Edges: Ambidextrous, Two-Fisted succumb to diabolic influences.
Gear: Two battle axes (Str+d8), bow (Range
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d4,
12/24/48, Damage 2d6).
Strength d4, Vigor d8
Special Abilities:
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Notice d6,
„ Ethereal: May pass through objects;
Stealth d10
cannot be harmed by nonmagical attacks;
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 2
may become invisible (−6 penalty to hit)
Special Abilities:
as a limited free action.
„ Claws: Str.
„ Fear: Hoarfrost warriors cause Fear
„ Malleable Body: A homunculus can
checks when visible.
squeeze its body through any space at
„ Weakness (Daylight): Hoarfrost warriors
least one inch in diameter.
can only appear at night once the moon
„ Noxious Breath: A homunculus can exhale
has risen. They disappear when the day
a small cloud of gas that works as a very
comes or the moon has set.
mild sedative. There is no effect against a
„ Weakness (Fire): Hoarfrost warriors
fully conscious target, but a victim who is
suffer normal damage from fire or flaming
already sleeping must make a Vigor roll
(−2) or fall into a deeper slumber that lasts
„ Weakness (Icy Heart): A hoarfrost
one hour. Targets who have suffered one
warrior spirit can be harmed physically
or more Fatigue levels are also susceptible,
if someone dares to grab their icy heart
but they roll a straight Vigor roll instead
and yank it from their body. A hero must
(minus any Fatigue modifiers, of course).
make a successful grappling attack with
The sleep is so deep a victim is only
a raise to grasp the heart and yank it free.
allowed a Vigor roll to awaken whenever
If he does, however, the hoarfrost warrior
she takes actual physical damage.
loses the Ethereal ability until sunrise.
„ Poison (Mild): A character struck by a
homunculus in combat must make a Vigor
HOMUNCULUS roll, regardless of whether the creature
The homunculus is a living creature created deals enough damage to overcome
by a spellcaster. They are tiny, man-shaped, Toughness. If he fails, he gains a Fatigue
and sometimes take on the rough appearance level. The poison is not strong enough to
or characteristics of their creators. The recipes cause death and Fatigue levels gained in
for homunculi vary, but all have one thing in this fashion are removed after one hour.
common: the strange constructs are alive but „ Size −4 (Tiny): Homunculi are six inches
lack a true soul. tall.
The lack of a soul and their arcane nature
make homunculi the perfect vessels for ICTHYNITE
demonic or spiritual possession. Most The icthynites are a race of fish-men who
sorcerers fall prey to their own creations hail from a time long forgotten by humanity.
within hours of their making (and possession). From a distance, they appear to be humanoid.
While in service of their creator, homunculi Nearer, one can see the silver sheen of their
are used as servants, spies, or simple scaled skin and the piscine mouths filled with
companionship. Should they fall under the sharp, translucent teeth. Most remarkable of
sway of a malevolent spirit, however, they all are their glistening, metallic eyes which
become focused on mischief and mayhem— never blink.
or far worse. Travelers have claimed sighting ancient cites
occupied by these fish-men in lonely stretches


of the sea. Perhaps these lost megalopolises All those who can hear the fish-folk’s
were even built by the icthynites themselves. crooning must make a Spirit roll or
If so, the secrets to their ancient civilization become enthralled as if subjected to
are long lost, for the feral fish-men seem the puppet power for one hour, or until
to have no recollection of it. Instead, they they break free (see puppet). Those with
clamber over the neglected ruins, fighting icthynite blood subtract 4 from their initial
each other and feeding on any mortals who resistance rolls and rolls to break free. The
dare wander close to their abodes. goal of the icthynite is to transform those
On rare occasions, through savagery or with their blood line into hybrids (see
sorcery, icthynites merge with humans. below).
The offspring rarely survive but a few have „ Low Light Vision: Ignores penalties for
integrated into human society, many with no Dim and Dark Illumination.
idea of their unnatural parentage but harbor
hidden ancestral memories deep within their ICTHYNITE HYBRID
souls. True icthynites sometimes croon from These hideous mutations are created when
the sea at night, recalling all mortals who a human with icthynite ancestry is taken to
can remember their alien song. Should any the briny depths by the fish-folk. As soon as
wander towards the waves, they are taken a victim is taken below, his heritage emerges
from the shore and taken into the fish-folks’ in the form of thin gills on the side of his neck.
watery embrace. Over the next week, his skin develops a thin
covering of gray scales and his teeth become
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, more pointed and cartilaginous. He also
Strength d8, Vigor d8 grows webbed flesh between his fingers and
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d8, toes, and his eyes bulge and accommodate
Stealth d8 his new Low Light Vision.
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 (2)
Whether a hybrid can recover its
Special Abilities:
humanity is up to the setting, but
„ Aquatic: Pace 8.
if so should require the healing spell
„ Armor +2: Icthynites have
with the Greater Healing modifier
tough scales.
cast as a ritual. At least some of
„ Bite/Claws: Str+d6
the Exotic Components should
„ Blood Frenzy: When another
come from the fish-folk—
character or animal suffers a
perhaps even their undersea
Wound, all icthynites within
kingdom, or even the blood of
6” (12 yards) go Berserk by
the dark god they serve.
the scent of blood. Icthynites
cannot end their rage until At t r i b u t e s : Agil-
all their foes are slain. ity d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
„ Crooning: An icthynite Strength d6, Vigor d6
can sing an alien song if Skills: Athletics d6,
it takes no other actions Common Knowledge d6,
or movement. Every Fighting d6, Notice d6,
mortal character Persuasion d4, Stealth d6
within 12” (24 yards) Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness:
plus 6” per additional 5
icthynite joining in Special Abilities:
must decide if they „ Aquatic: Pace 6
have icthynite blood in „ Bite/Claws: Str+d4
their veins. If they do, „ Blood Frenzy:
they are automatically When another character or
enthralled (see below) animal suffers a Wound,
but forever after gain the Semi- all icthynites within 6” (12
Aquatic ancestral ability. yards) are driven into a


frenzy by the scent of blood. This causes „ Hop: Jack moves by hopping, bringing
them to go Berserk (as the Edge). Unlike his entire box with him. He rolls a d4 as
their full-blooded cousins, a hybrid can his running die.
attempt to end his rage by doing nothing „ Size −2 (Small): Jack’s box is less than two
(even moving) for a full turn and making feet high.
a Smarts roll (−2). „ Springy: Jack is mounted on a powerful
„ Crooning: A hybrid’s vocal cords spring and has a Reach of 1 (2 yards). In
aren’t developed enough to initiate the place of “Running” he can extend this to
icthynites’ hypnotic song. However, as an 2 (4 yards).
action, it can lend its voice to the chorus „ Surprise!: Jack gets The Drop against an
and counts as an additional icthynite for unsuspecting foe who opens his box.
purposes of adding Range to the crooning.
„ Low Light Vision: Ignores penalties for B KUCHISAKE-ONNA
Dim and Dark Illumination. Kuchisake-onna is the slit-mouthed woman
of Japanese legend. The original Kuchisake-
JACK IN THE BOX onna was a beautiful woman who was
Said to have been created by a maniacal disfigured by another woman jealous of
toymaker with a hatred of children, the her beauty. Kuchisake-onna appears as a
“Savage Jack” is a tool of fear and revenge. demure-looking woman who
The same toymaker may have created the first hides her lower face behind
marionette golems as well (see page 134). a fan or veil. In modern days,
Although it looks like a normal a Kuchisake-onna may wear
children’s toy by day, by night a scarf or a medical mask;
it becomes a twisted, macabre any sort of face covering to
jester with a hatred of children. conceal her disfigurement. In
Its favorite tactic is to rattle her hand she carries a sharp
its box until the child grows bladed instrument, such as
curious and opens it. Jack a scalpel, knife, or even a
then springs out, armed pair of scissors.
with a vicious, jagged At t r i b u t e s : Agil-
knife stained in the blood ity d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d12,
of previous victims. Strength d8, Vigor d8
A Jack in the Box can Skills: Athletics d8, Common
talk, though it usually only Knowledge d6, Fighting d10,
converses to intimidate and Intimidation d8, Notice d6,
mock its victims. Persuasion d6, Stealth d8
Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness:
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, 8
Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Hindrances: Thin Skinned
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, (Major)
Intimidation d12, Notice d8, Stealth d8, Edges: Fleet-Footed, Very Attractive
Taunt d12+2 Gear: Sharp blade (Str+d4, AP 2).
Pace: 2; Parry: 6; Toughness: 4 Special Abilities:
Edges: Assassin „ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the creature
Gear: Knife (Str+d4). must make a Fear check at −2.
Special Abilities: „ Slit the Mouth: Kuchisake-onna ignore
„ Construct: +2 to recover from being
up to 2 points of penalties for a Called
Shaken; ignores 1 point of Wound Shot to the head.
penalties; doesn’t breathe or suffer from „ Teleport: With a successful Spirit check a
disease or poison. Kuchisake-onna can teleport up to 24” (48
„ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the creature
must make a Fear check at −2. „ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
being Shaken; no additional damage from


Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound leanhaum-shee’s hold over the slave is
penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to broken.
disease and poison. „ Unearthly Beauty: A leanhaum-shee is
„ Very Fast: Kuchisake-onna ignore 2 points incredibly beautiful. As a limited free
of Multi-Action penalties. action, she can force one living being
„ Weakness (Vanity): Kuchisake-onna within 6” (12 yards) who’s looking at her
are obsessed with their beauty. When to roll Spirit or be Stunned. She may not
one encounters a living person, she asks use this trick on the same person twice in
them if they find her beautiful. A positive the same encounter.
response causes her to reveal her face and
ask again; she kills those who react in LEECH, GIANT
fear or answer negatively. If they answer A leech is a quivering slug which drinks the
yes, she attacks them to gash open their blood from its prey. It grapples and attaches
mouths as hers is. The only way to avoid a sucker which deadens feeling, then ingests
either fate is to call her average-looking blood through powerful suction. Leeches
after she reveals her face or to ask her a prefer to attack sleeping targets, or creatures
question in return. The Kuchisake-onna so large they may not notice the blood loss. A
is Stunned by this response, allowing the leech this size attaching to a human definitely
potential victim to escape or attack her. gets noticed, and is fatal if not dislodged.

LEANHAUM-SHEE Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6,

Strength d12, Vigor d8
Found in Irish folklore, the leanhaum-shee
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Notice d6,
(lee-awn-she) is a type of vampiric fairy. She
Stealth d10
uses her stunning appearance and seductive
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
ways to enslave men then drains them of their
Special Abilities:
life force.
„ Aquatic: Pace 4.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, „ Blood Drain: Grappled foes must make
Strength d6, Vigor d8 a Vigor roll when grappled and at the
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, start of the creature’s turn as long as
Fighting d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d12+2, they remain Bound or Entangled. Failure
Stealth d6, Taunt d10 results in Fatigue that can lead to death.
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 „ Fear: Anyone seeing the creature must
Special Abilities: make a Fear check.
„ Enslave: A leanhaum-shee uses her „ Rupture: Escaping a leech’s grapple
seductive charms to enslave mortals. This or killing it while it’s attached causes
works as puppet using the leanhaum- the wound to rupture for 2d6 damage.
shee’s Persuasion as her arcane skill, but Shaking or Stunning a leach breaks
once enthralled, the Duration is indefinite. the grapple without rupture, as does
The victim may attempt to resist poisoning it with salt (see below).
commands (as per puppet) with a Spirit „ Wall Walker: A leech can crawl on vertical or
roll, but the fairy may simply reissue it on inverted surfaces at full Pace, and may run.
her turn (but no more than once per turn). „ Weakness (Salt): More than a pound of
The spell is only broken if the leanhaum- salt applied directly to a giant leech’s
shee dies or chooses a new thrall, for it skin counts as a Lethal Poison (see Savage
may never have more than one at a time. Worlds) and causes it to release any prey
„ Life Drain: Each week a slave remains it’s attached to.
enthralled, regardless of the distance
between mistress and slave, he must
make a Spirit roll or reduce his Vigor a “I AM NOT
die type. When Vigor drops below d4, he
dies. One die of Vigor is recovered with
each natural healing roll made once the –Gabe


B LICH, DREAD with a successful Spellcasting roll and

5 Power Points. With success the old
Dread liches are those foul beings who have
body crumbles to dust and the new body
existed for centuries, refining and honing
becomes the dread lich with all Wounds
their mastery of the dark arts. They have far
greater power than lesser liches and can even
„ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from
transfer their essence to other undead under
being Shaken; no additional damage from
their foul sway.
Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound
They are usually surrounded by a horde of penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to
skeletons or zombies as they choose. Some disease and poison.
liches have entire armies of the undead at „ Zombie: The undead raised by dread
their disposal. liches are always permanent and may
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12+2, Spirit d12, be enhanced with strange powers and
Strength d10, Vigor d10 abilities as the GM sees fit at no additional
Skills: Athletics d8, Battle d10, Common cost. Consider this a unique version of the
Knowledge d8, Fighting d10, Intimi- zombie power should they need to raise
dation d12, Notice d10, Occult d12+2, them in combat. Exactly what powers
Persuasion d8, Spellcasting d12, Stealth d10 and abilities they have is up to the GM—
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 15 (6) remember that villains don’t have to play
Edges: Command, Fervor, Tactician fair!
Powers: All. Power Points: 65
Gear: Magic armor (+6), bane greatsword B LIVING GOD
(Str+d10+1). These abominations aren’t true gods, but
Special Abilities: supernatural servitors of those beings.
„ Death Touch: Liches drain the lives of Commonly found among the ancient
those around them Egyptians, they have the bodies of
with a touch. humans but the
Instead of heads of animals.
a normal Thus, one finds
attack, a lich crocodile-
may make a headed living
Touch Attack. gods following
Every raise Sobek, jackal-
on its Fighting headed gods
roll inflicts one following
Wound to its Anubis, and
target. An Incapacitated victim cow-headed gods
must make a Vigor roll or join following Hathor.
the ranks of the damned as a When found on Earth, they are
zombie 1d4 rounds later. usually leading a cult of worshipers.
„ Fear: Anyone seeing the In a fantasy setting, they might
creature must make a Fear just as easily be servitors of other
check. gods, taking the heads of sacred
„ Invulnerability: Dread animals. In a sci-fi game, they
liches can only be harmed by could be an alien race posing
magical attacks. as divine messengers among a
„ Leader of the Damned: A primitive culture.
dread lich’s Command, Fervor,
and Tactician only apply to undead Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6,
Extras. Spirit d10, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
„ Transfer Essence: A dread lich may Skills: Athletics d8, Common
transfer its essence to any non-Wild Knowledge d4, Faith d10,
Card undead within 6” (12 yards)


Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, Notice d6, (accompanied by insane laugh), zombie
Persuasion d8, Stealth d6 (incantation). Power Points: 15
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10 Special Abilities:
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Block, „ Bite/Claws: Str+d8.
Combat Reflexes, Frenzy (Imp), Quick „ Construct: +2 to recover from being
Powers: Beast friend (command over animals Shaken; ignores 1 point of Wound
of same type), bolt (divine energy), detect/ penalties; doesn’t breathe or suffer from
conceal arcana (divine sight), fear (howl), disease or poison.
speak language (divine understanding), „ Immobile: A grimoire can only attack
speed (supernatural reflexes), stun (word characters who try to pick it up. It’s
of power), teleport (blinding flash). Power Fighting roll is a reflection of its ability to
Points: Unlimited attack, not defend itself.
Special Abilities: „ Size −2 (Small): Grimoires are less than 2’
„ Bite/Claws: Str+d6. across.
„ Fear: Anyone seeing the creature must
make a Fear check „ Flight: Pace 8.
„ Size 2: Living gods stand over 10’ tall.
LIVING GRIMOIRE Whether given life through magic or demonic
Grimoires are books containing dark possession, living topiaries haunt the recesses
knowledge or spells. Most are simply books, of stately homes and the gardens of those
though they may be written in blood or with dark secrets. Regardless of form, the
contain images that make even the strongest plants use the statistics listed below.
stomach quiver. Living grimoires, however,
are magical creations, designed to protect the Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6,
book from nosy individuals. Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimida-
Living grimoires are actually just the covers
tion d6, Notice d6, Stealth d10
of the book they hold. Usually they take the
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
form of demonic faces, gaping maws, or
Special Abilities:
perhaps just sharp claws used to clasp the
„ Claws: Str+d6.
book closed. They only make their presence
„ Construct: +2 to recover from being
felt when someone other than the book’s
Shaken; ignores 1 point of Wound
rightful owner tries to pick up or open the
penalties; doesn’t breathe or suffer from
book. Killing the grimoire does not damage
disease or poison.
the pages within (a by-product of the magic
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
used in their creation).
Living grimoires speak many languages,
but usually only converse to threaten or taunt
Mad scientists are geniuses who have
people. A living grimoire whose contents
taken it upon themselves to play God.
include spells may use that magic to defend
Doctors Frankenstein and Moreau are good
examples of these demented geniuses. Most
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d12, are surrounded by their creations, such as
Strength d8, Vigor d10 golems, hybrids, undead, or other constructs.
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d10,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d10,
Notice d6, Spellcasting d8, Taunt d10
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Pace: —; Parry: 2; Toughness: 5
S k i l l s : A c a d e m i c s d 1 0 , At h l e t -
Powers: Bolt (dark energy), conceal arcana ics d4, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d6,
(changes appearance to look like a regular Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult d8, Per-
tome), darkness (sphere of darkness), deflec- suasion d4, Repair d10, Research d10,
tion (skeletal hands), fear (demonic laugh), Science d10, Stealth d6, Taunt d6, Weird
fly (it flaps its cover like wings), teleport Science d12


Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 MUMMY

Hindrances: Delusional (Major—can create
Mummies are undead whose bodies have
life), Quirk (Various), Stubborn
been dried and preserved through science
Edges: Arcane Background (Weird Science),
and sorcery. Some are preserved naturally
Scholar (Science)
but most are created by human hands.
Powers: Bolt (electrical discharger), elemen-
tal manipulation (lightning and electricity), Natural mummies typically recover some
shrink (reduction ray). Powers may vary semblance of the soul inside once awakened.
depending on the mad scientist’s fields of In man-made mummies, the spirit is bound
interest. Power Points: 20 to the corpse through powerful necromantic
Gear: Varies, but most keep a weapon of rituals known only to a select few priests.
some sort nearby. Most stem from Egypt, but the ancient Meso-
American and Chinese cultures also practiced
META L JUGGERNAUT mummification.
Metal juggernauts are constructs of metal and In both cases, lesser wills become maddened
machinery bonded together through the force and enraged by their desiccated state.
of a powerful spirit. They are most common Stronger wills retain full consciousness and
on modern (and futuristic) battlefields where access to whatever skills and abilities they
they form (or are formed) from the wrecks had in life (such as spellcasting).
of war machines. Left on their own, they are
likely to try and hide in the bowels of old
factories or scrapyards to hide from humanity.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Strength d12+5, Vigor d12
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d10, Intimida-
tion d10, Notice d6, Shooting d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 18 (4)
Special Abilities:
„ Armor +4: Heavy Armor. Metal body.
„ Construct: +2 to recover from being
Shaken; ignores 1 point of Wound
penalties; doesn’t breathe or suffer from
disease or poison.
„ Fear: Anyone seeing the creature must
make a Fear check.
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
„ Regeneration: A metal juggernaut
adjacent to a large source of metal (size
of a sports car or upward) can make a
natural healing roll as a limited free action
by drawing pieces of metal onto its body.
The Game Master decides if the source
can be used more than once.
„ Size 6 (Large): Juggernauts are the size of
„ Weaponry: The weapons available to a
juggernaut depend on the era in which it
was built, but usually include a main gun
and two smaller ones, such as a 125mm
cannon and two .50 caliber machine-guns.


