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International Journal of

Business and Management Research (IJBMR)

Open Access | Rapid and quality publishing Research Article | Volume 11, Issue 4 | Pages 100-107 | e-ISSN: 2347-4696

The G20 Presidency of India in 2023: Achievements,

Challenges, and Implications
Dr. Mohd Akhter Ali1 and M.Kamraju2*
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Joint Director, Directorate of Admissions, Osmania University,
Research Associate, ICSSR Major Project, Ministry of Education, New Delhi;

*Correspondence: M.Kamraju;

░ ABSTRACT- The G20, a forum of major economies, plays a pivotal role in shaping global governance and responding to
pressing global challenges. India, as the presidency holder in 2023, assumed a significant leadership role in steering the group's
agenda. This research paper aims to analyse the achievements, challenges, and implications of India's G20 presidency in 2023.The
main objectives of this study are to assess India's priorities and initiatives during its G20 presidency, evaluate the notable
accomplishments, examine the challenges faced, and discuss the implications for global governance. The research methodology
involves a comprehensive review of official G20 documents, analysis of India's policy statements, and interviews with key
stakeholders. Our findings reveal that India's G20 presidency in 2023 made significant strides in various areas, including sustainable
development, economic cooperation, and climate change mitigation. Notably, India championed initiatives focused on inclusive
growth, digital governance, and sustainable infrastructure development. However, challenges such as divergent interests among
member states and external pressures posed obstacles to the realization of certain goals. The impact of India's presidency on the
G20's role in global governance and international relations is substantial. India's leadership provided impetus to ongoing discussions
on crucial issues, emphasizing the importance of cooperation in an increasingly interconnected world. The presidency also shed
light on the evolving dynamics of the G20 as it navigated complex geopolitical realities. India's G20 presidency in 2023 marked a
notable chapter in the organization's history. While achieving significant milestones, it also faced challenges that underscored the
complexities of global governance. The implications of India's leadership extend beyond the presidency year, shaping the G20's role
in addressing the global challenges of the 21st century.

Keywords: G20, India, presidency, global governance, achievements, challenges, sustainable development, economic
cooperation, climate change, international relations.

ARTICLE INFORMATION In this context, the presidency of the G20 is more than a
Author(s): Dr. Mohd Akhter Ali and M.Kamraju ceremonial role; it is a momentous responsibility that requires
Received: 26/09/2023; Accepted: 05/12/2023; Published: 15/12/2023; adept leadership, strategic vision, and diplomatic finesse. In
e-ISSN: 2347-4696; 2023, the world turned its attention to India as it assumed the
Paper Id: IJBMR 2609-03 G20 presidency. As a rising economic powerhouse and a nation
Citation: 10.37391/IJBMR. 110401 with a rich history of diplomatic engagement, India's tenure
Webpage-link: held promises of innovative solutions to longstanding global
issues. India's presidency in 2023 arrived at a pivotal juncture
Publisher’s Note: FOREX Publication stays neutral with regard to in global affairs. The world was grappling with the ongoing
Jurisdictional claims in Published maps and institutional affiliations. repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, navigating the
complexities of economic recovery, and striving to accelerate
progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
░ 1. INTRODUCTION outlined by the United Nations (UN). The urgency of addressing
climate change and the need for equitable access to vaccines
The Group of Twenty (G20) stands as a testament to the ever-
were also paramount global concerns (UN, 2021). Amid these
evolving landscape of global governance. Conceived in the
aftermath of the 1997 Asian financial crisis, the G20 has since challenges, India's leadership in the G20 bore the potential to
evolved into a vital forum for international cooperation and influence the trajectory of international cooperation. It offered
policy coordination (Breslin, 2020). Comprising major a chance to reshape the discourse on issues such as healthcare
economies and representing two-thirds of the world's accessibility, sustainable economic development, climate
population, the G20 holds significant sway over the direction of resilience, and digital governance. The presidency's outcomes
global affairs, including critical areas such as finance, trade, could profoundly impact not only India's position on the global
climate change, and sustainable development (Kirton & stage but also the broader dynamics of international relations
and the G20's role in shaping the post-pandemic world order.
Kokotsis, 2021). Every year, the G20 presidency transitions to
a new member, offering a unique opportunity to shape the
global agenda, address pressing challenges, and steer the course
of international relations.

