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Rishelle Anne Adolfo 10 – Jade

English Ma’am Cueva

Should Smoking be banned in the Philippines?

Smoking is the most dangerous addiction not only in the Philippines but in the whole wide
world. People might think that smoking is cool, so they want to try it which leads to bigger like
addiction which cause other things like illegal drugs to be banned. So, is it really a reason why
smoking should be banned in the Philippines?
Smoking can cause disease in our body such as cancer, heart disease, lung disease, and many
more. As a result, the individual would suffer from health problem that may ends in death. The
impact of cigarette smoking and other tobacco use on chronic disease, which accounts for 75%
of American spending on health care (Anderson 2010), is well-documented and undeniable.
According to Anderson 2010, a lot of people in United States died because they are using
tobacco. Tobacco is one of the causes why people have a disease, it is stronger than the
cigarettes because it has no filter like the cigarettes. There are an estimated 1.5 billion smokers
in the world, 20% of which are aged 13-15, that means 300 million ages 13-15 are smokers,
think of these child’s futures if they are smoking at such a young age, the cigarette companies
don't care about how many people are dying, suffering or hurt by their products all they care
about is the billions of dollars they receive every year by selling these chemical filled products.
There are lots of negative effects of smoking. Smoking has been proven to be very dangerous
for health. As one cigarette contains more than 4000 chemical substances, therefore, it causes
for many dangerous diseases such as heart attacks, asthma, bronchitis or lung cancer.
According to a recent report in Britain close to 3,500 people are killed each year in road
accidents and 120,000 are killed by smoking.
Cigarettes and Tobacco is same, but cigarette is mild that tobacco. Smoking should be ban
because it can cause disease that we don’t want and what worse is it can cause our life. People
who are addicted to cigarettes or tobacco should stop because they will experience the
consequences. Not only in other places its also should be ban in the Philippines, most of the
teenager in the Philippines are using cigarettes and it not good for their health and because of
the puberty they might be struggling with the expenses when the user have health disease.

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