Mummies awaken when some sort of event Special Abilities:

is triggered. This may be the application „ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the creature
of human blood, magical words of power, must make a Fear check at −2.
thawing the flesh of a frozen mummy, or „ Fearless: Greater mummies are immune
moistening the tissue of a dried corpse. The to Fear and Intimidation.
specific trigger is up the Game Master, but „ Feast: Greater mummies can return to a
once the mummy rises, it only stops when it near-semblance of real life. Every time
is dead or its goal (if any) is attained. they kill a specific kind of target (their
natural enemies, those who awoke them,
B GREATER MUMMY etc.), they regain some of their appearance
Greater mummies were former high priests, in life. When they have taken the life of
mages, and corrupt rulers, deliberately three such victims, they are no longer
preserved for eternity and granted an “mummies” and do not cause fear, suffer
unearthly life through arcane rituals. from Fire, cause mummy rot, or have a
Shuffling Gait. They retain all their other
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit d12,
Strength d12+4, Vigor d12
„ Mummy Rot: Anyone touched by a
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Intim-
greater mummy who doesn’t already have
idation d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d8,
mummy rot must make a Vigor roll or
Spellcasting d10, Stealth d6
contract it—a general rotting of the flesh
Pace: 4; Parry: 7; Toughness: 13 (3)
and an immediate Wound. Victims who
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Arcane
die from “mummy rot” may be brought
Resistance (Imp)
back as mummies through the zombie
Powers: Barrier (wall of darkness), bolt (swarm
of tiny skulls), darkness (area of shadow),
„ Shuffling Gait: Mummies roll a d4
deflection (shield of swirling skulls), fear
running die due to the constraint of their
(unearthly cry), zombie
dressing and desiccated
(ritual preparation).
Power Points: 30
Gear: Ancient bronze
armor (+3), long
sword (Str+d8).


„ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from Ice and sand mummies have rock hard
being Shaken; no additional damage from skin infused with frozen water or calcified
Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound earth and tissue. Their limbs are twisted and
penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to deformed as their flesh shrunk and hardened.
disease and poison.
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
„ Weakness (Fire): Mummies wrapped in
Strength d12, Vigor d10
dried rags (often treated with flammable
Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d6, Intimida-
chemicals) suffer +4 damage from fire and
tion d8, Notice d6, Stealth d8
are very flammable (see Fire in Savage
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 11 (2)
Special Abilities:
„ Armor +2: Hardened skin.
These creatures were former priests and „ Burrow (Pace 4): Can burrow through all
soldiers, placed in tombs to guard their but solid stone; cannot be attacked while
masters for all eternity. beneath the earth except by special means.
„ Fear: Anyone seeing an ice or sand
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, mummy must make a Fear check.
Strength d12+2, Vigor d12 „ Fearless: Mummies are immune to Fear
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Intimida- and Intimidation.
tion d8, Notice d6, Stealth d6 „ Shuffling Gait: Mummies roll a d4
Pace: 4; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10 running die.
Edges: Arcane Resistance „ Touch of Pain: Anyone touched by an ice
Special Abilities: or sand mummy must make a Vigor roll
„ Fear: Anyone seeing a guardian mummy
or take Fatigue from either frostbite (ice)
must make a Fear check. or terrible abrasion (sand). This cannot
„ Fearless: Mummies are immune to Fear
cause death.
and Intimidation, except when fire is „ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from
involved. being Shaken; no additional damage from
„ Mummy Rot: Anyone touched by a
Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound
guardian mummy who doesn’t already penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to
have mummy rot must make a Vigor roll disease and poison.
or contract it—a general rotting of the „ Weakness (Environmental): Ice
flesh and an immediate Wound. Victims mummies need a freezing environment
who die from “mummy rot” may be and sand mummies need a dry one. Each
brought back as mummies through the hour spent in warm or wet conditions
zombie power. they must make a Vigor roll or suffer a
„ Shuffling Gait: Mummies roll a d4
level of Fatigue. If this results in “death,”
running die. the mummy returns to its inert state.
„ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from
being Shaken; no additional damage from
Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound
penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to “KNOW THIS: THIS
disease and poison.
„ Weakness (Fire): The chemicals used in
the preservation process mean mummies BRINGER OF DEATH. HE
take +4 damage from fire and are very
flammable (see Fire in Savage Worlds).
Some mummies are formed naturally in very HE WILL NEVER STOP.”
dry environments where the corpse is frozen –Ardeth Bay,
or sealed over with naturally protective
elements. The Mummy (1999)


Once he was human, but radiation, an alien Found in Indian folklore, a nagin is a
infection, or an industrial accident changed frightening mixture of a human woman’s
his physiology. Now he must kill in order face and upper body with the eyes, teeth, skin,
to live, usually by stealing some crucial and tail of a venomous serpent.
biological component from living humans. Under normal circumstances a nagin is a
A mutant may be a reluctant killer or driven neutral creature who shuns humans, but
completely insane by his mutation. when pushed she’s a bloodthirsty spirit of
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, vengeance.
Strength d12+1, Vigor d10 The most common way to earn a nagin’s
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowl- spite is to kill or capture her mate. Removing
edge d6, Fighting d8, Notice d6, a dangerous snake has unforeseen
Persuasion d6, Stealth d10, Thievery d8 consequences when the nagin begins to
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 murder everyone involved—and anyone else
Hindrances: Habit (Major—murder) who gets in the way—until her vengeance is
Edges: Brute satisfied or she is otherwise appeased.
Special Abilities:
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d10,
„ Bite/Claws: Str+d6.
Strength d8, Vigor d10
„ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the creature
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d4,
must make a Fear check at −2.
Fighting d8, Notice d6, Performance d8,
„ Low Light Vision: Ignores penalties for
Persuasion d8, Spellcasting d10, Stealth d10,
Dim and Dark Illumination.
Taunt d8
„ Size 1: Mutants are tall and imposing
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Vengeful (Major)
„ Weakness (Sunlight): Mutants are
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Combat
Distracted while exposed to direct
Acrobat, First Strike (Imp), Quick, Very
VARIANT SPECIAL ABILITIES Powers: Beast friend, invisibility, shape change.
A unique mutant is a Wild Card, but Power Points: 15
some mutations can take hold of an entire Special Abilities:
population, or the residents of an area. In „ Bite: Str+d6.
those cases the mutants are Extras, perhaps „ Disguise: When a nagin uses shape change
led by a more powerful Wild Card. A mutant to become either a human woman or a
may also be a Serial Killer (page 156) and snake the Duration increases to days. If
take on different properties from that profile. she is Shaken, Stunned, or Wounded she
„ Armor +4: A hard shell or carapace. A reverts to her default appearance.
Called Shot at −2 can ignore this Armor. „ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the creature
„ Blood Drain: Grappled foes must make must make a Fear check at −2.
a Vigor roll when grappled and at the „ Low Light Vision: Ignores penalties for
start of the creature’s turn as long as Dim and Dark Illumination.
they remain Bound or Entangled. Failure „ Poison (Lethal): A character bitten by
results in Fatigue that can lead to death. a nagin and Shaken or Wounded must
„ Poison (Lethal): A target who touches make a Vigor roll or he is Stunned, suffers
or is touched by the mutant must make one Wound (two with a Critical Failure),
a Vigor roll or he is Stunned, suffers one and perishes in 2d6 rounds.
Wound (two with a Critical Failure), and „ Regeneration (Fast): Natural healing roll
perishes in 2d6 rounds. A radiation proof every round except for those Wounds
suit blocks this effect. caused by silvered objects.
„ Wall Walker: Can walk on vertical or
inverted surfaces at full Pace, and may

Noppera-bō are creatures of Japanese legend. Depending on your setting, an occult
They are faceless horrors, looking completely researcher might be a wizened sage who
human except for the startling lack of a face. consults ancient tomes, or a high school
They are generally capricious creatures, student with access to parts of the web others
getting enjoyment from frightening humans fear to surf. What they all have in common
with their unusual appearance. Other is in-depth knowledge of the occult and the
legends say the faceless are monsters that skills to find more information.
seek to kill and consume people. Despite
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d10,
lacking a mouth and nose, noppera-bō can
Strength d6, Vigor d6
see, speak, and breathe normally. Noppera-
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common
bō often appear as beautiful women weeping
Knowledge d8, Fighting d6, Notice d8,
by the side of a road or trail, revealing their
Occult d12, Persuasion d6, Research d10,
smooth faces and emitting a shrill wail when
Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Noppera-bō can use any type of equipment Hindrances: Bad Eyes (Minor)
or weapons that a normal human can use. A Edges: Connections, Investigator, Scholar
noppera-bō armed with weapons uses them (Occult), Streetwise
defensively, trying to escape if attacked. Gear: Notebook, pens, spectacles, and a col-
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, lection of rare texts, tomes, and occasionally
Strength d8, Vigor d8 even a grimoire.
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6,
Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, POLICE
Persuasion d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Sur- Town constables, policemen, or
vival d6, Taunt d8 other authorities make useful allies
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 or tricky enemies as battling evil
Edges: Humiliate, Menacing, Retort, Strong cultists, monsters, and other threats
Willed often requires taking the law
Special Abilities: in one’s own hands. Saving
„ Aura of Revulsion: The presence the world from a dark god
of a noppera-bō is so uncanny might be a tough thing to
that just seeing or being near prove in court, after all.
one makes people uneasy. Any
attack made on a noppera-bō is GOVERNMENT
penalized by −2. AGENT
„ Face Wipe: Some noppera-bō do Serving in a variety of
have faces, and can go about in roles and departments,
human society normally. Being government agents are
trickster beings, these noppera-bō s e c r e t i ve , o r g a n i z e d ,
enjoy “wiping” their faces off with and dedicated to the
their hands or a sleeve to catch humans mission of their agency.
unaware. This action increases the Fear They are often tasked
check below to −2. A noppera-bō cannot with responding to and
mimic a specific person’s face. investigating reports of
„ Fear: Anyone seeing a noppera-bō’s face supernatural events, and
(or lack thereof) must make a Fear check. almost always seem to
„ Invulnerability: Noppera-bō can be know more than they let
Shaken, but not Wounded, by nonmagical on. These agencies are
attacks. intensely hierarchical
„ Tricky: Noppera-bō are tricksters, and and compartmentalized,
have a +2 bonus on Tests. so most agents have
only enough working


information to be able to do their jobs. Only Edges: Dodge, Streetwise

those of the highest rank know the full truth. Gear: Kevlar vest (+2, −4 damage from fire-
These “Men in Black” usually wear suits arms), 9mm pistol (Range 12/24/48, Damage
and sunglasses—even at night—and carry a 2d6, AP 1), baton (Str+d4).
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, While not an officer of the law, the humble
Strength d6, Vigor d8 security guard is often the first line of defense.
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Driving d6, Fighting d6, Hacking d8, Heal-
Strength d6, Vigor d6
ing d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Occult d6,
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4,
Persuasion d6, Research d8, Science d4,
Fighting d6, Intimidation d4, Notice d4, Per-
Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Survival d4
suasion d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Loyal, Vow (Major—Keep the
Hindrances: —
Truth Hidden)
Edges: —
Edges: Alertness, Command, Level Headed,
Gear: Cable ties, flashlight, walkie talkie.
Strong Willed
Gear: Glock (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, SWAT TEAM
RoF 1, AP 1), cell phone, sunglasses, flash- Most departments have a group of officers on
light. call for the Special Weapons and Tactics team.
These are highly trained officers who are
often ex-military and equipped to deal with
While the Chief of Police usually calls the
terrorist or heavily armed criminal threats.
shots, it is these officers who manage the
day-to-day operations of the department and Outside of modern times, a SWAT team
oversee operations during a crisis. (with appropriate weapon changes, of course)
might represent the authorities’ most elite
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, officers.
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Battle d6, Common Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
Knowledge d6, Driving d10, Fighting d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowl-
Research d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d6 edge d6, Driving d8, Fighting d8,
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7 (2) Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d6,
Hindrances: Loyal Shooting d8, Stealth d6
Edges: Command, Investigator Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 (2)
Gear: Kevlar vest (+2, −4 damage from fire- Hindrances: Loyal
arms), 9mm pistol (Range 12/24/48, Damage Edges: Dodge, Marksman, Rock and Roll!
2d6, AP 1). Gear: Kevlar vest (+2, −4 damage from fire-
arms), 9mm pistol (Range 12/24/48, Damage
POLICE PATROLMEN 2d6, AP 1), SMG (Range 12/24/48, Damage
Whether they are foot cops, riding in a squad 2d6, RoF 3), baton (Str+d4).
car, or patrolling on bikes, the beat cops are
the grunts who fight crime in the trenches RABID ANIMA LS
day after day. Rabies is a disease of the central nervous
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, system and can be found in any warm-blooded
Strength d6, Vigor d6 animal. In the real world, it tends to be found
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowl- in smaller animals, such as bats or raccoons,
edge d6, Driving d8, Fighting d8, but in a horror game there’s no reason why a
Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, larger creature can’t have the disease.
Shooting d8, Stealth d6 To make a rabid animal, add the Berserk,
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7 (2) Fearless, Infection, and Weakness (Water)
Hindrances: Loyal abilities as shown below in the sample


RABID BEAR Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d8, Intimida-

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8, tion d8, Notice d8, Stealth d10, Survival d8
Strength d12+3, Vigor d12 Pace: 10; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimida- Special Abilities:
„ Bite/Claws: Str+d6, AP 2. Rakes have
tion d10, Notice d8, Stealth d8
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12 extremely sharp teeth and claws.
„ Gripping Hands: +2 to Athletics and
Special Abilities:
„ Berserk: A rabid animal is automatically Strength rolls made to grapple.
„ Fear: Anyone seeing the creature must
Berserk (as the Edge). The Traits above
include the modifiers to Strength and make a Fear check.
„ Pace: Rakes are inhumanly fast. They
Toughness from going Berserk.
„ Bite/Claws: Str+d6. have a Pace of 10 and a d8 running die.
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation „ Resilient: Rake Extras can take one
unless water is involved (see Weakness Wound before being Incapacitated.
„ Size 1: Rakes are tall but lean. They stand
„ Infection (−2): A character Shaken or around 8 ft. tall but weigh only 200 lbs.
„ Wail: A rake can emit an unearthly wail
Wounded by a bite attack must make a
Vigor roll at −2. Failure means the victim that terrifies those who hear it. As a limited
contracts rabies. He suffers a level of action, it can make an Intimidation Test in
Fatigue each day until death. A successful a Cone Template. All targets within are
Healing roll can treat the disease, but it affected and must resist separately.
„ Wall Walker: Rakes can scale vertical or
must be made within 24 hours and the
healer must have access to the vaccine. inverted surfaces at their full Pace, and
„ Size 2: These creatures stand up to 8’ tall may run.
and weigh over 1,000 pounds. VARIANT SPECIAL ABILITIES
„ Weakness (Water): A strange symptom of „ Blind: Some rakes are blind but can “see”
rabies is hydrophobia from involuntary via echolocation and are immune to
swallowing reflex. The creature is vision-based effects (darkness, invisibility,
Distracted when there is a body of water etc.).
larger than a drinking trough within 5” „ Mimic: The rake can imitate sounds and
(10 yards). voices.

Rakes are pale, hairless creatures that dwell Rokurokubi look and act like human beings
in deep caves and dark forests. They are during the day. At night, the body sleeps and
humanoid, but unnaturally thin, their ribs the head detaches and rolls or flies around
and vertebrae showing under their skin. Their in search of blood. Some rokurokubi have a
arms and legs are longer than a comparably distinctive slit across their throat which they
sized human, and tipped in black, filthy disguise with scarves or high collars.
claws. Their fingers and toes have an extra
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
joint, allowing them a powerful grip.
Strength d6, Vigor d10
The face of a rake is only vaguely human, Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6,
with dark, sunken eyes, flat noses, and Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Per-
mouths filled with yellowed fangs. They can suasion d6, Stealth d10, Taunt d8
walk on two legs but fall onto all fours to run. Pace: 2; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4
Rakes are fierce predators, killing anything Special Abilities:
they come across to drag the bodies back to „ Bite: Str+d4, Rending.
their lair to eat. „ Fear: Anyone seeing the creature
Rakes are also known as crawlers, fleshgaits, separated from its body make a Fear
or (incorrectly) skinwalkers and wendigos. check, at −2 if they actually see it separate!
„ Flight: Pace 6.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d6,
„ Invulnerability: While a rokurokubi’s
Strength d10, Vigor d10


head is attached to its body damage „ Size 1: Rug fiends are larger than humans,
to anywhere but the head only Shakes albeit flat.
the creature. Aiming for the head deals
normal damage, but without the usual +4 SASQUATCH
damage. Nearly every continent has some legend of
„ Size −3 (Very Small): Rokurokubi are the a giant, humanoid creature that dwells in its
same size as a human head. most remote regions. Sasquatch resemble a
„ Weakness (Body): A rokurokubi’s head cross between man and ape, standing eight
must return to its body before sunrise— feet tall or more with broad shoulders and
or at least a body. If the cunning creature powerful arms and legs. They are supremely
realizes its body has been tampered with stealthy in their native terrain, rarely being
or destroyed it can attach to any headless seen by those who pass near to them.
corpse it finds or makes. Sealing off the Sasquatch prefer to keep to themselves, and
body’s neck with wax or metal destroys are generally passive. They often drive away
the head when it attempts to reattach. interlopers from their territory by emitting
VARIANT SPECIAL ABILITIES eerie shrieks and howls, knocking on trees
„ Reach 4: Some types of rokurokubi with large branches, and throwing rocks.
have long, stretchy necks rather than Some sasquatch take on the role of protector
detachable heads. This variety remain of their domain, even assisting lost hikers
scary, but are generally considered more and harassing those who would despoil the
harmless. natural world.
„ Spellcasting: The most dangerous In the United States, they are called
rokurokubi know foul magic. They gain sasquatch, bigfoot, the Ohio grassman, and
the Arcane Background (Magic) Edge, the Florida skunk ape. In the Himalayas, they
Spellcasting d10, the powers confusion, are the yeti. In Australia, the name is yowie.
disguise, illusion, mind wipe, puppet, and
slumber, and 25 Power Points. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10 (A),
Spirit d10, Strength d12+3, Vigor d10
RUG FIEND Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d8, Intimida-
tion d8, Notice d8, Stealth d10, Survival d10
Animal skin rugs are just the skins of dead
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10
animals, but a few retain the spirit of the beast.
Edges: Brawny, Brute
Rug fiends lack flesh and bone, but they are
Gear: Tree branch club (Str+d8), rock (Range
still dangerous to unwary intruders. The
4/8/16, Str+d6).
version below is a tiger skin rug, but other
Special Abilities:
types exist on the floors of the hunters who
„ Fist: Str+d6.
slew them.
„ Forest Haunt: Sasquatch have the ability
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8, to blend into their forest home. They have
Strength d12, Vigor d12 a +4 bonus on Stealth checks in forested
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Intimida- terrain. (Change this to the appropriate
tion d8, Notice d8, Stealth d10 environment type for sasquatch from
Pace: 4; Parry: 7; Toughness: 9 other biomes).
Edges: Frenzy (Imp) „ Size 3: Sasquatch stand over 9 ft. tall and
Special Abilities: weigh 800 pounds.
„ Bite/Claws: Str+d6.
„ Camouflage: A dormant rug fiend looks „ Mystic Powers: Some sasquatch have
like a regular rug. If an opponent moves Mystic Powers (see page 11). They
adjacent to the rug without detecting its have the following powers: beast friend,
evil nature, the rug gets The Drop. boost Trait (self only), confusion, empathy,
„ Construct: +2 to recover from being
environmental protection, fear. Power
Shaken; ignores 1 point of Wound Points: 15.
penalties; doesn’t breathe or suffer from
disease or poison.