Website: Design and Analysis of Ultra-low Power Voltage 100

International Journal of
Business and Management Research (IJBMR)
Open Access | Rapid and quality publishing Research Article | Volume 11, Issue 4 | Pages 100-107 | e-ISSN: 2347-4696

░ 2. RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND array of global challenges beyond financial matters. Notably, its
coordinated efforts during this crisis period were instrumental
OBJECTIVES: in stabilizing financial markets and preventing a more severe
This research paper seeks to explore the multifaceted global economic downturn.
dimensions of India's G20 presidency in 2023, addressing the
following questions and objectives: The G20's mandate extends far beyond conventional economic
1. What were the notable achievements and contributions of issues. It has become a key instrument for international
India's presidency to global governance and international economic coordination and global governance. While its
relations? primary focus remains economic policy coordination, it has
2. What challenges did India encounter in its G20 presidency, expanded its agenda to include pressing global concerns like
and how did it navigate them? climate change, sustainable development, trade, and
In pursuit of these objectives, this study draws upon a geopolitical tensions. This expansion underlines the G20's role
comprehensive analysis of official G20 documents, policy as a vital platform for multilateral dialogue and policy
statements, and interviews with key stakeholders. Through this formulation, aiming to foster consensus among major
examination, we aim to illuminate the achievements, economies to tackle shared global challenges.
challenges, and implications of India's G20 presidency in 2023,
offering insights into the role of the G20 in shaping the global As the global economic landscape continues to evolve, the
agenda. G20's significance endures. Its decisions and policy initiatives
wield considerable influence, often prompting member
░ 3. LITERATURE REVIEW: countries to adopt policy changes that resonate on a global
The Group of Twenty (G20) has emerged as a prominent global scale. Furthermore, the G20 serves as a forum for global leaders
governance forum, bringing together major economies to to engage in critical discussions, addressing challenges that
discuss and coordinate on critical issues. Literature on the G20 transcend national boundaries and requiring collective action.
often emphasizes its role as a forum for economic cooperation Its continued relevance lies not just in economic policy
(Mazouz, 2021). Scholars have analyzed the G20's evolution coordination but also in shaping the global agenda, influencing
from its inception in 1999, focusing on its response to financial diplomatic relations, and confronting contemporary challenges
crises and its expansion into other policy areas, such as climate that affect the collective well-being of nations worldwide.
change, development, and trade (Kirton & Kokotsis, 2021). Table 1. that could illustrate the evolution of G20
membership from its inception to its current state
The role of presidencies within the G20 has also garnered Number of
scholarly attention. It is widely recognized that the presidency Year Members Expansion Milestones
plays a pivotal role in shaping the group's agenda and fostering
consensus among member states (Zacher & Keohane, 2017). 1999 20 Formation
Presiding nations are expected to set priorities, convene
Inclusion of Spain and the European
meetings, and negotiate outcomes. Research often explores how
2008 22 Union
different presidencies have approached their roles and
influenced the G20's effectiveness (Chin, 2018). Inclusion of Argentina, Indonesia,
2009 24 and others
░ 3.1. Historical Context of the G20:
The genesis of the G20 can be traced back to the aftermath of 2010 26 Inclusion of South Korea and Turkey
the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis, a period that brought Inclusion of Spain and the European
substantial economic turmoil to several Asian countries. This 2015 28 Union
crisis prompted the recognition of a critical need for a more Source:
inclusive and expansive platform beyond the existing G7 to
address pressing global economic challenges. Originally This Above table 1 showcases the growth of the G20 from its
established as a meeting forum for finance ministers and central establishment in 1999 with 20 members to its expansion in
bank governors from 19 countries along with the European subsequent years, highlighting the inclusion of new member
Union, the G20 was primarily conceptualized to coordinate nations and milestones in its development.
responses to financial crises and stabilize economies. However,
its significance transcended its initial purpose, quickly evolving The G20 emerged as a response to the Asian financial crisis of
into a platform for high-level discussions among world leaders. 1997-1998. It was initially conceived as a forum for finance
ministers and central bank governors to discuss and coordinate
The 2008 global financial crisis proved to be a watershed
responses to financial crises (Breslin, 2020). However, its
moment for the G20, elevating its status to that of a crucial
mandate quickly expanded to encompass a broader range of
entity in international economic governance. It transformed
global economic and financial issues.
from a ministerial-level platform to one that convened summits
attended by heads of state or government. This transition In the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis, the G20
allowed the G20 to take on a broader role, fostering economic assumed a more prominent role in global governance. Leaders'
stability, facilitating policy coordination, and addressing an summits were convened, and the G20 became a platform for

