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‘Bored’ or ‘Boring’?
Free Level Test

If we say that someone is ‘bored’, it means that their mood is one of boredom – they are not stimulated by Come and see our school and
what is happening (‘I’m so bored today, I need to do something different’). take a free level test

If we say someone is ‘boring’, however, the sentence takes on a much more personal, critical tone. This
describes the person themselves, and the effect they have on other people. It means the person is dull,
lifeless, not fun to be with (‘He’s so boring, I don’t like to spend time with him’). Tel. 934 155 452
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Clearly, we need to choose our participle adjectives wisely. Generally, past
participle adjectives – for example ‘bored’, ‘interested’, ‘excited’, ‘motivated’,
‘stimulated’, ‘frightened’ (they typically end in ‘-ed’) – are used to talk about how
someone feels at a particular moment in time. It should be noted that there are
exceptions to the ‘-ed’ rule – e.g. the past participle ‘upset’ (‘I was upset by her

Present participle adjectives generally end in ‘-ing’ – e.g. ‘boring’, ‘interesting’, frightening’, etc. – and refer to
the person (or thing) that has caused the feeling.

Check out and try out our exercise on participle adjectives.

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