SCARECROW, FOUL a Cone Template. All targets within are

affected and must resist separately.
Pumpkin Jack is probably the most famous
„ Shared Senses: The creator of a screaming
foul scarecrow, but he isn’t the only one of
skull can use its senses as if they were his
his kind. Foul scarecrows are most commonly
own, but is Distracted while doing so.
awakened by evil spirits, but sometimes the
„ Size −3 (Very Small): Screaming skulls
spilling of blood can awaken them. Old
are the size of a human head.
battlefields now turned over to agriculture
„ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from
are good candidates.
being Shaken; no additional damage from
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound
Strength d10, Vigor d8 penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d10, Notice d6, disease and poison.
Stealth d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 SEAWEED FIEND
Edges: Sweep (Imp) The sea is a mysterious place, its depths
Gear: Scythe (Str+d10, −1 Parry, requires two scarcely explored by man, with unknown
hands). terrors lurking beneath the waves. Seaweed
Special Abilities: fiends may be natural creatures, the result of
„ Construct: +2 to recover from being magic, or byproducts of chemical pollution.
Shaken; ignores 1 point of Wound The fiends’ black, slimy forms often contain
penalties; doesn’t breathe or suffer from rotting marine life and their eyes glow a
disease or poison. baleful yellow.
„ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the creature
must make a Fear check at −2. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d8,
„ Weakness (Fire): Foul scarecrows Strength d10, Vigor d8
suffer +4 damage from fire attacks Skills: Athletics d6, Fight-
and are treated as very flammable ing d8, Intimidation d6,
material. Notice d6, Stealth d8
Pace: 4; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
SCREAMING Special Abilities:
„ Aquatic: Pace 8.
SKULL „ Claws: Str+d4 (formed from
Screaming skulls are human sharp pieces of fish bone or
skulls given limited intellect splintered wood).
through arcane rituals. They „ Fear: Anyone seeing the
serve primarily as spies, creature must make a Fear
though they can defend check.
themselves if attacked. „ Immunity (Fire):
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Fire attacks cause no
Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d6 damage to their slimy
Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d6, bodies.
„ Stench: The first
Intimidation d8, Notice d10,
Stealth d6, Taunt d8 time someone moves
Pace: —; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4 adjacent to a seaweed
Special Abilities: fiend, they become
„ Flight: Pace 6. overcome by nausea
„ Headbang: Str+d4. and Distracted.
„ Scream: The skull can elicit
an unearthly shriek that
terrifies those who hear
it. As a limited action, the
screaming skull can make
an Intimidation Test in


SERIA L KILLER Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d10, Intimida-

tion d12, Notice d8, Stealth d10
Unlike in real life, serial killers in most horror
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 11
settings aren’t the quiet-guy-next-door type.
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Mean, Vengeful
These monsters stand out in a crowd, often
due to their strange attire, blood-soaked
Edges: Berserk, Brawny, First Strike, Frenzy,
clothes, and trademark weapons!
Harder to Kill, Menacing, Nerves of Steel
(Imp), Sweep, Trademark Weapon (ice axe)
B CRAZED SERIA L KILLER Gear: Ice axe (Str+d6), ski mask, ski jacket.
Some killers are nothing more than a
Special Abilities:
bloodthirsty mortal human. The same
„ Control Weather: The killer can
madness that compels them to kill bestows
concentrate for 10 minutes to summon a
them with surprising strength and resilience.
blizzard in a two mile radius. This creates
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Dim Illumination and extreme cold
Strength d12, Vigor d10 throughout the area.
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, „ Fear: Anyone seeing the killer must make
Driving d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, a Fear check.
Notice d8, Persuasion d4, Stealth d10 „ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation,
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 unless it involves water (see Weaknesses
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Mean, Vengeful below).
(Major) „ Immunity (Cold): The killer is immune to
Edges: Berserk, Brawny, First Strike, Frenzy, cold and cold-based attacks.
Harder to Kill, Menacing, Nerves of Steel „ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover
(Imp), Sweep, Trademark Weapon from being Shaken; no additional
Gear: Various, but might include a Trademark damage from Called Shots;
Weapon such as a chainsaw (Damage ignores 1 point of Wound
2d6+4, Critical Failure hits the user penalties; doesn’t breathe;
instead) or favorite axe (Str+d6). immune to disease and
Special Abilities: poison.
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and „ Weakness (Water):
Intimidation. When he was
mortal, the ice man
B SUPERNATURA L drowned in a hot
SERIA L KILLER tub. He becomes
The worst serial killers Distracted within
somehow manage to return 5” (10 yards) of
from Hell to kill again. They water more than
gain supernatural powers three feet deep.
based on their horrific If slain in water
deeds. They exist only to again his
continue the bloody reign rampage
of terror that should have is over for
ended with their mortal lives. good.
The example below killed
victims around a ski resort with an
ice climbing axe, and now extends his
murder spree. See Variant Special
Abilities for more ideas for
Supernatural Serial Killers.
Attributes: Agility d8,
Smarts d6, Spirit d12,


VARIANT SPECIAL ABILITIES shape is intent on murder. It attacks the

„ Dream Killer: As in the target’s shadow as if there were a real killer
Nightmare on Elm Street movies, the killer behind the real person. The phantasmal
has the unique ability to draw sleeping attacks feel all too real to the victim.
victims into his nightmares—even as a Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
group. Treat the dream realm just like Strength d8, Vigor d8
the real world, though perhaps with Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4,
whatever bizarre rules may apply (so in Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d8,
a nightmarish space station there may not Stealth d12
be gravity). The killer is likely much more Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
powerful in the dream realm than in the Hindrances: Mute
real world, perhaps having the ability to Edges: Assassin
teleport, create creatures and other threats, Gear: Knife (Str+d4).
etc. Whatever the details, the killer still Special Abilities:
has to “attack” the victim’s will via „ Ethereal: May pass through objects;
threats—he can never simply kill them. cannot be harmed by nonmagical attacks;
„ Invulnerable: Serial killers who are “slain” may become invisible (−6 penalty to hit)
simply vanish for a few nights and then as a limited free action.
begin slaying again. This should always „ Fear: Anyone seeing a shadow killer must
be coupled with a Weakness that reflects make a Fear check.
his background. „ Shadow Grab: Shadow killers don’t
„ Low Light Vision: Ignores penalties for attack people directly at first, instead they
Dim and Dark Illumination. go after the target’s shadow. This is a
„ Rending: Serial killers with serrated Touch Attack which Entangles the target
blades or other strange weapons might on a success, and makes them Bound on
cause rending damage. a raise. Once grabbed the target feels the
„ Teleport: Serial killers have the uncanny touch of the shadow killer holding him,
ability to disappear from sight and then and may attempt to break free normally.
reappear when one least expects it. As „ Shadow Stab: While a shadow killer has
long as no one is looking at the killer (and a target Entangled or Bound it may stab
he is not Shaken, Stunned, Entangled, or him with its knife. In Pitch Darkness (−6)
Bound), he can disappear, reappearing the killer shadow may attack targets with
when dramatically appropriate. This is a its knife without requiring a grapple first.
limited free action for the serial killer. „ Weakness (Light): If a light source is soft
„ Unstoppable: Takes a maximum of and flat enough to minimize shadows, a
one Wound (after Soaking) from any shadow killer must retreat to an area
damaging attack unless the attacker’s with dimmer lighting or total darkness. A
Action Card is a Joker. hero can shine a directional light source
„ Weakness (Special): The murderer is directly on a shadow killer with an
warded (page 48) by something that Athletics roll. Success makes the shadow
either killed him in life or is tied to his killer Distracted, and Stunned on a raise.
unique history. In Friday the 13th Part
2, the killer was stopped by someone SKELETA L ANIMA L
dressing in the clothes of the only person The zombie power isn’t restricted to humans
he truly feared—his dead mother! and other sentient creatures—it works on the
skeletal remains of animals as well. While
SHADOW KILLER skeletal humans are useful servants, a zombie
These creeping shades lurk in flickering light T-Rex awakened from the local museum
or darkened spaces. The shadow is a human makes for a deadly foe.
silhouette with a knife. The shape is usually
indistinct, but in some cases details of a
specific person’s likeness may be discerned
with a successful Notice roll. The ghostly



Skeletal horses serve as mounts for
The skin has already rotted from these risen
necromancers and demons visiting the
dead, leaving them slightly quicker than
mortal realm.
their flesh-laden zombie counterparts. They
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d4, are often found rattling around in some vile
Strength d12, Vigor d8 necromancers’ legions.
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d6
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d4,
Pace: 10; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Edges: Fleet-Footed
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Intimida-
Special Abilities:
tion d6, Notice d4, Shooting d6
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
Pace: 7; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7
„ Kick: Str+d6.
Gear: Varies.
„ Size 2: Skeletal horses stand taller than a
Special Abilities:
human and the bones weigh as much as
„ Claws: Str+d4.
500 pounds.
„ Fearless: Skeletons are immune to Fear
„ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from
and Intimidation.
being Shaken; no additional damage from
„ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from
Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound
being Shaken; no additional damage from
penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to
Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound
disease and poison.
penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to
B SKELETA L T-REX disease and poison.
The “king of the dinosaurs” was no doubt a
terrifying creature when it roamed the Earth.
Skeleton warriors are the reanimated bones
As a skeletal creature, it’s even more fearsome.
of long-dead soldiers. Unlike common
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8, skeletons, these undead
Strength d12+6, Vigor d8 troops retain more of their
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimida- combat skills and are equipped
tion d12, Notice d8 with functional, if somewhat
Pace: 10; Parry: 6; Toughness: 17 old, armaments.
Attributes: Agility d8,
Edges: Fleet-Footed
Smarts d4, Spirit d4,
Special Abilities:
„ Armor +2: Fossilized bone.
Skills: Athlet-
„ Bite: Str+d8; AP 2.
ics d6, Fighting d8,
„ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing a skeletal
Intimidation d8,
T-Rex must make a Fear check at −2.
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and
ing d6
Pace: 7; Parry: 6;
„ Size 7 (Large): These fearsome
Toughness: 10 (3)
creatures stand 30’ tall and
Gear: Bronze breast-
the bones weigh over 20,000
plate (+3), bronze
sword (Str+d8).
„ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to
recover from being Shaken;
no additional damage from
Called Shots; ignores 1
point of Wound penalties;
doesn’t breathe; immune
to disease and poison.


Special Abilities: their prey, but otherwise focus exclusively

„ Claws: Str+d4. on their chosen victims.
„ Fearless: Skeletons are immune to Fear
Slender men relish the taste of fear. They
and Intimidation. allow themselves to be seen—briefly and in
„ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from
shadow—the previous four nights before
being Shaken; no additional damage from they finally strike. This fills their target with
Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound fear and makes them a delightful feast.
penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d10,
disease and poison.
Strength d12+2, Vigor d10
SKINNER Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6,
Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d8,
Skinners are tiny, carnivorous humanoids Psionics d10, Stealth d12
with a taste for human flesh. They subsist Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10
on skin only, leaving the rest of their meal Powers: Blind, confusion, curse, darkness, deflec-
torn and bloody. They are incredibly strong tion, fear, havoc, invisibility, locate, nightmares,
and ferocious for their size, and possess a sloth, stun, teleport, wall walker. Power Points:
malevolent animal cunning. 20
Skinners live in large colonies underground, Special Abilities:
venturing to the surface only at night or „ Aura of Insanity: Being in close proximity
during storms. Individual creatures scout the to a slender man, whether one can see
area first, then return as part of a ravenous it or not, slowly drives a person insane.
horde of 2d6 creatures, with more nearby. Anyone who comes within a Large Blast
Template of a slender man must make a
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6 (A),
Fear check (even if they can’t see it). Failure
Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6
means they gain a Minor Psychosis (page
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d8,
Stealth d10 43), or a Major Psychosis with a Critical
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 2 Failure.
„ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing a slender man
Edges: Dodge, Quick
Special Abilities: must make a Fear check at −2.
„ Induce Fear: Each night a slender man
„ Bite/Claws: Str+d4.
„ Fear: Anyone encountering a skinner
reveals itself to its prey inflicts a −1 penalty
to all their Fear checks (to a maximum of
must make a Fear check.
„ Infravision: Halve penalties for Illumin­
−4). This fades only when the slender man
(or men) are slain.
ation when attacking warm targets.
„ Invulnerability: Slender men can be
„ Shred: Wounds caused by the creature
Shaken, but not Wounded, by nonmagical
always count as though the Golden Hour
has expired.
„ Size 1: Slender men are 8 ft. tall and weigh
„ Size −3 (Very Small): Skinners stand just
300 lbs.
under one foot tall.
„ Teleport: As a limited free action a slender
„ Weakness (Sunlight): Skinners are
man can teleport 24” (48 yards).
Distracted while exposed to direct
„ Tendrils: Slender men can exude four
long, black tendrils from their back with
B SLENDER MAN which to attack. They have two tentacle
actions, a Reach of 2, and inflict Str+d6
A slender man is a gaunt, faceless being that damage.
slowly and relentlessly stalks its victims. It „ Tough: Slender men have +2 to Toughness.
prefers vulnerable prey, and thus usually
hunts lone hikers, the elderly, or children.
They resemble tall, inhumanly skinny
humans with smooth, hairless heads. They THE WORLD WILL END.”
never speak or utter any sound. They will
–Jack Goldstein,
attack others that come between them and
101 Amazing Slenderman Facts


SMOG CLOUD Special Abilities:

„ Armor +4: Rock-hard skin.
Smog clouds in dark worlds sometimes gain
„ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the creature
malevolent sentience. These vaporous beings
must make a Fear check at −2.
of polluted air can drift against the wind, but
„ Impale: A raise on the spearfinger’s
otherwise resemble dirty, black clouds. Some
Fighting roll impales her foe on her long
occasionally exhibit coal-black eyes, but these
finger, Entangling him as if grappled.
are near-impossible to detect.
„ Shapechange: A spearfinger can assume
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, a human form as a limited action. While
Strength d6, Vigor d12 in this form she is Size 0 and cannot use
Skills: Notice d6, Stealth d10 her spear-like finger. Her Strength is d10
Pace: —; Parry: 2; Toughness: 8 and her Toughness is 12 (4). She may
Special Abilities: retain this form indefinitely, but if Shaken,
„ Choke: A smog cloud fills a Large Blast Stunned, or Wounded instantly reverts
Template. Any creature in the template to her default appearance. She cannot
must make a Vigor roll (+2 bonus if the voluntarily return to ogre form if she is
character’s mouth and nose are covered) being watched by a human being.
each round or suffer a level of Fatigue. „ Size 4 (Large): Spearfinger is 16 ft. tall and
„ Elemental: No additional damage from weighs 2,000 lbs.
Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound „ Spearfinger: Str+d8, AP 4.
penalties; doesn’t breathe, immune to „ Weakness (Palm): A spearfinger’s only
disease and poison. weak point is the palm of her right hand.
„ Flight: Pace 12. Called shots to her weak point are at −6.
„ Gaseous Form: Smog clouds ignore most Success ignores her armor and deals +4
physical attacks. Area effect weapons damage. When not attacking, she keeps
and supernatural powers affect them her right hand clenched tightly; one must
normally. They can be driven off for 2d6 go on Hold and interrupt her while she is
rounds by tactics such as sucking them attacking to get a chance at her weak spot.
into a vent or blowing them away with a
strong wind. SPIDER, COLOSSA L
„ Low Light Vision: Ignores penalties for Tiny spiders are bad enough, but arachnids
Dim and Dark Illumination. larger than humans are the stuff of nightmares.
Like their smaller cousins colossal spiders
B SPEARFINGER have eight legs, a hairy body, and deadly
Spearfingers are terrifying female ogres from mandibles.
Cherokee legend. The original spearfinger The webs these giants spin are capable of
was named U’tlun’ta. Spearfingers have ensnaring humans and larger prey. Spiders
stone-like skin that is nearly impenetrable. are drawn by the vibrations of struggling
The index finger of their right hand is two prey, and drink the blood of captured victims
feet long and ends in a sharp stony point like before they can escape.
an obsidian knife. She can use this finger as
a weapon to slash and stab her opponents. Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4 (A),
Spearfingers are also shape-changers, and Spirit d10, Strength d12+6, Vigor d10
can assume a seemingly harmless form such Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d10, Notice d8,
as an old woman or a trusted ally. Shooting d8, Stealth d8
Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 11
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Edges: Fleet-Footed, Quick
Strength d12+3, Vigor d10
Special Abilities:
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6,
„ Bite: Str+d6.
Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6,
„ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the creature
Stealth d6
must make a Fear check at −2.
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 15 (4)
„ Size 4 (Large): Colossal spiders are up to
Edges: Brawny, Brute
15’ long and weigh over a ton.
Gear: Boulder (Range 4/8/16, Damage Str+d8).


„ Wall Walker: Can walk on vertical or Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d10,
inverted surfaces at full Pace, and may run. Strength d4, Vigor d8
„ Webbing: May project webbing by Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d4, Notice d10,
making a Shooting roll with a Range Stealth d4
of 3/6/12. Targets in a Medium Blast Pace: 1; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4
Template are Entangled, or Bound with a Special Abilities:
raise (see Savage Worlds). May be Evaded. „ Bite/Claws: Str+d4.
„ Construct: +2 to recover from being
Spiders come in hundreds of varieties. Some Shaken; ignores 1 point of Wound
dig underground and ambush prey rather penalties; doesn’t breathe or suffer from
than spinning web traps. Many drip with disease or poison.
„ Size −2 (Small): Most are 2’ tall.
poison, either to kill their prey outright
or to leave them paralyzed so they can be
consumed alive later. SWARM
„ Armor +4: Hairy carapace. Sometimes the most deadly foes come in
„ Burrow (Pace 8): Can burrow through all the smallest packages. Swarms of rats, bats,
but solid stone; cannot be attacked while spiders, or other creepy crawlers cover an
beneath the earth except by special means. area equal to a Large, Medium, or Small
„ Paralysis: Anyone Shaken or Wounded Blast Template depending on the number
by the spider’s bite must make a Vigor roll of creatures present. Some may split when
or be Stunned. They are also paralyzed Wounded—a Large becomes two Mediums,
and incapable of action—even speech— a Medium becomes two Smalls, and a Small
for 2d6 rounds. (Some spiders may have is dispersed.
Lethal Poison instead.) Swarms automatically cause their listed
„ Pounce: Add +4 to damage instead of +2 damage to everyone within their template at
when making a Wild Attack. the start of their turn.
Swarms aren’t usually intelligent enough to
STUFFED ANIMA L FIEND do anything but move and bite and shouldn’t
Stuffed animals aren’t fluffy toys, but rather take Multi-Actions, make Tests, etc. Some types
animated animal skins. Unlike rug fiends, of swarms may be foiled by total immersion
however, these creatures retain more of their in water or an environment they dread.
original shape and are more mobile.
Stuffed animals the size of a typical, two foot BAT SWARM
high Teddy Bear have the base profile below. Smaller, bloodsucking bats form huge
Modify this to suit your particular creature colonies underground or in dark spaces.
(or creatures), and add any Special They tend to hunt only small rodents,
Abilities that make sense for their origin. but can attack larger
Those manufactured by magic, for creatures if disturbed
example, might have powers or or provoked. The
even Arcane Resistance. A swarm is composed
stuffed cheetah might have of hundreds of
the Pounce ability of that smaller creatures.
creature while a stuffed Attributes: Agil-
snake has a poisonous ity d10, Smarts d4
bite or constrictor ability. (A),Spiritd12,Strengthd8,
A “champion” Teddy bear Vigor d10
dressed in a gladiator’s Skills: Notice d10
outfit might have much Pace: 10; Parry: 4; Tough-
greater Fighting and a real ness: 7
sword. Customization is the
key to making stuffed animals
dangerous threats.