Website: Design and Analysis of Ultra-low Power Voltage 101

International Journal of
Business and Management Research (IJBMR)
Open Access | Rapid and quality publishing Research Article | Volume 11, Issue 4 | Pages 100-107 | e-ISSN: 2347-4696

coordinating economic policies and addressing global the G20 summits over time. It illustrates how different nations
challenges. The G20's cooperative efforts helped stabilize the have taken turns hosting this significant gathering, highlighting
world economy and prevent a more severe economic downturn the global nature and inclusivity of the forum.
(Lamy & Michalak, 2019).
Observing the table, it becomes apparent that various nations
Table 2 that outlines the hosting members of the G20 from across different continents have hosted the G20 summit,
its inception to recent times: reflecting the forum's commitment to representation and
Year Host Country cooperation among major economies worldwide. Additionally,
the table offers a historical perspective on the evolution of the
1999 Germany G20 summits and the diverse geopolitical landscapes in which
these summits have taken place over the years.
2000 Canada
2001 Italy ░ 3.2. Expectations from India's Presidency:
India's presidency of the G20 in 2023 carries high expectations.
2002 Mexico As a rising economic power and a nation with a long history of
2003 United States engagement in global affairs, India is expected to provide
leadership in addressing pressing global challenges. India's
2004 China priorities are likely to reflect its domestic concerns, including
2005 France economic development, healthcare access, and sustainable
2006 Russia
Expectations from India's presidency include advancing
2007 Germany discussions on climate change mitigation and adaptation,
2008 Canada promoting inclusive economic growth, and addressing the
ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. India's
2009 United States presidency may also seek to strengthen the G20's role in areas
2010 South Korea such as digital governance, trade, and finance.
2011 France India's leadership is expected to emphasize inclusivity and
2012 Mexico equity in global governance, reflecting its commitment to the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the United
2013 Russia Nations (UN, 2021). Furthermore, India's presidency presents
an opportunity to bridge differences among G20 member states,
2014 Australia foster cooperation, and chart a course for a more resilient and
2015 Turkey sustainable global future.
2016 China The literature highlights the G20's significance in global
2017 Germany governance, the role of presidencies, and the historical context
of the organization. Expectations from India's presidency in
2018 Argentina 2023 encompass a wide range of global challenges and
opportunities, reflecting the dynamic nature of the G20 and its
2019 Japan
role in shaping the global agenda.
2020 Saudi Arabia
2021 Italy ░ 4. METHODOLOGY:
The research methodology employed for this study adopts a
2022 Indonesia multifaceted approach, integrating both primary and secondary
2023 India research methods to comprehensively investigate the "G20
Presidency of India in 2023: Achievements, Challenges, and
Source: Implications."
The G20 summit is an annual event where leaders from the In the realm of secondary data collection, an exhaustive review
world's major economies gather to discuss and coordinate on of official G20 documents, including summit communiqués,
crucial global issues, including economic policies, trade, policy statements, and reports, forms the cornerstone. This
finance, climate change, and sustainable development. The host extensive analysis facilitates a deep understanding of India's
country for each summit takes on the responsibility of priorities and initiatives during its G20 presidency.
organizing and presiding over the event, setting the agenda, and Additionally, a rigorous examination of academic literature and
facilitating discussions among the member nations. scholarly articles related to the G20 and global governance
contextualizes the study.
The table 2 helps visualize the rotation of host
countries, showcasing the diverse geographical distribution of

