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Inertia: Inertia is inherent property of all bodies due to which they resist to change their state of rest or state of

uniform motion along the straight line. E.g. chairs in the room remain at rest until someone moves it.

Law of inertia states that a body cannot change its state of rest or state of uniform motion along the straight line
by itself.

Types of inertia: 1. Inertia of rest 2. Inertia of motion 3. Inertia of direction

1. Inertia of rest: According to it, a body cannot change its state of rest by itself.

E.g. (i) When a bus suddenly starts moving forward, the passenger of bus fall backward because lower part of body
being in contact with floor of bus come in motion along with bus but upper part remain at rest due to inertia of rest.

(ii) When a horse starts suddenly, lower body of rider starts moving with horse but upper body remains in its state of
rest so the rider tends to fall backward.

(iii) If a carpet is hit with a stick, the fibers of carpet comes in motion and hence move forward but dust particles
remain at rest due to inertia of rest and fall down.

2. Inertia of motion: according to it, a body cannot change its state of motion by itself.

e.g. (i)The passenger fall forward when a fast moving bus stops suddenly because lower part of body being in contact
with floor of bus stops along with bus but upper part remains in motion due to inertia of motion.

(ii). When a horse stops suddenly, the rider falls forward due to inertia of motion.

(iii) A person jumping out of a moving bus or train fall forward because his feet come to rest on touching ground and
upper body continuous to move forward due to inertia of motion.

3. Inertia of direction: according to it, a body cannot change its direction of motion by itself.

e.g. (i) If a bus takes a turn along curved road, the passenger experience a force acting away from the centre of
curved road. Because upper part of body cannot change its direction by itself. So due to inertia of direction
passengers are unable to change their direction.

(ii) Consider a stone tied with string moving in horizontal direction. If string breaks during motion, the stone fly off
tangentially at that point of circle due to inertia of direction.

(iii) The rotating wheel of vehicle throws out mud tangentially due to inertia of direction.

(iv) During sharpening of knife, the sparks fly off tangentially due to inertia of direction.

Newton first law of motion: According to this law, everybody continuous in its state of rest or uniform
motion along a straight line unless compelled by net external force to change that state.

E.g. a book on table remains in a state of rest because net force on the book is zero. The examples given above for
law of inertia are also examples for newton’s first law of motion

Newton first law defines force: From Newton first law, it is clear that an external force is required to
change the state or rest or uniform motion in a straight line.

Thus force is external effort in form of pull or push which changes or tends to change the state of rest or uniform
motion of body in straight line.

Applications of impulse momentum theorem:

1. A cricketer lowers his hands while catching a ball

According to impulse momentum theorem, average Force × time = change in momentum. By lowering his hand, the
cricketer increases the time interval in which catch is completed. Thus for same change in momentum, the force
acting on his hands will be reduced and he saves himself from getting hurt.
2. A person falling on a cemented floor gets injured but a person falling on a heap of sand is not injured

Because when a person falls on cemented floor, momentum is reduced to zero in comparatively lesser time than a
person falling on heap of sand. Now according to impulse momentum theorem, average Force × time = change in
momentum so greater force acts on person falling on cemented floor.

3. The vehicles are fitted with shockers (springs)

The shockers increase with the time of transmission of force of jerks to vehicles. Now according to impulse
momentum theorem, average Force × time = change in momentum so less force experienced by passengers on

4. China wares and glass wares are wrapped in straw paper because straw paper increase time of transmission of
force of jerks to china wares, hence less force acts on china ware & prevent it from breaking.

5. It is easier to catch a tennis ball than a cricket ball.

Cricket ball being heavier than tennis ball the change in momentum is more for cricket ball. Hence for same time of
impact of force, a large force will act for cricket ball.

6. Compartment of train are provided with buffers to avoid severe jerks because buffers increase the time of impact
of jerks.

Illustration (examples) of newton third law:

1. In order to walk, we press the ground in backward direction with our foot. In turn, ground gives an equal and
opposite reaction R.

Component 𝑁 cos 𝜃 helps us to move forward and 𝑁 sin 𝜃 balances the weight.

2. When a ball is dropped from some height, it rebounds after striking the floor because of the equal and opposite
force (Reaction) by the floor on ball.

3. While swimming, a man pushes the water backwards with his hands. The reaction by the water to man pushes
him forward.

4. It is difficult to walk on sand or ice.

When we press the sand in backward direction with our foot, the sand gets pushed backward & thus we get only a
small reaction, making it difficult for us to walk. In case of ice, due to little friction between our feet and ice surface,
we get very little reaction, hence it is difficult to move.

5. It is difficult to drive a nail into a wooden block without holding the block. When we hit a nail with hammer while
block is supported, then reaction of support keeps the block in position and nail is driven in But when block is not
supported, the nail and block move forward as one system. Hence block does not gets enough reaction for nail to be

6. When a person jumps out of a boat, he pushes the boat in backward direction (action) & boat exerts an equal
force (reaction) on person in forward direction.

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