Special Abilities: Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6,

„ Bite: Swarms inflict hundreds of tiny bites Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, Notice d6,
or stings every round to their victims, Performance d8, Persuasion d8, Stealth d6
hitting automatically (unless Shaken) and Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
causing 2d4 damage to everyone in the Edges: Charismatic, Improvisational Fighter
template. Damage is applied to the least Gear: Guitar (Str+d6, Parry −1, two hands).
armored location (victims in completely Special Abilities:
sealed suits are immune). „ Corrupting Lyrics: Every time a person
„ Swarm: +2 to recover from being Shaken; listens to a tainted musician’s songs, he
Parry +2; swarms cover the area of a must make a Spirit roll (at −2 for a live
Medium Blast Template; cutting and performance). Failure means the listener
piercing attacks inflict no damage, area gains whatever psychosis the musician
effect weapons work normally. wants to inflict via the tone of his music.
VARIANT SPECIAL ABILITIES A ballad of bloodshed, for example, might
„ Aquatic: Pace 6 for most fish or other trigger the crowd to go Berserk.
„ Headbang: Str+d12. May only do so when
swimming creatures.
„ Bite: Some creatures, such as piranha, his Action Card is a face card in combat.
„ Pacify: Tainted musicians often find
have vicious teeth and cause 2d6 or more
damage. themselves surrounded by angry listeners.
„ Echolocation: Bats or swarms of To protect themselves, they play slow
similar creatures suffer no penalties for songs, odes, or power ballads that deflect
Illumination, even in Pitch Darkness. attackers elsewhere. If the musician uses a
„ Feeding Frenzy: Once there’s blood in Defend maneuver, anyone who wants to
the air or water, the swarm goes mad. attack him must roll Spirit at −2.
Increase its damage die one die type.
„ Flight: This varies greatly, but Pace 24 VAMPIRE
for most swarms of insects or flocks of Vampires are found in virtually every culture.
birds (swarms usually move slower than From the mrart of the Australian Aborigines
individual creatures). to the adze of Ghana and Togo in Africa,
„ Infection: Anyone Shaken or Wounded to the hopping vampires of China and the
by a disease-carrying swarm must make mara of Scandinavia, vampires have plagued
a Vigor roll or contract a Debilitating mankind since time began.
Disease (see Savage Worlds).
„ Paralysis: Anyone Shaken or Wounded by VAMPIRE, YOUNG
this swarm’s bites must make a Vigor roll Blood-drinkers of lore are common in many
or be Stunned. They are also paralyzed fantasy games. This is a relatively young
and incapable of an action—even speech— vampire without all the powers an older
for 2d6 rounds. As a variant spider bites individual might develop.
could inject Lethal Poison instead. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
„ Rending: The swarm’s bites are Strength d12+1, Vigor d10
particularly vicious or might even have Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8,
anticoagulants in them. They cause Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Per-
rending damage. suasion d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9
B TAINTED MUSICIAN Edges: Frenzy, Level Headed
Some rumors of heavy metal musicians who Special Abilities:
serve Satan may be true. These black-hearted „ Bite/Claws: Str+d4.
musicians have sold their souls for fleeting „ Regeneration (Slow): As long as they
fame and fortune. have fed, vampires may attempt a natural
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, healing roll every day.
„ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from
Strength d6, Vigor d8
being Shaken; no additional damage from


Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound wolves or 1d6 swarms of rats come from
penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to the surrounding wilds in 1d6+2 rounds.
disease and poison. „ Invulnerability: Vampires can only be
„ Weakness (Holy Symbol): Holy symbols slain by decapitation, sunlight, or a stake
act as wards against vampires (see page through the heart (see those Weaknesses,
48). below). They may be Shaken by other
„ Weakness (Holy Water): In addition to attacks, but never Wounded.
the usual effects (page 26), a vampire „ Mist: Ancient vampires have the ability
sprinkled with holy water is Fatigued. to turn into mist. Doing so (or returning
„ Weakness (Invitation Only): Vampires to human form) requires an action and a
can­not enter a private dwelling without Smarts roll at −2.
being invited. They may enter public „ Regeneration (Slow): As long as they
domains as they please. have fed, vampires may attempt a natural
„ Weakness (Stake Through the Heart): healing roll every day.
A vampire hit with a Called Shot to the „ Sire: The vampire can turn another into a
heart (−4) must make a Vigor roll versus vampire by draining some amount of their
the damage. If successful, it takes damage blood and then allowing them to drink it
normally. If it fails, it disintegrates to dust. back from their own veins. How fast they
„ Weakness (Sunlight): Vampires burn return to unlife is up to the Game Master.
in sunlight. They take 2d4 damage per „ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from
round until they are ash. Armor protects being Shaken; no additional damage from
normally. Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound
penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to
B VAMPIRE, ANCIENT disease and poison.
These statistics are for a vampire somewhat
below the legendary Dracula, but far above
those bloodsuckers fresh from the grave. The
abilities listed here are standard—the GM
may want to add other Edges as befitting the
vampire’s previous lifestyle.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d10,
Strength d12+3, Vigor d12
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d10,
Fighting d10, Intimidation d12, Notice d8,
Persuasion d12, Shooting d8, Stealth d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10
Edges: Frenzy (Imp), Level Headed
Special Abilities:
„ Bite/Claws: Str+d6, AP 2.
„ Change Form: As an action, a vampire can
change into a wolf or bat with a Smarts
roll at −2. Changing back into humanoid
form requires a Smarts roll.
„ Charm: Vampires can use the puppet
power on those attracted to them (GM’s
call) using their Smarts as their arcane
skill. They can cast and maintain the
power indefinitely, but may only affect
one target at a time.
„ Children of the Night: Ancient vampires
have the ability to summon and control
wolves or rats. This requires an action
and a Smarts roll at −2. If successful, 1d6


„ Weakness (Holy Symbol): Holy symbols THRA LL

act as wards against vampires (see page Vampires often hire or threaten mortals into
48). their service, performing tasks in the normal
„ Weakness (Holy Water): In addition to world they can’t or won’t do, or acting as
the usual effects (page 26), a vampire guardians and protectors. Some vampires
sprinkled with holy water is Fatigued. can also create “thralls,” individuals infused
„ Weakness (Invitation Only): Vampires with a small taste of the vampire’s power.
cannot enter a private dwelling without This grants them increased Strength and
being invited. They may enter public Vigor and makes them fanatically Loyal to
domains as they please. their maker.
„ Weakness (Stake Through the Heart): Thralls might be tradesmen or professionals
A vampire hit with a Called Shot to the who handle the vampire’s affairs in normal
heart (−4) must make a Vigor roll versus society (like Dracula’s Renfield) or guardians
the damage total. If successful, it takes (like Dracula’s Cossack guards). If a character
damage normally. If it fails, it disintegrates was a Wild Card before he was enthralled he
to dust. remains so (player character vampires don’t
„ Weakness (Sunlight): Vampires burn have this option).
in sunlight. They take 2d4 damage per
Pick an appropriate character type and
round until they are ash. Armor protects
increase its Strength one die type, Vigor two
die types, and give it the Resilient ability
unless it’s a Wild Card.

Hailing from China, jiangshi “hopping
vampires” are a breed apart from traditional
Western vampires. Their skin is light green,
their mouths full of sharp teeth, and their
nails long and hard.
Hopping vampires get their name from their
unusual style of movement, and are actually
incapable of normal movement—they hop
because their knees are stiff with rigor mortis.
Even their arms are locked in the rigor of
death, being fully extended and able to bend
only slightly.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
Strength d12, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d8,
Stealth d10
Pace: 4; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9
Special Abilities:
„ Bite/Claws: Str+d6.
„ Breath Sense: Jiangshi cannot see using
their dead eyes, but instead sense the
breath of the living. A character who
wants to hold his breath in combat must
make a Vigor roll at the start of each round.
Failure means the vampire can detect him
(and thus act against him this round). The
maximum number of consecutive rounds
a character can hold his breath without
breathing is equal to his Vigor die. After


this, he takes a level of Fatigue each round Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10,
until he reaches Incapacitated. Strength d12+2, Vigor d10
„ Extended Jump: Jiangshi can extend the Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6,
distance they hop using a run action. They Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Notice d8,
roll a d4 running die for this, but ignore Persuasion d8, Stealth d10
any Difficult Ground. Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8
„ Sire: A victim Wounded by a jiangshi Special Abilities:
must make a Vigor roll or fall victim to „ Blood Drain: Grappled foes must make
a fatal blood disease which kills and a Vigor roll when grappled and at the
transforms him into a hopping vampire start of the creature’s turn as long as
after 1d4 days. The victim isn’t necessarily they remain Bound or Entangled. Failure
doomed to this fate. The traditional cure results in Fatigue that can lead to death.
involves snake venom and sticky rice, Entangled victims with a knife or an
blended by a Taoist priest. You should ally may attempt to sever the tongue
devise a cure appropriate to your setting. (Toughness 3).
What is important is that the victim may „ Fear: Anyone encountering a
not stop moving until the 1d4 days expire, manananggal must make a Fear check.
otherwise his blood congeals and all hope „ Flight: Pace 8.
is lost. „ Size −1: A manananggal is only half the
„ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from height of a human being—the top half in
being Shaken; no additional damage from this case.
Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound „ Tongue: Str+d4, Reach 2.
penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to „ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from
disease and poison. being Shaken; no additional damage from
„ Weakness (Prayer): Prayers written on Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound
rice paper can be attached to the vampire penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to
to render it immobile. The attacker must disease and poison.
make a Called Shot to the head (−4) to „ Weakness (Dawn): A manananggal must
plant the parchment. With success, the reattach to her lower body by the first ray
vampire is rendered immobile by the of dawn or be destroyed. The lower half of
prayer. A strong wind can easily dislodge her body can’t be destroyed, but pouring
the prayer, however. more than a pound of salt or molten glass
„ Weakness (Rice): Sticky rice sprinkled on into the cavity blocks her torso from
the floor burns the feet of a vampire. Each reattaching when it returns.
round it stands on the rice, even if only for
a moment, it suffers 2d10 damage.

A cousin to the aswang (see page 104) from OCEANS OF TI ME
the Philippines, but unlike that creature, the
manananggal is an undead bloodsucker. She
hunts at night by sprouting batlike wings and –Dracula,
separating the top half of her body from the Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)
bottom. Her guts hang down from her torso
as she flies about looking for blood to drain.
During the day she reattaches to her lower
body, hides her wings, and poses as a normal
human. The accepted way to destroy one is
to prevent her torso from reuniting with her
legs when the sun rises, usually by pouring
salt or glass into the cavity where her spine
and guts would attach.


A wide range of supernatural powers has been associated with vampires and vampire-like
creatures in lore and fiction. Here are various powers and abilities you might consider when
creating your own bloodsucking fiends.
„ Change Form: As an action, the vampire can change into a wolf or bat with a Smarts roll
at −2. Changing back into humanoid form requires a Smarts roll. A vampire might be able
to assume the form of a cat, dog, rat, insect, flea, mouse, or locust in some cultures.
„ Change Form (Swarm): As an action, a vampire can change into a swarm of rats, bats, or
insects with a Smarts roll at −2. Changing back into humanoid form requires a Smarts roll.
The swarm uses the regular Swarm stats.
„ Charm: Vampires can use the puppet power on those attracted to them using their Smarts
as their arcane skill. They can cast and maintain the power indefinitely, but may only
affect one target at a time.
„ Children of the Night: An action and a Smarts roll at −2 can be used to summon 1d6
wolves or swarms of rats from the surrounding wilds in 1d4+1 rounds.
„ Drain Life: Attributed to psychic vampires. The creature may make a Touch Attack instead
of a regular attack. Those touched must make a Vigor roll at −2 or gain a level of Fatigue.
„ Flight: Flying vampires may produce bat-like wings, or fly without any visible means of
propulsion at Pace 10.
„ Invulnerability: Vampires may be immune to damage except from a single source, such
as fire, silver, or wood. They can be Shaken by other attacks, but never suffer a Wound.
„ Low Light Vision: Ignores penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination.
„ Magic: Some vampires have learned the art of sorcery, or have powers granted by dark
gods. Exactly what powers, how many Power Points, and what arcane skill the vampire
has depends on its age and power, but the following are a good benchmark.
• Young: 3 powers (Novice), 10 Power Points, d6 arcane skill.
• Old: 3+1d4 powers (Novice or Seasoned), 20 Power Points, d8 arcane skill.
• Ancient: 3+2d4 powers (Veteran or lower), 30 Power Points, d10 arcane skill.
„ Mist: Greater vampires have the ability to turn into mist or even a Blood Mist (see page
110). This requires an action and a Smarts roll at −2.
„ Regeneration (Fast): The vampire regenerates by making a Vigor roll as a limited free
action. Success heals one Wound or removes Incapacitation, and a raise heals two Wounds.
The vampire cannot regenerate Wounds caused by decapitation, holy water or weapons,
sunlight, or a stake through the heart.
„ Rending: The jagged claws of some blood­suckers might cause rending damage.
„ Resurrection: A vampire with this power can be brought back from the dead. A pint of
blood poured over the ashes (usually by a loyal minion) returns the vampire to life in 1d6
„ Seduction: Commonly possessed by vampires with Charm. As a limited free action, the
vampire can force one humanoid looking directly at it to roll Spirit or become Stunned.
„ Shadow: Some vampires have the ability to change their form to have only two dimensions
(like a shadow). Changing form requires an action and a Smarts roll at −2. Treat the
vampire as Ethereal while in shadow form.
„ Sire: Anyone slain by a vampire with this ability has a 50% chance of rising as a vampire
in 1d4 days. Note that this creates hordes of vampires very quickly!
„ Wall Walker: The vampire may move along any surface at its full Pace. Many can also run
without penalty, even when hanging upside down.
„ Weather Control: The vampire can concentrate for ten minutes to summon a clinging fog,
heavy snow, or terrible tempest. See Weather on page 42.



Since not all vampires are based on Dracula, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that different
Weaknesses are attributed to different types of vampires. Some Weaknesses can destroy a
vampire, but others are little more than hindrances designed to buy the vampire slayer a
little time.
„ Weakness (Bells): Some vampires are Distracted when they hear bells ring, perhaps
because they remind them of church bells. Renowned or particularly holy bells may cause
vampires to be Distracted and Vulnerable.
„ Weakness (Candle): Candlelight acts as a ward against some vampires.
„ Weakness (Grain, Seeds, or Nets): Certain vampires suffer from an obsessive-compulsive
disorder. When they come within 5” (10 yards) of grain or seeds sprinkled on the ground,
or a net (laid out or hanging), they must make a Spirit roll at −2 or be compelled to count
the grain, seeds, or knots in the net. Treat the vampire as being Stunned; when it recovers
its task is done.
„ Weakness (Herbs): Although garlic is common in Western myths, vampires can also be
affected by holly and juniper. It becomes Distracted when within 2” (4 yards) of the herb.
„ Weakness (Holy Symbol): Holy symbols act as wards against vampires (see page 48).
„ Weakness (Holy Water): In some settings, holy water is much more dangerous to
vampires. When successfully Tested with it (see page 26), they take 2d4 damage (2d6
with a raise). A vampire immersed in or forced to drink holy water takes 2d4 damage per
round (or per cup).
„ Weakness (The Hunger): This is not a Weakness to blood itself, but a method of stalling
a vampire. If a pint of blood is thrown over a vampire (a successful Athletics roll that may
be Evaded), it must make a Spirit roll or be Stunned as it stops to lick up the blood!
„ Weakness (Invitation Only): Vampires cannot enter a private dwelling without being
invited. They may enter public domains as they please.
„ Weakness (Metal or Wood): Among certain cultures, vampires can be harmed by silver.
In a fantasy game, you might want to allow nonhuman vampires to be harmed by other
substances. Perhaps dwarven vampires are harmed by cold iron, or elven fiends by green
wood. Weapons made of these substances inflict +4 damage and can be used to stake a
vampire through the heart.
„ Weakness (Prayer): In Chinese myth, prayers written on rice paper can be attached to the
vampire to render it immobile. The attacker must make a Called Shot to the head (−4) to
stick the parchment. With success, the vampire is paralyzed. If the paper is removed it
recovers on its next turn.
„ Weakness (Running Water): Some vampires are unable to cross running water such as
streams or rivers without difficulty. Stagnant or impure water (including salt water) has
no effect. To push on over the water, the vampire must make a Spirit roll at −2 any time
it enters or crosses a stream, river, or channel; or at no penalty if it’s a small water feature
such as a water hose. Failure means it may not pass this scene, and a Critical Failure
causes a Wound as well. Success allows it to pass on its next turn, and a raise allows it to
cross without pause.
„ Weakness (Soil): When resting during the day the vampire must lay upon soil from
its homeland or its original grave. Each day it goes without, it must roll Vigor or suffer
a level of Fatigue which can only be recovered by resting on the appropriate soil. An
Incapacitated vampire becomes an immobile corpse until it’s returned home or a minion
sprinkles the correct soil over its body.


Every vampire has some fatal weakness that can be exploited to cause its destruction. Whether
or not they’re important depends on your setting.
If you’re after a fast action horror game where vampire Extras are common, you might
rule that any blow reducing a vampire to Incapacitated is a stake through the heart or a
decapitation without the characters actually having to perform such maneuvers.
In a game where vampires are truly powerful, they might be Invulnerable to all damage
except their Weaknesses. Other attacks can leave them Shaken, but can never cause a Wound.
Here are some suggested fatal Weaknesses. Typically a vampire should have one or two as
a minimum.
„ Weakness (Beheading): A vampire hit with a Called Shot to the head (−4) must make a
Vigor roll versus the damage or instantly disintegrate to dust.
„ Weakness (Holy Water): In addition to the usual effects (page 26), a vampire sprinkled
with holy water is Fatigued.
„ Weakness (Immersion): A vampire totally immersed in running water suffers an
automatic Wound each round.
„ Weakness (Magic): Depending on the setting, magic may cause +4 damage or be the only
way of causing damage to the vampire.
„ Weakness (Rice): Common in China, sticky rice sprinkled on the floor draws the poison
from a vampire and burns its feet. Each round it walks over the rice, it suffers 2d10 damage
and has a chance of catching fire.
„ Weakness (Salt): Salt has long been seen as a substance capable of harming evil creatures.
A vampire with this Weakness must make a Spirit roll at −2 to cross a line of salt. A bag of
salt thrown over a vampire causes 2d10 damage and the vampire has a chance of catching
„ Weakness (Stake Through the Heart): A vampire hit with a Called Shot to the heart (−4)
must make a Vigor roll versus the damage or disintegrate to dust.
„ Weakness (Sunlight): Vampires catch fire if any part of their skin is exposed to direct
sunlight. They take 2d4 damage per round until they are ash. Armor protects normally.