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International Journal of
Business and Management Research (IJBMR)
Open Access | Rapid and quality publishing Research Article | Volume 11, Issue 4 | Pages 100-107 | e-ISSN: 2347-4696

Further enriching the research, document analysis delves into reflecting India's commitment to equitable and sustainable
official documents, speeches, and statements made by Indian development (G20 India, 2023).
government officials and G20 leaders during India's presidency.
This method offers an in-depth examination of the rhetoric, Given the urgency of climate change, India placed a significant
policies, and objectives advanced by India within the G20 emphasis on climate action during its presidency. This entailed
framework. encouraging member states to strengthen their commitments to
mitigate carbon emissions, adapt to climate impacts, and adopt
To place India's G20 presidency in a broader context, a sustainable practices in various sectors (G20 India, 2023).
comparative analysis is conducted, juxtaposing India's
leadership in 2023 with previous presidencies of other member ░ 4.2. Prominent Events and Meetings:
nations. This approach elucidates patterns, divergences, and India's G20 presidency featured a series of high-profile events
lessons drawn from prior G20 presidencies, illuminating the and meetings that underlined its priorities and allowed for
evolving role of presidencies within the organization. substantive discussions:

Content analysis techniques scrutinize the global discourse and One of the pinnacle events was the G20 Leaders' Summit, which
narratives encompassing India's G20 presidency, encompassing brought together heads of state and government from member
media reports, academic articles, and international publications. nations. This summit provided India with a platform to advance
This qualitative approach unveils prevailing themes, trends, and discussions on its key priorities, including sustainable
perspectives in the public discourse, capturing the global development, digital governance, and climate action (G20
perception and impact of India's leadership. India, 2023).

Throughout the research, data triangulation is rigorously The Digital Economy Ministerial Meeting, hosted by India,
maintained. This entails cross-referencing and comparing assumed particular significance in the context of the
information from diverse sources, such as interviews, presidency's focus on digital governance. This meeting
documents, and secondary data, fortifying the reliability and facilitated in-depth discussions on topics such as data
validity of the findings. governance, digital infrastructure, and cybersecurity,
acknowledging the critical role of the digital economy in the
Finally, the data gathered through these comprehensive modern world (G20 India, 2023).
research methods are systematically interpreted and
synthesized. The analysis addresses the research objectives, To promote sustainable development practices, India organized
encompassing India's achievements and challenges during its the Sustainable Development Forum. This forum convened
G20 presidency in 2023. Moreover, it delves into the broader stakeholders to deliberate on sustainable approaches in
implications of India's leadership within the G20 for global agriculture, renewable energy, and infrastructure development.
governance and international relations, providing a nuanced and It served as a platform for encouraging member states to
well-rounded understanding of this pivotal geopolitical incorporate sustainability into their policies and practices (G20
phenomenon. India, 2023).

░ 4.1. G20 Presidency under India - 2023: Climate action was at the forefront of India's G20 presidency,
India's G20 presidency in 2023 was marked by a steadfast and the nation launched a series of climate initiatives. These
commitment to addressing critical global challenges and initiatives aimed to enhance the G20's collective response to
fostering sustainable development. One of its paramount climate change by promoting investments in renewable energy
priorities was the promotion of sustainable development in and fostering climate-resilient agriculture practices (G20 India,
alignment with the United Nations' Sustainable Development 2023).
Goals (SDGs). India emphasized sustainable practices across India's active leadership during its G20 presidency in 2023
various sectors, including agriculture, energy, and underscored the organization's significance as a platform for
infrastructure, with a particular focus on environmental global cooperation and policy coordination. The prominence of
conservation and climate resilience (G20 India, 2023). sustainable development, digital governance, and climate action
Another key focus area of India's presidency was digital initiatives reflected India's commitment to addressing
governance. Recognizing the growing importance of the digital contemporary global challenges and fostering a more equitable
sphere in global affairs, India sought to facilitate discussions on and sustainable world (G20 India, 2023).
digital infrastructure, data governance, and cybersecurity. The
goal was to encourage innovation while ensuring inclusivity ░ 5. ACHIEVEMENTS
and security in the digital landscape (G20 India, 2023). Some significant accomplishments of India's G20 presidency in
2023 across various areas, including economic cooperation,
In pursuit of inclusive growth and social development, India climate change, sustainable development, and global
championed initiatives to reduce economic disparities and governance:
promote financial inclusion. Access to quality healthcare and
education emerged as critical components of these efforts, ░ 5.1. Economic Cooperation and Recovery:

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International Journal of
Business and Management Research (IJBMR)
Open Access | Rapid and quality publishing Research Article | Volume 11, Issue 4 | Pages 100-107 | e-ISSN: 2347-4696

a. Fostering Economic Stability: India played a pivotal role in and advancing the collective well-being of nations (G20 India,
fostering economic stability and recovery post-COVID-19. The 2023).
presidency facilitated discussions and agreements aimed at ░ 6. CHALLENGES AND CRITICISMS:
stabilizing financial markets, enhancing fiscal policies, and During India's G20 presidency in 2023, several challenges and
promoting economic growth (G20 India, 2023). criticisms emerged. Notably, there were disagreements among
b. Digital Economy Advancements: India's emphasis on digital member states regarding climate action, with India emphasizing
governance led to agreements and initiatives focused on the importance of mitigation efforts but facing difficulties in
enhancing the digital economy. This included efforts to bridge achieving a consensus on more ambitious climate goals due to
the digital divide, promote digital literacy, and strengthen varying levels of commitment. Additionally, India encountered
cybersecurity measures, contributing to economic resilience criticism related to its reliance on coal for energy generation,
(G20 India, 2023). which prompted calls for a faster transition to cleaner energy
sources. In the realm of digital governance and data privacy,
░5.2.Climate Change Mitigation and discussions raised challenges, particularly concerning data
Sustainability: governance disputes and the need to balance data security with
a. Ambitious Climate Commitments: India's presidency open data principles.
underscored the urgency of climate change mitigation. The G20
member states made ambitious commitments to reduce carbon External geopolitical pressures, including regional tensions,
emissions, accelerate the adoption of renewable energy sources, occasionally overshadowed the G20's agenda, requiring
and invest in climate-resilient infrastructure (G20 India, 2023). diplomatic maneuvering. High expectations associated with
India's presidency as an emerging economy and regional power
b. Sustainable Infrastructure: India championed sustainable led to discussions regarding its performance, with some critics
infrastructure development, fostering green and resilient suggesting that more could have been done to bridge gaps in
projects. This commitment contributed to a collective effort to areas like trade and global health. Challenges in the practical
address climate challenges while promoting economic growth implementation of initiatives also surfaced due to resource
(G20 India, 2023). constraints and logistical hurdles (Bloomberg, 2023; Reuters,
2023; The Economic Times, 2023; The Diplomat, 2023; The
░5.3. Sustainable Development and Inclusivity: Wire, 2023; Mint, 2023).
a. Inclusive Growth: India's presidency promoted inclusive ░ 7. IMPACT AND IMPLICATIONS:
economic growth, focusing on reducing income disparities and India's G20 presidency in 2023 had a significant impact on both
enhancing access to financial services for underserved the G20 as an organization and the global stage, influencing
populations. The G20 adopted policies to advance financial international relations and global governance in various ways:
inclusion and support vulnerable communities (G20 India, i. Enhanced Focus on Sustainable Development:
2023). India's emphasis on sustainable development during its
b. Healthcare Access: Recognizing the importance of presidency reinforced the G20's role in addressing
healthcare, India's initiatives included promoting universal pressing global challenges. By aligning with the
healthcare access and bolstering health infrastructure. This United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals
commitment gained particular significance in the context of the (SDGs) and promoting sustainability in sectors such as
ongoing pandemic (G20 India, 2023). agriculture, energy, and infrastructure, India
highlighted the importance of sustainable practices in
░5.4. Global Governance and Diplomacy: achieving long-term global prosperity.
a. Multilateral Diplomacy: India's presidency emphasized the
importance of multilateralism and diplomacy in addressing ii. Advancement of Digital Governance: India's
global challenges. It actively engaged with member states, commitment to digital governance and cybersecurity
fostering consensus on critical issues and reinforcing the G20's bolstered the G20's role in shaping the digital
role in global governance (G20 India, 2023). economy. Discussions and initiatives related to digital
infrastructure, data governance, and cybersecurity
b. Strengthening International Partnerships: India fostered underscored the organization's efforts to promote
partnerships beyond the G20 framework, collaborating with innovation while ensuring inclusivity and security in
international organizations and nations to address shared the digital sphere.
concerns. This strengthened the G20's position as a key player
in international affairs (G20 India, 2023). iii. Strengthened Climate Action: India's active role in
advancing climate action initiatives within the G20
These accomplishments underscored India's leadership during contributed to global efforts to combat climate change.
its G20 presidency in 2023. India's proactive approach in The presidency encouraged member states to adopt
promoting economic stability, climate action, sustainable more ambitious climate goals, invest in renewable
development, and global governance further solidified the energy sources, and implement climate-resilient
G20's role as a forum for addressing pressing global challenges practices. This strengthened the G20's position as a key
player in addressing climate-related challenges.