–Mae & Caleb Cotton,
Near Dark (1987)


Ventriloquist dummies with a mind of their
own have been the subject of many horror
movies. It may look like the ventriloquist is
making it talk, but in reality the dummy is
the boss. Dummies don’t like to move about
on their own unless absolutely necessary, but
they can. In most cases, they get their “master”
to do their dirty work for them.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d10,
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Intimi-
dation d10, Notice d6, Persuasion d10,
Stealth d6, Taunt d12
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 (2)
Special Abilities:
„ Armor +2: Wooden body.
„ Construct: +2 to recover from being
Shaken; ignores 1 point of Wound
penalties; doesn’t breathe or suffer from
disease or poison. enemy. They can use any standard weapons
„ Fear: Anyone seeing the creature must available to the race which built them.
make a Fear check.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6,
„ Puppet: Dummies can use the puppet
Strength d12+2, Vigor d10
power. They use their Spirit as their
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6,
arcane skill, and have 20 Power Points.
Driving d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8,
„ Size −2 (Small): Dummies stand no taller
Notice d8, Persuasion d4, Shooting d10,
than three feet tall.
Stealth d6
VICTIM Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12 (4)
Edges: Brawny, Brute, Calculating, Level
Most horror tales need victims. Use the Headed, Marksman, Rock and Roll!, Steady
profile below or customize to create your own Hands
hapless monster fodder, adding Hindrances Special Abilities:
like Yellow to those who tend to run away „ Advanced Sensors: War droids have
at the first sign of danger or Brave if the Infravision and Low Light Vision and can
individual is likely to stand her ground. switch between the two as a limited free
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, action.
Strength d6, Vigor d6 „ Armor +4: Reinforced body.
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, „ Construct: +2 to recover from being
Fighting d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shoot- Shaken; ignores 1 point of Wound
ing d4, Stealth d6 penalties; doesn’t breathe or suffer from
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5 disease or poison.
Gear: Improvised weapons (Str+d4). „ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
„ Hardy: If already Shaken, further Shaken
WAR DROID results have no effect.
„ Infravision: Halve penalties for
War droids are bipedal constructs, but due to
their skeletal appearance (which is designed Illumination when attacking warm targets.
„ Low Light Vision: Ignores penalties for
to instill fear) cannot be mistaken for humans.
Their sole function is to destroy whatever life- Dim and Dark Illumination.
„ Resilient: Can take one additional Wound.
form they’ve been programmed to see as their



This version is an enhanced human—perhaps
Deep, dark lakes and the vast ocean are home
an early stage of the creature which follows. It
to many unknown creatures. Lake and sea
remains human in appearance, but typically
monsters are huge, water-dwelling creatures
naked or covered in dirty rags and with a
rarely seen on the surface by human eyes.
feral snarl on its blood-stained face. Many
Generally, the most that is ever seen of these
chew off their own lips in a vain attempt to
mysterious animals is their humped backs
satiate their hunger.
breaking the surface of the water before
slipping silently back beneath the waves. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Their appearances vary widely, from Strength d6, Vigor d10
serpentine eels to reptilian monstrosities Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d6,
with paddle-like flippers and long necks. Stealth d8
Many water monsters are thought to be Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
extant examples of species long thought Edges: Combat Reflexes, Frenzy (Imp)
extinct, such as mosasaurs, plesiosaurs, and Special Abilities:
„ Bite/Claws: Str+d4.
the infamous megalodon.
„ Foul Strength: A wendigo who inflicts a
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8,
Wound on a foe with its bite increases its
Strength d12+5, Vigor d10
Strength and Vigor a die type (max 4) for
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Notice d6,
the remainder of the encounter. Outside
Stealth d8
of combat, each increase lasts for one hour.
Pace: 3; Parry: 6; Toughness: 18 (2)
Special Abilities: B TRUE WENDIGO
„ Aquatic: Pace 16. Some are fully aquatic
True wendigos are either more advanced
while others must surface to breathe. forms of their lesser cousins or born from
Semi-aquatic water monsters can hold more savage stock or circumstances. They
their breath for one hour. tend to exist in the dead of winter where
„ Armor +2: Water monsters have 2 points
circumstances force people to starvation
of blubbery armor. and desperation, but there’s no reason such
„ Bite: Str+d8.
creatures can’t exist in other extreme climates.
„ Flipper/Tail Bash: Str+d6
„ Hardy: If already Shaken, further Shaken Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
results have no effect. Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
„ Shipbreaker: A water monster that rams Skills: Athletics d12, Fighting d12, Intimida-
a ship deals Str+d12 damage to the vessel. tion d12, Notice d10, Stealth d8, Survival d10
„ Size 9 (Huge): Typical water monsters are Pace: 8; Parry: 8; Toughness: 10
50 ft. long and weigh many tons. Edges: Combat Reflexes, Frenzy (Imp)
Special Abilities:
„ Bite/Claws: Wendigos have jagged claws
„ Eel/Serpent: Constrict (+2 to Athletics and
and teeth. Str+d8, AP 2.
Strength rolls made to grapple).
„ Fear (−2): Anyone encountering a wendigo
„ Megalodon: Bite: Str+d10, AP 4.
must make a Fear check at −2.
„ Plesiosaur/Elasmosaur: Long Neck
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
(Str+d6, Reach 3).
„ Immunity (Cold/Heat): Wendigos in cold
climates are immune to cold and cold-
WENDIGO based attacks. The same is true of those
Abhorrent as it may be, people sometimes created in sweltering environs.
resort to cannibalism when faced with dire „ Low Light Vision: Ignores penalties for
starvation. For most, it is a matter of survival, Dim and Dark Illumination.
never to be tried again once they are rescued. „ Size 2: Wendigos stand over 10’ tall.
For a few, however, it becomes a craving. „ Weakness (Hot Tallow): A wendigo is
These individuals are said to be possessed by instantly killed if hot tallow is poured
the spirit of the wendigo, an American Indian down its throat to melt its icy heart.
cannibal spirit.


VARIANT SPECIAL ABILITIES grant their followers the ability to change

Some wendigos become embodiments of the form.
harsh climate which created them. Winter is
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d10,
by far the most common expression of these
Strength d12+1, Vigor d10
cursed, magical creatures.
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6,
„ Control Weather: A wendigo can Fighting d12, Intimidation d10, Notice d10,
concentrate for 10 minutes to summon a Stealth d12, Survival d8
blizzard in a two mile radius. A wendigo Pace: 10; Parry: 8; Toughness: 7
from the desert summons a sandstorm Edges: Fleet-Footed
instead, with the same Illumination Special Abilities:
penalty but extreme heat. See page 42. „ Bite/Claws: Str+d6.
„ Infection: Anyone who suffers a Shaken „ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the creature
or Wound result from a bite or claw attack must make a Fear check at −2.
must make a Vigor roll. On a failure, he is „ Pounce: Add +4 to damage instead of +2
infected by a Lethal Disease which forces when Wild Attacking.
Vigor rolls for Wounds once each day.
When Incapacitated the victim awakens WERESHARK
in 1d6 hours as a Lesser Wendigo. Weresharks are a human-shark mix. This
„ Magic: Some wendigos have have example has a shark’s head and skin, webbed
supernatural powers. They gain hands, and a dorsal fin.
Spellcasting d10 and 20 Power Points.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
The exact powers vary, but blind, burrow,
Strength d12+1, Vigor d10
elemental manipulation, illusion, and mind
reading are common.
„ Rending: The tattered claws and teeth of
some wendigos cause rending damage.

Were-creatures appear in the mythology of
many different cultures. The South Americans
believe in jaguar men, werewolves are feared
in Europe, and certain tribes of the South
Pacific believe shark-men prowl the depths.
On the following pages are several types of
were-creatures you can use as-is or to create
your own variants. Unless otherwise stated,
all werecreatures have a Weakness to silver:
„ Infection: Those slain by a lycanthrope
have a 50% chance of rising as one
themselves. The victim transforms
every full moon, and gains control of his
condition only after 1d6 years.
„ Infravision: Halve penalties for
Illumination when attacking warm targets.
„ Regeneration (Slow): Lycanthropes may
attempt a natural healing roll every day.
„ Weakness (Silver): –4 resistance / +4
damage from silver effects and weapons.

Werejaguars may be supernatural creatures
or priests of dark and bloodthirsty gods who


Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6, Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Fighting d12, Notice d12+2, Stealth d6, Sur- Strength d12+2, Vigor d10
vival d6 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8,
Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 8 Fighting d12+2, Intimidation d10, Notice d12,
Edges: Frenzy Stealth d10, Survival d10
Special Abilities: Pace: 8; Parry: 9; Toughness: 8
„ Aquatic: Pace 10. Edges: Frenzy
„ Bite: Str+d8, Rending. Special Abilities:
„ Fear (−2): Weresharks chill the blood of all „ Bite/Claws: Str+d8.
who see them. „ Fear (−2): Werewolves chill the blood of
„ Feeding Frenzy: Once there’s a significant all who see them.
amount of blood in the water (usually one „ Size 1: Werewolves are stout creatures.
Wound), weresharks go into a feeding VARIANT SPECIAL ABILITIES
frenzy. They go Berserk (as the Edge) for „ Regeneration (Fast): The were regenerates
the rest of the fight. by making a Vigor roll as a limited
„ Size 1: Weresharks stand over 7’ tall.
free action. Success heals one Wound
or removes Incapacitation, and a raise
heals two Wounds. Lycanthropes cannot
When a full moon emerges, humans infected
regenerate Wounds caused by silver.
with lycanthropy lose control and become
„ Swallow Whole: Very large weresharks
snarling creatures bent o n m u r d e r .
have the Swallow Whole ability.
Some embrace their cursed state
„ Weakness (Arcane): Lycanthropes can’t
and revel in the destruction
regenerate magical damage.
they cause.
„ Weakness (Wolfsbane): The flower
known as wolfsbane act as a ward against
werewolves (see page 48).


BWILL O’ WISP (see below) attack. Treat the body as a

zombie (see page 176) burning for 1d6
Will o’ wisps are the ghosts of witches and
damage each round. It may set other
necromancers who have been burned at the
objects aflame and be Shaken and even
stake. They manifest as small handfuls of
destroyed by these flames. The flames
flickering white flame that are oddly cold to
aren’t doused unless the will o’ wisp or
the touch rather than hot. Legend claims a
the body are destroyed.
brave observer can see a grinning face inside
„ Flight: Pace 8.
a will o’ wisp.
„ Focus: The ghost is tied to a specific
A will o’ wisp uses the glimmering light talisman—usually a piece of jewelry—
produced by its form to lure its intended which remains unnaturally hot to the
victim to a secluded spot. There it weakens touch (2d6 damage to exposed flesh). If
the poor soul with a fire that seems to spring this item is submerged in water, the will
from Hell itself. Once its target succumbs o’ wisp suffers 2d6 damage per round as
to the heat, the ghost possesses his corpse long as it remains so. If it is submerged
which immediately bursts aflame. These in holy water, the wisp is destroyed
burning zombies are sometimes referred immediately.
to as “flaming jacks,” particularly among „ Invulnerability: Will o’ wisps are immune
more rural populations. The ghost uses the to all nonmagical attacks, but suffer 1d6
reanimated body to wreak as much havoc as damage when doused in at least a gallon
it can before it is consumed by the creature’s of water, +2 per additional gallon.
otherworldly flames—preferably on those it „ Size −1: Will o’ wisps are approximately
believes wronged it in its former life. 2’–3’ in diameter.
Initially, a will o’ wisp haunts the area „ Spiritual Exhaustion: A will o’ wisp’s
near its death, seeking vengeance on those only means of attack in its initial form is
responsible for any and all wrongdoings by subjecting its victim to a supernatural
against it during life. Even after it has heat that only she can feel. The wisp
avenged itself on everyone guilty of even the and its target make an opposed Spirit
slightest infraction, however, the hatred and roll. If the victim loses, the victim suffers
anger that drove it to an undead existence a Fatigue level. Incapacitation leads to
continues. Eventually, the spirit tends to death, and becoming a flaming jack (see
gravitate toward lonely, desolate areas where above).
its unnatural spite for all things living leads it
to prey upon unsuspecting travelers. B WITCH
The light of a will o’ wisp varies from cold Witches are women (men are warlocks) who
white to flame orange. The ghost can lessen itspractice magic and are often misunderstood
brilliance to that of a mere candle or brightenby locals. They have the Arcane Background
it to that of a torch at will. (Warlock/Witch) Edge (page 68) and may
be benevolent or benign. Below is a typical
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, witch like might be found on the edge of
Strength d4, Vigor d6 a village or even offering her services in a
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Notice d10, modern world. The powers listed below are
Stealth d8, Survival d8, Taunt d6 most common for these types of witches and
Pace: —; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4 should be tailored as needed for the campaign.
Special Abilities:
„ Ethereal: May pass through objects; “Hags” are often confused with witches,
cannot be harmed by nonmagical attacks; and some may once have been, but are now
may become invisible (−6 penalty to hit) purely evil and inhuman beings bent on
as a limited free action. causing misery and pain. You’ll find several
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation. varieties of hags starting on page 136.
„ Flaming Jack: The will o’ wisp can Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
reanimate and possess the body of a Strength d6, Vigor d6
victim slain by its Spiritual Exhaustion


Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowl- VARIANT SPECIAL ABILITIES

edge d6, Fighting d4, Persuasion d6, „ Bay: If the pack takes no other actions,
Notice d6, Occult d8, Research d6, Spell- including movement, they can howl, bay,
casting d8, Stealth d8 and yelp in such a way as to terrify their
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5 foes. All enemies within 12” (24 yards)
Edges: Arcane Background (Witch), The must make a Fear check at −2 if there are
Witching Hour four to nine wolves, or −4 if there are ten
Powers: Beast friend, boost/Lower Trait, healing or more.
Power Points: 10. „ Howl: As a limited action, an alpha wolf
can make an Intimidation Test in a Cone
WOLF Template. All targets within are affected
Wolf packs hunt strategically, herding their and must resist separately.
prey into traps, difficult ground, or dead ends. „ Rending: The bite of particularly vicious
They are always led by an alpha Wild Card wolves might cause rending damage.
with an increase to its Strength or Fighting
Trait, a Combat Edge or two, or both. DIRE WOLF
Dire wolves are large, feral wolves sometimes
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, used by other creatures as attack dogs. They
Strength d8, Vigor d8 may also be found roaming in packs in the
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimida- deepest, darkest woods, preying on those
tion d8, Notice d6, Stealth d8, Survival foolish enough to trek through their domain.
(tracking) d10
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6,
Pace: 10; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Strength d8, Vigor d10
Edges: Alertness, Fleet-Footed (d10 running
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimi-
Special Abilities: dation d8, Notice d6, Stealth d8, Survival
„ Bite: Str+d6.
(tracking) d10
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8
Edges: Alertness, Fleet-Footed
Special Abilities:
„ Bite: Str+d8.
„ Size 1: Dire wolves in horror campaigns
are often the size of ponies.


XENOFORM Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8 (A),

Spirit d10, Strength d12+1, Vigor d8
The classic horror xenoform is humanoid,
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimida-
covered in thick bone or carapace shell,
tion d10, Notice d8, Stealth d12
equipped for close-up hunting. It has no
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 (2)
discernible eyes for prey to gouge but a
Special Abilities:
powerful, extendable jaw and sharp claws. It
„ Armor +2: Thick plates.
also has a tail with a barbed stinger it uses to
„ Bite/Claws: Str+d6.
pin its prey.
„ Fear: Anyone seeing the creature must
make a Fear check.
IMPLANTER „ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
One variety of xenoform is specialized to
„ Hardy: If already Shaken, further Shaken
implant the queen’s eggs into other life-forms.
results have no effect.
Once the eggs finish incubating the victim
„ Infravision: Halve penalties for Illumin­
perishes and a new xenoform (whichever
ation when attacking warm targets.
type the hive needs most) emerges.
„ Paralysis: Anyone Shaken or Wounded by
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8 (A), a xenoform’s tail must make a Vigor roll
Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d8 or be Stunned. They are also paralyzed
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d8, Intimida- and incapable of an action—even speech—
tion d8, Notice d8, Stealth d12 for 2d6 rounds.
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5 (2) „ Size 1: When upright, the xenoform
Edges: Dodge stands 7’ tall.
Special Abilities: „ Tail: Str+d6, Reach 1.
„ Armor +2: Thick plates. „ Wall Walker: The xeno may move along
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation. vertical surfaces at full Pace, and inverted
„ Hardy: If already Shaken, further Shaken surfaces at half Pace.
results have no effect.
„ Infravision: Halve penalties for B QUEEN
Illumination when attacking warm targets. Xenoforms are typically led by a queen. Her
„ Paralysis: Anyone Shaken or Wounded by primary function is to lay eggs but she is a
a xenoform’s tail must make a Vigor roll voracious killer when encountered deep in
or be Stunned. They are also paralyzed her lair.
and incapable of an action—even speech— Queens have four legs on their thorax and
for 2d6 rounds. two on the upper body that can be used to
„ Sire: Anyone Bound by a grappling grasp or attack.
implanter suffers one Wound each turn.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10 (A),
If Incapacitated he becomes a host to a
Spirit d12, Strength d12+6, Vigor d12
new creature. The host dies 1d6 hours
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d10, Intimida-
later as the new xenoform emerges. The
tion d12, Notice d8, Stealth d8
host may be revived and act normally
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 18 (4)
between being implanted and dying.
Special Abilities:
Special surgery (Healing −4) can remove
„ Armor +4: Thick plates.
the creature, but still deals 1d4 Wounds
„ Bite/Claws: Str+d8.
to the unfortunate host.
„ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the creature
„ Size −3 (Very Small): An implanter is
must make a Fear check at −2.
only about the size of a house cat.
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
„ Tail: Str+d4.
„ Hardy: If already Shaken, further Shaken

WARRIOR results have no effect.

„ Infravision: Halve penalties for
The xenoform warrior is a skilled hunter, and
uses complex tactics to divide and conquer Illumination when attacking warm targets.
„ Paralysis: Anyone Shaken or Wounded by
its prey.
a xenoform’s tail must make a Vigor roll
or be Stunned. They are also paralyzed


and incapable of an action—even speech— Special Abilities:

for 2d6 rounds. „ Bite/Claws: Str.
„ Size 6 (Large): The queen is 30’ long. „ Fear: Anyone seeing the creature must
„ Tail: Str+d8, Reach 1. make a Fear check.
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
„ Acid Blood: When the creature suffers „ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from

Wounds it sprays deadly acid. Targets being Shaken; no additional damage from
within a Small Blast Template are affected Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound
if damage dealt one Wound, or a Medium penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to
Blast Template if it suffered two or more disease and poison.
„ Weakness (Head): Called Shots to a
Wounds. All targets within the template
must roll Evasion or suffer 3d6 damage, zombie’s head do the usual +4 damage.
AP 4. Affected targets suffer lingering
damage: 3d4 AP 4 at the start of their next
Built in a lab or born of dark magic, “super”
turn. Other xenoforms are immune to this
zombies are much stronger and tougher than
the average walking dead. They are also
„ Explode: These foul creatures are typically
relentless hunters, tracking down prey.
filled with explosives of some type. When
Incapacitated they explode for 3d10 Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
damage in a Large Blast Template. This Strength d10, Vigor d12
may cause a chain reaction if other Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimida-
explosive xenoforms are tion d10, Notice d6, Stealth d4
caught in the blast. Pace: 4; Parry: 6; Tough-
ness: 12
ZOMBIE Edges: Bruiser, No
Zombies, or the walking dead Mercy
if you prefer, are a staple
in many horror settings.
They make great low-
level minions. This
section takes a look
at different types of
zombies that might
rise in the darkest of

These walking dead are
typical groaning fiends
looking for fresh meat.
Attributes: Agility d6,
Smarts d4, Spirit d4,
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4,
Fighting d6, Intimi-
dation d6, Notice d4,
Stealth d6
Pace: 4; Parry: 5;
Toughness: 7


Special Abilities: „ Size −1: Zombies formed from children

„ Bite: Str+d6. or smaller creatures are around 4’ tall.
„ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the creature Reduce Toughness by −1.
must make a Fear check at −2. „ Spores: A cloud of invisible spores
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation. surround a spore zombie. Each round a
„ Punch: Str+d6 (from Bruiser) foe is adjacent he must make a Vigor roll
„ Scent: If given the scent of a target, a super (+2 if he covers his nose and mouth) or
zombie tracks with an effective Survival take a level of Fatigue. A character who
skill of d12. reaches Incapacitation expires, only to
„ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from return as a spore zombie in 1d4 hours.
being Shaken; no additional damage from „ True Zombie: This zombie cannot be
Called Shots except to the head; ignores Wounded except by damage to the head
1 point of Wound penalties; doesn’t (a Called Shot to the head or an area effect
breathe; immune to disease and poison. attack). Any other sort of damage can
VARIANT SPECIAL ABILITIES cause nothing more than a Shaken result,
Here’s a list of additional Special Abilities you though Called Shots can still amputate
can use to make different types of walking limbs if they are capable of dealing at
dead. least one Wound to the thing.
„ Explode: These foul creatures are typically VARIANT WEAKNESSES
filled with explosives of some type. Sometimes zombies have other weaknesses
When Incapacitated they explode for besides their cranium. Customize your
3d10 damage in a Large Blast Template. walker with these different options.
This may cause a chain reaction if other „ Husk: This zombie is almost completely
explosive zombies are caught in the blast. dehydrated. When it walks it sounds like
„ Gas: “Gas zombies” are either victims of rustling leaves. It suffers +2 damage from
industrial accidents or gas-attacks, or are fire and counts as very flammable.
intentionally filled with noxious vapors. If „ Mindless: This zombie’s Smarts is d4(A)
the creature is Wounded it releases a cloud instead of d4. It cannot speak (not even to
of toxic gas in a Medium Blast Template. say “Brains!”). If there’s anything between
Anyone caught in the cloud must make a it and its meal, it requires a Smarts check
Vigor roll at −2 or suffer a Wound. to figure out anything as simple to do as
„ Infection: Anyone who suffers a Shaken turning a doorknob, climbing a ladder,
or Wound result from a bite attack must walking around an open manhole rather
make a Vigor roll or be infected by a than into it, or even avoiding a blazing
Lethal Disease which forces Vigor rolls fire. Otherwise, it just stupidly shuffles
for Wounds once an hour. When this forward, smashing at anything in its way.
inevitably results in death, the victim „ Weakness (Need for Meat): Most
returns as a zombie within 1d10 minutes. zombies need to eat meat to sustain their
„ Infravision: Zombies made with unlife. Such a horror must make a Vigor
technology might have infravision, as roll for each 24 hours it goes without meat
may undead formed from the corpses of or suffer a level of Fatigue. If it reaches
certain demi-humans. Halve penalties Incapacitation, it has decayed to such an
for Illumination when attacking warm advanced state that it can no longer keep
targets. the body animated.
„ Parasite Zombie: These zombies don’t
need a brain to operate as the corpse is
being animated by a parasitic alien fused
to the spine. The zombie can only be
damaged by a Called Shot to the parasite
(−4 to hit, +6 total to damage), or an area
effect attack. Return of the Living Dead
„ Sire: Anyone slain by a zombie rises as a
zombie themselves in 1d10 minutes.