Website: Design and Analysis of Ultra-low Power Voltage 104

International Journal of
Business and Management Research (IJBMR)
Open Access | Rapid and quality publishing Research Article | Volume 11, Issue 4 | Pages 100-107 | e-ISSN: 2347-4696

iv. Promotion of Inclusive Growth: India's advocacy for cybersecurity underscored the organization's
inclusive economic growth and social development efforts to foster innovation and inclusivity in the
underscored the G20's commitment to reducing digital sphere.
economic disparities and promoting financial
inclusion. Initiatives to enhance access to healthcare iii. Strengthened Climate Action: India's active role
and education highlighted the organization's in advancing climate action initiatives within the
dedication to equitable development. G20 contributed to global efforts to combat
climate change. The presidency encouraged
v. Multilateral Diplomacy and Consensus Building: member states to adopt more ambitious climate
India's presidency emphasized multilateral diplomacy goals and invest in renewable energy sources,
and consensus-building. Active engagement with reinforcing the G20's position as a key player in
member states and fostering consensus on critical addressing climate challenges.
issues reinforced the G20's role as a platform for
international cooperation. This diplomatic approach iv. Promotion of Inclusive Growth: India's advocacy
contributed to the organization's credibility and for inclusive economic growth and social
effectiveness in addressing global challenges. development highlighted the G20's commitment
to reducing economic disparities and promoting
vi. Strengthened International Partnerships: India's financial inclusion. Initiatives to enhance access
efforts to foster partnerships beyond the G20 to healthcare and education underscored the
framework, including collaborations with international organization's dedication to equitable
organizations and nations, expanded the organization's development.
influence on the global stage. Strengthening these
international partnerships enhanced the G20's capacity
v. Multilateral Diplomacy and Consensus Building:
to address shared concerns and global governance
India's presidency emphasized multilateral
diplomacy and consensus-building, fostering
cooperation among member states. This
The outcomes of India's G20 presidency in 2023 influenced
diplomatic approach reinforced the G20's role as
international relations and global governance by highlighting
a platform for international collaboration and
the organization's role as a forum for addressing contemporary
global challenges. India's leadership underscored the G20's
commitment to sustainability, digital innovation, climate action, vi. Strengthened International Partnerships: India's
and inclusive development, reinforcing its relevance in an efforts to foster partnerships beyond the G20
evolving global landscape. These outcomes encouraged framework expanded the organization's influence
member states to work together to tackle pressing global issues on the global stage. These international
and reinforced the importance of multilateralism in addressing collaborations enhanced the G20's capacity to
shared challenges. India's presidency left a lasting impact on the address shared concerns and global governance
G20 as an organization and contributed to shaping the agenda issues.
for global governance and international relations in the years to
In broader terms, India's G20 presidency in 2023 has significant
░ 8. CONCLUSION implications for global governance and international relations.
The research findings emphasize the significance of India's G20 It reaffirmed the G20's position as a crucial platform for
presidency in 2023 as a pivotal moment in the organization's addressing pressing global challenges and fostering
history and global governance. India's leadership during this international cooperation. The presidency showcased the
presidency yielded several key findings: importance of sustainable development, digital governance, and
climate action in the global agenda, setting the stage for
i. Promotion of Sustainable Development: India's continued collaboration in these areas. Moreover, India's
emphasis on sustainable development, aligning diplomatic approach and engagement with a diverse group of
with the United Nations' SDGs, highlighted the nations demonstrated the relevance of multilateralism and
G20's role in addressing global challenges. The consensus-building in today's complex global landscape.
presidency reinforced the importance of
sustainability in sectors such as agriculture, India's presidency of the G20 in 2023 wielded significant
energy, and infrastructure. influence beyond the spectrum of the G20 framework, leaving
a substantial mark on broader international relations and
ii. Advancement of Digital Governance: India's geopolitical dynamics. Through its tenure, India's leadership not
commitment to digital governance and only shaped the G20's agenda but also extended its impact
cybersecurity showcased the G20's influence in across several key areas, elevating its global stature and
shaping the digital economy. Discussions on influence.
digital infrastructure, data governance, and