ELITE ZOMBIE: EINHERJAR Companion, but isn’t just that creature with
Not all zombies are near-mindless, shambling the Undead ability. This is a fully imagined
corpses. The einherjar are one such type. In creature of spite and death raised by the
Norse mythology, the einherjar were Odin’s foulest necromancy. Perhaps it was created
eternal warriors, mortals who had earned a to guard a lonesome castle on the distant
seat in Valhalla. Necromancers could petition moors of some dread lich. Or it could be the
Odin for use of the einherjar, though on dread reincarnation of some titanic foe slain
Earth they appear as zombies rather than by a hero long lost to the mists of time. In
“live” warriors. They are renowned for their a high fantasy world, the zombie dragon
strength and courage. could also be the mount of some terrible
In a fantasy horror game, a god of battle vampire or zombie lord, swooping down on
might have similar undead followers he the populace to remind them who rules their
loans to favored mortals. For a modern unfortunate lives.
game, perhaps the ancient Norse gods are Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d10,
not completely dead and can still make their Strength d12+8, Vigor d12
presence felt on Earth. Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6,
Einherjar can speak, though traditional Fighting d10, Intimidation d12, Notice d12,
ones only speak Old Norse. A character with Persuasion d10, Stealth d8
knowledge of any Scandinavian language can Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 21 (2)
make a Common Knowledge (if it’s his native Edges: —
tongue) or Language roll to communicate Special Abilities:
„ Armor +2: Rotten, scaly hide.
with them.
„ Bite/Claws: Str+d8.
Attributes: Agility d6 Smarts d6, Spirit d8, „ Carrion Breath: The dragons may breathe
Stren­gth d12, Vigor d10 green fire for 3d6 damage, or it may belch
Skills: Athletics d8, Boating d6, Fight- forth a cloud of noxious gas drawn fro its
ing d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Stealth d6, cavernous guts. The latter Stuns anyone in
Taunt d6 the template who does not make a Vigor
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 or 8 (shield); Toughness: 10 roll at –2 (–4 with a raise).
(1) „ Fear (−4): Anyone who sees a mighty
Edges: Berserk, Frenzy dragon must make a Fear check at −4.
Gear: Leather armor (+1), medium shield „ Flight: Pace 18.
(Parry +2), sword or battle axe (Str+d8), „ Hardy: A second Shaken result in combat
spear (Str+d6, Parry +1, Reach +1). doesn’t cause a Wound.
Special Abilities: „ Size 9 (Huge): Mature dragons are 60′
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
long from nose to tail and weigh over 90
„ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from
being Shaken; no additional damage from „ Swat: Ignores up to 4 points of Scale
Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound penalties when attacking creatures
penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to smaller than itself.
disease and poison. „ Tail Lash: Str+d4. The creature may make
a free attack against up to two foes to its
ZOMBIE ANIMA LS side or rear at no penalty.
The zombie power works on the remains of „ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from
animals as well. Add the Undead ability to being Shaken; no additional damage from
the creature, reduce its Smarts two die types Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound
(if possible), and give it any other abilities you penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to
think are appropriate to the setting. disease and poison.
„ Unstoppable: Dragons take a maximum

B ZOMBIE DRAGON of one Wound per attack no matter how

many Wounds would normally be caused
The beast listed below is based on the mature
dragon from the Savage Worlds Fantasy (after Soak rolls are made).


B ZOMBIE LORD „ Stench of Death: Zombie lords reek of

death. The first time a character gets
The zombie lord is an intelligent zombie
within 2” (4 yards) of a zombie lord, he
capable of creating zombies with a single
must make a Vigor roll or be Stunned.
touch of its rotting hands. Some legends say
Whether he succeeds or fails, he is then
zombie lords are practitioners of dark arts,
immune to the stench for 24 hours.
rewarded with unlife by their patrons. Others
„ Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from
claim they are cursed beings who crossed
being Shaken; no additional damage from
the paths of ancient gods or foul demonic
Called Shots; ignores 1 point of Wound
lords. While not as powerful as liches, they
penalties; doesn’t breathe; immune to
are capable necromancers with an inherent
disease and poison.
knowledge of their minions.
„ Weakness (Head): Called Shots to a
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, zombie lord’s head do the usual +4
Strength d10, Vigor d8 damage.
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6,
Fighting d8, Notice d8, Occult d8, Spellcast-
ing d10, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8
Powers: Darksight, mind link, sloth/speed,
zombie. Power Points: 30
Special Abilities:
„ Death Touch: Zombie lords drain the
lives of those around them with a touch.
Instead of a normal attack, a zombie lord
may make a Touch Attack (see Savage
Worlds). Every raise on its Fighting roll
automatically inflicts one Wound to its
target. An Incapacitated victim must
make a final Vigor roll or join the
ranks of the damned as a zombie
1d4 rounds later.
„ Fear (−2): Anyone seeing the
creature must make a Fear check
at −2.
„ Necromancy: Any zombies the
lord creates with the zombie power
are permanent.
„ Sire: Anyone slain by a zombie lord’s
Death Touch has a 50% chance of
rising as a zombie in 1d4 rounds.

Stranger Things


Scary Tales

he Fear rules measure how scared don’t recommend you play in the dark, of
the characters may be, but scaring the course, but do consider dimming the lights.
players is a whole different matter. New If you have access to colored lights or “smart
Game Masters often ask how to run horror lights,” you can even bathe your play area in
games—how to keep their players on edge, a ghostly blue, blood red, or eerie green, as
the mood tense, and the atmosphere filled suits the mood of individual encounters. Just
with dread. make sure the players can see their character
Truth be told, that’s a tall order you won’t be sheets and dice. There’s nothing worse than
able to keep for the entire session. But there building up to a tense moment, only for a
are a few techniques you can use to try and player to ask for the lights to be turned up
keep the tension high at just the right times. because he can’t see if he rolled a 1 or a 7!
This section examines some of these methods Another immersive technique is to do
and how you might use them in your games. what Hollywood does—add a soundtrack.
If you’re playing a Victorian game like our
SET THE INITIA L MOOD own Rippers, look for scores from movies with
similar themes, like Dracula Unbound, Van
Gamers are people. They have jobs, families,
Helsing, or From Hell. When the action ramps
and other hobbies. When they meet to
up, search for dramatic or epic battle music
game, it’s only natural they want to spend
on your favorite music app. A group called
some time catching up with current events.
Two Steps from Hell has hours of amazing
This is especially true if they only meet up
music on various platforms, all completely
Ideally, you should ask (don’t tell, as that
If you can easily control the volume of the
can set up unwanted antagonism in the game)
music, such as with your phone, you can even
the players to do their catching up during
keep it low and subtle in the background most
the preparation period. If it’s the first session
of the time—then raise the volume when you
of your new campaign, fill them in on the
want to strike a particularly dramatic chord.
general tone of the campaign. Most gamers
Just make sure it doesn’t become obtrusive—
are at the table to have fun, and that usually
you want your group to able to hear you and
means they’ll go with the flow once the dice
each other.
start rolling.
Sound effect tracks can also be incredibly
Horror has its own set of “rules,” and one
atmospheric. If the group is climbing the
of these is light. A scary movie is better
slopes of a snow-covered mountain, find a
watched with the lights off, for instance. We


track of howling winter winds to play in the try the Game Master’s screens we create.
background, maybe even simultaneously They’re low enough to see over easily and
with a soundtrack if you have that capability. contain incredibly atmospheric artwork that
The sounds of a creaking ship are eerie and explains the concept of the world in a large
mournful if the group takes a sea voyage. and colorful image.
Quiet beeps are lonely and isolating in the You can also practice a little table
depths of space. maintenance to subtly remind the group
All these effects reinforce immersion and that this is a horror game. Simple things like
make your tales of terror feel more real to using a black cloth on the table can darken
your players. the environment and as importantly muffle
Props are also handy. If the characters dice rolls.
discover a magic book, consider handing
them a leather bound journal. If they find SHOW, DON’T TELL
a statue of some dark god, place a weird Now let’s talk about actual techniques
figure on the table before them. In this for running the game. Horror relies on
day and age there are countless statues of atmosphere and a sense of the unknown. If
traditional figures like Cthulhu and many you break the latter you’ll destroy the former.
other weird sculpts you might find from This where the old writer’s adage of “Show,
one of your favorite horror board games like Don’t Tell” comes in.
Deep Madness or Kingdom Death. You might
You’ve probably read this advice many
even create something yourself, either out of
times—describe your threats. Don’t say “You
clay or 3D printed from STLs. Don’t worry
see a zombie shuffling toward you.” Instead
if you’re a newcomer—the weirder the piece
say “A figure emerges from the mist, its arms
the more disturbing it might be.
outstretched, clawing at the air as it moves
You can dress up your surroundings a closer in shuffling steps. Its flesh hangs in
bit, too. If you’re running one of our games,

Scary Tales

tatters from its bones, and the smell of the

grave assaults your nostrils.”
That’s great if you can pull it off, but that
Bennies are a way of rewarding players
might feel like memorizing lines to some.
for heroic actions, witty dialogue, and
Don’t worry about being overly descriptive
whatever else the Game Master deems adds
if that’s not your forte. Feel free to mime,
to the roleplaying experience.
charade, or describe the threat in short,
terse sentences. “You can just make out a In an action game, Bennies should
dark figure in the mist.” (Groan quietly.) “It probably still apply. After all, it’s about
staggers toward you, dragging its left foot. heroes kicking butt, so back-flipping over a
Someone could be injured—need your help. vampire, staking him, and delivering a quip
Or it could be something...else. What do you deserves a reward.
do?” It’s just a walking dead, a relatively easy However, in a grittier game, you may want
threat depending on the circumstances, but to change these rules. Consider rewarding
it’s the unknown that gives the players pause. heroes for solving clues or defeating
And do they shoot it? What if it is someone monsters without resorting to violence—
who’s been wounded and is looking for help? after all, no gun is going to truly kill Todoto!
If it’s not, consider making it so, especially Bennies are also more important for Soaking
if they fire on the thing without letting it Wounds and rerolls in these settings.
get close enough to identify it. Now you’ve Whatever you chose to do, just make sure
created doubt and uncertainty, and that’s the everyone is aware of the changes before the
cornerstone of horror. game begins.

THE UNKNOWN They picture them as short, green-skinned

That leads us to the unknown. It’s the Game humanoids with leather armor and short
Master’s best friend in a horror game, so spears. But goblins of real-world myth are
don’t be afraid to use it. Imagine the group much more frightening. In the myths they
is exploring an old house. In one of the rooms steal babes from their cribs and replace
they see a long curtain gently moving. One them with changelings. But why? What do
of the characters asks, “Can we see what’s those changelings grow up to become? Are
behind it?” Rather than just saying, “Make they lurking in the village now, watching
a Notice roll,” add another layer to the as your adventurers try to solve the latest
equation by asking “Would you like to pull disappearance?
it aside?” Now the player has to decide if he A single or small ring of Wild Card goblins
wants to stick his hand out and really find out who tunnel beneath a village and replace
if something nasty lurks behind the curtains! their infants with changelings is a horrifying
You can sow doubt everywhere. When a scenario. And what if they were transported
player says he’ll open the door encrusted to the modern age? Imagine the horror of a
with mysterious slime, ask him which hand band of goblins who found their way into a
his character is using. It’s not important to the large, ramshackle apartment building filled
game, but the player won’t know that. with vice and criminals. When some decent
If you’re describing a room or situation, person’s child is taken, the player character
focus on the unknown, rather than the known. monster hunters must prowl the stairwells
Bring their attention to the cupboard with its and dark corridors for the evil fairies while
door slightly ajar, the deep shadows of the avoiding the criminals, squatters, and other
forest, and the thick mist swirling through hazards of the towering maze.
the graveyard at night. Let them create their
own fears based on what they think may exist. “BLOODY MARY.
It can also be useful to reinterpret monsters
the players think they already understand. BL OODY MARY.
Most gamers have fought a thousand BL OODY MA...”
goblins in roleplaying games, for example.


building, they discover the congregants are

THE UNEXPECTED instead eerie lifelike mannequins, and their
So we’ve seen how effective the unknown “voices” come from hidden speakers. There is
can be in establishing fear and keeping the no life here—just a weird imitation of it. But
players on their toes. But what about after why? Who made this? What have the heroes
they’ve pulled back the curtain, followed the stumbled into?
noises in the fog, or thrown open the coffin? The third type, betrayal, is most effective
What do they find there? Is it what they when used sparingly. Someone the heroes
thought they’d see? Or something worse? know—perhaps even a trusted ally with
If the unknown is frightening, so too is the a long personal history—turns out to be a
unexpected—when we realize we misread traitor. If they can’t trust this person, who
a situation, and in fact don’t know as much can they trust?
as we thought. Those moments of subverted It’s best to keep such secrets for near the
expectations are frightening, because nothing end of a campaign, as players will no doubt
is as it appears and our information is no (understandably) be stung by the breach of
longer reliable. trust. They’ll start doubting all of their NPC
The unexpected can take many forms— contacts—and, in some cases, each other!
surprises, twists, betrayals, even skewing If overused, this can lead to your players
the tropes themselves—any of which can be holding every NPC at arm’s length, or maybe
extremely useful to helping you establish the even refusing to work with them, so be sure
right tone. to use this tool rarely.
In movies, surprises are usually jump scares. One great way to hit the heroes with the
Whether those are effective or not is debatable, unexpected is to change the very tropes of
but they don’t translate well into tabletop horror out from under them. Everyone knows
gaming. Some GMs like to startle their what a vampire is. No matter how well they
players with sudden shouts or bangs on the roleplay, every player knows vampires shy
table, those kinds of techniques most often away from garlic and can be slain by a stake
backfire. A better method is to surprise the through the heart.
characters instead, when they least expect it. But what if those don’t work? What if,
For example, the team is tracking some instead of collapsing with a scream into a pile
missing hikers and believe a werewolf might of dust, the vampire merely grins, pulls the
be involved. They’ve called off the search for wood from her chest, and giggles, “You’ve
the evening and returned to their motel. Just seen too many movies!”
as the players think they’re about to rest, or Imagine a werewolf which, while still
maybe get some Downtime, the werewolf allergic to silver bullets, can turn into a wofl-
(which has been tracking them) explodes shaped cloud of smoke. Or zombies with
through the motel window! Suddenly the semi-liquid bodies which absorb weapons
GM is handing out Action Cards, and the used against them. Or a chupacabra which
werewolf has The Drop on the stunned heroes. can emulate the sounds of babies crying or
The unexpected can also take the form of people in distress.
twists—those moments when what seems You can throw the heroes into a panic by
to be happening is not, in fact, happening at changing up their foes. The monsters still
all. They’ve been fooled by their own senses have a weakness—it just isn’t what the heroes
or deceived by their preconceptions. Now think it is! They’ll have to do some research if
they have to rethink their strategy, or even they want to get the upper hand. Until then
reevaluate reality itself! they have no idea what they’re dealing with...
Imagine the heroes are traveling at night and that’s scary.
through lonely countryside. Up ahead they
see a small community church. Through the
windows the heroes see dozens of people
singing joyful hymns. But upon entering the

Scary Tales

Heroes in foreign countries face a different

ISOLATION kind of isolation. The authorities might not be
Horror generally requires the protagonists to willing to help strangers, or might not even
be isolated. It can be scary to summon the speak their language. Maybe they resent these
town watch and let them deal with the thing invaders stirring up trouble in their land.
lurking at the waterfront, but it’s far creepier Characters can also be socially isolated.
to have the heroes venture there on their own. Adventurers of low social rank might be
Sometimes it’s easy to isolate the heroes. ignored by middle and upper class authorities.
Maybe they’re campers lost in the woods.
Maybe they’re a family of settlers along the SUBTLETY VS. GORE
frontier of the American West—or a space Finally, good horror uses implications of
colony. The authorities, if there are any, are violence rather than visual violence. If the
far too distant to help. The heroes must deal characters hear a scream from an alley, let
with the threat on their own. them find blood splatters and drag marks
It’s also easier than it sounds to isolate rather than a corpse torn limb from limb.
the player characters right in the middle of
populated areas. The authorities might not
believe their wild tales or might secretly be “EVERYONE IS A
scared of the threat themselves! The public
might acknowledge the threat but run from BOOK OF BLOOD;
it, as in Jurassic World or Arachnophobia. Or WHEREVER WE’RE
maybe the police are on the take, corrupted
by the same insidious force that taunts our OPENED WE’RE RED.”
protagonists. And it could just be that they’re –Clive Barker,
all in on it...
Books of Blood


Show them a clawed body and they have Use Fear sparingly. Creating a spooky
information about the assailant. It becomes atmosphere is much better than letting the
a creature of flesh and blood, not a creature dice do the work for you. Look at creating
of nightmares. By having them find only the atmosphere on page 181.
blood, they have no idea who the victim was,
or what sort of wounds he suffered. Let their THE REST
ignorance breed fear.
Don’t worry too much about balancing the
monsters, but keep in mind how tough it will
be. You don’t need to give a monster a high
THE MONSTERS Toughness for it to be a challenge, especially if
it has the Undead Ability—assigning it a few
nifty Special Abilities is just as good. Imagine
Now let’s talk about the stars of our dramas a goblin-like creature that can turn ethereal. It
and how you can make them as terrifying as may be puny physically, but now it can leap
possible. out of solid walls to attack, or vanish into the
floor if the fight turns against it.
APPEARANCE There are already a number of tools
What makes most monsters scary is their available to help making monsters easy—use
appearance. Before you start listing Traits existing monsters as templates, look through
and Special Abilities, think about what it the Special Abilities listing in the rulebook,
looks like. or check out powers attributed to supposed
A zombie could be described simply as “a supernatural beasts.
walking corpse.” It sums up everything the
players need to know to form their own image USING THE BESTIARY
of the thing, but it’s not very frightening. There are over a hundred monsters detailed
Compare that to “a shambling corpse, its flesh in this book, and hundreds more in various
rotting away, revealing the bones beneath. Savage Worlds settings. Customizing them to
Worms and beetles crawl about it, dining your setting and the adventure you have in
on the decay. A mournful groan escapes the mind is the secret to making them great.
soulless body as it staggers ever closer.”
For example, the demon worm listed in this
book doesn’t imply a lot of use. It’s intended
FEAR as a generic (but nasty!) big monster for the
Whether a monster has a Fear Special Ability forces of Hell.
depends on your setting. If the characters So how might you use this in a modern horror
are everyday people who suddenly become campaign? Just having the thing spawn in the
exposed to the supernatural—which doesn’t middle of New York City wouldn’t be very
exist—then nearly every monster should exciting—that’d be a wargame rather than a
have a Fear rating. However, if the characters horror tale.
know the supernatural exists and they spend
their days battling it, then only truly scary Think about where the creature might be
monsters need to cause Fear. at its most scary. How about the sewers of
New York City? It could fit easily, and gross,
A typical zombie probably won’t have a Fear slimy creatures and servants fit well there.
rating in the latter setting, as it’s a “standard” Thinking about it a little, you might decide a
supernatural monster the characters will face cult is attempting to summon the thing into
time after time. The ancient and tentacled god the sewers. To do so, they’re kidnapping
Bzz’or’kath, on the other hand, probably will. and sacrificing unfortunates from homeless
Check the Jaded section in Savage Worlds. If shelters. The party gets clued in somehow
a monster is going to become a regular foe, and begins tracking them down. The trail
then give it a Fear rating the first few times it eventually leads to the sewers where they
appears, then drop it. encounter swarms of leeches, the cultists, and
if they’re too slow—the demon worm itself!