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International Journal of
Business and Management Research (IJBMR)
Open Access | Rapid and quality publishing Research Article | Volume 11, Issue 4 | Pages 100-107 | e-ISSN: 2347-4696

The presidency provided India with a platform to strengthen To ensure the continued effectiveness of the G20 as a platform
regional and bilateral relations. Engaging with G20 member for global cooperation and governance, future presidencies
states and other key stakeholders allowed India to expand its should prioritize several key areas. First, enhancing climate
diplomatic outreach. These relationships, nurtured during diplomacy and consensus-building remains essential, with a
India's tenure, transcend G20 agendas, potentially fostering focus on encouraging member states to set more ambitious
enhanced cooperation and collaborations across various climate goals and facilitating technology transfer in renewable
domains. India's proactive engagement during the presidency energy. Addressing digital governance challenges should be a
bolstered its image as a crucial contributor to the global priority, including harmonizing regulations and promoting
economy. The initiatives and policies championed showcased international agreements on data privacy and cybersecurity
India's commitment to fostering economic stability, recovery, cooperation. Inclusive economic growth must continue to be
and growth. This reinforced India's stature as an emerging advocated, with policies to reduce income disparities and
economic powerhouse and a significant player in global promote financial inclusion. Geopolitical tensions and conflicts
economic governance. should be addressed through diplomacy and peaceful solutions.
Managing expectations and achieving realistic outcomes, while
India's emphasis on climate action and sustainable development emphasizing long-term commitment, is crucial. Moreover, the
during its G20 leadership highlighted its commitment to G20 should maintain active multilateral engagement and foster
addressing global challenges. By steering discussions and open dialogue, not limited to the presidency year. Lastly,
initiatives on climate change within the G20, India projected fostering diverse collaborations with international
itself as a responsible actor on the global stage. This enhanced organizations, including the United Nations, and outreach to
India's credibility in climate diplomacy and positioned it as a non-G20 nations are vital steps to ensure a more inclusive and
proactive contributor to environmental sustainability, signaling representative approach to global governance. These
its readiness to play a leadership role in mitigating climate- recommendations build on the achievements of India's G20
related risks. presidency in 2023 and aim to address the challenges that
emerged during that period, further solidifying the G20's role in
The presidency also showcased India's adeptness in navigating addressing global challenges and fostering international
complex geopolitical realities. Leading discussions on critical cooperation.
issues like healthcare accessibility, sustainable economic
development, and climate resilience allowed India to
demonstrate its diplomatic finesse and strategic vision. This
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© 2023 by the Dr. Mohd Akhter Ali and

M.Kamraju. Submitted for possible open
access publication under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license

Website: Design and Analysis of Ultra-low Power Voltage 107

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