Scary Tales

the zombies appear. You could describe the

VILLAINS moaning as they approach from the shadows,
have the characters smell decaying flesh on
A true villain isn’t the lowly cultist trying the wind, or have them see hands bursting
to drag the characters away to be sacrificed. through the soil.
Sometimes it’s the mysterious hooded Play on the characters’ senses and taunt
“master” leading the ceremony, or perhaps them with shadowy shapes before turning
the huge demon he’s just summoned. the encounter into another fight.
Villains may be incidental characters in an
adventure or lie at the heart of your plot, but ENCOUNTER
they should be named Wild Card characters.
If the cult leader is just listed in the adventure
as “Cult Leader,” he probably isn’t worthy of Encounters should be created to reflect the
being a true villain. natural state of the threat or monster. That
Creating a villain is no different than means your group had best be warned that
creating a monster—come up with an idea encounters aren’t always fair. An army of
and assign suitable Traits, Hindrances, Edges, undead won’t be defeated just because the
and Special Abilities. player characters are “heroes.” They’ll need
to think, investigate, create a plan, and then
Even a human can have a Special Ability like carry it out. They might have to use a ritual,
Hardy or Poison. All you need is a plausible or find some legendary device. But they
reason for him to possess the talent. A cultist shouldn’t be able to just wade in guns blazing
might have scaly Armor as a dark blessing and emerge victorious—that’s fantasy or
from his god, or maybe the serial killer with pulp, not horror.
Invulnerability just can’t be killed outright.
Conversely, if the heroes recruit an army
The important thing to remember with of companions, it doesn’t make sense that
villains is not to build them as regular every cabal of evil cultists suddenly grows
characters. Just give him everything you exponentially to match them. But just as in
think they need to fulfill their role in the real life, the minions must be fed, and are
adventure. You don’t even have to meet likely to have a few spies or traitors among
Edge Requirements if you don’t want to. them as well.
Savage Worlds is about telling cool stories, not
worrying about adhering to rules. All that said, the Game Master should
tweak encounters to fit the nature of the
party. If they truly are walking around in a
group so large nothing is a threat, feel free
ENCOUNTERS to up the difficulty of encounters that make
sense—such as a demon lord with a host of
underlings or a trio of vampires.
Most horror games don’t use random
encounter tables. The best horror adventures You’ll have a good handle on what your
have scripted encounters, rather than party can handle after a few sessions without
collections of random beasts thrown into the the need for some sort of formula.
story on the quirk of card draws or dice rolls. And don’t worry if the team loses a few of
When you’re using an encounter, even one their own along the way. That’s what makes
unrelated to the overall plot, think before things truly scary.
setting it up. A few minutes pause before you
hit the heroes with some terrible beast or dire
situation can make a “random encounter” a
very memorable experience.
For instance, if your heroes are exploring an BE VERY AFRAID.”
old graveyard and you decide to spruce up
the scene with a zombie attack, don’t just have –The Fly


T he Cthulhu
One horror playground in particular
has gripped the imaginations of writers
and readers alike for over a century. H.P.
Lovecraft and many others crafted tales of
terrifying beings beyond man’s knowledge
and perception. Ignorance of these vast
forces was no protection, but in some cases
preferable to the madness and death which
followed once protagonists became aware of
the awful truths around them.
The collective world Lovecraft and others
portrayed is often called the Cthulhu
Mythos—named for one of the elder gods
who still influences the dreams of humans.
Elements from the mythos appear in films,
stories, and games across popular culture.
Chaosium’s Call of Cthulhu games are widely
played and referenced as the epitome of the
The creatures presented here are some of
the most prolific examples that appear in
stories to torment heroes into insanity or
worse. Be warned that these aren’t beasts
to overcome, they are monsters that can
obliterate even a powerful and prepared
party. Their appearance heralds the dark
themes of the Cthulhu Mythos, where evil
can be temporarily opposed but never truly


week or become infected as well. Those

MINIONS OF infected must make a Spirit roll with a −2
penalty to leave, and share the colour’s
THE MYTHOS glow at night. Those so infected suffer a
−2 penalty on opposed rolls against the
colour and on the Vigor roll to resist its
B COLOUR Life Drain.
Colours are scintillating, insubstantial beings „ Life Drain: At the end of the colour’s
that travel through the void of space. When movement all creatures within a Large
encountered on a planet it’s usually during Blast Template centered on itself must
a molting phase, where the creature itself roll Vigor or suffer a Wound. Those slain
burrows underground and energy from its becomes shriveled and decomposed
growing form infuses all the plant and animal corpses.
life in the local area. „ Size 5 (Large): Although insubstantial,
the creature fills a volume approximately
In the day everything appears normal
20’ across.
albeit sickly, although the chemistry of the
„ Unstoppable: Takes a maximum of
affected life is altered. In the absence of light
one Wound (after Soaking) from any
the colour and everything it has infected have
damaging attack unless the attacker’s
a strange luminescence, and affected plants
Action Card is a Joker.
bend and sway. At the end of the process
„ Weakness (Light): The creature is
the colour emerges to drain the life force of
Distracted in daylight or any other bright
everything in the infected region, leaving
behind a desiccated landscape incapable of
supporting life from that point forward.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Occult tomes whisper of the Black Goat of
Strength d12+2, Vigor d6 the Woods with a Thousand Young—these
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, are the young. They spring from her body
Fighting d4, Notice d6, Stealth d8, Sur- and are usually consumed once again, but a
vival d6 fraction escape to become proxies for their
Pace: —; Parry: 4; Toughness: 10 horrifying mother.
Hindrances: Mute
The dark young are pitch black masses of
Special Abilities:
ropy tentacles, twisted together in the vague
„ Ethereal: May pass through objects;
shape of a tree. At its base these tendrils wind
cannot be harmed by nonmagical attacks; together to form legs that resemble those of a
appears as an unearthly glow only (−4 goat. Small mouths cover the upper tentacles,
penalty to hit) in the dark, and is completely and the center trunk of the young is a single,
invisible (−6 penalty to hit) in light. Magic drooling maw. Green ichor oozes from its body.
items, weapons, and supernatural powers
affect them normally. Attempts to summon or placate the elder
„ Fear: Anyone who sees the glow of a god usually bring the dark young instead,
colour must make a Fear check, whether who serve the same purpose: as an idol of
the glow emanates from the creature itself worship or an engine of destruction to aim
or the life it has infected. at the cult’s enemies. The dark young don’t
„ Flight: Pace 24. just consume, they also birth convulsing
„ Immunity: A colour has no physical form. abominations touched by their mother’s
It doesn’t need to breathe and is immune powers and madness.
to Called Shots, disease, and poison. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d10,
„ Infection: A colour spends months or years Strength d12+3, Vigor d10
gestating in an area, infecting all living Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4,
things within several miles. Inhabitants Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, Notice d6,
born in the area are automatically infected, Stealth d10, Survival d8
and residents must make a Vigor roll each Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12

The Cthulhu Mythos

Hindrances: Mute
Edges: Brute, Woodsman
Special Abilities:
„ Ballistic Protection: Reduce the damage
from bullets by 4.
„ Bite: Str+d8.
„ Blood Drain: Each ropy tentacle is
covered in small mouths that bite and
suck vital fluids from grappled prey.
Each round the victim remains Bound or
Entangled he must roll Vigor or suffer a
level of Fatigue until he escapes or dies.
Fatigue lost in this manner recovers once
per day with a hearty meal.
„ Fear: Anyone who sees a dark young
must make a Fear check.
„ Immunity: Immune to acid, electricity,
fire, and poison.
„ Resilient: Can take one additional Wound.
„ Sire: Any creature killed while Swallowed
Whole emerges 1d6 hours later as a
new being—physically altered and now
completely in the thrall of the elder god
that birthed the dark young. The ghoulish
mockery of the victim is controlled by the
skin. The baggy skin has dark slits where eyes
„ Size 5 (Large): Dark young are over 20’
might normally be.
tall and weigh five tons.
„ Swallow Whole: Victims bitten by a dark Shamblers usually stalk our world alone,
young must make an Evasion roll or be but once a target becomes mired in their
Swallowed Whole (page 101). world it draws other hunters to quickly join
„ Tentacles (4): Four tentacle actions and the feeding in that gray realm.
Reach 5 (10 yards). Tentacles deal Str+d4 Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
damage. Strength d12+1, Vigor d12
„ Unstoppable: Takes a maximum of Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowl-
one Wound (after Soaking) from any edge d4, Fighting d8, Notice d6,
damaging attack unless the attacker’s Persuasion d6, Stealth d10, Survival d8
Action Card is a Joker. Pace: 4; Parry: 6; Toughness: 14 (4)
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Stubborn
SHAMBLER Special Abilities:
These loathsome creatures are hunters from „ Armor +4: Chitinous plates under its skin.
another place and time, drawn to our world as „ Claws: Str+d6.
spectral shadows by magic or dire accidents. „ Ethereal: May pass through objects;
While here they are insubstantial, but they cannot be harmed by nonmagical attacks;
have the power to pull unfortunate victims magic items, weapons, and supernatural
back to their dark realm to be devoured. powers affect them normally; dimensional
shamblers are always visible, but partially
The beast itself is large and roughly
faded and obscured (−2 penalty to
humanoid, with elongated arms. There is
hit). Unlike normal ethereal threats, a
some chitinous armor in their construction,
dimensional shambler can’t affect solid
but it is obscured by hanging peels of loose
targets unless they are Seized first; other
ethereal targets may always be affected.


Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit d10,


Strength d12+6, Vigor d12
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4,
BEYOND LI FE’S EDGE Fighting d10, Intimidation d12, Notice d6,

Occult d12, Persuasion d6, Spellcasting d12,
Stealth d10
SUSP EC T, AND ONC E I N Pace: 2; Parry: 7; Toughness: 17

Hindrances: Clueless, Vengeful (Major)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Counter-
PRYI NG CALL S THEM JUST attack, No Mercy, Power Surge


Powers: Arcane protection, bolt (wind blast),
burst (wind gust), elemental manipulation
–H.P.Lovecra ft (usually air), entangle (wind currents), havoc
(whirlwind), sloth/speed (wind currents).
Power Points: 50
„ Fear (–2): Anyone who sees a dimensional Special Abilities:
shambler must make a Fear check at –2. A „ Bite: Str+d4.
target seized and made ethereal must roll „ Ethereal: May pass through objects;
again with a −2 penalty upon seeing the cannot be harmed by nonmagical attacks;
shambler’s realm and a multitude of other may become invisible (−6 penalty to hit)
creatures nearby. as a limited free action.
„ Seize (Special): When a dimensional „ Fear (−2): Anyone who sees the creature
shambler successfully grapples an must make a Fear check at −2.
opponent the victim becomes ethereal so „ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
long as he remains Entangled or Bound, „ Flight: Pace 10.
and until the end of the turn he escapes. „ Size 9 (Huge): Polyps grow up to 50’ long.
„ Size 2: Dimensional shamblers stand nine „ Swat: Ignores 4 points of Scale penalties
feet tall. when attacking creatures smaller than
„ Teleport (Special): When dealt a red itself.
Action Card (Hearts or Diamonds) a „ Tentacles (2): Two tentacle actions and
dimensional shambler may teleport to Reach 5 (10 yards). Tentacles deal Str+d4
anywhere within 12” (24 yards) as a damage. Bound or Entangled prey may
free action. If it has a foe Entangled or be bitten by mouths in each tentacle.
Bound make an opposed Spirit roll. If the
shambler wins the target is teleported to GUG
another dimension filled with shamblers The Dreamlands are home to scores of bizarre
and never seen again. creatures, but among them the gug is the
most terrifying. Banished by the Great Ones
FLYING POLYP eons ago, they now live deep underground in
This ancient species has no known name. a city of cyclopean towers and dream of their
They are called after their vile appearance: a return to greatness, using dreams to scheme
writhing mass of flesh, twisted like a stalk. their way back into the world.
The polyp has vague and shifting masses Gugs tower over humans, their muscular
within its form, amorphous projections and bodies bristling with coarse fur. Each of
orifices, which function as tentacles and their arms splits into two arms at the elbow,
mouths. effectively giving them four arms. Their
Polyps were driven underground long ago, fanged mouths open vertically, splitting open
where some now remain in dark temples. across their entire head. If they can speak, no
They are intelligent but utterly alien, devoted one (alive) has witnessed it.
to unknowable agendas and lost magical arts.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
The polyps are well versed in elemental magic,
Strength d12+3, Vigor d10
usually based on the manipulation of air.

The Cthulhu Mythos

Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimida- him with its long, hollow tongue. Each
tion d6, Notice d6, Stealth d4 round the victim remains impaled, he
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 15 (2) must roll Vigor or suffer a level of Fatigue
Edges: — until he escapes or dies. Fatigue lost in
Special Abilities: this manner recovers once per day with a
„ Armor +2: Coarse fur. hearty meal. If the grapple is broken, the
„ Bite/Claws: Str+d6. tongue is withdrawn. An ally may also
„ Fear (−2): Anyone who sees a gug must attempt to sever the tongue (Toughness
make a Fear check at −2. 3), but the struggling victim counts as an
„ Multiple Arms: Gugs may make up to Innocent Bystander for the attack.
four Fighting attacks each turn at no „ Claws: Str+d6.
Multi-Action penalty. „ Fear: Anyone who sees a hound of
„ Size 6 (Large): Gugs stand around 20 feet Tindalos must make a Fear check.
tall and weigh as much as an elephant. „ Poison (Acid): A target Shaken or
„ Swallow Whole: Victims bitten by a Wounded by a claw attack must make a
gug must make an Evasion roll or be Vigor roll or suffer the effects of Lethal
Swallowed Whole (page 101). Poison (Stunned and an additional
„ Swat: Ignores 4 points of Scale penalties Wound, or two with a Critical Failure,
when attacking creatures smaller than and perishes in 2d6 rounds).
itself. „ Pounce: Add +4 to damage instead of +2
when making a Wild Attack.
HOUND OF TINDA LOS „ Regeneration (Fast): Natural healing roll
Hounds are from another kind of time different every round except for those Wounds
from ours and normally undetectable. The caused by fire or magic. They do not
trouble starts when someone manages to regenerate once Incapacitated.
peer into this other realm through magic or „ Size 1: Hounds are 6’ tall at the shoulder
strange science. Once they perceive a hound, and weigh 400 pounds.
the hound sees back, and launches itself „ Teleport: A tindalos can disappear into
through time to consume its observer. any sharp corner (90 degrees or more) as
part of its movement. Next round, smoke
The trip usually takes 1d4 weeks, and due
emanates from where it emerges at the
to the strange physics involved the creature
end of its turn—any other sharp corner
must emerge from a sharp angled corner, 120
within a mile.
degrees or less, within 12” (24 yards) of its
„ Unstoppable: Takes a maximum of
prey. Smoke heralds the creature’s arrival,
and it attacks the target and anyone with him. one Wound (after Soaking) from any
damaging attack unless the attacker’s
Hounds ache to consume their prey, but Action Card is a Joker.
aren’t implacable. If one suffers three Wounds „ Very Resilient: Can take two additional
and recovers it breaks off the chase and tries Wounds.
to escape through a corner. If it succeeds it
doesn’t return unless spied upon again. MI-GO
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6 (A), These horrific, fungal beings hail from some
Spirit d8, Strength d12+1, Vigor d10 unknown star, but have long had a colony on
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d10, Notice d10, Pluto, known in the ancient texts as “Yuggoth.”
Stealth d10, Survival d10 Their bodies are vaguely insect-shaped, with
Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8 eight jointed legs ending in pincers, a pair of
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty rubbery wings, and a brain-like head which
Edges: Fleet-Footed, Frenzy shifts colors as a means of communication
Special Abilities: with others of their kind. They are capable
„ Blindsense: Ignores invisibility, illusion, of mimicking human speech, albeit with a
and all Illumination penalties. disturbing insectile buzz.
„ Blood Drain: A hound who has a
Mi-Go cannot be photographed via ordinary
grappled foe Bound or Entangled impales means, and can withstand the cold vacuum


of space. They are notorious for interfering Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d10, Notice d10,
with human civilization, often working with Stealth d4
human intermediaries or cults to accomplish Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 16
their nefarious goals. Excellent surgeons, they Edges: —
also have a means of extracting a human Special Abilities:
brain and keeping it alive indefinitely in a „ All-Around Vision: Shoggoths can see in
special metal cylinder which may be attached all directions. They ignore 1 point of Gang
to devices allowing it to see, hear, and interact Up bonuses.
with others. „ Bite/Claws: Str+d4.
„ Blob: +2 to recover from being Shaken; no
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
additional damage from Called Shots; no
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Wound penalties; Immune to poison and
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4,
Electronics d6, Fighting d6, Healing d10,
„ Fear (−2): Anyone who sees a shoggoth
Notice d6, Occult d8, Persuasion d6, Psion-
must make a Fear check at −2.
ics d8, Repair d6, Science d8, Stealth d8
„ Invulnerability: Shoggoths are immune
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 9 (2)
to physical damage. They may be harmed
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), Healer
by magic as usual.
Powers: Blast, confusion, detect/conceal arcana,
„ Low Light Vision: Shoggoths ignore
environmental protection, illusion, invisibility,
penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination.
light/darkness, mind reading, shape change,
„ Regeneration (Fast): Natural healing roll
speak language, stun, teleport. Power Points:
every round except for those Wounds
caused by fire or magic.
Special Abilities:
„ Size 6 (Large): Shoggoths are as large as
„ Alien Physiology: +2 to recover from
trucks, and weigh many tons.
being Shaken; immune to poison and
„ Tentacles (2): Shoggoths can lash with
disease; half damage from nonmagical
their tentacles for Str+d6 damage.
attacks; no additional damage from
„ Weakness: Shoggoths may be harmed
Called Shots.
by fire and electricity, including fire- or
„ Armor +2: Chitinous exoskeleton.
electrical-based attacks.
„ Bite/Claws: Str+d4.
„ Fear (−2): Anyone who sees a Mi-Go must
make a Fear check at −2.
„ Flight: Pace 12. These bizarre monsters were created when
„ Hive Mind: Mi-Go can communicate psychic entities from a distant world
telepathically with others of their kind psionically took over the bodies of an ancient
within 10” (20 yards). species of beings native to Earth millions of
„ Size 2: Mi-Go only weigh 300 pounds, but years ago. Their bodies are cone-shaped, with
are twice the size of a human and have a four tentacle-like appendages which sprout
20 foot wingspan. from the top of their bodies. Two of these
limbs end in serrated pincers — more for
SHOGGOTH manipulating their weird technology than
for fighting, but certainly capable of the latter.
Few creatures inspire horror like the shoggoth.
Another of their appendages ends in a cluster
These obscene, gelatinous, chaotic masses are
of red cones, while the fourth is topped with
constantly forming and re-absorbing leering
a globe-shaped head with multiple antennae.
eyes, gibbering mouths, oozing pustules,
flailing tentacles, and sickly arms. They While terrifying to behold, the Great Race
creep—or roll—along the ground, propelled (also called Yithians) are more interested in
by their many appendages. When they spot scholarly pursuits than in dominating humans.
prey, their mouths screech a cacophony of With their strange psionic technology, they
words in their ancient language. enjoy mentally “switching places” across
eons of time with a chosen human target,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, inhabiting their subject’s body while sending
Strength d12+6, Vigor d12+4 his mind back to live for a while in its own

The Cthulhu Mythos

body. This is done for research purposes, and

the subject’s mind is wiped afterward, but GODS OF THE
that doesn’t stop the experience from leaking
into his dreams for years afterward. MYTHOS
Masters of both the mind and strange
alien technology, Yithians sometimes carry
equipment whose purpose is completely B GREAT CTHULHU
unguessable to humans. These items function Cthulhu came from the stars when the Earth
as Trappings for the Yithian’s psionic powers. was young. He ruled the planet for a time,
A Yithian is at −2 to activate its powers if it and influenced mankind’s ancestors before
doesn’t have the right tool. falling into a deathless sleep. Somewhere
in the deep oceans of the world he dreams,
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d12, Spirit d8,
touching the minds of his worshipers and
Strength d12+3, Vigor d12
teaching them dark powers. These beings
Skills: Academics d10, Athletics d4, Common
(some human, some definitely not) believe
Knowledge d6, Fighting d4, Healing d6,
they shall be rewarded (or at least spared)
Notice d10, Occult d10, Psionics d10, Repair d8,
when mighty Cthulhu awakens.
Science d12, Shooting d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 19 (4) Cthulhu’s form is known mostly from
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), statues created by beings older than man. He
McGyver, Mentalist is vaguely humanoid, with viciously clawed
Powers: Arcane protection, boost/lower Trait, hands and feet, wings, and a ghastly array
burst, deflection, dispel, entangle, environmen- of tentacles and feelers around his mouth.
tal protection, illusion, mind link, mind reading, The matter of his dormant body has strange
mind wipe, puppet, slumber, speak language. properties unknown to science.
Power Points: 20 Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12+2,
Gear: Lightning gun (Range 30/60/120, Spirit d12+4, Strength d12+10, Vigor d12+6
Damage 3d6, RoF 3, AP 2). . Skills: Athletics d12, Common Knowl-
Special Abilities: edge d12, Fighting d12, Intimidation d12+6,
„ Armor +4: Scaly skin.
Notice d12, Persuasion d8, Psionics d12+2,
„ Claws: Str+d6.
Stealth d4
„ Fear (−2): Anyone who sees a Yithian
Pace: 12; Parry: 8; Toughness: 31 (8)
must make a Fear check at −2. Edges: Arcane Resistance (Imp), Brute, Power
„ Multiple Arms: Yithians may make up
to two Fighting attacks each turn at no Powers: Elemental manipulation, illusion,
Multi-Action penalty. mind reading, and puppet. Cthulhu knows
„ Size 7 (Large): Yithians tower over
all powers—those listed are just his most
humans. Their conical bodies are over 20 common—and uses Psionics for arcane skill
feet tall, and the appendages can stretch rolls. Power Points: 100
another 10 feet above that. Special Abilities:
„ Aquatic: Pace 24.
„ Armor +8: Scaly body. Heavy Armor.
„ Claws: Str+d8; Heavy Weapon.
“ P H’NGL UI MG „ Fear (−6): Anyone seeing the creature
C T HUL HU R’L Y ’NAFH must make a Fear check at −6.

„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
„ Flight: Pace 24.
T AGN.” „ Hardy: If already Shaken, further Shaken

–Deranged Cu results have no effect.

ltist „ Regeneration (Fast): Natural healing roll
every round except for those Wounds
caused by ritual magic approved by the


„ Size 12 (Gargantuan): Great Cthulhu

stands over 100’ tall.
The King is an avatar of “He Who is Not to
„ Swallow Whole: Anyone hit by a tentacle
be Named” that tends to fascinate artists and
attack must make an Evasion roll or be
writers. They in turn create plays or works
Swallowed Whole (page 101).
featuring the King to draw in others, before
„ Telepathy: Cthulhu can mentally
ultimately losing their minds. Such works
communicate with beings all over the
feature the Yellow Sign, a symbol which acts
Earth. Even while asleep he reads minds
as both a warning and a lure.
across the planet and influences the
dreams of selected individuals. The entity itself is described as a human
„ Tentacles (4): Str+d8, Heavy Weapon. The figure in tattered yellow robes with his face
many feelers and tentacles which dangle covered by a mask. Accounts within works
from Cthulhu’s face only reach down to that describe the King suggest that the robes
his belly, but come into play if he leans are his flesh and he wears no mask at all.
down or enemies manage to climb high Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12+2,
enough. Spirit d12+8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12+4
„ Unstoppable: Takes a maximum of Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8,
one Wound (after Soaking) from any Fighting d10, Intimidation d12+4, Notice d6,
damaging attack unless the attacker’s Persuasion d10, Stealth d4, Taunt d12+2
Action Card is a Joker. Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 18
Edges: Arcane Resistance (Imp), Rab-
ble-Rouser, Sweep (Imp)
Special Abilities:
„ Claws: Str+d4, Reach 2.
„ Draining Touch: Any character who
touches the King in Yellow loses 1d6
Power Points. A hit from claws or the
razor vortex counts as a touch if the target
is Shaken or worse.
„ Entrance: Every turn each character must
choose whether to risk looking at The King
in Yellow or shield his eyes. Shielding his
eyes makes the character Distracted, but
he may otherwise act and attack normally.
Those who don’t take their turn normally
but then must roll Evasion or suffer the
Face of Madness (see below).
„ Face of Madness: Those who look directly
into the face of the King in Yellow must
roll a new Fear check. See Entrance above
to engage with the King without seeing
his face.
„ Fear (−2): Anyone first seeing even the
silhouette of the King must make a Fear
check at −2.
„ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
„ Insane: A character trying to affect the
King in Yellow’s mind through arcane
powers, such as puppet automatically
fails and causes the caster to permanently
reduce his Smarts a die type. If Smarts
drops below d4 the victim has a Psychotic
Break (see the Fear Effects table on page

The Cthulhu Mythos

43). He can also enact more potent deals, but

„ Razor Vortex: As an action the King only does so when the result involves
in Yellow may twirl, and the tatters of the inevitable and prolonged suffering of
his robe cut into anyone standing too multiple humans.
close. All targets within a Medium Blast „ Claws: Str+d8; Heavy Weapon.
Template centered on the King must roll „ Fear (−6): Anyone seeing the creature
Evasion or suffer 3d6 damage, or 4d6 on a must make a Fear check at −6.
Critical Failure. „ Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
„ Regeneration (Fast): Natural healing roll „ Hardy: If already Shaken, further Shaken
every round except for those Wounds results have no effect.
caused by fire or magic. „ Human Guise: Nyarlathotep can adopt
„ Toughness +8: The King in Yellow’s robes human form to better interact with
aren’t exactly armor, but they provide cultists and knowledge seekers. While
layers of extremely tough protection just human he loses the +10 Toughness and
the same. two Wounds from his normal Size, and he
no longer causes Fear. If his human form
B NYARLATHOTEP is killed he reverts to his monstrous form,
Sometimes called The Creeping Chaos, regaining the extra Wounds, Toughness,
Nyarlathotep is the adjutant and messenger and immediately causing Fear.
to the Outer Gods. Unlike those beings, he „ Regeneration (Fast): Natural healing roll
is aware of humans and interacts with them every round except for those Wounds
directly in various ways: teaching magic, caused by ritual magic approved by the
facilitating worship, and engineering ironic GM.
deaths. He loathes humans, and engages with „ Size 10 (Huge): In his monstrous form
them only for his own dark ends. Nyarlathotep stands over 60’ tall.
„ Unstoppable: Takes a maximum of
Nyarlathotep bargains his vast mystical
one Wound (after Soaking) from any
knowledge or the services of his minions
damaging attack unless the attacker’s
(summoned mythos creatures) to humans. He
Action Card is a Joker.
is equally contemptuous of the Outer Gods
he serves and humans reaching out to them,
and seeks to distribute his “gifts” in whatever “AND WHERE
way causes the most turmoil for both.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d12+8,
Spirit d12+4, Strength d12+6, Vigor d12+4 REST VANISHED,
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowl-
edge d12, Fighting d10, Intimidation d12, FOR THE SMALL
Notice d12, Occult d12, Persuasion d12,
Spellcasting d12+6, Stealth d8, Taunt d12 HOURS WERE RENT
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 20
Edges: Arcane Resistance (Imp), Channeling,
Power Surge
Powers: Blast, disguise, drain Power Points,
elemental manipulation, illusion, mind read- –H.P. Lovecraft
ing, puppet, shape change, and summon ally. Nyarlathotep
Nyarlathotep knows all powers and rituals—
those listed are just his most common—and
he uses Spellcasting for arcane skill rolls.
Power Points: 100
Special Abilities:
„ Bargains: Nyarlathotep can easily make
the same minor bargains that Demons
do (see the Tasks section on page 83).


Advantage........................................... 29 Demonic Legionnaire...................... 118 Hindrances............................................ 6
Agwé.................................................... 67 Demonic Steed.................................. 118 Hoarfrost Warrior............................. 140
Alchemist............................................. 58 Demonologist...................................... 60 Holy Water, Making.......................... 28
Alchemy (Smarts)................................. 7 Demon Worm................................... 119 Homunculus..................................... 141
All Hallows’ Eve................................. 41 Desperate Attack................................ 38 Horror Styles....................................... 50
Alligator-Lion Hybrid..................... 102 Devilkin............................................. 125 Action............................................... 52
Ama-No-Jaku.................................... 102 Devil (Mortal)................................... 125 Cosmic.............................................. 50
Angel.............................................. 12–13 Devil’s Night....................................... 41 Gothic............................................... 51
Animal Hybrid................................. 102 Dhampyr........................................... 125 Pulp . ................................................ 53
Anniversary of a Spirit’s Death........ 41 Difficult Healing................................. 39 Slasher............................................... 53
Ant, Colossal..................................... 104 Dimensional Shambler.................... 191 Superheroic...................................... 54
Arachnos, the Many Legged Spider- Dire Wolf........................................... 127 Survival............................................ 55
God.............................................. 114 Dismembered Corpse...................... 126 Hot/Cold Extremes............................ 41
Arcane Backgrounds......................... 57 DogBlack Shuck................................ 126 Hound of Tindalos........................... 193
Multiple Arcane Backgrounds...... 57 Dog, Junkyard................................... 127 Icthynite............................................. 141
Arcane Items................................. 85–98 Doppelganger................................... 127 Icthynite Hybrid............................... 142
Aswang.............................................. 105 Downtime............................................ 39 Imp..................................................... 121
Banshee.............................................. 105 Dream Evil........................................ 128 Implanter........................................... 175
Baron Samedi...................................... 67 Dreamreaver..................................... 128 Jack in the Box.................................. 143
Barrow Dweller................................ 106 Drownling......................................... 129 Jaded.................................................... 43
Bat, Giant........................................... 106 Earn...................................................... 39 Jiangshi.............................................. 164
Bat Swarm......................................... 161 Edges...................................................... 8 Jjrikillimsg, the Howler of Truth.... 115
Binds.................................................... 49 Emotion Spirit................................... 129 Kuchisake-Onna............................... 143
Black Coachman’s Horses............... 108 Encounters................................... 35, 187 Leanhaum-Shee................................ 144
Black-Eyed Kid................................. 108 Erzulie Fréda....................................... 67 Leech, Giant...................................... 144
Black Tree.......................................... 109 Evil Clown ...................................... 29 Liber Timo........................................... 89
Blighted................................................ 59 Factories/Junkyards........................... 41 Librarian............................................ 121
Blob.................................................... 110 Familiars.............................................. 69 Lich, Dread........................................ 145
Blood Mist......................................... 110 Fantasy Companion........................... 57 Limited Actions.................................. 38
Blood Moon......................................... 41 Fear....................................................... 43 Living God........................................ 145
The Book of the Dead........................ 89 Treating............................................ 43 Living Grimoire................................ 146
Book of the Writhing......................... 89 Fear Checks......................................... 43 Living Topiary.................................. 146
Bound and Entangled........................ 37 Fear Stalker....................................... 130 Loas...................................................... 67
Breakdown.......................................... 43 Fetch................................................... 127 Lodges.................................................. 29
Buckets of Blood................................. 38 Flesh Ripper...................................... 130 Mad Scientist..................................... 146
Carnivorous Plant............................ 111 Flying Head...................................... 130 Manananggal.................................... 165
Carouse................................................ 39 Flying Polyp...................................... 192 Man-Dog Hybrid.............................. 103
Cat, Small.......................................... 112 Form..................................................... 31 Man-Insect Hybrid........................... 103
Center................................................... 39 Fortune Teller...................................... 61 Man-Reptile Hybrid......................... 103
Chosen Slayer................................... 112 Gear...................................................... 25 Marinette Bwa Chech........................ 67
Chronological Phenomena............... 41 Ghost.................................................. 131 Medium............................................... 62
Chupacabra....................................... 112 Ghosts.................................................. 80 Metal Juggernaut.............................. 147
Colour................................................ 190 Ghoul................................................. 132 Mi-Go................................................. 193
Complication...................................... 30 Gladiator............................................ 119 Minion of Todoto............................. 116
Conviction, Villainous....................... 48 Goblins............................................... 133 Monstrous Abilities.......................... 101
Corpse Worm Swarm...................... 112 Golem................................................. 133 Monstrous Heroes........................ 10–11
Crazalphasalius, the Fire Storm..... 115 Beast Golem................................... 133 Mummy....................................... 16, 147
Creeping Hand................................. 113 Blood Golem.................................. 134 Greater Mummy........................... 148
Great Cthulhu................................... 195 Bone Golem.................................... 134 Guardian Mummy........................ 149
Cultists............................................... 113 Corpse Golem................................ 134 Ice/Sand Mummy.......................... 149
Cult Leader....................................... 113 Marionette Golem......................... 134 Mutant............................................... 150
Damballa............................................. 67 Government Agent.......................... 151 Mystic Powers.................................... 11
Danse Macabre................................. 114 Gravebane......................................... 135 Nagin................................................. 150
Dark Gifts.......................................... 123 Graveyards.......................................... 41 Noppera-Bo....................................... 151
Dark Gods......................................... 114 Gray.................................................... 135 Nyarlathotep..................................... 197
Dark Man.......................................... 117 Gug..................................................... 192 Occultist....................................... 63, 151
The Dark Scripture............................. 89 Hag..................................................... 136 Papa Legba.......................................... 67
Dark Young....................................... 190 Harbinger.......................................... 137 Patchwork Monster............................ 17
Deal Maker.......................................... 15 Hate.................................................... 137 Pazuzu............................................... 121
Death Worm...................................... 117 Haunted Armor................................ 138 Phantom.............................................. 18
Demon................................... 14–15, 117 Haunted Car..................................... 138 Police.................................................. 151
Collector Demon........................... 118 Haunted Portrait.............................. 139 Police Lieutenant.............................. 152
Gluttony Demon........................... 120 Hazards............................................... 38 Police Patrolmen............................... 152
Plague Demon............................... 122 Helldrake........................................... 139 Possessor........................................... 123
Spined Demon............................... 124 Hellhound......................................... 120 Powers................................................. 73
Torment Demon............................ 124 High Altitude...................................... 38 Priest.................................................... 64


Psychic Investigator........................... 65 Storms.................................................. 42 Werejaguar........................................ 171

Purity of Substances.......................... 25 Stream Template................................. 38 Wereshark.......................................... 171
Queen................................................. 175 Stuffed Animal Fiend...................... 161 Werewolf............................... 22–23, 172
Rabid Animals.................................. 152 Summoned Allies............................... 81 White Lady........................................ 132
Rabid Bear......................................... 153 Swallow Whole................................. 101 Wild Cards.................................. 50, 101
Rake.................................................... 153 Swamp Hag....................................... 137 Will o’ Wisp....................................... 173
Rending............................................. 101 Swarm................................................ 161 Witch.................................................. 136
Research............................................... 40 SWAT Team....................................... 152 Wolf.................................................... 174
Rest....................................................... 40 Tainted Musician.............................. 162 Xenoform........................................... 175
Revenant.............................................. 19 Terrain.................................................. 41 Yith, the Great Race......................... 194
Ritual Magic........................................ 72 The Black Coach............................... 108 Zombie............................................... 176
Rokurokubi....................................... 153 The Black Coachman....................... 107 Elite Zombie: Einherjar................ 177
Rug Fiend.......................................... 154 The Black Judge................................ 109 Super Zombie................................ 176
Sanity Rules......................................... 43 The King in Yellow........................... 196 Zombie Lord..................................... 179
Sasquatch........................................... 154 Todoto, the Mutator......................... 116
Scarecrow, Foul................................ 154 Tornadoes............................................ 42
Screaming Skull................................ 155 Train..................................................... 40
Scrolls of the Unseen......................... 89 Tropes.................................................. 45
Seaweed Fiend.................................. 155 Typical Cultist.................................. 113
Security Guard.................................. 152 Unstoppable...................................... 101
Seducer.............................................. 123 Upgrades............................................. 33
Serial Killers...................................... 156 Vampire................................. 20–22, 162
Shadow Killer................................... 157 Customizing.................................. 166
Shoggoth............................................ 194 Destroying...................................... 168
Signs and Portents............................. 46 Ventriloquist’s Dummy................... 169
Skeletal Animals............................... 157 Veteran Chosen Slayer..................... 112
Skeletal Riding Horse...................... 158 Victims............................................... 169
Skeletal T-Rex................................... 158 Villains............................................... 187
Skeleton............................................. 158 Voodooist............................................ 66
Skills....................................................... 7 Vralkresh of the Thousand Maws...116
Skinner............................................... 159 War Droid.......................................... 169
Slaughter............................................. 47 Wards................................................... 48
Slender Man...................................... 159 Warlock/Witch.............................. 68–69
Smog Cloud...................................... 160 Warrior............................................... 175
Spearfinger........................................ 160 Water Monster.................................. 170
Spellcasting Support.......................... 73 Wendigo............................................. 170
Spider, Colossal................................ 160 Were-Creatures................................. 171

Name: HT:
!@#$% ___ AGILITY Ancestry: WT:
!@#$% ___ SMARTS Monstrous Profile: HINDRANCES
!@#$% ___ SPIRIT Bennies: Conviction:
!@#$% ___ STRENGTH
!@#$% ___ VIGOR
Pace Parry Toughness



!@#$% –1
!@#$% –2
!@#$% N –3
!@#$% N
!@#$% INC
!@#$% N
S –2
S –1



5 10 15 20 25 30


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